WIP on FCB disk i/o

This commit is contained in:
Nero 2019-10-08 17:54:39 +00:00
parent 58a95932b5
commit 7877809bc1
6 changed files with 95 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
; IN DL drive number
; BP ptr to bpb_size'd buffer
push ax
push dx
mov [bp+(bpb_size-1)], dl
; load first sector
xor dx, dx
xor ax, ax
call drive_read
push cx
push si
push di
; copy BPB to BP
mov si, (diskbuf+0x0B)
mov di, bp
mov cx, (bpb_size-1)
rep movsb
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop dx
pop ax

View File

@ -1,6 +1,32 @@
; Load a sector from drive.
; IN DX:AX sector number (lba)
; BX ptr to FCB
; OUT CL Sector number
; CH Cylinder number
; DH Head number
push bx ; backup fcb ptr
mov bx, [bx+fcb_spt] ; nos is in BH now
push bx ; backup nos
xor bh, bh ; zero out nos so spt is left
div word bx ; ax:temp = (lba / spt)
inc dx ; dx:sector = (lba % spt) + 1
mov cl, dl ; sector number
pop bx ; restore nos
xchg bl, bh ; put nos into bl
xor bh, bh ; zero out spt
div word bx ; ax:cylinder = (temp / nos)
; dx:head = (temp % nos)
mov ch, al ; cylinder number
mov dh, dl ; head number
pop bx ; restore fcb ptr
; Load a sector from drive.
; IN DX:AX sector number
; BP ptr to BPB
; BX ptr to FCB
push ax
push cx
@ -12,19 +38,14 @@ drive_read:
or cx, ax
jz .fast
div word [bp+13] ; ax:temp = (lba / spt)
inc dx ; dx:sector = (lba % spt) + 1
mov cl, dl ; sector number
call drive_chs_calc
div word [bp+15] ; ax:cylinder = (tmp / heads)
; dx:head = (tmp % heads)
mov ch, al ; cylinder number
mov dh, dl ; head number
mov si, 5 ; retry count
mov dl, [bp+(bpb_size-1)] ; drive number
mov bx, diskbuf
mov dl, [bx+fcb_drv] ; drive number
dec dl
mov ax, 0x0201
mov bx, diskbuf
int 0x13
pop si

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ exec:
mov bx, sp
call fcb_parse
call fcb_open
call fcb_open_rootdir
add sp, fcb_size
pop bx

View File

@ -1,70 +1,58 @@
; Parse ASCIIZ string into FCB
; IN SI ptr to filename
; BX ptr to FCB
push di
push ax
mov di, bx
xor ax, ax
push di
mov cx, 0x0A
mov al, 0x20
rep stosb
pop di
call .read
cmp al, 0x2E
je .ext_start
cmp al, 0x20
je .ret
jmp .base_loop
mov di, bx
add di, 9
call .read
cmp al, 0x20
je .ret
jmp .ext_loop
test al, al
jz .eret
cmp al, 0x0D
je .eret
dec si
pop ax
pop ax
pop di
; User-accessible part of FCB (12 bytes)
%define fcb_drv 0 ; 1 byte
%define fcb_fn 1 ; 8 bytes
%define fcb_ext 9 ; 3 bytes
; Drive & FS data (4 bytes)
%define fcb_spt 12 ; byte sectors per track
%define fcb_nos 13 ; byte number of sides/heads
%define fcb_ss 14 ; byte sector size: 2^ss
%define fcb_cs 15 ; byte cluster size: 2^(ss+cs)
; Read/Write pointer (12 bytes):
; Will be overwritten by new filename for CL=17
%define fcb_fsize 16 ; dword file size
%define fcb_fptr 20 ; dword handle position
%define fcb_clus 24 ; word current cluster fptr points in
%define fcb_co 26 ; word start sector for theoretical cluster 0
; Link to directory item (3 bytes)
%define fcb_ds 28 ; word directory sector
%define fcb_do 30 ; byte directory offset
cmp byte [bx], 0
jne .drivedone
mov al, default_drive
inc al
mov [bx], al
push bp
sub sp, bpb_size
mov bp, sp
mov dl, [bx]
dec dl
call bpb_load
mov ax, [bp]
mov cx, [bp+2]
mov dx, [bp+4]
mov bx, [bp+6]
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
; set directory sector to 0 (=rootdir)
mov [bx+fcb_ds], ax
; load first sector
call drive_read
; transfer sector size
mov ax, [diskbuf + 0x0B]
call log2
mov byte [bx+fcb_ss], al
; transfer cluster size
mov al, [diskbuf + 0x0D]
call log2
mov byte [bx+fcb_cs], al
; transfer sectors per track
mov al, [diskbuf + 0x18]
mov byte [bx+fcb_spt], al
; transfer number of heads/sides
mov al, [diskbuf + 0x1A]
mov byte [bx+fcb_nos], al
add sp, bpb_size
pop bp

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@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ cpu 8086
%define default_drive BYTE [0x5B]
%define fcb_size 16
%define bpb_size 18
%define fcb_size 31
org self
jmp init
@ -70,5 +69,6 @@ putc:
%include "exec.asm"
%include "fcb.asm"
%include "bpb.asm"
%include "fcbparse.asm"
%include "drive.asm"
%include "log2.asm"

lib/log2.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
; Calculate dual logarithm (int)
; IN AX number
; OUT AX dual logarithm
push cx
mov cx, 16
sar ax, 1
loopnz .loop
xchg ax, cx
pop cx
neg ax
add ax, 15