Improve support for auto-selecting LBA addressing

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Nero 2020-04-04 21:05:44 +00:00
parent 1c6268798c
commit e34accfcff
1 changed files with 47 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -54,7 +54,39 @@ readp: ; read sector DX:AX from partition
add ax, word [bp+bpb_po]
adc dx, word [bp+bpb_po+2]
jc dskerr
jmp [bp-2]
; This jump is overwritten with NOP's if LBA support
dskjmp: jmp rchs
rebios: ; read sector DX:AX from disk
; this uses the EBIOS extensions
; qword sector number DX:AX
push cs
push cs
push dx
push ax
; dword target buffer: BX:0
push bx
push cs
; word sector number
push cx
; size & passing
mov di, 0x10
push di
mov si, sp
mov ah, 0x42
mov dl, [bp+bpb7_dn]
int 0x13
jc dskerr
add sp, di
rchs: ; read sector DX:AX from disk
; uses basic CHS disk IO
@ -98,36 +130,6 @@ chslp: push ax
loop chslp
rebios: ; read sector DX:AX from disk
; this uses the EBIOS extensions
; qword sector number DX:AX
push cs
push cs
push dx
push ax
; dword target buffer: BX:0
push bx
push cs
; word sector number
push cx
; size & passing
mov di, 0x10
push di
mov si, sp
mov ah, 0x42
mov dl, [bp+bpb7_dn]
int 0x13
jc dskerr
add sp, di
; error handling for disk errors
dskerr: call errcll
@ -231,23 +233,28 @@ lloop: call readc
jne lloop
main: mov bp, bpb
main: ; Set up BP to point to BPB
; Relative addressing saves one instruction byte per access
mov bp, bpb
; Save DL contents
mov [bp+bpb7_dn], dl
; check if EBIOS is supported
; EBIOS is ignored for floppies (dl < 80h)
test dl, 0x80
jz noebio
; check for EBIOS support
mov bx, 0x55AA
mov ah, 0x41
; set carry to assume failure if int didnt do anything
int 0x13
; default: use CHS read
mov ax, rchs
jc noebio
; if EBIOS: use LBA read
mov ax, rebios
noebio: lea di, [bp-2]
; load root directory
; disable CHS routine, fall into LBA routine instead
mov word [dskjmp], 0x9090
noebio: ; load root directory
call loadr
; search for first system directory
mov ah, 0x14