
207 lines
2.9 KiB

cpu 8086
org 0x0000
db 0x55, 0xAA
db 0x00
mov dx, isr_debug
mov al, 0x1
call intr_register
mov al, 0x03
call intr_register
db "rDebug", 0
times (0x18 - ($-$$)) db 0
dw 0
times (0x1A - ($-$$)) db 0
dw pnp
db "$PnP"
db 1 ; version 1
db 2 ; 2 * 16 length
dw 0 ; offset of next header
db 0
db 0 ; checksum (filled by fix-rom)
dd 0 ; device identifier
dw 0 ; manufacturer string
dw rom.name ; product name string
db 0,0,0 ; device type string
db 0x20 ; device indicator, bit for "read cacheable" set
dw 0 ; boot connection vector
dw 0 ; boot disconnect vector
dw 0 ; bootstrap entry point
dw 0 ; reserved
dw 0
push bx
push cx
mov ah, 0x0e
mov bx, 0x0000
int 0x10
pop cx
pop bx
; DI = AL * 4
mov ah, 4
mul ah
mov di, ax
; ES = 0
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
; store offset
mov ax, dx
; store segment
mov ax, cs
; Names for words in debug frame
; Two characters per word, 14 words total
; general-purpose registers
; extra registers
; Names for bits in debug_frame+26 (FL/Flags register)
; One character per bit, 16 bits total
db "++++ODIT"
db "SZ+A+P+C"
; Print a single register from the frame
; in SI frame offset for register
mov bx, debug_frame_names
mov al, [cs:bx+si] ; first name char load
call putc
mov al, [cs:bx+si+1] ; second name char load
call putc
mov al, '='
call putc
mov ax, [ss:bp+si] ; value load
; prepare call to print_number
push bx
push cx
mov bx, 0x0010
mov cx, 3
call print_number_padded
pop cx
pop bx
mov al, ' '
call putc
mov si, 0
mov cx, 8
call debug_frame_register_print
add si, 2
loop .reg1loop
mov dx, [ss:bp+26]
mov di, debug_frame_flags
mov cx, 0x0010
mov al, [cs:di]
inc di
cmp al, '+'
je .next
test dx, 0x8000
jnz .write
mov al, '-'
call putc
sal dx, 1
loop .flag_loop
call printf
db 0x0A, 0x0D, 0
mov si, 16
mov cx, 3
call debug_frame_register_print
add si, 2
loop .reg2loop
mov ax, [bp+24]
mov bx, 0x0010
mov cx, 3
call print_number_padded
mov al, ':'
call putc
mov ax, [bp+22]
mov bx, 0x0010
mov cx, 3
call print_number_padded
call printf
db 0x0A, 0x0D, 0
; this prints registers
; expect to be called as interrupt routine
push ss
push es
push ds
push di
push si
push bp
push sp
push bx
push dx
push cx
push ax
mov bp, sp
mov [bp+08], bp
add WORD [bp+08], 28
call printf
db 0x0A, 0x0D, 0
call debug_frame_print
pop ax
pop cx
pop dx
pop bx
pop bp
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop ds
pop es
pop ss
%include "printf.inc"
align 512