Remove memory/mcb management

This commit is contained in:
Nero 2019-03-13 17:28:38 +00:00
parent b21acb076c
commit 56f01a0888
2 changed files with 7 additions and 245 deletions

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@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ cpu 8086
org 0x0100
jmp main
db "Hello!", 0
mov ax,0x1000
mov bx,0x0000
mov cx,0x0800
call mtab_set
call mtab_dump
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov si,str1
call kprintf
%include "kprintf.asm"
; mem MUST be last because it will write after itself
%include "mem.asm"

View File

@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
; memory type is enum
; 00 - free
; 01 - unknown
; 02 - allocated by us
; 03 - reserved, like BIOS code or tables for the cpu
; 04 - unusable
; return the addr of the mtab
; out: es:bx
push cs
pop es
mov bx,mtab
; finds a place for a new item in the mm table
; this detects 'empty' slots by the size field being zero
; in: ds:si: pointer to first mtab item
; out: bx: offset for empty slot
push ax
call mtab_ref
cmp WORD [es:bx],0x0000
je .end
add bx,0x0010
jmp .loop
pop ax
; splits a mtab item at offset
; in: ds:si: pointer mtab item
; ax: split position in 16 byte blocks
; out: ds:si: pointer to lower half
; ds:di: pointer to upper half
push cx ; remaining memory block length
mov cx,[ds:si]
mov [ds:si],ax ; this resizes the first item
sub cx, ax
push bx
call mtab_alloc
mov di,bx
pop bx
push si ; backup because movsw increments them
push di ; ^
push cx ; counter for movsb
mov es,ds
mov cx,0x08 ; 8 words = 16 bytes
rep movsw ; repeat cx times
pop cx
pop di
pop si
mov [ds:di],cx
pop cx
; in: ax: segment
; bh: task id (0 for non-task memory)
; bl: memory type (see enum at top of file)
; cx: number of 16-byte blocks
push ds
push cx ; length of current item
push dx ; cumulative position
push bx ; pointer to mtab item
call mtab_ref
mov dx,0x0000
push bx ; use as iterator, restoring base value afterwards
.findbase: ; we pick the mtab item where our segment lies in
mov cx,[es:bx]
add dx,cx
cmp dx,ax
jnbe .dupbase
add bx,0x0010
jmp .findbase
.dupbase: ; we duplicate it, so we potentially have one after and one before our new item
mov si,bx
call mtab_alloc
mov di,bx
pop bx
push si ; backup because movsw increments them
push di ; ^
push cx ; counter for movsb
mov cx,0x08 ; a mtab item is 8 words = 16 bytes
push es
pop ds
rep movsw
pop cx
pop di
pop si
push ax ; size = [Segment ax] - ([End addr dx] - [Length cx])
sub ax,dx
add ax,cx
mov [si],ax
pop ax
push dx
sub dx,ax
mov [di],dx
pop dx
push bx
call mtab_alloc
mov dx,bx
pop bx
push ax
mov ax,dx
sub ax,bx ; addr are relative to mtab start
mov [si+02],ax
pop ax
push ax
mov ax,di
sub ax,bx ; addr are relative to mtab start
mov di,dx
mov [di+02],ax
pop ax
pop bx
mov [di+04],bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ds
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,0x0000
mov bp,mtab
mov si,0x0000
push si
mov ax, bp
add ax, si
add ax, 0x06
push ax
mov al,[bp+si+0x05]
push ax ; task id
mov al,[bp+si+0x04]
push bp
push si
mov bp,.typechar
and ax,0x00FF
mov si,ax
mov al,[bp+si]
pop si
pop bp
push ax ; memory type
mov bx,cx
add cx,[bp+si+0x00]
mov ax,cx
dec ax
push ax ; end addr
push bx ; start addr
mov si,.linefmt
call kprintf
pop ax
pop ax
pop ax
pop ax
pop ax
pop si
; look for next line
mov ax,[bp+si+0x02]
test ax,0xFFFF
mov si,ax
jnz .loop
db "%X0 %XF %c %x %s", 0
db "F?ARU", 0
; pre-filled table for memory management
align 16
; interrupt vector table
dw 0x0040
dw 0x0010
db 3
db 0
db "IVT", 0
align 16
; bios data area (writes here during runtime)
dw 0x0010
dw 0x0020
db 3
db 0
db "BDA", 0
align 16
dw 0x9FB0
dw 0x0030
db 0
db 0
db 0
align 16
dw 0x5000
dw 0x0040
db 4
db 0
db 0
align 16
dw 0x1000
dw 0x0000
db 4
db 0
db "BIOS ROM", 0
align 16
dw 0x0000
align 16
dw 0x0000
align 16
dw 0x0000
align 16
dw 0x0000