
61 lines
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section .text
load_bpb: mov bx, [drive_ptr]
; read word for "sectors per fat"
mov ax, [diskbuf+0x016]
xor dx, dx
; if zero, we need to check dword in BPB 7.1
test ax, ax
jnz .short_sf
; fail if BPB 7.1 signature is not present
mov cl, [diskbuf+0x042]
or cl, 1
cmp cl, 0x29
jne .err
; load dword
mov ax, [diskbuf+0x024]
mov dx, [diskbuf+0x026]
2020-05-10 18:47:48 +02:00
; store local value
mov [bx+drive.fat_size], ax
mov [bx+drive.fat_size+2], dx
; copy number of fat's
xor ah, ah
mov al, [diskbuf+0x010]
mov [bx+drive.fat_num], ax
; copy number of root directory entries
mov ax, [diskbuf+0x011]
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
mov [bx+drive.dir_size], ax
; calculate offsets for everything
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
; add reserved sectors
add ax, [diskbuf+0x0B+bpb_rsc]
adc ax, 0
; save begin of FAT tables
mov [bx+drive.fat_offset], ax
mov [bx+drive.fat_offset+2], dx
; add FAT size * FAT number
mov cx, [bx+drive.fat_num]
.floop: add ax, [bx+drive.fat_size]
adc dx, [bx+drive.fat_size+2]
loop .floop
; save begin of root directories
mov [bx+drive.dir_offset], ax
mov [bx+drive.dir_offset+2], dx
; add root directory size (might be zero)
add ax, [bx+drive.dir_size]
adc dx, 0
; save start of data area
mov [bx+drive.clus_offset], ax
mov [bx+drive.clus_offset+2], dx
.err: stc