
90 lines
1.3 KiB

section .bss
curpsp: resw 1
absolute 0
resb 2 ; ret 0 exit
resb 2 ; allocation length
resb 1
resb 5 ; CP/M entry point
; SS:SP, DS:DX, ES:BX and AX from the program
PSPAX: resw 1
PSPSS: resw 1
PSPSP: resw 1
PSPDS: resw 1
PSPDX: resw 1
PSPES: resw 1
PSPBX: resd 1
section .text
; OUT ds PSP segment
pspds: xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ds, [curpsp]
int21: push ds
; load program PSP and save userdata
push ax
call pspds
pop word [PSPAX]
pop word [PSPDS]
mov [PSPSS], ss
mov [PSPSP], sp
mov [PSPDX], dx
mov [PSPES], es
mov [PSPBX], bx
mov ss, ax
mov sp, ( stack+stacksize )
mov al, [PSPAX+1]
shl ax, 1
shl ax, 1
call .etbl
; syscall table
; cells: ptr to handler, ptr to sysret
dw restart, sret
dw getc, sretb
dw putc, sret
; set up a return chain and execute it
; first return into handler function
; second return into appropiate sysret
.etbl: pop bx
add bx, ax
push word [cs:bx+2]
push word [cs:bx]
; sysret handlers
; return ES:BX to user
sretd: call pspds
jmp sret.l02
; return BX to user
sretw: call pspds
mov es, [PSPES]
jmp sret.l02
; return AL to user
sretb: push ax
call pspds
pop ax
mov ah, [PSPAX+1]
les bx, [PSPBX]
jmp sret.l03
; return without result
sret: call pspds
.l01: les bx, [PSPBX]
.l02: mov ax, [PSPAX]
.l03: mov ss, [PSPSS]
mov sp, [PSPSP]
lds dx, [PSPDX]