Refocus malloc on lisp node allocation, implement basic cons creation

This commit is contained in:
Nero 2019-03-18 13:27:00 +00:00
parent 34eb0a2bd6
commit b080b4830b
5 changed files with 95 additions and 20 deletions

cons.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
; All ptrs in ds segment, pointing to a node as returned by malloc
; in ax ptr car
; bx ptr cdr
; out di ptr con
push cx ; length for malloc
push dx
mov cx,4
mov dl,0x01 ; type for cons
call malloc
pop dx
pop cx
mov word [di+0x04],ax
mov word [di+0x06],bx
; in ax ptr con
; out di ptr car
mov si,ax
; TODO: type check
mov di,[si+0x04]
; in ax ptr con
; out di ptr cdr
mov si,ax
; TODO: type check
mov di,[si+0x06]

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ verbose_malloc:
call malloc
push si ; both backup and input value for kprintf
mov si,.fmt
push di
call kprintf
pop di
pop si
@ -11,42 +13,44 @@ verbose_malloc:
; Allocates memory on the kernel heap
; Strategy: smallest fit
; in cx size in bytes
; out si pointer
; dl node type
; out ds:di pointer
; Header:
; word ptr to next item (this implies its size)
; byte 00 = free, >0 used (refcount)
; byte high-level type
push ax
mov si,heap
push bx
mov di,heap
add cx, 0x04 ; header length
jmp .check
mov si,[si]
add di,[di]
mov ax,[si]
mov ax,[di]
test ax,0xFFFF
jz .append ; we are on last entry
cmp byte [si+2],0x00
cmp byte [di+2],0x00
jne .next ; entry is in use
sub ax,cx
je .reuse ; entry has exact length
jc .next ; entry too short
jmp .next ; we'd have to split, not implemented yet
.reuse: ; exact length
mov byte [si+2],0xFF
mov byte [di+2],0xFF
jmp .end
.append: ; append to last item
mov ax, si
add ax, 3
add ax, cx
mov word [si], ax
mov byte [si+2], 0xFF
push si
mov word si,[si]
mov byte [si],0x0000
pop si
mov word [di], cx
mov byte [di+2], 0x00
mov byte [di+3], dl
push di
add word di, [di]
mov byte [di],0x0000
pop di
add si, 0x03
pop bx
pop ax

int.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
; Create a integer atom from a string describing said integer
; in ds:si pointer to function arguments
; ds:di pointer to integer atom
sub sp, 0x30
mov bp, sp ; buffer for integer
add sp, 0x30

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@ -48,10 +48,11 @@ main:
call ivt_set
mov cx, 0x0010
call verbose_malloc
call verbose_malloc
call verbose_malloc
mov ax, 0
mov bx, 0
call cons
mov si, di
call print
@ -60,5 +61,9 @@ main:
%include "kprintf.asm"
%include "heap.asm"
%include "cons.asm"
%include "int.asm"
%include "print.asm"
dw 0

print.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
; dump contents of a node to screen
; in si
push si ; byte iterator
push cx ; position of next item
push ax ; al is byte value
mov word cx, [si] ; fetch position of next item
cmp cx, 0x40
jng .loop
mov cx, 0x40
call kprint8
mov al, 0x20
call kputc
loopnz .loop
mov al, 0x0A
call kputc
mov al, 0x0D
call kputc
pop ax
pop cx
pop si