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2020-08-15 23:15:31 +02:00
section .bss
drives: equ 16
; drive table entry
struc drive
.biosnum: resb 1
.flag: resb 1
.spc: resw 1
.cylinders: resw 1
.dpt: resb dpt_size
; ptr into currently selected drive
drive_ptr: resw 1
drive_table: resb (drives * drive_size)
section .text
drives_init: int 0x11
mov cl, 6
shr ax, cl
inc ax
and ax, 3
mov cx, ax
mov bx, drive_table
xor dx, dx
mov [bx+drive.biosnum], dl
; defaults if 13h,AH=8 fails (XT 360kb)
les di, [0x1e * 4]
mov cx, 0x2709 ; 40 cylinders, 9 sectors
mov dh, 1 ; 2 heads
; ask bios
push bx
mov ah, 8
int 0x13
pop bx
; copy dpt
push es
push ds
pop es
pop ds
push cx
mov si, di
lea di, [bx+drive.dpt]
mov cx, 11
rep movsb
pop cx
; restore ds
push cs
pop ds
; get and save number of cylinders
mov ax, cx
xchg al, ah
rol ah, 1
rol ah, 1
and ax, 0x03FF
inc ax
mov [bx+drive.cylinders], ax
; save spt
mov ax, cx
and al, 0x3F
mov [bx+drive.dpt+dpt.lastsector], al
; multiply with heads and save sectors per cylinder
inc dh
mul dh ; ax = al * dh
mov [bx+drive.spc], ax