Remove attempt of rom-based debugger

This commit is contained in:
Nero 2020-08-15 20:59:40 +00:00
parent d6b5792ff7
commit c604fd43e7
8 changed files with 0 additions and 719 deletions

View File

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
; Prints instruction at DS:SI in human-readable form
disasm: lodsb
mov bx, opcodes
jmp .scan
.next: add bx, 8
.scan: push ax
and al, [cs:bx]
cmp al, [cs:bx+1]
pop ax
jne .next
push si
push ax
mov si, [cs:bx+2]
call putcs
pop ax
pop si
cmp word [cs:bx+4], 0
je .ret
push ax
call space
pop ax
push ax
call [cs:bx+4]
pop ax
cmp word [cs:bx+6], 0
je .ret
push ax
call print_sep
pop ax
jmp [cs:bx+6]
.ret: ret
; word 1: H=opcode value after AND L
; word 2: ptr to memonic
; word 3: procedure to print first operand
; word 4: procedure to print second operand
dw 0x50F8, mnem.push, operand.inr16, 0
dw 0x58F8, mnem.pop, operand.inr16, 0
dw 0xB0F8,, operand.inr8, 0
dw 0xB8F8,, operand.inr16, operand.imm16
dw 0xA4FF, mnem.movsb, 0, 0
dw 0xA5FF, mnem.movsw, 0, 0
dw 0x0000, mnem.db, operand.self, 0
mov al, ','
call putc
jmp space
push di
mov di, bnames
call print_r
pop di
push di
mov di, rnames
call print_r
pop di
push bx
mov bl, al
xor bh, bh
add bx, bx
mov bx, [cs:bx+di]
mov al, bl
call putc
mov al, bh
call putc
pop bx
.inr8: and al, 7
jmp print_r8
.inr16: and al, 7
jmp print_r16
.self: mov dl, al
jmp print_dl
.imm8: mov dl, [si]
jmp print_dl
.imm16: mov dx, [si]
jmp print_dx

View File

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
; Print AL
space: mov al, ' '
putc: push bx
xor bx, bx
mov ah, 0x0e
int 0x10
pop bx
; Print code string CS:SI
putcs: push ds
push cs
pop ds
call putds
pop ds
; Print data string DS:SI
putds: lodsb
test al, al
jz .ret
call putc
jmp putds
.ret: ret
crlf: mov al, 0x0A
call putc
mov al, 0x0D
jmp putc
mov cl, 4
; repeat 2 times
call .c
.c: mov al, dl
shl dx, cl
shr al, cl
add al, 0x30
cmp al, 0x3a
jl putc
add al, 7
jmp putc
mov cl, 4
; this double-call is essentially a 4 times repeating loop
call .c1
.c1: call .c2
.c2: ; grab highest nibble from dx
mov al, dh
; remove highest nibble from dx
shl dx, cl
; shift away second-highest nibble that we accidentally copied
shr al, cl
; map 0-9 to ascii codes for '0' to '9'
add al, 0x30
; if result is larger than '9', ...
cmp al, 0x3a
jl putc
; ... add 7 so we continue at 'A'
add al, 7
jmp putc
push cx
push dx
mov dx, es
call print_dx
mov al, ':'
call putc
mov dx, bx
call print_dx
pop dx
pop cx
; Read character
getc: xor ax, ax
int 0x16
test al, al
jz getc
test al, 0x80
jnz getc
; Read uppercased character
getcu: call getc
cmp al, 'a'
jc .ret
cmp al, 'z'
ja .ret
and al, 0xDF
.ret: ret
; Read hexadecimal character
getch: call getcu
; everything above F is invalid
cmp al, 'F'
ja getch
; everything above or equal A is ok
cmp al, 'A'
jae .ret
; everything above 9 is invalid
cmp al, '9'
ja getc
; everything above or equal 0 is valid
cmp al, '0'
jae .ret
; everything above or equal ' ' is invalid
cmp al, ' '
jae getch
.ret: ret
; Read string into inbuf
; IN ingetc ptr to getc function
; inlen max number of chars
gets: push bx
mov di, inbuf
; calculate max pointer for writing
mov dx, [inmin]
.loop: call [ingetc]
; test for Ctrl+C, Enter and Backspace
cmp al, 0x03
je .can
cmp al, 0x0D
je .enter
cmp al, 0x08
je .bs
; ignore other ctl chars
cmp al, 0x20
jc .loop
; check if we are full
mov bx, di
sub bx, inbuf
; bl is now number of characters we have
cmp bl, dh
jnc .loop
call putc
jmp .loop
; backspace: print, print space, print backspace again
.bs: cmp di, inbuf
jbe .loop
push ax
call putc
call space
pop ax
call putc
dec di
jmp .loop
; ctrl+c: return with carry set
.can: stc
pop bx
; enter: if enough chars, return
.enter: mov bx, di
sub bx, inbuf
cmp bl, dl
jc .loop
xor al, al
pop bx

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
; Commands and utils related to displaying or editing memory or registers
cmd_r: cmp byte [si], 0
je printregs
call eat_register
jc .err
mov al, [cs:bx+rnames]
call putc
mov al, [cs:bx+rnames+1]
call putc
call space
call edit_word
call crlf
.err: mov di, eat_register.emsg
jmp parse_error
mov cx, 13
xor bx, bx
mov ah, 0x0e
mov si, reg_ax
.loop: push cx
mov dx, [cs:si+rnames]
call printreg
pop cx
loop .loop
mov dx, [reg_fl]
mov si, fnames
mov cx, 16
.floop: mov al, [cs:si]
inc si
cmp al, '+'
je .fskip
test dx, 0x8000
jnz .fprnt
mov al, '-'
.fprnt: int 0x10
.fskip: shl dx, 1
loop .floop
call space
push ds
mov ds, [es:reg_cs]
mov si, [es:reg_ip]
call disasm
pop ds
call crlf
push ax
mov al, dl
call putc
mov al, dh
call putc
mov al, '='
call putc
pop dx
call print_dx
call space
; let the user edit the word at ES:BX
push bx
mov dx, [es:bx]
call print_dx
mov al, '.'
call putc
mov byte [inmin], 4
mov byte [inmax], 4
mov word [ingetc], getch
call gets
pop bx
jc .ret
mov si, inbuf
call eat_hex_word
jc .err
mov [es:bx], dx
.ret: ret
.err: call crlf
mov di, eat_hex_word.emsg
jmp parse_error

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
rnames: ; general purpose regs
; segment regs
; special regs
db "IPFL"
bnames: ; 8-bit registers
fnames: ; control flags
db "++++ODIT"
; status flags
db "SZ+A+P+C"
.db: db "DB", 0
.push: db "PUSH", 0
.pop: db "POP", 0
.mov: db "MOV", 0
.movsb: db "MOVSB", 0
.movsw: db "MOVSW", 0

View File

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
; IN DS:SI remaining unparsed string
; CS:DI error message
push si
mov si, .str1
call putcs
mov si, di
call putcs
mov si, .str2
call putcs
pop si
call putds
jmp crlf
.str1: db "Not a ", 0
.str2: db ": ", 0
; Advance over whitespace
.loop: lodsb
cmp al, 0x20
je .loop
cmp al, 0x0A
je .loop
cmp al, 0x0D
je .loop
cmp al, 0x09
je .loop
dec si
; Parse a register name
; IN DS:SI string to read
; OUT CF set if no match
; BX register number * 2 if CF clear
push si
push es
and ax, 0xDFDF
; ES := CS
push cs
pop es
mov di, rnames
mov cx, 14
repne scasw
pop es
jne .fail
pop bx
mov bx, di
sub bx, (rnames+2)
.fail: pop si
.emsg: db "register name", 0
; Parse hex digit
push si
sub al, '0'
jc .err
cmp al, 9
jna .ret
sub al, 7
cmp al, 0xF
ja .err
.ret: add sp, 2
.err: pop si
.emsg: db "hex digit", 0
; Parse hexadecimal byte
; OUT DL or carry set
push si
mov cl, 4
xor dl, dl
call eat_hex_digit
jc .err
or dl, al
shl dl, cl
call eat_hex_digit
jc .err
or dl, al
add sp, 2
.err: pop si
.emsg: db "hex byte", 0
; Parse hexadecimal word
; OUT DX or carry set
push si
xor dx, dx
call eat_hex_byte
jc .err
mov dh, dl
call eat_hex_byte
jc .err
add sp, 2
.err: pop si
.emsg: db "hex word", 0

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
; Commands related to executing debugged code
cmd_g: and word [reg_fl+1], 0xfe
jmp return
cmd_t: or word [reg_fl+1], 0x03
jmp return
; save DS and load bss segment from IVT
push ds
mov ds, [cs:zero]
mov ds, [bssvec*4]
; save AX so we can work with it
mov [reg_ax], ax
; pop DS, IP, CS and flags from stack
pop ax
mov [reg_ds], ax
pop ax
mov [reg_ip], ax
pop ax
mov [reg_cs], ax
pop ax
mov [reg_fl], ax
; save the other registers
mov [reg_cx], cx
mov [reg_dx], dx
mov [reg_bx], bx
mov [reg_sp], sp
mov [reg_bp], bp
mov [reg_si], si
mov [reg_di], di
; save other segment registers we can access
mov [reg_ss], ss
mov [reg_es], es
; initialize other segments and setup stack
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, stack
call crlf
call printregs
loop: ; show prompt
mov al, '-'
call putc
; read data
mov byte [inmin], 1
mov byte [inmax], 16
mov word [ingetc], getcu
call gets
call crlf
jc loop
; execute
call runcmd
jmp loop
return: ; restore stack pointer
mov ss, [reg_ss]
mov sp, [reg_sp]
; push flags, CS and IP
mov ax, [reg_fl]
push ax
mov ax, [reg_cs]
push ax
mov ax, [reg_ip]
push ax
; restore GPR
mov ax, [reg_ax]
mov cx, [reg_cx]
mov dx, [reg_dx]
mov bx, [reg_bx]
mov bp, [reg_bp]
mov si, [reg_si]
mov di, [reg_di]
; restore segment registers
; DS must be last
mov es, [reg_es]
mov ds, [reg_ds]
; final jump back

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
; Utility commands
cmd_h: call eat_whitespace
call eat_hex_word
jc .err
mov bx, dx
call eat_whitespace
call eat_hex_word
jc .err
xchg bx, dx
push dx
add dx, bx
call print_dx
call space
pop dx
sub dx, bx
call print_dx
jmp crlf
.err: mov di, eat_hex_word.emsg
jmp parse_error
cmd_?: mov si, .txt
jmp putcs
.txt: db "G Go", 0x0A, 0x0D
db "H w w Add and subtract two values", 0x0A, 0x0D
db "R[r] Print register values", 0x0A, 0x0D
db "T Single-Step", 0x0A, 0x0D
db 0

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
cpu 8086
org 0x0000
; interrupt vector we store addr of data segment in
bssvec: equ 0xB6
db 0x55, 0xAA
db 0x00
jmp near init
times (0x18 - ($-$$)) db 0
dw 0
dw pnp
pnp: db "$PnP"
db 1 ; version 1
db 2 ; 2 * 16 length
dw 0 ; offset of next header
db 0
db 0 ; checksum (filled by fix-rom)
dd 0 ; device identifier
dw 0 ; manufacturer string
dw name ; product name string
db 0,0,0 ; device type string
db 0x20 ; device indicator, bit for "read cacheable" set
dw 0 ; boot connection vector
dw 0 ; boot disconnect vector
dw 0 ; bootstrap entry point
dw 0 ; reserved
zero: dw 0
name: db "rdos debug", 0
init: push ds
push ax
push cx
; DS := 0
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
; allocate a single kilobyte from end of lowmem
dec word [0x413]
; calculate segment from kilobytes
mov ax, [0x413]
mov cl, 6
shl ax, cl
; store ptr to our data segment in B6h vector
mov word [bssvec*4], ax
; set entry points vectors
mov word [1*4], int3entry
mov word [1*4+2], cs
mov word [3*4], int3entry
mov word [3*4+2], cs
pop cx
pop ax
pop ds
; Expects DI to mark end of command
runcmd: mov si, inbuf
cmp al, 'G'
je cmd_g
cmp al, 'H'
je cmd_h
cmp al, 'R'
je cmd_r
cmp al, 'T'
je cmd_t
cmp al, '?'
je cmd_?
cerr: mov al, '?'
call putc
jmp crlf
%include "debug/chario.asm"
%include "debug/parse.asm"
%include "debug/names.asm"
%include "debug/edit.asm"
%include "debug/run.asm"
%include "debug/util.asm"
%include "debug/asm.asm"
align 512
absolute 0
reg_ax: resw 1
reg_cx: resw 1
reg_dx: resw 1
reg_bx: resw 1
reg_sp: resw 1
reg_bp: resw 1
reg_si: resw 1
reg_di: resw 1
reg_es: resw 1
reg_cs: resw 1
reg_ss: resw 1
reg_ds: resw 1
reg_ip: resw 1
reg_fl: resw 1
ingetc: resw 1
inmin: resb 1
inmax: resb 1
inbuf: resb 0x20
; reserve at least 80h words for stack
resw 0x80
alignb 1024