Restructure kernel to use 1-segment COM convention

This commit is contained in:
Nero 2021-02-07 16:17:31 +00:00
parent 71c89387fc
commit 84b754551c
7 changed files with 369 additions and 448 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
QEMU = qemu-system-i386
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ host/%.elf: host/%.c boot/%.asm
$(NASM) $(NASM_ARGS) -o $@ $< kernel/*.asm kernel/*.asm
# Special case: variations of FAT vbr boot/fat.asm
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ boot/fat.asm
fd%.img: $(DISTFILES) $(SYS)
mformat -C -i $@ -f $* -c 2 -v "$(LABEL)" ::
mcopy -i $@ $(DISTFILES) ::
$(SYS) $@
$(SYS) $@
rm -f *.com *.bs *.0 *.lst *.img *.bin *.rom

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
cpu 8086
org 0x0700
%include "inc/bpb.asm"
%include "inc/mbr.asm"
%include "inc/dpt.asm"
init: cli
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, ax
mov si, 0x7C00
; relocate to 00700
mov di, text_start
mov cx, text_length + rodata_length + data_length
rep movsb
; clear out bss section
mov cx, bss_length
rep stosb
; jump to copy
call 0:relinit
section .rodata
%define V 0x %+ VERSION
version: dd V
section .text
relinit: ; print banner
push word [version]
push word [version+2]
call printf
db "RDOS ",2,2, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0
; initialize the disk i/o
call dinit
; init 21h vector
mov word [0x21*4], int21
mov word [0x21*4+2], cs
; set current PSP, directly after us
mov ax, stack
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
mov word [curpsp], ax
; also the DTA
mov bx, dta
call setdta
; set current drive to boot drive
mov al, dl
rol al, 1
rol al, 1
or dl, al
and dl, 3
call setdd
mov bx, testfcb
call fndfst
hlt: hlt
jmp hlt
%include "kernel/psp.asm"
%include "kernel/syscall.asm"
%include "kernel/char.asm"
%include "kernel/fcb.asm"
%include "kernel/drive.asm"
%include "kernel/printf.asm"
section .bss
dta: resb 128
section .data
testfcb: db 0
db "HELLO ", "COM"
times 30 db 0
section .text
text_start equ $$
text_length equ $-$$
section .rodata
rodata_start equ $$
rodata_length equ $-$$
section .data
data_start equ $$
data_length equ $-$$
section .bss
resw 256 ; 512b kern stack
alignb 16
stack: ; stack grows into this ^
; this is also the end marker
; programs with their psp start here
bss_start equ $$
bss_length equ $-$$

com/@rdos.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
org 0x100
jmp init
%defstr V VERSION
banner: db "RDOS ", V, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0, 0x1A
%include "kernel/far.asm"
%include "inc/bpb.asm"
%include "kernel/drive.asm"
section .text
init: call rstseg
mov si, banner
.l01: lodsb
test al, al
jz .l02
mov ah, 0x0e
xor bx, bx
int 0x10
jmp .l01
call dinit
mov dl, 0
call logdrv
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
call maprd
inc word [dskbuf+0x80]
call dirty
call flush
hlt: hlt
jmp hlt

View File

@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char* putsfunc = ptr;
// assemble puts function
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xAC5E);
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xC084);
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0x0874);
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0x0EB4);
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xDB31);
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0x10CD);
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xF3EB);
ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xE6FF);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xAC5E);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xC084);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0x0874);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0x0EB4);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xDB31);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0x10CD);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xF3EB);
//ptr = push_imm16(ptr, 0xE6FF);
// assemble entry point to our main code
push_jmp(bs, ptr);

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
DPTMTT equ 2
DPTSS equ 3
DPTSPT equ 4
DPTSIZE equ 11

View File

@ -5,349 +5,310 @@
; - dirty: inform that dskbuf has been written to
; access is done by accessing dskbuf directly
DPTSIZE equ 11
DPTSPT equ 4
section .bss
; drive actually selected for I/O
dsknum: resb 1
; bios drive we end up using
biosnum resb 1
; bios drive we end up using
biosnum: resb 1
; bit 0 (1) - dirty flag for dskbuf
; bit 1 (2) - controller configured
; bit 2 (4) - EBIOS supported
dskflag resb 1
dap: resw 2
.buf: resw 2
; current sector number
; absolute, ignores partition
dskseek: resd 2
; disk buffer for I/O operations
dskbuf resb 512
; bit 0 (1) - dirty flag for dskbuf
; bit 1 (2) - controller configured
; bit 2 (4) - EBIOS supported
dskflag: resb 1
dpt resb DPTSIZE
bpb resb BPBSIZ4
; disk buffer for I/O operations
dskbuf: resb 512
section .data
dpt: resb DPTSIZE
bpb: resb BPBSIZ4
; drive actually selected for I/O
dsknum db 0xFF
dap db 0x10, 0
dw 1
dapbuf dw dskbuf, 0
dskseek dw 0,0,0,0
section .text
; initial setup for disk i/o
dinit: ; copy previously set DPT to our data area
push ds
push cs
pop es
lds si, [es:4*0x1E]
mov di, dpt
mov cx, 11
rep movsb
; set vector
mov word [cs:4*0x1E], dpt
mov word [cs:4*0x1E+2], ds
; set to invalid drive
mov byte [cs:dsknum], 0xFF
pop ds
; initial setup for disk i/o
; copy previously set DPT to our data area
dinit xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
les bx, [es:4*0x1E]
mov dx, dpt
mov cx, 11
call lodfar
; set interrupt vector
mov es, cx
mov word [es:4*0x1E], dpt
mov word [es:4*0x1E+2], ds
; set segment addr in DAP
mov [dapbuf+2], cs
; int 13 stub
int13: ; debug output
push bx
push dx
push cx
push ax
call printf
db "int13 CALL AX=",2," CX=",2," DX=",2," BX=",2,0x0A,0x0D,0
; do the call
int 0x13
jc .err
.err: push ax
call printf
db "DISK ERR AX=",2,0x0A,0x0D,0
; int 13 stub
; this is meant as a central place to implement
; stack switching or some other safeguards
int13 int 0x13
; get drive parameters
; read BIOS int13h/AH=8 values
; DPT data gets copied over our dpt
; CHS data gets inserted into our bpb
getprm: ; skip if EBIOS extension enabled
test byte [cs:dskflag], 4
jnz .ret
; do the query
mov ah, 8
mov dl, [cs:biosnum]
call int13
; bail out if error
jc .ret
; ignore CHS values if odd
test cl, cl
jz .nochs
; get and store sector number
and cx, 0x3F
mov word [cs:bpb+BPBSPT], cx
; get and store number of heads
xchg dl, dh
and dx, 0xFF
inc dx
mov [cs:bpb+BPBNOS], dx
; test if DPT ptr is non-zero
.nochs: mov ax, es
or ax, di
test ax, ax
jz .ret
mov ax, es
mov ds, ax
mov si, di
; ES:DI = dpt
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov di, dpt
; do the copy
mov cx, 11
rep movsb
.ret: ret
; get drive parameters
; read BIOS int13h/AH=8 values
; DPT data gets copied over our dpt
; CHS data gets inserted into our bpb
getprm test byte [dskflag], 4
jnz .ret
; do the query
mov ah, 8
mov dl, [biosnum]
call int13
; bail out if error
jc .ret
; ignore CHS values if odd
test cl, cl
jz .nochs
; get and store sector number
and cx, 0x3F
mov word [bpb+BPBSPT], cx
; get and store number of heads
xchg dl, dh
and dx, 0xFF
inc dx
mov [bpb+BPBNOS], dx
; test if DPT ptr is non-zero
.nochs mov ax, es
or ax, di
test ax, ax
jz .ret
; copy BIOS dpt table over ours
mov dx, dpt
mov bx, di
call lodfar
.ret ret
; log in drive
; IN dl drive number
logdrv: ; DS := CS
push cs
pop ds
; dont do anything if drive already selected
cmp dl, [dsknum]
je logfdd.ret
; clear out current contents
push dx
push ds
call flush
pop ds
mov ax, 0xFFFF
mov [dskseek], ax
mov [dskseek+2], ax
mov byte [dskflag], 0
pop dx
; set current drive number
mov [dsknum], dl
; fork off if hdd
cmp dl, 2
jnc loghdd
; log in drive
; IN dl drive number
; dont do anything if drive already selected
logdrv cmp dl, [dsknum]
je logfdd.ret
; clear out current contents
push dx
call flush
mov ax, 0xFFFF
mov [dskseek], ax
mov [dskseek+2], ax
mov byte [dskflag], 0
pop dx
; set current drive number
mov [dsknum], dl
; fork off if hdd
cmp dl, 2
jnc loghdd
logfdd: ; save info for bios
mov [biosnum], dl
; reset dpt to defaults
push ds
call getprm
pop ds
; set default geometry (1.44 MB floppy)
mov word [bpb+BPBNOS], 2
mov word [bpb+BPBSPT], 18
; load boot sector
push ds
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
call mapabs
pop ds
; copy bios parameter block
; TODO: guess from first byte of FAT if BPB invalid
push ds
pop es
mov si, dskbuf+BPBOFF
mov di, bpb
mov cx, BPBSIZ4
rep movsb
; copy SPT to DPT
mov al, [bpb+BPBSPT]
mov [dpt+4], al
; make sure partition offset is forced zero
xor ax, ax
mov [bpb+BPBHS], ax
mov [bpb+BPBHS+2], ax
.ret: ret
; save info for bios
logfdd mov [biosnum], dl
; reset dpt to defaults
call getprm
; set default geometry (1.44 MB floppy)
mov word [bpb+BPBNOS], 2
mov word [bpb+BPBSPT], 18
; load boot sector
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
call mapabs
; copy bios parameter block
; TODO: guess from first byte of FAT if BPB invalid
call rstseg
mov si, dskbuf+BPBOFF
mov di, bpb
mov cx, BPBSIZ4
rep movsb
; copy SPT to DPT
mov al, [bpb+BPBSPT]
mov [dpt+4], al
; make sure partition offset is forced zero
xor ax, ax
mov [bpb+BPBHS], ax
mov [bpb+BPBHS+2], ax
.ret ret
; assumes that DS == CS
loghdd: sub dl, 2
cmp dl, 4
jnc logerr
push dx
mov dl, 0x80
mov byte [biosnum], dl
; test for ebios extensions
mov ah, 0x41
mov bx, 0x55AA
call int13
sbb bx, 0xAA55
jnz .chs
; enable ebios and assume controller is configured
or byte [dskflag], (2+4)
; initialize DAP
mov word [dap], 0x10
mov word [dap+2], 1
mov word [dap+4], dskbuf
xor ax, ax
mov word [dap+6], ax
mov word [dap+12], ax
mov word [dap+14], ax
; get chs data (needed or we cant load vbr)
.chs: call getprm
; read mbr
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
call mapabs
; get partition number
pop bx
xor bh, bh
mov cl, 4
sal bx, cl
; bail out if no partition
cmp byte [cs:dskbuf+0x1be+bx+4], 0
je logerr
; load partition offset
mov ax, [cs:dskbuf+0x1be+bx+8]
mov dx, [cs:dskbuf+0x1be+bx+8+2]
; save to to stack
push dx
push ax
; load vbr
call mapabs
; copy bpb
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, dskbuf+BPBOFF
mov di, bpb
mov cx, BPBSIZ4
rep movsb
; fix CHS data
call getprm
; fix partition offset
pop ax
pop dx
mov [cs:bpb+BPBHS], ax
mov [cs:bpb+BPBHS+2], dx
loghdd sub dl, 2
cmp dl, 4
jnc logerr
push dx
mov dl, 0x80
mov byte [biosnum], dl
; test for ebios extensions
mov ah, 0x41
mov bx, 0x55AA
call int13
sbb bx, 0xAA55
jnz .chs
; enable ebios and assume controller is configured
or byte [dskflag], (2+4)
; get chs data (needed or we cant load vbr)
.chs call getprm
; read mbr
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
call mapabs
; get partition number
pop bx
xor bh, bh
mov cl, 4
sal bx, cl
; bail out if no partition
cmp byte [dskbuf+0x1be+bx+4], 0
je logerr
; load partition offset
mov ax, [dskbuf+0x1be+bx+8]
mov dx, [dskbuf+0x1be+bx+8+2]
; save to to stack
push dx
push ax
; load vbr
call mapabs
; copy bpb
mov si, dskbuf+BPBOFF
mov di, bpb
mov cx, BPBSIZ4
rep movsb
; fix CHS data
call getprm
; fix partition offset
pop word [bpb+BPBHS]
pop word [bpb+BPBHS+2]
;pop [bpb+BPBNOS]
;pop [bpb+BPBSPT]
logerr: stc
logerr stc
mapclu: ; counting from begin of cluster area
mov bx, [cs:bpb+BPBRDE]
mov cl, 4
shr bx, cl ; 32 bytes per entry
add ax, bx
adc dx, 0
maprd: ; counting from beginning of dir
; add fat table sizes
xor ch, ch
mov cl, byte [cs:bpb+BPBFN]
.loop: add ax, [cs:bpb+BPBFS]
adc dx, 0
loop .loop
mapfat: ; counting from beginning of FAT
; add reserved sector count
add ax, [cs:bpb+BPBRSC]
adc dx, 0
map: ; count from partition start
add ax, [cs:bpb+BPBHS]
add dx, [cs:bpb+BPBHS+2]
mapabs: ; absolute sector count
; skip doing a read if sector number matches
cmp ax, [cs:dskseek]
jne read
cmp dx, [cs:dskseek+2]
jne read
; counting from begin of cluster area
mapclu mov bx, [bpb+BPBRDE]
mov cl, 4
shr bx, cl ; 32 bytes per entry
add ax, bx
adc dx, 0
; counting from beginning of dir
; add fat table sizes
maprd xor ch, ch
mov cl, byte [bpb+BPBFN]
.loop add ax, [bpb+BPBFS]
adc dx, 0
loop .loop
; counting from beginning of FAT
; add reserved sector count
mapfat add ax, [bpb+BPBRSC]
adc dx, 0
; count from partition start
map add ax, [bpb+BPBHS]
add dx, [bpb+BPBHS+2]
; absolute sector count
; skip doing a read if sector number matches
mapabs cmp ax, [dskseek]
jne read
cmp dx, [dskseek+2]
jne read
read: push ax
push dx
call flush
pop dx
pop ax
; store the sector number
mov [cs:dskseek], ax
mov [cs:dskseek+2], dx
; do the actual read
read push ax
push dx
call flush
pop dx
pop ax
; store the sector number
mov [cs:dskseek], ax
mov [cs:dskseek+2], dx
; do the actual read
; low level read and write
; call again to retry, no input registers
; read or write is configured in cx
_read: mov ch, 2
db 0x3D ; cmp ax, imm16: causes next instr to be skipped
_write: mov ch, 3
mov cl, 1 ; read len
; DS := ES := CS
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; check if ebios supported
test byte [dskflag], 4
jz .l00
mov ax, cx
or ah, 0x40
mov si, dap
jmp .do
; check if we can skip controller reset
.l00: test byte [dskflag], 2
jnz .l01
; do controller reset
mov dl, [biosnum]
mov ah, 0
call int13
or byte [dskflag], 2
.l01: ; put sectors per cylinder into bx
mov ax, [bpb+BPBSPT]
mul word [bpb+BPBNOS]
mov bx, ax
; put linear sector num into dx:ax
mov ax, [dskseek]
mov dx, [dskseek+2]
; dx:ax = linear count, bx = sectors / cylinder
div bx
xchg ax, dx
; dx = cylinder, ax = head * spt + sector
mov bl, [bpb+BPBSPT]
div byte bl
; dx = cylinder, al = head, ah = sector
xchg dl, dh
ror dl, 1
ror dl, 1
or dl, ah
inc dx
; al: head number
; dh bit 0-7: cylinder bits 0-7
; dl bit 0-5: sector bits 0-5
; dl bit 6-7: cylinder bits 8-9
; shuffle values around for bios
xchg ax, cx
xchg cx, dx
xchg dh, dl
mov bx, dskbuf
.do: mov dl, [biosnum]
; ah: subfunction selected via cx previously
; al: 1 = reading 1 sector
; cx: sector and cylinder number
; dh: head number
; dl: drive number
; bx: offset to disk buffer
call int13
jc .err
; clear dirty flag on success
and byte [dskflag], 0xFE
.err: ; assume controller is misconfigured
and byte [dskflag], 0xFD
; exit with carry flag set
; low level read and write
; call again to retry, no input registers
; read or write is configured in cx
_read mov ch, 2
db 0x3D ; cmp ax, imm16: causes next instr to be skipped
_write mov ch, 3
mov cl, 1 ; read len
; DS := ES := CS
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; check if ebios supported
test byte [dskflag], 4
jz .l00
mov ax, cx
or ah, 0x40
mov si, dap
jmp .do
; check if we can skip controller reset
.l00 test byte [dskflag], 2
jnz .l01
; do controller reset
mov dl, [biosnum]
mov ah, 0
call int13
or byte [dskflag], 2
.l01 ; put sectors per cylinder into bx
mov ax, [bpb+BPBSPT]
mul word [bpb+BPBNOS]
mov bx, ax
; put linear sector num into dx:ax
mov ax, [dskseek]
mov dx, [dskseek+2]
; dx:ax = linear count, bx = sectors / cylinder
div bx
xchg ax, dx
; dx = cylinder, ax = head * spt + sector
mov bl, [bpb+BPBSPT]
div byte bl
; dx = cylinder, al = head, ah = sector
xchg dl, dh
ror dl, 1
ror dl, 1
or dl, ah
inc dx
; al: head number
; dh bit 0-7: cylinder bits 0-7
; dl bit 0-5: sector bits 0-5
; dl bit 6-7: cylinder bits 8-9
; shuffle values around for bios
xchg ax, cx
xchg cx, dx
xchg dh, dl
mov bx, dskbuf
.do mov dl, [biosnum]
; ah: subfunction selected via cx previously
; al: 1 = reading 1 sector
; cx: sector and cylinder number
; dh: head number
; dl: drive number
; bx: offset to disk buffer
call int13
jc .err
; clear dirty flag on success
and byte [dskflag], 0xFE
.err ; assume controller is misconfigured
and byte [dskflag], 0xFD
; exit with carry flag set
; mark dskbuf as containing unwritten changes
dirty: or byte [cs:dskflag], 1 ; dirty
; mark dskbuf as containing unwritten changes
dirty or byte [cs:dskflag], 1 ; dirty
; flush buffer if dirty
flush: test byte [cs:dskflag], 1
jz .ret
; TODO: error handling & retries
jmp _write
.ret: ret
; flush buffer if dirty
flush test byte [cs:dskflag], 1
jz .ret
; TODO: error handling & retries
jmp _write
.ret ret

kernel/far.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
; reset segments
rstseg mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; copy to far memory
; IN es:bx far memory ptr (preserved)
; ds:dx local ptr (preserved)
; cx number of bytes to transfer
; OUT cx set to zero
; si & di trashed
stofar mov si, dx
mov di, bx
rep movsb
; copy from far memory
; IN es:bx far memory ptr (preserved)
; ds:dx local ptr (preserved)
; cx number of bytes to copy
; OUT cx set to zero
; si & di trashed
lodfar call xchgdes
mov si, bx
mov di, dx
rep movsb
; exchange es and ds
xchgdes push ds
push es
pop ds
pop es