Revamp MBR

New features:
- ES:DI (potential PnP structure) is preserved
- FAT detection now works by checking for BPB values
- Uses booterr procedure
This commit is contained in:
Nero 2020-04-21 23:23:37 +02:00
parent bbfcd42f61
commit abc7b563cd
1 changed files with 119 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -1,136 +1,142 @@
; Memory layout:
%define self 0x00600 ; 1 sector
%define prog 0x07C00 ; 1 sector
; FDC fields in VBR
%define spt (prog + 0x18)
%define nos (prog + 0x1A)
%define po (prog + 0x1C)
%define bps (bs + 0x0B)
%define md (bs + 0x15)
%define spt (bs + 0x18)
%define nos (bs + 0x1A)
%define po (bs + 0x1C)
org self
cpu 8086
; blah dont judge me, i miss 8080
%macro retnz 0
jz short ($+3)
%macro callc 1
jnc short ($+5)
call %1
cpu 8086
org 0x0600
bs: equ 0x7C00
; Stack grows down from PSP + 64k
xor ax, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, ax
init: cli
xor ax, ax
mov ss, ax
xor sp, sp
push dx
; save driver number
push dx
; Relocate from [prog] to [self]
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, prog
mov di, self
mov cx, 0x100
rep movsw
; save PnP ptr
push es
push di
jmp 0:main
; Relocate away from bootsector loading area
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, bs
mov di, $$
mov cx, 0x100
rep movsw
mov bp, 0x3335
mov si, part1
mov cx, 4
test BYTE [si], 0x80
jnz loadpart
add si, 0x10
loop .loop
jmp error
jmp 0:main
; transfer starting address into DAP
push si
add si, 0x08
mov di, dap.blocknum
pop si
%include "inc/booterr.asm"
; load sector
push si
mov si, dap
mov bp, 0x3336
mov ah, 0x42
int 0x13
jc error
pop si
; find active partition or bail out
; result in si
findp: mov si, part1
mov cx, 4
.loop: test BYTE [si], 0x80
add si, 0x10
loop .loop
call errcll
cmp BYTE [si+4], 0x01
jne jump
main: ; find active partition
call findp
push dx
; transfer starting address into DAP
push si
add si, 0x08
mov di, dap.num
pop si
mov bp, 0x3337
mov ah, 0x08
int 0x13
jc error
; load sector
push si
mov si, dap
mov ah, 0x42
int 0x13
callc errcll
pop si
; update sectors per track
xor ax, ax
mov al, cl
mov [spt], ax
; FAT bpb has "bytes per sector" at this place
; we support only 512 byte sectors anyways
cmp word [bps], 512
jne chain
; update number of sides
xor ax, ax
mov al, dh
mov [nos], ax
; Media descriptor byte is never smaller than 0xF0
cmp byte [md], 0xF0
jc chain
; update partition offset
push si
add si, 0x08
mov di, po
pop si
; ask BIOS what our disk geometry is
mov ah, 0x08
int 0x13
jc chain
pop dx
; ES might be messed up from int 13h, fix it
push cs
pop es
jmp 0:prog
; update sectors per track
xor ax, ax
mov al, cl
mov [spt], ax
mov ax, bp
mov ah, 0x0e
mov bx, 7
int 0x10
mov al, 0x21
int 0x10
xor ax, ax
int 0x16
int 0x19
; update number of sides
xor ax, ax
mov al, dh
mov [nos], ax
; update partition offset
push si
add si, 0x08
mov di, po
pop si
chain: ; restore PnP structure
pop di
pop es
pop dx
xor cx, cx
mov bp, si
; chain into partition boot sector
jmp 0:bs
db 0
db 0
dw 1
dw prog
dw 0
dq 0
.size: db 0
db 0
.count: dw 1
.buf: dw bs
dw 0
.num: dq 0
times (0x1BE - ($-$$)) db 0
db 0x80
db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
db 0x01
db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
dd 1
dd (FLOPPY * 2)
times (0x1BE - ($-$$)) db 0
times (0x1FE - ($-$$)) db 0
dw 0xAA55
part1: db 0x80
db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
db 0x01
db 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
dd 1
dd (FLOPPY * 2)
times (0x1FE - ($-$$)) db 0
; Boot signature
dw 0xAA55