2015-09-04 11:20:42 +02:00

228 lines
6.7 KiB

! General options.
! ----------------
! Slightly largr terminal for line numbers in vim.
*geometry: 84x25
! Every shell is a login shell by default (for inclusion of all necessary
! environment variables)
*loginshell: true
! right hand side scrollbar...
!xterm*rightScrollBar: true
*scrollBar: false
! stop output to terminal from jumping down to bottom of scroll again
*scrollTtyOutput: false
! fancy cryptic colours
! black
! red
! green
! yellow
! blue
! magenta
! cyan
! white
! Normal theme {{{
! --- ~/.Xresources ------------------------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --- generated with 4bit Terminal Color Scheme Designer -----------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --- -------------------------------------------
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!*background: #17100d
!*foreground: #ffffff
!*color0: #000000
!*color1: #9f0000
!*color2: #009f00
!*color3: #9f9f00
!*color4: #00009f
!*color5: #9f009f
!*color6: #009f9f
!*color7: #a4a4a4
!*color8: #202020
!*color9: #ff0808
!*color10: #08ff08
!*color11: #ffff08
!*color12: #0808ff
!*color13: #ff08ff
!*color14: #08ffff
!*color15: #eaeaea
! }}}
! Autumn theme {{{
!*background: #17100d
!*foreground: #ffffff
!*color0: #000000
!*color1: #c40800
!*color2: #c49000
!*color3: #c4590a
!*color4: #2900c4
!*color5: #b50ac4
!*color6: #003987
!*color7: #a4a4a4
!*color8: #202020
!*color9: #ff0b00
!*color10: #ffbb00
!*color11: #ff730d
!*color12: #3500ff
!*color13: #eb0dff
!*color14: #0283ff
!*color15: #eaeaea
! }}}
! Grayish theme (current) {{{
*foreground: rgb:f8/f8/f8
*background: rgb:00/00/00
*color0: #111111
*color1: #784742
*color2: #427363
*color3: #665847
*color4: #6a708b
*color5: #7a378b
*color6: #52707b
*color7: #b3b3b3
*color8: #4c4c4c
*color9: #d43f10
*color10: #cef318
*color11: #ede265
*color12: #6ac0fd
*color13: #ef79ae
*color14: #49d4dd
*color15: #ffffff
! }}}
! URxvt
! -----
! Because tmux doesnt like rxvt-unicode-256color
urxvt.termName: rxvt-unicode
! Perls
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher,font-size
! matcher: clickable urls
URxvt.url-launcher: /home/felix/.local/bin/
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
! font-size: zooming live
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Up: perl:font-size:increase
URxvt.keysym.C-S-Down: perl:font-size:decrease
URxvt.iso14755: false
URxvt.iso14755_52: false
! Use a nice truetype font and size by default...
URxvt.font: xft:Source Code Pro for Powerline:size=8
URxvt.letterSpace: -1
! Foreground and transparent background ([xx] == xx% opacity)
URxvt.depth: 32
!urxvt*background: [75]rgb:00/00/00
! xterm
! -----
! Use a nice truetype font and size by default...
xterm*faceName: Source Code Pro for Powerline
xterm*faceSize: 10
! double-click to select whole URLs :D
xterm*charClass: 33:48,36-47:48,58-59:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48
xterm*foreground: rgb:f8/f8/f8
xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00
! Using alt as a meta key.
XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
! rofi configuration
! ------------------
rofi.modi: window,run,ssh
rofi.opacity: 100
rofi.width: 50
rofi.lines: 15
rofi.columns: 1
rofi.font: mono 12
rofi.fg: rgb:f8/f8/f8 rgb:00/00/00
rofi.color-enabled: false
rofi.color-normal: #fdf6e3,#002b36,#eee8d5,#586e75,#eee8d5
rofi.color-urgent: #fdf6e3,#dc322f,#eee8d5,#dc322f,#fdf6e3
rofi.color-active: #fdf6e3,#268bd2,#eee8d5,#268bd2,#fdf6e3
rofi.color-window: #fdf6e3,#002b36
rofi.fg-active: #268BD2
rofi.fg-urgent: #DC322F
rofi.hlfg-active: #FDF6E3
rofi.hlfg-urgent: #FDF6E3 #FDF6E3 #FDF6E3
rofi.hlbg-active: #268BD2
rofi.hlbg-urgent: #DC322F
rofi.bgalt: rgb:00/00/00
rofi.hlfg: #EEE8D5
rofi.hlbg: #586E75
rofi.bc: #002B36 1
rofi.location: 0
rofi.padding: 5
rofi.yoffset: 0
rofi.xoffset: 0
rofi.fixed-num-lines: false
rofi.terminal: urxvtc
rofi.ssh-client: ssh
rofi.ssh-command: {terminal} -e {ssh-client} {host} {cmd}
! {terminal} -e {cmd}
rofi.disable-history: false
rofi.levenshtein-sort: false false
rofi.sidebar-mode: false
rofi.lazy-filter-limit: 5000 1 false
rofi.parse-hosts: false
rofi.combi-modi: window,run /run/user/1000/
rofi.kb-primary-paste: Control+Shift+v,Shift+Insert
rofi.kb-secondary-paste: Control+v,Insert
rofi.kb-clear-line: Control+u
rofi.kb-move-front: Control+a
rofi.kb-move-end: Control+e
rofi.kb-move-word-back: Alt+b
rofi.kb-move-word-forward: Alt+f
rofi.kb-move-char-back: Left,Control+b
rofi.kb-move-char-forward: Right,Control+f
rofi.kb-remove-word-back: Control+Alt+h
rofi.kb-remove-word-forward: Control+Alt+d
rofi.kb-remove-char-forward: Delete,Control+d
rofi.kb-remove-char-back: BackSpace,Control+h
rofi.kb-accept-entry: Control+j,Control+m,Return,KP_Enter
rofi.kb-accept-custom: Control+Return
rofi.kb-accept-entry-continue: Shift+Return
rofi.kb-mode-next: Shift+Right,Control+Tab
rofi.kb-mode-previous: Shift+Left,Control+Shift+Tab
rofi.kb-toggle-case-sensitivity: grave,dead_grave
rofi.kb-delete-entry: Shift+Delete
rofi.kb-custom-1: Alt+1
rofi.kb-custom-2: Alt+2
rofi.kb-custom-3: Alt+3
rofi.kb-custom-4: Alt+4
rofi.kb-custom-5: Alt+5
rofi.kb-custom-6: Alt+6
rofi.kb-custom-7: Alt+7
rofi.kb-custom-8: Alt+8
rofi.kb-custom-9: Alt+9
! vim: foldmethod=marker