Implement filename->FCB parsing and command line reading

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Nero 2022-01-18 19:38:32 +00:00
parent 0bd59dd252
commit 105183837d
2 changed files with 164 additions and 0 deletions

src/ccp.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
fcb1 equ 0x5C
fcb2 equ 0x6C
buf equ 0x80
; length of input buffer
inlen equ 0x90
org 0x100
jmp prompt
banner db "RDOS Console Command Processor",0x0A,0x0D,0x1A
prompt mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; print newline
mov dl, 0x0A
mov ah, 2
int 0x21
mov dl, 0x0D
int 0x21
; query current drive
mov ah, 25
int 0x21
; drivenum to chr
mov dl, al
add dl, 0x41
; print drive and prompt chr
mov ah, 2
int 0x21
mov dl, '>'
int 0x21
; read string
mov byte [inbuf], inlen
mov dx, inbuf
mov ah, 10
int 0x21
; parse inbuf into comfcb, buf, fcb1 and fcb2
; takes no arguments
; parse off command name
parse mov si, inbuf+2
mov di, comfcb
call lodfn
; trim spaces
call eatws
; calculate length of cmdline
mov cx, inbuf+2
add cl, [inbuf+1]
adc ch, 0
sub cx, si
; move into default position at 0x80
mov [buf], cl
mov di, buf+1
rep movsb
mov al, 0x0D
; parse fcb1
mov si, buf+1
mov di, fcb1
call lodfn
; parse fcb2
call eatws
mov di, fcb2
call lodfn
; dump out everything parsed for me to see
mov si, comfcb
call dump
mov si, fcb1
call dump
mov si, fcb2
call dump
mov si, buf
call dump
; eat leftover spaces
; IN ds:si ptr
eatws jmp .l01
.l02 inc si
.l01 cmp byte [si], 0x20
je .l02
%include ""
%include ""
section .bss
inbuf resb inlen
; FCB for the COM file
comfcb resb 37

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@ -61,3 +61,73 @@ lodnum xor di, di
mul bx
add di, ax
jmp .loop
lodfn mov ah, al
mov al, [si+1]
cmp al, ':'
jne .nam
.drv mov dx, 0x0100
call .read
inc si
; adjust capital letter to number
and byte [es:di], 0x1F
.nam mov dx, 0x0901
call .read
mov al, [si]
cmp al, '.'
jne .ext
inc si
.ext mov dx, 0x0C09
call .read
.ret ret
; read a padded string
.read mov al, [si]
mov bh, 0
cmp dl, dh
jnc .ret
call ucase
call fatchr
jz .fill
mov bl, dl
mov [es:di+bx], al
inc dl
inc si
jmp .read
; fill padding with spaces
.fill mov al, 0x20
.cfill cmp dl, dh
jnc .ret
mov bl, dl
mov [es:di+bx], al
inc dl
jmp .fill
; is valid char for FAT filename
; IN al character
; OUT al char
; zf clear if valid
fatchr push cx
push bx
mov bl, al
mov bh, 0
mov cl, 3
sar bx, cl
mov ch, [cs:.vtab+bx]
mov cl, al
and cl, 7
shr ch, cl
test ch, 1
pop bx
pop cx
; character validity map
; 256 bits for each char
; 1 = allowed in fat name
.vtab dw 0x0000,0x0000 ; 00-1F control chars all forbidden
dw 0x23FA,0x03FF ; 20-3F special and digits
dw 0xFFFF,0xC7FF ; 40-5F uppercase
dw 0x0001,0x6800 ; 60-7F lowercase
dw 0x0000,0x0000 ; 80-9F
dw 0x0000,0x0000 ; A0-BF
dw 0x0000,0x0000 ; C0-DF
dw 0x0000,0x0000 ; E0-FF