
38086 lines
1.3 MiB

* @license Highcharts JS vv6.1.0 custom build (2018-06-04)
* (c) 2009-2016 Torstein Honsi
* License:
'use strict';
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = root.document ?
factory(root) :
} else {
root.Highcharts = factory(root);
}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function (win) {
var Highcharts = (function () {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
/* global win, window */
// glob is a temporary fix to allow our es-modules to work.
var glob = typeof win === 'undefined' ? window : win,
doc = glob.document,
SVG_NS = '',
userAgent = (glob.navigator && glob.navigator.userAgent) || '',
svg = (
doc &&
doc.createElementNS &&
!!doc.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'svg').createSVGRect
isMS = /(edge|msie|trident)/i.test(userAgent) && !glob.opera,
isFirefox = userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1,
isChrome = userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') !== -1,
hasBidiBug = (
isFirefox &&
parseInt(userAgent.split('Firefox/')[1], 10) < 4 // issue #38
var Highcharts = glob.Highcharts ? glob.Highcharts.error(16, true) : {
product: 'Highcharts',
version: 'v6.1.0 custom build',
deg2rad: Math.PI * 2 / 360,
doc: doc,
hasBidiBug: hasBidiBug,
hasTouch: doc && doc.documentElement.ontouchstart !== undefined,
isMS: isMS,
isWebKit: userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') !== -1,
isFirefox: isFirefox,
isChrome: isChrome,
isSafari: !isChrome && userAgent.indexOf('Safari') !== -1,
isTouchDevice: /(Mobile|Android|Windows Phone)/.test(userAgent),
chartCount: 0,
seriesTypes: {},
symbolSizes: {},
svg: svg,
win: glob,
marginNames: ['plotTop', 'marginRight', 'marginBottom', 'plotLeft'],
noop: function () {
return undefined;
* An array containing the current chart objects in the page. A chart's
* position in the array is preserved throughout the page's lifetime. When
* a chart is destroyed, the array item becomes `undefined`.
* @type {Array.<Highcharts.Chart>}
* @memberOf Highcharts
charts: []
return Highcharts;
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
* The Highcharts object is the placeholder for all other members, and various
* utility functions. The most important member of the namespace would be the
* chart constructor.
* @example
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', { ... });
* @namespace Highcharts
H.timers = [];
var charts = H.charts,
doc = H.doc,
win =;
* Provide error messages for debugging, with links to online explanation. This
* function can be overridden to provide custom error handling.
* @function #error
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Number|String} code - The error code. See [errors.xml]{@link
* for available codes. If it is a string, the error message is printed
* directly in the console.
* @param {Boolean} [stop=false] - Whether to throw an error or just log a
* warning in the console.
* @sample highcharts/chart/highcharts-error/ Custom error handler
H.error = function (code, stop) {
var msg = H.isNumber(code) ?
'Highcharts error #' + code + ':' + code :
if (stop) {
throw new Error(msg);
// else ...
if (win.console) {
console.log(msg); // eslint-disable-line no-console
* An animator object used internally. One instance applies to one property
* (attribute or style prop) on one element. Animation is always initiated
* through {@link SVGElement#animate}.
* @constructor Fx
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {HTMLDOMElement|SVGElement} elem - The element to animate.
* @param {AnimationOptions} options - Animation options.
* @param {string} prop - The single attribute or CSS property to animate.
* @private
* @example
* var rect = renderer.rect(0, 0, 10, 10).add();
* rect.animate({ width: 100 });
H.Fx = function (elem, options, prop) {
this.options = options;
this.elem = elem;
this.prop = prop;
H.Fx.prototype = {
* Set the current step of a path definition on SVGElement.
* @function #dSetter
* @memberOf Highcharts.Fx
dSetter: function () {
var start = this.paths[0],
end = this.paths[1],
ret = [],
now =,
i = start.length,
// Land on the final path without adjustment points appended in the ends
if (now === 1) {
ret = this.toD;
} else if (i === end.length && now < 1) {
while (i--) {
startVal = parseFloat(start[i]);
ret[i] =
isNaN(startVal) ? // a letter instruction like M or L
end[i] :
now * (parseFloat(end[i] - startVal)) + startVal;
// If animation is finished or length not matching, land on right value
} else {
ret = end;
this.elem.attr('d', ret, null, true);
* Update the element with the current animation step.
* @function #update
* @memberOf Highcharts.Fx
update: function () {
var elem = this.elem,
prop = this.prop, // if destroyed, it is null
now =,
step = this.options.step;
// Animation setter defined from outside
if (this[prop + 'Setter']) {
this[prop + 'Setter']();
// Other animations on SVGElement
} else if (elem.attr) {
if (elem.element) {
elem.attr(prop, now, null, true);
// HTML styles, raw HTML content like container size
} else {[prop] = now + this.unit;
if (step) {, now, this);
* Run an animation.
* @function #run
* @memberOf Highcharts.Fx
* @param {Number} from - The current value, value to start from.
* @param {Number} to - The end value, value to land on.
* @param {String} [unit] - The property unit, for example `px`.
run: function (from, to, unit) {
var self = this,
options = self.options,
timer = function (gotoEnd) {
return timer.stopped ? false : self.step(gotoEnd);
requestAnimationFrame =
win.requestAnimationFrame ||
function (step) {
setTimeout(step, 13);
step = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < H.timers.length; i++) {
if (!H.timers[i]()) {
H.timers.splice(i--, 1);
if (H.timers.length) {
if (from === to && !this.elem['forceAnimate:' + this.prop]) {
delete options.curAnim[this.prop];
if (options.complete && H.keys(options.curAnim).length === 0) {;
} else { // #7166
this.startTime = +new Date();
this.start = from;
this.end = to;
this.unit = unit; = this.start;
this.pos = 0;
timer.elem = this.elem;
timer.prop = this.prop;
if (timer() && H.timers.push(timer) === 1) {
* Run a single step in the animation.
* @function #step
* @memberOf Highcharts.Fx
* @param {Boolean} [gotoEnd] - Whether to go to the endpoint of the
* animation after abort.
* @returns {Boolean} Returns `true` if animation continues.
step: function (gotoEnd) {
var t = +new Date(),
options = this.options,
elem = this.elem,
complete = options.complete,
duration = options.duration,
curAnim = options.curAnim;
if (elem.attr && !elem.element) { // #2616, element is destroyed
ret = false;
} else if (gotoEnd || t >= duration + this.startTime) { = this.end;
this.pos = 1;
curAnim[this.prop] = true;
done = true;
H.objectEach(curAnim, function (val) {
if (val !== true) {
done = false;
if (done && complete) {;
ret = false;
} else {
this.pos = options.easing((t - this.startTime) / duration); = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos);
ret = true;
return ret;
* Prepare start and end values so that the path can be animated one to one.
* @function #initPath
* @memberOf Highcharts.Fx
* @param {SVGElement} elem - The SVGElement item.
* @param {String} fromD - Starting path definition.
* @param {Array} toD - Ending path definition.
* @returns {Array} An array containing start and end paths in array form
* so that they can be animated in parallel.
initPath: function (elem, fromD, toD) {
fromD = fromD || '';
var shift,
startX = elem.startX,
endX = elem.endX,
bezier = fromD.indexOf('C') > -1,
numParams = bezier ? 7 : 3,
start = fromD.split(' '),
end = toD.slice(), // copy
isArea = elem.isArea,
positionFactor = isArea ? 2 : 1,
* In splines make moveTo and lineTo points have six parameters like
* bezier curves, to allow animation one-to-one.
function sixify(arr) {
var isOperator,
i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
// Fill in dummy coordinates only if the next operator comes
// three places behind (#5788)
isOperator = arr[i] === 'M' || arr[i] === 'L';
nextIsOperator = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(arr[i + 3]);
if (isOperator && nextIsOperator) {
i + 1, 0,
arr[i + 1], arr[i + 2],
arr[i + 1], arr[i + 2]
* Insert an array at the given position of another array
function insertSlice(arr, subArr, index) {
[index, 0].concat(subArr)
* If shifting points, prepend a dummy point to the end path.
function prepend(arr, other) {
while (arr.length < fullLength) {
// Move to, line to or curve to?
arr[0] = other[fullLength - arr.length];
// Prepend a copy of the first point
insertSlice(arr, arr.slice(0, numParams), 0);
// For areas, the bottom path goes back again to the left, so we
// need to append a copy of the last point.
if (isArea) {
arr.slice(arr.length - numParams), arr.length
arr[0] = 'M';
* Copy and append last point until the length matches the end length
function append(arr, other) {
var i = (fullLength - arr.length) / numParams;
while (i > 0 && i--) {
// Pull out the slice that is going to be appended or inserted.
// In a line graph, the positionFactor is 1, and the last point
// is sliced out. In an area graph, the positionFactor is 2,
// causing the middle two points to be sliced out, since an area
// path starts at left, follows the upper path then turns and
// follows the bottom back.
slice = arr.slice().splice(
(arr.length / positionFactor) - numParams,
numParams * positionFactor
// Move to, line to or curve to?
slice[0] = other[fullLength - numParams - (i * numParams)];
// Disable first control point
if (bezier) {
slice[numParams - 6] = slice[numParams - 2];
slice[numParams - 5] = slice[numParams - 1];
// Now insert the slice, either in the middle (for areas) or at
// the end (for lines)
insertSlice(arr, slice, arr.length / positionFactor);
if (isArea) {
if (bezier) {
// For sideways animation, find out how much we need to shift to get the
// start path Xs to match the end path Xs.
if (startX && endX) {
for (i = 0; i < startX.length; i++) {
// Moving left, new points coming in on right
if (startX[i] === endX[0]) {
shift = i;
// Moving right
} else if (startX[0] ===
endX[endX.length - startX.length + i]) {
shift = i;
reverse = true;
if (shift === undefined) {
start = [];
if (start.length && H.isNumber(shift)) {
// The common target length for the start and end array, where both
// arrays are padded in opposite ends
fullLength = end.length + shift * positionFactor * numParams;
if (!reverse) {
prepend(end, start);
append(start, end);
} else {
prepend(start, end);
append(end, start);
return [start, end];
}; // End of Fx prototype
* Handle animation of the color attributes directly.
H.Fx.prototype.fillSetter =
H.Fx.prototype.strokeSetter = function () {
H.color(this.start).tweenTo(H.color(this.end), this.pos),
* Utility function to deep merge two or more objects and return a third object.
* If the first argument is true, the contents of the second object is copied
* into the first object. The merge function can also be used with a single
* object argument to create a deep copy of an object.
* @function #merge
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Boolean} [extend] - Whether to extend the left-side object (a) or
return a whole new object.
* @param {Object} a - The first object to extend. When only this is given, the
function returns a deep copy.
* @param {...Object} [n] - An object to merge into the previous one.
* @returns {Object} - The merged object. If the first argument is true, the
* return is the same as the second argument.
H.merge = function () {
var i,
args = arguments,
ret = {},
doCopy = function (copy, original) {
// An object is replacing a primitive
if (typeof copy !== 'object') {
copy = {};
H.objectEach(original, function (value, key) {
// Copy the contents of objects, but not arrays or DOM nodes
if (
H.isObject(value, true) &&
!H.isClass(value) &&
) {
copy[key] = doCopy(copy[key] || {}, value);
// Primitives and arrays are copied over directly
} else {
copy[key] = original[key];
return copy;
// If first argument is true, copy into the existing object. Used in
// setOptions.
if (args[0] === true) {
ret = args[1];
args =, 2);
// For each argument, extend the return
len = args.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret = doCopy(ret, args[i]);
return ret;
* Shortcut for parseInt
* @ignore
* @param {Object} s
* @param {Number} mag Magnitude
H.pInt = function (s, mag) {
return parseInt(s, mag || 10);
* Utility function to check for string type.
* @function #isString
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} s - The item to check.
* @returns {Boolean} - True if the argument is a string.
H.isString = function (s) {
return typeof s === 'string';
* Utility function to check if an item is an array.
* @function #isArray
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The item to check.
* @returns {Boolean} - True if the argument is an array.
H.isArray = function (obj) {
var str =;
return str === '[object Array]' || str === '[object Array Iterator]';
* Utility function to check if an item is of type object.
* @function #isObject
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The item to check.
* @param {Boolean} [strict=false] - Also checks that the object is not an
* array.
* @returns {Boolean} - True if the argument is an object.
H.isObject = function (obj, strict) {
return !!obj && typeof obj === 'object' && (!strict || !H.isArray(obj));
* Utility function to check if an Object is a HTML Element.
* @function #isDOMElement
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The item to check.
* @returns {Boolean} - True if the argument is a HTML Element.
H.isDOMElement = function (obj) {
return H.isObject(obj) && typeof obj.nodeType === 'number';
* Utility function to check if an Object is an class.
* @function #isClass
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The item to check.
* @returns {Boolean} - True if the argument is an class.
H.isClass = function (obj) {
var c = obj && obj.constructor;
return !!(
H.isObject(obj, true) &&
!H.isDOMElement(obj) &&
(c && && !== 'Object')
* Utility function to check if an item is a number and it is finite (not NaN,
* Infinity or -Infinity).
* @function #isNumber
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} n
* The item to check.
* @return {Boolean}
* True if the item is a finite number
H.isNumber = function (n) {
return typeof n === 'number' && !isNaN(n) && n < Infinity && n > -Infinity;
* Remove the last occurence of an item from an array.
* @function #erase
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr - The array.
* @param {*} item - The item to remove.
H.erase = function (arr, item) {
var i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
if (arr[i] === item) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
* Check if an object is null or undefined.
* @function #defined
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The object to check.
* @returns {Boolean} - False if the object is null or undefined, otherwise
* true.
H.defined = function (obj) {
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null;
* Set or get an attribute or an object of attributes. To use as a setter, pass
* a key and a value, or let the second argument be a collection of keys and
* values. To use as a getter, pass only a string as the second argument.
* @function #attr
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} elem - The DOM element to receive the attribute(s).
* @param {String|Object} [prop] - The property or an object of key-value pairs.
* @param {String} [value] - The value if a single property is set.
* @returns {*} When used as a getter, return the value.
H.attr = function (elem, prop, value) {
var ret;
// if the prop is a string
if (H.isString(prop)) {
// set the value
if (H.defined(value)) {
elem.setAttribute(prop, value);
// get the value
} else if (elem && elem.getAttribute) {
ret = elem.getAttribute(prop);
// IE7 and below cannot get class through getAttribute (#7850)
if (!ret && prop === 'class') {
ret = elem.getAttribute(prop + 'Name');
// else if prop is defined, it is a hash of key/value pairs
} else if (H.defined(prop) && H.isObject(prop)) {
H.objectEach(prop, function (val, key) {
elem.setAttribute(key, val);
return ret;
* Check if an element is an array, and if not, make it into an array.
* @function #splat
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param obj {*} - The object to splat.
* @returns {Array} The produced or original array.
H.splat = function (obj) {
return H.isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj];
* Set a timeout if the delay is given, otherwise perform the function
* synchronously.
* @function #syncTimeout
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Function} fn - The function callback.
* @param {Number} delay - Delay in milliseconds.
* @param {Object} [context] - The context.
* @returns {Number} An identifier for the timeout that can later be cleared
* with H.clearTimeout.
H.syncTimeout = function (fn, delay, context) {
if (delay) {
return setTimeout(fn, delay, context);
}, context);
* Internal clear timeout. The function checks that the `id` was not removed
* (e.g. by `chart.destroy()`). For the details see
* [issue #7901](
* @function #clearTimeout
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Number} id - id of a timeout.
H.clearTimeout = function (id) {
if (H.defined(id)) {
* Utility function to extend an object with the members of another.
* @function #extend
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} a - The object to be extended.
* @param {Object} b - The object to add to the first one.
* @returns {Object} Object a, the original object.
H.extend = function (a, b) {
var n;
if (!a) {
a = {};
for (n in b) {
a[n] = b[n];
return a;
* Return the first value that is not null or undefined.
* @function #pick
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {...*} items - Variable number of arguments to inspect.
* @returns {*} The value of the first argument that is not null or undefined.
H.pick = function () {
var args = arguments,
length = args.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
arg = args[i];
if (arg !== undefined && arg !== null) {
return arg;
* @typedef {Object} CSSObject - A style object with camel case property names.
* The properties can be whatever styles are supported on the given SVG or HTML
* element.
* @example
* {
* fontFamily: 'monospace',
* fontSize: '1.2em'
* }
* Set CSS on a given element.
* @function #css
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {HTMLDOMElement} el - A HTML DOM element.
* @param {CSSObject} styles - Style object with camel case property names.
H.css = function (el, styles) {
if (H.isMS && !H.svg) { // #2686
if (styles && styles.opacity !== undefined) {
styles.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (styles.opacity * 100) + ')';
H.extend(, styles);
* A HTML DOM element.
* @typedef {Object} HTMLDOMElement
* Utility function to create an HTML element with attributes and styles.
* @function #createElement
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {String} tag - The HTML tag.
* @param {Object} [attribs] - Attributes as an object of key-value pairs.
* @param {CSSObject} [styles] - Styles as an object of key-value pairs.
* @param {Object} [parent] - The parent HTML object.
* @param {Boolean} [nopad=false] - If true, remove all padding, border and
* margin.
* @returns {HTMLDOMElement} The created DOM element.
H.createElement = function (tag, attribs, styles, parent, nopad) {
var el = doc.createElement(tag),
css = H.css;
if (attribs) {
H.extend(el, attribs);
if (nopad) {
css(el, { padding: 0, border: 'none', margin: 0 });
if (styles) {
css(el, styles);
if (parent) {
return el;
* Extend a prototyped class by new members.
* @function #extendClass
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} parent - The parent prototype to inherit.
* @param {Object} members - A collection of prototype members to add or
* override compared to the parent prototype.
* @returns {Object} A new prototype.
H.extendClass = function (parent, members) {
var object = function () {};
object.prototype = new parent(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
H.extend(object.prototype, members);
return object;
* Left-pad a string to a given length by adding a character repetetively.
* @function #pad
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Number} number - The input string or number.
* @param {Number} length - The desired string length.
* @param {String} [padder=0] - The character to pad with.
* @returns {String} The padded string.
H.pad = function (number, length, padder) {
return new Array(
(length || 2) +
1 -
.replace('-', '')
).join(padder || 0) + number;
* @typedef {Number|String} RelativeSize - If a number is given, it defines the
* pixel length. If a percentage string is given, like for example `'50%'`,
* the setting defines a length relative to a base size, for example the size
* of a container.
* Return a length based on either the integer value, or a percentage of a base.
* @function #relativeLength
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {RelativeSize} value
* A percentage string or a number.
* @param {number} base
* The full length that represents 100%.
* @param {number} [offset=0]
* A pixel offset to apply for percentage values. Used internally in
* axis positioning.
* @return {number}
* The computed length.
H.relativeLength = function (value, base, offset) {
return (/%$/).test(value) ?
(base * parseFloat(value) / 100) + (offset || 0) :
* Wrap a method with extended functionality, preserving the original function.
* @function #wrap
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The context object that the method belongs to. In real
* cases, this is often a prototype.
* @param {String} method - The name of the method to extend.
* @param {Function} func - A wrapper function callback. This function is called
* with the same arguments as the original function, except that the
* original function is unshifted and passed as the first argument.
H.wrap = function (obj, method, func) {
var proceed = obj[method];
obj[method] = function () {
var args =,
outerArgs = arguments,
ctx = this,
ctx.proceed = function () {
proceed.apply(ctx, arguments.length ? arguments : outerArgs);
ret = func.apply(this, args);
ctx.proceed = null;
return ret;
* Format a single variable. Similar to sprintf, without the % prefix.
* @example
* formatSingle('.2f', 5); // => '5.00'.
* @function #formatSingle
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {String} format The format string.
* @param {*} val The value.
* @param {Time} [time]
* A `Time` instance that determines the date formatting, for example for
* applying time zone corrections to the formatted date.
* @returns {String} The formatted representation of the value.
H.formatSingle = function (format, val, time) {
var floatRegex = /f$/,
decRegex = /\.([0-9])/,
lang = H.defaultOptions.lang,
if (floatRegex.test(format)) { // float
decimals = format.match(decRegex);
decimals = decimals ? decimals[1] : -1;
if (val !== null) {
val = H.numberFormat(
format.indexOf(',') > -1 ? lang.thousandsSep : ''
} else {
val = (time || H.time).dateFormat(format, val);
return val;
* Format a string according to a subset of the rules of Python's String.format
* method.
* @function #format
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {String} str
* The string to format.
* @param {Object} ctx
* The context, a collection of key-value pairs where each key is
* replaced by its value.
* @param {Time} [time]
* A `Time` instance that determines the date formatting, for example for
* applying time zone corrections to the formatted date.
* @returns {String} The formatted string.
* @example
* var s = Highcharts.format(
* 'The {color} fox was {len:.2f} feet long',
* { color: 'red', len: Math.PI }
* );
* // => The red fox was 3.14 feet long
H.format = function (str, ctx, time) {
var splitter = '{',
isInside = false,
ret = [],
while (str) {
index = str.indexOf(splitter);
if (index === -1) {
segment = str.slice(0, index);
if (isInside) { // we're on the closing bracket looking back
valueAndFormat = segment.split(':');
path = valueAndFormat.shift().split('.'); // get first and leave
len = path.length;
val = ctx;
// Assign deeper paths
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (val) {
val = val[path[i]];
// Format the replacement
if (valueAndFormat.length) {
val = H.formatSingle(valueAndFormat.join(':'), val, time);
// Push the result and advance the cursor
} else {
str = str.slice(index + 1); // the rest
isInside = !isInside; // toggle
splitter = isInside ? '}' : '{'; // now look for next matching bracket
return ret.join('');
* Get the magnitude of a number.
* @function #getMagnitude
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Number} number The number.
* @returns {Number} The magnitude, where 1-9 are magnitude 1, 10-99 magnitude 2
* etc.
H.getMagnitude = function (num) {
return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(num) / Math.LN10));
* Take an interval and normalize it to multiples of round numbers.
* @todo Move this function to the Axis prototype. It is here only for
* historical reasons.
* @function #normalizeTickInterval
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Number} interval - The raw, un-rounded interval.
* @param {Array} [multiples] - Allowed multiples.
* @param {Number} [magnitude] - The magnitude of the number.
* @param {Boolean} [allowDecimals] - Whether to allow decimals.
* @param {Boolean} [hasTickAmount] - If it has tickAmount, avoid landing
* on tick intervals lower than original.
* @returns {Number} The normalized interval.
H.normalizeTickInterval = function (interval, multiples, magnitude,
allowDecimals, hasTickAmount) {
var normalized,
retInterval = interval;
// round to a tenfold of 1, 2, 2.5 or 5
magnitude = H.pick(magnitude, 1);
normalized = interval / magnitude;
// multiples for a linear scale
if (!multiples) {
multiples = hasTickAmount ?
// Finer grained ticks when the tick amount is hard set, including
// when alignTicks is true on multiple axes (#4580).
[1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] :
// Else, let ticks fall on rounder numbers
[1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10];
// the allowDecimals option
if (allowDecimals === false) {
if (magnitude === 1) {
multiples = H.grep(multiples, function (num) {
return num % 1 === 0;
} else if (magnitude <= 0.1) {
multiples = [1 / magnitude];
// normalize the interval to the nearest multiple
for (i = 0; i < multiples.length; i++) {
retInterval = multiples[i];
// only allow tick amounts smaller than natural
if (
hasTickAmount &&
retInterval * magnitude >= interval
) ||
!hasTickAmount &&
normalized <=
multiples[i] +
(multiples[i + 1] || multiples[i])
) / 2
) {
// Multiply back to the correct magnitude. Correct floats to appropriate
// precision (#6085).
retInterval = H.correctFloat(
retInterval * magnitude,
-Math.round(Math.log(0.001) / Math.LN10)
return retInterval;
* Sort an object array and keep the order of equal items. The ECMAScript
* standard does not specify the behaviour when items are equal.
* @function #stableSort
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr - The array to sort.
* @param {Function} sortFunction - The function to sort it with, like with
* regular Array.prototype.sort.
H.stableSort = function (arr, sortFunction) {
var length = arr.length,
// Add index to each item
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
arr[i].safeI = i; // stable sort index
arr.sort(function (a, b) {
sortValue = sortFunction(a, b);
return sortValue === 0 ? a.safeI - b.safeI : sortValue;
// Remove index from items
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
delete arr[i].safeI; // stable sort index
* Non-recursive method to find the lowest member of an array. `Math.min` raises
* a maximum call stack size exceeded error in Chrome when trying to apply more
* than 150.000 points. This method is slightly slower, but safe.
* @function #arrayMin
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} data An array of numbers.
* @returns {Number} The lowest number.
H.arrayMin = function (data) {
var i = data.length,
min = data[0];
while (i--) {
if (data[i] < min) {
min = data[i];
return min;
* Non-recursive method to find the lowest member of an array. `Math.max` raises
* a maximum call stack size exceeded error in Chrome when trying to apply more
* than 150.000 points. This method is slightly slower, but safe.
* @function #arrayMax
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} data - An array of numbers.
* @returns {Number} The highest number.
H.arrayMax = function (data) {
var i = data.length,
max = data[0];
while (i--) {
if (data[i] > max) {
max = data[i];
return max;
* Utility method that destroys any SVGElement instances that are properties on
* the given object. It loops all properties and invokes destroy if there is a
* destroy method. The property is then delete.
* @function #destroyObjectProperties
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The object to destroy properties on.
* @param {Object} [except] - Exception, do not destroy this property, only
* delete it.
H.destroyObjectProperties = function (obj, except) {
H.objectEach(obj, function (val, n) {
// If the object is non-null and destroy is defined
if (val && val !== except && val.destroy) {
// Invoke the destroy
// Delete the property from the object.
delete obj[n];
* Discard a HTML element by moving it to the bin and delete.
* @function #discardElement
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {HTMLDOMElement} element - The HTML node to discard.
H.discardElement = function (element) {
var garbageBin = H.garbageBin;
// create a garbage bin element, not part of the DOM
if (!garbageBin) {
garbageBin = H.createElement('div');
// move the node and empty bin
if (element) {
garbageBin.innerHTML = '';
* Fix JS round off float errors.
* @function #correctFloat
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Number} num - A float number to fix.
* @param {Number} [prec=14] - The precision.
* @returns {Number} The corrected float number.
H.correctFloat = function (num, prec) {
return parseFloat(
num.toPrecision(prec || 14)
* Set the global animation to either a given value, or fall back to the given
* chart's animation option.
* @function #setAnimation
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Boolean|Animation} animation - The animation object.
* @param {Object} chart - The chart instance.
* @todo This function always relates to a chart, and sets a property on the
* renderer, so it should be moved to the SVGRenderer.
H.setAnimation = function (animation, chart) {
chart.renderer.globalAnimation = H.pick(
* Get the animation in object form, where a disabled animation is always
* returned as `{ duration: 0 }`.
* @function #animObject
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Boolean|AnimationOptions} animation - An animation setting. Can be an
* object with duration, complete and easing properties, or a boolean to
* enable or disable.
* @returns {AnimationOptions} An object with at least a duration property.
H.animObject = function (animation) {
return H.isObject(animation) ?
H.merge(animation) :
{ duration: animation ? 500 : 0 };
* The time unit lookup
H.timeUnits = {
millisecond: 1,
second: 1000,
minute: 60000,
hour: 3600000,
day: 24 * 3600000,
week: 7 * 24 * 3600000,
month: 28 * 24 * 3600000,
year: 364 * 24 * 3600000
* Format a number and return a string based on input settings.
* @function #numberFormat
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Number} number - The input number to format.
* @param {Number} decimals - The amount of decimals. A value of -1 preserves
* the amount in the input number.
* @param {String} [decimalPoint] - The decimal point, defaults to the one given
* in the lang options, or a dot.
* @param {String} [thousandsSep] - The thousands separator, defaults to the one
* given in the lang options, or a space character.
* @returns {String} The formatted number.
* @sample highcharts/members/highcharts-numberformat/ Custom number format
H.numberFormat = function (number, decimals, decimalPoint, thousandsSep) {
number = +number || 0;
decimals = +decimals;
var lang = H.defaultOptions.lang,
origDec = (number.toString().split('.')[1] || '').split('e')[0].length,
exponent = number.toString().split('e'),
if (decimals === -1) {
// Preserve decimals. Not huge numbers (#3793).
decimals = Math.min(origDec, 20);
} else if (!H.isNumber(decimals)) {
decimals = 2;
} else if (decimals && exponent[1] && exponent[1] < 0) {
// Expose decimals from exponential notation (#7042)
fractionDigits = decimals + +exponent[1];
if (fractionDigits >= 0) {
// remove too small part of the number while keeping the notation
exponent[0] = (+exponent[0]).toExponential(fractionDigits)
decimals = fractionDigits;
} else {
// fractionDigits < 0
exponent[0] = exponent[0].split('.')[0] || 0;
if (decimals < 20) {
// use number instead of exponential notation (#7405)
number = (exponent[0] * Math.pow(10, exponent[1]))
} else {
// or zero
number = 0;
exponent[1] = 0;
// Add another decimal to avoid rounding errors of float numbers. (#4573)
// Then use toFixed to handle rounding.
roundedNumber = (
Math.abs(exponent[1] ? exponent[0] : number) +
Math.pow(10, -Math.max(decimals, origDec) - 1)
// A string containing the positive integer component of the number
strinteger = String(H.pInt(roundedNumber));
// Leftover after grouping into thousands. Can be 0, 1 or 3.
thousands = strinteger.length > 3 ? strinteger.length % 3 : 0;
// Language
decimalPoint = H.pick(decimalPoint, lang.decimalPoint);
thousandsSep = H.pick(thousandsSep, lang.thousandsSep);
// Start building the return
ret = number < 0 ? '-' : '';
// Add the leftover after grouping into thousands. For example, in the
// number 42 000 000, this line adds 42.
ret += thousands ? strinteger.substr(0, thousands) + thousandsSep : '';
// Add the remaining thousands groups, joined by the thousands separator
ret += strinteger
.replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, '$1' + thousandsSep);
// Add the decimal point and the decimal component
if (decimals) {
// Get the decimal component
ret += decimalPoint + roundedNumber.slice(-decimals);
if (exponent[1] && +ret !== 0) {
ret += 'e' + exponent[1];
return ret;
* Easing definition
* @ignore
* @param {Number} pos Current position, ranging from 0 to 1.
Math.easeInOutSine = function (pos) {
return -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * pos) - 1);
* Get the computed CSS value for given element and property, only for numerical
* properties. For width and height, the dimension of the inner box (excluding
* padding) is returned. Used for fitting the chart within the container.
* @function #getStyle
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {HTMLDOMElement} el - A HTML element.
* @param {String} prop - The property name.
* @param {Boolean} [toInt=true] - Parse to integer.
* @returns {Number} - The numeric value.
H.getStyle = function (el, prop, toInt) {
var style;
// For width and height, return the actual inner pixel size (#4913)
if (prop === 'width') {
return Math.min(el.offsetWidth, el.scrollWidth) -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-left') -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-right');
} else if (prop === 'height') {
return Math.min(el.offsetHeight, el.scrollHeight) -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-top') -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-bottom');
if (!win.getComputedStyle) {
// SVG not supported, forgot to load oldie.js?
H.error(27, true);
// Otherwise, get the computed style
style = win.getComputedStyle(el, undefined);
if (style) {
style = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
if (H.pick(toInt, prop !== 'opacity')) {
style = H.pInt(style);
return style;
* Search for an item in an array.
* @function #inArray
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {*} item - The item to search for.
* @param {arr} arr - The array or node collection to search in.
* @param {fromIndex} [fromIndex=0] - The index to start searching from.
* @returns {Number} - The index within the array, or -1 if not found.
H.inArray = function (item, arr, fromIndex) {
return (
H.indexOfPolyfill ||
).call(arr, item, fromIndex);
* Filter an array by a callback.
* @function #grep
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr - The array to filter.
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function. The function receives the
* item as the first argument. Return `true` if the item is to be
* preserved.
* @returns {Array} - A new, filtered array.
H.grep = function (arr, callback) {
return (H.filterPolyfill || Array.prototype.filter).call(arr, callback);
* Return the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the
* provided testing function.
* @function #find
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr - The array to test.
* @param {Function} callback - The callback function. The function receives the
* item as the first argument. Return `true` if this item satisfies the
* condition.
* @returns {Mixed} - The value of the element.
H.find = Array.prototype.find ?
function (arr, callback) {
return arr.find(callback);
} :
// Legacy implementation. PhantomJS, IE <= 11 etc. #7223.
function (arr, fn) {
var i,
length = arr.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (fn(arr[i], i)) {
return arr[i];
* Test whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by
* the provided function.
* @function #some
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr The array to test
* @param {Function} fn The function to run on each item. Return truty to pass
* the test. Receives arguments `currentValue`, `index`
* and `array`.
* @param {Object} ctx The context.
H.some = function (arr, fn, ctx) {
return (H.somePolyfill || Array.prototype.some).call(arr, fn, ctx);
* Map an array by a callback.
* @function #map
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr - The array to map.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function. Return the new value for the
* new array.
* @returns {Array} - A new array item with modified items.
*/ = function (arr, fn) {
var results = [],
i = 0,
len = arr.length;
for (; i < len; i++) {
results[i] =[i], arr[i], i, arr);
return results;
* Returns an array of a given object's own properties.
* @function #keys
* @memberOf highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The object of which the properties are to be returned.
* @returns {Array} - An array of strings that represents all the properties.
H.keys = function (obj) {
return (H.keysPolyfill || Object.keys).call(undefined, obj);
* Reduce an array to a single value.
* @function #reduce
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr - The array to reduce.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function. Return the reduced value.
* Receives 4 arguments: Accumulated/reduced value, current value, current
* array index, and the array.
* @param {Mixed} initialValue - The initial value of the accumulator.
* @returns {Mixed} - The reduced value.
H.reduce = function (arr, func, initialValue) {
return (H.reducePolyfill || Array.prototype.reduce).call(
* Get the element's offset position, corrected for `overflow: auto`.
* @function #offset
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {HTMLDOMElement} el - The HTML element.
* @returns {Object} An object containing `left` and `top` properties for the
* position in the page.
H.offset = function (el) {
var docElem = doc.documentElement,
box = el.parentElement ? // IE11 throws Unspecified error in test suite
el.getBoundingClientRect() :
{ top: 0, left: 0 };
return {
top: + (win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop) -
(docElem.clientTop || 0),
left: box.left + (win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft) -
(docElem.clientLeft || 0)
* Stop running animation.
* @todo A possible extension to this would be to stop a single property, when
* we want to continue animating others. Then assign the prop to the timer
* in the method, and check for the prop here. This would be an
* improvement in all cases where we stop the animation from .attr. Instead of
* stopping everything, we can just stop the actual attributes we're setting.
* @function #stop
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {SVGElement} el - The SVGElement to stop animation on.
* @param {string} [prop] - The property to stop animating. If given, the stop
* method will stop a single property from animating, while others continue.
H.stop = function (el, prop) {
var i = H.timers.length;
// Remove timers related to this element (#4519)
while (i--) {
if (H.timers[i].elem === el && (!prop || prop === H.timers[i].prop)) {
H.timers[i].stopped = true; // #4667
* Iterate over an array.
* @function #each
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Array} arr - The array to iterate over.
* @param {Function} fn - The iterator callback. It passes three arguments:
* * item - The array item.
* * index - The item's index in the array.
* * arr - The array that each is being applied to.
* @param {Object} [ctx] The context.
H.each = function (arr, fn, ctx) { // modern browsers
return (H.forEachPolyfill || Array.prototype.forEach).call(arr, fn, ctx);
* Iterate over object key pairs in an object.
* @function #objectEach
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} obj - The object to iterate over.
* @param {Function} fn - The iterator callback. It passes three arguments:
* * value - The property value.
* * key - The property key.
* * obj - The object that objectEach is being applied to.
* @param {Object} ctx The context
H.objectEach = function (obj, fn, ctx) {
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { || obj[key], obj[key], key, obj);
* Add an event listener.
* @function #addEvent
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} el - The element or object to add a listener to. It can be a
* {@link HTMLDOMElement}, an {@link SVGElement} or any other object.
* @param {String} type - The event type.
* @param {Function} fn - The function callback to execute when the event is
* fired.
* @returns {Function} A callback function to remove the added event.
H.addEvent = function (el, type, fn) {
var events,
addEventListener = el.addEventListener || H.addEventListenerPolyfill;
// If we're setting events directly on the constructor, use a separate
// collection, `protoEvents` to distinguish it from the item events in
// `hcEvents`.
if (typeof el === 'function' && el.prototype) {
events = el.prototype.protoEvents = el.prototype.protoEvents || {};
} else {
events = el.hcEvents = el.hcEvents || {};
// Handle DOM events
if (addEventListener) {, type, fn, false);
if (!events[type]) {
events[type] = [];
// Return a function that can be called to remove this event.
return function () {
H.removeEvent(el, type, fn);
* Remove an event that was added with {@link Highcharts#addEvent}.
* @function #removeEvent
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} el - The element to remove events on.
* @param {String} [type] - The type of events to remove. If undefined, all
* events are removed from the element.
* @param {Function} [fn] - The specific callback to remove. If undefined, all
* events that match the element and optionally the type are removed.
H.removeEvent = function (el, type, fn) {
var events,
function removeOneEvent(type, fn) {
var removeEventListener =
el.removeEventListener || H.removeEventListenerPolyfill;
if (removeEventListener) {, type, fn, false);
function removeAllEvents(eventCollection) {
var types,
if (!el.nodeName) {
return; // break on non-DOM events
if (type) {
types = {};
types[type] = true;
} else {
types = eventCollection;
H.objectEach(types, function (val, n) {
if (eventCollection[n]) {
len = eventCollection[n].length;
while (len--) {
removeOneEvent(n, eventCollection[n][len]);
H.each(['protoEvents', 'hcEvents'], function (coll) {
var eventCollection = el[coll];
if (eventCollection) {
if (type) {
events = eventCollection[type] || [];
if (fn) {
index = H.inArray(fn, events);
if (index > -1) {
events.splice(index, 1);
eventCollection[type] = events;
removeOneEvent(type, fn);
} else {
eventCollection[type] = [];
} else {
el[coll] = {};
* Fire an event that was registered with {@link Highcharts#addEvent}.
* @function #fireEvent
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Object} el - The object to fire the event on. It can be a
* {@link HTMLDOMElement}, an {@link SVGElement} or any other object.
* @param {String} type - The type of event.
* @param {Object} [eventArguments] - Custom event arguments that are passed on
* as an argument to the event handler.
* @param {Function} [defaultFunction] - The default function to execute if the
* other listeners haven't returned false.
H.fireEvent = function (el, type, eventArguments, defaultFunction) {
var e,
eventArguments = eventArguments || {};
if (doc.createEvent && (el.dispatchEvent || el.fireEvent)) {
e = doc.createEvent('Events');
e.initEvent(type, true, true);
H.extend(e, eventArguments);
if (el.dispatchEvent) {
} else {
el.fireEvent(type, e);
} else {
H.each(['protoEvents', 'hcEvents'], function (coll) {
if (el[coll]) {
events = el[coll][type] || [];
len = events.length;
if (! { // We're running a custom event
H.extend(eventArguments, {
// Attach a simple preventDefault function to skip
// default handler if called. The built-in
// defaultPrevented property is not overwritable (#5112)
preventDefault: function () {
eventArguments.defaultPrevented = true;
// Setting target to native events fails with clicking
// the zoom-out button in Chrome.
target: el,
// If the type is not set, we're running a custom event
// (#2297). If it is set, we're running a browser event,
// and setting it will cause en error in IE8 (#2465).
type: type
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
fn = events[i];
// If the event handler return false, prevent the default
// handler from executing
if (fn &&, eventArguments) === false) {
// Run the default if not prevented
if (defaultFunction && !eventArguments.defaultPrevented) {, eventArguments);
* An animation configuration. Animation configurations can also be defined as
* booleans, where `false` turns off animation and `true` defaults to a duration
* of 500ms.
* @typedef {Object} AnimationOptions
* @property {Number} duration - The animation duration in milliseconds.
* @property {String} [easing] - The name of an easing function as defined on
* the `Math` object.
* @property {Function} [complete] - A callback function to exectute when the
* animation finishes.
* @property {Function} [step] - A callback function to execute on each step of
* each attribute or CSS property that's being animated. The first argument
* contains information about the animation and progress.
* The global animate method, which uses Fx to create individual animators.
* @function #animate
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {HTMLDOMElement|SVGElement} el - The element to animate.
* @param {Object} params - An object containing key-value pairs of the
* properties to animate. Supports numeric as pixel-based CSS properties
* for HTML objects and attributes for SVGElements.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [opt] - Animation options.
H.animate = function (el, params, opt) {
var start,
unit = '',
if (!H.isObject(opt)) { // Number or undefined/null
args = arguments;
opt = {
duration: args[2],
easing: args[3],
complete: args[4]
if (!H.isNumber(opt.duration)) {
opt.duration = 400;
opt.easing = typeof opt.easing === 'function' ?
opt.easing :
(Math[opt.easing] || Math.easeInOutSine);
opt.curAnim = H.merge(params);
H.objectEach(params, function (val, prop) {
// Stop current running animation of this property
H.stop(el, prop);
fx = new H.Fx(el, opt, prop);
end = null;
if (prop === 'd') {
fx.paths = fx.initPath(
fx.toD = params.d;
start = 0;
end = 1;
} else if (el.attr) {
start = el.attr(prop);
} else {
start = parseFloat(H.getStyle(el, prop)) || 0;
if (prop !== 'opacity') {
unit = 'px';
if (!end) {
end = val;
if (end && end.match && end.match('px')) {
end = end.replace(/px/g, ''); // #4351
}, end, unit);
* Factory to create new series prototypes.
* @function #seriesType
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {String} type - The series type name.
* @param {String} parent - The parent series type name. Use `line` to inherit
* from the basic {@link Series} object.
* @param {Object} options - The additional default options that is merged with
* the parent's options.
* @param {Object} props - The properties (functions and primitives) to set on
* the new prototype.
* @param {Object} [pointProps] - Members for a series-specific extension of the
* {@link Point} prototype if needed.
* @returns {*} - The newly created prototype as extended from {@link Series}
* or its derivatives.
// docs: add to API + extending Highcharts
H.seriesType = function (type, parent, options, props, pointProps) {
var defaultOptions = H.getOptions(),
seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes;
// Merge the options
defaultOptions.plotOptions[type] = H.merge(
// Create the class
seriesTypes[type] = H.extendClass(seriesTypes[parent] ||
function () {}, props);
seriesTypes[type].prototype.type = type;
// Create the point class if needed
if (pointProps) {
seriesTypes[type].prototype.pointClass =
H.extendClass(H.Point, pointProps);
return seriesTypes[type];
* Get a unique key for using in internal element id's and pointers. The key
* is composed of a random hash specific to this Highcharts instance, and a
* counter.
* @function #uniqueKey
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @return {string} The key.
* @example
* var id = H.uniqueKey(); // => 'highcharts-x45f6hp-0'
H.uniqueKey = (function () {
var uniqueKeyHash = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9),
idCounter = 0;
return function () {
return 'highcharts-' + uniqueKeyHash + '-' + idCounter++;
* Register Highcharts as a plugin in jQuery
if (win.jQuery) {
win.jQuery.fn.highcharts = function () {
var args = [];
if (this[0]) { // this[0] is the renderTo div
// Create the chart
if (args[0]) {
new H[ // eslint-disable-line no-new
// Constructor defaults to Chart
H.isString(args[0]) ? args.shift() : 'Chart'
](this[0], args[0], args[1]);
return this;
// When called without parameters or with the return argument,
// return an existing chart
return charts[H.attr(this[0], 'data-highcharts-chart')];
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var each = H.each,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
map =,
merge = H.merge,
pInt = H.pInt;
* @typedef {string} ColorString
* A valid color to be parsed and handled by Highcharts. Highcharts internally
* supports hex colors like `#ffffff`, rgb colors like `rgb(255,255,255)` and
* rgba colors like `rgba(255,255,255,1)`. Other colors may be supported by the
* browsers and displayed correctly, but Highcharts is not able to process them
* and apply concepts like opacity and brightening.
* Handle color operations. The object methods are chainable.
* @param {String} input The input color in either rbga or hex format
H.Color = function (input) {
// Backwards compatibility, allow instanciation without new
if (!(this instanceof H.Color)) {
return new H.Color(input);
// Initialize
H.Color.prototype = {
// Collection of parsers. This can be extended from the outside by pushing
// parsers to Highcharts.Color.prototype.parsers.
parsers: [{
// RGBA color
regex: /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]?(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/, // eslint-disable-line security/detect-unsafe-regex
parse: function (result) {
return [
parseFloat(result[4], 10)
}, {
// RGB color
parse: function (result) {
return [pInt(result[1]), pInt(result[2]), pInt(result[3]), 1];
// Collection of named colors. Can be extended from the outside by adding
// colors to Highcharts.Color.prototype.names.
names: {
none: 'rgba(255,255,255,0)',
white: '#ffffff',
black: '#000000'
* Parse the input color to rgba array
* @param {String} input
init: function (input) {
var result,
this.input = input = this.names[
input && input.toLowerCase ?
input.toLowerCase() :
] || input;
// Gradients
if (input && input.stops) {
this.stops = map(input.stops, function (stop) {
return new H.Color(stop[1]);
// Solid colors
} else {
// Bitmasking as input[0] is not working for legacy IE.
if (input && input.charAt && input.charAt() === '#') {
len = input.length;
input = parseInt(input.substr(1), 16);
// Handle long-form, e.g. #AABBCC
if (len === 7) {
rgba = [
(input & 0xFF0000) >> 16,
(input & 0xFF00) >> 8,
(input & 0xFF),
// Handle short-form, e.g. #ABC
// In short form, the value is assumed to be the same
// for both nibbles for each component. e.g. #ABC = #AABBCC
} else if (len === 4) {
rgba = [
((input & 0xF00) >> 4) | (input & 0xF00) >> 8,
((input & 0xF0) >> 4) | (input & 0xF0),
((input & 0xF) << 4) | (input & 0xF),
// Otherwise, check regex parsers
if (!rgba) {
i = this.parsers.length;
while (i-- && !rgba) {
parser = this.parsers[i];
result = parser.regex.exec(input);
if (result) {
rgba = parser.parse(result);
this.rgba = rgba || [];
* Return the color a specified format
* @param {String} format
get: function (format) {
var input = this.input,
rgba = this.rgba,
if (this.stops) {
ret = merge(input);
ret.stops = [].concat(ret.stops);
each(this.stops, function (stop, i) {
ret.stops[i] = [ret.stops[i][0], stop.get(format)];
// it's NaN if gradient colors on a column chart
} else if (rgba && isNumber(rgba[0])) {
if (format === 'rgb' || (!format && rgba[3] === 1)) {
ret = 'rgb(' + rgba[0] + ',' + rgba[1] + ',' + rgba[2] + ')';
} else if (format === 'a') {
ret = rgba[3];
} else {
ret = 'rgba(' + rgba.join(',') + ')';
} else {
ret = input;
return ret;
* Brighten the color
* @param {Number} alpha
brighten: function (alpha) {
var i,
rgba = this.rgba;
if (this.stops) {
each(this.stops, function (stop) {
} else if (isNumber(alpha) && alpha !== 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rgba[i] += pInt(alpha * 255);
if (rgba[i] < 0) {
rgba[i] = 0;
if (rgba[i] > 255) {
rgba[i] = 255;
return this;
* Set the color's opacity to a given alpha value
* @param {Number} alpha
setOpacity: function (alpha) {
this.rgba[3] = alpha;
return this;
* Return an intermediate color between two colors.
* @param {Highcharts.Color} to
* The color object to tween to.
* @param {Number} pos
* The intermediate position, where 0 is the from color (current
* color item), and 1 is the `to` color.
* @return {String}
* The intermediate color in rgba notation.
tweenTo: function (to, pos) {
// Check for has alpha, because rgba colors perform worse due to lack of
// support in WebKit.
var fromRgba = this.rgba,
toRgba = to.rgba,
// Unsupported color, return to-color (#3920, #7034)
if (!toRgba.length || !fromRgba || !fromRgba.length) {
ret = to.input || 'none';
// Interpolate
} else {
hasAlpha = (toRgba[3] !== 1 || fromRgba[3] !== 1);
ret = (hasAlpha ? 'rgba(' : 'rgb(') +
Math.round(toRgba[0] + (fromRgba[0] - toRgba[0]) * (1 - pos)) +
',' +
Math.round(toRgba[1] + (fromRgba[1] - toRgba[1]) * (1 - pos)) +
',' +
Math.round(toRgba[2] + (fromRgba[2] - toRgba[2]) * (1 - pos)) +
hasAlpha ?
',' +
(toRgba[3] + (fromRgba[3] - toRgba[3]) * (1 - pos))
) :
) +
return ret;
H.color = function (input) {
return new H.Color(input);
(function (Highcharts) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var H = Highcharts,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
timeUnits = H.timeUnits,
win =;
* The Time class. Time settings are applied in general for each page using
* `Highcharts.setOptions`, or individually for each Chart item through the
* [time]( options set.
* The Time object is available from
* [Chart.time](,
* which refers to `Highcharts.time` if no individual time settings are
* applied.
* @example
* // Apply time settings globally
* Highcharts.setOptions({
* time: {
* timezone: 'Europe/London'
* }
* });
* // Apply time settings by instance
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
* time: {
* timezone: 'America/New_York'
* },
* series: [{
* data: [1, 4, 3, 5]
* }]
* });
* // Use the Time object
* console.log(
* 'Current time in New York',
* chart.time.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
* );
* @param options {Object}
* Time options as defined in [chart.options.time](/highcharts/time).
* @since 6.0.5
* @class
Highcharts.Time = function (options) {
this.update(options, false);
Highcharts.Time.prototype = {
* Time options that can apply globally or to individual charts. These
* settings affect how `datetime` axes are laid out, how tooltips are
* formatted, how series
* [pointIntervalUnit](#plotOptions.series.pointIntervalUnit) works and how
* the Highstock range selector handles time.
* The common use case is that all charts in the same Highcharts object
* share the same time settings, in which case the global settings are set
* using `setOptions`.
* ```js
* // Apply time settings globally
* Highcharts.setOptions({
* time: {
* timezone: 'Europe/London'
* }
* });
* // Apply time settings by instance
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
* time: {
* timezone: 'America/New_York'
* },
* series: [{
* data: [1, 4, 3, 5]
* }]
* });
* // Use the Time object
* console.log(
* 'Current time in New York',
* chart.time.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
* );
* ```
* Since v6.0.5, the time options were moved from the `global` obect to the
* `time` object, and time options can be set on each individual chart.
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/time/timezone/
* Set the timezone globally
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/time/individual/
* Set the timezone per chart instance
* @sample {highstock}
* stock/time/individual/
* Set the timezone per chart instance
* @since 6.0.5
* @apioption time
* Whether to use UTC time for axis scaling, tickmark placement and
* time display in `Highcharts.dateFormat`. Advantages of using UTC
* is that the time displays equally regardless of the user agent's
* time zone settings. Local time can be used when the data is loaded
* in real time or when correct Daylight Saving Time transitions are
* required.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/time/useutc-true/ True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/time/useutc-false/ False
* @apioption time.useUTC
* @default true
* A custom `Date` class for advanced date handling. For example,
* [JDate]( can be hooked in to
* handle Jalali dates.
* @type {Object}
* @since 4.0.4
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption time.Date
* A callback to return the time zone offset for a given datetime. It
* takes the timestamp in terms of milliseconds since January 1 1970,
* and returns the timezone offset in minutes. This provides a hook
* for drawing time based charts in specific time zones using their
* local DST crossover dates, with the help of external libraries.
* @type {Function}
* @see [global.timezoneOffset](#global.timezoneOffset)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/time/gettimezoneoffset/
* Use moment.js to draw Oslo time regardless of browser locale
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption time.getTimezoneOffset
* Requires [moment.js]( If the timezone option
* is specified, it creates a default
* [getTimezoneOffset](#time.getTimezoneOffset) function that looks
* up the specified timezone in moment.js. If moment.js is not included,
* this throws a Highcharts error in the console, but does not crash the
* chart.
* @type {String}
* @see [getTimezoneOffset](#time.getTimezoneOffset)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/time/timezone/
* Europe/Oslo
* @default undefined
* @since 5.0.7
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption time.timezone
* The timezone offset in minutes. Positive values are west, negative
* values are east of UTC, as in the ECMAScript
* [getTimezoneOffset](
* method. Use this to display UTC based data in a predefined time zone.
* @type {Number}
* @see [time.getTimezoneOffset](#time.getTimezoneOffset)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/time/timezoneoffset/
* Timezone offset
* @default 0
* @since 3.0.8
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption time.timezoneOffset
defaultOptions: {},
* Update the Time object with current options. It is called internally on
* initiating Highcharts, after running `Highcharts.setOptions` and on
* `Chart.update`.
* @private
update: function (options) {
var useUTC = pick(options && options.useUTC, true),
time = this;
this.options = options = merge(true, this.options || {}, options);
// Allow using a different Date class
this.Date = options.Date || win.Date;
this.useUTC = useUTC;
this.timezoneOffset = useUTC && options.timezoneOffset;
* Get the time zone offset based on the current timezone information as
* set in the global options.
* @function #getTimezoneOffset
* @memberOf Highcharts.Time
* @param {Number} timestamp
* The JavaScript timestamp to inspect.
* @return {Number}
* The timezone offset in minutes compared to UTC.
this.getTimezoneOffset = this.timezoneOffsetFunction();
* The time object has options allowing for variable time zones, meaning
* the axis ticks or series data needs to consider this.
this.variableTimezone = !!(
!useUTC ||
options.getTimezoneOffset ||
// UTC time with timezone handling
if (this.variableTimezone || this.timezoneOffset) {
this.get = function (unit, date) {
var realMs = date.getTime(),
ms = realMs - time.getTimezoneOffset(date),
date.setTime(ms); // Temporary adjust to timezone
ret = date['getUTC' + unit]();
date.setTime(realMs); // Reset
return ret;
this.set = function (unit, date, value) {
var ms, offset, newOffset;
// For lower order time units, just set it directly using local
// time
if (
H.inArray(unit, ['Milliseconds', 'Seconds', 'Minutes']) !==
) {
date['set' + unit](value);
// Higher order time units need to take the time zone into
// account
} else {
// Adjust by timezone
offset = time.getTimezoneOffset(date);
ms = date.getTime() - offset;
date['setUTC' + unit](value);
newOffset = time.getTimezoneOffset(date);
ms = date.getTime() + newOffset;
// UTC time with no timezone handling
} else if (useUTC) {
this.get = function (unit, date) {
return date['getUTC' + unit]();
this.set = function (unit, date, value) {
return date['setUTC' + unit](value);
// Local time
} else {
this.get = function (unit, date) {
return date['get' + unit]();
this.set = function (unit, date, value) {
return date['set' + unit](value);
* Make a time and returns milliseconds. Interprets the inputs as UTC time,
* local time or a specific timezone time depending on the current time
* settings.
* @param {Number} year
* The year
* @param {Number} month
* The month. Zero-based, so January is 0.
* @param {Number} date
* The day of the month
* @param {Number} hours
* The hour of the day, 0-23.
* @param {Number} minutes
* The minutes
* @param {Number} seconds
* The seconds
* @return {Number}
* The time in milliseconds since January 1st 1970.
makeTime: function (year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds) {
var d, offset, newOffset;
if (this.useUTC) {
d = this.Date.UTC.apply(0, arguments);
offset = this.getTimezoneOffset(d);
d += offset;
newOffset = this.getTimezoneOffset(d);
if (offset !== newOffset) {
d += newOffset - offset;
// A special case for transitioning from summer time to winter time.
// When the clock is set back, the same time is repeated twice, i.e.
// 02:30 am is repeated since the clock is set back from 3 am to
// 2 am. We need to make the same time as local Date does.
} else if (
offset - 36e5 === this.getTimezoneOffset(d - 36e5) &&
) {
d -= 36e5;
} else {
d = new this.Date(
pick(date, 1),
pick(hours, 0),
pick(minutes, 0),
pick(seconds, 0)
return d;
* Sets the getTimezoneOffset function. If the `timezone` option is set, a
* default getTimezoneOffset function with that timezone is returned. If
* a `getTimezoneOffset` option is defined, it is returned. If neither are
* specified, the function using the `timezoneOffset` option or 0 offset is
* returned.
* @private
* @return {Function} A getTimezoneOffset function
timezoneOffsetFunction: function () {
var time = this,
options = this.options,
moment = win.moment;
if (!this.useUTC) {
return function (timestamp) {
return new Date(timestamp).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (options.timezone) {
if (!moment) {
// getTimezoneOffset-function stays undefined because it depends
// on Moment.js
} else {
return function (timestamp) {
).utcOffset() * 60000;
// If not timezone is set, look for the getTimezoneOffset callback
if (this.useUTC && options.getTimezoneOffset) {
return function (timestamp) {
return options.getTimezoneOffset(timestamp) * 60000;
// Last, use the `timezoneOffset` option if set
return function () {
return (time.timezoneOffset || 0) * 60000;
* Formats a JavaScript date timestamp (milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970)
* into a human readable date string. The format is a subset of the formats
* for PHP's [strftime](
* function. Additional formats can be given in the
* {@link Highcharts.dateFormats} hook.
* @param {String} format
* The desired format where various time
* representations are prefixed with %.
* @param {Number} timestamp
* The JavaScript timestamp.
* @param {Boolean} [capitalize=false]
* Upper case first letter in the return.
* @returns {String} The formatted date.
dateFormat: function (format, timestamp, capitalize) {
if (!H.defined(timestamp) || isNaN(timestamp)) {
return H.defaultOptions.lang.invalidDate || '';
format = H.pick(format, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
var time = this,
date = new this.Date(timestamp),
// get the basic time values
hours = this.get('Hours', date),
day = this.get('Day', date),
dayOfMonth = this.get('Date', date),
month = this.get('Month', date),
fullYear = this.get('FullYear', date),
lang = H.defaultOptions.lang,
langWeekdays = lang.weekdays,
shortWeekdays = lang.shortWeekdays,
pad = H.pad,
// List all format keys. Custom formats can be added from the
// outside.
replacements = H.extend(
// Day
// Short weekday, like 'Mon'
'a': shortWeekdays ?
shortWeekdays[day] :
langWeekdays[day].substr(0, 3),
// Long weekday, like 'Monday'
'A': langWeekdays[day],
// Two digit day of the month, 01 to 31
'd': pad(dayOfMonth),
// Day of the month, 1 through 31
'e': pad(dayOfMonth, 2, ' '),
'w': day,
// Week (none implemented)
// 'W': weekNumber(),
// Month
// Short month, like 'Jan'
'b': lang.shortMonths[month],
// Long month, like 'January'
'B': lang.months[month],
// Two digit month number, 01 through 12
'm': pad(month + 1),
// Year
// Two digits year, like 09 for 2009
'y': fullYear.toString().substr(2, 2),
// Four digits year, like 2009
'Y': fullYear,
// Time
// Two digits hours in 24h format, 00 through 23
'H': pad(hours),
// Hours in 24h format, 0 through 23
'k': hours,
// Two digits hours in 12h format, 00 through 11
'I': pad((hours % 12) || 12),
// Hours in 12h format, 1 through 12
'l': (hours % 12) || 12,
// Two digits minutes, 00 through 59
'M': pad(time.get('Minutes', date)),
// Upper case AM or PM
'p': hours < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM',
// Lower case AM or PM
'P': hours < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm',
// Two digits seconds, 00 through 59
'S': pad(date.getSeconds()),
// Milliseconds (naming from Ruby)
'L': pad(Math.round(timestamp % 1000), 3)
* A hook for defining additional date format specifiers. New
* specifiers are defined as key-value pairs by using the
* specifier as key, and a function which takes the timestamp as
* value. This function returns the formatted portion of the
* date.
* @type {Object}
* @name dateFormats
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @sample highcharts/global/dateformats/
* Adding support for week
* number
// Do the replaces
H.objectEach(replacements, function (val, key) {
// Regex would do it in one line, but this is faster
while (format.indexOf('%' + key) !== -1) {
format = format.replace(
'%' + key,
typeof val === 'function' ?, timestamp) : val
// Optionally capitalize the string and return
return capitalize ?
format.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + format.substr(1) :
* Return an array with time positions distributed on round time values
* right and right after min and max. Used in datetime axes as well as for
* grouping data on a datetime axis.
* @param {Object} normalizedInterval
* The interval in axis values (ms) and thecount
* @param {Number} min The minimum in axis values
* @param {Number} max The maximum in axis values
* @param {Number} startOfWeek
getTimeTicks: function (
) {
var time = this,
Date = time.Date,
tickPositions = [],
higherRanks = {},
minYear, // used in months and years as a basis for Date.UTC()
// When crossing DST, use the max. Resolves #6278.
minDate = new Date(min),
interval = normalizedInterval.unitRange,
count = normalizedInterval.count || 1,
if (defined(min)) { // #1300
interval >= timeUnits.second ?
0 : // #3935
count * Math.floor(
time.get('Milliseconds', minDate) / count
); // #3652, #3654
if (interval >= timeUnits.second) { // second
interval >= timeUnits.minute ?
0 : // #3935
count * Math.floor(time.get('Seconds', minDate) / count)
if (interval >= timeUnits.minute) { // minute
time.set('Minutes', minDate,
interval >= timeUnits.hour ?
0 :
count * Math.floor(time.get('Minutes', minDate) / count)
if (interval >= timeUnits.hour) { // hour
interval >= ?
0 :
count * Math.floor(
time.get('Hours', minDate) / count
if (interval >= { // day
interval >= timeUnits.month ?
1 :
count * Math.floor(time.get('Date', minDate) / count)
if (interval >= timeUnits.month) { // month
interval >= timeUnits.year ? 0 :
count * Math.floor(time.get('Month', minDate) / count)
minYear = time.get('FullYear', minDate);
if (interval >= timeUnits.year) { // year
minYear -= minYear % count;
time.set('FullYear', minDate, minYear);
// week is a special case that runs outside the hierarchy
if (interval === timeUnits.week) {
// get start of current week, independent of count
time.get('Date', minDate) -
time.get('Day', minDate) +
pick(startOfWeek, 1)
// Get basics for variable time spans
minYear = time.get('FullYear', minDate);
var minMonth = time.get('Month', minDate),
minDateDate = time.get('Date', minDate),
minHours = time.get('Hours', minDate);
// Redefine min to the floored/rounded minimum time (#7432)
min = minDate.getTime();
// Handle local timezone offset
if (time.variableTimezone) {
// Detect whether we need to take the DST crossover into
// consideration. If we're crossing over DST, the day length may
// be 23h or 25h and we need to compute the exact clock time for
// each tick instead of just adding hours. This comes at a cost,
// so first we find out if it is needed (#4951).
variableDayLength = (
// Long range, assume we're crossing over.
max - min > 4 * timeUnits.month ||
// Short range, check if min and max are in different time
// zones.
time.getTimezoneOffset(min) !== time.getTimezoneOffset(max)
// Iterate and add tick positions at appropriate values
var t = minDate.getTime();
i = 1;
while (t < max) {
// if the interval is years, use Date.UTC to increase years
if (interval === timeUnits.year) {
t = time.makeTime(minYear + i * count, 0);
// if the interval is months, use Date.UTC to increase months
} else if (interval === timeUnits.month) {
t = time.makeTime(minYear, minMonth + i * count);
// if we're using global time, the interval is not fixed as it
// jumps one hour at the DST crossover
} else if (
variableDayLength &&
(interval === || interval === timeUnits.week)
) {
t = time.makeTime(
minDateDate +
i * count * (interval === ? 1 : 7)
} else if (
variableDayLength &&
interval === timeUnits.hour &&
count > 1
) {
// make sure higher ranks are preserved across DST (#6797,
// #7621)
t = time.makeTime(
minHours + i * count
// else, the interval is fixed and we use simple addition
} else {
t += interval * count;
// push the last time
// Handle higher ranks. Mark new days if the time is on midnight
// (#950, #1649, #1760, #3349). Use a reasonable dropout threshold
// to prevent looping over dense data grouping (#6156).
if (interval <= timeUnits.hour && tickPositions.length < 10000) {
each(tickPositions, function (t) {
if (
// Speed optimization, no need to run dateFormat unless
// we're on a full or half hour
t % 1800000 === 0 &&
// Check for local or global midnight
time.dateFormat('%H%M%S%L', t) === '000000000'
) {
higherRanks[t] = 'day';
// record information on the chosen unit - for dynamic label formatter = extend(normalizedInterval, {
higherRanks: higherRanks,
totalRange: interval * count
return tickPositions;
}; // end of Time
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
/* eslint max-len: 0 */
var color = H.color,
isTouchDevice = H.isTouchDevice,
merge = H.merge,
svg = H.svg;
/* ****************************************************************************
* Handle the options *
* @optionparent
H.defaultOptions = {
* An array containing the default colors for the chart's series. When
* all colors are used, new colors are pulled from the start again.
* Default colors can also be set on a series or series.type basis,
* see [column.colors](#plotOptions.column.colors),
* [pie.colors](#plotOptions.pie.colors).
* In styled mode, the colors option doesn't exist. Instead, colors
* are defined in CSS and applied either through series or point class
* names, or through the [chart.colorCount](#chart.colorCount) option.
* ### Legacy
* In Highcharts 3.x, the default colors were:
* <pre>colors: ['#2f7ed8', '#0d233a', '#8bbc21', '#910000', '#1aadce',
* '#492970', '#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a']</pre>
* In Highcharts 2.x, the default colors were:
* <pre>colors: ['#4572A7', '#AA4643', '#89A54E', '#80699B', '#3D96AE',
* '#DB843D', '#92A8CD', '#A47D7C', '#B5CA92']</pre>
* @type {Array<Color>}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/colors/ Assign a global color theme
* @default ["#7cb5ec", "#434348", "#90ed7d", "#f7a35c", "#8085e9",
* "#f15c80", "#e4d354", "#2b908f", "#f45b5b", "#91e8e1"]
colors: '#7cb5ec #434348 #90ed7d #f7a35c #8085e9 #f15c80 #e4d354 #2b908f #f45b5b #91e8e1'.split(' '),
* Styled mode only. Configuration object for adding SVG definitions for
* reusable elements. See [gradients, shadows and patterns](http://www.
* patterns) for more information and code examples.
* @type {Object}
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption defs
* @ignore-option
symbols: ['circle', 'diamond', 'square', 'triangle', 'triangle-down'],
lang: {
* The loading text that appears when the chart is set into the loading
* state following a call to `chart.showLoading`.
* @type {String}
* @default Loading...
loading: 'Loading...',
* An array containing the months names. Corresponds to the `%B` format
* in `Highcharts.dateFormat()`.
* @type {Array<String>}
* @default [ "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" ,
* "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" ,
* "November" , "December"]
months: [
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
* An array containing the months names in abbreviated form. Corresponds
* to the `%b` format in `Highcharts.dateFormat()`.
* @type {Array<String>}
* @default [ "Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" ,
* "Jul" , "Aug" , "Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec"]
shortMonths: [
'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul',
'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'
* An array containing the weekday names.
* @type {Array<String>}
* @default ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
* "Friday", "Saturday"]
weekdays: [
'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'
* Short week days, starting Sunday. If not specified, Highcharts uses
* the first three letters of the `lang.weekdays` option.
* @type {Array<String>}
* @sample highcharts/lang/shortweekdays/
* Finnish two-letter abbreviations
* @since 4.2.4
* @apioption lang.shortWeekdays
* What to show in a date field for invalid dates. Defaults to an empty
* string.
* @type {String}
* @since 4.1.8
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption lang.invalidDate
* The default decimal point used in the `Highcharts.numberFormat`
* method unless otherwise specified in the function arguments.
* @type {String}
* @default .
* @since 1.2.2
decimalPoint: '.',
* [Metric prefixes]( used
* to shorten high numbers in axis labels. Replacing any of the positions
* with `null` causes the full number to be written. Setting `numericSymbols`
* to `null` disables shortening altogether.
* @type {Array<String>}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/lang/numericsymbols/
* Replacing the symbols with text
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/lang/numericsymbols/
* Replacing the symbols with text
* @default [ "k" , "M" , "G" , "T" , "P" , "E"]
* @since 2.3.0
numericSymbols: ['k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'],
* The magnitude of [numericSymbols](#lang.numericSymbol) replacements.
* Use 10000 for Japanese, Korean and various Chinese locales, which
* use symbols for 10^4, 10^8 and 10^12.
* @type {Number}
* @sample highcharts/lang/numericsymbolmagnitude/
* 10000 magnitude for Japanese
* @default 1000
* @since 5.0.3
* @apioption lang.numericSymbolMagnitude
* The text for the label appearing when a chart is zoomed.
* @type {String}
* @default Reset zoom
* @since 1.2.4
resetZoom: 'Reset zoom',
* The tooltip title for the label appearing when a chart is zoomed.
* @type {String}
* @default Reset zoom level 1:1
* @since 1.2.4
resetZoomTitle: 'Reset zoom level 1:1',
* The default thousands separator used in the `Highcharts.numberFormat`
* method unless otherwise specified in the function arguments. Since
* Highcharts 4.1 it defaults to a single space character, which is
* compatible with ISO and works across Anglo-American and continental
* European languages.
* The default is a single space.
* @type {String}
* @default
* @since 1.2.2
thousandsSep: ' '
* Global options that don't apply to each chart. These options, like
* the `lang` options, must be set using the `Highcharts.setOptions`
* method.
* <pre>Highcharts.setOptions({
* global: {
* useUTC: false
* }
* });</pre>
* _Canvg rendering for Android 2.x is removed as of Highcharts 5.0\.
* Use the [libURL](#exporting.libURL) option to configure exporting._
* The URL to the additional file to lazy load for Android 2.x devices.
* These devices don't support SVG, so we download a helper file that
* contains [canvg](, its dependency
* rbcolor, and our own CanVG Renderer class. To avoid hotlinking to
* our site, you can install canvas-tools.js on your own server and
* change this option accordingly.
* @type {String}
* @deprecated
* @default{version}/modules/canvas-tools.js
* @product highcharts highmaps
* @apioption global.canvasToolsURL
* This option is deprecated since v6.0.5. Instead, use
* [time.useUTC](#time.useUTC) that supports individual time settings
* per chart.
* @deprecated
* @type {Boolean}
* @apioption global.useUTC
* This option is deprecated since v6.0.5. Instead, use
* [time.Date](#time.Date) that supports individual time settings
* per chart.
* @deprecated
* @type {Object}
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption global.Date
* This option is deprecated since v6.0.5. Instead, use
* [time.getTimezoneOffset](#time.getTimezoneOffset) that supports
* individual time settings per chart.
* @deprecated
* @type {Function}
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption global.getTimezoneOffset
* This option is deprecated since v6.0.5. Instead, use
* [time.timezone](#time.timezone) that supports individual time
* settings per chart.
* @deprecated
* @type {String}
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption global.timezone
* This option is deprecated since v6.0.5. Instead, use
* [time.timezoneOffset](#time.timezoneOffset) that supports individual
* time settings per chart.
* @deprecated
* @type {Number}
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption global.timezoneOffset
global: {},
time: H.Time.prototype.defaultOptions,
chart: {
* When using multiple axis, the ticks of two or more opposite axes
* will automatically be aligned by adding ticks to the axis or axes
* with the least ticks, as if `tickAmount` were specified.
* This can be prevented by setting `alignTicks` to false. If the grid
* lines look messy, it's a good idea to hide them for the secondary
* axis by setting `gridLineWidth` to 0.
* If `startOnTick` or `endOnTick` in an Axis options are set to false,
* then the `alignTicks ` will be disabled for the Axis.
* Disabled for logarithmic axes.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/alignticks-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/alignticks-false/
* False
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/alignticks-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/alignticks-false/
* False
* @default true
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption chart.alignTicks
* Set the overall animation for all chart updating. Animation can be
* disabled throughout the chart by setting it to false here. It can
* be overridden for each individual API method as a function parameter.
* The only animation not affected by this option is the initial series
* animation, see [plotOptions.series.animation](
* #plotOptions.series.animation).
* The animation can either be set as a boolean or a configuration
* object. If `true`, it will use the 'swing' jQuery easing and a
* duration of 500 ms. If used as a configuration object, the following
* properties are supported:
* <dl>
* <dt>duration</dt>
* <dd>The duration of the animation in milliseconds.</dd>
* <dt>easing</dt>
* <dd>A string reference to an easing function set on the `Math` object.
* See [the easing demo](
* highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/plotoptions/
* series-animation-easing/).</dd>
* </dl>
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/animation-none/
* Updating with no animation
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/animation-duration/
* With a longer duration
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/animation-easing/
* With a jQuery UI easing
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/animation-none/
* Updating with no animation
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/animation-duration/
* With a longer duration
* @default true
* @apioption chart.animation
* A CSS class name to apply to the charts container `div`, allowing
* unique CSS styling for each chart.
* @type {String}
* @apioption chart.className
* Event listeners for the chart.
* @apioption
* Fires when a series is added to the chart after load time, using
* the `addSeries` method. One parameter, `event`, is passed to the
* function, containing common event information.
* Through `event.options` you can access the series options that was
* passed to the `addSeries` method. Returning false prevents the series
* from being added.
* @type {Function}
* @context Chart
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/events-addseries/ Alert on add series
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/events-addseries/ Alert on add series
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires when clicking on the plot background. One parameter, `event`,
* is passed to the function, containing common event information.
* Information on the clicked spot can be found through `event.xAxis`
* and `event.yAxis`, which are arrays containing the axes of each dimension
* and each axis' value at the clicked spot. The primary axes are
* `event.xAxis[0]` and `event.yAxis[0]`. Remember the unit of a
* datetime axis is milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
* <pre>click: function(e) {
* console.log(
* Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', e.xAxis[0].value),
* e.yAxis[0].value
* )
* }</pre>
* @type {Function}
* @context Chart
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/events-click/
* Alert coordinates on click
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/events-container/
* Alternatively, attach event to container
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/events-click/
* Alert coordinates on click
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/chart/events-container/
* Alternatively, attach event to container
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/events-click/
* Record coordinates on click
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/chart/events-container/
* Alternatively, attach event to container
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires when the chart is finished loading. Since v4.2.2, it also waits
* for images to be loaded, for example from point markers. One parameter,
* `event`, is passed to the function, containing common event information.
* There is also a second parameter to the chart constructor where a
* callback function can be passed to be executed on chart.load.
* @type {Function}
* @context Chart
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/events-load/
* Alert on chart load
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/events-load/
* Alert on chart load
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/events-load/
* Add series on chart load
* @apioption
* Fires when the chart is redrawn, either after a call to chart.redraw()
* or after an axis, series or point is modified with the `redraw` option
* set to true. One parameter, `event`, is passed to the function, containing common event information.
* @type {Function}
* @context Chart
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/events-redraw/
* Alert on chart redraw
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/events-redraw/
* Alert on chart redraw when adding a series or moving the
* zoomed range
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/events-redraw/
* Set subtitle on chart redraw
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires after initial load of the chart (directly after the `load`
* event), and after each redraw (directly after the `redraw` event).
* @type {Function}
* @context Chart
* @since 5.0.7
* @apioption
* Fires when an area of the chart has been selected. Selection is enabled
* by setting the chart's zoomType. One parameter, `event`, is passed
* to the function, containing common event information. The default action for the selection event is to
* zoom the chart to the selected area. It can be prevented by calling
* `event.preventDefault()`.
* Information on the selected area can be found through `event.xAxis`
* and `event.yAxis`, which are arrays containing the axes of each dimension
* and each axis' min and max values. The primary axes are `event.xAxis[0]`
* and `event.yAxis[0]`. Remember the unit of a datetime axis is milliseconds
* since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
* <pre>selection: function(event) {
* // log the min and max of the primary, datetime x-axis
* console.log(
* Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', event.xAxis[0].min),
* Highcharts.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', event.xAxis[0].max)
* );
* // log the min and max of the y axis
* console.log(event.yAxis[0].min, event.yAxis[0].max);
* }</pre>
* @type {Function}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/events-selection/
* Report on selection and reset
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/events-selection-points/
* Select a range of points through a drag selection
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/events-selection/
* Report on selection and reset
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/chart/events-selection-points/
* Select a range of points through a drag selection (Highcharts)
* @apioption
* The margin between the outer edge of the chart and the plot area.
* The numbers in the array designate top, right, bottom and left
* respectively. Use the options `marginTop`, `marginRight`,
* `marginBottom` and `marginLeft` for shorthand setting of one option.
* By default there is no margin. The actual space is dynamically calculated
* from the offset of axis labels, axis title, title, subtitle and legend
* in addition to the `spacingTop`, `spacingRight`, `spacingBottom`
* and `spacingLeft` options.
* @type {Array}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/margins-zero/
* Zero margins
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/margin-zero/
* Zero margins
* @defaults {all} null
* @apioption chart.margin
* The margin between the bottom outer edge of the chart and the plot
* area. Use this to set a fixed pixel value for the margin as opposed
* to the default dynamic margin. See also `spacingBottom`.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/marginbottom/
* 100px bottom margin
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/marginbottom/
* 100px bottom margin
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/margin/
* 100px margins
* @since 2.0
* @apioption chart.marginBottom
* The margin between the left outer edge of the chart and the plot
* area. Use this to set a fixed pixel value for the margin as opposed
* to the default dynamic margin. See also `spacingLeft`.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/marginleft/
* 150px left margin
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/marginleft/
* 150px left margin
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/margin/
* 100px margins
* @default null
* @since 2.0
* @apioption chart.marginLeft
* The margin between the right outer edge of the chart and the plot
* area. Use this to set a fixed pixel value for the margin as opposed
* to the default dynamic margin. See also `spacingRight`.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/marginright/
* 100px right margin
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/marginright/
* 100px right margin
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/margin/
* 100px margins
* @default null
* @since 2.0
* @apioption chart.marginRight
* The margin between the top outer edge of the chart and the plot area.
* Use this to set a fixed pixel value for the margin as opposed to
* the default dynamic margin. See also `spacingTop`.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/margintop/ 100px top margin
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/margintop/
* 100px top margin
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/margin/
* 100px margins
* @default null
* @since 2.0
* @apioption chart.marginTop
* Allows setting a key to switch between zooming and panning. Can be
* one of `alt`, `ctrl`, `meta` (the command key on Mac and Windows
* key on Windows) or `shift`. The keys are mapped directly to the key
* properties of the click event argument (`event.altKey`, `event.ctrlKey`,
* `event.metaKey` and `event.shiftKey`).
* @validvalue [null, "alt", "ctrl", "meta", "shift"]
* @type {String}
* @since 4.0.3
* @product highcharts
* @apioption chart.panKey
* Allow panning in a chart. Best used with [panKey](#chart.panKey)
* to combine zooming and panning.
* On touch devices, when the [tooltip.followTouchMove](#tooltip.followTouchMove)
* option is `true` (default), panning requires two fingers. To allow
* panning with one finger, set `followTouchMove` to `false`.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/pankey/ Zooming and panning
* @default {highcharts} false
* @default {highstock} true
* @since 4.0.3
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption chart.panning
* Equivalent to [zoomType](#chart.zoomType), but for multitouch gestures
* only. By default, the `pinchType` is the same as the `zoomType` setting.
* However, pinching can be enabled separately in some cases, for example
* in stock charts where a mouse drag pans the chart, while pinching
* is enabled. When [tooltip.followTouchMove](#tooltip.followTouchMove)
* is true, pinchType only applies to two-finger touches.
* @validvalue ["x", "y", "xy"]
* @type {String}
* @default {highcharts} null
* @default {highstock} x
* @since 3.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption chart.pinchType
* The corner radius of the outer chart border.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/borderradius/ 20px radius
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/border/ 10px radius
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/border/ Border options
* @default 0
borderRadius: 0,
* Alias of `type`.
* @validvalue ["line", "spline", "column", "area", "areaspline", "pie"]
* @type {String}
* @deprecated
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/defaultseriestype/ Bar
* @default line
* @product highcharts
defaultSeriesType: 'line',
* If true, the axes will scale to the remaining visible series once
* one series is hidden. If false, hiding and showing a series will
* not affect the axes or the other series. For stacks, once one series
* within the stack is hidden, the rest of the stack will close in
* around it even if the axis is not affected.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/ignorehiddenseries-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/ignorehiddenseries-false/
* False
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/ignorehiddenseries-true-stacked/
* True with stack
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/ignorehiddenseries-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/ignorehiddenseries-false/
* False
* @default true
* @since 1.2.0
* @product highcharts highstock
ignoreHiddenSeries: true,
* Whether to invert the axes so that the x axis is vertical and y axis
* is horizontal. When `true`, the x axis is [reversed](#xAxis.reversed)
* by default.
* @productdesc {highcharts}
* If a bar series is present in the chart, it will be inverted
* automatically. Inverting the chart doesn't have an effect if there
* are no cartesian series in the chart, or if the chart is
* [polar](#chart.polar).
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/inverted/
* Inverted line
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/inverted/
* Inverted stock chart
* @default false
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption chart.inverted
* The distance between the outer edge of the chart and the content,
* like title or legend, or axis title and labels if present. The
* numbers in the array designate top, right, bottom and left respectively.
* Use the options spacingTop, spacingRight, spacingBottom and spacingLeft
* options for shorthand setting of one option.
* @type {Array<Number>}
* @see [chart.margin](#chart.margin)
* @default [10, 10, 15, 10]
* @since 3.0.6
spacing: [10, 10, 15, 10],
* The button that appears after a selection zoom, allowing the user
* to reset zoom.
resetZoomButton: {
* What frame the button should be placed related to. Can be either
* `plot` or `chart`
* @validvalue ["plot", "chart"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/resetzoombutton-relativeto/
* Relative to the chart
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/chart/resetzoombutton-relativeto/
* Relative to the chart
* @default plot
* @since 2.2
* @apioption chart.resetZoomButton.relativeTo
* A collection of attributes for the button. The object takes SVG
* attributes like `fill`, `stroke`, `stroke-width` or `r`, the border
* radius. The theme also supports `style`, a collection of CSS properties
* for the text. Equivalent attributes for the hover state are given
* in `theme.states.hover`.
* @type {Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/resetzoombutton-theme/
* Theming the button
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/chart/resetzoombutton-theme/
* Theming the button
* @since 2.2
theme: {
* The Z index for the reset zoom button. The default value
* places it below the tooltip that has Z index 7.
zIndex: 6
* The position of the button.
* @type {Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/resetzoombutton-position/
* Above the plot area
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/chart/resetzoombutton-position/
* Above the plot area
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/chart/resetzoombutton-position/
* Above the plot area
* @since 2.2
position: {
* The horizontal alignment of the button.
* @type {String}
align: 'right',
* The horizontal offset of the button.
* @type {Number}
x: -10,
* The vertical alignment of the button.
* @validvalue ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
* @type {String}
* @default top
* @apioption chart.resetZoomButton.position.verticalAlign
* The vertical offset of the button.
* @type {Number}
y: 10
* The pixel width of the plot area border.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/plotborderwidth/ 1px border
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/plotborder/
* 2px border
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/plotborder/
* Plot border options
* @default 0
* @apioption chart.plotBorderWidth
* Whether to apply a drop shadow to the plot area. Requires that
* plotBackgroundColor be set. The shadow can be an object configuration
* containing `color`, `offsetX`, `offsetY`, `opacity` and `width`.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/plotshadow/ Plot shadow
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/plotshadow/
* Plot shadow
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/plotborder/
* Plot border options
* @default false
* @apioption chart.plotShadow
* When true, cartesian charts like line, spline, area and column are
* transformed into the polar coordinate system. Requires
* `highcharts-more.js`.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @since 2.3.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption chart.polar
* Whether to reflow the chart to fit the width of the container div
* on resizing the window.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/reflow-true/ True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/reflow-false/ False
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/reflow-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/reflow-false/
* False
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/reflow-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/reflow-false/
* False
* @default true
* @since 2.1
* @apioption chart.reflow
* The HTML element where the chart will be rendered. If it is a string,
* the element by that id is used. The HTML element can also be passed
* by direct reference, or as the first argument of the chart constructor,
* in which case the option is not needed.
* @type {String|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/reflow-true/
* String
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/renderto-object/
* Object reference
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/renderto-jquery/
* Object reference through jQuery
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/renderto-string/
* String
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/renderto-object/
* Object reference
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/renderto-jquery/
* Object reference through jQuery
* @apioption chart.renderTo
* The background color of the marker square when selecting (zooming
* in on) an area of the chart.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the selection marker fill is set with the
* `.highcharts-selection-marker` class.
* @default rgba(51,92,173,0.25)
* @since 2.1.7
* @apioption chart.selectionMarkerFill
* Whether to apply a drop shadow to the outer chart area. Requires
* that backgroundColor be set. The shadow can be an object configuration
* containing `color`, `offsetX`, `offsetY`, `opacity` and `width`.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/shadow/ Shadow
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/shadow/
* Shadow
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/border/
* Chart border and shadow
* @default false
* @apioption chart.shadow
* Whether to show the axes initially. This only applies to empty charts
* where series are added dynamically, as axes are automatically added
* to cartesian series.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/showaxes-false/ False by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/showaxes-true/ True
* @since 1.2.5
* @product highcharts
* @apioption chart.showAxes
* The space between the bottom edge of the chart and the content (plot
* area, axis title and labels, title, subtitle or legend in top position).
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/spacingbottom/
* Spacing bottom set to 100
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/spacingbottom/
* Spacing bottom set to 100
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/spacing/
* Spacing 100 all around
* @default 15
* @since 2.1
* @apioption chart.spacingBottom
* The space between the left edge of the chart and the content (plot
* area, axis title and labels, title, subtitle or legend in top position).
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/spacingleft/
* Spacing left set to 100
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/spacingleft/
* Spacing left set to 100
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/spacing/
* Spacing 100 all around
* @default 10
* @since 2.1
* @apioption chart.spacingLeft
* The space between the right edge of the chart and the content (plot
* area, axis title and labels, title, subtitle or legend in top
* position).
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/spacingright-100/
* Spacing set to 100
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/spacingright-legend/
* Legend in right position with default spacing
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/spacingright/
* Spacing set to 100
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/spacing/
* Spacing 100 all around
* @default 10
* @since 2.1
* @apioption chart.spacingRight
* The space between the top edge of the chart and the content (plot
* area, axis title and labels, title, subtitle or legend in top
* position).
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/spacingtop-100/
* A top spacing of 100
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/spacingtop-10/
* Floating chart title makes the plot area align to the default
* spacingTop of 10.
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/spacingtop/
* A top spacing of 100
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/spacing/
* Spacing 100 all around
* @default 10
* @since 2.1
* @apioption chart.spacingTop
* Additional CSS styles to apply inline to the container `div`. Note
* that since the default font styles are applied in the renderer, it
* is ignorant of the individual chart options and must be set globally.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, general chart styles can be set with the `.highcharts-root` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/style-serif-font/
* Using a serif type font
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/em/
* Styled mode with relative font sizes
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/style/
* Using a serif type font
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/style-serif-font/
* Using a serif type font
* @default {"fontFamily":"\"Lucida Grande\", \"Lucida Sans Unicode\", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif","fontSize":"12px"}
* @apioption
* The default series type for the chart. Can be any of the chart types
* listed under [plotOptions](#plotOptions).
* @validvalue ["line", "spline", "column", "bar", "area", "areaspline", "pie", "arearange", "areasplinerange", "boxplot", "bubble", "columnrange", "errorbar", "funnel", "gauge", "heatmap", "polygon", "pyramid", "scatter", "solidgauge", "treemap", "waterfall"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/type-bar/ Bar
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/type/
* Areaspline
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/type-mapline/
* Mapline
* @default {highcharts} line
* @default {highstock} line
* @default {highmaps} map
* @since 2.1.0
* @apioption chart.type
* Decides in what dimensions the user can zoom by dragging the mouse.
* Can be one of `x`, `y` or `xy`.
* @validvalue [null, "x", "y", "xy"]
* @type {String}
* @see [panKey](#chart.panKey)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/zoomtype-none/ None by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/zoomtype-x/ X
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/zoomtype-y/ Y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/zoomtype-xy/ Xy
* @sample {highstock} stock/demo/basic-line/ None by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/zoomtype-x/ X
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/zoomtype-y/ Y
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/zoomtype-xy/ Xy
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption chart.zoomType
* An explicit width for the chart. By default (when `null`) the width
* is calculated from the offset width of the containing element.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/width/ 800px wide
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/width/ 800px wide
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/size/ Chart with explicit size
* @default null
width: null,
* An explicit height for the chart. If a _number_, the height is
* given in pixels. If given a _percentage string_ (for example `'56%'`),
* the height is given as the percentage of the actual chart width.
* This allows for preserving the aspect ratio across responsive
* sizes.
* By default (when `null`) the height is calculated from the offset
* height of the containing element, or 400 pixels if the containing
* element's height is 0.
* @type {Number|String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/height/
* 500px height
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/height/
* 300px height
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/size/
* Chart with explicit size
* @sample highcharts/chart/height-percent/
* Highcharts with percentage height
* @default null
height: null,
* The color of the outer chart border.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the stroke is set with the `.highcharts-background`
* class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/bordercolor/ Brown border
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/border/ Brown border
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/border/ Border options
* @default #335cad
borderColor: '#335cad',
* The pixel width of the outer chart border.
* @type {Number}
* @see In styled mode, the stroke is set with the `.highcharts-background`
* class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/borderwidth/ 5px border
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/border/
* 2px border
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/border/
* Border options
* @default 0
* @apioption chart.borderWidth
* The background color or gradient for the outer chart area.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the background is set with the `.highcharts-background` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/backgroundcolor-color/ Color
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/backgroundcolor-gradient/ Gradient
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/backgroundcolor-color/
* Color
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/backgroundcolor-gradient/
* Gradient
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/backgroundcolor-color/
* Color
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/backgroundcolor-gradient/
* Gradient
* @default #FFFFFF
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
* The background color or gradient for the plot area.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the plot background is set with the `.highcharts-plot-background` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-color/
* Color
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-gradient/
* Gradient
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-color/
* Color
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-gradient/
* Gradient
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-color/
* Color
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-gradient/
* Gradient
* @default null
* @apioption chart.plotBackgroundColor
* The URL for an image to use as the plot background. To set an image
* as the background for the entire chart, set a CSS background image
* to the container element. Note that for the image to be applied to
* exported charts, its URL needs to be accessible by the export server.
* @type {String}
* @see In styled mode, a plot background image can be set with the
* `.highcharts-plot-background` class and a [custom pattern](http://www.
* patterns).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/plotbackgroundimage/ Skies
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/plotbackgroundimage/ Skies
* @default null
* @apioption chart.plotBackgroundImage
* The color of the inner chart or plot area border.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, a plot border stroke can be set with the
* `.highcharts-plot-border` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/plotbordercolor/ Blue border
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/plotborder/ Blue border
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/plotborder/ Plot border options
* @default #cccccc
plotBorderColor: '#cccccc'
* The chart's main title.
* @sample {highmaps} maps/title/title/ Title options demonstrated
title: {
* When the title is floating, the plot area will not move to make space
* for it.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/zoomtype-none/ False by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/floating/
* True - title on top of the plot area
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-floating/
* True - title on top of the plot area
* @default false
* @since 2.1
* @apioption title.floating
* CSS styles for the title. Use this for font styling, but use `align`,
* `x` and `y` for text alignment.
* In styled mode, the title style is given in the `.highcharts-title` class.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/style/ Custom color and weight
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-style/ Custom color and weight
* @sample highcharts/css/titles/ Styled mode
* @default {highcharts|highmaps} { "color": "#333333", "fontSize": "18px" }
* @default {highstock} { "color": "#333333", "fontSize": "16px" }
* @apioption
* Whether to [use HTML](
* and-string-formatting#html) to render the text.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @apioption title.useHTML
* The vertical alignment of the title. Can be one of `"top"`, `"middle"`
* and `"bottom"`. When a value is given, the title behaves as if
* [floating](#title.floating) were `true`.
* @validvalue ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/verticalalign/
* Chart title in bottom right corner
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-verticalalign/
* Chart title in bottom right corner
* @since 2.1
* @apioption title.verticalAlign
* The x position of the title relative to the alignment within chart.
* spacingLeft and chart.spacingRight.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/align/
* Aligned to the plot area (x = 70px = margin left - spacing left)
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-align/
* Aligned to the plot area (x = 50px = margin left - spacing left)
* @default 0
* @since 2.0
* @apioption title.x
* The y position of the title relative to the alignment within [chart.
* spacingTop](#chart.spacingTop) and [chart.spacingBottom](#chart.spacingBottom).
* By default it depends on the font size.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/y/
* Title inside the plot area
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-verticalalign/
* Chart title in bottom right corner
* @since 2.0
* @apioption title.y
* The title of the chart. To disable the title, set the `text` to
* `null`.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/text/ Custom title
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-text/ Custom title
* @default {highcharts|highmaps} Chart title
* @default {highstock} null
text: 'Chart title',
* The horizontal alignment of the title. Can be one of "left", "center"
* and "right".
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/align/ Aligned to the plot area (x = 70px = margin left - spacing left)
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-align/ Aligned to the plot area (x = 50px = margin left - spacing left)
* @default center
* @since 2.0
align: 'center',
* The margin between the title and the plot area, or if a subtitle
* is present, the margin between the subtitle and the plot area.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/margin-50/ A chart title margin of 50
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/margin-subtitle/ The same margin applied with a subtitle
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/title-margin/ A chart title margin of 50
* @default 15
* @since 2.1
margin: 15,
* Adjustment made to the title width, normally to reserve space for
* the exporting burger menu.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/widthadjust/ Wider menu, greater padding
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/title/widthadjust/ Wider menu, greater padding
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/title/widthadjust/ Wider menu, greater padding
* @default -44
* @since 4.2.5
widthAdjust: -44
* The chart's subtitle. This can be used both to display a subtitle below
* the main title, and to display random text anywhere in the chart. The
* subtitle can be updated after chart initialization through the
* `Chart.setTitle` method.
* @sample {highmaps} maps/title/subtitle/ Subtitle options demonstrated
subtitle: {
* When the subtitle is floating, the plot area will not move to make
* space for it.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/floating/
* Floating title and subtitle
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-footnote
* Footnote floating at bottom right of plot area
* @default false
* @since 2.1
* @apioption subtitle.floating
* CSS styles for the title.
* In styled mode, the subtitle style is given in the `.highcharts-subtitle` class.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/style/
* Custom color and weight
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/titles/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-style
* Custom color and weight
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/css/titles/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/css/titles/
* Styled mode
* @default { "color": "#666666" }
* @apioption
* Whether to [use HTML](
* and-string-formatting#html) to render the text.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @apioption subtitle.useHTML
* The vertical alignment of the title. Can be one of "top", "middle"
* and "bottom". When a value is given, the title behaves as floating.
* @validvalue ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/verticalalign/
* Footnote at the bottom right of plot area
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-footnote
* Footnote at the bottom right of plot area
* @default
* @since 2.1
* @apioption subtitle.verticalAlign
* The x position of the subtitle relative to the alignment within chart.
* spacingLeft and chart.spacingRight.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/align/
* Footnote at right of plot area
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-footnote
* Footnote at the bottom right of plot area
* @default 0
* @since 2.0
* @apioption subtitle.x
* The y position of the subtitle relative to the alignment within chart.
* spacingTop and chart.spacingBottom. By default the subtitle is laid
* out below the title unless the title is floating.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/verticalalign/
* Footnote at the bottom right of plot area
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-footnote
* Footnote at the bottom right of plot area
* @default {highcharts} null
* @default {highstock} null
* @default {highmaps}
* @since 2.0
* @apioption subtitle.y
* The subtitle of the chart.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/text/ Custom subtitle
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/text-formatted/ Formatted and linked text.
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-text Custom subtitle
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-text-formatted Formatted and linked text.
text: '',
* The horizontal alignment of the subtitle. Can be one of "left",
* "center" and "right".
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/subtitle/align/ Footnote at right of plot area
* @sample {highstock} stock/chart/subtitle-footnote Footnote at bottom right of plot area
* @default center
* @since 2.0
align: 'center',
* Adjustment made to the subtitle width, normally to reserve space
* for the exporting burger menu.
* @type {Number}
* @see [title.widthAdjust](#title.widthAdjust)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/title/widthadjust/ Wider menu, greater padding
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/title/widthadjust/ Wider menu, greater padding
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/title/widthadjust/ Wider menu, greater padding
* @default -44
* @since 4.2.5
widthAdjust: -44
* The plotOptions is a wrapper object for config objects for each series
* type. The config objects for each series can also be overridden for
* each series item as given in the series array.
* Configuration options for the series are given in three levels. Options
* for all series in a chart are given in the [plotOptions.series](
* #plotOptions.series) object. Then options for all series of a specific
* type are given in the plotOptions of that type, for example
* `plotOptions.line`. Next, options for one single series are given in
* [the series array](#series).
plotOptions: {},
* HTML labels that can be positioned anywhere in the chart area.
labels: {
* A HTML label that can be positioned anywhere in the chart area.
* @type {Array<Object>}
* @apioption labels.items
* Inner HTML or text for the label.
* @type {String}
* @apioption labels.items.html
* CSS styles for each label. To position the label, use left and top
* like this:
* <pre>style: {
* left: '100px',
* top: '100px'
* }</pre>
* @type {CSSObject}
* @apioption
* Shared CSS styles for all labels.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @default { "color": "#333333" }
style: {
position: 'absolute',
color: '#333333'
* The legend is a box containing a symbol and name for each series
* item or point item in the chart. Each series (or points in case
* of pie charts) is represented by a symbol and its name in the legend.
* It is possible to override the symbol creator function and
* create [custom legend symbols](
* custom-symbol/).
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* A Highmaps legend by default contains one legend item per series, but if
* a `colorAxis` is defined, the axis will be displayed in the legend.
* Either as a gradient, or as multiple legend items for `dataClasses`.
legend: {
* The background color of the legend.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the legend background fill can be applied with
* the `.highcharts-legend-box` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/backgroundcolor/ Yellowish background
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/ Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/border-background/ Border and background options
* @apioption legend.backgroundColor
* The width of the drawn border around the legend.
* @type {Number}
* @see In styled mode, the legend border stroke width can be applied
* with the `.highcharts-legend-box` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/borderwidth/ 2px border width
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/ Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/border-background/ Border and background options
* @default 0
* @apioption legend.borderWidth
* Enable or disable the legend.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/enabled-false/ Legend disabled
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/ Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/enabled-false/ Legend disabled
* @default {highstock} false
* @default {highmaps} true
enabled: true,
* The horizontal alignment of the legend box within the chart area.
* Valid values are `left`, `center` and `right`.
* In the case that the legend is aligned in a corner position, the
* `layout` option will determine whether to place it above/below
* or on the side of the plot area.
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/align/
* Legend at the right of the chart
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/
* Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/alignment/
* Legend alignment
* @since 2.0
align: 'center',
* If the [layout](legend.layout) is `horizontal` and the legend items
* span over two lines or more, whether to align the items into vertical
* columns. Setting this to `false` makes room for more items, but will
* look more messy.
* @since 6.1.0
alignColumns: true,
* When the legend is floating, the plot area ignores it and is allowed
* to be placed below it.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/floating-false/ False by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/floating-true/ True
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/alignment/ Floating legend
* @default false
* @since 2.1
* @apioption legend.floating
* The layout of the legend items. Can be one of "horizontal" or "vertical".
* @validvalue ["horizontal", "vertical"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/layout-horizontal/ Horizontal by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/layout-vertical/ Vertical
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/layout-horizontal/ Horizontal by default
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/padding-itemmargin/ Vertical with data classes
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/layout-vertical/ Vertical with color axis gradient
* @default horizontal
layout: 'horizontal',
* In a legend with horizontal layout, the itemDistance defines the
* pixel distance between each item.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/layout-horizontal/ 50px item distance
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/layout-horizontal/ 50px item distance
* @default {highcharts} 20
* @default {highstock} 20
* @default {highmaps} 8
* @since 3.0.3
* @apioption legend.itemDistance
* The pixel bottom margin for each legend item.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/padding-itemmargin/ Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/padding-itemmargin/ Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/padding-itemmargin/ Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @default 0
* @since 2.2.0
* @apioption legend.itemMarginBottom
* The pixel top margin for each legend item.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/padding-itemmargin/ Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/padding-itemmargin/ Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/padding-itemmargin/ Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @default 0
* @since 2.2.0
* @apioption legend.itemMarginTop
* The width for each legend item. By default the items are laid out
* successively. In a [horizontal layout](legend.layout), if the items
* are laid out across two rows or more, they will be vertically aligned
* depending on the [legend.alignColumns](legend.alignColumns) option.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/itemwidth-default/ Null by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/itemwidth-80/ 80 for aligned legend items
* @default null
* @since 2.0
* @apioption legend.itemWidth
* A [format string](
* and-string-formatting) for each legend label. Available variables
* relates to properties on the series, or the point in case of pies.
* @type {String}
* @default {name}
* @since 1.3
* @apioption legend.labelFormat
* Callback function to format each of the series' labels. The `this`
* keyword refers to the series object, or the point object in case
* of pie charts. By default the series or point name is printed.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps the context can also be a data class in case
* of a `colorAxis`.
* @type {Function}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/labelformatter/ Add text
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/labelformatter/ Data classes with label formatter
* @context {Series|Point}
labelFormatter: function () {
* Line height for the legend items. Deprecated as of 2.1\. Instead,
* the line height for each item can be set using itemStyle.lineHeight,
* and the padding between items using itemMarginTop and itemMarginBottom.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/lineheight/ Setting padding
* @default 16
* @since 2.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption legend.lineHeight
* If the plot area sized is calculated automatically and the legend
* is not floating, the legend margin is the space between the legend
* and the axis labels or plot area.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/margin-default/ 12 pixels by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/margin-30/ 30 pixels
* @default 12
* @since 2.1
* @apioption legend.margin
* Maximum pixel height for the legend. When the maximum height is extended,
* navigation will show.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
* @since 2.3.0
* @apioption legend.maxHeight
* The color of the drawn border around the legend.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the legend border stroke can be applied with
* the `.highcharts-legend-box` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/bordercolor/ Brown border
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/ Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/border-background/ Border and background options
* @default #999999
borderColor: '#999999',
* The border corner radius of the legend.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/borderradius-default/ Square by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/borderradius-round/ 5px rounded
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/border-background/ Border and background options
* @default 0
borderRadius: 0,
* Options for the paging or navigation appearing when the legend
* is overflown. Navigation works well on screen, but not in static
* exported images. One way of working around that is to [increase
* the chart height in export](
* enabled-false/).
navigation: {
* How to animate the pages when navigating up or down. A value of `true`
* applies the default navigation given in the chart.animation option.
* Additional options can be given as an object containing values for
* easing and duration.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @default true
* @since 2.2.4
* @apioption legend.navigation.animation
* The pixel size of the up and down arrows in the legend paging
* navigation.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @default 12
* @since 2.2.4
* @apioption legend.navigation.arrowSize
* Whether to enable the legend navigation. In most cases, disabling
* the navigation results in an unwanted overflow.
* See also the [adapt chart to legend](
* registry/single/8/Adapt-Chart-To-Legend) plugin for a solution to
* extend the chart height to make room for the legend, optionally in
* exported charts only.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 4.2.4
* @apioption legend.navigation.enabled
* Text styles for the legend page navigation.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, the navigation items are styled with the
* `.highcharts-legend-navigation` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @since 2.2.4
* @apioption
* The color for the active up or down arrow in the legend page navigation.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the active arrow be styled with the `.highcharts-legend-nav-active` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/navigation/ Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/navigation/ Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @default #003399
* @since 2.2.4
activeColor: '#003399',
* The color of the inactive up or down arrow in the legend page
* navigation. .
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the inactive arrow be styled with the
* `.highcharts-legend-nav-inactive` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/navigation/
* Legend page navigation demonstrated
* @default {highcharts} #cccccc
* @default {highstock} #cccccc
* @default {highmaps} ##cccccc
* @since 2.2.4
inactiveColor: '#cccccc'
* The inner padding of the legend box.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/padding-itemmargin/
* Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/padding-itemmargin/
* Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/padding-itemmargin/
* Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @default 8
* @since 2.2.0
* @apioption legend.padding
* Whether to reverse the order of the legend items compared to the
* order of the series or points as defined in the configuration object.
* @type {Boolean}
* @see [yAxis.reversedStacks](#yAxis.reversedStacks),
* [series.legendIndex](#series.legendIndex)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/reversed/
* Stacked bar with reversed legend
* @default false
* @since 1.2.5
* @apioption legend.reversed
* Whether to show the symbol on the right side of the text rather than
* the left side. This is common in Arabic and Hebraic.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/rtl/ Symbol to the right
* @default false
* @since 2.2
* @apioption legend.rtl
* CSS styles for the legend area. In the 1.x versions the position
* of the legend area was determined by CSS. In 2.x, the position is
* determined by properties like `align`, `verticalAlign`, `x` and `y`,
* but the styles are still parsed for backwards compatibility.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @deprecated
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* CSS styles for each legend item. Only a subset of CSS is supported,
* notably those options related to text. The default `textOverflow`
* property makes long texts truncate. Set it to `null` to wrap text
* instead. A `width` property can be added to control the text width.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, the legend items can be styled with the
* `.highcharts-legend-item` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/itemstyle/ Bold black text
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/itemstyle/ Item text styles
* @default { "color": "#333333", "cursor": "pointer", "fontSize": "12px", "fontWeight": "bold", "textOverflow": "ellipsis" }
itemStyle: {
color: '#333333',
fontSize: '12px',
fontWeight: 'bold',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis'
* CSS styles for each legend item in hover mode. Only a subset of
* CSS is supported, notably those options related to text. Properties
* are inherited from `style` unless overridden here.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, the hovered legend items can be styled with
* the `.highcharts-legend-item:hover` pesudo-class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/itemhoverstyle/ Red on hover
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/itemstyle/ Item text styles
* @default { "color": "#000000" }
itemHoverStyle: {
color: '#000000'
* CSS styles for each legend item when the corresponding series or
* point is hidden. Only a subset of CSS is supported, notably those
* options related to text. Properties are inherited from `style`
* unless overridden here.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, the hidden legend items can be styled with
* the `.highcharts-legend-item-hidden` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/itemhiddenstyle/ Darker gray color
* @default { "color": "#cccccc" }
itemHiddenStyle: {
color: '#cccccc'
* Whether to apply a drop shadow to the legend. A `backgroundColor`
* also needs to be applied for this to take effect. The shadow can be
* an object configuration containing `color`, `offsetX`, `offsetY`,
* `opacity` and `width`.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/shadow/
* White background and drop shadow
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/
* Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/border-background/
* Border and background options
* @default false
shadow: false,
* Default styling for the checkbox next to a legend item when
* `showCheckbox` is true.
itemCheckboxStyle: {
position: 'absolute',
width: '13px', // for IE precision
height: '13px'
// itemWidth: undefined,
* When this is true, the legend symbol width will be the same as
* the symbol height, which in turn defaults to the font size of the
* legend items.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 5.0.0
squareSymbol: true,
* The pixel height of the symbol for series types that use a rectangle
* in the legend. Defaults to the font size of legend items.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps, when the symbol is the gradient of a vertical color
* axis, the height defaults to 200.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/layout-vertical-sized/
* Sized vertical gradient
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/padding-itemmargin/
* No distance between data classes
* @since 3.0.8
* @apioption legend.symbolHeight
* The border radius of the symbol for series types that use a rectangle
* in the legend. Defaults to half the `symbolHeight`.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/symbolradius/ Round symbols
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/legend/symbolradius/ Round symbols
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/legend/symbolradius/ Round symbols
* @since 3.0.8
* @apioption legend.symbolRadius
* The pixel width of the legend item symbol. When the `squareSymbol`
* option is set, this defaults to the `symbolHeight`, otherwise 16.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps, when the symbol is the gradient of a horizontal color
* axis, the width defaults to 200.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/symbolwidth/
* Greater symbol width and padding
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/padding-itemmargin/
* Padding and item margins demonstrated
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/layout-vertical-sized/
* Sized vertical gradient
* @apioption legend.symbolWidth
* Whether to [use HTML](
* and-string-formatting#html) to render the legend item texts. Prior
* to 4.1.7, when using HTML, [legend.navigation](#legend.navigation)
* was disabled.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @apioption legend.useHTML
* The width of the legend box.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/width/ Aligned to the plot area
* @default null
* @since 2.0
* @apioption legend.width
* The pixel padding between the legend item symbol and the legend
* item text.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/symbolpadding/ Greater symbol width and padding
* @default 5
symbolPadding: 5,
* The vertical alignment of the legend box. Can be one of `top`,
* `middle` or `bottom`. Vertical position can be further determined
* by the `y` option.
* In the case that the legend is aligned in a corner position, the
* `layout` option will determine whether to place it above/below
* or on the side of the plot area.
* @validvalue ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/verticalalign/ Legend 100px from the top of the chart
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/ Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/alignment/ Legend alignment
* @default bottom
* @since 2.0
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
// width: undefined,
* The x offset of the legend relative to its horizontal alignment
* `align` within chart.spacingLeft and chart.spacingRight. Negative
* x moves it to the left, positive x moves it to the right.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/width/ Aligned to the plot area
* @default 0
* @since 2.0
x: 0,
* The vertical offset of the legend relative to it's vertical alignment
* `verticalAlign` within chart.spacingTop and chart.spacingBottom.
* Negative y moves it up, positive y moves it down.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/verticalalign/ Legend 100px from the top of the chart
* @sample {highstock} stock/legend/align/ Various legend options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/alignment/ Legend alignment
* @default 0
* @since 2.0
y: 0,
* A title to be added on top of the legend.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/legend/title/ Legend title
* @sample {highmaps} maps/legend/alignment/ Legend with title
* @since 3.0
title: {
* A text or HTML string for the title.
* @type {String}
* @default null
* @since 3.0
* @apioption legend.title.text
* Generic CSS styles for the legend title.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, the legend title is styled with the
* `.highcharts-legend-title` class.
* @default {"fontWeight":"bold"}
* @since 3.0
style: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
* The loading options control the appearance of the loading screen
* that covers the plot area on chart operations. This screen only
* appears after an explicit call to `chart.showLoading()`. It is a
* utility for developers to communicate to the end user that something
* is going on, for example while retrieving new data via an XHR connection.
* The "Loading..." text itself is not part of this configuration
* object, but part of the `lang` object.
loading: {
* The duration in milliseconds of the fade out effect.
* @type {Number}
* @sample highcharts/loading/hideduration/ Fade in and out over a second
* @default 100
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption loading.hideDuration
* The duration in milliseconds of the fade in effect.
* @type {Number}
* @sample highcharts/loading/hideduration/ Fade in and out over a second
* @default 100
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption loading.showDuration
* CSS styles for the loading label `span`.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, the loading label is styled with the
* `.highcharts-legend-loading-inner` class.
* @sample {highcharts|highmaps} highcharts/loading/labelstyle/ Vertically centered
* @sample {highstock} stock/loading/general/ Label styles
* @default { "fontWeight": "bold", "position": "relative", "top": "45%" }
* @since 1.2.0
labelStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
position: 'relative',
top: '45%'
* CSS styles for the loading screen that covers the plot area.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, the loading label is styled with the `.highcharts-legend-loading` class.
* @sample {highcharts|highmaps} highcharts/loading/style/ Gray plot area, white text
* @sample {highstock} stock/loading/general/ Gray plot area, white text
* @default { "position": "absolute", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "opacity": 0.5, "textAlign": "center" }
* @since 1.2.0
style: {
position: 'absolute',
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
opacity: 0.5,
textAlign: 'center'
* Options for the tooltip that appears when the user hovers over a
* series or point.
tooltip: {
* The color of the tooltip border. When `null`, the border takes the
* color of the corresponding series or point.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/bordercolor-default/
* Follow series by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/bordercolor-black/
* Black border
* @sample {highstock} stock/tooltip/general/
* Styled tooltip
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/background-border/
* Background and border demo
* @default null
* @apioption tooltip.borderColor
* Since 4.1, the crosshair definitions are moved to the Axis object
* in order for a better separation from the tooltip. See
* [xAxis.crosshair](#xAxis.crosshair)<a>.</a>
* @type {Mixed}
* @deprecated
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/crosshairs-x/
* Enable a crosshair for the x value
* @default true
* @apioption tooltip.crosshairs
* Whether the tooltip should follow the mouse as it moves across columns,
* pie slices and other point types with an extent. By default it behaves
* this way for scatter, bubble and pie series by override in the `plotOptions`
* for those series types.
* For touch moves to behave the same way, [followTouchMove](
* #tooltip.followTouchMove) must be `true` also.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default {highcharts} false
* @default {highstock} false
* @default {highmaps} true
* @since 3.0
* @apioption tooltip.followPointer
* Whether the tooltip should follow the finger as it moves on a touch
* device. If this is `true` and [chart.panning](#chart.panning) is
* set,`followTouchMove` will take over one-finger touches, so the user
* needs to use two fingers for zooming and panning.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default {highcharts} true
* @default {highstock} true
* @default {highmaps} false
* @since 3.0.1
* @apioption tooltip.followTouchMove
* Callback function to format the text of the tooltip from scratch. Return
* `false` to disable tooltip for a specific point on series.
* A subset of HTML is supported. Unless `useHTML` is true, the HTML of the
* tooltip is parsed and converted to SVG, therefore this isn't a complete HTML
* renderer. The following tags are supported: `<b>`, `<strong>`, `<i>`, `<em>`,
* `<br/>`, `<span>`. Spans can be styled with a `style` attribute,
* but only text-related CSS that is shared with SVG is handled.
* Since version 2.1 the tooltip can be shared between multiple series
* through the `shared` option. The available data in the formatter
* differ a bit depending on whether the tooltip is shared or not. In
* a shared tooltip, all properties except `x`, which is common for
* all points, are kept in an array, `this.points`.
* Available data are:
* <dl>
* <dt>this.percentage (not shared) / this.points[i].percentage (shared)</dt>
* <dd>Stacked series and pies only. The point's percentage of the total.
* </dd>
* <dt>this.point (not shared) / this.points[i].point (shared)</dt>
* <dd>The point object. The point name, if defined, is available through
* ``.</dd>
* <dt>this.points</dt>
* <dd>In a shared tooltip, this is an array containing all other properties
* for each point.</dd>
* <dt>this.series (not shared) / this.points[i].series (shared)</dt>
* <dd>The series object. The series name is available through
* ``.</dd>
* <dt> (not shared) / this.points[i].total (shared)</dt>
* <dd>Stacked series only. The total value at this point's x value.
* </dd>
* <dt>this.x</dt>
* <dd>The x value. This property is the same regardless of the tooltip
* being shared or not.</dd>
* <dt>this.y (not shared) / this.points[i].y (shared)</dt>
* <dd>The y value.</dd>
* </dl>
* @type {Function}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/formatter-simple/
* Simple string formatting
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/formatter-shared/
* Formatting with shared tooltip
* @sample {highstock} stock/tooltip/formatter/
* Formatting with shared tooltip
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/formatter/
* String formatting
* @apioption tooltip.formatter
* The number of milliseconds to wait until the tooltip is hidden when
* mouse out from a point or chart.
* @type {Number}
* @default 500
* @since 3.0
* @apioption tooltip.hideDelay
* A callback function for formatting the HTML output for a single point
* in the tooltip. Like the `pointFormat` string, but with more flexibility.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @since 4.1.0
* @apioption tooltip.pointFormatter
* A callback function to place the tooltip in a default position. The
* callback receives three parameters: `labelWidth`, `labelHeight` and
* `point`, where point contains values for `plotX` and `plotY` telling
* where the reference point is in the plot area. Add `chart.plotLeft`
* and `chart.plotTop` to get the full coordinates.
* The return should be an object containing x and y values, for example
* `{ x: 100, y: 100 }`.
* @type {Function}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/positioner/ A fixed tooltip position
* @sample {highstock} stock/tooltip/positioner/ A fixed tooltip position on top of the chart
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/positioner/ A fixed tooltip position
* @since 2.2.4
* @apioption tooltip.positioner
* The name of a symbol to use for the border around the tooltip.
* @type {String}
* @default callout
* @validvalue ["callout", "square"]
* @since 4.0
* @apioption tooltip.shape
* When the tooltip is shared, the entire plot area will capture mouse
* movement or touch events. Tooltip texts for series types with ordered
* data (not pie, scatter, flags etc) will be shown in a single bubble.
* This is recommended for single series charts and for tablet/mobile
* optimized charts.
* See also [tooltip.split](#tooltip.split), that is better suited for
* charts with many series, especially line-type series. The
* `tooltip.split` option takes precedence over `tooltip.shared`.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/shared-false/ False by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/shared-true/ True
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/shared-x-crosshair/ True with x axis crosshair
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/shared-true-mixed-types/ True with mixed series types
* @default false
* @since 2.1
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption tooltip.shared
* Split the tooltip into one label per series, with the header close
* to the axis. This is recommended over [shared](#tooltip.shared) tooltips
* for charts with multiple line series, generally making them easier
* to read. This option takes precedence over `tooltip.shared`.
* @productdesc {highstock} In Highstock, tooltips are split by default
* since v6.0.0. Stock charts typically contain multi-dimension points
* and multiple panes, making split tooltips the preferred layout over
* the previous `shared` tooltip.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/split/ Split tooltip
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/tooltip/split/ Split tooltip
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/tooltip/split/ Split tooltip
* @default {highcharts} false
* @default {highstock} true
* @product highcharts highstock
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption tooltip.split
* Use HTML to render the contents of the tooltip instead of SVG. Using
* HTML allows advanced formatting like tables and images in the tooltip.
* It is also recommended for rtl languages as it works around rtl
* bugs in early Firefox.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/footerformat/ A table for value alignment
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/fullhtml/ Full HTML tooltip
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/tooltip/footerformat/ A table for value alignment
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/tooltip/fullhtml/ Full HTML tooltip
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/usehtml/ Pure HTML tooltip
* @default false
* @since 2.2
* @apioption tooltip.useHTML
* How many decimals to show in each series' y value. This is overridable
* in each series' tooltip options object. The default is to preserve
* all decimals.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @since 2.2
* @apioption tooltip.valueDecimals
* A string to prepend to each series' y value. Overridable in each
* series' tooltip options object.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @since 2.2
* @apioption tooltip.valuePrefix
* A string to append to each series' y value. Overridable in each series'
* tooltip options object.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/valuedecimals/ Set decimals, prefix and suffix for the value
* @since 2.2
* @apioption tooltip.valueSuffix
* The format for the date in the tooltip header if the X axis is a
* datetime axis. The default is a best guess based on the smallest
* distance between points in the chart.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/xdateformat/ A different format
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption tooltip.xDateFormat
* Enable or disable the tooltip.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/enabled/ Disabled
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-mouseover/ Disable tooltip and show values on chart instead
* @default true
enabled: true,
* Enable or disable animation of the tooltip. In slow legacy IE browsers
* the animation is disabled by default.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 2.3.0
animation: svg,
* The radius of the rounded border corners.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/bordercolor-default/ 5px by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/borderradius-0/ Square borders
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/background-border/ Background and border demo
* @default 3
borderRadius: 3,
* For series on a datetime axes, the date format in the tooltip's
* header will by default be guessed based on the closest data points.
* This member gives the default string representations used for
* each unit. For an overview of the replacement codes, see
* [dateFormat](#Highcharts.dateFormat).
* Defaults to:
* <pre>{
* millisecond:"%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L",
* second:"%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S",
* minute:"%A, %b %e, %H:%M",
* hour:"%A, %b %e, %H:%M",
* day:"%A, %b %e, %Y",
* week:"Week from %A, %b %e, %Y",
* month:"%B %Y",
* year:"%Y"
* }</pre>
* @type {Object}
* @see [xAxis.dateTimeLabelFormats](#xAxis.dateTimeLabelFormats)
* @product highcharts highstock
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
millisecond: '%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L',
second: '%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S',
minute: '%A, %b %e, %H:%M',
hour: '%A, %b %e, %H:%M',
day: '%A, %b %e, %Y',
week: 'Week from %A, %b %e, %Y',
month: '%B %Y',
year: '%Y'
* A string to append to the tooltip format.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/footerformat/ A table for value alignment
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/format/ Format demo
* @since 2.2
footerFormat: '',
* Padding inside the tooltip, in pixels.
* @type {Number}
* @default 8
* @since 5.0.0
padding: 8,
* Proximity snap for graphs or single points. It defaults to 10 for
* mouse-powered devices and 25 for touch devices.
* Note that in most cases the whole plot area captures the mouse
* movement, and in these cases `tooltip.snap` doesn't make sense.
* This applies when [stickyTracking](#plotOptions.series.stickyTracking)
* is `true` (default) and when the tooltip is [shared](#tooltip.shared)
* or [split](#tooltip.split).
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/bordercolor-default/ 10 px by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/snap-50/ 50 px on graph
* @default 10/25
* @since 1.2.0
* @product highcharts highstock
snap: isTouchDevice ? 25 : 10,
* The background color or gradient for the tooltip.
* In styled mode, the stroke width is set in the `.highcharts-tooltip-box` class.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/backgroundcolor-solid/ Yellowish background
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/backgroundcolor-gradient/ Gradient
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/tooltip-border-background/ Tooltip in styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/tooltip/general/ Custom tooltip
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/css/tooltip-border-background/ Tooltip in styled mode
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/background-border/ Background and border demo
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/css/tooltip-border-background/ Tooltip in styled mode
* @default rgba(247,247,247,0.85)
backgroundColor: color('#f7f7f7').setOpacity(0.85).get(),
* The pixel width of the tooltip border.
* In styled mode, the stroke width is set in the `.highcharts-tooltip-box` class.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/bordercolor-default/ 2px by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/borderwidth/ No border (shadow only)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/tooltip-border-background/ Tooltip in styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/tooltip/general/ Custom tooltip
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/css/tooltip-border-background/ Tooltip in styled mode
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/background-border/ Background and border demo
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/css/tooltip-border-background/ Tooltip in styled mode
* @default 1
borderWidth: 1,
* The HTML of the tooltip header line. Variables are enclosed by
* curly brackets. Available variables are `point.key`, ``,
* `series.color` and other members from the `point` and `series`
* objects. The `point.key` variable contains the category name, x
* value or datetime string depending on the type of axis. For datetime
* axes, the `point.key` date format can be set using tooltip.xDateFormat.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/footerformat/
* A HTML table in the tooltip
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/tooltip/footerformat/
* A HTML table in the tooltip
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/format/ Format demo
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size: 10px">{point.key}</span><br/>',
* The HTML of the point's line in the tooltip. Variables are enclosed
* by curly brackets. Available variables are point.x, point.y, series.
* name and series.color and other properties on the same form. Furthermore,
* point.y can be extended by the `tooltip.valuePrefix` and
* `tooltip.valueSuffix` variables. This can also be overridden for each
* series, which makes it a good hook for displaying units.
* In styled mode, the dot is colored by a class name rather
* than the point color.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/pointformat/ A different point format with value suffix
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/format/ Format demo
* @default <span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> {}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>
* @since 2.2
pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> {}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>',
* Whether to apply a drop shadow to the tooltip.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/bordercolor-default/ True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/shadow/ False
* @sample {highmaps} maps/tooltip/positioner/ Fixed tooltip position, border and shadow disabled
* @default true
shadow: true,
* CSS styles for the tooltip. The tooltip can also be styled through
* the CSS class `.highcharts-tooltip`.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/tooltip/style/ Greater padding, bold text
* @default { "color": "#333333", "cursor": "default", "fontSize": "12px", "pointerEvents": "none", "whiteSpace": "nowrap" }
style: {
color: '#333333',
cursor: 'default',
fontSize: '12px',
pointerEvents: 'none', // #1686
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
* Highchart by default puts a credits label in the lower right corner
* of the chart. This can be changed using these options.
credits: {
* Whether to show the credits text.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/credits/enabled-false/ Credits disabled
* @sample {highstock} stock/credits/enabled/ Credits disabled
* @sample {highmaps} maps/credits/enabled-false/ Credits disabled
* @default true
enabled: true,
* The URL for the credits label.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/credits/href/ Custom URL and text
* @sample {highmaps} maps/credits/customized/ Custom URL and text
* @default {highcharts}
* @default {highstock} ""
* @default {highmaps}
href: '',
* Position configuration for the credits label.
* @type {Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/credits/position-left/ Left aligned
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/credits/position-left/ Left aligned
* @sample {highmaps} maps/credits/customized/ Left aligned
* @sample {highmaps} maps/credits/customized/ Left aligned
* @since 2.1
position: {
* Horizontal alignment of the credits.
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @default right
align: 'right',
* Horizontal pixel offset of the credits.
* @type {Number}
* @default -10
x: -10,
* Vertical alignment of the credits.
* @validvalue ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
* @type {String}
* @default bottom
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
* Vertical pixel offset of the credits.
* @type {Number}
* @default -5
y: -5
* CSS styles for the credits label.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @see In styled mode, credits styles can be set with the
* `.highcharts-credits` class.
* @default { "cursor": "pointer", "color": "#999999", "fontSize": "10px" }
style: {
cursor: 'pointer',
color: '#999999',
fontSize: '9px'
* The text for the credits label.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* If a map is loaded as GeoJSON, the text defaults to
* `Highcharts @ {map-credits}`. Otherwise, it defaults to
* ``.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/credits/href/ Custom URL and text
* @sample {highmaps} maps/credits/customized/ Custom URL and text
* @default {highcharts|highstock}
text: ''
* Merge the default options with custom options and return the new options
* structure. Commonly used for defining reusable templates.
* @function #setOptions
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @sample highcharts/global/useutc-false Setting a global option
* @sample highcharts/members/setoptions Applying a global theme
* @param {Object} options The new custom chart options.
* @returns {Object} Updated options.
H.setOptions = function (options) {
// Copy in the default options
H.defaultOptions = merge(true, H.defaultOptions, options);
// Update the time object
merge(, H.defaultOptions.time),
return H.defaultOptions;
* Get the updated default options. Until 3.0.7, merely exposing defaultOptions for outside modules
* wasn't enough because the setOptions method created a new object.
H.getOptions = function () {
return H.defaultOptions;
// Series defaults
H.defaultPlotOptions = H.defaultOptions.plotOptions;
// Time utilities
H.time = new H.Time(merge(, H.defaultOptions.time));
* Formats a JavaScript date timestamp (milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970) into a
* human readable date string. The format is a subset of the formats for PHP's
* [strftime]{@link
*} function. Additional
* formats can be given in the {@link Highcharts.dateFormats} hook.
* Since v6.0.5, all internal dates are formatted through the
* [Chart.time](Chart#time) instance to respect chart-level time settings. The
* `Highcharts.dateFormat` function only reflects global time settings set with
* `setOptions`.
* @function #dateFormat
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {String} format - The desired format where various time
* representations are prefixed with %.
* @param {Number} timestamp - The JavaScript timestamp.
* @param {Boolean} [capitalize=false] - Upper case first letter in the return.
* @returns {String} The formatted date.
H.dateFormat = function (format, timestamp, capitalize) {
return H.time.dateFormat(format, timestamp, capitalize);
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var correctFloat = H.correctFloat,
defined = H.defined,
destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
deg2rad = H.deg2rad;
* The Tick class
H.Tick = function (axis, pos, type, noLabel) {
this.axis = axis;
this.pos = pos;
this.type = type || '';
this.isNew = true;
this.isNewLabel = true;
if (!type && !noLabel) {
H.Tick.prototype = {
* Write the tick label
addLabel: function () {
var tick = this,
axis = tick.axis,
options = axis.options,
chart = axis.chart,
categories = axis.categories,
names = axis.names,
pos = tick.pos,
labelOptions = options.labels,
tickPositions = axis.tickPositions,
isFirst = pos === tickPositions[0],
isLast = pos === tickPositions[tickPositions.length - 1],
value = categories ?
pick(categories[pos], names[pos], pos) :
label = tick.label,
tickPositionInfo =,
// Set the datetime label format. If a higher rank is set for this
// position, use that. If not, use the general format.
if (axis.isDatetimeAxis && tickPositionInfo) {
dateTimeLabelFormat =
tickPositionInfo.higherRanks[pos] ||
// set properties for access in render method
tick.isFirst = isFirst;
tick.isLast = isLast;
// get the string
str ={
axis: axis,
chart: chart,
isFirst: isFirst,
isLast: isLast,
dateTimeLabelFormat: dateTimeLabelFormat,
value: axis.isLog ? correctFloat(axis.lin2log(value)) : value,
pos: pos
// first call
if (!defined(label)) {
tick.label = label =
defined(str) && labelOptions.enabled ?
// without position absolute, IE export sometimes is
// wrong.
.add(axis.labelGroup) :
// Un-rotated length
if (label) {
label.textPxLength = label.getBBox().width;
// Base value to detect change for new calls to getBBox
tick.rotation = 0;
// update
} else if (label) {
label.attr({ text: str });
* Get the offset height or width of the label
getLabelSize: function () {
return this.label ?
this.label.getBBox()[this.axis.horiz ? 'height' : 'width'] :
* Handle the label overflow by adjusting the labels to the left and right
* edge, or hide them if they collide into the neighbour label.
handleOverflow: function (xy) {
var axis = this.axis,
labelOptions = axis.options.labels,
pxPos = xy.x,
chartWidth = axis.chart.chartWidth,
spacing = axis.chart.spacing,
leftBound = pick(axis.labelLeft, Math.min(axis.pos, spacing[3])),
rightBound = pick(
!axis.isRadial ? axis.pos + axis.len : 0,
chartWidth - spacing[1]
label = this.label,
rotation = this.rotation,
factor = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[
axis.labelAlign || label.attr('align')
labelWidth = label.getBBox().width,
slotWidth = axis.getSlotWidth(),
modifiedSlotWidth = slotWidth,
xCorrection = factor,
goRight = 1,
css = {};
// Check if the label overshoots the chart spacing box. If it does, move
// it. If it now overshoots the slotWidth, add ellipsis.
if (!rotation && labelOptions.overflow !== false) {
leftPos = pxPos - factor * labelWidth;
rightPos = pxPos + (1 - factor) * labelWidth;
if (leftPos < leftBound) {
modifiedSlotWidth =
xy.x + modifiedSlotWidth * (1 - factor) - leftBound;
} else if (rightPos > rightBound) {
modifiedSlotWidth =
rightBound - xy.x + modifiedSlotWidth * factor;
goRight = -1;
modifiedSlotWidth = Math.min(slotWidth, modifiedSlotWidth); // #4177
if (modifiedSlotWidth < slotWidth && axis.labelAlign === 'center') {
xy.x += (
goRight *
slotWidth -
modifiedSlotWidth -
xCorrection * (
slotWidth - Math.min(labelWidth, modifiedSlotWidth)
// If the label width exceeds the available space, set a text width
// to be picked up below. Also, if a width has been set before, we
// need to set a new one because the reported labelWidth will be
// limited by the box (#3938).
if (
labelWidth > modifiedSlotWidth ||
(axis.autoRotation && (label.styles || {}).width)
) {
textWidth = modifiedSlotWidth;
// Add ellipsis to prevent rotated labels to be clipped against the edge
// of the chart
} else if (rotation < 0 && pxPos - factor * labelWidth < leftBound) {
textWidth = Math.round(
pxPos / Math.cos(rotation * deg2rad) - leftBound
} else if (rotation > 0 && pxPos + factor * labelWidth > rightBound) {
textWidth = Math.round(
(chartWidth - pxPos) / Math.cos(rotation * deg2rad)
if (textWidth) {
css.width = textWidth;
if (!( || {}).textOverflow) {
css.textOverflow = 'ellipsis';
* Get the x and y position for ticks and labels
getPosition: function (horiz, tickPos, tickmarkOffset, old) {
var axis = this.axis,
chart = axis.chart,
cHeight = (old && chart.oldChartHeight) || chart.chartHeight,
pos = {
x: horiz ?
axis.translate(tickPos + tickmarkOffset, null, null, old) +
) :
axis.left +
axis.offset +
axis.opposite ?
(old && chart.oldChartWidth) ||
) -
axis.right -
) :
y: horiz ?
cHeight -
axis.bottom +
axis.offset -
(axis.opposite ? axis.height : 0)
) :
cHeight -
axis.translate(tickPos + tickmarkOffset, null, null, old) -
fireEvent(this, 'afterGetPosition', { pos: pos });
return pos;
* Get the x, y position of the tick label
getLabelPosition: function (
) {
var axis = this.axis,
transA = axis.transA,
reversed = axis.reversed,
staggerLines = axis.staggerLines,
rotCorr = axis.tickRotCorr || { x: 0, y: 0 },
yOffset = labelOptions.y,
// Adjust for label alignment if we use reserveSpace: true (#5286)
labelOffsetCorrection = (
!horiz && !axis.reserveSpaceDefault ?
-axis.labelOffset * (
axis.labelAlign === 'center' ? 0.5 : 1
) :
pos = {};
if (!defined(yOffset)) {
if (axis.side === 0) {
yOffset = label.rotation ? -8 : -label.getBBox().height;
} else if (axis.side === 2) {
yOffset = rotCorr.y + 8;
} else {
// #3140, #3140
yOffset = Math.cos(label.rotation * deg2rad) *
(rotCorr.y - label.getBBox(false, 0).height / 2);
x = x +
labelOptions.x +
labelOffsetCorrection +
rotCorr.x -
tickmarkOffset && horiz ?
tickmarkOffset * transA * (reversed ? -1 : 1) :
y = y + yOffset - (tickmarkOffset && !horiz ?
tickmarkOffset * transA * (reversed ? 1 : -1) : 0);
// Correct for staggered labels
if (staggerLines) {
line = (index / (step || 1) % staggerLines);
if (axis.opposite) {
line = staggerLines - line - 1;
y += line * (axis.labelOffset / staggerLines);
pos.x = x;
pos.y = Math.round(y);
fireEvent(this, 'afterGetLabelPosition', { pos: pos });
return pos;
* Extendible method to return the path of the marker
getMarkPath: function (x, y, tickLength, tickWidth, horiz, renderer) {
return renderer.crispLine([
x + (horiz ? 0 : -tickLength),
y + (horiz ? tickLength : 0)
], tickWidth);
* Renders the gridLine.
* @param {Boolean} old Whether or not the tick is old
* @param {number} opacity The opacity of the grid line
* @param {number} reverseCrisp Modifier for avoiding overlapping 1 or -1
* @return {undefined}
renderGridLine: function (old, opacity, reverseCrisp) {
var tick = this,
axis = tick.axis,
options = axis.options,
gridLine = tick.gridLine,
attribs = {},
pos = tick.pos,
type = tick.type,
tickmarkOffset = axis.tickmarkOffset,
renderer = axis.chart.renderer;
var gridPrefix = type ? type + 'Grid' : 'grid',
gridLineWidth = options[gridPrefix + 'LineWidth'],
gridLineColor = options[gridPrefix + 'LineColor'],
dashStyle = options[gridPrefix + 'LineDashStyle'];
if (!gridLine) {
attribs.stroke = gridLineColor;
attribs['stroke-width'] = gridLineWidth;
if (dashStyle) {
attribs.dashstyle = dashStyle;
if (!type) {
attribs.zIndex = 1;
if (old) {
attribs.opacity = 0;
tick.gridLine = gridLine = renderer.path()
'highcharts-' + (type ? type + '-' : '') + 'grid-line'
// If the parameter 'old' is set, the current call will be followed
// by another call, therefore do not do any animations this time
if (!old && gridLine) {
gridLinePath = axis.getPlotLinePath(
pos + tickmarkOffset,
gridLine.strokeWidth() * reverseCrisp,
old, true
if (gridLinePath) {
gridLine[tick.isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({
d: gridLinePath,
opacity: opacity
* Renders the tick mark.
* @param {Object} xy The position vector of the mark
* @param {number} xy.x The x position of the mark
* @param {number} xy.y The y position of the mark
* @param {number} opacity The opacity of the mark
* @param {number} reverseCrisp Modifier for avoiding overlapping 1 or -1
* @return {undefined}
renderMark: function (xy, opacity, reverseCrisp) {
var tick = this,
axis = tick.axis,
options = axis.options,
renderer = axis.chart.renderer,
type = tick.type,
tickPrefix = type ? type + 'Tick' : 'tick',
tickSize = axis.tickSize(tickPrefix),
mark = tick.mark,
isNewMark = !mark,
x = xy.x,
y = xy.y;
var tickWidth = pick(
options[tickPrefix + 'Width'],
!type && axis.isXAxis ? 1 : 0
), // X axis defaults to 1
tickColor = options[tickPrefix + 'Color'];
if (tickSize) {
// negate the length
if (axis.opposite) {
tickSize[0] = -tickSize[0];
// First time, create it
if (isNewMark) {
tick.mark = mark = renderer.path()
.addClass('highcharts-' + (type ? type + '-' : '') + 'tick')
stroke: tickColor,
'stroke-width': tickWidth
mark[isNewMark ? 'attr' : 'animate']({
d: tick.getMarkPath(
mark.strokeWidth() * reverseCrisp,
opacity: opacity
* Renders the tick label.
* Note: The label should already be created in init(), so it should only
* have to be moved into place.
* @param {Object} xy The position vector of the label
* @param {number} xy.x The x position of the label
* @param {number} xy.y The y position of the label
* @param {Boolean} old Whether or not the tick is old
* @param {number} opacity The opacity of the label
* @param {number} index The index of the tick
* @return {undefined}
renderLabel: function (xy, old, opacity, index) {
var tick = this,
axis = tick.axis,
horiz = axis.horiz,
options = axis.options,
label = tick.label,
labelOptions = options.labels,
step = labelOptions.step,
tickmarkOffset = axis.tickmarkOffset,
show = true,
x = xy.x,
y = xy.y;
if (label && isNumber(x)) {
label.xy = xy = tick.getLabelPosition(
// Apply show first and show last. If the tick is both first and
// last, it is a single centered tick, in which case we show the
// label anyway (#2100).
if (
tick.isFirst &&
!tick.isLast &&
!pick(options.showFirstLabel, 1)
) ||
tick.isLast &&
!tick.isFirst &&
!pick(options.showLastLabel, 1)
) {
show = false;
// Handle label overflow and show or hide accordingly
} else if (
horiz &&
!labelOptions.step &&
!labelOptions.rotation &&
!old &&
opacity !== 0
) {
// apply step
if (step && index % step) {
// show those indices dividable by step
show = false;
// Set the new position, and show or hide
if (show && isNumber(xy.y)) {
xy.opacity = opacity;
label[tick.isNewLabel ? 'attr' : 'animate'](xy);
tick.isNewLabel = false;
} else {
label.attr('y', -9999); // #1338
tick.isNewLabel = true;
* Put everything in place
* @param index {Number}
* @param old {Boolean} Use old coordinates to prepare an animation into new
* position
render: function (index, old, opacity) {
var tick = this,
axis = tick.axis,
horiz = axis.horiz,
pos = tick.pos,
tickmarkOffset = axis.tickmarkOffset,
xy = tick.getPosition(horiz, pos, tickmarkOffset, old),
x = xy.x,
y = xy.y,
reverseCrisp = ((horiz && x === axis.pos + axis.len) ||
(!horiz && y === axis.pos)) ? -1 : 1; // #1480, #1687
opacity = pick(opacity, 1);
this.isActive = true;
// Create the grid line
this.renderGridLine(old, opacity, reverseCrisp);
// create the tick mark
this.renderMark(xy, opacity, reverseCrisp);
// the label is created on init - now move it into place
this.renderLabel(xy, old, opacity, index);
tick.isNew = false;
H.fireEvent(this, 'afterRender');
* Destructor for the tick prototype
destroy: function () {
destroyObjectProperties(this, this.axis);
var Axis = (function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
animObject = H.animObject,
arrayMax = H.arrayMax,
arrayMin = H.arrayMin,
color = H.color,
correctFloat = H.correctFloat,
defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions,
defined = H.defined,
deg2rad = H.deg2rad,
destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
format = H.format,
getMagnitude = H.getMagnitude,
grep = H.grep,
inArray = H.inArray,
isArray = H.isArray,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
isString = H.isString,
merge = H.merge,
normalizeTickInterval = H.normalizeTickInterval,
objectEach = H.objectEach,
pick = H.pick,
removeEvent = H.removeEvent,
splat = H.splat,
syncTimeout = H.syncTimeout,
Tick = H.Tick;
* Create a new axis object. Called internally when instanciating a new chart or
* adding axes by {@link Highcharts.Chart#addAxis}.
* A chart can have from 0 axes (pie chart) to multiples. In a normal, single
* series cartesian chart, there is one X axis and one Y axis.
* The X axis or axes are referenced by {@link Highcharts.Chart.xAxis}, which is
* an array of Axis objects. If there is only one axis, it can be referenced
* through `chart.xAxis[0]`, and multiple axes have increasing indices. The same
* pattern goes for Y axes.
* If you need to get the axes from a series object, use the `series.xAxis` and
* `series.yAxis` properties. These are not arrays, as one series can only be
* associated to one X and one Y axis.
* A third way to reference the axis programmatically is by `id`. Add an `id` in
* the axis configuration options, and get the axis by
* {@link Highcharts.Chart#get}.
* Configuration options for the axes are given in options.xAxis and
* options.yAxis.
* @class Highcharts.Axis
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart - The Chart instance to apply the axis on.
* @param {Object} options - Axis options
var Axis = function () {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
H.extend(Axis.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.Axis.prototype */{
* The X axis or category axis. Normally this is the horizontal axis,
* though if the chart is inverted this is the vertical axis. In case of
* multiple axes, the xAxis node is an array of configuration objects.
* See [the Axis object](#Axis) for programmatic access to the axis.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps, the axis is hidden, but it is used behind the scenes to
* control features like zooming and panning. Zooming is in effect the same
* as setting the extremes of one of the exes.
* @optionparent xAxis
defaultOptions: {
* Whether to allow decimals in this axis' ticks. When counting
* integers, like persons or hits on a web page, decimals should
* be avoided in the labels.
* @type {Boolean}
* @see [minTickInterval](#xAxis.minTickInterval)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/yaxis/allowdecimals-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/yaxis/allowdecimals-false/
* False
* @default true
* @since 2.0
* @apioption xAxis.allowDecimals
// allowDecimals: null,
* When using an alternate grid color, a band is painted across the
* plot area between every other grid line.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/alternategridcolor/
* Alternate grid color on the Y axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/alternategridcolor/
* Alternate grid color on the Y axis
* @default null
* @apioption xAxis.alternateGridColor
// alternateGridColor: null,
* An array defining breaks in the axis, the sections defined will be
* left out and all the points shifted closer to each other.
* @productdesc {highcharts}
* Requires that the broken-axis.js module is loaded.
* @type {Array}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/axisbreak/break-simple/
* Simple break
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/axisbreak/break-visualized/
* Advanced with callback
* @sample {highstock}
* stock/demo/intraday-breaks/
* Break on nights and weekends
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.breaks
* A number indicating how much space should be left between the start
* and the end of the break. The break size is given in axis units,
* so for instance on a `datetime` axis, a break size of 3600000 would
* indicate the equivalent of an hour.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.breaks.breakSize
* The point where the break starts.
* @type {Number}
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.breaks.from
* Defines an interval after which the break appears again. By default
* the breaks do not repeat.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.breaks.repeat
* The point where the break ends.
* @type {Number}
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* If categories are present for the xAxis, names are used instead of
* numbers for that axis. Since Highcharts 3.0, categories can also
* be extracted by giving each point a [name]( and setting
* axis [type](#xAxis.type) to `category`. However, if you have multiple
* series, best practice remains defining the `categories` array.
* Example:
* <pre>categories: ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Oranges']</pre>
* @type {Array<String>}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/reflow-true/
* With
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/categories/
* Without
* @product highcharts
* @default null
* @apioption xAxis.categories
// categories: [],
* The highest allowed value for automatically computed axis extremes.
* @type {Number}
* @see [floor](#xAxis.floor)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/yaxis/floor-ceiling/
* Floor and ceiling
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.ceiling
* A class name that opens for styling the axis by CSS, especially in
* Highcharts styled mode. The class name is applied to group elements
* for the grid, axis elements and labels.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock|highmaps}
* highcharts/css/axis/
* Multiple axes with separate styling
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption xAxis.className
* Configure a crosshair that follows either the mouse pointer or the
* hovered point.
* In styled mode, the crosshairs are styled in the
* `.highcharts-crosshair`, `.highcharts-crosshair-thin` or
* `.highcharts-xaxis-category` classes.
* @productdesc {highstock}
* In Highstock, bu default, the crosshair is enabled on the X axis and
* disabled on the Y axis.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-both/
* Crosshair on both axes
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/crosshairs-xy/
* Crosshair on both axes
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-both/
* Crosshair on both axes
* @default false
* @since 4.1
* @apioption xAxis.crosshair
* A class name for the crosshair, especially as a hook for styling.
* @type {String}
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption xAxis.crosshair.className
* The color of the crosshair. Defaults to `#cccccc` for numeric and
* datetime axes, and `rgba(204,214,235,0.25)` for category axes, where
* the crosshair by default highlights the whole category.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock|highmaps}
* highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-customized/
* Customized crosshairs
* @default #cccccc
* @since 4.1
* @apioption xAxis.crosshair.color
* The dash style for the crosshair. See
* [series.dashStyle](#plotOptions.series.dashStyle)
* for possible values.
* @validvalue ["Solid", "ShortDash", "ShortDot", "ShortDashDot",
* "ShortDashDotDot", "Dot", "Dash" ,"LongDash",
* "DashDot", "LongDashDot", "LongDashDotDot"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts|highmaps} highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-dotted/
* Dotted crosshair
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/crosshair-dashed/
* Dashed X axis crosshair
* @default Solid
* @since 4.1
* @apioption xAxis.crosshair.dashStyle
* Whether the crosshair should snap to the point or follow the pointer
* independent of points.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-snap-false/
* True by default
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/demo/latlon-advanced/
* Snap is false
* @default true
* @since 4.1
* @apioption xAxis.crosshair.snap
* The pixel width of the crosshair. Defaults to 1 for numeric or
* datetime axes, and for one category width for category axes.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-customized/
* Customized crosshairs
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-customized/
* Customized crosshairs
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/xaxis/crosshair-customized/
* Customized crosshairs
* @default 1
* @since 4.1
* @apioption xAxis.crosshair.width
* The Z index of the crosshair. Higher Z indices allow drawing the
* crosshair on top of the series or behind the grid lines.
* @type {Number}
* @default 2
* @since 4.1
* @apioption xAxis.crosshair.zIndex
* For a datetime axis, the scale will automatically adjust to the
* appropriate unit. This member gives the default string
* representations used for each unit. For intermediate values,
* different units may be used, for example the `day` unit can be used
* on midnight and `hour` unit be used for intermediate values on the
* same axis. For an overview of the replacement codes, see
* [dateFormat](#Highcharts.dateFormat). Defaults to:
* <pre>{
* millisecond: '%H:%M:%S.%L',
* second: '%H:%M:%S',
* minute: '%H:%M',
* hour: '%H:%M',
* day: '%e. %b',
* week: '%e. %b',
* month: '%b \'%y',
* year: '%Y'
* }</pre>
* @type {Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/datetimelabelformats/
* Different day format on X axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/datetimelabelformats/
* More information in x axis labels
* @product highcharts highstock
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
millisecond: '%H:%M:%S.%L',
second: '%H:%M:%S',
minute: '%H:%M',
hour: '%H:%M',
day: '%e. %b',
week: '%e. %b',
month: '%b \'%y',
year: '%Y'
* _Requires Accessibility module_
* Description of the axis to screen reader users.
* @type {String}
* @default undefined
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption xAxis.description
* Whether to force the axis to end on a tick. Use this option with
* the `maxPadding` option to control the axis end.
* @productdesc {highstock}
* In Highstock, `endOnTick` is always false when the navigator is
* enabled, to prevent jumpy scrolling.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/reflow-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/endontick/
* False
* @sample {highstock} stock/demo/basic-line/
* True by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/endontick/
* False
* @since 1.2.0
endOnTick: false,
* Event handlers for the axis.
* @apioption
* An event fired after the breaks have rendered.
* @type {Function}
* @see [breaks](#xAxis.breaks)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/axisbreak/break-event/
* AfterBreak Event
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption
* As opposed to the `setExtremes` event, this event fires after the
* final min and max values are computed and corrected for `minRange`.
* Fires when the minimum and maximum is set for the axis, either by
* calling the `.setExtremes()` method or by selecting an area in the
* chart. One parameter, `event`, is passed to the function, containing
* common event information.
* The new user set minimum and maximum values can be found by
* `event.min` and `event.max`. These reflect the axis minimum and
* maximum in axis values. The actual data extremes are found in
* `event.dataMin` and `event.dataMax`.
* @type {Function}
* @context Axis
* @since 2.3
* @apioption
* An event fired when a break from this axis occurs on a point.
* @type {Function}
* @see [breaks](#xAxis.breaks)
* @context Axis
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/axisbreak/break-visualized/
* Visualization of a Break
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption
* An event fired when a point falls inside a break from this axis.
* @type {Function}
* @context Axis
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* Fires when the minimum and maximum is set for the axis, either by
* calling the `.setExtremes()` method or by selecting an area in the
* chart. One parameter, `event`, is passed to the function,
* containing common event information.
* The new user set minimum and maximum values can be found by
* `event.min` and `event.max`. These reflect the axis minimum and
* maximum in data values. When an axis is zoomed all the way out from
* the "Reset zoom" button, `event.min` and `event.max` are null, and
* the new extremes are set based on `this.dataMin` and `this.dataMax`.
* @type {Function}
* @context Axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/events-setextremes/
* Log new extremes on x axis
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* The lowest allowed value for automatically computed axis extremes.
* @type {Number}
* @see [ceiling](#yAxis.ceiling)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/floor-ceiling/
* Floor and ceiling
* @sample {highstock} stock/demo/lazy-loading/
* Prevent negative stock price on Y axis
* @default null
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.floor
* The dash or dot style of the grid lines. For possible values, see
* [this demonstration](
* @validvalue ["Solid", "ShortDash", "ShortDot", "ShortDashDot",
* "ShortDashDotDot", "Dot", "Dash" ,"LongDash",
* "DashDot", "LongDashDot", "LongDashDotDot"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/gridlinedashstyle/
* Long dashes
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/gridlinedashstyle/
* Long dashes
* @default Solid
* @since 1.2
* @apioption xAxis.gridLineDashStyle
* The Z index of the grid lines.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/xaxis/gridzindex/
* A Z index of 4 renders the grid above the graph
* @default 1
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.gridZIndex
* An id for the axis. This can be used after render time to get
* a pointer to the axis object through `chart.get()`.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/id/
* Get the object
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/id/
* Get the object
* @default null
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* The axis labels show the number or category for each tick.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* X and Y axis labels are by default disabled in Highmaps, but the
* functionality is inherited from Highcharts and used on `colorAxis`,
* and can be enabled on X and Y axes too.
labels: {
* What part of the string the given position is anchored to.
* If `left`, the left side of the string is at the axis position.
* Can be one of `"left"`, `"center"` or `"right"`. Defaults to
* an intelligent guess based on which side of the chart the axis
* is on and the rotation of the label.
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-align-left/
* Left
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-align-right/
* Right
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/xaxis/labels-reservespace-true/
* Left-aligned labels on a vertical category axis
* @see [reserveSpace](#xAxis.labels.reserveSpace)
* @apioption xAxis.labels.align
// align: 'center',
* For horizontal axes, the allowed degrees of label rotation
* to prevent overlapping labels. If there is enough space,
* labels are not rotated. As the chart gets narrower, it
* will start rotating the labels -45 degrees, then remove
* every second label and try again with rotations 0 and -45 etc.
* Set it to `false` to disable rotation, which will
* cause the labels to word-wrap if possible.
* @type {Array<Number>}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/xaxis/labels-autorotation-default/
* Default auto rotation of 0 or -45
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/xaxis/labels-autorotation-0-90/
* Custom graded auto rotation
* @default [-45]
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.labels.autoRotation
* When each category width is more than this many pixels, we don't
* apply auto rotation. Instead, we lay out the axis label with word
* wrap. A lower limit makes sense when the label contains multiple
* short words that don't extend the available horizontal space for
* each label.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/xaxis/labels-autorotationlimit/
* Lower limit
* @default 80
* @since 4.1.5
* @product highcharts
* @apioption xAxis.labels.autoRotationLimit
* Polar charts only. The label's pixel distance from the perimeter
* of the plot area.
* @type {Number}
* @default 15
* @product highcharts
* @apioption xAxis.labels.distance
* Enable or disable the axis labels.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-enabled/
* X axis labels disabled
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/labels-enabled/
* X axis labels disabled
* @default {highcharts|highstock} true
* @default {highmaps} false
enabled: true,
* A [format string](
* concepts/labels-and-string-formatting) for the axis label.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/yaxis/labels-format/
* Add units to Y axis label
* @default {value}
* @since 3.0
* @apioption xAxis.labels.format
* Callback JavaScript function to format the label. The value
* is given by `this.value`. Additional properties for `this` are
* `axis`, `chart`, `isFirst` and `isLast`. The value of the default
* label formatter can be retrieved by calling
* `` within the function.
* Defaults to:
* <pre>function() {
* return this.value;
* }</pre>
* @type {Function}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/xaxis/labels-formatter-linked/
* Linked category names
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/xaxis/labels-formatter-extended/
* Modified numeric labels
* @sample {highstock}
* stock/xaxis/labels-formatter/
* Added units on Y axis
* @apioption xAxis.labels.formatter
* How to handle overflowing labels on horizontal axis. Can be
* undefined, `false` or `"justify"`. By default it aligns inside
* the chart area. If "justify", labels will not render outside
* the plot area. If `false`, it will not be aligned at all.
* If there is room to move it, it will be aligned to the edge,
* else it will be removed.
* @deprecated
* @validvalue [null, "justify"]
* @type {String}
* @since 2.2.5
* @apioption xAxis.labels.overflow
* The pixel padding for axis labels, to ensure white space between
* them.
* @type {Number}
* @default 5
* @product highcharts
* @apioption xAxis.labels.padding
* Whether to reserve space for the labels. By default, space is
* reserved for the labels in these cases:
* * On all horizontal axes.
* * On vertical axes if `label.align` is `right` on a left-side
* axis or `left` on a right-side axis.
* * On vertical axes if `label.align` is `center`.
* This can be turned off when for example the labels are rendered
* inside the plot area instead of outside.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-reservespace/
* No reserved space, labels inside plot
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/xaxis/labels-reservespace-true/
* Left-aligned labels on a vertical category axis
* @see [labels.align](#xAxis.labels.align)
* @default null
* @since 4.1.10
* @product highcharts
* @apioption xAxis.labels.reserveSpace
* Rotation of the labels in degrees.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-rotation/
* X axis labels rotated 90°
* @default 0
* @apioption xAxis.labels.rotation
* Horizontal axes only. The number of lines to spread the labels
* over to make room or tighter labels.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-staggerlines/
* Show labels over two lines
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/labels-staggerlines/
* Show labels over two lines
* @default null
* @since 2.1
* @apioption xAxis.labels.staggerLines
* To show only every _n_'th label on the axis, set the step to _n_.
* Setting the step to 2 shows every other label.
* By default, the step is calculated automatically to avoid
* overlap. To prevent this, set it to 1\. This usually only
* happens on a category axis, and is often a sign that you have
* chosen the wrong axis type.
* [Axis docs](
* => What axis should I use?
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-step/
* Showing only every other axis label on a categorized
* x axis
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-step-auto/
* Auto steps on a category axis
* @default null
* @since 2.1
* @apioption xAxis.labels.step
* The y position offset of the label relative to the tick position
* on the axis. The default makes it adapt to the font size on
* bottom axis.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-x/
* Y axis labels placed on grid lines
* @default null
* @apioption xAxis.labels.y
* The Z index for the axis labels.
* @type {Number}
* @default 7
* @apioption xAxis.labels.zIndex
* CSS styles for the label. Use `whiteSpace: 'nowrap'` to prevent
* wrapping of category labels. Use `textOverflow: 'none'` to
* prevent ellipsis (dots).
* In styled mode, the labels are styled with the
* `.highcharts-axis-labels` class.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-style/
* Red X axis labels
style: {
color: '#666666',
cursor: 'default',
fontSize: '11px'
* Whether to [use HTML](
* concepts/labels-and-string-formatting#html) to render the labels.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @apioption xAxis.labels.useHTML
* The x position offset of the label relative to the tick position
* on the axis.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-x/
* Y axis labels placed on grid lines
x: 0
* Index of another axis that this axis is linked to. When an axis is
* linked to a master axis, it will take the same extremes as
* the master, but as assigned by min or max or by setExtremes.
* It can be used to show additional info, or to ease reading the
* chart by duplicating the scales.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/linkedto/
* Different string formats of the same date
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/linkedto/
* Y values on both sides
* @default null
* @since 2.0.2
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.linkedTo
* The maximum value of the axis. If `null`, the max value is
* automatically calculated.
* If the `endOnTick` option is true, the `max` value might
* be rounded up.
* If a [tickAmount](#yAxis.tickAmount) is set, the axis may be extended
* beyond the set max in order to reach the given number of ticks. The
* same may happen in a chart with multiple axes, determined by [chart.
* alignTicks](#chart), where a `tickAmount` is applied internally.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/max-200/
* Y axis max of 200
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/max-logarithmic/
* Y axis max on logarithmic axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/min-max/
* Fixed min and max on X axis
* @sample {highmaps} maps/axis/min-max/
* Pre-zoomed to a specific area
* @apioption xAxis.max
* When using multiple axis, the ticks of two or more opposite axes
* will automatically be aligned by adding ticks to the axis or axes
* with the least ticks, as if `tickAmount` were specified.
* This can be prevented by setting `alignTicks` to false. If the grid
* lines look messy, it's a good idea to hide them for the secondary
* axis by setting `gridLineWidth` to 0.
* If `startOnTick` or `endOnTick` in an Axis options are set to false,
* then the `alignTicks ` will be disabled for the Axis.
* Disabled for logarithmic axes.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.alignTicks
* Padding of the max value relative to the length of the axis. A
* padding of 0.05 will make a 100px axis 5px longer. This is useful
* when you don't want the highest data value to appear on the edge
* of the plot area. When the axis' `max` option is set or a max extreme
* is set using `axis.setExtremes()`, the maxPadding will be ignored.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/maxpadding/
* Max padding of 0.25 on y axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minpadding-maxpadding/
* Greater min- and maxPadding
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-gradient/
* Add some padding
* @default {highcharts} 0.01
* @default {highstock|highmaps} 0
* @since 1.2.0
maxPadding: 0.01,
* Deprecated. Use `minRange` instead.
* @deprecated
* @type {Number}
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.maxZoom
* The minimum value of the axis. If `null` the min value is
* automatically calculated.
* If the `startOnTick` option is true (default), the `min` value might
* be rounded down.
* The automatically calculated minimum value is also affected by
* [floor](#yAxis.floor), [softMin](#yAxis.softMin),
* [minPadding](#yAxis.minPadding), [minRange](#yAxis.minRange)
* as well as [series.threshold](#plotOptions.series.threshold)
* and [series.softThreshold](#plotOptions.series.softThreshold).
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/min-startontick-false/
* -50 with startOnTick to false
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/min-startontick-true/
* -50 with startOnTick true by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/min-max/
* Set min and max on X axis
* @sample {highmaps} maps/axis/min-max/
* Pre-zoomed to a specific area
* @apioption xAxis.min
* The dash or dot style of the minor grid lines. For possible values,
* see [this demonstration](
* highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/plotoptions/
* series-dashstyle-all/).
* @validvalue ["Solid", "ShortDash", "ShortDot", "ShortDashDot",
* "ShortDashDotDot", "Dot", "Dash" ,"LongDash",
* "DashDot", "LongDashDot", "LongDashDotDot"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minorgridlinedashstyle/
* Long dashes on minor grid lines
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minorgridlinedashstyle/
* Long dashes on minor grid lines
* @default Solid
* @since 1.2
* @apioption xAxis.minorGridLineDashStyle
* Specific tick interval in axis units for the minor ticks.
* On a linear axis, if `"auto"`, the minor tick interval is
* calculated as a fifth of the tickInterval. If `null`, minor
* ticks are not shown.
* On logarithmic axes, the unit is the power of the value. For example,
* setting the minorTickInterval to 1 puts one tick on each of 0.1,
* 1, 10, 100 etc. Setting the minorTickInterval to 0.1 produces 9
* ticks between 1 and 10, 10 and 100 etc.
* If user settings dictate minor ticks to become too dense, they don't
* make sense, and will be ignored to prevent performance problems.
* @type {Number|String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickinterval-null/
* Null by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickinterval-5/
* 5 units
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickinterval-log-auto/
* "auto"
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickinterval-log/
* 0.1
* @sample {highstock} stock/demo/basic-line/
* Null by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minortickinterval-auto/
* "auto"
* @apioption xAxis.minorTickInterval
* The pixel length of the minor tick marks.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minorticklength/
* 10px on Y axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minorticks/
* 10px on Y axis
minorTickLength: 2,
* The position of the minor tick marks relative to the axis line.
* Can be one of `inside` and `outside`.
* @validvalue ["inside", "outside"]
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickposition-outside/
* Outside by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickposition-inside/
* Inside
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minorticks/
* Inside
minorTickPosition: 'outside',
* Enable or disable minor ticks. Unless
* [minorTickInterval](#xAxis.minorTickInterval) is set, the tick
* interval is calculated as a fifth of the `tickInterval`.
* On a logarithmic axis, minor ticks are laid out based on a best
* guess, attempting to enter approximately 5 minor ticks between
* each major tick.
* Prior to v6.0.0, ticks were unabled in auto layout by setting
* `minorTickInterval` to `"auto"`.
* @productdesc {highcharts}
* On axes using [categories](#xAxis.categories), minor ticks are not
* supported.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @since 6.0.0
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minorticks-true/
* Enabled on linear Y axis
* @apioption xAxis.minorTicks
* The pixel width of the minor tick mark.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickwidth/
* 3px width
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minorticks/
* 1px width
* @default 0
* @apioption xAxis.minorTickWidth
* Padding of the min value relative to the length of the axis. A
* padding of 0.05 will make a 100px axis 5px longer. This is useful
* when you don't want the lowest data value to appear on the edge
* of the plot area. When the axis' `min` option is set or a min extreme
* is set using `axis.setExtremes()`, the minPadding will be ignored.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minpadding/
* Min padding of 0.2
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minpadding-maxpadding/
* Greater min- and maxPadding
* @sample {highmaps} maps/chart/plotbackgroundcolor-gradient/
* Add some padding
* @default {highcharts} 0.01
* @default {highstock|highmaps} 0
* @since 1.2.0
minPadding: 0.01,
* The minimum range to display on this axis. The entire axis will not
* be allowed to span over a smaller interval than this. For example,
* for a datetime axis the main unit is milliseconds. If minRange is
* set to 3600000, you can't zoom in more than to one hour.
* The default minRange for the x axis is five times the smallest
* interval between any of the data points.
* On a logarithmic axis, the unit for the minimum range is the power.
* So a minRange of 1 means that the axis can be zoomed to 10-100,
* 100-1000, 1000-10000 etc.
* Note that the `minPadding`, `maxPadding`, `startOnTick` and
* `endOnTick` settings also affect how the extremes of the axis
* are computed.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/minrange/
* Minimum range of 5
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minrange/
* Max zoom of 6 months overrides user selections
* @sample {highmaps} maps/axis/minrange/
* Minimum range of 1000
* @apioption xAxis.minRange
* The minimum tick interval allowed in axis values. For example on
* zooming in on an axis with daily data, this can be used to prevent
* the axis from showing hours. Defaults to the closest distance between
* two points on the axis.
* @type {Number}
* @since 2.3.0
* @apioption xAxis.minTickInterval
* The distance in pixels from the plot area to the axis line.
* A positive offset moves the axis with it's line, labels and ticks
* away from the plot area. This is typically used when two or more
* axes are displayed on the same side of the plot. With multiple
* axes the offset is dynamically adjusted to avoid collision, this
* can be overridden by setting offset explicitly.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/offset/
* Y axis offset of 70
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/offset-centered/
* Axes positioned in the center of the plot
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/offset/
* Y axis offset by 70 px
* @default 0
* @apioption xAxis.offset
* Whether to display the axis on the opposite side of the normal. The
* normal is on the left side for vertical axes and bottom for
* horizontal, so the opposite sides will be right and top respectively.
* This is typically used with dual or multiple axes.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/opposite/
* Secondary Y axis opposite
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/opposite/
* Y axis on left side
* @default false
* @apioption xAxis.opposite
* Refers to the index in the [panes](#panes) array. Used for circular
* gauges and polar charts. When the option is not set then first pane
* will be used.
* @type {Number}
* @sample highcharts/demo/gauge-vu-meter
* Two gauges with different center
* @product highcharts
* @apioption xAxis.pane
* Whether to reverse the axis so that the highest number is closest
* to the origin. If the chart is inverted, the x axis is reversed by
* default.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/reversed/
* Reversed Y axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/reversed/
* Reversed Y axis
* @default false
* @apioption xAxis.reversed
// reversed: false,
* Whether to show the last tick label. Defaults to `true` on cartesian
* charts, and `false` on polar charts.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/showlastlabel-true/
* Set to true on X axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/showfirstlabel/
* Labels below plot lines on Y axis
* @default true
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption xAxis.showLastLabel
* For datetime axes, this decides where to put the tick between weeks.
* 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/startofweek-monday/
* Monday by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/startofweek-sunday/
* Sunday
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/startofweek-1
* Monday by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/startofweek-0
* Sunday
* @product highcharts highstock
startOfWeek: 1,
* Whether to force the axis to start on a tick. Use this option with
* the `minPadding` option to control the axis start.
* @productdesc {highstock}
* In Highstock, `startOnTick` is always false when the navigator is
* enabled, to prevent jumpy scrolling.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/startontick-false/
* False by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/startontick-true/
* True
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/endontick/
* False for Y axis
* @since 1.2.0
startOnTick: false,
* The pixel length of the main tick marks.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/ticklength/
* 20 px tick length on the X axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/ticks/
* Formatted ticks on X axis
tickLength: 10,
* For categorized axes only. If `on` the tick mark is placed in the
* center of the category, if `between` the tick mark is placed between
* categories. The default is `between` if the `tickInterval` is 1,
* else `on`.
* @validvalue [null, "on", "between"]
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/tickmarkplacement-between/
* "between" by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/tickmarkplacement-on/
* "on"
* @product highcharts
tickmarkPlacement: 'between',
* If tickInterval is `null` this option sets the approximate pixel
* interval of the tick marks. Not applicable to categorized axis.
* The tick interval is also influenced by the [minTickInterval](
* #xAxis.minTickInterval) option, that, by default prevents ticks from
* being denser than the data points.
* @see [tickInterval](#xAxis.tickInterval),
* [tickPositioner](#xAxis.tickPositioner),
* [tickPositions](#xAxis.tickPositions).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/tickpixelinterval-50/
* 50 px on X axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/tickpixelinterval/
* 200 px on X axis
tickPixelInterval: 100,
* The position of the major tick marks relative to the axis line.
* Can be one of `inside` and `outside`.
* @validvalue ["inside", "outside"]
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/tickposition-outside/
* "outside" by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/tickposition-inside/
* "inside"
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/ticks/
* Formatted ticks on X axis
tickPosition: 'outside',
* The axis title, showing next to the axis line.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps, the axis is hidden by default, but adding an axis title
* is still possible. X axis and Y axis titles will appear at the bottom
* and left by default.
title: {
* Alignment of the title relative to the axis values. Possible
* values are "low", "middle" or "high".
* @validvalue ["low", "middle", "high"]
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/title-align-low/
* "low"
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/title-align-center/
* "middle" by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/title-align-high/
* "high"
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/title-offset/
* Place the Y axis title on top of the axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/title-align/
* Aligned to "high" value
align: 'middle',
* CSS styles for the title. If the title text is longer than the
* axis length, it will wrap to multiple lines by default. This can
* be customized by setting `textOverflow: 'ellipsis'`, by
* setting a specific `width` or by setting `whiteSpace: 'nowrap'`.
* In styled mode, the stroke width is given in the
* `.highcharts-axis-title` class.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/title-style/
* Red
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/axis/
* Styled mode
* @default { "color": "#666666" }
style: {
color: '#666666'
* The type of axis. Can be one of `linear`, `logarithmic`, `datetime`
* or `category`. In a datetime axis, the numbers are given in
* milliseconds, and tick marks are placed on appropriate values like
* full hours or days. In a category axis, the
* [point names]( of the chart's series are used
* for categories, if not a [categories](#xAxis.categories) array is
* defined.
* @validvalue ["linear", "logarithmic", "datetime", "category"]
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/type-linear/
* Linear
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/type-log/
* Logarithmic
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/type-log-minorgrid/
* Logarithmic with minor grid lines
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/type-log-both/
* Logarithmic on two axes
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/type-log-negative/
* Logarithmic with extension to emulate negative values
* @product highcharts
type: 'linear',
* Color of the minor, secondary grid lines.
* In styled mode, the stroke width is given in the
* `.highcharts-minor-grid-line` class.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minorgridlinecolor/
* Bright grey lines from Y axis
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/css/axis-grid/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minorgridlinecolor/
* Bright grey lines from Y axis
* @default #f2f2f2
minorGridLineColor: '#f2f2f2',
// minorGridLineDashStyle: null,
* Width of the minor, secondary grid lines.
* In styled mode, the stroke width is given in the
* `.highcharts-grid-line` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minorgridlinewidth/
* 2px lines from Y axis
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/css/axis-grid/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minorgridlinewidth/
* 2px lines from Y axis
minorGridLineWidth: 1,
* Color for the minor tick marks.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minortickcolor/
* Black tick marks on Y axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minorticks/
* Black tick marks on Y axis
* @default #999999
minorTickColor: '#999999',
* The color of the line marking the axis itself.
* In styled mode, the line stroke is given in the
* `.highcharts-axis-line` or `.highcharts-xaxis-line` class.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps, the axis line is hidden by default, because the axis is
* not visible by default.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/linecolor/
* A red line on Y axis
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/css/axis/
* Axes in styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/linecolor/
* A red line on X axis
* @default #ccd6eb
lineColor: '#ccd6eb',
* The width of the line marking the axis itself.
* In styled mode, the stroke width is given in the
* `.highcharts-axis-line` or `.highcharts-xaxis-line` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/linecolor/
* A 1px line on Y axis
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/css/axis/
* Axes in styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/linewidth/
* A 2px line on X axis
* @default {highcharts|highstock} 1
* @default {highmaps} 0
lineWidth: 1,
* Color of the grid lines extending the ticks across the plot area.
* In styled mode, the stroke is given in the `.highcharts-grid-line`
* class.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps, the grid lines are hidden by default.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/gridlinecolor/
* Green lines
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/css/axis-grid/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/gridlinecolor/
* Green lines
* @default #e6e6e6
gridLineColor: '#e6e6e6',
// gridLineDashStyle: 'solid',
* The width of the grid lines extending the ticks across the plot area.
* In styled mode, the stroke width is given in the
* `.highcharts-grid-line` class.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/gridlinewidth/
* 2px lines
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/css/axis-grid/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/gridlinewidth/
* 2px lines
* @default 0
* @apioption xAxis.gridLineWidth
// gridLineWidth: 0,
* Color for the main tick marks.
* In styled mode, the stroke is given in the `.highcharts-tick`
* class.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/tickcolor/
* Red ticks on X axis
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/css/axis-grid/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/ticks/
* Formatted ticks on X axis
* @default #ccd6eb
tickColor: '#ccd6eb'
// tickWidth: 1
* The Y axis or value axis. Normally this is the vertical axis,
* though if the chart is inverted this is the horizontal axis.
* In case of multiple axes, the yAxis node is an array of
* configuration objects.
* See [the Axis object](#Axis) for programmatic access to the axis.
* @extends xAxis
* @excluding ordinal,overscroll
* @optionparent yAxis
defaultYAxisOptions: {
* @productdesc {highstock}
* In Highstock, `endOnTick` is always false when the navigator is
* enabled, to prevent jumpy scrolling.
endOnTick: true,
* @productdesc {highstock}
* In Highstock 1.x, the Y axis was placed on the left side by default.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/opposite/
* Secondary Y axis opposite
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/opposite/
* Y axis on left side
* @default {highstock} true
* @default {highcharts} false
* @product highstock highcharts
* @apioption yAxis.opposite
* @see [tickInterval](#xAxis.tickInterval),
* [tickPositioner](#xAxis.tickPositioner),
* [tickPositions](#xAxis.tickPositions).
tickPixelInterval: 72,
showLastLabel: true,
* @extends xAxis.labels
labels: {
* What part of the string the given position is anchored to. Can
* be one of `"left"`, `"center"` or `"right"`. The exact position
* also depends on the `labels.x` setting.
* Angular gauges and solid gauges defaults to `center`.
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/labels-align-left/
* Left
* @default {highcharts|highmaps} right
* @default {highstock} left
* @apioption yAxis.labels.align
* The x position offset of the label relative to the tick position
* on the axis. Defaults to -15 for left axis, 15 for right axis.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/labels-x/
* Y axis labels placed on grid lines
x: -8
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In Highmaps, the axis line is hidden by default, because the axis is
* not visible by default.
* @apioption yAxis.lineColor
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/min-startontick-false/
* -50 with startOnTick to false
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/min-startontick-true/
* -50 with startOnTick true by default
* @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/min-max/
* Fixed min and max on Y axis
* @sample {highmaps} maps/axis/min-max/
* Pre-zoomed to a specific area
* @apioption yAxis.min
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/max-200/
* Y axis max of 200
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/max-logarithmic/
* Y axis max on logarithmic axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/yaxis/min-max/
* Fixed min and max on Y axis
* @sample {highmaps} maps/axis/min-max/
* Pre-zoomed to a specific area
* @apioption yAxis.max
* Padding of the max value relative to the length of the axis. A
* padding of 0.05 will make a 100px axis 5px longer. This is useful
* when you don't want the highest data value to appear on the edge
* of the plot area. When the axis' `max` option is set or a max extreme
* is set using `axis.setExtremes()`, the maxPadding will be ignored.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/maxpadding-02/
* Max padding of 0.2
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minpadding-maxpadding/
* Greater min- and maxPadding
* @since 1.2.0
* @product highcharts highstock
maxPadding: 0.05,
* Padding of the min value relative to the length of the axis. A
* padding of 0.05 will make a 100px axis 5px longer. This is useful
* when you don't want the lowest data value to appear on the edge
* of the plot area. When the axis' `min` option is set or a max extreme
* is set using `axis.setExtremes()`, the maxPadding will be ignored.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/minpadding/
* Min padding of 0.2
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/minpadding-maxpadding/
* Greater min- and maxPadding
* @since 1.2.0
* @product highcharts highstock
minPadding: 0.05,
* Whether to force the axis to start on a tick. Use this option with
* the `maxPadding` option to control the axis start.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/startontick-false/
* False by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/startontick-true/
* True
* @sample {highstock} stock/xaxis/endontick/
* False for Y axis
* @since 1.2.0
* @product highcharts highstock
startOnTick: true,
* @extends xAxis.title
title: {
* The rotation of the text in degrees. 0 is horizontal, 270 is
* vertical reading from bottom to top.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/title-offset/
* Horizontal
rotation: 270,
* The actual text of the axis title. Horizontal texts can contain
* HTML, but rotated texts are painted using vector techniques and
* must be clean text. The Y axis title is disabled by setting the
* `text` option to `null`.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/xaxis/title-text/
* Custom HTML
* @default {highcharts} Values
* @default {highstock} null
* @product highcharts highstock
text: 'Values'
* The stack labels show the total value for each bar in a stacked
* column or bar chart. The label will be placed on top of positive
* columns and below negative columns. In case of an inverted column
* chart or a bar chart the label is placed to the right of positive
* bars and to the left of negative bars.
* @product highcharts
stackLabels: {
* Allow the stack labels to overlap.
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/yaxis/stacklabels-allowoverlap-false/
* Default false
* @since 5.0.13
* @product highcharts
allowOverlap: false,
* Enable or disable the stack total labels.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/stacklabels-enabled/
* Enabled stack total labels
* @since 2.1.5
* @product highcharts
enabled: false,
* Callback JavaScript function to format the label. The value is
* given by ``.
* @default function() { return; }
* @type {Function}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/stacklabels-formatter/
* Added units to stack total value
* @since 2.1.5
* @product highcharts
formatter: function () {
return H.numberFormat(, -1);
* CSS styles for the label.
* In styled mode, the styles are set in the
* `.highcharts-stack-label` class.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/yaxis/stacklabels-style/
* Red stack total labels
* @since 2.1.5
* @product highcharts
style: {
fontSize: '11px',
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#000000',
textOutline: '1px contrast'
gridLineWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0
// tickWidth: 0
* These options extend the defaultOptions for left axes.
* @private
* @type {Object}
defaultLeftAxisOptions: {
labels: {
x: -15
title: {
rotation: 270
* These options extend the defaultOptions for right axes.
* @private
* @type {Object}
defaultRightAxisOptions: {
labels: {
x: 15
title: {
rotation: 90
* These options extend the defaultOptions for bottom axes.
* @private
* @type {Object}
defaultBottomAxisOptions: {
labels: {
autoRotation: [-45],
x: 0
// overflow: undefined,
// staggerLines: null
title: {
rotation: 0
* These options extend the defaultOptions for top axes.
* @private
* @type {Object}
defaultTopAxisOptions: {
labels: {
autoRotation: [-45],
x: 0
// overflow: undefined
// staggerLines: null
title: {
rotation: 0
* Overrideable function to initialize the axis.
* @see {@link Axis}
init: function (chart, userOptions) {
var isXAxis = userOptions.isX,
axis = this;
* The Chart that the axis belongs to.
* @name chart
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {Chart}
axis.chart = chart;
* Whether the axis is horizontal.
* @name horiz
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {Boolean}
axis.horiz = chart.inverted && !axis.isZAxis ? !isXAxis : isXAxis;
// Flag, isXAxis
axis.isXAxis = isXAxis;
* The collection where the axis belongs, for example `xAxis`, `yAxis`
* or `colorAxis`. Corresponds to properties on Chart, for example
* {@link Chart.xAxis}.
* @name coll
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {String}
axis.coll = axis.coll || (isXAxis ? 'xAxis' : 'yAxis');
fireEvent(this, 'init', { userOptions: userOptions });
axis.opposite = userOptions.opposite; // needed in setOptions
* The side on which the axis is rendered. 0 is top, 1 is right, 2 is
* bottom and 3 is left.
* @name side
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {Number}
axis.side = userOptions.side || (axis.horiz ?
(axis.opposite ? 0 : 2) : // top : bottom
(axis.opposite ? 1 : 3)); // right : left
var options = this.options,
type = options.type,
isDatetimeAxis = type === 'datetime';
axis.labelFormatter = options.labels.formatter ||
axis.defaultLabelFormatter; // can be overwritten by dynamic format
// Flag, stagger lines or not
axis.userOptions = userOptions;
axis.minPixelPadding = 0;
* Whether the axis is reversed. Based on the `axis.reversed`,
* option, but inverted charts have reversed xAxis by default.
* @name reversed
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {Boolean}
axis.reversed = options.reversed;
axis.visible = options.visible !== false;
axis.zoomEnabled = options.zoomEnabled !== false;
// Initial categories
axis.hasNames = type === 'category' || options.categories === true;
axis.categories = options.categories || axis.hasNames;
if (!axis.names) { // Preserve on update (#3830)
axis.names = [];
axis.names.keys = {};
// Placeholder for plotlines and plotbands groups
axis.plotLinesAndBandsGroups = {};
// Shorthand types
axis.isLog = type === 'logarithmic';
axis.isDatetimeAxis = isDatetimeAxis;
axis.positiveValuesOnly = axis.isLog && !axis.allowNegativeLog;
// Flag, if axis is linked to another axis
axis.isLinked = defined(options.linkedTo);
// Major ticks
axis.ticks = {};
axis.labelEdge = [];
// Minor ticks
axis.minorTicks = {};
// List of plotLines/Bands
axis.plotLinesAndBands = [];
// Alternate bands
axis.alternateBands = {};
// Axis metrics
axis.len = 0;
axis.minRange = axis.userMinRange = options.minRange || options.maxZoom;
axis.range = options.range;
axis.offset = options.offset || 0;
// Dictionary for stacks
axis.stacks = {};
axis.oldStacks = {};
axis.stacksTouched = 0;
* The maximum value of the axis. In a logarithmic axis, this is the
* logarithm of the real value, and the real value can be obtained from
* {@link Axis#getExtremes}.
* @name max
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {Number}
axis.max = null;
* The minimum value of the axis. In a logarithmic axis, this is the
* logarithm of the real value, and the real value can be obtained from
* {@link Axis#getExtremes}.
* @name min
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {Number}
axis.min = null;
* The processed crosshair options.
* @name crosshair
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {AxisCrosshairOptions}
axis.crosshair = pick(
splat(chart.options.tooltip.crosshairs)[isXAxis ? 0 : 1],
var events =;
// Register. Don't add it again on Axis.update().
if (inArray(axis, chart.axes) === -1) { //
if (isXAxis) { // #2713
chart.axes.splice(chart.xAxis.length, 0, axis);
} else {
* All series associated to the axis.
* @name series
* @memberOf Axis
* @type {Array.<Series>}
axis.series = axis.series || []; // populated by Series
// Reversed axis
if (
chart.inverted &&
!axis.isZAxis &&
isXAxis &&
axis.reversed === undefined
) {
axis.reversed = true;
// register event listeners
objectEach(events, function (event, eventType) {
addEvent(axis, eventType, event);
// extend logarithmic axis
axis.lin2log = options.linearToLogConverter || axis.lin2log;
if (axis.isLog) {
axis.val2lin = axis.log2lin;
axis.lin2val = axis.lin2log;
fireEvent(this, 'afterInit');
* Merge and set options.
* @private
setOptions: function (userOptions) {
this.options = merge(
this.coll === 'yAxis' && this.defaultYAxisOptions,
defaultOptions[this.coll], // if set in setOptions (#1053)
fireEvent(this, 'afterSetOptions', { userOptions: userOptions });
* The default label formatter. The context is a special config object for
* the label. In apps, use the {@link
* labels.formatter} instead except when a modification is needed.
* @private
defaultLabelFormatter: function () {
var axis = this.axis,
value = this.value,
time = axis.chart.time,
categories = axis.categories,
dateTimeLabelFormat = this.dateTimeLabelFormat,
lang = defaultOptions.lang,
numericSymbols = lang.numericSymbols,
numSymMagnitude = lang.numericSymbolMagnitude || 1000,
i = numericSymbols && numericSymbols.length,
formatOption = axis.options.labels.format,
// make sure the same symbol is added for all labels on a linear
// axis
numericSymbolDetector = axis.isLog ?
Math.abs(value) :
if (formatOption) {
ret = format(formatOption, this, time);
} else if (categories) {
ret = value;
} else if (dateTimeLabelFormat) { // datetime axis
ret = time.dateFormat(dateTimeLabelFormat, value);
} else if (i && numericSymbolDetector >= 1000) {
// Decide whether we should add a numeric symbol like k (thousands)
// or M (millions). If we are to enable this in tooltip or other
// places as well, we can move this logic to the numberFormatter and
// enable it by a parameter.
while (i-- && ret === undefined) {
multi = Math.pow(numSymMagnitude, i + 1);
if (
// Only accept a numeric symbol when the distance is more
// than a full unit. So for example if the symbol is k, we
// don't accept numbers like 0.5k.
numericSymbolDetector >= multi &&
// Accept one decimal before the symbol. Accepts 0.5k but
// not 0.25k. How does this work with the previous?
(value * 10) % multi === 0 &&
numericSymbols[i] !== null &&
value !== 0
) { // #5480
ret = H.numberFormat(value / multi, -1) + numericSymbols[i];
if (ret === undefined) {
if (Math.abs(value) >= 10000) { // add thousands separators
ret = H.numberFormat(value, -1);
} else { // small numbers
ret = H.numberFormat(value, -1, undefined, ''); // #2466
return ret;
* Get the minimum and maximum for the series of each axis. The function
* analyzes the axis series and updates `this.dataMin` and `this.dataMax`.
* @private
getSeriesExtremes: function () {
var axis = this,
chart = axis.chart;
fireEvent(this, 'getSeriesExtremes', null, function () {
axis.hasVisibleSeries = false;
// Reset properties in case we're redrawing (#3353)
axis.dataMin = axis.dataMax = axis.threshold = null;
axis.softThreshold = !axis.isXAxis;
if (axis.buildStacks) {
// loop through this axis' series
each(axis.series, function (series) {
if (series.visible || !chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) {
var seriesOptions = series.options,
threshold = seriesOptions.threshold,
axis.hasVisibleSeries = true;
// Validate threshold in logarithmic axes
if (axis.positiveValuesOnly && threshold <= 0) {
threshold = null;
// Get dataMin and dataMax for X axes
if (axis.isXAxis) {
xData = series.xData;
if (xData.length) {
// If xData contains values which is not numbers,
// then filter them out. To prevent performance hit,
// we only do this after we have already found
// seriesDataMin because in most cases all data is
// valid. #5234.
seriesDataMin = arrayMin(xData);
seriesDataMax = arrayMax(xData);
if (
!isNumber(seriesDataMin) &&
!(seriesDataMin instanceof Date) // #5010
) {
xData = grep(xData, isNumber);
// Do it again with valid data
seriesDataMin = arrayMin(xData);
seriesDataMax = arrayMax(xData);
if (xData.length) {
axis.dataMin = Math.min(
pick(axis.dataMin, xData[0], seriesDataMin),
axis.dataMax = Math.max(
pick(axis.dataMax, xData[0], seriesDataMax),
// Get dataMin and dataMax for Y axes, as well as handle
// stacking and processed data
} else {
// Get this particular series extremes
seriesDataMax = series.dataMax;
seriesDataMin = series.dataMin;
// Get the dataMin and dataMax so far. If percentage is
// used, the min and max are always 0 and 100. If
// seriesDataMin and seriesDataMax is null, then series
// doesn't have active y data, we continue with nulls
if (defined(seriesDataMin) && defined(seriesDataMax)) {
axis.dataMin = Math.min(
pick(axis.dataMin, seriesDataMin),
axis.dataMax = Math.max(
pick(axis.dataMax, seriesDataMax),
// Adjust to threshold
if (defined(threshold)) {
axis.threshold = threshold;
// If any series has a hard threshold, it takes
// precedence
if (
!seriesOptions.softThreshold ||
) {
axis.softThreshold = false;
fireEvent(this, 'afterGetSeriesExtremes');
* Translate from axis value to pixel position on the chart, or back. Use
* the `toPixels` and `toValue` functions in applications.
* @private
translate: function (
) {
var axis = this.linkedParent || this, // #1417
sign = 1,
cvsOffset = 0,
localA = old ? axis.oldTransA : axis.transA,
localMin = old ? axis.oldMin : axis.min,
minPixelPadding = axis.minPixelPadding,
doPostTranslate = (
axis.isOrdinal ||
axis.isBroken ||
(axis.isLog && handleLog)
) && axis.lin2val;
if (!localA) {
localA = axis.transA;
// In vertical axes, the canvas coordinates start from 0 at the top like
// in SVG.
if (cvsCoord) {
sign *= -1; // canvas coordinates inverts the value
cvsOffset = axis.len;
// Handle reversed axis
if (axis.reversed) {
sign *= -1;
cvsOffset -= sign * (axis.sector || axis.len);
// From pixels to value
if (backwards) { // reverse translation
val = val * sign + cvsOffset;
val -= minPixelPadding;
returnValue = val / localA + localMin; // from chart pixel to value
if (doPostTranslate) { // log and ordinal axes
returnValue = axis.lin2val(returnValue);
// From value to pixels
} else {
if (doPostTranslate) { // log and ordinal axes
val = axis.val2lin(val);
returnValue = isNumber(localMin) ?
sign * (val - localMin) * localA +
cvsOffset +
(sign * minPixelPadding) +
(isNumber(pointPlacement) ? localA * pointPlacement : 0)
) :
return returnValue;
* Translate a value in terms of axis units into pixels within the chart.
* @param {Number} value
* A value in terms of axis units.
* @param {Boolean} paneCoordinates
* Whether to return the pixel coordinate relative to the chart or
* just the axis/pane itself.
* @return {Number} Pixel position of the value on the chart or axis.
toPixels: function (value, paneCoordinates) {
return this.translate(value, false, !this.horiz, null, true) +
(paneCoordinates ? 0 : this.pos);
* Translate a pixel position along the axis to a value in terms of axis
* units.
* @param {Number} pixel
* The pixel value coordinate.
* @param {Boolean} paneCoordiantes
* Whether the input pixel is relative to the chart or just the
* axis/pane itself.
* @return {Number} The axis value.
toValue: function (pixel, paneCoordinates) {
return this.translate(
pixel - (paneCoordinates ? 0 : this.pos),
* Create the path for a plot line that goes from the given value on
* this axis, across the plot to the opposite side. Also used internally for
* grid lines and crosshairs.
* @param {Number} value
* Axis value.
* @param {Number} [lineWidth=1]
* Used for calculation crisp line coordinates.
* @param {Boolean} [old=false]
* Use old coordinates (for resizing and rescaling).
* @param {Boolean} [force=false]
* If `false`, the function will return null when it falls outside
* the axis bounds.
* @param {Number} [translatedValue]
* If given, return the plot line path of a pixel position on the
* axis.
* @return {Array.<String|Number>}
* The SVG path definition for the plot line.
getPlotLinePath: function (value, lineWidth, old, force, translatedValue) {
var axis = this,
chart = axis.chart,
axisLeft = axis.left,
axisTop =,
cHeight = (old && chart.oldChartHeight) || chart.chartHeight,
cWidth = (old && chart.oldChartWidth) || chart.chartWidth,
transB = axis.transB,
* Check if x is between a and b. If not, either move to a/b
* or skip, depending on the force parameter.
between = function (x, a, b) {
if (x < a || x > b) {
if (force) {
x = Math.min(Math.max(a, x), b);
} else {
skip = true;
return x;
translatedValue = pick(
axis.translate(value, null, null, old)
// Keep the translated value within sane bounds, and avoid Infinity to
// fail the isNumber test (#7709).
translatedValue = Math.min(Math.max(-1e5, translatedValue), 1e5);
x1 = x2 = Math.round(translatedValue + transB);
y1 = y2 = Math.round(cHeight - translatedValue - transB);
if (!isNumber(translatedValue)) { // no min or max
skip = true;
force = false; // #7175, don't force it when path is invalid
} else if (axis.horiz) {
y1 = axisTop;
y2 = cHeight - axis.bottom;
x1 = x2 = between(x1, axisLeft, axisLeft + axis.width);
} else {
x1 = axisLeft;
x2 = cWidth - axis.right;
y1 = y2 = between(y1, axisTop, axisTop + axis.height);
return skip && !force ?
null :
['M', x1, y1, 'L', x2, y2],
lineWidth || 1
* Internal function to et the tick positions of a linear axis to round
* values like whole tens or every five.
* @param {Number} tickInterval
* The normalized tick interval
* @param {Number} min
* Axis minimum.
* @param {Number} max
* Axis maximum.
* @return {Array.<Number>}
* An array of axis values where ticks should be placed.
getLinearTickPositions: function (tickInterval, min, max) {
var pos,
roundedMin =
correctFloat(Math.floor(min / tickInterval) * tickInterval),
roundedMax =
correctFloat(Math.ceil(max / tickInterval) * tickInterval),
tickPositions = [],
// When the precision is higher than what we filter out in
// correctFloat, skip it (#6183).
if (correctFloat(roundedMin + tickInterval) === roundedMin) {
precision = 20;
// For single points, add a tick regardless of the relative position
// (#2662, #6274)
if (this.single) {
return [min];
// Populate the intermediate values
pos = roundedMin;
while (pos <= roundedMax) {
// Place the tick on the rounded value
// Always add the raw tickInterval, not the corrected one.
pos = correctFloat(
pos + tickInterval,
// If the interval is not big enough in the current min - max range
// to actually increase the loop variable, we need to break out to
// prevent endless loop. Issue #619
if (pos === lastPos) {
// Record the last value
lastPos = pos;
return tickPositions;
* Resolve the new minorTicks/minorTickInterval options into the legacy
* loosely typed minorTickInterval option.
getMinorTickInterval: function () {
var options = this.options;
if (options.minorTicks === true) {
return pick(options.minorTickInterval, 'auto');
if (options.minorTicks === false) {
return null;
return options.minorTickInterval;
* Internal function to return the minor tick positions. For logarithmic
* axes, the same logic as for major ticks is reused.
* @return {Array.<Number>}
* An array of axis values where ticks should be placed.
getMinorTickPositions: function () {
var axis = this,
options = axis.options,
tickPositions = axis.tickPositions,
minorTickInterval = axis.minorTickInterval,
minorTickPositions = [],
pointRangePadding = axis.pointRangePadding || 0,
min = axis.min - pointRangePadding, // #1498
max = axis.max + pointRangePadding, // #1498
range = max - min;
// If minor ticks get too dense, they are hard to read, and may cause
// long running script. So we don't draw them.
if (range && range / minorTickInterval < axis.len / 3) { // #3875
if (axis.isLog) {
// For each interval in the major ticks, compute the minor ticks
// separately.
each(this.paddedTicks, function (pos, i, paddedTicks) {
if (i) {
paddedTicks[i - 1],
} else if (
axis.isDatetimeAxis &&
this.getMinorTickInterval() === 'auto'
) { // #1314
minorTickPositions = minorTickPositions.concat(
} else {
for (
pos = min + (tickPositions[0] - min) % minorTickInterval;
pos <= max;
pos += minorTickInterval
) {
// Very, very, tight grid lines (#5771)
if (pos === minorTickPositions[0]) {
if (minorTickPositions.length !== 0) {
axis.trimTicks(minorTickPositions); // #3652 #3743 #1498 #6330
return minorTickPositions;
* Adjust the min and max for the minimum range. Keep in mind that the
* series data is not yet processed, so we don't have information on data
* cropping and grouping, or updated axis.pointRange or series.pointRange.
* The data can't be processed until we have finally established min and
* max.
* @private
adjustForMinRange: function () {
var axis = this,
options = axis.options,
min = axis.min,
max = axis.max,
// Set the automatic minimum range based on the closest point distance
if (axis.isXAxis && axis.minRange === undefined && !axis.isLog) {
if (defined(options.min) || defined(options.max)) {
axis.minRange = null; // don't do this again
} else {
// Find the closest distance between raw data points, as opposed
// to closestPointRange that applies to processed points
// (cropped and grouped)
each(axis.series, function (series) {
xData = series.xData;
loopLength = series.xIncrement ? 1 : xData.length - 1;
for (i = loopLength; i > 0; i--) {
distance = xData[i] - xData[i - 1];
if (
closestDataRange === undefined ||
distance < closestDataRange
) {
closestDataRange = distance;
axis.minRange = Math.min(
closestDataRange * 5,
axis.dataMax - axis.dataMin
// if minRange is exceeded, adjust
if (max - min < axis.minRange) {
spaceAvailable = axis.dataMax - axis.dataMin >= axis.minRange;
minRange = axis.minRange;
zoomOffset = (minRange - max + min) / 2;
// if min and max options have been set, don't go beyond it
minArgs = [min - zoomOffset, pick(options.min, min - zoomOffset)];
// If space is available, stay within the data range
if (spaceAvailable) {
minArgs[2] = axis.isLog ?
axis.log2lin(axis.dataMin) :
min = arrayMax(minArgs);
maxArgs = [min + minRange, pick(options.max, min + minRange)];
// If space is availabe, stay within the data range
if (spaceAvailable) {
maxArgs[2] = axis.isLog ?
axis.log2lin(axis.dataMax) :
max = arrayMin(maxArgs);
// now if the max is adjusted, adjust the min back
if (max - min < minRange) {
minArgs[0] = max - minRange;
minArgs[1] = pick(options.min, max - minRange);
min = arrayMax(minArgs);
// Record modified extremes
axis.min = min;
axis.max = max;
* Find the closestPointRange across all series.
* @private
getClosest: function () {
var ret;
if (this.categories) {
ret = 1;
} else {
each(this.series, function (series) {
var seriesClosest = series.closestPointRange,
visible = series.visible ||
if (
!series.noSharedTooltip &&
defined(seriesClosest) &&
) {
ret = defined(ret) ?
Math.min(ret, seriesClosest) :
return ret;
* When a point name is given and no x, search for the name in the existing
* categories, or if categories aren't provided, search names or create a
* new category (#2522).
* @private
* @param {Point}
* The point to inspect.
* @return {Number}
* The X value that the point is given.
nameToX: function (point) {
var explicitCategories = isArray(this.categories),
names = explicitCategories ? this.categories : this.names,
nameX = point.options.x,
point.series.requireSorting = false;
if (!defined(nameX)) {
nameX = this.options.uniqueNames === false ?
point.series.autoIncrement() :
explicitCategories ?
inArray(, names) :
pick(names.keys[], -1)
if (nameX === -1) { // Not found in currenct categories
if (!explicitCategories) {
x = names.length;
} else {
x = nameX;
// Write the last point's name to the names array
if (x !== undefined) {
this.names[x] =;
// Backwards mapping is much faster than array searching (#7725)
this.names.keys[] = x;
return x;
* When changes have been done to series data, update the axis.names.
* @private
updateNames: function () {
var axis = this,
names = this.names,
i = names.length;
if (i > 0) {
each(H.keys(names.keys), function (key) {
delete names.keys[key];
names.length = 0;
this.minRange = this.userMinRange; // Reset
each(this.series || [], function (series) {
// Reset incrementer (#5928)
series.xIncrement = null;
// When adding a series, points are not yet generated
if (!series.points || series.isDirtyData) {
each(series.points, function (point, i) {
var x;
if (point.options) {
x = axis.nameToX(point);
if (x !== undefined && x !== point.x) {
point.x = x;
series.xData[i] = x;
* Update translation information.
* @private
setAxisTranslation: function (saveOld) {
var axis = this,
range = axis.max - axis.min,
pointRange = axis.axisPointRange || 0,
minPointOffset = 0,
pointRangePadding = 0,
linkedParent = axis.linkedParent,
hasCategories = !!axis.categories,
transA = axis.transA,
isXAxis = axis.isXAxis;
// Adjust translation for padding. Y axis with categories need to go
// through the same (#1784).
if (isXAxis || hasCategories || pointRange) {
// Get the closest points
closestPointRange = axis.getClosest();
if (linkedParent) {
minPointOffset = linkedParent.minPointOffset;
pointRangePadding = linkedParent.pointRangePadding;
} else {
each(axis.series, function (series) {
var seriesPointRange = hasCategories ?
1 :
isXAxis ?
) :
(axis.axisPointRange || 0)
), // #2806
pointPlacement = series.options.pointPlacement;
pointRange = Math.max(pointRange, seriesPointRange);
if (!axis.single) {
// minPointOffset is the value padding to the left of
// the axis in order to make room for points with a
// pointRange, typically columns. When the
// pointPlacement option is 'between' or 'on', this
// padding does not apply.
minPointOffset = Math.max(
isString(pointPlacement) ? 0 : seriesPointRange / 2
// Determine the total padding needed to the length of
// the axis to make room for the pointRange. If the
// series' pointPlacement is 'on', no padding is added.
pointRangePadding = Math.max(
pointPlacement === 'on' ? 0 : seriesPointRange
// Record minPointOffset and pointRangePadding
ordinalCorrection = axis.ordinalSlope && closestPointRange ?
axis.ordinalSlope / closestPointRange :
1; // #988, #1853
axis.minPointOffset = minPointOffset =
minPointOffset * ordinalCorrection;
axis.pointRangePadding =
pointRangePadding = pointRangePadding * ordinalCorrection;
// pointRange means the width reserved for each point, like in a
// column chart
axis.pointRange = Math.min(pointRange, range);
// closestPointRange means the closest distance between points. In
// columns it is mostly equal to pointRange, but in lines pointRange
// is 0 while closestPointRange is some other value
if (isXAxis) {
axis.closestPointRange = closestPointRange;
// Secondary values
if (saveOld) {
axis.oldTransA = transA;
axis.translationSlope = axis.transA = transA =
axis.options.staticScale ||
axis.len / ((range + pointRangePadding) || 1);
// Translation addend
axis.transB = axis.horiz ? axis.left : axis.bottom;
axis.minPixelPadding = transA * minPointOffset;
fireEvent(this, 'afterSetAxisTranslation');
minFromRange: function () {
return this.max - this.range;
* Set the tick positions to round values and optionally extend the extremes
* to the nearest tick.
* @private
setTickInterval: function (secondPass) {
var axis = this,
chart = axis.chart,
options = axis.options,
isLog = axis.isLog,
isDatetimeAxis = axis.isDatetimeAxis,
isXAxis = axis.isXAxis,
isLinked = axis.isLinked,
maxPadding = options.maxPadding,
minPadding = options.minPadding,
tickIntervalOption = options.tickInterval,
tickPixelIntervalOption = options.tickPixelInterval,
categories = axis.categories,
threshold = isNumber(axis.threshold) ? axis.threshold : null,
softThreshold = axis.softThreshold,
if (!isDatetimeAxis && !categories && !isLinked) {
// Min or max set either by zooming/setExtremes or initial options
hardMin = pick(axis.userMin, options.min);
hardMax = pick(axis.userMax, options.max);
// Linked axis gets the extremes from the parent axis
if (isLinked) {
axis.linkedParent = chart[axis.coll][options.linkedTo];
linkedParentExtremes = axis.linkedParent.getExtremes();
axis.min = pick(
axis.max = pick(
if (options.type !== axis.linkedParent.options.type) {
H.error(11, 1); // Can't link axes of different type
// Initial min and max from the extreme data values
} else {
// Adjust to hard threshold
if (!softThreshold && defined(threshold)) {
if (axis.dataMin >= threshold) {
thresholdMin = threshold;
minPadding = 0;
} else if (axis.dataMax <= threshold) {
thresholdMax = threshold;
maxPadding = 0;
axis.min = pick(hardMin, thresholdMin, axis.dataMin);
axis.max = pick(hardMax, thresholdMax, axis.dataMax);
if (isLog) {
if (
axis.positiveValuesOnly &&
!secondPass &&
Math.min(axis.min, pick(axis.dataMin, axis.min)) <= 0
) { // #978
H.error(10, 1); // Can't plot negative values on log axis
// The correctFloat cures #934, float errors on full tens. But it
// was too aggressive for #4360 because of conversion back to lin,
// therefore use precision 15.
axis.min = correctFloat(axis.log2lin(axis.min), 15);
axis.max = correctFloat(axis.log2lin(axis.max), 15);
// handle zoomed range
if (axis.range && defined(axis.max)) {
axis.userMin = axis.min = hardMin =
Math.max(axis.dataMin, axis.minFromRange()); // #618, #6773
axis.userMax = hardMax = axis.max;
axis.range = null; // don't use it when running setExtremes
// Hook for Highstock Scroller. Consider combining with beforePadding.
fireEvent(axis, 'foundExtremes');
// Hook for adjusting this.min and this.max. Used by bubble series.
if (axis.beforePadding) {
// adjust min and max for the minimum range
// Pad the values to get clear of the chart's edges. To avoid
// tickInterval taking the padding into account, we do this after
// computing tick interval (#1337).
if (
!categories &&
!axis.axisPointRange &&
!axis.usePercentage &&
!isLinked &&
defined(axis.min) &&
) {
length = axis.max - axis.min;
if (length) {
if (!defined(hardMin) && minPadding) {
axis.min -= length * minPadding;
if (!defined(hardMax) && maxPadding) {
axis.max += length * maxPadding;
// Handle options for floor, ceiling, softMin and softMax (#6359)
if (isNumber(options.softMin) && !isNumber(axis.userMin)) {
axis.min = Math.min(axis.min, options.softMin);
if (isNumber(options.softMax) && !isNumber(axis.userMax)) {
axis.max = Math.max(axis.max, options.softMax);
if (isNumber(options.floor)) {
axis.min = Math.max(axis.min, options.floor);
if (isNumber(options.ceiling)) {
axis.max = Math.min(axis.max, options.ceiling);
// When the threshold is soft, adjust the extreme value only if the data
// extreme and the padded extreme land on either side of the threshold.
// For example, a series of [0, 1, 2, 3] would make the yAxis add a tick
// for -1 because of the default minPadding and startOnTick options.
// This is prevented by the softThreshold option.
if (softThreshold && defined(axis.dataMin)) {
threshold = threshold || 0;
if (
!defined(hardMin) &&
axis.min < threshold &&
axis.dataMin >= threshold
) {
axis.min = threshold;
} else if (
!defined(hardMax) &&
axis.max > threshold &&
axis.dataMax <= threshold
) {
axis.max = threshold;
// get tickInterval
if (
axis.min === axis.max ||
axis.min === undefined ||
axis.max === undefined
) {
axis.tickInterval = 1;
} else if (
isLinked &&
!tickIntervalOption &&
tickPixelIntervalOption ===
) {
axis.tickInterval = tickIntervalOption =
} else {
axis.tickInterval = pick(
this.tickAmount ?
((axis.max - axis.min) / Math.max(this.tickAmount - 1, 1)) :
// For categoried axis, 1 is default, for linear axis use
// tickPix
categories ?
1 :
// don't let it be more than the data range
(axis.max - axis.min) * tickPixelIntervalOption /
Math.max(axis.len, tickPixelIntervalOption)
* Now we're finished detecting min and max, crop and group series data.
* This is in turn needed in order to find tick positions in
* ordinal axes.
if (isXAxis && !secondPass) {
each(axis.series, function (series) {
axis.min !== axis.oldMin || axis.max !== axis.oldMax
// set the translation factor used in translate function
// hook for ordinal axes and radial axes
if (axis.beforeSetTickPositions) {
// hook for extensions, used in Highstock ordinal axes
if (axis.postProcessTickInterval) {
axis.tickInterval = axis.postProcessTickInterval(axis.tickInterval);
// In column-like charts, don't cramp in more ticks than there are
// points (#1943, #4184)
if (axis.pointRange && !tickIntervalOption) {
axis.tickInterval = Math.max(axis.pointRange, axis.tickInterval);
// Before normalizing the tick interval, handle minimum tick interval.
// This applies only if tickInterval is not defined.
minTickInterval = pick(
axis.isDatetimeAxis && axis.closestPointRange
if (!tickIntervalOption && axis.tickInterval < minTickInterval) {
axis.tickInterval = minTickInterval;
// for linear axes, get magnitude and normalize the interval
if (!isDatetimeAxis && !isLog && !tickIntervalOption) {
axis.tickInterval = normalizeTickInterval(
// If the tick interval is between 0.5 and 5 and the axis max is
// in the order of thousands, chances are we are dealing with
// years. Don't allow decimals. #3363.
axis.tickInterval > 0.5 &&
axis.tickInterval < 5 &&
axis.max > 1000 &&
axis.max < 9999
// Prevent ticks from getting so close that we can't draw the labels
if (!this.tickAmount) {
axis.tickInterval = axis.unsquish();
* Now we have computed the normalized tickInterval, get the tick positions
setTickPositions: function () {
var options = this.options,
tickPositionsOption = options.tickPositions,
minorTickIntervalOption = this.getMinorTickInterval(),
tickPositioner = options.tickPositioner,
startOnTick = options.startOnTick,
endOnTick = options.endOnTick;
// Set the tickmarkOffset
this.tickmarkOffset = (
this.categories &&
options.tickmarkPlacement === 'between' &&
this.tickInterval === 1
) ? 0.5 : 0; // #3202
// get minorTickInterval
this.minorTickInterval =
minorTickIntervalOption === 'auto' &&
this.tickInterval ?
this.tickInterval / 5 :
// When there is only one point, or all points have the same value on
// this axis, then min and max are equal and tickPositions.length is 0
// or 1. In this case, add some padding in order to center the point,
// but leave it with one tick. #1337.
this.single =
this.min === this.max &&
defined(this.min) &&
!this.tickAmount &&
// Data is on integer (#6563)
parseInt(this.min, 10) === this.min ||
// Between integers and decimals are not allowed (#6274)
options.allowDecimals !== false
// Find the tick positions. Work on a copy (#1565)
this.tickPositions = tickPositions =
tickPositionsOption && tickPositionsOption.slice();
if (!tickPositions) {
if (this.isDatetimeAxis) {
tickPositions = this.getTimeTicks(
} else if (this.isLog) {
tickPositions = this.getLogTickPositions(
} else {
tickPositions = this.getLinearTickPositions(
// Too dense ticks, keep only the first and last (#4477)
if (tickPositions.length > this.len) {
tickPositions = [tickPositions[0], tickPositions.pop()];
// Reduce doubled value (#7339)
if (tickPositions[0] === tickPositions[1]) {
tickPositions.length = 1;
this.tickPositions = tickPositions;
// Run the tick positioner callback, that allows modifying auto tick
// positions.
if (tickPositioner) {
tickPositioner = tickPositioner.apply(
[this.min, this.max]
if (tickPositioner) {
this.tickPositions = tickPositions = tickPositioner;
// Reset min/max or remove extremes based on start/end on tick
this.paddedTicks = tickPositions.slice(0); // Used for logarithmic minor
this.trimTicks(tickPositions, startOnTick, endOnTick);
if (!this.isLinked) {
// Substract half a unit (#2619, #2846, #2515, #3390),
// but not in case of multiple ticks (#6897)
if (this.single && tickPositions.length < 2) {
this.min -= 0.5;
this.max += 0.5;
if (!tickPositionsOption && !tickPositioner) {
fireEvent(this, 'afterSetTickPositions');
* Handle startOnTick and endOnTick by either adapting to padding min/max or
* rounded min/max. Also handle single data points.
* @private
trimTicks: function (tickPositions, startOnTick, endOnTick) {
var roundedMin = tickPositions[0],
roundedMax = tickPositions[tickPositions.length - 1],
minPointOffset = this.minPointOffset || 0;
if (!this.isLinked) {
if (startOnTick && roundedMin !== -Infinity) { // #6502
this.min = roundedMin;
} else {
while (this.min - minPointOffset > tickPositions[0]) {
if (endOnTick) {
this.max = roundedMax;
} else {
while (this.max + minPointOffset <
tickPositions[tickPositions.length - 1]) {
// If no tick are left, set one tick in the middle (#3195)
if (
tickPositions.length === 0 &&
defined(roundedMin) &&
) {
tickPositions.push((roundedMax + roundedMin) / 2);
* Check if there are multiple axes in the same pane.
* @private
* @return {Boolean}
* True if there are other axes.
alignToOthers: function () {
var others = {}, // Whether there is another axis to pair with this one
options = this.options;
if (
// Only if alignTicks is true
this.chart.options.chart.alignTicks !== false &&
options.alignTicks !== false &&
// Disabled when startOnTick or endOnTick are false (#7604)
options.startOnTick !== false &&
options.endOnTick !== false &&
// Don't try to align ticks on a log axis, they are not evenly
// spaced (#6021)
) {
each(this.chart[this.coll], function (axis) {
var otherOptions = axis.options,
horiz = axis.horiz,
key = [
horiz ? otherOptions.left :,
if (axis.series.length) { // #4442
if (others[key]) {
hasOther = true; // #4201
} else {
others[key] = 1;
return hasOther;
* Find the max ticks of either the x and y axis collection, and record it
* in `this.tickAmount`.
* @private
getTickAmount: function () {
var options = this.options,
tickAmount = options.tickAmount,
tickPixelInterval = options.tickPixelInterval;
if (
!defined(options.tickInterval) &&
this.len < tickPixelInterval &&
!this.isRadial &&
!this.isLog &&
options.startOnTick &&
) {
tickAmount = 2;
if (!tickAmount && this.alignToOthers()) {
// Add 1 because 4 tick intervals require 5 ticks (including first
// and last)
tickAmount = Math.ceil(this.len / tickPixelInterval) + 1;
// For tick amounts of 2 and 3, compute five ticks and remove the
// intermediate ones. This prevents the axis from adding ticks that are
// too far away from the data extremes.
if (tickAmount < 4) {
this.finalTickAmt = tickAmount;
tickAmount = 5;
this.tickAmount = tickAmount;
* When using multiple axes, adjust the number of ticks to match the highest
* number of ticks in that group.
* @private
adjustTickAmount: function () {
var tickInterval = this.tickInterval,
tickPositions = this.tickPositions,
tickAmount = this.tickAmount,
finalTickAmt = this.finalTickAmt,
currentTickAmount = tickPositions && tickPositions.length,
threshold = pick(this.threshold, this.softThreshold ? 0 : null),
if (this.hasData()) {
if (currentTickAmount < tickAmount) {
while (tickPositions.length < tickAmount) {
// Extend evenly for both sides unless we're on the
// threshold (#3965)
if (
tickPositions.length % 2 ||
this.min === threshold
) {
// to the end
tickPositions[tickPositions.length - 1] +
} else {
// to the start
tickPositions[0] - tickInterval
this.transA *= (currentTickAmount - 1) / (tickAmount - 1);
this.min = tickPositions[0];
this.max = tickPositions[tickPositions.length - 1];
// We have too many ticks, run second pass to try to reduce ticks
} else if (currentTickAmount > tickAmount) {
this.tickInterval *= 2;
// The finalTickAmt property is set in getTickAmount
if (defined(finalTickAmt)) {
i = len = tickPositions.length;
while (i--) {
if (
// Remove every other tick
(finalTickAmt === 3 && i % 2 === 1) ||
// Remove all but first and last
(finalTickAmt <= 2 && i > 0 && i < len - 1)
) {
tickPositions.splice(i, 1);
this.finalTickAmt = undefined;
* Set the scale based on data min and max, user set min and max or options.
* @private
setScale: function () {
var axis = this,
axis.oldMin = axis.min;
axis.oldMax = axis.max;
axis.oldAxisLength = axis.len;
// set the new axisLength
isDirtyAxisLength = axis.len !== axis.oldAxisLength;
// is there new data?
each(axis.series, function (series) {
if (
series.isDirtyData ||
series.isDirty ||
// When x axis is dirty, we need new data extremes for y as well
) {
isDirtyData = true;
// do we really need to go through all this?
if (
isDirtyAxisLength ||
isDirtyData ||
axis.isLinked ||
axis.forceRedraw ||
axis.userMin !== axis.oldUserMin ||
axis.userMax !== axis.oldUserMax ||
) {
if (axis.resetStacks) {
axis.forceRedraw = false;
// get data extremes if needed
// get fixed positions based on tickInterval
// record old values to decide whether a rescale is necessary later
// on (#540)
axis.oldUserMin = axis.userMin;
axis.oldUserMax = axis.userMax;
// Mark as dirty if it is not already set to dirty and extremes have
// changed. #595.
if (!axis.isDirty) {
axis.isDirty =
isDirtyAxisLength ||
axis.min !== axis.oldMin ||
axis.max !== axis.oldMax;
} else if (axis.cleanStacks) {
fireEvent(this, 'afterSetScale');
* Set the minimum and maximum of the axes after render time. If the
* `startOnTick` and `endOnTick` options are true, the minimum and maximum
* values are rounded off to the nearest tick. To prevent this, these
* options can be set to false before calling setExtremes. Also, setExtremes
* will not allow a range lower than the `minRange` option, which by default
* is the range of five points.
* @param {Number} [newMin]
* The new minimum value.
* @param {Number} [newMax]
* The new maximum value.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart or wait for an explicit call to
* {@link Highcharts.Chart#redraw}
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation=true]
* Enable or modify animations.
* @param {Object} [eventArguments]
* Arguments to be accessed in event handler.
* @sample highcharts/members/axis-setextremes/
* Set extremes from a button
* @sample highcharts/members/axis-setextremes-datetime/
* Set extremes on a datetime axis
* @sample highcharts/members/axis-setextremes-off-ticks/
* Set extremes off ticks
* @sample stock/members/axis-setextremes/
* Set extremes in Highstock
* @sample maps/members/axis-setextremes/
* Set extremes in Highmaps
setExtremes: function (newMin, newMax, redraw, animation, eventArguments) {
var axis = this,
chart = axis.chart;
redraw = pick(redraw, true); // defaults to true
each(axis.series, function (serie) {
delete serie.kdTree;
// Extend the arguments with min and max
eventArguments = extend(eventArguments, {
min: newMin,
max: newMax
// Fire the event
fireEvent(axis, 'setExtremes', eventArguments, function () {
axis.userMin = newMin;
axis.userMax = newMax;
axis.eventArgs = eventArguments;
if (redraw) {
* Overridable method for zooming chart. Pulled out in a separate method to
* allow overriding in stock charts.
* @private
zoom: function (newMin, newMax) {
var dataMin = this.dataMin,
dataMax = this.dataMax,
options = this.options,
min = Math.min(dataMin, pick(options.min, dataMin)),
max = Math.max(dataMax, pick(options.max, dataMax));
if (newMin !== this.min || newMax !== this.max) { // #5790
// Prevent pinch zooming out of range. Check for defined is for
// #1946. #1734.
if (!this.allowZoomOutside) {
// #6014, sometimes newMax will be smaller than min (or newMin
// will be larger than max).
if (defined(dataMin)) {
if (newMin < min) {
newMin = min;
if (newMin > max) {
newMin = max;
if (defined(dataMax)) {
if (newMax < min) {
newMax = min;
if (newMax > max) {
newMax = max;
// In full view, displaying the reset zoom button is not required
this.displayBtn = newMin !== undefined || newMax !== undefined;
// Do it
{ trigger: 'zoom' }
return true;
* Update the axis metrics.
* @private
setAxisSize: function () {
var chart = this.chart,
options = this.options,
// [top, right, bottom, left]
offsets = options.offsets || [0, 0, 0, 0],
horiz = this.horiz,
// Check for percentage based input values. Rounding fixes problems
// with column overflow and plot line filtering (#4898, #4899)
width = this.width = Math.round(H.relativeLength(
chart.plotWidth - offsets[3] + offsets[1]
height = this.height = Math.round(H.relativeLength(
chart.plotHeight - offsets[0] + offsets[2]
top = = Math.round(H.relativeLength(
pick(, chart.plotTop + offsets[0]),
left = this.left = Math.round(H.relativeLength(
pick(options.left, chart.plotLeft + offsets[3]),
// Expose basic values to use in Series object and navigator
this.bottom = chart.chartHeight - height - top;
this.right = chart.chartWidth - width - left;
// Direction agnostic properties
this.len = Math.max(horiz ? width : height, 0); // Math.max fixes #905
this.pos = horiz ? left : top; // distance from SVG origin
* The returned object literal from the {@link Highcharts.Axis#getExtremes}
* function.
* @typedef {Object} Extremes
* @property {Number} dataMax
* The maximum value of the axis' associated series.
* @property {Number} dataMin
* The minimum value of the axis' associated series.
* @property {Number} max
* The maximum axis value, either automatic or set manually. If
* the `max` option is not set, `maxPadding` is 0 and `endOnTick`
* is false, this value will be the same as `dataMax`.
* @property {Number} min
* The minimum axis value, either automatic or set manually. If
* the `min` option is not set, `minPadding` is 0 and
* `startOnTick` is false, this value will be the same
* as `dataMin`.
* Get the current extremes for the axis.
* @returns {Extremes}
* An object containing extremes information.
* @sample highcharts/members/axis-getextremes/
* Report extremes by click on a button
* @sample maps/members/axis-getextremes/
* Get extremes in Highmaps
getExtremes: function () {
var axis = this,
isLog = axis.isLog;
return {
min: isLog ? correctFloat(axis.lin2log(axis.min)) : axis.min,
max: isLog ? correctFloat(axis.lin2log(axis.max)) : axis.max,
dataMin: axis.dataMin,
dataMax: axis.dataMax,
userMin: axis.userMin,
userMax: axis.userMax
* Get the zero plane either based on zero or on the min or max value.
* Used in bar and area plots.
* @param {Number} threshold
* The threshold in axis values.
* @return {Number}
* The translated threshold position in terms of pixels, and
* corrected to stay within the axis bounds.
getThreshold: function (threshold) {
var axis = this,
isLog = axis.isLog,
realMin = isLog ? axis.lin2log(axis.min) : axis.min,
realMax = isLog ? axis.lin2log(axis.max) : axis.max;
if (threshold === null || threshold === -Infinity) {
threshold = realMin;
} else if (threshold === Infinity) {
threshold = realMax;
} else if (realMin > threshold) {
threshold = realMin;
} else if (realMax < threshold) {
threshold = realMax;
return axis.translate(threshold, 0, 1, 0, 1);
* Compute auto alignment for the axis label based on which side the axis is
* on and the given rotation for the label.
* @param {Number} rotation
* The rotation in degrees as set by either the `rotation` or
* `autoRotation` options.
* @private
autoLabelAlign: function (rotation) {
var ret,
angle = (pick(rotation, 0) - (this.side * 90) + 720) % 360;
if (angle > 15 && angle < 165) {
ret = 'right';
} else if (angle > 195 && angle < 345) {
ret = 'left';
} else {
ret = 'center';
return ret;
* Get the tick length and width for the axis based on axis options.
* @private
* @param {String} prefix
* 'tick' or 'minorTick'
* @return {Array.<Number>}
* An array of tickLength and tickWidth
tickSize: function (prefix) {
var options = this.options,
tickLength = options[prefix + 'Length'],
tickWidth = pick(
options[prefix + 'Width'],
prefix === 'tick' && this.isXAxis ? 1 : 0 // X axis default 1
if (tickWidth && tickLength) {
// Negate the length
if (options[prefix + 'Position'] === 'inside') {
tickLength = -tickLength;
return [tickLength, tickWidth];
* Return the size of the labels.
* @private
labelMetrics: function () {
var index = this.tickPositions && this.tickPositions[0] || 0;
return this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics( &&,
this.ticks[index] && this.ticks[index].label
* Prevent the ticks from getting so close we can't draw the labels. On a
* horizontal axis, this is handled by rotating the labels, removing ticks
* and adding ellipsis. On a vertical axis remove ticks and add ellipsis.
* @private
unsquish: function () {
var labelOptions = this.options.labels,
horiz = this.horiz,
tickInterval = this.tickInterval,
newTickInterval = tickInterval,
slotSize = this.len / (
((this.categories ? 1 : 0) + this.max - this.min) / tickInterval
rotationOption = labelOptions.rotation,
labelMetrics = this.labelMetrics(),
bestScore = Number.MAX_VALUE,
// Return the multiple of tickInterval that is needed to avoid
// collision
getStep = function (spaceNeeded) {
var step = spaceNeeded / (slotSize || 1);
step = step > 1 ? Math.ceil(step) : 1;
return correctFloat(step * tickInterval);
if (horiz) {
autoRotation = !labelOptions.staggerLines &&
!labelOptions.step &&
( // #3971
defined(rotationOption) ?
[rotationOption] :
slotSize < pick(labelOptions.autoRotationLimit, 80) &&
if (autoRotation) {
// Loop over the given autoRotation options, and determine
// which gives the best score. The best score is that with
// the lowest number of steps and a rotation closest
// to horizontal.
each(autoRotation, function (rot) {
var score;
if (
rot === rotationOption ||
(rot && rot >= -90 && rot <= 90)
) { // #3891
step = getStep(
Math.abs(labelMetrics.h / Math.sin(deg2rad * rot))
score = step + Math.abs(rot / 360);
if (score < bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
rotation = rot;
newTickInterval = step;
} else if (!labelOptions.step) { // #4411
newTickInterval = getStep(labelMetrics.h);
this.autoRotation = autoRotation;
this.labelRotation = pick(rotation, rotationOption);
return newTickInterval;
* Get the general slot width for labels/categories on this axis. This may
* change between the pre-render (from Axis.getOffset) and the final tick
* rendering and placement.
* @private
* @return {Number}
* The pixel width allocated to each axis label.
getSlotWidth: function () {
// #5086, #1580, #1931
var chart = this.chart,
horiz = this.horiz,
labelOptions = this.options.labels,
slotCount = Math.max(
this.tickPositions.length - (this.categories ? 0 : 1),
marginLeft = chart.margin[3];
return (
horiz &&
(labelOptions.step || 0) < 2 &&
!labelOptions.rotation && // #4415
((this.staggerLines || 1) * this.len) / slotCount
) || (
!horiz && (
// #7028
( &&
parseInt(, 10)
) ||
marginLeft &&
(marginLeft - chart.spacing[3])
) ||
chart.chartWidth * 0.33
* Render the axis labels and determine whether ellipsis or rotation need
* to be applied.
* @private
renderUnsquish: function () {
var chart = this.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
tickPositions = this.tickPositions,
ticks = this.ticks,
labelOptions = this.options.labels,
horiz = this.horiz,
slotWidth = this.getSlotWidth(),
innerWidth = Math.max(
Math.round(slotWidth - 2 * (labelOptions.padding || 5))
attr = {},
labelMetrics = this.labelMetrics(),
textOverflowOption = &&,
maxLabelLength = 0,
// Set rotation option unless it is "auto", like in gauges
if (!isString(labelOptions.rotation)) {
attr.rotation = labelOptions.rotation || 0; // #4443
// Get the longest label length
each(tickPositions, function (tick) {
tick = ticks[tick];
if (
tick &&
tick.label &&
tick.label.textPxLength > maxLabelLength
) {
maxLabelLength = tick.label.textPxLength;
this.maxLabelLength = maxLabelLength;
// Handle auto rotation on horizontal axis
if (this.autoRotation) {
// Apply rotation only if the label is too wide for the slot, and
// the label is wider than its height.
if (
maxLabelLength > innerWidth &&
maxLabelLength > labelMetrics.h
) {
attr.rotation = this.labelRotation;
} else {
this.labelRotation = 0;
// Handle word-wrap or ellipsis on vertical axis
} else if (slotWidth) {
// For word-wrap or ellipsis
commonWidth = innerWidth;
if (!textOverflowOption) {
commonTextOverflow = 'clip';
// On vertical axis, only allow word wrap if there is room
// for more lines.
i = tickPositions.length;
while (!horiz && i--) {
pos = tickPositions[i];
label = ticks[pos].label;
if (label) {
// Reset ellipsis in order to get the correct
// bounding box (#4070)
if (
label.styles &&
label.styles.textOverflow === 'ellipsis'
) {
label.css({ textOverflow: 'clip' });
// Set the correct width in order to read
// the bounding box height (#4678, #5034)
} else if (label.textPxLength > slotWidth) {
label.css({ width: slotWidth + 'px' });
if (
label.getBBox().height > (
this.len / tickPositions.length -
(labelMetrics.h - labelMetrics.f)
) {
label.specificTextOverflow = 'ellipsis';
// Add ellipsis if the label length is significantly longer than ideal
if (attr.rotation) {
commonWidth = (
maxLabelLength > chart.chartHeight * 0.5 ?
chart.chartHeight * 0.33 :
if (!textOverflowOption) {
commonTextOverflow = 'ellipsis';
// Set the explicit or automatic label alignment
this.labelAlign = labelOptions.align ||
if (this.labelAlign) {
attr.align = this.labelAlign;
// Apply general and specific CSS
each(tickPositions, function (pos) {
var tick = ticks[pos],
label = tick && tick.label,
css = {};
if (label) {
// This needs to go before the CSS in old IE (#4502)
if (
commonWidth &&
!( && &&
// Speed optimizing, #7656
commonWidth < label.textPxLength ||
// Resetting CSS, #4928
label.element.tagName === 'SPAN'
) {
css.width = commonWidth;
if (!textOverflowOption) {
css.textOverflow = (
label.specificTextOverflow ||
delete label.specificTextOverflow;
tick.rotation = attr.rotation;
// Note: Why is this not part of getLabelPosition?
this.tickRotCorr = renderer.rotCorr(
this.labelRotation || 0,
this.side !== 0
* Return true if the axis has associated data.
* @return {Boolean}
* True if the axis has associated visible series and those series
* have either valid data points or explicit `min` and `max`
* settings.
hasData: function () {
return (
this.hasVisibleSeries ||
defined(this.min) &&
defined(this.max) &&
this.tickPositions &&
this.tickPositions.length > 0
* Adds the title defined in axis.options.title.
* @param {Boolean} display - whether or not to display the title
addTitle: function (display) {
var axis = this,
renderer = axis.chart.renderer,
horiz = axis.horiz,
opposite = axis.opposite,
options = axis.options,
axisTitleOptions = options.title,
if (!axis.axisTitle) {
textAlign = axisTitleOptions.textAlign;
if (!textAlign) {
textAlign = (horiz ? {
low: 'left',
middle: 'center',
high: 'right'
} : {
low: opposite ? 'right' : 'left',
middle: 'center',
high: opposite ? 'left' : 'right'
axis.axisTitle = renderer.text(
zIndex: 7,
rotation: axisTitleOptions.rotation || 0,
align: textAlign
// #7814, don't mutate style option
axis.axisTitle.isNew = true;
// Max width defaults to the length of the axis
if (! && !axis.isRadial) {
width: axis.len
// hide or show the title depending on whether showEmpty is set
axis.axisTitle[display ? 'show' : 'hide'](true);
* Generates a tick for initial positioning.
* @private
* @param {number} pos
* The tick position in axis values.
* @param {number} i
* The index of the tick in {@link Axis.tickPositions}.
generateTick: function (pos) {
var ticks = this.ticks;
if (!ticks[pos]) {
ticks[pos] = new Tick(this, pos);
} else {
ticks[pos].addLabel(); // update labels depending on tick interval
* Render the tick labels to a preliminary position to get their sizes.
* @private
getOffset: function () {
var axis = this,
chart = axis.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
options = axis.options,
tickPositions = axis.tickPositions,
ticks = axis.ticks,
horiz = axis.horiz,
side = axis.side,
invertedSide = chart.inverted &&
!axis.isZAxis ? [1, 0, 3, 2][side] : side,
titleOffset = 0,
titleMargin = 0,
axisTitleOptions = options.title,
labelOptions = options.labels,
labelOffset = 0, // reset
axisOffset = chart.axisOffset,
clipOffset = chart.clipOffset,
directionFactor = [-1, 1, 1, -1][side],
className = options.className,
axisParent = axis.axisParent, // Used in color axis
tickSize = this.tickSize('tick');
// For reuse in Axis.render
hasData = axis.hasData();
axis.showAxis = showAxis = hasData || pick(options.showEmpty, true);
// Set/reset staggerLines
axis.staggerLines = axis.horiz && labelOptions.staggerLines;
// Create the axisGroup and gridGroup elements on first iteration
if (!axis.axisGroup) {
axis.gridGroup = renderer.g('grid')
.attr({ zIndex: options.gridZIndex || 1 })
'highcharts-' + this.coll.toLowerCase() + '-grid ' +
(className || '')
axis.axisGroup = renderer.g('axis')
.attr({ zIndex: options.zIndex || 2 })
'highcharts-' + this.coll.toLowerCase() + ' ' +
(className || '')
axis.labelGroup = renderer.g('axis-labels')
.attr({ zIndex: labelOptions.zIndex || 7 })
'highcharts-' + axis.coll.toLowerCase() + '-labels ' +
(className || '')
if (hasData || axis.isLinked) {
// Generate ticks
each(tickPositions, function (pos, i) {
// i is not used here, but may be used in overrides
axis.generateTick(pos, i);
// Left side must be align: right and right side must
// have align: left for labels
axis.reserveSpaceDefault = (
side === 0 ||
side === 2 ||
{ 1: 'left', 3: 'right' }[side] === axis.labelAlign
if (pick(
axis.labelAlign === 'center' ? true : null,
) {
each(tickPositions, function (pos) {
// get the highest offset
labelOffset = Math.max(
if (axis.staggerLines) {
labelOffset *= axis.staggerLines;
axis.labelOffset = labelOffset * (axis.opposite ? -1 : 1);
} else { // doesn't have data
objectEach(ticks, function (tick, n) {
delete ticks[n];
if (
axisTitleOptions &&
axisTitleOptions.text &&
axisTitleOptions.enabled !== false
) {
if (showAxis && axisTitleOptions.reserveSpace !== false) {
axis.titleOffset = titleOffset =
axis.axisTitle.getBBox()[horiz ? 'height' : 'width'];
titleOffsetOption = axisTitleOptions.offset;
titleMargin = defined(titleOffsetOption) ?
0 :
pick(axisTitleOptions.margin, horiz ? 5 : 10);
// Render the axis line
// handle automatic or user set offset
axis.offset = directionFactor * pick(options.offset, axisOffset[side]);
axis.tickRotCorr = axis.tickRotCorr || { x: 0, y: 0 }; // polar
if (side === 0) {
lineHeightCorrection = -axis.labelMetrics().h;
} else if (side === 2) {
lineHeightCorrection = axis.tickRotCorr.y;
} else {
lineHeightCorrection = 0;
// Find the padded label offset
labelOffsetPadded = Math.abs(labelOffset) + titleMargin;
if (labelOffset) {
labelOffsetPadded -= lineHeightCorrection;
labelOffsetPadded += directionFactor * (
horiz ?
axis.tickRotCorr.y + directionFactor * 8
) :
axis.axisTitleMargin = pick(titleOffsetOption, labelOffsetPadded);
axisOffset[side] = Math.max(
axis.axisTitleMargin + titleOffset + directionFactor * axis.offset,
labelOffsetPadded, // #3027
hasData && tickPositions.length && tickSize ?
tickSize[0] + directionFactor * axis.offset :
0 // #4866
// Decide the clipping needed to keep the graph inside
// the plot area and axis lines
clip = options.offset ?
0 :
Math.floor(axis.axisLine.strokeWidth() / 2) * 2; // #4308, #4371
clipOffset[invertedSide] = Math.max(clipOffset[invertedSide], clip);
* Internal function to get the path for the axis line. Extended for polar
* charts.
* @param {Number} lineWidth
* The line width in pixels.
* @return {Array}
* The SVG path definition in array form.
getLinePath: function (lineWidth) {
var chart = this.chart,
opposite = this.opposite,
offset = this.offset,
horiz = this.horiz,
lineLeft = this.left + (opposite ? this.width : 0) + offset,
lineTop = chart.chartHeight - this.bottom -
(opposite ? this.height : 0) + offset;
if (opposite) {
lineWidth *= -1; // crispify the other way - #1480, #1687
return chart.renderer
horiz ?
this.left :
horiz ?
lineTop :,
horiz ?
chart.chartWidth - this.right :
horiz ?
lineTop :
chart.chartHeight - this.bottom
], lineWidth);
* Render the axis line. Called internally when rendering and redrawing the
* axis.
renderLine: function () {
if (!this.axisLine) {
this.axisLine = this.chart.renderer.path()
stroke: this.options.lineColor,
'stroke-width': this.options.lineWidth,
zIndex: 7
* Position the axis title.
* @private
* @return {Object}
* X and Y positions for the title.
getTitlePosition: function () {
// compute anchor points for each of the title align options
var horiz = this.horiz,
axisLeft = this.left,
axisTop =,
axisLength = this.len,
axisTitleOptions = this.options.title,
margin = horiz ? axisLeft : axisTop,
opposite = this.opposite,
offset = this.offset,
xOption = axisTitleOptions.x || 0,
yOption = axisTitleOptions.y || 0,
axisTitle = this.axisTitle,
fontMetrics = this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics( &&,
// The part of a multiline text that is below the baseline of the
// first line. Subtract 1 to preserve pixel-perfectness from the
// old behaviour (v5.0.12), where only one line was allowed.
textHeightOvershoot = Math.max(
axisTitle.getBBox(null, 0).height - fontMetrics.h - 1,
// the position in the length direction of the axis
alongAxis = {
low: margin + (horiz ? 0 : axisLength),
middle: margin + axisLength / 2,
high: margin + (horiz ? axisLength : 0)
// the position in the perpendicular direction of the axis
offAxis = (horiz ? axisTop + this.height : axisLeft) +
(horiz ? 1 : -1) * // horizontal axis reverses the margin
(opposite ? -1 : 1) * // so does opposite axes
this.axisTitleMargin +
-textHeightOvershoot, // top
textHeightOvershoot, // right
fontMetrics.f, // bottom
-textHeightOvershoot // left
return {
x: horiz ?
alongAxis + xOption :
offAxis + (opposite ? this.width : 0) + offset + xOption,
y: horiz ?
offAxis + yOption - (opposite ? this.height : 0) + offset :
alongAxis + yOption
* Render a minor tick into the given position. If a minor tick already
* exists in this position, move it.
* @param {number} pos
* The position in axis values.
renderMinorTick: function (pos) {
var slideInTicks = this.chart.hasRendered && isNumber(this.oldMin),
minorTicks = this.minorTicks;
if (!minorTicks[pos]) {
minorTicks[pos] = new Tick(this, pos, 'minor');
// Render new ticks in old position
if (slideInTicks && minorTicks[pos].isNew) {
minorTicks[pos].render(null, true);
minorTicks[pos].render(null, false, 1);
* Render a major tick into the given position. If a tick already exists
* in this position, move it.
* @param {number} pos
* The position in axis values.
* @param {number} i
* The tick index.
renderTick: function (pos, i) {
var isLinked = this.isLinked,
ticks = this.ticks,
slideInTicks = this.chart.hasRendered && isNumber(this.oldMin);
// Linked axes need an extra check to find out if
if (!isLinked || (pos >= this.min && pos <= this.max)) {
if (!ticks[pos]) {
ticks[pos] = new Tick(this, pos);
// render new ticks in old position
if (slideInTicks && ticks[pos].isNew) {
ticks[pos].render(i, true, 0.1);
* Render the axis.
* @private
render: function () {
var axis = this,
chart = axis.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
options = axis.options,
isLog = axis.isLog,
isLinked = axis.isLinked,
tickPositions = axis.tickPositions,
axisTitle = axis.axisTitle,
ticks = axis.ticks,
minorTicks = axis.minorTicks,
alternateBands = axis.alternateBands,
stackLabelOptions = options.stackLabels,
alternateGridColor = options.alternateGridColor,
tickmarkOffset = axis.tickmarkOffset,
axisLine = axis.axisLine,
showAxis = axis.showAxis,
animation = animObject(renderer.globalAnimation),
// Reset
axis.labelEdge.length = 0;
axis.overlap = false;
// Mark all elements inActive before we go over and mark the active ones
each([ticks, minorTicks, alternateBands], function (coll) {
objectEach(coll, function (tick) {
tick.isActive = false;
// If the series has data draw the ticks. Else only the line and title
if (axis.hasData() || isLinked) {
// minor ticks
if (axis.minorTickInterval && !axis.categories) {
each(axis.getMinorTickPositions(), function (pos) {
// Major ticks. Pull out the first item and render it last so that
// we can get the position of the neighbour label. #808.
if (tickPositions.length) { // #1300
each(tickPositions, function (pos, i) {
axis.renderTick(pos, i);
// In a categorized axis, the tick marks are displayed
// between labels. So we need to add a tick mark and
// grid line at the left edge of the X axis.
if (tickmarkOffset && (axis.min === 0 || axis.single)) {
if (!ticks[-1]) {
ticks[-1] = new Tick(axis, -1, null, true);
// alternate grid color
if (alternateGridColor) {
each(tickPositions, function (pos, i) {
to = tickPositions[i + 1] !== undefined ?
tickPositions[i + 1] + tickmarkOffset :
axis.max - tickmarkOffset;
if (
i % 2 === 0 &&
pos < axis.max &&
to <= axis.max + (
chart.polar ?
-tickmarkOffset :
) { // #2248, #4660
if (!alternateBands[pos]) {
alternateBands[pos] = new H.PlotLineOrBand(axis);
from = pos + tickmarkOffset; // #949
alternateBands[pos].options = {
from: isLog ? axis.lin2log(from) : from,
to: isLog ? axis.lin2log(to) : to,
color: alternateGridColor
alternateBands[pos].isActive = true;
// custom plot lines and bands
if (!axis._addedPlotLB) { // only first time
(options.plotLines || []).concat(options.plotBands || []),
function (plotLineOptions) {
axis._addedPlotLB = true;
} // end if hasData
// Remove inactive ticks
each([ticks, minorTicks, alternateBands], function (coll) {
var i,
forDestruction = [],
delay = animation.duration,
destroyInactiveItems = function () {
i = forDestruction.length;
while (i--) {
// When resizing rapidly, the same items
// may be destroyed in different timeouts,
// or the may be reactivated
if (
coll[forDestruction[i]] &&
) {
delete coll[forDestruction[i]];
objectEach(coll, function (tick, pos) {
if (!tick.isActive) {
// Render to zero opacity
tick.render(pos, false, 0);
tick.isActive = false;
// When the objects are finished fading out, destroy them
coll === alternateBands ||
!chart.hasRendered ||
!delay ?
0 :
// Set the axis line path
if (axisLine) {
axisLine[axisLine.isPlaced ? 'animate' : 'attr']({
d: this.getLinePath(axisLine.strokeWidth())
axisLine.isPlaced = true;
// Show or hide the line depending on options.showEmpty
axisLine[showAxis ? 'show' : 'hide'](true);
if (axisTitle && showAxis) {
var titleXy = axis.getTitlePosition();
if (isNumber(titleXy.y)) {
axisTitle[axisTitle.isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate'](titleXy);
axisTitle.isNew = false;
} else {
axisTitle.attr('y', -9999);
axisTitle.isNew = true;
// Stacked totals:
if (stackLabelOptions && stackLabelOptions.enabled) {
// End stacked totals
axis.isDirty = false;
fireEvent(this, 'afterRender');
* Redraw the axis to reflect changes in the data or axis extremes. Called
* internally from {@link Chart#redraw}.
* @private
redraw: function () {
if (this.visible) {
// render the axis
// move plot lines and bands
each(this.plotLinesAndBands, function (plotLine) {
// mark associated series as dirty and ready for redraw
each(this.series, function (series) {
series.isDirty = true;
// Properties to survive after destroy, needed for Axis.update (#4317,
// #5773, #5881).
keepProps: ['extKey', 'hcEvents', 'names', 'series', 'userMax', 'userMin'],
* Destroys an Axis instance. See {@link Axis#remove} for the API endpoint
* to fully remove the axis.
* @private
* @param {Boolean} keepEvents
* Whether to preserve events, used internally in Axis.update.
destroy: function (keepEvents) {
var axis = this,
stacks = axis.stacks,
plotLinesAndBands = axis.plotLinesAndBands,
fireEvent(this, 'destroy', { keepEvents: keepEvents });
// Remove the events
if (!keepEvents) {
// Destroy each stack total
objectEach(stacks, function (stack, stackKey) {
stacks[stackKey] = null;
// Destroy collections
[axis.ticks, axis.minorTicks, axis.alternateBands],
function (coll) {
if (plotLinesAndBands) {
i = plotLinesAndBands.length;
while (i--) { // #1975
// Destroy local variables
['stackTotalGroup', 'axisLine', 'axisTitle', 'axisGroup',
'gridGroup', 'labelGroup', 'cross'],
function (prop) {
if (axis[prop]) {
axis[prop] = axis[prop].destroy();
// Destroy each generated group for plotlines and plotbands
for (plotGroup in axis.plotLinesAndBandsGroups) {
axis.plotLinesAndBandsGroups[plotGroup] =
// Delete all properties and fall back to the prototype.
objectEach(axis, function (val, key) {
if (inArray(key, axis.keepProps) === -1) {
delete axis[key];
* Internal function to draw a crosshair.
* @param {PointerEvent} [e]
* The event arguments from the modified pointer event, extended
* with `chartX` and `chartY`
* @param {Point} [point]
* The Point object if the crosshair snaps to points.
drawCrosshair: function (e, point) {
var path,
options = this.crosshair,
snap = pick(options.snap, true),
graphic = this.cross;
fireEvent(this, 'drawCrosshair', { e: e, point: point });
// Use last available event when updating non-snapped crosshairs without
// mouse interaction (#5287)
if (!e) {
e = this.cross && this.cross.e;
if (
// Disabled in options
!this.crosshair ||
// Snap
((defined(point) || !snap) === false)
) {
} else {
// Get the path
if (!snap) {
pos = e &&
this.horiz ?
e.chartX - this.pos :
this.len - e.chartY + this.pos
} else if (defined(point)) {
// #3834
pos = pick(
point.crosshairPos, // 3D axis extension
this.isXAxis ? point.plotX : this.len - point.plotY
if (defined(pos)) {
path = this.getPlotLinePath(
// First argument, value, only used on radial
point && (this.isXAxis ?
point.x :
pick(point.stackY, point.y)
pos // Translated position
) || null; // #3189
if (!defined(path)) {
categorized = this.categories && !this.isRadial;
// Draw the cross
if (!graphic) {
this.cross = graphic = this.chart.renderer
'highcharts-crosshair highcharts-crosshair-' +
(categorized ? 'category ' : 'thin ') +
zIndex: pick(options.zIndex, 2)
// Presentational attributes
'stroke': options.color ||
categorized ?
.setOpacity(0.25).get() :
'stroke-width': pick(options.width, 1)
'pointer-events': 'none'
if (options.dashStyle) {
dashstyle: options.dashStyle
d: path
if (categorized && !options.width) {
'stroke-width': this.transA
this.cross.e = e;
fireEvent(this, 'afterDrawCrosshair', { e: e, point: point });
* Hide the crosshair if visible.
hideCrosshair: function () {
if (this.cross) {
}); // end Axis
H.Axis = Axis;
return Axis;
(function (Highcharts) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var H = Highcharts,
addEvent = H.addEvent,
css = H.css,
discardElement = H.discardElement,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
isFirefox = H.isFirefox,
marginNames = H.marginNames,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
setAnimation = H.setAnimation,
stableSort = H.stableSort,
win =,
wrap = H.wrap;
* The overview of the chart's series. The legend object is instanciated
* internally in the chart constructor, and available from `chart.legend`. Each
* chart has only one legend.
* @class
Highcharts.Legend = function (chart, options) {
this.init(chart, options);
Highcharts.Legend.prototype = {
* Initialize the legend.
* @private
init: function (chart, options) {
this.chart = chart;
if (options.enabled) {
// Render it
// move checkboxes
addEvent(this.chart, 'endResize', function () {
setOptions: function (options) {
var padding = pick(options.padding, 8);
this.options = options;
this.itemStyle = options.itemStyle;
this.itemHiddenStyle = merge(this.itemStyle, options.itemHiddenStyle);
this.itemMarginTop = options.itemMarginTop || 0;
this.padding = padding;
this.initialItemY = padding - 5; // 5 is pixels above the text
this.symbolWidth = pick(options.symbolWidth, 16);
this.pages = [];
* Update the legend with new options. Equivalent to running `chart.update`
* with a legend configuration option.
* @param {LegendOptions} options
* Legend options.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart.
* @sample highcharts/legend/legend-update/
* Legend update
update: function (options, redraw) {
var chart = this.chart;
this.setOptions(merge(true, this.options, options));
chart.isDirtyLegend = chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
fireEvent(this, 'afterUpdate');
* Set the colors for the legend item.
* @private
* @param {Series|Point} item
* A Series or Point instance
* @param {Boolean} visible
* Dimmed or colored
colorizeItem: function (item, visible) {
item.legendGroup[visible ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](
var legend = this,
options = legend.options,
legendItem = item.legendItem,
legendLine = item.legendLine,
legendSymbol = item.legendSymbol,
hiddenColor = legend.itemHiddenStyle.color,
textColor = visible ? options.itemStyle.color : hiddenColor,
symbolColor = visible ? (item.color || hiddenColor) : hiddenColor,
markerOptions = item.options && item.options.marker,
symbolAttr = { fill: symbolColor };
if (legendItem) {
fill: textColor,
color: textColor // #1553, oldIE
if (legendLine) {
legendLine.attr({ stroke: symbolColor });
if (legendSymbol) {
// Apply marker options
if (markerOptions && legendSymbol.isMarker) { // #585
symbolAttr = item.pointAttribs();
if (!visible) {
symbolAttr.stroke = symbolAttr.fill = hiddenColor; // #6769
fireEvent(this, 'afterColorizeItem', { item: item, visible: visible });
* Position the legend item.
* @private
* @param {Series|Point} item
* The item to position
positionItem: function (item) {
var legend = this,
options = legend.options,
symbolPadding = options.symbolPadding,
ltr = !options.rtl,
legendItemPos = item._legendItemPos,
itemX = legendItemPos[0],
itemY = legendItemPos[1],
checkbox = item.checkbox,
legendGroup = item.legendGroup;
if (legendGroup && legendGroup.element) {
ltr ?
itemX :
legend.legendWidth - itemX - 2 * symbolPadding - 4,
if (checkbox) {
checkbox.x = itemX;
checkbox.y = itemY;
* Destroy a single legend item, used internally on removing series items.
* @param {Series|Point} item
* The item to remove
destroyItem: function (item) {
var checkbox = item.checkbox;
// destroy SVG elements
['legendItem', 'legendLine', 'legendSymbol', 'legendGroup'],
function (key) {
if (item[key]) {
item[key] = item[key].destroy();
if (checkbox) {
* Destroy the legend. Used internally. To reflow objects, `chart.redraw`
* must be called after destruction.
destroy: function () {
function destroyItems(key) {
if (this[key]) {
this[key] = this[key].destroy();
// Destroy items
each(this.getAllItems(), function (item) {
each(['legendItem', 'legendGroup'], destroyItems, item);
// Destroy legend elements
], destroyItems, this);
this.display = null; // Reset in .render on update.
* Position the checkboxes after the width is determined.
* @private
positionCheckboxes: function () {
var alignAttr = &&,
clipHeight = this.clipHeight || this.legendHeight,
titleHeight = this.titleHeight;
if (alignAttr) {
translateY = alignAttr.translateY;
each(this.allItems, function (item) {
var checkbox = item.checkbox,
if (checkbox) {
top = translateY + titleHeight + checkbox.y +
(this.scrollOffset || 0) + 3;
css(checkbox, {
left: (alignAttr.translateX + item.checkboxOffset +
checkbox.x - 20) + 'px',
top: top + 'px',
display: top > translateY - 6 && top < translateY +
clipHeight - 6 ? '' : 'none'
}, this);
* Render the legend title on top of the legend.
* @private
renderTitle: function () {
var options = this.options,
padding = this.padding,
titleOptions = options.title,
titleHeight = 0,
if (titleOptions.text) {
if (!this.title) {
this.title = this.chart.renderer.label(
padding - 3,
padding - 4,
.attr({ zIndex: 1 })
bBox = this.title.getBBox();
titleHeight = bBox.height;
this.offsetWidth = bBox.width; // #1717
this.contentGroup.attr({ translateY: titleHeight });
this.titleHeight = titleHeight;
* Set the legend item text.
* @param {Series|Point} item
* The item for which to update the text in the legend.
setText: function (item) {
var options = this.options;
text: options.labelFormat ?
H.format(options.labelFormat, item, this.chart.time) :
* Render a single specific legend item. Called internally from the `render`
* function.
* @private
* @param {Series|Point} item
* The item to render.
renderItem: function (item) {
var legend = this,
chart = legend.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
options = legend.options,
horizontal = options.layout === 'horizontal',
symbolWidth = legend.symbolWidth,
symbolPadding = options.symbolPadding,
itemStyle = legend.itemStyle,
itemHiddenStyle = legend.itemHiddenStyle,
itemDistance = horizontal ? pick(options.itemDistance, 20) : 0,
ltr = !options.rtl,
li = item.legendItem,
isSeries = !item.series,
series = !isSeries && item.series.drawLegendSymbol ?
item.series :
seriesOptions = series.options,
showCheckbox = legend.createCheckboxForItem &&
seriesOptions &&
// full width minus text width
itemExtraWidth = symbolWidth + symbolPadding + itemDistance +
(showCheckbox ? 20 : 0),
useHTML = options.useHTML,
fontSize = 12,
itemClassName = item.options.className;
if (!li) { // generate it once, later move it
// Generate the group box, a group to hold the symbol and text. Text
// is to be appended in Legend class.
item.legendGroup = renderer.g('legend-item')
'highcharts-' + series.type + '-series ' +
'highcharts-color-' + item.colorIndex +
(itemClassName ? ' ' + itemClassName : '') +
(isSeries ? ' highcharts-series-' + item.index : '')
.attr({ zIndex: 1 })
// Generate the list item text and add it to the group
item.legendItem = li = renderer.text(
ltr ? symbolWidth + symbolPadding : -symbolPadding,
legend.baseline || 0,
// merge to prevent modifying original (#1021)
.css(merge(item.visible ? itemStyle : itemHiddenStyle))
align: ltr ? 'left' : 'right',
zIndex: 2
// Get the baseline for the first item - the font size is equal for
// all
if (!legend.baseline) {
fontSize = itemStyle.fontSize;
legend.fontMetrics = renderer.fontMetrics(
legend.baseline =
legend.fontMetrics.f + 3 + legend.itemMarginTop;
li.attr('y', legend.baseline);
// Draw the legend symbol inside the group box
legend.symbolHeight = options.symbolHeight || legend.fontMetrics.f;
series.drawLegendSymbol(legend, item);
if (legend.setItemEvents) {
legend.setItemEvents(item, li, useHTML);
// add the HTML checkbox on top
if (showCheckbox) {
// Colorize the items
legend.colorizeItem(item, item.visible);
// Take care of max width and text overflow (#6659)
if (!itemStyle.width) {
width: (
options.itemWidth ||
options.width ||
) - itemExtraWidth
// Always update the text
// calculate the positions for the next line
bBox = li.getBBox();
item.itemWidth = item.checkboxOffset =
options.itemWidth ||
item.legendItemWidth ||
bBox.width + itemExtraWidth;
legend.maxItemWidth = Math.max(legend.maxItemWidth, item.itemWidth);
legend.totalItemWidth += item.itemWidth;
legend.itemHeight = item.itemHeight = Math.round(
item.legendItemHeight || bBox.height || legend.symbolHeight
* Get the position of the item in the layout. We now know the
* maxItemWidth from the previous loop.
* @private
layoutItem: function (item) {
var options = this.options,
padding = this.padding,
horizontal = options.layout === 'horizontal',
itemHeight = item.itemHeight,
itemMarginBottom = options.itemMarginBottom || 0,
itemMarginTop = this.itemMarginTop,
itemDistance = horizontal ? pick(options.itemDistance, 20) : 0,
widthOption = options.width,
maxLegendWidth = widthOption || (
this.chart.spacingBox.width - 2 * padding - options.x
itemWidth = (
options.alignColumns &&
this.totalItemWidth > maxLegendWidth
) ?
this.maxItemWidth :
// If the item exceeds the width, start a new line
if (
horizontal &&
this.itemX - padding + itemWidth > maxLegendWidth
) {
this.itemX = padding;
this.itemY += itemMarginTop + this.lastLineHeight +
this.lastLineHeight = 0; // reset for next line (#915, #3976)
// Set the edge positions
this.lastItemY = itemMarginTop + this.itemY + itemMarginBottom;
this.lastLineHeight = Math.max( // #915
// cache the position of the newly generated or reordered items
item._legendItemPos = [this.itemX, this.itemY];
// advance
if (horizontal) {
this.itemX += itemWidth;
} else {
this.itemY += itemMarginTop + itemHeight + itemMarginBottom;
this.lastLineHeight = itemHeight;
// the width of the widest item
this.offsetWidth = widthOption || Math.max(
horizontal ? this.itemX - padding - (item.checkbox ?
// decrease by itemDistance only when no checkbox #4853
0 :
) : itemWidth
) + padding,
* Get all items, which is one item per series for most series and one
* item per point for pie series and its derivatives.
* @return {Array.<Series|Point>}
* The current items in the legend.
getAllItems: function () {
var allItems = [];
each(this.chart.series, function (series) {
var seriesOptions = series && series.options;
// Handle showInLegend. If the series is linked to another series,
// defaults to false.
if (series && pick(
!defined(seriesOptions.linkedTo) ? undefined : false, true
)) {
// Use points or series for the legend item depending on
// legendType
allItems = allItems.concat(
series.legendItems ||
seriesOptions.legendType === 'point' ? :
fireEvent(this, 'afterGetAllItems', { allItems: allItems });
return allItems;
* Get a short, three letter string reflecting the alignment and layout.
* @private
* @return {String} The alignment, empty string if floating
getAlignment: function () {
var options = this.options;
// Use the first letter of each alignment option in order to detect
// the side. (#4189 - use charAt(x) notation instead of [x] for IE7)
return options.floating ? '' : (
options.align.charAt(0) +
options.verticalAlign.charAt(0) +
* Adjust the chart margins by reserving space for the legend on only one
* side of the chart. If the position is set to a corner, top or bottom is
* reserved for horizontal legends and left or right for vertical ones.
* @private
adjustMargins: function (margin, spacing) {
var chart = this.chart,
options = this.options,
alignment = this.getAlignment();
if (alignment) {
], function (alignments, side) {
if (alignments.test(alignment) && !defined(margin[side])) {
// Now we have detected on which side of the chart we should
// reserve space for the legend
chart[marginNames[side]] = Math.max(
(side + 1) % 2 ? 'legendHeight' : 'legendWidth'
] +
[1, -1, -1, 1][side] * options[
(side % 2) ? 'x' : 'y'
] +
pick(options.margin, 12) +
spacing[side] +
side === 0 &&
chart.options.title.margin !== undefined ?
chart.titleOffset +
chart.options.title.margin :
) // #7428, #7894
* Render the legend. This method can be called both before and after
* `chart.render`. If called after, it will only rearrange items instead
* of creating new ones. Called internally on initial render and after
* redraws.
render: function () {
var legend = this,
chart = legend.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
legendGroup =,
box =,
options = legend.options,
padding = legend.padding,
legend.itemX = padding;
legend.itemY = legend.initialItemY;
legend.offsetWidth = 0;
legend.lastItemY = 0;
if (!legendGroup) { = legendGroup = renderer.g('legend')
.attr({ zIndex: 7 })
legend.contentGroup = renderer.g()
.attr({ zIndex: 1 }) // above background
legend.scrollGroup = renderer.g()
// add each series or point
allItems = legend.getAllItems();
// sort by legendIndex
stableSort(allItems, function (a, b) {
return ((a.options && a.options.legendIndex) || 0) -
((b.options && b.options.legendIndex) || 0);
// reversed legend
if (options.reversed) {
legend.allItems = allItems;
legend.display = display = !!allItems.length;
// Render the items. First we run a loop to set the text and properties
// and read all the bounding boxes. The next loop computes the item
// positions based on the bounding boxes.
legend.lastLineHeight = 0;
legend.maxItemWidth = 0;
legend.totalItemWidth = 0;
legend.itemHeight = 0;
each(allItems, legend.renderItem, legend);
each(allItems, legend.layoutItem, legend);
// Get the box
legendWidth = (options.width || legend.offsetWidth) + padding;
legendHeight = legend.lastItemY + legend.lastLineHeight +
legendHeight = legend.handleOverflow(legendHeight);
legendHeight += padding;
// Draw the border and/or background
if (!box) { = box = renderer.rect()
r: options.borderRadius
box.isNew = true;
// Presentational
stroke: options.borderColor,
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth || 0,
fill: options.backgroundColor || 'none'
if (legendWidth > 0 && legendHeight > 0) {
box[box.isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({}, { // #7260
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: legendWidth,
height: legendHeight
}, box.strokeWidth())
box.isNew = false;
// hide the border if no items
box[display ? 'show' : 'hide']();
legend.legendWidth = legendWidth;
legend.legendHeight = legendHeight;
// Now that the legend width and height are established, put the items
// in the final position
each(allItems, legend.positionItem, legend);
if (display) {
// If aligning to the top and the layout is horizontal, adjust for
// the title (#7428)
alignTo = chart.spacingBox;
if (/(lth|ct|rth)/.test(legend.getAlignment())) {
alignTo = merge(alignTo, {
y: alignTo.y + chart.titleOffset +
legendGroup.align(merge(options, {
width: legendWidth,
height: legendHeight
}), true, alignTo);
if (!chart.isResizing) {
* Set up the overflow handling by adding navigation with up and down arrows
* below the legend.
* @private
handleOverflow: function (legendHeight) {
var legend = this,
chart = this.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
options = this.options,
optionsY = options.y,
alignTop = options.verticalAlign === 'top',
padding = this.padding,
spaceHeight = chart.spacingBox.height +
(alignTop ? -optionsY : optionsY) - padding,
maxHeight = options.maxHeight,
clipRect = this.clipRect,
navOptions = options.navigation,
animation = pick(navOptions.animation, true),
arrowSize = navOptions.arrowSize || 12,
nav = this.nav,
pages = this.pages,
allItems = this.allItems,
clipToHeight = function (height) {
if (typeof height === 'number') {
height: height
} else if (clipRect) { // Reset (#5912)
legend.clipRect = clipRect.destroy();
// useHTML
if (legend.contentGroup.div) { = height ?
'rect(' + padding + 'px,9999px,' +
(padding + height) + 'px,0)' :
// Adjust the height
if (
options.layout === 'horizontal' &&
options.verticalAlign !== 'middle' &&
) {
spaceHeight /= 2;
if (maxHeight) {
spaceHeight = Math.min(spaceHeight, maxHeight);
// Reset the legend height and adjust the clipping rectangle
pages.length = 0;
if (legendHeight > spaceHeight && navOptions.enabled !== false) {
this.clipHeight = clipHeight =
Math.max(spaceHeight - 20 - this.titleHeight - padding, 0);
this.currentPage = pick(this.currentPage, 1);
this.fullHeight = legendHeight;
// Fill pages with Y positions so that the top of each a legend item
// defines the scroll top for each page (#2098)
each(allItems, function (item, i) {
var y = item._legendItemPos[1],
h = Math.round(item.legendItem.getBBox().height),
len = pages.length;
if (!len || (y - pages[len - 1] > clipHeight &&
(lastY || y) !== pages[len - 1])) {
pages.push(lastY || y);
// Keep track of which page each item is on
item.pageIx = len - 1;
if (lastY) {
allItems[i - 1].pageIx = len - 1;
if (i === allItems.length - 1 &&
y + h - pages[len - 1] > clipHeight) {
item.pageIx = len;
if (y !== lastY) {
lastY = y;
// Only apply clipping if needed. Clipping causes blurred legend in
// PDF export (#1787)
if (!clipRect) {
clipRect = legend.clipRect =
renderer.clipRect(0, padding, 9999, 0);
// Add navigation elements
if (!nav) {
this.nav = nav = renderer.g()
.attr({ zIndex: 1 })
this.up = renderer
.on('click', function () {
legend.scroll(-1, animation);
this.pager = renderer.text('', 15, 10)
this.down = renderer
.on('click', function () {
legend.scroll(1, animation);
// Set initial position
legendHeight = spaceHeight;
// Reset
} else if (nav) {
this.nav = nav.destroy(); // #6322
translateY: 1
this.clipHeight = 0; // #1379
return legendHeight;
* Scroll the legend by a number of pages.
* @param {Number} scrollBy
* The number of pages to scroll.
* @param {AnimationOptions} animation
* Whether and how to apply animation.
scroll: function (scrollBy, animation) {
var pages = this.pages,
pageCount = pages.length,
currentPage = this.currentPage + scrollBy,
clipHeight = this.clipHeight,
navOptions = this.options.navigation,
pager = this.pager,
padding = this.padding;
// When resizing while looking at the last page
if (currentPage > pageCount) {
currentPage = pageCount;
if (currentPage > 0) {
if (animation !== undefined) {
setAnimation(animation, this.chart);
translateX: padding,
translateY: clipHeight + this.padding + 7 + this.titleHeight,
visibility: 'visible'
'class': currentPage === 1 ?
'highcharts-legend-nav-inactive' :
text: currentPage + '/' + pageCount
'x': 18 + this.pager.getBBox().width, // adjust to text width
'class': currentPage === pageCount ?
'highcharts-legend-nav-inactive' :
fill: currentPage === 1 ?
navOptions.inactiveColor :
cursor: currentPage === 1 ? 'default' : 'pointer'
fill: currentPage === pageCount ?
navOptions.inactiveColor :
cursor: currentPage === pageCount ? 'default' : 'pointer'
this.scrollOffset = -pages[currentPage - 1] + this.initialItemY;
translateY: this.scrollOffset
this.currentPage = currentPage;
* LegendSymbolMixin
H.LegendSymbolMixin = {
* Get the series' symbol in the legend
* @param {Object} legend The legend object
* @param {Object} item The series (this) or point
drawRectangle: function (legend, item) {
var options = legend.options,
symbolHeight = legend.symbolHeight,
square = options.squareSymbol,
symbolWidth = square ? symbolHeight : legend.symbolWidth;
item.legendSymbol = this.chart.renderer.rect(
square ? (legend.symbolWidth - symbolHeight) / 2 : 0,
legend.baseline - symbolHeight + 1, // #3988
pick(legend.options.symbolRadius, symbolHeight / 2)
zIndex: 3
* Get the series' symbol in the legend. This method should be overridable
* to create custom symbols through
* Highcharts.seriesTypes[type].prototype.drawLegendSymbols.
* @param {Object} legend The legend object
drawLineMarker: function (legend) {
var options = this.options,
markerOptions = options.marker,
symbolWidth = legend.symbolWidth,
symbolHeight = legend.symbolHeight,
generalRadius = symbolHeight / 2,
renderer = this.chart.renderer,
legendItemGroup = this.legendGroup,
verticalCenter = legend.baseline -
Math.round(legend.fontMetrics.b * 0.3),
attr = {};
// Draw the line
attr = {
'stroke-width': options.lineWidth || 0
if (options.dashStyle) {
attr.dashstyle = options.dashStyle;
this.legendLine = renderer.path([
// Draw the marker
if (markerOptions && markerOptions.enabled !== false) {
// Do not allow the marker to be larger than the symbolHeight
radius = Math.min(
pick(markerOptions.radius, generalRadius),
// Restrict symbol markers size
if (this.symbol.indexOf('url') === 0) {
markerOptions = merge(markerOptions, {
width: symbolHeight,
height: symbolHeight
radius = 0;
this.legendSymbol = legendSymbol = renderer.symbol(
(symbolWidth / 2) - radius,
verticalCenter - radius,
2 * radius,
2 * radius,
legendSymbol.isMarker = true;
// Workaround for #2030, horizontal legend items not displaying in IE11 Preview,
// and for #2580, a similar drawing flaw in Firefox 26.
// Explore if there's a general cause for this. The problem may be related
// to nested group elements, as the legend item texts are within 4 group
// elements.
if (/Trident\/7\.0/.test(win.navigator.userAgent) || isFirefox) {
wrap(Highcharts.Legend.prototype, 'positionItem', function (proceed, item) {
var legend = this,
// If chart destroyed in sync, this is undefined (#2030)
runPositionItem = function () {
if (item._legendItemPos) {, item);
// Do it now, for export and to get checkbox placement
// Do it after to work around the core issue
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
format = H.format,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
map =,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
splat = H.splat,
syncTimeout = H.syncTimeout,
timeUnits = H.timeUnits;
* The tooltip object
* @param {Object} chart The chart instance
* @param {Object} options Tooltip options
H.Tooltip = function () {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
H.Tooltip.prototype = {
init: function (chart, options) {
// Save the chart and options
this.chart = chart;
this.options = options;
// List of crosshairs
this.crosshairs = [];
// Current values of x and y when animating = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// The tooltip is initially hidden
this.isHidden = true;
// Public property for getting the shared state.
this.split = options.split && !chart.inverted;
this.shared = options.shared || this.split;
* Destroy the single tooltips in a split tooltip.
* If the tooltip is active then it is not destroyed, unless forced to.
* @param {boolean} force Force destroy all tooltips.
* @return {undefined}
cleanSplit: function (force) {
each(this.chart.series, function (series) {
var tt = series &&;
if (tt) {
if (!tt.isActive || force) { = tt.destroy();
} else {
tt.isActive = false;
* Create the Tooltip label element if it doesn't exist, then return the
* label.
getLabel: function () {
var renderer = this.chart.renderer,
options = this.options;
if (!this.label) {
// Create the label
if (this.split) {
this.label = renderer.g('tooltip');
} else {
this.label = renderer.label(
options.shape || 'callout',
padding: options.padding,
r: options.borderRadius
'fill': options.backgroundColor,
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth
// #2301, #2657
zIndex: 8
return this.label;
update: function (options) {
// Update user options (#6218)
merge(true, this.chart.options.tooltip.userOptions, options);
this.init(this.chart, merge(true, this.options, options));
* Destroy the tooltip and its elements.
destroy: function () {
// Destroy and clear local variables
if (this.label) {
this.label = this.label.destroy();
if (this.split && {
this.cleanSplit(this.chart, true); =;
* Provide a soft movement for the tooltip
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @private
move: function (x, y, anchorX, anchorY) {
var tooltip = this,
now =,
animate = tooltip.options.animation !== false &&
!tooltip.isHidden &&
// When we get close to the target position, abort animation and
// land on the right place (#3056)
(Math.abs(x - now.x) > 1 || Math.abs(y - now.y) > 1),
skipAnchor = tooltip.followPointer || tooltip.len > 1;
// Get intermediate values for animation
extend(now, {
x: animate ? (2 * now.x + x) / 3 : x,
y: animate ? (now.y + y) / 2 : y,
anchorX: skipAnchor ?
undefined :
animate ? (2 * now.anchorX + anchorX) / 3 : anchorX,
anchorY: skipAnchor ?
undefined :
animate ? (now.anchorY + anchorY) / 2 : anchorY
// Move to the intermediate value
// Run on next tick of the mouse tracker
if (animate) {
// Never allow two timeouts
// Set the fixed interval ticking for the smooth tooltip
this.tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
// The interval function may still be running during destroy,
// so check that the chart is really there before calling.
if (tooltip) {
tooltip.move(x, y, anchorX, anchorY);
}, 32);
* Hide the tooltip
hide: function (delay) {
var tooltip = this;
// disallow duplicate timers (#1728, #1766)
delay = pick(delay, this.options.hideDelay, 500);
if (!this.isHidden) {
this.hideTimer = syncTimeout(function () {
tooltip.getLabel()[delay ? 'fadeOut' : 'hide']();
tooltip.isHidden = true;
}, delay);
* Extendable method to get the anchor position of the tooltip
* from a point or set of points
getAnchor: function (points, mouseEvent) {
var ret,
chart = this.chart,
inverted = chart.inverted,
plotTop = chart.plotTop,
plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
plotX = 0,
plotY = 0,
points = splat(points);
// Pie uses a special tooltipPos
ret = points[0].tooltipPos;
// When tooltip follows mouse, relate the position to the mouse
if (this.followPointer && mouseEvent) {
if (mouseEvent.chartX === undefined) {
mouseEvent = chart.pointer.normalize(mouseEvent);
ret = [
mouseEvent.chartX - chart.plotLeft,
mouseEvent.chartY - plotTop
// When shared, use the average position
if (!ret) {
each(points, function (point) {
yAxis = point.series.yAxis;
xAxis = point.series.xAxis;
plotX += point.plotX +
(!inverted && xAxis ? xAxis.left - plotLeft : 0);
plotY +=
point.plotLow ?
(point.plotLow + point.plotHigh) / 2 :
) +
(!inverted && yAxis ? - plotTop : 0); // #1151
plotX /= points.length;
plotY /= points.length;
ret = [
inverted ? chart.plotWidth - plotY : plotX,
this.shared && !inverted && points.length > 1 && mouseEvent ?
// place shared tooltip next to the mouse (#424)
mouseEvent.chartY - plotTop :
inverted ? chart.plotHeight - plotX : plotY
return map(ret, Math.round);
* Place the tooltip in a chart without spilling over
* and not covering the point it self.
getPosition: function (boxWidth, boxHeight, point) {
var chart = this.chart,
distance = this.distance,
ret = {},
// Don't use h if chart isn't inverted (#7242)
h = (chart.inverted && point.h) || 0, // #4117
first = ['y', chart.chartHeight, boxHeight,
point.plotY + chart.plotTop, chart.plotTop,
chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight],
second = ['x', chart.chartWidth, boxWidth,
point.plotX + chart.plotLeft, chart.plotLeft,
chart.plotLeft + chart.plotWidth],
// The far side is right or bottom
preferFarSide = !this.followPointer && pick(
!chart.inverted === !!point.negative
), // #4984
* Handle the preferred dimension. When the preferred dimension is
* tooltip on top or bottom of the point, it will look for space
* there.
firstDimension = function (
) {
var roomLeft = innerSize < point - distance,
roomRight = point + distance + innerSize < outerSize,
alignedLeft = point - distance - innerSize,
alignedRight = point + distance;
if (preferFarSide && roomRight) {
ret[dim] = alignedRight;
} else if (!preferFarSide && roomLeft) {
ret[dim] = alignedLeft;
} else if (roomLeft) {
ret[dim] = Math.min(
max - innerSize,
alignedLeft - h < 0 ? alignedLeft : alignedLeft - h
} else if (roomRight) {
ret[dim] = Math.max(
alignedRight + h + innerSize > outerSize ?
alignedRight :
alignedRight + h
} else {
return false;
* Handle the secondary dimension. If the preferred dimension is
* tooltip on top or bottom of the point, the second dimension is to
* align the tooltip above the point, trying to align center but
* allowing left or right align within the chart box.
secondDimension = function (dim, outerSize, innerSize, point) {
var retVal;
// Too close to the edge, return false and swap dimensions
if (point < distance || point > outerSize - distance) {
retVal = false;
// Align left/top
} else if (point < innerSize / 2) {
ret[dim] = 1;
// Align right/bottom
} else if (point > outerSize - innerSize / 2) {
ret[dim] = outerSize - innerSize - 2;
// Align center
} else {
ret[dim] = point - innerSize / 2;
return retVal;
* Swap the dimensions
swap = function (count) {
var temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
swapped = count;
run = function () {
if (firstDimension.apply(0, first) !== false) {
if (
secondDimension.apply(0, second) === false &&
) {
} else if (!swapped) {
} else {
ret.x = ret.y = 0;
// Under these conditions, prefer the tooltip on the side of the point
if (chart.inverted || this.len > 1) {
return ret;
* In case no user defined formatter is given, this will be used. Note that
* the context here is an object holding point, series, x, y etc.
* @returns {String|Array<String>}
defaultFormatter: function (tooltip) {
var items = this.points || splat(this),
// Build the header
s = [tooltip.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(items[0])];
// build the values
s = s.concat(tooltip.bodyFormatter(items));
// footer
s.push(tooltip.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(items[0], true));
return s;
* Refresh the tooltip's text and position.
* @param {Object|Array} pointOrPoints Rither a point or an array of points
refresh: function (pointOrPoints, mouseEvent) {
var tooltip = this,
options = tooltip.options,
point = pointOrPoints,
textConfig = {},
pointConfig = [],
formatter = options.formatter || tooltip.defaultFormatter,
shared = tooltip.shared,
if (!options.enabled) {
// get the reference point coordinates (pie charts use tooltipPos)
tooltip.followPointer = splat(point)[0].series.tooltipOptions
anchor = tooltip.getAnchor(point, mouseEvent);
x = anchor[0];
y = anchor[1];
// shared tooltip, array is sent over
if (shared && !(point.series && point.series.noSharedTooltip)) {
each(point, function (item) {
textConfig = {
x: point[0].category,
y: point[0].y
textConfig.points = pointConfig;
point = point[0];
// single point tooltip
} else {
textConfig = point.getLabelConfig();
this.len = pointConfig.length; // #6128
text =, tooltip);
// register the current series
currentSeries = point.series;
this.distance = pick(currentSeries.tooltipOptions.distance, 16);
// update the inner HTML
if (text === false) {
} else {
label = tooltip.getLabel();
// show it
if (tooltip.isHidden) {
opacity: 1
// update text
if (tooltip.split) {
this.renderSplit(text, splat(pointOrPoints));
} else {
// Prevent the tooltip from flowing over the chart box (#6659)
if (! {
width: this.chart.spacingBox.width
text: text && text.join ? text.join('') : text
// Set the stroke color of the box to reflect the point
'highcharts-color-' +
pick(point.colorIndex, currentSeries.colorIndex)
stroke: (
options.borderColor ||
point.color ||
currentSeries.color ||
plotX: x,
plotY: y,
negative: point.negative,
ttBelow: point.ttBelow,
h: anchor[2] || 0
this.isHidden = false;
* Render the split tooltip. Loops over each point's text and adds
* a label next to the point, then uses the distribute function to
* find best non-overlapping positions.
renderSplit: function (labels, points) {
var tooltip = this,
boxes = [],
chart = this.chart,
ren = chart.renderer,
rightAligned = true,
options = this.options,
headerHeight = 0,
tooltipLabel = this.getLabel();
// Graceful degradation for legacy formatters
if (H.isString(labels)) {
labels = [false, labels];
// Create the individual labels for header and points, ignore footer
each(labels.slice(0, points.length + 1), function (str, i) {
if (str !== false) {
var point = points[i - 1] ||
// Item 0 is the header. Instead of this, we could also
// use the crosshair label
{ isHeader: true, plotX: points[0].plotX },
owner = point.series || tooltip,
tt =,
series = point.series || {},
colorClass = 'highcharts-color-' + pick(
// Store the tooltip referance on the series
if (!tt) { = tt = ren.label(
.addClass('highcharts-tooltip-box ' + colorClass)
'padding': options.padding,
'r': options.borderRadius,
'fill': options.backgroundColor,
'stroke': (
options.borderColor ||
point.color ||
series.color ||
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth
tt.isActive = true;
text: str
// Get X position now, so we can move all to the other side in
// case of overflow
bBox = tt.getBBox();
boxWidth = bBox.width + tt.strokeWidth();
if (point.isHeader) {
headerHeight = bBox.height;
x = Math.max(
0, // No left overflow
point.plotX + chart.plotLeft - boxWidth / 2,
// No right overflow (#5794)
chart.chartWidth - boxWidth
} else {
x = point.plotX + chart.plotLeft -
pick(options.distance, 16) - boxWidth;
// If overflow left, we don't use this x in the next loop
if (x < 0) {
rightAligned = false;
// Prepare for distribution
target = (point.series && point.series.yAxis &&
point.series.yAxis.pos) + (point.plotY || 0);
target -= chart.plotTop;
target: point.isHeader ?
chart.plotHeight + headerHeight :
rank: point.isHeader ? 1 : 0,
size: + 1,
point: point,
x: x,
tt: tt
// Clean previous run (for missing points)
// Distribute and put in place
H.distribute(boxes, chart.plotHeight + headerHeight);
each(boxes, function (box) {
var point = box.point,
series = point.series;
// Put the label in place{
visibility: box.pos === undefined ? 'hidden' : 'inherit',
x: (rightAligned || point.isHeader ?
box.x :
point.plotX + chart.plotLeft + pick(options.distance, 16)),
y: box.pos + chart.plotTop,
anchorX: point.isHeader ?
point.plotX + chart.plotLeft :
point.plotX + series.xAxis.pos,
anchorY: point.isHeader ?
box.pos + chart.plotTop - 15 :
point.plotY + series.yAxis.pos
* Find the new position and perform the move
updatePosition: function (point) {
var chart = this.chart,
label = this.getLabel(),
pos = (this.options.positioner || this.getPosition).call(
// do the move
Math.round(pos.y || 0), // can be undefined (#3977)
point.plotX + chart.plotLeft,
point.plotY + chart.plotTop
* Get the optimal date format for a point, based on a range.
* @param {number} range - The time range
* @param {number|Date} date - The date of the point in question
* @param {number} startOfWeek - An integer representing the first day of
* the week, where 0 is Sunday
* @param {Object} dateTimeLabelFormats - A map of time units to formats
* @return {string} - the optimal date format for a point
getDateFormat: function (range, date, startOfWeek, dateTimeLabelFormats) {
var time = this.chart.time,
dateStr = time.dateFormat('%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L', date),
blank = '01-01 00:00:00.000',
strpos = {
millisecond: 15,
second: 12,
minute: 9,
hour: 6,
day: 3
lastN = 'millisecond'; // for sub-millisecond data, #4223
for (n in timeUnits) {
// If the range is exactly one week and we're looking at a
// Sunday/Monday, go for the week format
if (
range === timeUnits.week &&
+time.dateFormat('%w', date) === startOfWeek &&
dateStr.substr(6) === blank.substr(6)
) {
n = 'week';
// The first format that is too great for the range
if (timeUnits[n] > range) {
n = lastN;
// If the point is placed every day at 23:59, we need to show
// the minutes as well. #2637.
if (
strpos[n] &&
dateStr.substr(strpos[n]) !== blank.substr(strpos[n])
) {
// Weeks are outside the hierarchy, only apply them on
// Mondays/Sundays like in the first condition
if (n !== 'week') {
lastN = n;
if (n) {
format = dateTimeLabelFormats[n];
return format;
* Get the best X date format based on the closest point range on the axis.
getXDateFormat: function (point, options, xAxis) {
var xDateFormat,
dateTimeLabelFormats = options.dateTimeLabelFormats,
closestPointRange = xAxis && xAxis.closestPointRange;
if (closestPointRange) {
xDateFormat = this.getDateFormat(
} else {
xDateFormat =;
return xDateFormat || dateTimeLabelFormats.year; // #2546, 2581
* Format the footer/header of the tooltip
* #3397: abstraction to enable formatting of footer and header
tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter: function (labelConfig, isFooter) {
var footOrHead = isFooter ? 'footer' : 'header',
series = labelConfig.series,
tooltipOptions = series.tooltipOptions,
xDateFormat = tooltipOptions.xDateFormat,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
isDateTime = (
xAxis &&
xAxis.options.type === 'datetime' &&
formatString = tooltipOptions[footOrHead + 'Format'];
// Guess the best date format based on the closest point distance (#568,
// #3418)
if (isDateTime && !xDateFormat) {
xDateFormat = this.getXDateFormat(
// Insert the footer date format if any
if (isDateTime && xDateFormat) {
(labelConfig.point && labelConfig.point.tooltipDateKeys) ||
function (key) {
formatString = formatString.replace(
'{point.' + key + '}',
'{point.' + key + ':' + xDateFormat + '}'
return format(formatString, {
point: labelConfig,
series: series
}, this.chart.time);
* Build the body (lines) of the tooltip by iterating over the items and
* returning one entry for each item, abstracting this functionality allows
* to easily overwrite and extend it.
bodyFormatter: function (items) {
return map(items, function (item) {
var tooltipOptions = item.series.tooltipOptions;
return (
(item.point.formatPrefix || 'point') + 'Formatter'
] ||
tooltipOptions[(item.point.formatPrefix || 'point') + 'Format']
(function (Highcharts) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var H = Highcharts,
addEvent = H.addEvent,
attr = H.attr,
charts = H.charts,
color = H.color,
css = H.css,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
find = H.find,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
isObject = H.isObject,
offset = H.offset,
pick = H.pick,
splat = H.splat,
Tooltip = H.Tooltip;
* The mouse and touch tracker object. Each {@link Chart} item has one
* assosiated Pointer item that can be accessed from the {@link Chart.pointer}
* property.
* @class
* @param {Chart} chart
* The Chart instance.
* @param {Options} options
* The root options object. The pointer uses options from the chart and
* tooltip structures.
Highcharts.Pointer = function (chart, options) {
this.init(chart, options);
Highcharts.Pointer.prototype = {
* Initialize the Pointer.
* @private
init: function (chart, options) {
// Store references
this.options = options;
this.chart = chart;
// Do we need to handle click on a touch device?
this.runChartClick = && !!;
this.pinchDown = [];
this.lastValidTouch = {};
if (Tooltip) {
chart.tooltip = new Tooltip(chart, options.tooltip);
this.followTouchMove = pick(options.tooltip.followTouchMove, true);
* Resolve the zoomType option, this is reset on all touch start and mouse
* down events.
* @private
zoomOption: function (e) {
var chart = this.chart,
options = chart.options.chart,
zoomType = options.zoomType || '',
inverted = chart.inverted,
// Look for the pinchType option
if (/touch/.test(e.type)) {
zoomType = pick(options.pinchType, zoomType);
this.zoomX = zoomX = /x/.test(zoomType);
this.zoomY = zoomY = /y/.test(zoomType);
this.zoomHor = (zoomX && !inverted) || (zoomY && inverted);
this.zoomVert = (zoomY && !inverted) || (zoomX && inverted);
this.hasZoom = zoomX || zoomY;
* @typedef {Object} PointerEvent
* A native browser mouse or touch event, extended with position
* information relative to the {@link Chart.container}.
* @property {Number} chartX
* The X coordinate of the pointer interaction relative to the
* chart.
* @property {Number} chartY
* The Y coordinate of the pointer interaction relative to the
* chart.
* Takes a browser event object and extends it with custom Highcharts
* properties `chartX` and `chartY` in order to work on the internal
* coordinate system.
* @param {Object} e
* The event object in standard browsers.
* @return {PointerEvent}
* A browser event with extended properties `chartX` and `chartY`.
normalize: function (e, chartPosition) {
var ePos;
// iOS (#2757)
ePos = e.touches ?
(e.touches.length ? e.touches.item(0) : e.changedTouches[0]) :
// Get mouse position
if (!chartPosition) {
this.chartPosition = chartPosition = offset(this.chart.container);
return extend(e, {
chartX: Math.round(ePos.pageX - chartPosition.left),
chartY: Math.round(ePos.pageY -
* Get the click position in terms of axis values.
* @param {PointerEvent} e
* A pointer event, extended with `chartX` and `chartY`
* properties.
getCoordinates: function (e) {
var coordinates = {
xAxis: [],
yAxis: []
each(this.chart.axes, function (axis) {
coordinates[axis.isXAxis ? 'xAxis' : 'yAxis'].push({
axis: axis,
value: axis.toValue(e[axis.horiz ? 'chartX' : 'chartY'])
return coordinates;
* Finds the closest point to a set of coordinates, using the k-d-tree
* algorithm.
* @param {Array.<Series>} series
* All the series to search in.
* @param {boolean} shared
* Whether it is a shared tooltip or not.
* @param {object} coordinates
* Chart coordinates of the pointer.
* @param {number} coordinates.chartX
* @param {number} coordinates.chartY
* @return {Point|undefined} The point closest to given coordinates.
findNearestKDPoint: function (series, shared, coordinates) {
var closest,
sort = function (p1, p2) {
var isCloserX = p1.distX - p2.distX,
isCloser = p1.dist - p2.dist,
isAbove =
( && -
( &&,
// We have two points which are not in the same place on xAxis
// and shared tooltip:
if (isCloserX !== 0 && shared) { // #5721
result = isCloserX;
// Points are not exactly in the same place on x/yAxis:
} else if (isCloser !== 0) {
result = isCloser;
// The same xAxis and yAxis position, sort by z-index:
} else if (isAbove !== 0) {
result = isAbove;
// The same zIndex, sort by array index:
} else {
result = p1.series.index > p2.series.index ? -1 : 1;
return result;
each(series, function (s) {
var noSharedTooltip = s.noSharedTooltip && shared,
compareX = (
!noSharedTooltip &&
s.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf('y') < 0
point = s.searchPoint(
if (
// Check that we actually found a point on the series.
isObject(point, true) &&
// Use the new point if it is closer.
(!isObject(closest, true) || (sort(closest, point) > 0))
) {
closest = point;
return closest;
getPointFromEvent: function (e) {
var target =,
while (target && !point) {
point = target.point;
target = target.parentNode;
return point;
getChartCoordinatesFromPoint: function (point, inverted) {
var series = point.series,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
yAxis = series.yAxis,
plotX = pick(point.clientX, point.plotX),
shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
if (xAxis && yAxis) {
return inverted ? {
chartX: xAxis.len + xAxis.pos - plotX,
chartY: yAxis.len + yAxis.pos - point.plotY
} : {
chartX: plotX + xAxis.pos,
chartY: point.plotY + yAxis.pos
} else if (shapeArgs && shapeArgs.x && shapeArgs.y) {
// E.g. pies do not have axes
return {
chartX: shapeArgs.x,
chartY: shapeArgs.y
* Calculates what is the current hovered point/points and series.
* @private
* @param {undefined|Point} existingHoverPoint
* The point currrently beeing hovered.
* @param {undefined|Series} existingHoverSeries
* The series currently beeing hovered.
* @param {Array.<Series>} series
* All the series in the chart.
* @param {boolean} isDirectTouch
* Is the pointer directly hovering the point.
* @param {boolean} shared
* Whether it is a shared tooltip or not.
* @param {object} coordinates
* Chart coordinates of the pointer.
* @param {number} coordinates.chartX
* @param {number} coordinates.chartY
* @return {object}
* Object containing resulting hover data.
getHoverData: function (
) {
var hoverPoint,
hoverPoints = [],
hoverSeries = existingHoverSeries,
isBoosting = params && params.isBoosting,
useExisting = !!(isDirectTouch && existingHoverPoint),
notSticky = hoverSeries && !hoverSeries.stickyTracking,
filter = function (s) {
return (
s.visible &&
!(!shared && s.directTouch) && // #3821
pick(s.options.enableMouseTracking, true)
// Which series to look in for the hover point
searchSeries = notSticky ?
// Only search on hovered series if it has stickyTracking false
[hoverSeries] :
// Filter what series to look in.
H.grep(series, function (s) {
return filter(s) && s.stickyTracking;
// Use existing hovered point or find the one closest to coordinates.
hoverPoint = useExisting ?
existingHoverPoint :
this.findNearestKDPoint(searchSeries, shared, coordinates);
// Assign hover series
hoverSeries = hoverPoint && hoverPoint.series;
// If we have a hoverPoint, assign hoverPoints.
if (hoverPoint) {
// When tooltip is shared, it displays more than one point
if (shared && !hoverSeries.noSharedTooltip) {
searchSeries = H.grep(series, function (s) {
return filter(s) && !s.noSharedTooltip;
// Get all points with the same x value as the hoverPoint
each(searchSeries, function (s) {
var point = find(s.points, function (p) {
return p.x === hoverPoint.x && !p.isNull;
if (isObject(point)) {
* Boost returns a minimal point. Convert it to a usable
* point for tooltip and states.
if (isBoosting) {
point = s.getPoint(point);
} else {
return {
hoverPoint: hoverPoint,
hoverSeries: hoverSeries,
hoverPoints: hoverPoints
* With line type charts with a single tracker, get the point closest to the
* mouse. Run Point.onMouseOver and display tooltip for the point or points.
* @private
runPointActions: function (e, p) {
var pointer = this,
chart = pointer.chart,
series = chart.series,
tooltip = chart.tooltip && chart.tooltip.options.enabled ?
chart.tooltip :
shared = tooltip ? tooltip.shared : false,
hoverPoint = p || chart.hoverPoint,
hoverSeries = hoverPoint && hoverPoint.series || chart.hoverSeries,
// onMouseOver or already hovering a series with directTouch
isDirectTouch = !!p || (
(hoverSeries && hoverSeries.directTouch) &&
hoverData = this.getHoverData(
{ isBoosting: chart.isBoosting }
// Update variables from hoverData.
hoverPoint = hoverData.hoverPoint;
points = hoverData.hoverPoints;
hoverSeries = hoverData.hoverSeries;
followPointer = hoverSeries && hoverSeries.tooltipOptions.followPointer;
useSharedTooltip = (
shared &&
hoverSeries &&
// Refresh tooltip for kdpoint if new hover point or tooltip was hidden
// #3926, #4200
if (
hoverPoint &&
// !(hoverSeries && hoverSeries.directTouch) &&
(hoverPoint !== chart.hoverPoint || (tooltip && tooltip.isHidden))
) {
each(chart.hoverPoints || [], function (p) {
if (H.inArray(p, points) === -1) {
// Do mouseover on all points (#3919, #3985, #4410, #5622)
each(points || [], function (p) {
// set normal state to previous series
if (chart.hoverSeries !== hoverSeries) {
// If tracking is on series in stead of on each point,
// fire mouseOver on hover point. // #4448
if (chart.hoverPoint) {
// Hover point may have been destroyed in the event handlers (#7127)
if (!hoverPoint.series) {
chart.hoverPoints = points;
chart.hoverPoint = hoverPoint;
// Draw tooltip if necessary
if (tooltip) {
tooltip.refresh(useSharedTooltip ? points : hoverPoint, e);
// Update positions (regardless of kdpoint or hoverPoint)
} else if (followPointer && tooltip && !tooltip.isHidden) {
anchor = tooltip.getAnchor([{}], e);
tooltip.updatePosition({ plotX: anchor[0], plotY: anchor[1] });
// Start the event listener to pick up the tooltip and crosshairs
if (!pointer.unDocMouseMove) {
pointer.unDocMouseMove = addEvent(
function (e) {
var chart = charts[H.hoverChartIndex];
if (chart) {
// Issues related to crosshair #4927, #5269 #5066, #5658
each(chart.axes, function drawAxisCrosshair(axis) {
var snap = pick(axis.crosshair.snap, true),
point = !snap ?
undefined :
H.find(points, function (p) {
return p.series[axis.coll] === axis;
// Axis has snapping crosshairs, and one of the hover points belongs
// to axis. Always call drawCrosshair when it is not snap.
if (point || !snap) {
axis.drawCrosshair(e, point);
// Axis has snapping crosshairs, but no hover point belongs to axis
} else {
* Reset the tracking by hiding the tooltip, the hover series state and the
* hover point
* @param allowMove {Boolean}
* Instead of destroying the tooltip altogether, allow moving it if
* possible.
reset: function (allowMove, delay) {
var pointer = this,
chart = pointer.chart,
hoverSeries = chart.hoverSeries,
hoverPoint = chart.hoverPoint,
hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoints,
tooltip = chart.tooltip,
tooltipPoints = tooltip && tooltip.shared ?
hoverPoints :
// Check if the points have moved outside the plot area (#1003, #4736,
// #5101)
if (allowMove && tooltipPoints) {
each(splat(tooltipPoints), function (point) {
if (point.series.isCartesian && point.plotX === undefined) {
allowMove = false;
// Just move the tooltip, #349
if (allowMove) {
if (tooltip && tooltipPoints) {
if (hoverPoint) { // #2500
hoverPoint.setState(hoverPoint.state, true);
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
if (axis.crosshair) {
axis.drawCrosshair(null, hoverPoint);
// Full reset
} else {
if (hoverPoint) {
if (hoverPoints) {
each(hoverPoints, function (point) {
if (hoverSeries) {
if (tooltip) {
if (pointer.unDocMouseMove) {
pointer.unDocMouseMove = pointer.unDocMouseMove();
// Remove crosshairs
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
pointer.hoverX = chart.hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoint = null;
* Scale series groups to a certain scale and translation.
* @private
scaleGroups: function (attribs, clip) {
var chart = this.chart,
// Scale each series
each(chart.series, function (series) {
seriesAttribs = attribs || series.getPlotBox(); // #1701
if (series.xAxis && series.xAxis.zoomEnabled && {;
if (series.markerGroup) {
series.markerGroup.clip(clip ? chart.clipRect : null);
if (series.dataLabelsGroup) {
// Clip
chart.clipRect.attr(clip || chart.clipBox);
* Start a drag operation.
* @private
dragStart: function (e) {
var chart = this.chart;
// Record the start position
chart.mouseIsDown = e.type;
chart.cancelClick = false;
chart.mouseDownX = this.mouseDownX = e.chartX;
chart.mouseDownY = this.mouseDownY = e.chartY;
* Perform a drag operation in response to a mousemove event while the mouse
* is down.
* @private
drag: function (e) {
var chart = this.chart,
chartOptions = chart.options.chart,
chartX = e.chartX,
chartY = e.chartY,
zoomHor = this.zoomHor,
zoomVert = this.zoomVert,
plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
plotTop = chart.plotTop,
plotWidth = chart.plotWidth,
plotHeight = chart.plotHeight,
selectionMarker = this.selectionMarker,
mouseDownX = this.mouseDownX,
mouseDownY = this.mouseDownY,
panKey = chartOptions.panKey && e[chartOptions.panKey + 'Key'];
// If the device supports both touch and mouse (like IE11), and we are
// touch-dragging inside the plot area, don't handle the mouse event.
// #4339.
if (selectionMarker && selectionMarker.touch) {
// If the mouse is outside the plot area, adjust to cooordinates
// inside to prevent the selection marker from going outside
if (chartX < plotLeft) {
chartX = plotLeft;
} else if (chartX > plotLeft + plotWidth) {
chartX = plotLeft + plotWidth;
if (chartY < plotTop) {
chartY = plotTop;
} else if (chartY > plotTop + plotHeight) {
chartY = plotTop + plotHeight;
// determine if the mouse has moved more than 10px
this.hasDragged = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(mouseDownX - chartX, 2) +
Math.pow(mouseDownY - chartY, 2)
if (this.hasDragged > 10) {
clickedInside = chart.isInsidePlot(
mouseDownX - plotLeft,
mouseDownY - plotTop
// make a selection
if (
chart.hasCartesianSeries &&
(this.zoomX || this.zoomY) &&
clickedInside &&
) {
if (!selectionMarker) {
this.selectionMarker = selectionMarker =
zoomHor ? 1 : plotWidth,
zoomVert ? 1 : plotHeight,
fill: (
chartOptions.selectionMarkerFill ||
'class': 'highcharts-selection-marker',
'zIndex': 7
// adjust the width of the selection marker
if (selectionMarker && zoomHor) {
size = chartX - mouseDownX;
width: Math.abs(size),
x: (size > 0 ? 0 : size) + mouseDownX
// adjust the height of the selection marker
if (selectionMarker && zoomVert) {
size = chartY - mouseDownY;
height: Math.abs(size),
y: (size > 0 ? 0 : size) + mouseDownY
// panning
if (clickedInside && !selectionMarker && chartOptions.panning) {
chart.pan(e, chartOptions.panning);
* On mouse up or touch end across the entire document, drop the selection.
* @private
drop: function (e) {
var pointer = this,
chart = this.chart,
hasPinched = this.hasPinched;
if (this.selectionMarker) {
var selectionData = {
originalEvent: e, // #4890
xAxis: [],
yAxis: []
selectionBox = this.selectionMarker,
selectionLeft = selectionBox.attr ?
selectionBox.attr('x') :
selectionTop = selectionBox.attr ?
selectionBox.attr('y') :
selectionWidth = selectionBox.attr ?
selectionBox.attr('width') :
selectionHeight = selectionBox.attr ?
selectionBox.attr('height') :
// a selection has been made
if (this.hasDragged || hasPinched) {
// record each axis' min and max
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
if (
axis.zoomEnabled &&
defined(axis.min) &&
hasPinched ||
xAxis: 'zoomX',
yAxis: 'zoomY'
) { // #859, #3569
var horiz = axis.horiz,
minPixelPadding = e.type === 'touchend' ?
axis.minPixelPadding :
0, // #1207, #3075
selectionMin = axis.toValue(
(horiz ? selectionLeft : selectionTop) +
selectionMax = axis.toValue(
horiz ?
selectionLeft + selectionWidth :
selectionTop + selectionHeight
) - minPixelPadding
axis: axis,
// Min/max for reversed axes
min: Math.min(selectionMin, selectionMax),
max: Math.max(selectionMin, selectionMax)
runZoom = true;
if (runZoom) {
function (args) {
hasPinched ? { animation: false } : null
if (isNumber(chart.index)) {
this.selectionMarker = this.selectionMarker.destroy();
// Reset scaling preview
if (hasPinched) {
// Reset all. Check isNumber because it may be destroyed on mouse up
// (#877)
if (chart && isNumber(chart.index)) {
css(chart.container, { cursor: chart._cursor });
chart.cancelClick = this.hasDragged > 10; // #370
chart.mouseIsDown = this.hasDragged = this.hasPinched = false;
this.pinchDown = [];
onContainerMouseDown: function (e) {
// Normalize before the 'if' for the legacy IE (#7850)
e = this.normalize(e);
if (e.button !== 2) {
// issue #295, dragging not always working in Firefox
if (e.preventDefault) {
onDocumentMouseUp: function (e) {
if (charts[H.hoverChartIndex]) {
* Special handler for mouse move that will hide the tooltip when the mouse
* leaves the plotarea. Issue #149 workaround. The mouseleave event does not
* always fire.
* @private
onDocumentMouseMove: function (e) {
var chart = this.chart,
chartPosition = this.chartPosition;
e = this.normalize(e, chartPosition);
// If we're outside, hide the tooltip
if (
chartPosition &&
!this.inClass(, 'highcharts-tracker') &&
e.chartX - chart.plotLeft,
e.chartY - chart.plotTop
) {
* When mouse leaves the container, hide the tooltip.
* @private
onContainerMouseLeave: function (e) {
var chart = charts[H.hoverChartIndex];
// #4886, MS Touch end fires mouseleave but with no related target
if (chart && (e.relatedTarget || e.toElement)) {
// Also reset the chart position, used in #149 fix
chart.pointer.chartPosition = null;
// The mousemove, touchmove and touchstart event handler
onContainerMouseMove: function (e) {
var chart = this.chart;
if (
!defined(H.hoverChartIndex) ||
!charts[H.hoverChartIndex] ||
) {
H.hoverChartIndex = chart.index;
e = this.normalize(e);
e.returnValue = false; // #2251, #3224
if (chart.mouseIsDown === 'mousedown') {
// Show the tooltip and run mouse over events (#977)
if (
this.inClass(, 'highcharts-tracker') ||
e.chartX - chart.plotLeft,
e.chartY - chart.plotTop
) &&
) {
* Utility to detect whether an element has, or has a parent with, a
* specificclass name. Used on detection of tracker objects and on deciding
* whether hovering the tooltip should cause the active series to mouse out.
* @param {SVGDOMElement|HTMLDOMElement} element
* The element to investigate.
* @param {String} className
* The class name to look for.
* @return {Boolean}
* True if either the element or one of its parents has the given
* class name.
inClass: function (element, className) {
var elemClassName;
while (element) {
elemClassName = attr(element, 'class');
if (elemClassName) {
if (elemClassName.indexOf(className) !== -1) {
return true;
if (elemClassName.indexOf('highcharts-container') !== -1) {
return false;
element = element.parentNode;
onTrackerMouseOut: function (e) {
var series = this.chart.hoverSeries,
relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
this.isDirectTouch = false;
if (
series &&
relatedTarget &&
!series.stickyTracking &&
!this.inClass(relatedTarget, 'highcharts-tooltip') &&
'highcharts-series-' + series.index
) || // #2499, #4465
!this.inClass(relatedTarget, 'highcharts-tracker') // #5553
) {
onContainerClick: function (e) {
var chart = this.chart,
hoverPoint = chart.hoverPoint,
plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
plotTop = chart.plotTop;
e = this.normalize(e);
if (!chart.cancelClick) {
// On tracker click, fire the series and point events. #783, #1583
if (hoverPoint && this.inClass(, 'highcharts-tracker')) {
// the series click event
fireEvent(hoverPoint.series, 'click', extend(e, {
point: hoverPoint
// the point click event
if (chart.hoverPoint) { // it may be destroyed (#1844)
hoverPoint.firePointEvent('click', e);
// When clicking outside a tracker, fire a chart event
} else {
extend(e, this.getCoordinates(e));
// fire a click event in the chart
if (
chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - plotLeft, e.chartY - plotTop)
) {
fireEvent(chart, 'click', e);
* Set the JS DOM events on the container and document. This method should
* contain a one-to-one assignment between methods and their handlers. Any
* advanced logic should be moved to the handler reflecting the event's
* name.
* @private
setDOMEvents: function () {
var pointer = this,
container = pointer.chart.container,
ownerDoc = container.ownerDocument;
container.onmousedown = function (e) {
container.onmousemove = function (e) {
container.onclick = function (e) {
this.unbindContainerMouseLeave = addEvent(
if (!H.unbindDocumentMouseUp) {
H.unbindDocumentMouseUp = addEvent(
if (H.hasTouch) {
container.ontouchstart = function (e) {
container.ontouchmove = function (e) {
if (!H.unbindDocumentTouchEnd) {
H.unbindDocumentTouchEnd = addEvent(
* Destroys the Pointer object and disconnects DOM events.
destroy: function () {
var pointer = this;
if (pointer.unDocMouseMove) {
if (!H.chartCount) {
if (H.unbindDocumentMouseUp) {
H.unbindDocumentMouseUp = H.unbindDocumentMouseUp();
if (H.unbindDocumentTouchEnd) {
H.unbindDocumentTouchEnd = H.unbindDocumentTouchEnd();
// memory and CPU leak
H.objectEach(pointer, function (val, prop) {
pointer[prop] = null;
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
animate = H.animate,
animObject = H.animObject,
attr = H.attr,
doc = H.doc,
Axis = H.Axis, // @todo add as requirement
createElement = H.createElement,
defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions,
discardElement = H.discardElement,
charts = H.charts,
css = H.css,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
find = H.find,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
grep = H.grep,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
isObject = H.isObject,
isString = H.isString,
Legend = H.Legend, // @todo add as requirement
marginNames = H.marginNames,
merge = H.merge,
objectEach = H.objectEach,
Pointer = H.Pointer, // @todo add as requirement
pick = H.pick,
pInt = H.pInt,
removeEvent = H.removeEvent,
seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
splat = H.splat,
syncTimeout = H.syncTimeout,
win =;
* The Chart class. The recommended constructor is {@link Highcharts#chart}.
* @class Highcharts.Chart
* @param {String|HTMLDOMElement} renderTo
* The DOM element to render to, or its id.
* @param {Options} options
* The chart options structure.
* @param {Function} [callback]
* Function to run when the chart has loaded and and all external images
* are loaded. Defining a [chart.event.load](
* handler is
* equivalent.
* @example
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
* title: {
* text: 'My chart'
* },
* series: [{
* data: [1, 3, 2, 4]
* }]
* })
var Chart = H.Chart = function () {
this.getArgs.apply(this, arguments);
* Factory function for basic charts.
* @function #chart
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {String|HTMLDOMElement} renderTo - The DOM element to render to, or
* its id.
* @param {Options} options - The chart options structure.
* @param {Function} [callback] - Function to run when the chart has loaded and
* and all external images are loaded. Defining a {@link
* handler is equivalent.
* @return {Highcharts.Chart} - Returns the Chart object.
* @example
* // Render a chart in to div#container
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
* title: {
* text: 'My chart'
* },
* series: [{
* data: [1, 3, 2, 4]
* }]
* });
H.chart = function (a, b, c) {
return new Chart(a, b, c);
extend(Chart.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.Chart.prototype */ {
// Hook for adding callbacks in modules
callbacks: [],
* Handle the arguments passed to the constructor.
* @private
* @returns {Array} Arguments without renderTo
getArgs: function () {
var args = [];
// Remove the optional first argument, renderTo, and
// set it on this.
if (isString(args[0]) || args[0].nodeName) {
this.renderTo = args.shift();
this.init(args[0], args[1]);
* Overridable function that initializes the chart. The constructor's
* arguments are passed on directly.
init: function (userOptions, callback) {
// Handle regular options
var options,
// skip merging data points to increase performance
seriesOptions = userOptions.series,
userPlotOptions = userOptions.plotOptions || {};
// Fire the event with a default function
fireEvent(this, 'init', { args: arguments }, function () {
userOptions.series = null;
options = merge(defaultOptions, userOptions); // do the merge
// Override (by copy of user options) or clear tooltip options
// in chart.options.plotOptions (#6218)
for (type in options.plotOptions) {
options.plotOptions[type].tooltip = (
userPlotOptions[type] &&
merge(userPlotOptions[type].tooltip) // override by copy
) || undefined; // or clear
// User options have higher priority than default options
// (#6218). In case of exporting: path is changed
options.tooltip.userOptions = (
userOptions.chart &&
userOptions.chart.forExport &&
) || userOptions.tooltip;
// set back the series data
options.series = userOptions.series = seriesOptions;
this.userOptions = userOptions;
var optionsChart = options.chart;
var chartEvents =;
this.margin = [];
this.spacing = [];
// Pixel data bounds for touch zoom
this.bounds = { h: {}, v: {} };
// An array of functions that returns labels that should be
// considered for anti-collision
this.labelCollectors = [];
this.callback = callback;
this.isResizing = 0;
* The options structure for the chart. It contains members for
* the sub elements like series, legend, tooltip etc.
* @memberof Highcharts.Chart
* @name options
* @type {Options}
this.options = options;
* All the axes in the chart.
* @memberof Highcharts.Chart
* @name axes
* @see Highcharts.Chart.xAxis
* @see Highcharts.Chart.yAxis
* @type {Array.<Highcharts.Axis>}
this.axes = [];
* All the current series in the chart.
* @memberof Highcharts.Chart
* @name series
* @type {Array.<Highcharts.Series>}
this.series = [];
* The chart title. The title has an `update` method that allows
* modifying the options directly or indirectly via
* `chart.update`.
* @memberof Highcharts.Chart
* @name title
* @type Object
* @sample highcharts/members/title-update/
* Updating titles
* The chart subtitle. The subtitle has an `update` method that
* allows modifying the options directly or indirectly via
* `chart.update`.
* @memberof Highcharts.Chart
* @name subtitle
* @type Object
* The `Time` object associated with the chart. Since v6.0.5,
* time settings can be applied individually for each chart. If
* no individual settings apply, the `Time` object is shared by
* all instances.
* @memberof Highcharts.Chart
* @name time
* @type Highcharts.Time
this.time =
userOptions.time && H.keys(userOptions.time).length ?
new H.Time(userOptions.time) :
this.hasCartesianSeries = optionsChart.showAxes;
var chart = this;
// Add the chart to the global lookup
chart.index = charts.length;
// Chart event handlers
if (chartEvents) {
objectEach(chartEvents, function (event, eventType) {
addEvent(chart, eventType, event);
* A collection of the X axes in the chart.
* @type {Array.<Highcharts.Axis>}
* @name xAxis
* @memberOf Highcharts.Chart
chart.xAxis = [];
* A collection of the Y axes in the chart.
* @type {Array.<Highcharts.Axis>}
* @name yAxis
* @memberOf Highcharts.Chart
chart.yAxis = [];
chart.pointCount = chart.colorCounter = chart.symbolCounter = 0;
// Fire after init but before first render, before axes and series
// have been initialized.
fireEvent(chart, 'afterInit');
* Internal function to unitialize an individual series.
* @private
initSeries: function (options) {
var chart = this,
optionsChart = chart.options.chart,
type = (
options.type ||
optionsChart.type ||
Constr = seriesTypes[type];
// No such series type
if (!Constr) {
H.error(17, true);
series = new Constr();
series.init(this, options);
return series;
* Order all series above a given index. When series are added and ordered
* by configuration, only the last series is handled (#248, #1123, #2456,
* #6112). This function is called on series initialization and destroy.
* @private
* @param {number} fromIndex
* If this is given, only the series above this index are handled.
orderSeries: function (fromIndex) {
var series = this.series,
i = fromIndex || 0;
for (; i < series.length; i++) {
if (series[i]) {
series[i].index = i;
series[i].name = series[i].getName();
* Check whether a given point is within the plot area.
* @param {Number} plotX
* Pixel x relative to the plot area.
* @param {Number} plotY
* Pixel y relative to the plot area.
* @param {Boolean} inverted
* Whether the chart is inverted.
* @return {Boolean}
* Returns true if the given point is inside the plot area.
isInsidePlot: function (plotX, plotY, inverted) {
var x = inverted ? plotY : plotX,
y = inverted ? plotX : plotY;
return x >= 0 &&
x <= this.plotWidth &&
y >= 0 &&
y <= this.plotHeight;
* Redraw the chart after changes have been done to the data, axis extremes
* chart size or chart elements. All methods for updating axes, series or
* points have a parameter for redrawing the chart. This is `true` by
* default. But in many cases you want to do more than one operation on the
* chart before redrawing, for example add a number of points. In those
* cases it is a waste of resources to redraw the chart for each new point
* added. So you add the points and call `chart.redraw()` after.
* @param {AnimationOptions} animation
* If or how to apply animation to the redraw.
redraw: function (animation) {
fireEvent(this, 'beforeRedraw');
var chart = this,
axes = chart.axes,
series = chart.series,
pointer = chart.pointer,
legend = chart.legend,
redrawLegend = chart.isDirtyLegend,
hasCartesianSeries = chart.hasCartesianSeries,
isDirtyBox = chart.isDirtyBox,
renderer = chart.renderer,
isHiddenChart = renderer.isHidden(),
afterRedraw = [];
// Handle responsive rules, not only on resize (#6130)
if (chart.setResponsive) {
H.setAnimation(animation, chart);
if (isHiddenChart) {
// Adjust title layout (reflow multiline text)
// link stacked series
i = series.length;
while (i--) {
serie = series[i];
if (serie.options.stacking) {
hasStackedSeries = true;
if (serie.isDirty) {
hasDirtyStacks = true;
if (hasDirtyStacks) { // mark others as dirty
i = series.length;
while (i--) {
serie = series[i];
if (serie.options.stacking) {
serie.isDirty = true;
// Handle updated data in the series
each(series, function (serie) {
if (serie.isDirty) {
if (serie.options.legendType === 'point') {
if (serie.updateTotals) {
redrawLegend = true;
if (serie.isDirtyData) {
fireEvent(serie, 'updatedData');
// handle added or removed series
if (redrawLegend && legend.options.enabled) {
// draw legend graphics
chart.isDirtyLegend = false;
// reset stacks
if (hasStackedSeries) {
if (hasCartesianSeries) {
// set axes scales
each(axes, function (axis) {
chart.getMargins(); // #3098
if (hasCartesianSeries) {
// If one axis is dirty, all axes must be redrawn (#792, #2169)
each(axes, function (axis) {
if (axis.isDirty) {
isDirtyBox = true;
// redraw axes
each(axes, function (axis) {
// Fire 'afterSetExtremes' only if extremes are set
var key = axis.min + ',' + axis.max;
if (axis.extKey !== key) { // #821, #4452
axis.extKey = key;
// prevent a recursive call to chart.redraw() (#1119)
afterRedraw.push(function () {
extend(axis.eventArgs, axis.getExtremes())
); // #747, #751
delete axis.eventArgs;
if (isDirtyBox || hasStackedSeries) {
// the plot areas size has changed
if (isDirtyBox) {
// Fire an event before redrawing series, used by the boost module to
// clear previous series renderings.
fireEvent(chart, 'predraw');
// redraw affected series
each(series, function (serie) {
if ((isDirtyBox || serie.isDirty) && serie.visible) {
// Set it here, otherwise we will have unlimited 'updatedData' calls
// for a hidden series after setData(). Fixes #6012
serie.isDirtyData = false;
// move tooltip or reset
if (pointer) {
// redraw if canvas
// Fire the events
fireEvent(chart, 'redraw');
fireEvent(chart, 'render');
if (isHiddenChart) {
// Fire callbacks that are put on hold until after the redraw
each(afterRedraw, function (callback) {;
* Get an axis, series or point object by `id` as given in the configuration
* options. Returns `undefined` if no item is found.
* @param id {String} The id as given in the configuration options.
* @return {Highcharts.Axis|Highcharts.Series|Highcharts.Point|undefined}
* The retrieved item.
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/series-id/
* Get series by id
get: function (id) {
var ret,
series = this.series,
function itemById(item) {
return === id || (item.options && === id);
ret =
// Search axes
find(this.axes, itemById) ||
// Search series
find(this.series, itemById);
// Search points
for (i = 0; !ret && i < series.length; i++) {
ret = find(series[i].points || [], itemById);
return ret;
* Create the Axis instances based on the config options.
* @private
getAxes: function () {
var chart = this,
options = this.options,
xAxisOptions = options.xAxis = splat(options.xAxis || {}),
yAxisOptions = options.yAxis = splat(options.yAxis || {}),
fireEvent(this, 'getAxes');
// make sure the options are arrays and add some members
each(xAxisOptions, function (axis, i) {
axis.index = i;
axis.isX = true;
each(yAxisOptions, function (axis, i) {
axis.index = i;
// concatenate all axis options into one array
optionsArray = xAxisOptions.concat(yAxisOptions);
each(optionsArray, function (axisOptions) {
new Axis(chart, axisOptions); // eslint-disable-line no-new
fireEvent(this, 'afterGetAxes');
* Returns an array of all currently selected points in the chart. Points
* can be selected by clicking or programmatically by the {@link
* Highcharts.Point#select} function.
* @return {Array.<Highcharts.Point>}
* The currently selected points.
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect-line/
* Get selected points
getSelectedPoints: function () {
var points = [];
each(this.series, function (serie) {
// - for points outside of viewed range (#6445)
points = points.concat(grep( || [], function (point) {
return point.selected;
return points;
* Returns an array of all currently selected series in the chart. Series
* can be selected either programmatically by the {@link
* Highcharts.Series#select} function or by checking the checkbox next to
* the legend item if {@link
* series.showCheckBox} is true.
* @return {Array.<Highcharts.Series>}
* The currently selected series.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-getselectedseries/
* Get selected series
getSelectedSeries: function () {
return grep(this.series, function (serie) {
return serie.selected;
* Set a new title or subtitle for the chart.
* @param titleOptions {TitleOptions}
* New title options. The title text itself is set by the
* `titleOptions.text` property.
* @param subtitleOptions {SubtitleOptions}
* New subtitle options. The subtitle text itself is set by the
* `subtitleOptions.text` property.
* @param redraw {Boolean}
* Whether to redraw the chart or wait for a later call to
* `chart.redraw()`.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-settitle/ Set title text and styles
setTitle: function (titleOptions, subtitleOptions, redraw) {
var chart = this,
options = chart.options,
chartTitleOptions = options.title = merge(
// Default styles
style: {
color: '#333333',
fontSize: options.isStock ? '16px' : '18px' // #2944
chartSubtitleOptions = options.subtitle = merge(
// Default styles
style: {
color: '#666666'
// add title and subtitle
['title', titleOptions, chartTitleOptions],
['subtitle', subtitleOptions, chartSubtitleOptions]
], function (arr, i) {
var name = arr[0],
title = chart[name],
titleOptions = arr[1],
chartTitleOptions = arr[2];
if (title && titleOptions) {
chart[name] = title = title.destroy(); // remove old
if (chartTitleOptions && !title) {
chart[name] = chart.renderer.text(
align: chartTitleOptions.align,
'class': 'highcharts-' + name,
zIndex: chartTitleOptions.zIndex || 4
// Update methods, shortcut to Chart.setTitle
chart[name].update = function (o) {
chart.setTitle(!i && o, i && o);
// Presentational
* Internal function to lay out the chart titles and cache the full offset
* height for use in `getMargins`. The result is stored in
* `this.titleOffset`.
* @private
layOutTitles: function (redraw) {
var titleOffset = 0,
renderer = this.renderer,
spacingBox = this.spacingBox;
// Lay out the title and the subtitle respectively
each(['title', 'subtitle'], function (key) {
var title = this[key],
titleOptions = this.options[key],
offset = key === 'title' ? -3 :
// Floating subtitle (#6574)
titleOptions.verticalAlign ? 0 : titleOffset + 2,
if (title) {
titleSize =;
titleSize = renderer.fontMetrics(titleSize, title).b;
width: (titleOptions.width ||
spacingBox.width + titleOptions.widthAdjust) + 'px'
y: offset + titleSize
}, titleOptions), false, 'spacingBox');
if (!titleOptions.floating && !titleOptions.verticalAlign) {
titleOffset = Math.ceil(
titleOffset +
// Skip the cache for HTML (#3481)
}, this);
requiresDirtyBox = this.titleOffset !== titleOffset;
this.titleOffset = titleOffset; // used in getMargins
if (!this.isDirtyBox && requiresDirtyBox) {
this.isDirtyBox = this.isDirtyLegend = requiresDirtyBox;
// Redraw if necessary (#2719, #2744)
if (this.hasRendered && pick(redraw, true) && this.isDirtyBox) {
* Internal function to get the chart width and height according to options
* and container size. Sets {@link Chart.chartWidth} and {@link
* Chart.chartHeight}.
getChartSize: function () {
var chart = this,
optionsChart = chart.options.chart,
widthOption = optionsChart.width,
heightOption = optionsChart.height,
renderTo = chart.renderTo;
// Get inner width and height
if (!defined(widthOption)) {
chart.containerWidth = H.getStyle(renderTo, 'width');
if (!defined(heightOption)) {
chart.containerHeight = H.getStyle(renderTo, 'height');
* The current pixel width of the chart.
* @name chartWidth
* @memberOf Chart
* @type {Number}
chart.chartWidth = Math.max( // #1393
widthOption || chart.containerWidth || 600 // #1460
* The current pixel height of the chart.
* @name chartHeight
* @memberOf Chart
* @type {Number}
chart.chartHeight = Math.max(
) ||
(chart.containerHeight > 1 ? chart.containerHeight : 400)
* If the renderTo element has no offsetWidth, most likely one or more of
* its parents are hidden. Loop up the DOM tree to temporarily display the
* parents, then save the original display properties, and when the true
* size is retrieved, reset them. Used on first render and on redraws.
* @private
* @param {Boolean} revert
* Revert to the saved original styles.
temporaryDisplay: function (revert) {
var node = this.renderTo,
if (!revert) {
while (node && {
// When rendering to a detached node, it needs to be temporarily
// attached in order to read styling and bounding boxes (#5783,
// #7024).
if (!doc.body.contains(node) && !node.parentNode) {
node.hcOrigDetached = true;
if (
H.getStyle(node, 'display', false) === 'none' ||
) {
node.hcOrigStyle = {
tempStyle = {
display: 'block',
overflow: 'hidden'
if (node !== this.renderTo) {
tempStyle.height = 0;
H.css(node, tempStyle);
// If it still doesn't have an offset width after setting
// display to block, it probably has an !important priority
// #2631, 6803
if (!node.offsetWidth) {'display', 'block', 'important');
node = node.parentNode;
if (node === doc.body) {
} else {
while (node && {
if (node.hcOrigStyle) {
H.css(node, node.hcOrigStyle);
delete node.hcOrigStyle;
if (node.hcOrigDetached) {
node.hcOrigDetached = false;
node = node.parentNode;
* Set the {@link Chart.container|chart container's} class name, in
* addition to `highcharts-container`.
setClassName: function (className) {
this.container.className = 'highcharts-container ' + (className || '');
* Get the containing element, determine the size and create the inner
* container div to hold the chart.
* @private
getContainer: function () {
var chart = this,
options = chart.options,
optionsChart = options.chart,
renderTo = chart.renderTo,
indexAttrName = 'data-highcharts-chart',
containerId = H.uniqueKey(),
if (!renderTo) {
chart.renderTo = renderTo = optionsChart.renderTo;
if (isString(renderTo)) {
chart.renderTo = renderTo = doc.getElementById(renderTo);
// Display an error if the renderTo is wrong
if (!renderTo) {
H.error(13, true);
// If the container already holds a chart, destroy it. The check for
// hasRendered is there because web pages that are saved to disk from
// the browser, will preserve the data-highcharts-chart attribute and
// the SVG contents, but not an interactive chart. So in this case,
// charts[oldChartIndex] will point to the wrong chart if any (#2609).
oldChartIndex = pInt(attr(renderTo, indexAttrName));
if (
isNumber(oldChartIndex) &&
charts[oldChartIndex] &&
) {
// Make a reference to the chart from the div
attr(renderTo, indexAttrName, chart.index);
// remove previous chart
renderTo.innerHTML = '';
// If the container doesn't have an offsetWidth, it has or is a child of
// a node that has display:none. We need to temporarily move it out to a
// visible state to determine the size, else the legend and tooltips
// won't render properly. The skipClone option is used in sparklines as
// a micro optimization, saving about 1-2 ms each chart.
if (!optionsChart.skipClone && !renderTo.offsetWidth) {
// get the width and height
chartWidth = chart.chartWidth;
chartHeight = chart.chartHeight;
// Create the inner container
containerStyle = extend({
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden', // needed for context menu (avoid scrollbars)
// and content overflow in IE
width: chartWidth + 'px',
height: chartHeight + 'px',
textAlign: 'left',
lineHeight: 'normal', // #427
zIndex: 0, // #1072
'-webkit-tap-highlight-color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
* The containing HTML element of the chart. The container is
* dynamically inserted into the element given as the `renderTo`
* parameterin the {@link Highcharts#chart} constructor.
* @memberOf Highcharts.Chart
* @type {HTMLDOMElement}
container = createElement(
id: containerId
chart.container = container;
// cache the cursor (#1650)
chart._cursor =;
// Initialize the renderer
Ren = H[optionsChart.renderer] || H.Renderer;
* The renderer instance of the chart. Each chart instance has only one
* associated renderer.
* @type {SVGRenderer}
* @name renderer
* @memberOf Chart
chart.renderer = new Ren(
options.exporting && options.exporting.allowHTML
// Add a reference to the charts index
chart.renderer.chartIndex = chart.index;
fireEvent(this, 'afterGetContainer');
* Calculate margins by rendering axis labels in a preliminary position.
* Title, subtitle and legend have already been rendered at this stage, but
* will be moved into their final positions.
* @private
getMargins: function (skipAxes) {
var chart = this,
spacing = chart.spacing,
margin = chart.margin,
titleOffset = chart.titleOffset;
// Adjust for title and subtitle
if (titleOffset && !defined(margin[0])) {
chart.plotTop = Math.max(
titleOffset + chart.options.title.margin + spacing[0]
// Adjust for legend
if (chart.legend && chart.legend.display) {
chart.legend.adjustMargins(margin, spacing);
// adjust for scroller
if (chart.extraMargin) {
chart[chart.extraMargin.type] =
(chart[chart.extraMargin.type] || 0) + chart.extraMargin.value;
// adjust for rangeSelector
if (chart.adjustPlotArea) {
if (!skipAxes) {
getAxisMargins: function () {
var chart = this,
// [top, right, bottom, left]
axisOffset = chart.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0],
margin = chart.margin;
// pre-render axes to get labels offset width
if (chart.hasCartesianSeries) {
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
if (axis.visible) {
// Add the axis offsets
each(marginNames, function (m, side) {
if (!defined(margin[side])) {
chart[m] += axisOffset[side];
* Reflows the chart to its container. By default, the chart reflows
* automatically to its container following a `window.resize` event, as per
* the {@link https://api.highcharts/highcharts/chart.reflow|chart.reflow}
* option. However, there are no reliable events for div resize, so if the
* container is resized without a window resize event, this must be called
* explicitly.
* @param {Object} e
* Event arguments. Used primarily when the function is called
* internally as a response to window resize.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-reflow/
* Resize div and reflow
* @sample highcharts/chart/events-container/
* Pop up and reflow
reflow: function (e) {
var chart = this,
optionsChart = chart.options.chart,
renderTo = chart.renderTo,
hasUserSize = (
defined(optionsChart.width) &&
width = optionsChart.width || H.getStyle(renderTo, 'width'),
height = optionsChart.height || H.getStyle(renderTo, 'height'),
target = e ? : win;
// Width and height checks for display:none. Target is doc in IE8 and
// Opera, win in Firefox, Chrome and IE9.
if (
!hasUserSize &&
!chart.isPrinting &&
width &&
height &&
(target === win || target === doc)
) {
if (
width !== chart.containerWidth ||
height !== chart.containerHeight
) {
// When called from window.resize, e is set, else it's called
// directly (#2224)
chart.reflowTimeout = syncTimeout(function () {
// Set size, it may have been destroyed in the meantime
// (#1257)
if (chart.container) {
chart.setSize(undefined, undefined, false);
}, e ? 100 : 0);
chart.containerWidth = width;
chart.containerHeight = height;
* Toggle the event handlers necessary for auto resizing, depending on the
* `chart.reflow` option.
* @private
setReflow: function (reflow) {
var chart = this;
if (reflow !== false && !this.unbindReflow) {
this.unbindReflow = addEvent(win, 'resize', function (e) {
addEvent(this, 'destroy', this.unbindReflow);
} else if (reflow === false && this.unbindReflow) {
// Unbind and unset
this.unbindReflow = this.unbindReflow();
// The following will add listeners to re-fit the chart before and after
// printing (#2284). However it only works in WebKit. Should have worked
// in Firefox, but not supported in IE.
if (win.matchMedia) {
win.matchMedia('print').addListener(function reflow() {
* Resize the chart to a given width and height. In order to set the width
* only, the height argument may be skipped. To set the height only, pass
* `undefined` for the width.
* @param {Number|undefined|null} [width]
* The new pixel width of the chart. Since v4.2.6, the argument can
* be `undefined` in order to preserve the current value (when
* setting height only), or `null` to adapt to the width of the
* containing element.
* @param {Number|undefined|null} [height]
* The new pixel height of the chart. Since v4.2.6, the argument can
* be `undefined` in order to preserve the current value, or `null`
* in order to adapt to the height of the containing element.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation=true]
* Whether and how to apply animation.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-setsize-button/
* Test resizing from buttons
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-setsize-jquery-resizable/
* Add a jQuery UI resizable
* @sample stock/members/chart-setsize/
* Highstock with UI resizable
setSize: function (width, height, animation) {
var chart = this,
renderer = chart.renderer,
// Handle the isResizing counter
chart.isResizing += 1;
// set the animation for the current process
H.setAnimation(animation, chart);
chart.oldChartHeight = chart.chartHeight;
chart.oldChartWidth = chart.chartWidth;
if (width !== undefined) {
chart.options.chart.width = width;
if (height !== undefined) {
chart.options.chart.height = height;
// Resize the container with the global animation applied if enabled
// (#2503)
globalAnimation = renderer.globalAnimation;
(globalAnimation ? animate : css)(chart.container, {
width: chart.chartWidth + 'px',
height: chart.chartHeight + 'px'
}, globalAnimation);
renderer.setSize(chart.chartWidth, chart.chartHeight, animation);
// handle axes
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
axis.isDirty = true;
chart.isDirtyLegend = true; // force legend redraw
chart.isDirtyBox = true; // force redraw of plot and chart border
chart.layOutTitles(); // #2857
chart.oldChartHeight = null;
fireEvent(chart, 'resize');
// Fire endResize and set isResizing back. If animation is disabled,
// fire without delay
syncTimeout(function () {
if (chart) {
fireEvent(chart, 'endResize', null, function () {
chart.isResizing -= 1;
}, animObject(globalAnimation).duration);
* Set the public chart properties. This is done before and after the
* pre-render to determine margin sizes.
* @private
setChartSize: function (skipAxes) {
var chart = this,
inverted = chart.inverted,
renderer = chart.renderer,
chartWidth = chart.chartWidth,
chartHeight = chart.chartHeight,
optionsChart = chart.options.chart,
spacing = chart.spacing,
clipOffset = chart.clipOffset,
* The current left position of the plot area in pixels.
* @name plotLeft
* @memberOf Chart
* @type {Number}
chart.plotLeft = plotLeft = Math.round(chart.plotLeft);
* The current top position of the plot area in pixels.
* @name plotTop
* @memberOf Chart
* @type {Number}
chart.plotTop = plotTop = Math.round(chart.plotTop);
* The current width of the plot area in pixels.
* @name plotWidth
* @memberOf Chart
* @type {Number}
chart.plotWidth = plotWidth = Math.max(
Math.round(chartWidth - plotLeft - chart.marginRight)
* The current height of the plot area in pixels.
* @name plotHeight
* @memberOf Chart
* @type {Number}
chart.plotHeight = plotHeight = Math.max(
Math.round(chartHeight - plotTop - chart.marginBottom)
chart.plotSizeX = inverted ? plotHeight : plotWidth;
chart.plotSizeY = inverted ? plotWidth : plotHeight;
chart.plotBorderWidth = optionsChart.plotBorderWidth || 0;
// Set boxes used for alignment
chart.spacingBox = renderer.spacingBox = {
x: spacing[3],
y: spacing[0],
width: chartWidth - spacing[3] - spacing[1],
height: chartHeight - spacing[0] - spacing[2]
chart.plotBox = renderer.plotBox = {
x: plotLeft,
y: plotTop,
width: plotWidth,
height: plotHeight
plotBorderWidth = 2 * Math.floor(chart.plotBorderWidth / 2);
clipX = Math.ceil(Math.max(plotBorderWidth, clipOffset[3]) / 2);
clipY = Math.ceil(Math.max(plotBorderWidth, clipOffset[0]) / 2);
chart.clipBox = {
x: clipX,
y: clipY,
width: Math.floor(
chart.plotSizeX -
Math.max(plotBorderWidth, clipOffset[1]) / 2 -
height: Math.max(
chart.plotSizeY -
Math.max(plotBorderWidth, clipOffset[2]) / 2 -
if (!skipAxes) {
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
fireEvent(chart, 'afterSetChartSize', { skipAxes: skipAxes });
* Initial margins before auto size margins are applied.
* @private
resetMargins: function () {
var chart = this,
chartOptions = chart.options.chart;
// Create margin and spacing array
each(['margin', 'spacing'], function splashArrays(target) {
var value = chartOptions[target],
values = isObject(value) ? value : [value, value, value, value];
each(['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'], function (sideName, side) {
chart[target][side] = pick(
chartOptions[target + sideName],
// Set margin names like chart.plotTop, chart.plotLeft,
// chart.marginRight, chart.marginBottom.
each(marginNames, function (m, side) {
chart[m] = pick(chart.margin[side], chart.spacing[side]);
chart.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0]; // top, right, bottom, left
chart.clipOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0];
* Internal function to draw or redraw the borders and backgrounds for chart
* and plot area.
* @private
drawChartBox: function () {
var chart = this,
optionsChart = chart.options.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
chartWidth = chart.chartWidth,
chartHeight = chart.chartHeight,
chartBackground = chart.chartBackground,
plotBackground = chart.plotBackground,
plotBorder = chart.plotBorder,
plotBGImage = chart.plotBGImage,
chartBackgroundColor = optionsChart.backgroundColor,
plotBackgroundColor = optionsChart.plotBackgroundColor,
plotBackgroundImage = optionsChart.plotBackgroundImage,
plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
plotTop = chart.plotTop,
plotWidth = chart.plotWidth,
plotHeight = chart.plotHeight,
plotBox = chart.plotBox,
clipRect = chart.clipRect,
clipBox = chart.clipBox,
verb = 'animate';
// Chart area
if (!chartBackground) {
chart.chartBackground = chartBackground = renderer.rect()
verb = 'attr';
// Presentational
chartBorderWidth = optionsChart.borderWidth || 0;
mgn = chartBorderWidth + (optionsChart.shadow ? 8 : 0);
bgAttr = {
fill: chartBackgroundColor || 'none'
if (chartBorderWidth || chartBackground['stroke-width']) { // #980
bgAttr.stroke = optionsChart.borderColor;
bgAttr['stroke-width'] = chartBorderWidth;
x: mgn / 2,
y: mgn / 2,
width: chartWidth - mgn - chartBorderWidth % 2,
height: chartHeight - mgn - chartBorderWidth % 2,
r: optionsChart.borderRadius
// Plot background
verb = 'animate';
if (!plotBackground) {
verb = 'attr';
chart.plotBackground = plotBackground = renderer.rect()
// Presentational attributes for the background
fill: plotBackgroundColor || 'none'
// Create the background image
if (plotBackgroundImage) {
if (!plotBGImage) {
chart.plotBGImage = renderer.image(
} else {
// Plot clip
if (!clipRect) {
chart.clipRect = renderer.clipRect(clipBox);
} else {
width: clipBox.width,
height: clipBox.height
// Plot area border
verb = 'animate';
if (!plotBorder) {
verb = 'attr';
chart.plotBorder = plotBorder = renderer.rect()
zIndex: 1 // Above the grid
// Presentational
stroke: optionsChart.plotBorderColor,
'stroke-width': optionsChart.plotBorderWidth || 0,
fill: 'none'
x: plotLeft,
y: plotTop,
width: plotWidth,
height: plotHeight
}, -plotBorder.strokeWidth())); // #3282 plotBorder should be negative;
// reset
chart.isDirtyBox = false;
fireEvent(this, 'afterDrawChartBox');
* Detect whether a certain chart property is needed based on inspecting its
* options and series. This mainly applies to the chart.inverted property,
* and in extensions to the chart.angular and chart.polar properties.
* @private
propFromSeries: function () {
var chart = this,
optionsChart = chart.options.chart,
seriesOptions = chart.options.series,
each(['inverted', 'angular', 'polar'], function (key) {
// The default series type's class
klass = seriesTypes[optionsChart.type ||
// Get the value from available chart-wide properties
value =
optionsChart[key] || // It is set in the options
(klass && klass.prototype[key]); // The default series class
// requires it
// 4. Check if any the chart's series require it
i = seriesOptions && seriesOptions.length;
while (!value && i--) {
klass = seriesTypes[seriesOptions[i].type];
if (klass && klass.prototype[key]) {
value = true;
// Set the chart property
chart[key] = value;
* Internal function to link two or more series together, based on the
* `linkedTo` option. This is done from `Chart.render`, and after
* `Chart.addSeries` and `Series.remove`.
* @private
linkSeries: function () {
var chart = this,
chartSeries = chart.series;
// Reset links
each(chartSeries, function (series) {
series.linkedSeries.length = 0;
// Apply new links
each(chartSeries, function (series) {
var linkedTo = series.options.linkedTo;
if (isString(linkedTo)) {
if (linkedTo === ':previous') {
linkedTo = chart.series[series.index - 1];
} else {
linkedTo = chart.get(linkedTo);
// #3341 avoid mutual linking
if (linkedTo && linkedTo.linkedParent !== series) {
series.linkedParent = linkedTo;
series.visible = pick(
); // #3879
fireEvent(this, 'afterLinkSeries');
* Render series for the chart.
* @private
renderSeries: function () {
each(this.series, function (serie) {
* Render labels for the chart.
* @private
renderLabels: function () {
var chart = this,
labels = chart.options.labels;
if (labels.items) {
each(labels.items, function (label) {
var style = extend(,,
x = pInt(style.left) + chart.plotLeft,
y = pInt( + chart.plotTop + 12;
// delete to prevent rewriting in IE
delete style.left;
.attr({ zIndex: 2 })
* Render all graphics for the chart. Runs internally on initialization.
* @private
render: function () {
var chart = this,
axes = chart.axes,
renderer = chart.renderer,
options = chart.options,
// Title
// Legend
chart.legend = new Legend(chart, options.legend);
// Get stacks
if (chart.getStacks) {
// Get chart margins
// Record preliminary dimensions for later comparison
tempWidth = chart.plotWidth;
// 21 is the most common correction for X axis labels
// use Math.max to prevent negative plotHeight
tempHeight = chart.plotHeight = Math.max(chart.plotHeight - 21, 0);
// Get margins by pre-rendering axes
each(axes, function (axis) {
// If the plot area size has changed significantly, calculate tick
// positions again
redoHorizontal = tempWidth / chart.plotWidth > 1.1;
// Height is more sensitive, use lower threshold
redoVertical = tempHeight / chart.plotHeight > 1.05;
if (redoHorizontal || redoVertical) {
each(axes, function (axis) {
if (
(axis.horiz && redoHorizontal) ||
(!axis.horiz && redoVertical)
) {
// update to reflect the new margins
chart.getMargins(); // second pass to check for new labels
// Draw the borders and backgrounds
// Axes
if (chart.hasCartesianSeries) {
each(axes, function (axis) {
if (axis.visible) {
// The series
if (!chart.seriesGroup) {
chart.seriesGroup = renderer.g('series-group')
.attr({ zIndex: 3 })
// Labels
// Credits
// Handle responsiveness
if (chart.setResponsive) {
// Set flag
chart.hasRendered = true;
* Set a new credits label for the chart.
* @param {CreditOptions} options
* A configuration object for the new credits.
* @sample highcharts/credits/credits-update/ Add and update credits
addCredits: function (credits) {
var chart = this;
credits = merge(true, this.options.credits, credits);
if (credits.enabled && !this.credits) {
* The chart's credits label. The label has an `update` method that
* allows setting new options as per the {@link
* credits options set}.
* @memberof Highcharts.Chart
* @name credits
* @type {Highcharts.SVGElement}
this.credits = this.renderer.text(
credits.text + (this.mapCredits || ''),
.on('click', function () {
if (credits.href) {
win.location.href = credits.href;
align: credits.position.align,
zIndex: 8
// Dynamically update
this.credits.update = function (options) {
chart.credits = chart.credits.destroy();
* Remove the chart and purge memory. This method is called internally
* before adding a second chart into the same container, as well as on
* window unload to prevent leaks.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-destroy/
* Destroy the chart from a button
* @sample stock/members/chart-destroy/
* Destroy with Highstock
destroy: function () {
var chart = this,
axes = chart.axes,
series = chart.series,
container = chart.container,
parentNode = container && container.parentNode;
// fire the chart.destoy event
fireEvent(chart, 'destroy');
// Delete the chart from charts lookup array
if (chart.renderer.forExport) {
H.erase(charts, chart); // #6569
} else {
charts[chart.index] = undefined;
// remove events
// ==== Destroy collections:
// Destroy axes
i = axes.length;
while (i--) {
axes[i] = axes[i].destroy();
// Destroy scroller & scroller series before destroying base series
if (this.scroller && this.scroller.destroy) {
// Destroy each series
i = series.length;
while (i--) {
series[i] = series[i].destroy();
// ==== Destroy chart properties:
'title', 'subtitle', 'chartBackground', 'plotBackground',
'plotBGImage', 'plotBorder', 'seriesGroup', 'clipRect', 'credits',
'pointer', 'rangeSelector', 'legend', 'resetZoomButton', 'tooltip',
], function (name) {
var prop = chart[name];
if (prop && prop.destroy) {
chart[name] = prop.destroy();
// Remove container and all SVG, check container as it can break in IE
// when destroyed before finished loading
if (container) {
container.innerHTML = '';
if (parentNode) {
// clean it all up
objectEach(chart, function (val, key) {
delete chart[key];
* Prepare for first rendering after all data are loaded.
* @private
firstRender: function () {
var chart = this,
options = chart.options;
// Hook for oldIE to check whether the chart is ready to render
if (chart.isReadyToRender && !chart.isReadyToRender()) {
// Create the container
// Set the common chart properties (mainly invert) from the given series
// get axes
// Initialize the series
each(options.series || [], function (serieOptions) {
// Run an event after axes and series are initialized, but before
// render. At this stage, the series data is indexed and cached in the
// xData and yData arrays, so we can access those before rendering. Used
// in Highstock.
fireEvent(chart, 'beforeRender');
// depends on inverted and on margins being set
if (Pointer) {
* The Pointer that keeps track of mouse and touch interaction.
* @memberof Chart
* @name pointer
* @type Pointer
chart.pointer = new Pointer(chart, options);
// Fire the load event if there are no external images
if (!chart.renderer.imgCount && chart.onload) {
// If the chart was rendered outside the top container, put it back in
// (#3679)
* Internal function that runs on chart load, async if any images are loaded
* in the chart. Runs the callbacks and triggers the `load` and `render`
* events.
* @private
onload: function () {
// Run callbacks
each([this.callback].concat(this.callbacks), function (fn) {
// Chart destroyed in its own callback (#3600)
if (fn && this.index !== undefined) {
fn.apply(this, [this]);
}, this);
fireEvent(this, 'load');
fireEvent(this, 'render');
// Set up auto resize, check for not destroyed (#6068)
if (defined(this.index)) {
// Don't run again
this.onload = null;
}); // end Chart
(function (Highcharts) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var Point,
H = Highcharts,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
erase = H.erase,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
format = H.format,
isArray = H.isArray,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
pick = H.pick,
removeEvent = H.removeEvent;
* The Point object. The point objects are generated from the ``
* configuration objects or raw numbers. They can be accessed from the
* `Series.points` array. Other ways to instantiate points are through {@link
* Highcharts.Series#addPoint} or {@link Highcharts.Series#setData}.
* @class
Highcharts.Point = Point = function () {};
Highcharts.Point.prototype = {
* Initialize the point. Called internally based on the ``
* option.
* @param {Series} series
* The series object containing this point.
* @param {Number|Array|Object} options
* The data in either number, array or object format.
* @param {Number} x Optionally, the X value of the point.
* @return {Point} The Point instance.
init: function (series, options, x) {
var point = this,
colorCount = series.chart.options.chart.colorCount,
* The series object associated with the point.
* @name series
* @memberof Highcharts.Point
* @type Highcharts.Series
point.series = series;
* The point's current color.
* @name color
* @memberof Highcharts.Point
* @type {Color}
point.color = series.color; // #3445
point.applyOptions(options, x);
if (series.options.colorByPoint) {
colors = series.options.colors || series.chart.options.colors;
point.color = point.color || colors[series.colorCounter];
colorCount = colors.length;
colorIndex = series.colorCounter;
// loop back to zero
if (series.colorCounter === colorCount) {
series.colorCounter = 0;
} else {
colorIndex = series.colorIndex;
* The point's current color index, used in styled mode instead of
* `color`. The color index is inserted in class names used for styling.
* @name colorIndex
* @memberof Highcharts.Point
* @type {Number}
point.colorIndex = pick(point.colorIndex, colorIndex);
fireEvent(point, 'afterInit');
return point;
* Apply the options containing the x and y data and possible some extra
* properties. Called on point init or from point.update.
* @private
* @param {Object} options The point options as defined in
* @param {Number} x Optionally, the X value.
* @returns {Object} The Point instance.
applyOptions: function (options, x) {
var point = this,
series = point.series,
pointValKey = series.options.pointValKey || series.pointValKey;
options =, options);
// copy options directly to point
extend(point, options);
point.options = point.options ?
extend(point.options, options) :
// Since options are copied into the Point instance, some accidental
// options must be shielded (#5681)
if ( {
// For higher dimension series types. For instance, for ranges, point.y
// is mapped to point.low.
if (pointValKey) {
point.y = point[pointValKey];
point.isNull = pick(
point.isValid && !point.isValid(),
point.x === null || !isNumber(point.y, true)
); // #3571, check for NaN
// The point is initially selected by options (#5777)
if (point.selected) {
point.state = 'select';
// If no x is set by now, get auto incremented value. All points must
// have an x value, however the y value can be null to create a gap in
// the series
if (
'name' in point &&
x === undefined &&
series.xAxis &&
) {
point.x = series.xAxis.nameToX(point);
if (point.x === undefined && series) {
if (x === undefined) {
point.x = series.autoIncrement(point);
} else {
point.x = x;
return point;
* Set a value in an object, on the property defined by key. The key
* supports nested properties using dot notation. The function modifies the
* input object and does not make a copy.
* @param {Object} object The object to set the value on.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to set.
* @param {String} key Key to the property to set.
* @return {Object} The modified object.
setNestedProperty: function (object, value, key) {
var nestedKeys = key.split('.');
H.reduce(nestedKeys, function (result, key, i, arr) {
var isLastKey = arr.length - 1 === i;
result[key] = (
isLastKey ?
value :
(H.isObject(result[key], true) ? result[key] : {})
return result[key];
}, object);
return object;
* Transform number or array configs into objects. Used internally to unify
* the different configuration formats for points. For example, a simple
* number `10` in a line series will be transformed to `{ y: 10 }`, and an
* array config like `[1, 10]` in a scatter series will be transformed to
* `{ x: 1, y: 10 }`.
* @param {Number|Array|Object} options
* The input options
* @return {Object} Transformed options.
optionsToObject: function (options) {
var ret = {},
series = this.series,
keys = series.options.keys,
pointArrayMap = keys || series.pointArrayMap || ['y'],
valueCount = pointArrayMap.length,
i = 0,
j = 0;
if (isNumber(options) || options === null) {
ret[pointArrayMap[0]] = options;
} else if (isArray(options)) {
// with leading x value
if (!keys && options.length > valueCount) {
firstItemType = typeof options[0];
if (firstItemType === 'string') { = options[0];
} else if (firstItemType === 'number') {
ret.x = options[0];
while (j < valueCount) {
// Skip undefined positions for keys
if (!keys || options[i] !== undefined) {
if (pointArrayMap[j].indexOf('.') > 0) {
// Handle nested keys, e.g. ['color.pattern.image']
// Avoid function call unless necessary.
ret, options[i], pointArrayMap[j]
} else {
ret[pointArrayMap[j]] = options[i];
} else if (typeof options === 'object') {
ret = options;
// This is the fastest way to detect if there are individual point
// dataLabels that need to be considered in drawDataLabels. These
// can only occur in object configs.
if (options.dataLabels) {
series._hasPointLabels = true;
// Same approach as above for markers
if (options.marker) {
series._hasPointMarkers = true;
return ret;
* Get the CSS class names for individual points. Used internally where the
* returned value is set on every point.
* @returns {String} The class names.
getClassName: function () {
return 'highcharts-point' +
(this.selected ? ' highcharts-point-select' : '') +
(this.negative ? ' highcharts-negative' : '') +
(this.isNull ? ' highcharts-null-point' : '') +
(this.colorIndex !== undefined ? ' highcharts-color-' +
this.colorIndex : '') +
(this.options.className ? ' ' + this.options.className : '') +
( && ? ' ' +'highcharts-negative', '') : '');
* In a series with `zones`, return the zone that the point belongs to.
* @return {Object}
* The zone item.
getZone: function () {
var series = this.series,
zones = series.zones,
zoneAxis = series.zoneAxis || 'y',
i = 0,
zone = zones[i];
while (this[zoneAxis] >= zone.value) {
zone = zones[++i];
// For resetting or reusing the point (#8100)
if (!this.nonZonedColor) {
this.nonZonedColor = this.color;
if (zone && zone.color && !this.options.color) {
this.color = zone.color;
} else {
this.color = this.nonZonedColor;
return zone;
* Destroy a point to clear memory. Its reference still stays in
* ``.
* @private
destroy: function () {
var point = this,
series = point.series,
chart = series.chart,
hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoints,
if (hoverPoints) {
erase(hoverPoints, point);
if (!hoverPoints.length) {
chart.hoverPoints = null;
if (point === chart.hoverPoint) {
// Remove all events
if (point.graphic || point.dataLabel) {
if (point.legendItem) { // pies have legend items
for (prop in point) {
point[prop] = null;
* Destroy SVG elements associated with the point.
* @private
destroyElements: function () {
var point = this,
props = [
i = 6;
while (i--) {
prop = props[i];
if (point[prop]) {
point[prop] = point[prop].destroy();
* Return the configuration hash needed for the data label and tooltip
* formatters.
* @returns {Object}
* Abstract object used in formatters and formats.
getLabelConfig: function () {
return {
x: this.category,
y: this.y,
color: this.color,
colorIndex: this.colorIndex,
key: || this.category,
series: this.series,
point: this,
percentage: this.percentage,
total: || this.stackTotal
* Extendable method for formatting each point's tooltip line.
* @param {String} pointFormat
* The point format.
* @return {String}
* A string to be concatenated in to the common tooltip text.
tooltipFormatter: function (pointFormat) {
// Insert options for valueDecimals, valuePrefix, and valueSuffix
var series = this.series,
seriesTooltipOptions = series.tooltipOptions,
valueDecimals = pick(seriesTooltipOptions.valueDecimals, ''),
valuePrefix = seriesTooltipOptions.valuePrefix || '',
valueSuffix = seriesTooltipOptions.valueSuffix || '';
// Loop over the point array map and replace unformatted values with
// sprintf formatting markup
each(series.pointArrayMap || ['y'], function (key) {
key = '{point.' + key; // without the closing bracket
if (valuePrefix || valueSuffix) {
pointFormat = pointFormat.replace(
RegExp(key + '}', 'g'),
valuePrefix + key + '}' + valueSuffix
pointFormat = pointFormat.replace(
RegExp(key + '}', 'g'),
key + ':,.' + valueDecimals + 'f}'
return format(pointFormat, {
point: this,
series: this.series
}, series.chart.time);
* Fire an event on the Point object.
* @private
* @param {String} eventType
* @param {Object} eventArgs Additional event arguments
* @param {Function} defaultFunction Default event handler
firePointEvent: function (eventType, eventArgs, defaultFunction) {
var point = this,
series = this.series,
seriesOptions = series.options;
// load event handlers on demand to save time on mouseover/out
if ([eventType] ||
point.options && &&[eventType]
) {
// add default handler if in selection mode
if (eventType === 'click' && seriesOptions.allowPointSelect) {
defaultFunction = function (event) {
// Control key is for Windows, meta (= Cmd key) for Mac, Shift
// for Opera.
if ( { // #2911
event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey
fireEvent(this, eventType, eventArgs, defaultFunction);
* For certain series types, like pie charts, where individual points can
* be shown or hidden.
* @name visible
* @memberOf Highcharts.Point
* @type {Boolean}
visible: true
* For categorized axes this property holds the category name for the
* point. For other axes it holds the X value.
* @name category
* @memberOf Highcharts.Point
* @type {String|Number}
* The name of the point. The name can be given as the first position of the
* point configuration array, or as a `name` property in the configuration:
* @example
* // Array config
* data: [
* ['John', 1],
* ['Jane', 2]
* ]
* // Object config
* data: [{
* name: 'John',
* y: 1
* }, {
* name: 'Jane',
* y: 2
* }]
* @name name
* @memberOf Highcharts.Point
* @type {String}
* The percentage for points in a stacked series or pies.
* @name percentage
* @memberOf Highcharts.Point
* @type {Number}
* The total of values in either a stack for stacked series, or a pie in a pie
* series.
* @name total
* @memberOf Highcharts.Point
* @type {Number}
* The x value of the point.
* @name x
* @memberOf Highcharts.Point
* @type {Number}
* The y value of the point.
* @name y
* @memberOf Highcharts.Point
* @type {Number}
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var SVGElement,
addEvent = H.addEvent,
animate = H.animate,
attr = H.attr,
charts = H.charts,
color = H.color,
css = H.css,
createElement = H.createElement,
defined = H.defined,
deg2rad = H.deg2rad,
destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties,
doc = H.doc,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
erase = H.erase,
grep = H.grep,
hasTouch = H.hasTouch,
inArray = H.inArray,
isArray = H.isArray,
isFirefox = H.isFirefox,
isMS = H.isMS,
isObject = H.isObject,
isString = H.isString,
isWebKit = H.isWebKit,
merge = H.merge,
noop = H.noop,
objectEach = H.objectEach,
pick = H.pick,
pInt = H.pInt,
removeEvent = H.removeEvent,
splat = H.splat,
stop = H.stop,
svg = H.svg,
symbolSizes = H.symbolSizes,
win =;
* @typedef {Object} SVGDOMElement - An SVG DOM element.
* The SVGElement prototype is a JavaScript wrapper for SVG elements used in the
* rendering layer of Highcharts. Combined with the {@link
* Highcharts.SVGRenderer} object, these prototypes allow freeform annotation
* in the charts or even in HTML pages without instanciating a chart. The
* SVGElement can also wrap HTML labels, when `text` or `label` elements are
* created with the `useHTML` parameter.
* The SVGElement instances are created through factory functions on the
* {@link Highcharts.SVGRenderer} object, like
* [rect]{@link Highcharts.SVGRenderer#rect}, [path]{@link
* Highcharts.SVGRenderer#path}, [text]{@link Highcharts.SVGRenderer#text},
* [label]{@link Highcharts.SVGRenderer#label}, [g]{@link
* Highcharts.SVGRenderer#g} and more.
* @class Highcharts.SVGElement
SVGElement = H.SVGElement = function () {
return this;
extend(SVGElement.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.SVGElement.prototype */ {
// Default base for animation
opacity: 1,
* For labels, these CSS properties are applied to the `text` node directly.
* @private
* @type {Array.<string>}
textProps: ['direction', 'fontSize', 'fontWeight', 'fontFamily',
'fontStyle', 'color', 'lineHeight', 'width', 'textAlign',
'textDecoration', 'textOverflow', 'textOutline'],
* Initialize the SVG element. This function only exists to make the
* initiation process overridable. It should not be called directly.
* @param {SVGRenderer} renderer
* The SVGRenderer instance to initialize to.
* @param {String} nodeName
* The SVG node name.
init: function (renderer, nodeName) {
* The primary DOM node. Each `SVGElement` instance wraps a main DOM
* node, but may also represent more nodes.
* @name element
* @memberOf SVGElement
* @type {SVGDOMNode|HTMLDOMNode}
this.element = nodeName === 'span' ?
createElement(nodeName) :
doc.createElementNS(this.SVG_NS, nodeName);
* The renderer that the SVGElement belongs to.
* @name renderer
* @memberOf SVGElement
* @type {SVGRenderer}
this.renderer = renderer;
* Animate to given attributes or CSS properties.
* @param {SVGAttributes} params SVG attributes or CSS to animate.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [options] Animation options.
* @param {Function} [complete] Function to perform at the end of animation.
* @sample highcharts/members/element-on/
* Setting some attributes by animation
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
animate: function (params, options, complete) {
var animOptions = H.animObject(
pick(options, this.renderer.globalAnimation, true)
if (animOptions.duration !== 0) {
// allows using a callback with the global animation without
// overwriting it
if (complete) {
animOptions.complete = complete;
animate(this, params, animOptions);
} else {
this.attr(params, null, complete);
if (animOptions.step) {;
return this;
* @typedef {Object} GradientOptions
* @property {Object} linearGradient Holds an object that defines the start
* position and the end position relative to the shape.
* @property {Number} linearGradient.x1 Start horizontal position of the
* gradient. Ranges 0-1.
* @property {Number} linearGradient.x2 End horizontal position of the
* gradient. Ranges 0-1.
* @property {Number} linearGradient.y1 Start vertical position of the
* gradient. Ranges 0-1.
* @property {Number} linearGradient.y2 End vertical position of the
* gradient. Ranges 0-1.
* @property {Object} radialGradient Holds an object that defines the center
* position and the radius.
* @property {Number} Center horizontal position relative
* to the shape. Ranges 0-1.
* @property {Number} Center vertical position relative
* to the shape. Ranges 0-1.
* @property {Number} radialGradient.r Radius relative to the shape. Ranges
* 0-1.
* @property {Array.<Array>} stops The first item in each tuple is the
* position in the gradient, where 0 is the start of the gradient and 1
* is the end of the gradient. Multiple stops can be applied. The second
* item is the color for each stop. This color can also be given in the
* rgba format.
* @example
* // Linear gradient used as a color option
* color: {
* linearGradient: { x1: 0, x2: 0, y1: 0, y2: 1 },
* stops: [
* [0, '#003399'], // start
* [0.5, '#ffffff'], // middle
* [1, '#3366AA'] // end
* ]
* }
* }
* Build and apply an SVG gradient out of a common JavaScript configuration
* object. This function is called from the attribute setters. An event
* hook is added for supporting other complex color types.
* @private
* @param {GradientOptions} color The gradient options structure.
* @param {string} prop The property to apply, can either be `fill` or
* `stroke`.
* @param {SVGDOMElement} elem SVG DOM element to apply the gradient on.
complexColor: function (color, prop, elem) {
var renderer = this.renderer,
key = [],
H.fireEvent(this.renderer, 'complexColor', {
args: arguments
}, function () {
// Apply linear or radial gradients
if (color.radialGradient) {
gradName = 'radialGradient';
} else if (color.linearGradient) {
gradName = 'linearGradient';
if (gradName) {
gradAttr = color[gradName];
gradients = renderer.gradients;
stops = color.stops;
radialReference = elem.radialReference;
// Keep < 2.2 kompatibility
if (isArray(gradAttr)) {
color[gradName] = gradAttr = {
x1: gradAttr[0],
y1: gradAttr[1],
x2: gradAttr[2],
y2: gradAttr[3],
gradientUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
// Correct the radial gradient for the radial reference system
if (
gradName === 'radialGradient' &&
radialReference &&
) {
// Save the radial attributes for updating
radAttr = gradAttr;
gradAttr = merge(
renderer.getRadialAttr(radialReference, radAttr),
{ gradientUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse' }
// Build the unique key to detect whether we need to create a
// new element (#1282)
objectEach(gradAttr, function (val, n) {
if (n !== 'id') {
key.push(n, val);
objectEach(stops, function (val) {
key = key.join(',');
// Check if a gradient object with the same config object is
// created within this renderer
if (gradients[key]) {
id = gradients[key].attr('id');
} else {
// Set the id and create the element = id = H.uniqueKey();
gradients[key] = gradientObject =
gradientObject.radAttr = radAttr;
// The gradient needs to keep a list of stops to be able to
// destroy them
gradientObject.stops = [];
each(stops, function (stop) {
var stopObject;
if (stop[1].indexOf('rgba') === 0) {
colorObject = H.color(stop[1]);
stopColor = colorObject.get('rgb');
stopOpacity = colorObject.get('a');
} else {
stopColor = stop[1];
stopOpacity = 1;
stopObject = renderer.createElement('stop').attr({
offset: stop[0],
'stop-color': stopColor,
'stop-opacity': stopOpacity
// Add the stop element to the gradient
// Set the reference to the gradient object
value = 'url(' + renderer.url + '#' + id + ')';
elem.setAttribute(prop, value);
elem.gradient = key;
// Allow the color to be concatenated into tooltips formatters
// etc. (#2995)
color.toString = function () {
return value;
* Apply a text outline through a custom CSS property, by copying the text
* element and apply stroke to the copy. Used internally. Contrast checks
* at .
* @private
* @param {String} textOutline A custom CSS `text-outline` setting, defined
* by `width color`.
* @example
* // Specific color
* text.css({
* textOutline: '1px black'
* });
* // Automatic contrast
* text.css({
* color: '#000000', // black text
* textOutline: '1px contrast' // => white outline
* });
applyTextOutline: function (textOutline) {
var elem = this.element,
hasContrast = textOutline.indexOf('contrast') !== -1,
styles = {},
// When the text shadow is set to contrast, use dark stroke for light
// text and vice versa.
if (hasContrast) {
styles.textOutline = textOutline = textOutline.replace(
// Extract the stroke width and color
textOutline = textOutline.split(' ');
color = textOutline[textOutline.length - 1];
strokeWidth = textOutline[0];
if (strokeWidth && strokeWidth !== 'none' && H.svg) {
this.fakeTS = true; // Fake text shadow
tspans = []'tspan'));
// In order to get the right y position of the clone,
// copy over the y setter
this.ySetter = this.xSetter;
// Since the stroke is applied on center of the actual outline, we
// need to double it to get the correct stroke-width outside the
// glyphs.
strokeWidth = strokeWidth.replace(
function (match, digit, unit) {
return (2 * digit) + unit;
// Remove shadows from previous runs. Iterate from the end to
// support removing items inside the cycle (#6472).
i = tspans.length;
while (i--) {
tspan = tspans[i];
if (tspan.getAttribute('class') === 'highcharts-text-outline') {
// Remove then erase
erase(tspans, elem.removeChild(tspan));
// For each of the tspans, create a stroked copy behind it.
firstRealChild = elem.firstChild;
each(tspans, function (tspan, y) {
var clone;
// Let the first line start at the correct X position
if (y === 0) {
tspan.setAttribute('x', elem.getAttribute('x'));
y = elem.getAttribute('y');
tspan.setAttribute('y', y || 0);
if (y === null) {
elem.setAttribute('y', 0);
// Create the clone and apply outline properties
clone = tspan.cloneNode(1);
attr(clone, {
'class': 'highcharts-text-outline',
'fill': color,
'stroke': color,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
'stroke-linejoin': 'round'
elem.insertBefore(clone, firstRealChild);
* @typedef {Object} SVGAttributes An object of key-value pairs for SVG
* attributes. Attributes in Highcharts elements for the most parts
* correspond to SVG, but some are specific to Highcharts, like `zIndex`,
* `rotation`, `rotationOriginX`, `rotationOriginY`, `translateX`,
* `translateY`, `scaleX` and `scaleY`. SVG attributes containing a hyphen
* are _not_ camel-cased, they should be quoted to preserve the hyphen.
* @example
* {
* 'stroke': '#ff0000', // basic
* 'stroke-width': 2, // hyphenated
* 'rotation': 45 // custom
* 'd': ['M', 10, 10, 'L', 30, 30, 'z'] // path definition, note format
* }
* Apply native and custom attributes to the SVG elements.
* In order to set the rotation center for rotation, set x and y to 0 and
* use `translateX` and `translateY` attributes to position the element
* instead.
* Attributes frequently used in Highcharts are `fill`, `stroke`,
* `stroke-width`.
* @param {SVGAttributes|String} hash - The native and custom SVG
* attributes.
* @param {string} [val] - If the type of the first argument is `string`,
* the second can be a value, which will serve as a single attribute
* setter. If the first argument is a string and the second is undefined,
* the function serves as a getter and the current value of the property
* is returned.
* @param {Function} [complete] - A callback function to execute after
* setting the attributes. This makes the function compliant and
* interchangeable with the {@link SVGElement#animate} function.
* @param {boolean} [continueAnimation=true] Used internally when `.attr` is
* called as part of an animation step. Otherwise, calling `.attr` for an
* attribute will stop animation for that attribute.
* @returns {SVGElement|string|number} If used as a setter, it returns the
* current {@link SVGElement} so the calls can be chained. If used as a
* getter, the current value of the attribute is returned.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-rect/
* Setting some attributes
* @example
* // Set multiple attributes
* element.attr({
* stroke: 'red',
* fill: 'blue',
* x: 10,
* y: 10
* });
* // Set a single attribute
* element.attr('stroke', 'red');
* // Get an attribute
* element.attr('stroke'); // => 'red'
attr: function (hash, val, complete, continueAnimation) {
var key,
element = this.element,
ret = this,
// single key-value pair
if (typeof hash === 'string' && val !== undefined) {
key = hash;
hash = {};
hash[key] = val;
// used as a getter: first argument is a string, second is undefined
if (typeof hash === 'string') {
ret = (this[hash + 'Getter'] || this._defaultGetter).call(
// setter
} else {
objectEach(hash, function eachAttribute(val, key) {
skipAttr = false;
// Unless .attr is from the animator update, stop current
// running animation of this property
if (!continueAnimation) {
stop(this, key);
// Special handling of symbol attributes
if (
this.symbolName &&
) {
if (!hasSetSymbolSize) {
hasSetSymbolSize = true;
skipAttr = true;
if (this.rotation && (key === 'x' || key === 'y')) {
this.doTransform = true;
if (!skipAttr) {
setter = this[key + 'Setter'] || this._defaultSetter;, val, key, element);
// Let the shadow follow the main element
if (
this.shadows &&
) {
this.updateShadows(key, val, setter);
}, this);
// In accordance with animate, run a complete callback
if (complete) {;
return ret;
* This method is executed in the end of `attr()`, after setting all
* attributes in the hash. In can be used to efficiently consolidate
* multiple attributes in one SVG property -- e.g., translate, rotate and
* scale are merged in one "transform" attribute in the SVG node.
* @private
afterSetters: function () {
// Update transform. Do this outside the loop to prevent redundant
// updating for batch setting of attributes.
if (this.doTransform) {
this.doTransform = false;
* Update the shadow elements with new attributes.
* @private
* @param {String} key - The attribute name.
* @param {String|Number} value - The value of the attribute.
* @param {Function} setter - The setter function, inherited from the
* parent wrapper
updateShadows: function (key, value, setter) {
var shadows = this.shadows,
i = shadows.length;
while (i--) {
key === 'height' ?
Math.max(value - (shadows[i].cutHeight || 0), 0) :
key === 'd' ? this.d : value,
* Add a class name to an element.
* @param {string} className - The new class name to add.
* @param {boolean} [replace=false] - When true, the existing class name(s)
* will be overwritten with the new one. When false, the new one is
* added.
* @returns {SVGElement} Return the SVG element for chainability.
addClass: function (className, replace) {
var currentClassName = this.attr('class') || '';
if (currentClassName.indexOf(className) === -1) {
if (!replace) {
className =
(currentClassName + (currentClassName ? ' ' : '') +
className).replace(' ', ' ');
this.attr('class', className);
return this;
* Check if an element has the given class name.
* @param {string} className
* The class name to check for.
* @return {Boolean}
* Whether the class name is found.
hasClass: function (className) {
return inArray(
(this.attr('class') || '').split(' ')
) !== -1;
* Remove a class name from the element.
* @param {String|RegExp} className The class name to remove.
* @return {SVGElement} Returns the SVG element for chainability.
removeClass: function (className) {
return this.attr(
(this.attr('class') || '').replace(className, '')
* If one of the symbol size affecting parameters are changed,
* check all the others only once for each call to an element's
* .attr() method
* @param {Object} hash - The attributes to set.
* @private
symbolAttr: function (hash) {
var wrapper = this;
], function (key) {
wrapper[key] = pick(hash[key], wrapper[key]);
d: wrapper.renderer.symbols[wrapper.symbolName](
* Apply a clipping rectangle to this element.
* @param {ClipRect} [clipRect] - The clipping rectangle. If skipped, the
* current clip is removed.
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVG element to allow chaining.
clip: function (clipRect) {
return this.attr(
clipRect ?
'url(' + this.renderer.url + '#' + + ')' :
* Calculate the coordinates needed for drawing a rectangle crisply and
* return the calculated attributes.
* @param {Object} rect - A rectangle.
* @param {number} rect.x - The x position.
* @param {number} rect.y - The y position.
* @param {number} rect.width - The width.
* @param {number} rect.height - The height.
* @param {number} [strokeWidth] - The stroke width to consider when
* computing crisp positioning. It can also be set directly on the rect
* parameter.
* @returns {{x: Number, y: Number, width: Number, height: Number}} The
* modified rectangle arguments.
crisp: function (rect, strokeWidth) {
var wrapper = this,
strokeWidth = strokeWidth || rect.strokeWidth || 0;
// Math.round because strokeWidth can sometimes have roundoff errors
normalizer = Math.round(strokeWidth) % 2 / 2;
// normalize for crisp edges
rect.x = Math.floor(rect.x || wrapper.x || 0) + normalizer;
rect.y = Math.floor(rect.y || wrapper.y || 0) + normalizer;
rect.width = Math.floor(
(rect.width || wrapper.width || 0) - 2 * normalizer
rect.height = Math.floor(
(rect.height || wrapper.height || 0) - 2 * normalizer
if (defined(rect.strokeWidth)) {
rect.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
return rect;
* Set styles for the element. In addition to CSS styles supported by
* native SVG and HTML elements, there are also some custom made for
* Highcharts, like `width`, `ellipsis` and `textOverflow` for SVG text
* elements.
* @param {CSSObject} styles The new CSS styles.
* @returns {SVGElement} Return the SVG element for chaining.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-text-on-chart/
* Styled text
css: function (styles) {
var oldStyles = this.styles,
newStyles = {},
elem = this.element,
serializedCss = '',
hasNew = !oldStyles,
// These CSS properties are interpreted internally by the SVG
// renderer, but are not supported by SVG and should not be added to
// the DOM. In styled mode, no CSS should find its way to the DOM
// whatsoever (#6173, #6474).
svgPseudoProps = ['textOutline', 'textOverflow', 'width'];
// convert legacy
if (styles && styles.color) {
styles.fill = styles.color;
// Filter out existing styles to increase performance (#2640)
if (oldStyles) {
objectEach(styles, function (style, n) {
if (style !== oldStyles[n]) {
newStyles[n] = style;
hasNew = true;
if (hasNew) {
// Merge the new styles with the old ones
if (oldStyles) {
styles = extend(
// Get the text width from style
textWidth = this.textWidth = (
styles &&
styles.width &&
styles.width !== 'auto' &&
elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'text' &&
// store object
this.styles = styles;
if (textWidth && (!svg && this.renderer.forExport)) {
delete styles.width;
// Serialize and set style attribute
if (elem.namespaceURI === this.SVG_NS) { // #7633
hyphenate = function (a, b) {
return '-' + b.toLowerCase();
objectEach(styles, function (style, n) {
if (inArray(n, svgPseudoProps) === -1) {
serializedCss +=
n.replace(/([A-Z])/g, hyphenate) + ':' +
style + ';';
if (serializedCss) {
attr(elem, 'style', serializedCss); // #1881
} else {
css(elem, styles);
if (this.added) {
// Rebuild text after added. Cache mechanisms in the buildText
// will prevent building if there are no significant changes.
if (this.element.nodeName === 'text') {
// Apply text outline after added
if (styles && styles.textOutline) {
return this;
* Get the current stroke width. In classic mode, the setter registers it
* directly on the element.
* @returns {number} The stroke width in pixels.
* @ignore
strokeWidth: function () {
return this['stroke-width'] || 0;
* Add an event listener. This is a simple setter that replaces all other
* events of the same type, opposed to the {@link Highcharts#addEvent}
* function.
* @param {string} eventType - The event type. If the type is `click`,
* Highcharts will internally translate it to a `touchstart` event on
* touch devices, to prevent the browser from waiting for a click event
* from firing.
* @param {Function} handler - The handler callback.
* @returns {SVGElement} The SVGElement for chaining.
* @sample highcharts/members/element-on/
* A clickable rectangle
on: function (eventType, handler) {
var svgElement = this,
element = svgElement.element;
// touch
if (hasTouch && eventType === 'click') {
element.ontouchstart = function (e) {
svgElement.touchEventFired =; // #2269
e.preventDefault();, e);
element.onclick = function (e) {
if (win.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') === -1 || - (svgElement.touchEventFired || 0) > 1100) {, e);
} else {
// simplest possible event model for internal use
element['on' + eventType] = handler;
return this;
* Set the coordinates needed to draw a consistent radial gradient across
* a shape regardless of positioning inside the chart. Used on pie slices
* to make all the slices have the same radial reference point.
* @param {Array} coordinates The center reference. The format is
* `[centerX, centerY, diameter]` in pixels.
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
setRadialReference: function (coordinates) {
var existingGradient = this.renderer.gradients[this.element.gradient];
this.element.radialReference = coordinates;
// On redrawing objects with an existing gradient, the gradient needs
// to be repositioned (#3801)
if (existingGradient && existingGradient.radAttr) {
return this;
* Move an object and its children by x and y values.
* @param {number} x - The x value.
* @param {number} y - The y value.
translate: function (x, y) {
return this.attr({
translateX: x,
translateY: y
* Invert a group, rotate and flip. This is used internally on inverted
* charts, where the points and graphs are drawn as if not inverted, then
* the series group elements are inverted.
* @param {boolean} inverted
* Whether to invert or not. An inverted shape can be un-inverted by
* setting it to false.
* @return {SVGElement}
* Return the SVGElement for chaining.
invert: function (inverted) {
var wrapper = this;
wrapper.inverted = inverted;
return wrapper;
* Update the transform attribute based on internal properties. Deals with
* the custom `translateX`, `translateY`, `rotation`, `scaleX` and `scaleY`
* attributes and updates the SVG `transform` attribute.
* @private
updateTransform: function () {
var wrapper = this,
translateX = wrapper.translateX || 0,
translateY = wrapper.translateY || 0,
scaleX = wrapper.scaleX,
scaleY = wrapper.scaleY,
inverted = wrapper.inverted,
rotation = wrapper.rotation,
matrix = wrapper.matrix,
element = wrapper.element,
// Flipping affects translate as adjustment for flipping around the
// group's axis
if (inverted) {
translateX += wrapper.width;
translateY += wrapper.height;
// Apply translate. Nearly all transformed elements have translation,
// so instead of checking for translate = 0, do it always (#1767,
// #1846).
transform = ['translate(' + translateX + ',' + translateY + ')'];
// apply matrix
if (defined(matrix)) {
'matrix(' + matrix.join(',') + ')'
// apply rotation
if (inverted) {
transform.push('rotate(90) scale(-1,1)');
} else if (rotation) { // text rotation
'rotate(' + rotation + ' ' +
pick(this.rotationOriginX, element.getAttribute('x'), 0) +
' ' +
pick(this.rotationOriginY, element.getAttribute('y') || 0) + ')'
// apply scale
if (defined(scaleX) || defined(scaleY)) {
'scale(' + pick(scaleX, 1) + ' ' + pick(scaleY, 1) + ')'
if (transform.length) {
element.setAttribute('transform', transform.join(' '));
* Bring the element to the front. Alternatively, a new zIndex can be set.
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
* @sample highcharts/members/element-tofront/
* Click an element to bring it to front
toFront: function () {
var element = this.element;
return this;
* Align the element relative to the chart or another box.
* @param {Object} [alignOptions] The alignment options. The function can be
* called without this parameter in order to re-align an element after the
* box has been updated.
* @param {string} [alignOptions.align=left] Horizontal alignment. Can be
* one of `left`, `center` and `right`.
* @param {string} [alignOptions.verticalAlign=top] Vertical alignment. Can
* be one of `top`, `middle` and `bottom`.
* @param {number} [alignOptions.x=0] Horizontal pixel offset from
* alignment.
* @param {number} [alignOptions.y=0] Vertical pixel offset from alignment.
* @param {Boolean} [alignByTranslate=false] Use the `transform` attribute
* with translateX and translateY custom attributes to align this elements
* rather than `x` and `y` attributes.
* @param {String|Object} box The box to align to, needs a width and height.
* When the box is a string, it refers to an object in the Renderer. For
* example, when box is `spacingBox`, it refers to `Renderer.spacingBox`
* which holds `width`, `height`, `x` and `y` properties.
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
align: function (alignOptions, alignByTranslate, box) {
var align,
attribs = {},
renderer = this.renderer,
alignedObjects = renderer.alignedObjects,
// First call on instanciate
if (alignOptions) {
this.alignOptions = alignOptions;
this.alignByTranslate = alignByTranslate;
if (!box || isString(box)) {
this.alignTo = alignTo = box || 'renderer';
// prevent duplicates, like legendGroup after resize
erase(alignedObjects, this);
box = null; // reassign it below
// When called on resize, no arguments are supplied
} else {
alignOptions = this.alignOptions;
alignByTranslate = this.alignByTranslate;
alignTo = this.alignTo;
box = pick(box, renderer[alignTo], renderer);
// Assign variables
align = alignOptions.align;
vAlign = alignOptions.verticalAlign;
x = (box.x || 0) + (alignOptions.x || 0); // default: left align
y = (box.y || 0) + (alignOptions.y || 0); // default: top align
// Align
if (align === 'right') {
alignFactor = 1;
} else if (align === 'center') {
alignFactor = 2;
if (alignFactor) {
x += (box.width - (alignOptions.width || 0)) / alignFactor;
attribs[alignByTranslate ? 'translateX' : 'x'] = Math.round(x);
// Vertical align
if (vAlign === 'bottom') {
vAlignFactor = 1;
} else if (vAlign === 'middle') {
vAlignFactor = 2;
if (vAlignFactor) {
y += (box.height - (alignOptions.height || 0)) / vAlignFactor;
attribs[alignByTranslate ? 'translateY' : 'y'] = Math.round(y);
// Animate only if already placed
this[this.placed ? 'animate' : 'attr'](attribs);
this.placed = true;
this.alignAttr = attribs;
return this;
* Get the bounding box (width, height, x and y) for the element. Generally
* used to get rendered text size. Since this is called a lot in charts,
* the results are cached based on text properties, in order to save DOM
* traffic. The returned bounding box includes the rotation, so for example
* a single text line of rotation 90 will report a greater height, and a
* width corresponding to the line-height.
* @param {boolean} [reload] Skip the cache and get the updated DOM bouding
* box.
* @param {number} [rot] Override the element's rotation. This is internally
* used on axis labels with a value of 0 to find out what the bounding box
* would be have been if it were not rotated.
* @returns {Object} The bounding box with `x`, `y`, `width` and `height`
* properties.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-on-chart/
* Draw a rectangle based on a text's bounding box
getBBox: function (reload, rot) {
var wrapper = this,
bBox, // = wrapper.bBox,
renderer = wrapper.renderer,
element = wrapper.element,
styles = wrapper.styles,
textStr = wrapper.textStr,
cache = renderer.cache,
cacheKeys = renderer.cacheKeys,
rotation = pick(rot, wrapper.rotation);
rad = rotation * deg2rad;
fontSize = styles && styles.fontSize;
// Avoid undefined and null (#7316)
if (defined(textStr)) {
cacheKey = textStr.toString();
// Since numbers are monospaced, and numerical labels appear a lot
// in a chart, we assume that a label of n characters has the same
// bounding box as others of the same length. Unless there is inner
// HTML in the label. In that case, leave the numbers as is (#5899).
if (cacheKey.indexOf('<') === -1) {
cacheKey = cacheKey.replace(/[0-9]/g, '0');
// Properties that affect bounding box
cacheKey += [
rotation || 0,
wrapper.textWidth, // #7874, also useHTML
styles && styles.textOverflow // #5968
if (cacheKey && !reload) {
bBox = cache[cacheKey];
// No cache found
if (!bBox) {
// SVG elements
if (element.namespaceURI === wrapper.SVG_NS || renderer.forExport) {
try { // Fails in Firefox if the container has display: none.
// When the text shadow shim is used, we need to hide the
// fake shadows to get the correct bounding box (#3872)
toggleTextShadowShim = this.fakeTS && function (display) {
function (tspan) { = display;
// Workaround for #3842, Firefox reporting wrong bounding
// box for shadows
if (toggleTextShadowShim) {
bBox = element.getBBox ?
// SVG: use extend because IE9 is not allowed to change
// width and height in case of rotation (below)
extend({}, element.getBBox()) : {
// Legacy IE in export mode
width: element.offsetWidth,
height: element.offsetHeight
// #3842
if (toggleTextShadowShim) {
} catch (e) {}
// If the bBox is not set, the try-catch block above failed. The
// other condition is for Opera that returns a width of
// -Infinity on hidden elements.
if (!bBox || bBox.width < 0) {
bBox = { width: 0, height: 0 };
// VML Renderer or useHTML within SVG
} else {
bBox = wrapper.htmlGetBBox();
// True SVG elements as well as HTML elements in modern browsers
// using the .useHTML option need to compensated for rotation
if (renderer.isSVG) {
width = bBox.width;
height = bBox.height;
// Workaround for wrong bounding box in IE, Edge and Chrome on
// Windows. With Highcharts' default font, IE and Edge report
// a box height of 16.899 and Chrome rounds it to 17. If this
// stands uncorrected, it results in more padding added below
// the text than above when adding a label border or background.
// Also vertical positioning is affected.
// (#1101, #1505, #1669, #2568, #6213).
if (
styles &&
styles.fontSize === '11px' &&
Math.round(height) === 17
) {
bBox.height = height = 14;
// Adjust for rotated text
if (rotation) {
bBox.width = Math.abs(height * Math.sin(rad)) +
Math.abs(width * Math.cos(rad));
bBox.height = Math.abs(height * Math.cos(rad)) +
Math.abs(width * Math.sin(rad));
// Cache it. When loading a chart in a hidden iframe in Firefox and
// IE/Edge, the bounding box height is 0, so don't cache it (#5620).
if (cacheKey && bBox.height > 0) {
// Rotate (#4681)
while (cacheKeys.length > 250) {
delete cache[cacheKeys.shift()];
if (!cache[cacheKey]) {
cache[cacheKey] = bBox;
return bBox;
* Show the element after it has been hidden.
* @param {boolean} [inherit=false] Set the visibility attribute to
* `inherit` rather than `visible`. The difference is that an element with
* `visibility="visible"` will be visible even if the parent is hidden.
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
show: function (inherit) {
return this.attr({ visibility: inherit ? 'inherit' : 'visible' });
* Hide the element, equivalent to setting the `visibility` attribute to
* `hidden`.
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
hide: function () {
return this.attr({ visibility: 'hidden' });
* Fade out an element by animating its opacity down to 0, and hide it on
* complete. Used internally for the tooltip.
* @param {number} [duration=150] The fade duration in milliseconds.
fadeOut: function (duration) {
var elemWrapper = this;
opacity: 0
}, {
duration: duration || 150,
complete: function () {
// #3088, assuming we're only using this for tooltips
elemWrapper.attr({ y: -9999 });
* Add the element to the DOM. All elements must be added this way.
* @param {SVGElement|SVGDOMElement} [parent] The parent item to add it to.
* If undefined, the element is added to the {@link
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-g - Elements added to a group
add: function (parent) {
var renderer = this.renderer,
element = this.element,
if (parent) {
this.parentGroup = parent;
// mark as inverted
this.parentInverted = parent && parent.inverted;
// build formatted text
if (this.textStr !== undefined) {
// Mark as added
this.added = true;
// If we're adding to renderer root, or other elements in the group
// have a z index, we need to handle it
if (!parent || parent.handleZ || this.zIndex) {
inserted = this.zIndexSetter();
// If zIndex is not handled, append at the end
if (!inserted) {
(parent ? parent.element :;
// fire an event for internal hooks
if (this.onAdd) {
return this;
* Removes an element from the DOM.
* @private
* @param {SVGDOMElement|HTMLDOMElement} element The DOM node to remove.
safeRemoveChild: function (element) {
var parentNode = element.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
* Destroy the element and element wrapper and clear up the DOM and event
* hooks.
destroy: function () {
var wrapper = this,
element = wrapper.element || {},
parentToClean =
wrapper.renderer.isSVG &&
element.nodeName === 'SPAN' &&
ownerSVGElement = element.ownerSVGElement,
clipPath = wrapper.clipPath;
// remove events
element.onclick = element.onmouseout = element.onmouseover =
element.onmousemove = element.point = null;
stop(wrapper); // stop running animations
if (clipPath && ownerSVGElement) {
// Look for existing references to this clipPath and remove them
// before destroying the element (#6196).
// The upper case version is for Edge
function (el) {
var clipPathAttr = el.getAttribute('clip-path'),
clipPathId =;
// Include the closing paranthesis in the test to rule out
// id's from 10 and above (#6550). Edge puts quotes inside
// the url, others not.
if (
clipPathAttr.indexOf('(#' + clipPathId + ')') > -1 ||
clipPathAttr.indexOf('("#' + clipPathId + '")') > -1
) {
wrapper.clipPath = clipPath.destroy();
// Destroy stops in case this is a gradient object
if (wrapper.stops) {
for (i = 0; i < wrapper.stops.length; i++) {
wrapper.stops[i] = wrapper.stops[i].destroy();
wrapper.stops = null;
// remove element
// In case of useHTML, clean up empty containers emulating SVG groups
// (#1960, #2393, #2697).
while (
parentToClean &&
parentToClean.div &&
parentToClean.div.childNodes.length === 0
) {
grandParent = parentToClean.parentGroup;
delete parentToClean.div;
parentToClean = grandParent;
// remove from alignObjects
if (wrapper.alignTo) {
erase(wrapper.renderer.alignedObjects, wrapper);
objectEach(wrapper, function (val, key) {
delete wrapper[key];
return null;
* @typedef {Object} ShadowOptions
* @property {string} [color=#000000] The shadow color.
* @property {number} [offsetX=1] The horizontal offset from the element.
* @property {number} [offsetY=1] The vertical offset from the element.
* @property {number} [opacity=0.15] The shadow opacity.
* @property {number} [width=3] The shadow width or distance from the
* element.
* Add a shadow to the element. Must be called after the element is added to
* the DOM. In styled mode, this method is not used, instead use `defs` and
* filters.
* @param {boolean|ShadowOptions} shadowOptions The shadow options. If
* `true`, the default options are applied. If `false`, the current
* shadow will be removed.
* @param {SVGElement} [group] The SVG group element where the shadows will
* be applied. The default is to add it to the same parent as the current
* element. Internally, this is ised for pie slices, where all the
* shadows are added to an element behind all the slices.
* @param {boolean} [cutOff] Used internally for column shadows.
* @returns {SVGElement} Returns the SVGElement for chaining.
* @example
* renderer.rect(10, 100, 100, 100)
* .attr({ fill: 'red' })
* .shadow(true);
shadow: function (shadowOptions, group, cutOff) {
var shadows = [],
element = this.element,
// compensate for inverted plot area
if (!shadowOptions) {
} else if (!this.shadows) {
shadowWidth = pick(shadowOptions.width, 3);
shadowElementOpacity = (shadowOptions.opacity || 0.15) /
transform = this.parentInverted ?
'(-1,-1)' :
'(' + pick(shadowOptions.offsetX, 1) + ', ' +
pick(shadowOptions.offsetY, 1) + ')';
for (i = 1; i <= shadowWidth; i++) {
shadow = element.cloneNode(0);
strokeWidth = (shadowWidth * 2) + 1 - (2 * i);
attr(shadow, {
'isShadow': 'true',
shadowOptions.color || '#000000',
'stroke-opacity': shadowElementOpacity * i,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
'transform': 'translate' + transform,
'fill': 'none'
if (cutOff) {
Math.max(attr(shadow, 'height') - strokeWidth, 0)
shadow.cutHeight = strokeWidth;
if (group) {
} else if (element.parentNode) {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(shadow, element);
this.shadows = shadows;
return this;
* Destroy shadows on the element.
* @private
destroyShadows: function () {
each(this.shadows || [], function (shadow) {
}, this);
this.shadows = undefined;
xGetter: function (key) {
if (this.element.nodeName === 'circle') {
if (key === 'x') {
key = 'cx';
} else if (key === 'y') {
key = 'cy';
return this._defaultGetter(key);
* Get the current value of an attribute or pseudo attribute, used mainly
* for animation. Called internally from the {@link
* Highcharts.SVGRenderer#attr}
* function.
* @private
_defaultGetter: function (key) {
var ret = pick(
this[key + 'Value'], // align getter
this.element ? this.element.getAttribute(key) : null,
if (/^[\-0-9\.]+$/.test(ret)) { // is numerical
ret = parseFloat(ret);
return ret;
dSetter: function (value, key, element) {
if (value && value.join) { // join path
value = value.join(' ');
if (/(NaN| {2}|^$)/.test(value)) {
value = 'M 0 0';
// Check for cache before resetting. Resetting causes disturbance in the
// DOM, causing flickering in some cases in Edge/IE (#6747). Also
// possible performance gain.
if (this[key] !== value) {
element.setAttribute(key, value);
this[key] = value;
dashstyleSetter: function (value) {
var i,
strokeWidth = this['stroke-width'];
// If "inherit", like maps in IE, assume 1 (#4981). With HC5 and the new
// strokeWidth function, we should be able to use that instead.
if (strokeWidth === 'inherit') {
strokeWidth = 1;
value = value && value.toLowerCase();
if (value) {
value = value
.replace('shortdashdotdot', '3,1,1,1,1,1,')
.replace('shortdashdot', '3,1,1,1')
.replace('shortdot', '1,1,')
.replace('shortdash', '3,1,')
.replace('longdash', '8,3,')
.replace(/dot/g, '1,3,')
.replace('dash', '4,3,')
.replace(/,$/, '')
.split(','); // ending comma
i = value.length;
while (i--) {
value[i] = pInt(value[i]) * strokeWidth;
value = value.join(',')
.replace(/NaN/g, 'none'); // #3226
this.element.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', value);
alignSetter: function (value) {
var convert = { left: 'start', center: 'middle', right: 'end' };
this.alignValue = value;
this.element.setAttribute('text-anchor', convert[value]);
opacitySetter: function (value, key, element) {
this[key] = value;
element.setAttribute(key, value);
titleSetter: function (value) {
var titleNode = this.element.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
if (!titleNode) {
titleNode = doc.createElementNS(this.SVG_NS, 'title');
// Remove text content if it exists
if (titleNode.firstChild) {
// #3276, #3895
(String(pick(value), ''))
.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '')
.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
textSetter: function (value) {
if (value !== this.textStr) {
// Delete bBox memo when the text changes
delete this.bBox;
this.textStr = value;
if (this.added) {
fillSetter: function (value, key, element) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
element.setAttribute(key, value);
} else if (value) {
this.complexColor(value, key, element);
visibilitySetter: function (value, key, element) {
// IE9-11 doesn't handle visibilty:inherit well, so we remove the
// attribute instead (#2881, #3909)
if (value === 'inherit') {
} else if (this[key] !== value) { // #6747
element.setAttribute(key, value);
this[key] = value;
zIndexSetter: function (value, key) {
var renderer = this.renderer,
parentGroup = this.parentGroup,
parentWrapper = parentGroup || renderer,
parentNode = parentWrapper.element ||,
element = this.element,
svgParent = parentNode ===,
run = this.added,
if (defined(value)) {
// So we can read it for other elements in the group
element.zIndex = value;
value = +value;
if (this[key] === value) { // Only update when needed (#3865)
run = false;
this[key] = value;
// Insert according to this and other elements' zIndex. Before .add() is
// called, nothing is done. Then on add, or by later calls to
// zIndexSetter, the node is placed on the right place in the DOM.
if (run) {
value = this.zIndex;
if (value && parentGroup) {
parentGroup.handleZ = true;
childNodes = parentNode.childNodes;
for (i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0 && !inserted; i--) {
otherElement = childNodes[i];
otherZIndex = otherElement.zIndex;
undefinedOtherZIndex = !defined(otherZIndex);
if (otherElement !== element) {
if (
// Negative zIndex versus no zIndex:
// On all levels except the highest. If the parent is
// <svg>, then we don't want to put items before <desc>
// or <defs>
(value < 0 && undefinedOtherZIndex && !svgParent && !i)
) {
parentNode.insertBefore(element, childNodes[i]);
inserted = true;
} else if (
// Insert after the first element with a lower zIndex
pInt(otherZIndex) <= value ||
// If negative zIndex, add this before first undefined
// zIndex element
undefinedOtherZIndex &&
(!defined(value) || value >= 0)
) {
childNodes[i + 1] || null // null for oldIE export
inserted = true;
if (!inserted) {
childNodes[svgParent ? 3 : 0] || null // null for oldIE
inserted = true;
return inserted;
_defaultSetter: function (value, key, element) {
element.setAttribute(key, value);
// Some shared setters and getters
SVGElement.prototype.yGetter =
SVGElement.prototype.translateXSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.translateYSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.rotationSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.verticalAlignSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.rotationOriginXSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.rotationOriginYSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.scaleXSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.scaleYSetter =
SVGElement.prototype.matrixSetter = function (value, key) {
this[key] = value;
this.doTransform = true;
// WebKit and Batik have problems with a stroke-width of zero, so in this case
// we remove the stroke attribute altogether. #1270, #1369, #3065, #3072.
SVGElement.prototype['stroke-widthSetter'] =
SVGElement.prototype.strokeSetter = function (value, key, element) {
this[key] = value;
// Only apply the stroke attribute if the stroke width is defined and larger
// than 0
if (this.stroke && this['stroke-width']) {
// Use prototype as instance may be overridden
element.setAttribute('stroke-width', this['stroke-width']);
this.hasStroke = true;
} else if (key === 'stroke-width' && value === 0 && this.hasStroke) {
this.hasStroke = false;
* Allows direct access to the Highcharts rendering layer in order to draw
* primitive shapes like circles, rectangles, paths or text directly on a chart,
* or independent from any chart. The SVGRenderer represents a wrapper object
* for SVG in modern browsers. Through the VMLRenderer, part of the `oldie.js`
* module, it also brings vector graphics to IE <= 8.
* An existing chart's renderer can be accessed through {@link Chart.renderer}.
* The renderer can also be used completely decoupled from a chart.
* @param {HTMLDOMElement} container - Where to put the SVG in the web page.
* @param {number} width - The width of the SVG.
* @param {number} height - The height of the SVG.
* @param {boolean} [forExport=false] - Whether the rendered content is intended
* for export.
* @param {boolean} [allowHTML=true] - Whether the renderer is allowed to
* include HTML text, which will be projected on top of the SVG.
* @example
* // Use directly without a chart object.
* var renderer = new Highcharts.Renderer(parentNode, 600, 400);
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-on-chart
* Annotating a chart programmatically.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-basic
* Independent SVG drawing.
* @class Highcharts.SVGRenderer
SVGRenderer = H.SVGRenderer = function () {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
extend(SVGRenderer.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype */ {
* A pointer to the renderer's associated Element class. The VMLRenderer
* will have a pointer to VMLElement here.
* @type {SVGElement}
Element: SVGElement,
* Initialize the SVGRenderer. Overridable initiator function that takes
* the same parameters as the constructor.
init: function (container, width, height, style, forExport, allowHTML) {
var renderer = this,
boxWrapper = renderer.createElement('svg')
'version': '1.1',
'class': 'highcharts-root'
element = boxWrapper.element;
// Always use ltr on the container, otherwise text-anchor will be
// flipped and text appear outside labels, buttons, tooltip etc (#3482)
attr(container, 'dir', 'ltr');
// For browsers other than IE, add the namespace attribute (#1978)
if (container.innerHTML.indexOf('xmlns') === -1) {
attr(element, 'xmlns', this.SVG_NS);
// object properties
renderer.isSVG = true;
* The root `svg` node of the renderer.
* @name box
* @memberOf SVGRenderer
* @type {SVGDOMElement}
*/ = element;
* The wrapper for the root `svg` node of the renderer.
* @name boxWrapper
* @memberOf SVGRenderer
* @type {SVGElement}
this.boxWrapper = boxWrapper;
renderer.alignedObjects = [];
* Page url used for internal references.
* @type {string}
// #24, #672, #1070
this.url = (
(isFirefox || isWebKit) &&
) ?
.replace(/#.*?$/, '') // remove the hash
.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '') // wing cut HTML
// escape parantheses and quotes
.replace(/([\('\)])/g, '\\$1')
// replace spaces (needed for Safari only)
.replace(/ /g, '%20') :
// Add description
desc = this.createElement('desc').add();
doc.createTextNode('Created with Highcharts v6.1.0 custom build')
* A pointer to the `defs` node of the root SVG.
* @type {SVGElement}
* @name defs
* @memberOf SVGRenderer
renderer.defs = this.createElement('defs').add();
renderer.allowHTML = allowHTML;
renderer.forExport = forExport;
renderer.gradients = {}; // Object where gradient SvgElements are stored
renderer.cache = {}; // Cache for numerical bounding boxes
renderer.cacheKeys = [];
renderer.imgCount = 0;
renderer.setSize(width, height, false);
// Issue 110 workaround:
// In Firefox, if a div is positioned by percentage, its pixel position
// may land between pixels. The container itself doesn't display this,
// but an SVG element inside this container will be drawn at subpixel
// precision. In order to draw sharp lines, this must be compensated
// for. This doesn't seem to work inside iframes though (like in
// jsFiddle).
var subPixelFix, rect;
if (isFirefox && container.getBoundingClientRect) {
subPixelFix = function () {
css(container, { left: 0, top: 0 });
rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
css(container, {
left: (Math.ceil(rect.left) - rect.left) + 'px',
top: (Math.ceil( - + 'px'
// run the fix now
// run it on resize
renderer.unSubPixelFix = addEvent(win, 'resize', subPixelFix);
* Get the global style setting for the renderer.
* @private
* @param {CSSObject} style - Style settings.
* @return {CSSObject} The style settings mixed with defaults.
getStyle: function (style) { = extend({
fontFamily: '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", ' +
'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
fontSize: '12px'
}, style);
* Apply the global style on the renderer, mixed with the default styles.
* @param {CSSObject} style - CSS to apply.
setStyle: function (style) {
* Detect whether the renderer is hidden. This happens when one of the
* parent elements has `display: none`. Used internally to detect when we
* needto render preliminarily in another div to get the text bounding boxes
* right.
* @returns {boolean} True if it is hidden.
isHidden: function () { // #608
return !this.boxWrapper.getBBox().width;
* Destroys the renderer and its allocated members.
destroy: function () {
var renderer = this,
rendererDefs = renderer.defs; = null;
renderer.boxWrapper = renderer.boxWrapper.destroy();
// Call destroy on all gradient elements
destroyObjectProperties(renderer.gradients || {});
renderer.gradients = null;
// Defs are null in VMLRenderer
// Otherwise, destroy them here.
if (rendererDefs) {
renderer.defs = rendererDefs.destroy();
// Remove sub pixel fix handler (#982)
if (renderer.unSubPixelFix) {
renderer.alignedObjects = null;
return null;
* Create a wrapper for an SVG element. Serves as a factory for
* {@link SVGElement}, but this function is itself mostly called from
* primitive factories like {@link SVGRenderer#path}, {@link
* SVGRenderer#rect} or {@link SVGRenderer#text}.
* @param {string} nodeName - The node name, for example `rect`, `g` etc.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated SVGElement.
createElement: function (nodeName) {
var wrapper = new this.Element();
wrapper.init(this, nodeName);
return wrapper;
* Dummy function for plugins, called every time the renderer is updated.
* Prior to Highcharts 5, this was used for the canvg renderer.
* @function
draw: noop,
* Get converted radial gradient attributes according to the radial
* reference. Used internally from the {@link SVGElement#colorGradient}
* function.
* @private
getRadialAttr: function (radialReference, gradAttr) {
return {
cx: (radialReference[0] - radialReference[2] / 2) + * radialReference[2],
cy: (radialReference[1] - radialReference[2] / 2) + * radialReference[2],
r: gradAttr.r * radialReference[2]
* Extendable function to measure the tspan width.
* @private
getSpanWidth: function (wrapper) {
return wrapper.getBBox(true).width;
applyEllipsis: function (wrapper, tspan, text, width) {
var renderer = this,
rotation = wrapper.rotation,
str = text,
minIndex = 0,
maxIndex = text.length,
updateTSpan = function (s) {
if (s) {
wrapper.rotation = 0; // discard rotation when computing box
actualWidth = renderer.getSpanWidth(wrapper, tspan);
wasTooLong = actualWidth > width;
if (wasTooLong) {
while (minIndex <= maxIndex) {
currentIndex = Math.ceil((minIndex + maxIndex) / 2);
str = text.substring(0, currentIndex) + '\u2026';
actualWidth = renderer.getSpanWidth(wrapper, tspan);
if (minIndex === maxIndex) {
// Complete
minIndex = maxIndex + 1;
} else if (actualWidth > width) {
// Too large. Set max index to current.
maxIndex = currentIndex - 1;
} else {
// Within width. Set min index to current.
minIndex = currentIndex;
// If max index was 0 it means just ellipsis was also to large.
if (maxIndex === 0) {
// Remove ellipses.
wrapper.rotation = rotation; // Apply rotation again.
return wasTooLong;
* A collection of characters mapped to HTML entities. When `useHTML` on an
* element is true, these entities will be rendered correctly by HTML. In
* the SVG pseudo-HTML, they need to be unescaped back to simple characters,
* so for example `&lt;` will render as `<`.
* @example
* // Add support for unescaping quotes
* Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.escapes['"'] = '&quot;';
* @type {Object}
escapes: {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
"'": '&#39;', // eslint-disable-line quotes
'"': '&quot;'
* Parse a simple HTML string into SVG tspans. Called internally when text
* is set on an SVGElement. The function supports a subset of HTML tags,
* CSS text features like `width`, `text-overflow`, `white-space`, and
* also attributes like `href` and `style`.
* @private
* @param {SVGElement} wrapper The parent SVGElement.
buildText: function (wrapper) {
var textNode = wrapper.element,
renderer = this,
forExport = renderer.forExport,
textStr = pick(wrapper.textStr, '').toString(),
hasMarkup = textStr.indexOf('<') !== -1,
childNodes = textNode.childNodes,
parentX = attr(textNode, 'x'),
textStyles = wrapper.styles,
width = wrapper.textWidth,
textLineHeight = textStyles && textStyles.lineHeight,
textOutline = textStyles && textStyles.textOutline,
ellipsis = textStyles && textStyles.textOverflow === 'ellipsis',
noWrap = textStyles && textStyles.whiteSpace === 'nowrap',
fontSize = textStyles && textStyles.fontSize,
i = childNodes.length,
tempParent = width && !wrapper.added &&,
getLineHeight = function (tspan) {
var fontSizeStyle;
fontSizeStyle = /(px|em)$/.test(tspan && ? :
(fontSize || || 12);
return textLineHeight ?
pInt(textLineHeight) :
// Get the computed size from parent if not explicit
tspan.getAttribute('style') ? tspan : textNode
unescapeEntities = function (inputStr, except) {
objectEach(renderer.escapes, function (value, key) {
if (!except || inArray(value, except) === -1) {
inputStr = inputStr.toString().replace(
new RegExp(value, 'g'), // eslint-disable-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp
return inputStr;
parseAttribute = function (s, attr) {
var start,
start = s.indexOf('<');
s = s.substring(start, s.indexOf('>') - start);
start = s.indexOf(attr + '=');
if (start !== -1) {
start = start + attr.length + 1;
delimiter = s.charAt(start);
if (delimiter === '"' || delimiter === "'") { // eslint-disable-line quotes
s = s.substring(start + 1);
return s.substring(0, s.indexOf(delimiter));
// The buildText code is quite heavy, so if we're not changing something
// that affects the text, skip it (#6113).
textCache = [
if (textCache === wrapper.textCache) {
wrapper.textCache = textCache;
// Remove old text
while (i--) {
// Skip tspans, add text directly to text node. The forceTSpan is a hook
// used in text outline hack.
if (
!hasMarkup &&
!textOutline &&
!ellipsis &&
!width &&
textStr.indexOf(' ') === -1
) {
// Complex strings, add more logic
} else {
if (tempParent) {
// attach it to the DOM to read offset width
if (hasMarkup) {
lines = textStr
.replace(/<(b|strong)>/g, '<span style="font-weight:bold">')
.replace(/<(i|em)>/g, '<span style="font-style:italic">')
.replace(/<a/g, '<span')
.replace(/<\/(b|strong|i|em|a)>/g, '</span>')
} else {
lines = [textStr];
// Trim empty lines (#5261)
lines = grep(lines, function (line) {
return line !== '';
// build the lines
each(lines, function buildTextLines(line, lineNo) {
var spans,
spanNo = 0;
line = line
// Trim to prevent useless/costly process on the spaces
// (#5258)
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
.replace(/<span/g, '|||<span')
.replace(/<\/span>/g, '</span>|||');
spans = line.split('|||');
each(spans, function buildTextSpans(span) {
if (span !== '' || spans.length === 1) {
var attributes = {},
tspan = doc.createElementNS(
styleAttribute, // #390
classAttribute = parseAttribute(span, 'class');
if (classAttribute) {
attr(tspan, 'class', classAttribute);
styleAttribute = parseAttribute(span, 'style');
if (styleAttribute) {
styleAttribute = styleAttribute.replace(
/(;| |^)color([ :])/,
attr(tspan, 'style', styleAttribute);
// Not for export - #1529
hrefAttribute = parseAttribute(span, 'href');
if (hrefAttribute && !forExport) {
'location.href=\"' + hrefAttribute + '\"'
attr(tspan, 'class', 'highcharts-anchor');
css(tspan, { cursor: 'pointer' });
// Strip away unsupported HTML tags (#7126)
span = unescapeEntities(
span.replace(/<[a-zA-Z\/](.|\n)*?>/g, '') || ' '
// Nested tags aren't supported, and cause crash in
// Safari (#1596)
if (span !== ' ') {
// add the text node
// First span in a line, align it to the left
if (!spanNo) {
if (lineNo && parentX !== null) {
attributes.x = parentX;
} else {
attributes.dx = 0; // #16
// add attributes
attr(tspan, attributes);
// Append it
// first span on subsequent line, add the line
// height
if (!spanNo && isSubsequentLine) {
// allow getting the right offset height in
// exporting in IE
if (!svg && forExport) {
css(tspan, { display: 'block' });
// Set the line height based on the font size of
// either the text element or the tspan element
// Experimental text wrapping based on
// getSubstringLength
if (width) {
var spans = renderer.breakText(wrapper, width);
each(spans, function (span) {
var dy = getLineHeight(tspan);
tspan = doc.createElementNS(
attr(tspan, {
dy: dy,
x: parentX
if (spanStyle) { // #390
attr(tspan, 'style', spanStyle);
// */
// Check width and apply soft breaks or ellipsis
if (width) {
var words = span.replace(
'$1- '
).split(' '), // #1273
hasWhiteSpace = (
spans.length > 1 ||
lineNo ||
(words.length > 1 && !noWrap)
rest = [],
dy = getLineHeight(tspan),
rotation = wrapper.rotation;
if (ellipsis) {
wasTooLong = renderer.applyEllipsis(
while (
!ellipsis &&
hasWhiteSpace &&
(words.length || rest.length)
) {
// discard rotation when computing box
wrapper.rotation = 0;
actualWidth = renderer.getSpanWidth(
tooLong = actualWidth > width;
// For ellipsis, do a binary search for the
// correct string length
if (wasTooLong === undefined) {
wasTooLong = tooLong; // First time
// Looping down, this is the first word
// sequence that is not too long, so we can
// move on to build the next line.
if (!tooLong || words.length === 1) {
words = rest;
rest = [];
if (words.length && !noWrap) {
tspan = doc.createElementNS(
attr(tspan, {
dy: dy,
x: parentX
if (styleAttribute) { // #390
// a single word is pressing it out
if (actualWidth > width) {
width = actualWidth;
} else { // append to existing line tspan
if (words.length) {
words.join(' ')
.replace(/- /g, '-')
wrapper.rotation = rotation;
// To avoid beginning lines that doesn't add to the textNode
// (#6144)
isSubsequentLine = (
isSubsequentLine ||
if (wasTooLong) {
unescapeEntities(wrapper.textStr, ['&lt;', '&gt;']) // #7179
if (tempParent) {
// Apply the text outline
if (textOutline && wrapper.applyTextOutline) {
breakText: function (wrapper, width) {
var bBox = wrapper.getBBox(),
node = wrapper.element,
charnum = node.textContent.length,
// try this position first, based on average character width
guessedLineCharLength = Math.round(width * charnum / bBox.width),
pos = guessedLineCharLength,
spans = [],
increment = 0,
startPos = 0,
safe = 0;
if (bBox.width > width) {
while (startPos < charnum && safe < 100) {
while (endPos === undefined && safe < 100) {
stringWidth = node.getSubStringLength(
pos - startPos
if (stringWidth <= width) {
if (increment === -1) {
endPos = pos;
} else {
increment = 1;
} else {
if (increment === 1) {
endPos = pos - 1;
} else {
increment = -1;
pos += increment;
node.textContent.substr(startPos, endPos - startPos)
startPos = endPos;
pos = startPos + guessedLineCharLength;
endPos = undefined;
return spans;
// */
* Returns white for dark colors and black for bright colors.
* @param {ColorString} rgba - The color to get the contrast for.
* @returns {string} The contrast color, either `#000000` or `#FFFFFF`.
getContrast: function (rgba) {
rgba = color(rgba).rgba;
// The threshold may be discussed. Here's a proposal for adding
// different weight to the color channels (#6216)
rgba[0] *= 1; // red
rgba[1] *= 1.2; // green
rgba[2] *= 0.7; // blue
return rgba[0] + rgba[1] + rgba[2] > 2 * 255 ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF';
* Create a button with preset states.
* @param {string} text - The text or HTML to draw.
* @param {number} x - The x position of the button's left side.
* @param {number} y - The y position of the button's top side.
* @param {Function} callback - The function to execute on button click or
* touch.
* @param {SVGAttributes} [normalState] - SVG attributes for the normal
* state.
* @param {SVGAttributes} [hoverState] - SVG attributes for the hover state.
* @param {SVGAttributes} [pressedState] - SVG attributes for the pressed
* state.
* @param {SVGAttributes} [disabledState] - SVG attributes for the disabled
* state.
* @param {Symbol} [shape=rect] - The shape type.
* @returns {SVGRenderer} The button element.
button: function (
) {
var label = this.label(
curState = 0;
// Default, non-stylable attributes
'padding': 8,
'r': 2
}, normalState));
// Presentational
var normalStyle,
// Normal state - prepare the attributes
normalState = merge({
fill: '#f7f7f7',
stroke: '#cccccc',
'stroke-width': 1,
style: {
color: '#333333',
cursor: 'pointer',
fontWeight: 'normal'
}, normalState);
normalStyle =;
// Hover state
hoverState = merge(normalState, {
fill: '#e6e6e6'
}, hoverState);
hoverStyle =;
// Pressed state
pressedState = merge(normalState, {
fill: '#e6ebf5',
style: {
color: '#000000',
fontWeight: 'bold'
}, pressedState);
pressedStyle =;
// Disabled state
disabledState = merge(normalState, {
style: {
color: '#cccccc'
}, disabledState);
disabledStyle =;
// Add the events. IE9 and IE10 need mouseover and mouseout to funciton
// (#667).
addEvent(label.element, isMS ? 'mouseover' : 'mouseenter', function () {
if (curState !== 3) {
addEvent(label.element, isMS ? 'mouseout' : 'mouseleave', function () {
if (curState !== 3) {
label.setState = function (state) {
// Hover state is temporary, don't record it
if (state !== 1) {
label.state = curState = state;
// Update visuals
'highcharts-button-' +
['normal', 'hover', 'pressed', 'disabled'][state || 0]
][state || 0])
][state || 0]);
// Presentational attributes
.css(extend({ cursor: 'default' }, normalStyle));
return label
.on('click', function (e) {
if (curState !== 3) {, e);
* Make a straight line crisper by not spilling out to neighbour pixels.
* @param {Array} points - The original points on the format
* `['M', 0, 0, 'L', 100, 0]`.
* @param {number} width - The width of the line.
* @returns {Array} The original points array, but modified to render
* crisply.
crispLine: function (points, width) {
// normalize to a crisp line
if (points[1] === points[4]) {
// Substract due to #1129. Now bottom and left axis gridlines behave
// the same.
points[1] = points[4] = Math.round(points[1]) - (width % 2 / 2);
if (points[2] === points[5]) {
points[2] = points[5] = Math.round(points[2]) + (width % 2 / 2);
return points;
* Draw a path, wraps the SVG `path` element.
* @param {Array} [path] An SVG path definition in array form.
* @example
* var path = renderer.path(['M', 10, 10, 'L', 30, 30, 'z'])
* .attr({ stroke: '#ff00ff' })
* .add();
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-path-on-chart/
* Draw a path in a chart
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-path/
* Draw a path independent from a chart
* Draw a path, wraps the SVG `path` element.
* @param {SVGAttributes} [attribs] The initial attributes.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
path: function (path) {
var attribs = {
fill: 'none'
if (isArray(path)) {
attribs.d = path;
} else if (isObject(path)) { // attributes
extend(attribs, path);
return this.createElement('path').attr(attribs);
* Draw a circle, wraps the SVG `circle` element.
* @param {number} [x] The center x position.
* @param {number} [y] The center y position.
* @param {number} [r] The radius.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-circle/ Drawing a circle
* Draw a circle, wraps the SVG `circle` element.
* @param {SVGAttributes} [attribs] The initial attributes.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
circle: function (x, y, r) {
var attribs = isObject(x) ? x : { x: x, y: y, r: r },
wrapper = this.createElement('circle');
// Setting x or y translates to cx and cy
wrapper.xSetter = wrapper.ySetter = function (value, key, element) {
element.setAttribute('c' + key, value);
return wrapper.attr(attribs);
* Draw and return an arc.
* @param {number} [x=0] Center X position.
* @param {number} [y=0] Center Y position.
* @param {number} [r=0] The outer radius of the arc.
* @param {number} [innerR=0] Inner radius like used in donut charts.
* @param {number} [start=0] The starting angle of the arc in radians, where
* 0 is to the right and `-Math.PI/2` is up.
* @param {number} [end=0] The ending angle of the arc in radians, where 0
* is to the right and `-Math.PI/2` is up.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-arc/
* Drawing an arc
* Draw and return an arc. Overloaded function that takes arguments object.
* @param {SVGAttributes} attribs Initial SVG attributes.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
arc: function (x, y, r, innerR, start, end) {
var arc,
if (isObject(x)) {
options = x;
y = options.y;
r = options.r;
innerR = options.innerR;
start = options.start;
end = options.end;
x = options.x;
} else {
options = {
innerR: innerR,
start: start,
end: end
// Arcs are defined as symbols for the ability to set
// attributes in attr and animate
arc = this.symbol('arc', x, y, r, r, options);
arc.r = r; // #959
return arc;
* Draw and return a rectangle.
* @param {number} [x] Left position.
* @param {number} [y] Top position.
* @param {number} [width] Width of the rectangle.
* @param {number} [height] Height of the rectangle.
* @param {number} [r] Border corner radius.
* @param {number} [strokeWidth] A stroke width can be supplied to allow
* crisp drawing.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
* Draw and return a rectangle.
* @param {SVGAttributes} [attributes]
* General SVG attributes for the rectangle.
* @return {SVGElement}
* The generated wrapper element.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-rect-on-chart/
* Draw a rectangle in a chart
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-rect/
* Draw a rectangle independent from a chart
rect: function (x, y, width, height, r, strokeWidth) {
r = isObject(x) ? x.r : r;
var wrapper = this.createElement('rect'),
attribs = isObject(x) ? x : x === undefined ? {} : {
x: x,
y: y,
width: Math.max(width, 0),
height: Math.max(height, 0)
if (strokeWidth !== undefined) {
attribs.strokeWidth = strokeWidth;
attribs = wrapper.crisp(attribs);
attribs.fill = 'none';
if (r) {
attribs.r = r;
wrapper.rSetter = function (value, key, element) {
attr(element, {
rx: value,
ry: value
return wrapper.attr(attribs);
* Resize the {@link SVGRenderer#box} and re-align all aligned child
* elements.
* @param {number} width
* The new pixel width.
* @param {number} height
* The new pixel height.
* @param {Boolean|AnimationOptions} [animate=true]
* Whether and how to animate.
setSize: function (width, height, animate) {
var renderer = this,
alignedObjects = renderer.alignedObjects,
i = alignedObjects.length;
renderer.width = width;
renderer.height = height;
width: width,
height: height
}, {
step: function () {
viewBox: '0 0 ' + this.attr('width') + ' ' +
duration: pick(animate, true) ? undefined : 0
while (i--) {
* Create and return an svg group element. Child
* {@link Highcharts.SVGElement} objects are added to the group by using the
* group as the first parameter
* in {@link Highcharts.SVGElement#add|add()}.
* @param {string} [name] The group will be given a class name of
* `highcharts-{name}`. This can be used for styling and scripting.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-g/
* Show and hide grouped objects
g: function (name) {
var elem = this.createElement('g');
return name ? elem.attr({ 'class': 'highcharts-' + name }) : elem;
* Display an image.
* @param {string} src The image source.
* @param {number} [x] The X position.
* @param {number} [y] The Y position.
* @param {number} [width] The image width. If omitted, it defaults to the
* image file width.
* @param {number} [height] The image height. If omitted it defaults to the
* image file height.
* @param {function} [onload] Event handler for image load.
* @returns {SVGElement} The generated wrapper element.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-image-on-chart/
* Add an image in a chart
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-image/
* Add an image independent of a chart
image: function (src, x, y, width, height, onload) {
var attribs = {
preserveAspectRatio: 'none'
setSVGImageSource = function (el, src) {
// Set the href in the xlink namespace
if (el.setAttributeNS) {
'', 'href', src
} else {
// could be exporting in IE
// using href throws "not supported" in ie7 and under,
// requries regex shim to fix later
el.setAttribute('hc-svg-href', src);
// optional properties
if (arguments.length > 1) {
extend(attribs, {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height
elemWrapper = this.createElement('image').attr(attribs);
// Add load event if supplied
if (onload) {
// We have to use a dummy HTML image since IE support for SVG image
// load events is very buggy. First set a transparent src, wait for
// dummy to load, and then add the real src to the SVG image.
'' /* eslint-disable-line */
dummy = new win.Image();
addEvent(dummy, 'load', function (e) {
setSVGImageSource(elemWrapper.element, src);, e);
dummy.src = src;
} else {
setSVGImageSource(elemWrapper.element, src);
return elemWrapper;
* Draw a symbol out of pre-defined shape paths from
* {@link SVGRenderer#symbols}.
* It is used in Highcharts for point makers, which cake a `symbol` option,
* and label and button backgrounds like in the tooltip and stock flags.
* @param {Symbol} symbol - The symbol name.
* @param {number} x - The X coordinate for the top left position.
* @param {number} y - The Y coordinate for the top left position.
* @param {number} width - The pixel width.
* @param {number} height - The pixel height.
* @param {Object} [options] - Additional options, depending on the actual
* symbol drawn.
* @param {number} [options.anchorX] - The anchor X position for the
* `callout` symbol. This is where the chevron points to.
* @param {number} [options.anchorY] - The anchor Y position for the
* `callout` symbol. This is where the chevron points to.
* @param {number} [options.end] - The end angle of an `arc` symbol.
* @param {boolean} [] - Whether to draw `arc` symbol open or
* closed.
* @param {number} [options.r] - The radius of an `arc` symbol, or the
* border radius for the `callout` symbol.
* @param {number} [options.start] - The start angle of an `arc` symbol.
symbol: function (symbol, x, y, width, height, options) {
var ren = this,
imageRegex = /^url\((.*?)\)$/,
isImage = imageRegex.test(symbol),
sym = !isImage && (this.symbols[symbol] ? symbol : 'circle'),
// get the symbol definition function
symbolFn = sym && this.symbols[sym],
// check if there's a path defined for this symbol
path = defined(x) && symbolFn &&
if (symbolFn) {
obj = this.path(path);
obj.attr('fill', 'none');
// expando properties for use in animate and attr
extend(obj, {
symbolName: sym,
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height
if (options) {
extend(obj, options);
// Image symbols
} else if (isImage) {
imageSrc = symbol.match(imageRegex)[1];
// Create the image synchronously, add attribs async
obj = this.image(imageSrc);
// The image width is not always the same as the symbol width. The
// image may be centered within the symbol, as is the case when
// image shapes are used as label backgrounds, for example in flags.
obj.imgwidth = pick(
symbolSizes[imageSrc] && symbolSizes[imageSrc].width,
options && options.width
obj.imgheight = pick(
symbolSizes[imageSrc] && symbolSizes[imageSrc].height,
options && options.height
* Set the size and position
centerImage = function () {
width: obj.width,
height: obj.height
* Width and height setters that take both the image's physical size
* and the label size into consideration, and translates the image
* to center within the label.
each(['width', 'height'], function (key) {
obj[key + 'Setter'] = function (value, key) {
var attribs = {},
imgSize = this['img' + key],
trans = key === 'width' ? 'translateX' : 'translateY';
this[key] = value;
if (defined(imgSize)) {
if (this.element) {
this.element.setAttribute(key, imgSize);
if (!this.alignByTranslate) {
attribs[trans] = ((this[key] || 0) - imgSize) / 2;
if (defined(x)) {
x: x,
y: y
obj.isImg = true;
if (defined(obj.imgwidth) && defined(obj.imgheight)) {
} else {
// Initialize image to be 0 size so export will still function
// if there's no cached sizes.
obj.attr({ width: 0, height: 0 });
// Create a dummy JavaScript image to get the width and height.
createElement('img', {
onload: function () {
var chart = charts[ren.chartIndex];
// Special case for SVGs on IE11, the width is not
// accessible until the image is part of the DOM
// (#2854).
if (this.width === 0) {
css(this, {
position: 'absolute',
top: '-999em'
// Center the image
symbolSizes[imageSrc] = { // Cache for next
width: this.width,
height: this.height
obj.imgwidth = this.width;
obj.imgheight = this.height;
if (obj.element) {
// Clean up after #2854 workaround.
if (this.parentNode) {
// Fire the load event when all external images are
// loaded
if (!ren.imgCount && chart && chart.onload) {
src: imageSrc
return obj;
* @typedef {string} Symbol
* Can be one of `arc`, `callout`, `circle`, `diamond`, `square`,
* `triangle`, `triangle-down`. Symbols are used internally for point
* markers, button and label borders and backgrounds, or custom shapes.
* Extendable by adding to {@link SVGRenderer#symbols}.
* An extendable collection of functions for defining symbol paths.
symbols: {
'circle': function (x, y, w, h) {
// Return a full arc
return this.arc(x + w / 2, y + h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, {
start: 0,
end: Math.PI * 2,
open: false
'square': function (x, y, w, h) {
return [
'M', x, y,
'L', x + w, y,
x + w, y + h,
x, y + h,
'triangle': function (x, y, w, h) {
return [
'M', x + w / 2, y,
'L', x + w, y + h,
x, y + h,
'triangle-down': function (x, y, w, h) {
return [
'M', x, y,
'L', x + w, y,
x + w / 2, y + h,
'diamond': function (x, y, w, h) {
return [
'M', x + w / 2, y,
'L', x + w, y + h / 2,
x + w / 2, y + h,
x, y + h / 2,
'arc': function (x, y, w, h, options) {
var start = options.start,
rx = options.r || w,
ry = options.r || h || w,
proximity = 0.001,
fullCircle =
Math.abs(options.end - options.start - 2 * Math.PI) <
// Substract a small number to prevent cos and sin of start and
// end from becoming equal on 360 arcs (related: #1561)
end = options.end - proximity,
innerRadius = options.innerR,
open = pick(, fullCircle),
cosStart = Math.cos(start),
sinStart = Math.sin(start),
cosEnd = Math.cos(end),
sinEnd = Math.sin(end),
// Proximity takes care of rounding errors around PI (#6971)
longArc = options.end - start - Math.PI < proximity ? 0 : 1,
arc = [
x + rx * cosStart,
y + ry * sinStart,
'A', // arcTo
rx, // x radius
ry, // y radius
0, // slanting
longArc, // long or short arc
1, // clockwise
x + rx * cosEnd,
y + ry * sinEnd
if (defined(innerRadius)) {
open ? 'M' : 'L',
x + innerRadius * cosEnd,
y + innerRadius * sinEnd,
'A', // arcTo
innerRadius, // x radius
innerRadius, // y radius
0, // slanting
longArc, // long or short arc
0, // clockwise
x + innerRadius * cosStart,
y + innerRadius * sinStart
arc.push(open ? '' : 'Z'); // close
return arc;
* Callout shape used for default tooltips, also used for rounded
* rectangles in VML
callout: function (x, y, w, h, options) {
var arrowLength = 6,
halfDistance = 6,
r = Math.min((options && options.r) || 0, w, h),
safeDistance = r + halfDistance,
anchorX = options && options.anchorX,
anchorY = options && options.anchorY,
path = [
'M', x + r, y,
'L', x + w - r, y, // top side
'C', x + w, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + r, // top-right corner
'L', x + w, y + h - r, // right side
'C', x + w, y + h, x + w, y + h, x + w - r, y + h, // bottom-rgt
'L', x + r, y + h, // bottom side
'C', x, y + h, x, y + h, x, y + h - r, // bottom-left corner
'L', x, y + r, // left side
'C', x, y, x, y, x + r, y // top-left corner
// Anchor on right side
if (anchorX && anchorX > w) {
// Chevron
if (
anchorY > y + safeDistance &&
anchorY < y + h - safeDistance
) {
path.splice(13, 3,
'L', x + w, anchorY - halfDistance,
x + w + arrowLength, anchorY,
x + w, anchorY + halfDistance,
x + w, y + h - r
// Simple connector
} else {
path.splice(13, 3,
'L', x + w, h / 2,
anchorX, anchorY,
x + w, h / 2,
x + w, y + h - r
// Anchor on left side
} else if (anchorX && anchorX < 0) {
// Chevron
if (
anchorY > y + safeDistance &&
anchorY < y + h - safeDistance
) {
path.splice(33, 3,
'L', x, anchorY + halfDistance,
x - arrowLength, anchorY,
x, anchorY - halfDistance,
x, y + r
// Simple connector
} else {
path.splice(33, 3,
'L', x, h / 2,
anchorX, anchorY,
x, h / 2,
x, y + r
} else if ( // replace bottom
anchorY &&
anchorY > h &&
anchorX > x + safeDistance &&
anchorX < x + w - safeDistance
) {
path.splice(23, 3,
'L', anchorX + halfDistance, y + h,
anchorX, y + h + arrowLength,
anchorX - halfDistance, y + h,
x + r, y + h
} else if ( // replace top
anchorY &&
anchorY < 0 &&
anchorX > x + safeDistance &&
anchorX < x + w - safeDistance
) {
path.splice(3, 3,
'L', anchorX - halfDistance, y,
anchorX, y - arrowLength,
anchorX + halfDistance, y,
w - r, y
return path;
* @typedef {SVGElement} ClipRect - A clipping rectangle that can be applied
* to one or more {@link SVGElement} instances. It is instanciated with the
* {@link SVGRenderer#clipRect} function and applied with the {@link
* SVGElement#clip} function.
* @example
* var circle =, 100, 100)
* .attr({ fill: 'red' })
* .add();
* var clipRect = renderer.clipRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
* // Leave only the lower right quarter visible
* circle.clip(clipRect);
* Define a clipping rectangle. The clipping rectangle is later applied
* to {@link SVGElement} objects through the {@link SVGElement#clip}
* function.
* @param {String} id
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @returns {ClipRect} A clipping rectangle.
* @example
* var circle =, 100, 100)
* .attr({ fill: 'red' })
* .add();
* var clipRect = renderer.clipRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
* // Leave only the lower right quarter visible
* circle.clip(clipRect);
clipRect: function (x, y, width, height) {
var wrapper,
id = H.uniqueKey(),
clipPath = this.createElement('clipPath').attr({
id: id
wrapper = this.rect(x, y, width, height, 0).add(clipPath); = id;
wrapper.clipPath = clipPath;
wrapper.count = 0;
return wrapper;
* Draw text. The text can contain a subset of HTML, like spans and anchors
* and some basic text styling of these. For more advanced features like
* border and background, use {@link Highcharts.SVGRenderer#label} instead.
* To update the text after render, run `text.attr({ text: 'New text' })`.
* @param {String} str
* The text of (subset) HTML to draw.
* @param {number} x
* The x position of the text's lower left corner.
* @param {number} y
* The y position of the text's lower left corner.
* @param {Boolean} [useHTML=false]
* Use HTML to render the text.
* @return {SVGElement} The text object.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-text-on-chart/
* Annotate the chart freely
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-on-chart/
* Annotate with a border and in response to the data
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-text/
* Formatted text
text: function (str, x, y, useHTML) {
// declare variables
var renderer = this,
attribs = {};
if (useHTML && (renderer.allowHTML || !renderer.forExport)) {
return renderer.html(str, x, y);
attribs.x = Math.round(x || 0); // X always needed for line-wrap logic
if (y) {
attribs.y = Math.round(y);
if (str || str === 0) {
attribs.text = str;
wrapper = renderer.createElement('text')
if (!useHTML) {
wrapper.xSetter = function (value, key, element) {
var tspans = element.getElementsByTagName('tspan'),
parentVal = element.getAttribute(key),
for (i = 0; i < tspans.length; i++) {
tspan = tspans[i];
// If the x values are equal, the tspan represents a
// linebreak
if (tspan.getAttribute(key) === parentVal) {
tspan.setAttribute(key, value);
element.setAttribute(key, value);
return wrapper;
* Utility to return the baseline offset and total line height from the font
* size.
* @param {?string} fontSize The current font size to inspect. If not given,
* the font size will be found from the DOM element.
* @param {SVGElement|SVGDOMElement} [elem] The element to inspect for a
* current font size.
* @returns {Object} An object containing `h`: the line height, `b`: the
* baseline relative to the top of the box, and `f`: the font size.
fontMetrics: function (fontSize, elem) {
var lineHeight,
fontSize = fontSize ||
// When the elem is a DOM element (#5932)
(elem && && ||
// Fall back on the renderer style default
( &&;
// Handle different units
if (/px/.test(fontSize)) {
fontSize = pInt(fontSize);
} else if (/em/.test(fontSize)) {
// The em unit depends on parent items
fontSize = parseFloat(fontSize) *
(elem ? this.fontMetrics(null, elem.parentNode).f : 16);
} else {
fontSize = 12;
// Empirical values found by comparing font size and bounding box
// height. Applies to the default font family.
lineHeight = fontSize < 24 ? fontSize + 3 : Math.round(fontSize * 1.2);
baseline = Math.round(lineHeight * 0.8);
return {
h: lineHeight,
b: baseline,
f: fontSize
* Correct X and Y positioning of a label for rotation (#1764).
* @private
rotCorr: function (baseline, rotation, alterY) {
var y = baseline;
if (rotation && alterY) {
y = Math.max(y * Math.cos(rotation * deg2rad), 4);
return {
x: (-baseline / 3) * Math.sin(rotation * deg2rad),
y: y
* Draw a label, which is an extended text element with support for border
* and background. Highcharts creates a `g` element with a text and a `path`
* or `rect` inside, to make it behave somewhat like a HTML div. Border and
* background are set through `stroke`, `stroke-width` and `fill` attributes
* using the {@link Highcharts.SVGElement#attr|attr} method. To update the
* text after render, run `label.attr({ text: 'New text' })`.
* @param {string} str
* The initial text string or (subset) HTML to render.
* @param {number} x
* The x position of the label's left side.
* @param {number} y
* The y position of the label's top side or baseline, depending on
* the `baseline` parameter.
* @param {String} shape
* The shape of the label's border/background, if any. Defaults to
* `rect`. Other possible values are `callout` or other shapes
* defined in {@link Highcharts.SVGRenderer#symbols}.
* @param {number} anchorX
* In case the `shape` has a pointer, like a flag, this is the
* coordinates it should be pinned to.
* @param {number} anchorY
* In case the `shape` has a pointer, like a flag, this is the
* coordinates it should be pinned to.
* @param {Boolean} baseline
* Whether to position the label relative to the text baseline,
* like {@link Highcharts.SVGRenderer#text|renderer.text}, or to the
* upper border of the rectangle.
* @param {String} className
* Class name for the group.
* @return {SVGElement}
* The generated label.
* @sample highcharts/members/renderer-label-on-chart/
* A label on the chart
label: function (
) {
var renderer = this,
wrapper = renderer.g(className !== 'button' && 'label'),
text = wrapper.text = renderer.text('', 0, 0, useHTML)
zIndex: 1
alignFactor = 0,
padding = 3,
paddingLeft = 0,
deferredAttr = {},
hasBGImage = /^url\((.*?)\)$/.test(shape),
needsBox = hasBGImage,
if (className) {
wrapper.addClass('highcharts-' + className);
needsBox = hasBGImage;
getCrispAdjust = function () {
return (strokeWidth || 0) % 2 / 2;
* This function runs after the label is added to the DOM (when the
* bounding box is available), and after the text of the label is
* updated to detect the new bounding box and reflect it in the border
* box.
updateBoxSize = function () {
var style =,
attribs = {};
bBox = (
(width === undefined || height === undefined || textAlign) &&
defined(text.textStr) &&
); // #3295 && 3514 box failure when string equals 0
wrapper.width = (
(width || bBox.width || 0) +
2 * padding +
wrapper.height = (height || bBox.height || 0) + 2 * padding;
// Update the label-scoped y offset
baselineOffset = padding +
renderer.fontMetrics(style && style.fontSize, text).b;
if (needsBox) {
// Create the border box if it is not already present
if (!box) {
// Symbol definition exists (#5324) = box = renderer.symbols[shape] || hasBGImage ?
renderer.symbol(shape) :
box.addClass( // Don't use label className for buttons
(className === 'button' ? '' : 'highcharts-label-box') +
(className ? ' highcharts-' + className + '-box' : '')
crispAdjust = getCrispAdjust();
attribs.x = crispAdjust;
attribs.y = (baseline ? -baselineOffset : 0) + crispAdjust;
// Apply the box attributes
attribs.width = Math.round(wrapper.width);
attribs.height = Math.round(wrapper.height);
box.attr(extend(attribs, deferredAttr));
deferredAttr = {};
* This function runs after setting text or padding, but only if padding
* is changed
updateTextPadding = function () {
var textX = paddingLeft + padding,
// determin y based on the baseline
textY = baseline ? 0 : baselineOffset;
// compensate for alignment
if (
defined(width) &&
bBox &&
(textAlign === 'center' || textAlign === 'right')
) {
textX += { center: 0.5, right: 1 }[textAlign] *
(width - bBox.width);
// update if anything changed
if (textX !== text.x || textY !== text.y) {
text.attr('x', textX);
if (textY !== undefined) {
text.attr('y', textY);
// record current values
text.x = textX;
text.y = textY;
* Set a box attribute, or defer it if the box is not yet created
* @param {Object} key
* @param {Object} value
boxAttr = function (key, value) {
if (box) {
box.attr(key, value);
} else {
deferredAttr[key] = value;
* After the text element is added, get the desired size of the border
* box and add it before the text in the DOM.
wrapper.onAdd = function () {
// Alignment is available now (#3295, 0 not rendered if given
// as a value)
text: (str || str === 0) ? str : '',
x: x,
y: y
if (box && defined(anchorX)) {
anchorX: anchorX,
anchorY: anchorY
* Add specific attribute setters.
// only change local variables
wrapper.widthSetter = function (value) {
width = H.isNumber(value) ? value : null; // width:auto => null
wrapper.heightSetter = function (value) {
height = value;
wrapper['text-alignSetter'] = function (value) {
textAlign = value;
wrapper.paddingSetter = function (value) {
if (defined(value) && value !== padding) {
padding = wrapper.padding = value;
wrapper.paddingLeftSetter = function (value) {
if (defined(value) && value !== paddingLeft) {
paddingLeft = value;
// change local variable and prevent setting attribute on the group
wrapper.alignSetter = function (value) {
value = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[value];
if (value !== alignFactor) {
alignFactor = value;
// Bounding box exists, means we're dynamically changing
if (bBox) {
wrapper.attr({ x: wrapperX }); // #5134
// apply these to the box and the text alike
wrapper.textSetter = function (value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
// apply these to the box but not to the text
wrapper['stroke-widthSetter'] = function (value, key) {
if (value) {
needsBox = true;
strokeWidth = this['stroke-width'] = value;
boxAttr(key, value);
wrapper.strokeSetter =
wrapper.fillSetter =
wrapper.rSetter = function (value, key) {
if (key !== 'r') {
if (key === 'fill' && value) {
needsBox = true;
// for animation getter (#6776)
wrapper[key] = value;
boxAttr(key, value);
wrapper.anchorXSetter = function (value, key) {
anchorX = wrapper.anchorX = value;
boxAttr(key, Math.round(value) - getCrispAdjust() - wrapperX);
wrapper.anchorYSetter = function (value, key) {
anchorY = wrapper.anchorY = value;
boxAttr(key, value - wrapperY);
// rename attributes
wrapper.xSetter = function (value) {
wrapper.x = value; // for animation getter
if (alignFactor) {
value -= alignFactor * ((width || bBox.width) + 2 * padding);
// Force animation even when setting to the same value (#7898)
wrapper['forceAnimate:x'] = true;
wrapperX = Math.round(value);
wrapper.attr('translateX', wrapperX);
wrapper.ySetter = function (value) {
wrapperY = wrapper.y = Math.round(value);
wrapper.attr('translateY', wrapperY);
// Redirect certain methods to either the box or the text
var baseCss = wrapper.css;
return extend(wrapper, {
* Pick up some properties and apply them to the text instead of the
* wrapper.
* @ignore
css: function (styles) {
if (styles) {
var textStyles = {};
// Create a copy to avoid altering the original object
// (#537)
styles = merge(styles);
each(wrapper.textProps, function (prop) {
if (styles[prop] !== undefined) {
textStyles[prop] = styles[prop];
delete styles[prop];
if ('width' in textStyles) {
return, styles);
* Return the bounding box of the box, not the group.
* @ignore
getBBox: function () {
return {
width: bBox.width + 2 * padding,
height: bBox.height + 2 * padding,
x: bBox.x - padding,
y: bBox.y - padding
* Apply the shadow to the box.
* @ignore
shadow: function (b) {
if (b) {
if (box) {
return wrapper;
* Destroy and release memory.
* @ignore
destroy: function () {
// Added by button implementation
removeEvent(wrapper.element, 'mouseenter');
removeEvent(wrapper.element, 'mouseleave');
if (text) {
text = text.destroy();
if (box) {
box = box.destroy();
// Call base implementation to destroy the rest;
// Release local pointers (#1298)
wrapper =
renderer =
updateBoxSize =
updateTextPadding =
boxAttr = null;
}); // end SVGRenderer
// general renderer
H.Renderer = SVGRenderer;
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
animObject = H.animObject,
arrayMax = H.arrayMax,
arrayMin = H.arrayMin,
correctFloat = H.correctFloat,
defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions,
defaultPlotOptions = H.defaultPlotOptions,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
erase = H.erase,
extend = H.extend,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
grep = H.grep,
isArray = H.isArray,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
isString = H.isString,
LegendSymbolMixin = H.LegendSymbolMixin, // @todo add as a requirement
merge = H.merge,
objectEach = H.objectEach,
pick = H.pick,
Point = H.Point, // @todo add as a requirement
removeEvent = H.removeEvent,
splat = H.splat,
SVGElement = H.SVGElement,
syncTimeout = H.syncTimeout,
win =;
* This is the base series prototype that all other series types inherit from.
* A new series is initialized either through the
* {@link|series} option structure,
* or after the chart is initialized, through
* {@link Highcharts.Chart#addSeries}.
* The object can be accessed in a number of ways. All series and point event
* handlers give a reference to the `series` object. The chart object has a
* {@link Highcharts.Chart.series|series} property that is a collection of all
* the chart's series. The point objects and axis objects also have the same
* reference.
* Another way to reference the series programmatically is by `id`. Add an id
* in the series configuration options, and get the series object by {@link
* Highcharts.Chart#get}.
* Configuration options for the series are given in three levels. Options for
* all series in a chart are given in the
* {@link|
* plotOptions.series} object. Then options for all series of a specific type
* are given in the plotOptions of that type, for example `plotOptions.line`.
* Next, options for one single series are given in the series array, or as
* arguements to `chart.addSeries`.
* The data in the series is stored in various arrays.
* - First, `` contains all the original config options for
* each point whether added by options or methods like `series.addPoint`.
* - Next, `` contains those values converted to points, but in case
* the series data length exceeds the `cropThreshold`, or if the data is
* grouped, `` doesn't contain all the points. It only contains the
* points that have been created on demand.
* - Then there's `series.points` that contains all currently visible point
* objects. In case of cropping, the cropped-away points are not part of this
* array. The `series.points` array starts at `series.cropStart` compared to
* `` and ``. If however the series data is
* grouped, these can't be correlated one to one.
* - `series.xData` and `series.processedXData` contain clean x values,
* equivalent to `` and `series.points`.
* - `series.yData` and `series.processedYData` contain clean y values,
* equivalent to `` and `series.points`.
* @class Highcharts.Series
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart instance.
* @param {Options.plotOptions.series} options
* The series options.
* General options for all series types.
* @optionparent plotOptions.series
H.Series = H.seriesType('line', null, { // base series options
* The SVG value used for the `stroke-linecap` and `stroke-linejoin`
* of a line graph. Round means that lines are rounded in the ends and
* bends.
* @validvalue ["round", "butt", "square"]
* @type {String}
* @default round
* @since 3.0.7
* @apioption plotOptions.line.linecap
* Pixel width of the graph line.
* @type {Number}
* @see In styled mode, the line stroke-width can be set with the
* `.highcharts-graph` class name.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-linewidth-general/
* On all series
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-linewidth-specific/
* On one single series
* @default 2
* @product highcharts highstock
lineWidth: 2,
* For some series, there is a limit that shuts down initial animation
* by default when the total number of points in the chart is too high.
* For example, for a column chart and its derivatives, animation doesn't
* run if there is more than 250 points totally. To disable this cap, set
* `animationLimit` to `Infinity`.
* @type {Number}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.animationLimit
* Allow this series' points to be selected by clicking on the graphic
* (columns, point markers, pie slices, map areas etc).
* @see [Chart#getSelectedPoints]
* (../class-reference/Highcharts.Chart#getSelectedPoints).
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect-line/
* Line
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect-column/
* Column
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect-pie/
* Pie
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect/
* Map area
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/mapbubble-allowpointselect/
* Map bubble
* @default false
* @since 1.2.0
allowPointSelect: false,
* If true, a checkbox is displayed next to the legend item to allow
* selecting the series. The state of the checkbox is determined by
* the `selected` option.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* Note that if a `colorAxis` is defined, the color axis is represented in
* the legend, not the series.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-showcheckbox-true/
* Show select box
* @default false
* @since 1.2.0
showCheckbox: false,
* Enable or disable the initial animation when a series is displayed.
* The animation can also be set as a configuration object. Please
* note that this option only applies to the initial animation of the
* series itself. For other animations, see [chart.animation](
* #chart.animation) and the animation parameter under the API methods. The
* following properties are supported:
* <dl>
* <dt>duration</dt>
* <dd>The duration of the animation in milliseconds.</dd>
* <dt>easing</dt>
* <dd>A string reference to an easing function set on the `Math` object.
* See the _Custom easing function_ demo below.</dd>
* </dl>
* Due to poor performance, animation is disabled in old IE browsers
* for several chart types.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-animation-disabled/
* Animation disabled
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-animation-slower/
* Slower animation
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-animation-easing/
* Custom easing function
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/animation-slower/
* Slower animation
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/animation-easing/
* Custom easing function
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-animation-true/
* Animation enabled on map series
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/mapbubble-animation-false/
* Disabled on mapbubble series
* @default {highcharts} true
* @default {highstock} true
* @default {highmaps} false
animation: {
duration: 1000
* A class name to apply to the series' graphical elements.
* @type {String}
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.className
* The main color of the series. In line type series it applies to the
* line and the point markers unless otherwise specified. In bar type
* series it applies to the bars unless a color is specified per point.
* The default value is pulled from the `options.colors` array.
* In styled mode, the color can be defined by the
* [colorIndex](#plotOptions.series.colorIndex) option. Also, the series
* color can be set with the `.highcharts-series`, `.highcharts-color-{n}`,
* `.highcharts-{type}-series` or `.highcharts-series-{n}` class, or
* individual classes given by the `className` option.
* @productdesc {highmaps}
* In maps, the series color is rarely used, as most choropleth maps use the
* color to denote the value of each point. The series color can however be
* used in a map with multiple series holding categorized data.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-color-general/
* General plot option
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-color-specific/
* One specific series
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-color-area/
* Area color
* @sample {highmaps} maps/demo/category-map/
* Category map by multiple series
* @apioption plotOptions.series.color
* Styled mode only. A specific color index to use for the series, so its
* graphic representations are given the class name `highcharts-color-{n}`.
* @type {Number}
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.colorIndex
* Whether to connect a graph line across null points, or render a gap
* between the two points on either side of the null.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-connectnulls-false/
* False by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-connectnulls-true/
* True
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.connectNulls
* You can set the cursor to "pointer" if you have click events attached
* to the series, to signal to the user that the points and lines can
* be clicked.
* @validvalue [null, "default", "none", "help", "pointer", "crosshair"]
* @type {String}
* @see In styled mode, the series cursor can be set with the same classes
* as listed under [series.color](#plotOptions.series.color).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-cursor-line/
* On line graph
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-cursor-column/
* On columns
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-cursor-scatter/
* On scatter markers
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/cursor/
* Pointer on a line graph
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect/
* Map area
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/mapbubble-allowpointselect/
* Map bubble
* @apioption plotOptions.series.cursor
* A name for the dash style to use for the graph, or for some series types
* the outline of each shape. The value for the `dashStyle` include:
* * Solid
* * ShortDash
* * ShortDot
* * ShortDashDot
* * ShortDashDotDot
* * Dot
* * Dash
* * LongDash
* * DashDot
* * LongDashDot
* * LongDashDotDot
* @validvalue ["Solid", "ShortDash", "ShortDot", "ShortDashDot",
* "ShortDashDotDot", "Dot", "Dash" ,"LongDash", "DashDot",
* "LongDashDot", "LongDashDotDot"]
* @type {String}
* @see In styled mode, the [stroke dash-array](
* library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/css/
* series-dashstyle/) can be set with the same classes as listed under
* [series.color](#plotOptions.series.color).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle-all/
* Possible values demonstrated
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle/
* Chart suitable for printing in black and white
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle-all/
* Possible values demonstrated
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle-all/
* Possible values demonstrated
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-dashstyle/
* Dotted borders on a map
* @default Solid
* @since 2.1
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dashStyle
* Requires the Accessibility module.
* A description of the series to add to the screen reader information
* about the series.
* @type {String}
* @default undefined
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.description
* Enable or disable the mouse tracking for a specific series. This
* includes point tooltips and click events on graphs and points. For
* large datasets it improves performance.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-enablemousetracking-false/
* No mouse tracking
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/plotoptions/series-enablemousetracking-false/
* No mouse tracking
* @default true
* @apioption plotOptions.series.enableMouseTracking
* By default, series are exposed to screen readers as regions. By enabling
* this option, the series element itself will be exposed in the same
* way as the data points. This is useful if the series is not used
* as a grouping entity in the chart, but you still want to attach a
* description to the series.
* Requires the Accessibility module.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample highcharts/accessibility/art-grants/
* Accessible data visualization
* @default undefined
* @since 5.0.12
* @apioption plotOptions.series.exposeElementToA11y
* Whether to use the Y extremes of the total chart width or only the
* zoomed area when zooming in on parts of the X axis. By default, the
* Y axis adjusts to the min and max of the visible data. Cartesian
* series only.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @since 4.1.6
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.getExtremesFromAll
* An id for the series. This can be used after render time to get a
* pointer to the series object through `chart.get()`.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-id/ Get series by id
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* The index of the series in the chart, affecting the internal index
* in the `chart.series` array, the visible Z index as well as the order
* in the legend.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
* @since 2.3.0
* @apioption series.index
* An array specifying which option maps to which key in the data point
* array. This makes it convenient to work with unstructured data arrays
* from different sources.
* @type {Array<String>}
* @see [](
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/series/data-keys/
* An extended data array with keys
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/series/data-nested-keys/
* Nested keys used to access object properties
* @since 4.1.6
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.keys
* The sequential index of the series in the legend.
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/series/legendindex/
* Legend in opposite order
* @type {Number}
* @see [legend.reversed](#legend.reversed),
* [yAxis.reversedStacks](#yAxis.reversedStacks)
* @apioption series.legendIndex
* The line cap used for line ends and line joins on the graph.
* @validvalue ["round", "square"]
* @type {String}
* @default round
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.linecap
* The [id]( of another series to link to. Additionally,
* the value can be ":previous" to link to the previous series. When
* two series are linked, only the first one appears in the legend.
* Toggling the visibility of this also toggles the linked series.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/arearange-line/ Linked series
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/demo/arearange-line/ Linked series
* @since 3.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.linkedTo
* The name of the series as shown in the legend, tooltip etc.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/name/ Series name
* @sample {highmaps} maps/demo/category-map/ Series name
* @apioption
* The color for the parts of the graph or points that are below the
* [threshold](#plotOptions.series.threshold).
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, a negative color is applied by setting this
* option to `true` combined with the `.highcharts-negative` class name.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-negative-color/
* Spline, area and column
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/arearange-negativecolor/
* Arearange
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/series-negative-color/
* Styled mode
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-negative-color/
* Spline, area and column
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/arearange-negativecolor/
* Arearange
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/plotoptions/series-negative-color/
* Spline, area and column
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/plotoptions/arearange-negativecolor/
* Arearange
* @default null
* @since 3.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.negativeColor
* Same as [accessibility.pointDescriptionFormatter](
* #accessibility.pointDescriptionFormatter), but for an individual series.
* Overrides the chart wide configuration.
* @type {Function}
* @since 5.0.12
* @apioption plotOptions.series.pointDescriptionFormatter
* If no x values are given for the points in a series, `pointInterval`
* defines the interval of the x values. For example, if a series contains
* one value every decade starting from year 0, set `pointInterval` to
* `10`. In true `datetime` axes, the `pointInterval` is set in
* milliseconds.
* It can be also be combined with `pointIntervalUnit` to draw irregular
* time intervals.
* Please note that this options applies to the _series data_, not the
* interval of the axis ticks, which is independent.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-pointstart-datetime/
* Datetime X axis
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/pointinterval-pointstart/
* Using pointStart and pointInterval
* @default 1
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.pointInterval
* On datetime series, this allows for setting the
* [pointInterval](#plotOptions.series.pointInterval) to irregular time
* units, `day`, `month` and `year`. A day is usually the same as 24 hours,
* but `pointIntervalUnit` also takes the DST crossover into consideration
* when dealing with local time. Combine this option with `pointInterval`
* to draw weeks, quarters, 6 months, 10 years etc.
* Please note that this options applies to the _series data_, not the
* interval of the axis ticks, which is independent.
* @validvalue [null, "day", "month", "year"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-pointintervalunit/
* One point a month
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-pointintervalunit/
* One point a month
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.pointIntervalUnit
* Possible values: `null`, `"on"`, `"between"`.
* In a column chart, when pointPlacement is `"on"`, the point will
* not create any padding of the X axis. In a polar column chart this
* means that the first column points directly north. If the pointPlacement
* is `"between"`, the columns will be laid out between ticks. This
* is useful for example for visualising an amount between two points
* in time or in a certain sector of a polar chart.
* Since Highcharts 3.0.2, the point placement can also be numeric,
* where 0 is on the axis value, -0.5 is between this value and the
* previous, and 0.5 is between this value and the next. Unlike the
* textual options, numeric point placement options won't affect axis
* padding.
* Note that pointPlacement needs a [pointRange](
* #plotOptions.series.pointRange) to work. For column series this is
* computed, but for line-type series it needs to be set.
* Defaults to `null` in cartesian charts, `"between"` in polar charts.
* @validvalue [null, "on", "between"]
* @type {String|Number}
* @see [xAxis.tickmarkPlacement](#xAxis.tickmarkPlacement)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-pointplacement-between/
* Between in a column chart
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-pointplacement-numeric/
* Numeric placement for custom layout
* @default null
* @since 2.3.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.pointPlacement
* If no x values are given for the points in a series, pointStart defines
* on what value to start. For example, if a series contains one yearly
* value starting from 1945, set pointStart to 1945.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-pointstart-linear/
* Linear
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-pointstart-datetime/
* Datetime
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/pointinterval-pointstart/
* Using pointStart and pointInterval
* @default 0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.pointStart
* Whether to select the series initially. If `showCheckbox` is true,
* the checkbox next to the series name in the legend will be checked for a
* selected series.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-selected/
* One out of two series selected
* @default false
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.selected
* Whether to apply a drop shadow to the graph line. Since 2.3 the shadow
* can be an object configuration containing `color`, `offsetX`, `offsetY`,
* `opacity` and `width`.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-shadow/ Shadow enabled
* @default false
* @apioption plotOptions.series.shadow
* Whether to display this particular series or series type in the legend.
* The default value is `true` for standalone series, `false` for linked
* series.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-showinlegend/
* One series in the legend, one hidden
* @default true
* @apioption plotOptions.series.showInLegend
* If set to `True`, the accessibility module will skip past the points
* in this series for keyboard navigation.
* @type {Boolean}
* @since 5.0.12
* @apioption plotOptions.series.skipKeyboardNavigation
* This option allows grouping series in a stacked chart. The stack
* option can be a string or a number or anything else, as long as the
* grouped series' stack options match each other.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/stack/ Stacked and grouped columns
* @default null
* @since 2.1
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.stack
* Whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other.
* Possible values are `null` to disable, `"normal"` to stack by value or
* `"percent"`. When stacking is enabled, data must be sorted in ascending
* X order. A special stacking option is with the streamgraph series type,
* where the stacking option is set to `"stream"`.
* @validvalue [null, "normal", "percent"]
* @type {String}
* @see [yAxis.reversedStacks](#yAxis.reversedStacks)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-line/
* Line
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-column/
* Column
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-bar/
* Bar
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-area/
* Area
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-percent-line/
* Line
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-percent-column/
* Column
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-percent-bar/
* Bar
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stacking-percent-area/
* Area
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/stacking/
* Area
* @default null
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.stacking
* Whether to apply steps to the line. Possible values are `left`, `center`
* and `right`.
* @validvalue [null, "left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/line-step/
* Different step line options
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/area-step/
* Stepped, stacked area
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/line-step/
* Step line
* @default {highcharts} null
* @default {highstock} false
* @since 1.2.5
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.step
* The threshold, also called zero level or base level. For line type
* series this is only used in conjunction with
* [negativeColor](#plotOptions.series.negativeColor).
* @type {Number}
* @see [softThreshold](#plotOptions.series.softThreshold).
* @default 0
* @since 3.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.threshold
* The type of series, for example `line` or `column`. By default, the
* series type is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type), so unless the
* chart is a combination of series types, there is no need to set it on the
* series level.
* @validvalue [null, "line", "spline", "column", "area", "areaspline",
* "pie", "arearange", "areasplinerange", "boxplot", "bubble",
* "columnrange", "errorbar", "funnel", "gauge", "scatter",
* "waterfall"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/type/
* Line and column in the same chart
* @sample {highmaps} maps/demo/mapline-mappoint/
* Multiple types in the same map
* @apioption series.type
* Set the initial visibility of the series.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-visible/
* Two series, one hidden and one visible
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-visibility/
* Hidden series
* @default true
* @apioption plotOptions.series.visible
* When using dual or multiple x axes, this number defines which xAxis
* the particular series is connected to. It refers to either the [axis
* id]( or the index of the axis in the xAxis array, with
* 0 being the first.
* @type {Number|String}
* @default 0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.xAxis
* When using dual or multiple y axes, this number defines which yAxis
* the particular series is connected to. It refers to either the [axis
* id]( or the index of the axis in the yAxis array, with
* 0 being the first.
* @type {Number|String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/yaxis/
* Apply the column series to the secondary Y axis
* @default 0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.yAxis
* Defines the Axis on which the zones are applied.
* @type {String}
* @see [zones](#plotOptions.series.zones)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/color-zones-zoneaxis-x/
* Zones on the X-Axis
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/series/color-zones-zoneaxis-x/
* Zones on the X-Axis
* @default y
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.zoneAxis
* Define the visual z index of the series.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-zindex-default/
* With no z index, the series defined last are on top
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-zindex/
* With a z index, the series with the highest z index is on top
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-zindex-default/
* With no z index, the series defined last are on top
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-zindex/
* With a z index, the series with the highest z index is on top
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.zIndex
* General event handlers for the series items. These event hooks can also
* be attached to the series at run time using the `Highcharts.addEvent`
* function.
* Fires after the series has finished its initial animation, or in
* case animation is disabled, immediately as the series is displayed.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-afteranimate/
* Show label after animate
* @sample {highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-afteranimate/
* Show label after animate
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* Fires when the checkbox next to the series' name in the legend is
* clicked. One parameter, `event`, is passed to the function. The state
* of the checkbox is found by `event.checked`. The checked item is
* found by `event.item`. Return `false` to prevent the default action
* which is to toggle the select state of the series.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-checkboxclick/
* Alert checkbox status
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires when the series is clicked. One parameter, `event`, is passed
* to the function, containing common event information. Additionally,
* `event.point` holds a pointer to the nearest point on the graph.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-click/
* Alert click info
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-events-click/
* Alert click info
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-events-click/
* Display click info in subtitle
* @apioption
* Fires when the series is hidden after chart generation time, either
* by clicking the legend item or by calling `.hide()`.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-hide/
* Alert when the series is hidden by clicking the legend item
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires when the legend item belonging to the series is clicked. One
* parameter, `event`, is passed to the function. The default action
* is to toggle the visibility of the series. This can be prevented
* by returning `false` or calling `event.preventDefault()`.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-legenditemclick/
* Confirm hiding and showing
* @apioption
* Fires when the mouse leaves the graph. One parameter, `event`, is
* passed to the function, containing common event information. If the
* [stickyTracking](#plotOptions.series) option is true, `mouseOut`
* doesn't happen before the mouse enters another graph or leaves the
* plot area.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-mouseover-sticky/
* With sticky tracking by default
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-mouseover-no-sticky/
* Without sticky tracking
* @apioption
* Fires when the mouse enters the graph. One parameter, `event`, is
* passed to the function, containing common event information.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-mouseover-sticky/
* With sticky tracking by default
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-mouseover-no-sticky/
* Without sticky tracking
* @apioption
* Fires when the series is shown after chart generation time, either
* by clicking the legend item or by calling `.show()`.
* @type {Function}
* @context Series
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-events-show/
* Alert when the series is shown by clicking the legend item.
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
events: {},
* Options for the point markers of line-like series. Properties like
* `fillColor`, `lineColor` and `lineWidth` define the visual appearance
* of the markers. Other series types, like column series, don't have
* markers, but have visual options on the series level instead.
* In styled mode, the markers can be styled with the `.highcharts-point`,
* `.highcharts-point-hover` and `.highcharts-point-select`
* class names.
marker: {
* The width of the point marker's outline.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-fillcolor/
* 2px blue marker
* @default 0
lineWidth: 0,
* The color of the point marker's outline. When `null`, the series'
* or point's color is used.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-fillcolor/
* Inherit from series color (null)
lineColor: '#ffffff',
* The fill color of the point marker. When `null`, the series' or
* point's color is used.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-fillcolor/
* White fill
* @default null
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.fillColor
* Enable or disable the point marker. If `null`, the markers are hidden
* when the data is dense, and shown for more widespread data points.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-enabled/
* Disabled markers
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-enabled-false/
* Disabled in normal state but enabled on hover
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-marker/
* Enabled markers
* @default {highcharts} null
* @default {highstock} false
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.enabled
* Image markers only. Set the image width explicitly. When using this
* option, a `width` must also be set.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-width-height/
* Fixed width and height
* @sample {highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-width-height/
* Fixed width and height
* @default null
* @since 4.0.4
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.height
* A predefined shape or symbol for the marker. When null, the symbol
* is pulled from options.symbols. Other possible values are "circle",
* "square", "diamond", "triangle" and "triangle-down".
* Additionally, the URL to a graphic can be given on this form:
* "url(graphic.png)". Note that for the image to be applied to exported
* charts, its URL needs to be accessible by the export server.
* Custom callbacks for symbol path generation can also be added to
* `Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols`. The callback is then
* used by its method name, as shown in the demo.
* @validvalue [null, "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle",
* "triangle-down"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-symbol/
* Predefined, graphic and custom markers
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-symbol/
* Predefined, graphic and custom markers
* @default null
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.symbol
* The threshold for how dense the point markers should be before they
* are hidden, given that `enabled` is not defined. The number indicates
* the horizontal distance between the two closest points in the series,
* as multiples of the `marker.radius`. In other words, the default
* value of 2 means points are hidden if overlapping horizontally.
* @since 6.0.5
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-enabledthreshold
* A higher threshold
enabledThreshold: 2,
* The radius of the point marker.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-radius/
* Bigger markers
radius: 4,
* Image markers only. Set the image width explicitly. When using this
* option, a `height` must also be set.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-width-height/
* Fixed width and height
* @sample {highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-width-height/
* Fixed width and height
* @default null
* @since 4.0.4
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.width
* States for a single point marker.
states: {
* The normal state of a single point marker. Currently only used
* for setting animation when returning to normal state from hover.
* @type {Object}
normal: {
* Animation when returning to normal state after hovering.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
animation: true
* The hover state for a single point marker.
* @type {Object}
hover: {
* Animation when hovering over the marker.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
animation: {
duration: 50
* Enable or disable the point marker.
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-hover-enabled/
* Disabled hover state
enabled: true,
* The fill color of the marker in hover state. When `null`, the
* series' or point's fillColor for normal state is used.
* @type {Color}
* @default null
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover.fillColor
* The color of the point marker's outline. When `null`, the
* series' or point's lineColor for normal state is used.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-hover-linecolor/
* White fill color, black line color
* @default null
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover.lineColor
* The width of the point marker's outline. When `null`, the
* series' or point's lineWidth for normal state is used.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-hover-linewidth/
* 3px line width
* @default null
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover.lineWidth
* The radius of the point marker. In hover state, it defaults
* to the normal state's radius + 2 as per the [radiusPlus](
* #plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover.radiusPlus)
* option.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-hover-radius/
* 10px radius
* @apioption plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover.radius
* The number of pixels to increase the radius of the hovered
* point.
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-linewidthplus/
* 5 pixels greater radius on hover
* @sample {highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-linewidthplus/
* 5 pixels greater radius on hover
* @since 4.0.3
radiusPlus: 2,
* The additional line width for a hovered point.
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-linewidthplus/
* 2 pixels wider on hover
* @sample {highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-linewidthplus/
* 2 pixels wider on hover
* @since 4.0.3
lineWidthPlus: 1
* The appearance of the point marker when selected. In order to
* allow a point to be selected, set the `series.allowPointSelect`
* option to true.
select: {
* The radius of the point marker. In hover state, it defaults
* to the normal state's radius + 2.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-select-radius/
* 10px radius for selected points
* @apioption
* Enable or disable visible feedback for selection.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-select-enabled/
* Disabled select state
* @default true
* @apioption
* The fill color of the point marker.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-select-fillcolor/
* Solid red discs for selected points
* @default #cccccc
fillColor: '#cccccc',
* The color of the point marker's outline. When `null`, the
* series' or point's color is used.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-select-linecolor/
* Red line color for selected points
* @default #000000
lineColor: '#000000',
* The width of the point marker's outline.
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-marker-states-select-linewidth/
* 3px line width for selected points
lineWidth: 2
* Properties for each single point.
point: {
* Fires when a point is clicked. One parameter, `event`, is passed
* to the function, containing common event information.
* If the `series.allowPointSelect` option is true, the default
* action for the point's click event is to toggle the point's
* select state. Returning `false` cancels this action.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-click/
* Click marker to alert values
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-click-column/
* Click column
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-click-url/
* Go to URL
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/plotoptions/series-point-events-click/
* Click marker to display values
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/plotoptions/series-point-events-click-url/
* Go to URL
* @apioption
* Fires when the mouse leaves the area close to the point. One
* parameter, `event`, is passed to the function, containing common
* event information.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-mouseover/
* Show values in the chart's corner on mouse over
* @apioption
* Fires when the mouse enters the area close to the point. One
* parameter, `event`, is passed to the function, containing common
* event information.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-mouseover/
* Show values in the chart's corner on mouse over
* @apioption
* Fires when the point is removed using the `.remove()` method. One
* parameter, `event`, is passed to the function. Returning `false`
* cancels the operation.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-remove/
* Remove point and confirm
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires when the point is selected either programmatically or
* following a click on the point. One parameter, `event`, is passed
* to the function. Returning `false` cancels the operation.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-select/
* Report the last selected point
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect/
* Report select and unselect
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires when the point is unselected either programmatically or
* following a click on the point. One parameter, `event`, is passed
* to the function.
* Returning `false` cancels the operation.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-unselect/
* Report the last unselected point
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect/
* Report select and unselect
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Fires when the point is updated programmatically through the
* `.update()` method. One parameter, `event`, is passed to the
* function. The new point options can be accessed through
* `event.options`. Returning `false` cancels the operation.
* @type {Function}
* @context Point
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-update/
* Confirm point updating
* @since 1.2.0
* @apioption
* Events for each single point.
events: {}
* Options for the series data labels, appearing next to each data
* point.
* In styled mode, the data labels can be styled wtih the
* `.highcharts-data-label-box` and `.highcharts-data-label` class names
* ([see example](
dataLabels: {
* The alignment of the data label compared to the point. If `right`,
* the right side of the label should be touching the point. For
* points with an extent, like columns, the alignments also dictates
* how to align it inside the box, as given with the
* [inside](#plotOptions.column.dataLabels.inside) option. Can be one of
* `left`, `center` or `right`.
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-align-left/
* Left aligned
* @default center
align: 'center',
* Whether to allow data labels to overlap. To make the labels less
* sensitive for overlapping, the [dataLabels.padding](
* #plotOptions.series.dataLabels.padding) can be set to 0.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-allowoverlap-false/
* Don't allow overlap
* @default false
* @since 4.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.allowOverlap
* The border radius in pixels for the data label.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @default 0
* @since 2.2.1
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.borderRadius
* The border width in pixels for the data label.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @default 0
* @since 2.2.1
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.borderWidth
* A class name for the data label. Particularly in styled mode, this
* can be used to give each series' or point's data label unique
* styling. In addition to this option, a default color class name is
* added so that we can give the labels a
* [contrast text shadow](
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/series-datalabels/ Styling by CSS
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/css/series-datalabels/ Styling by CSS
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/css/series-datalabels/ Styling by CSS
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.className
* The text color for the data labels. Defaults to `null`. For certain
* series types, like column or map, the data labels can be drawn inside
* the points. In this case the data label will be drawn with maximum
* contrast by default. Additionally, it will be given a `text-outline`
* style with the opposite color, to further increase the contrast. This
* can be overridden by setting the `text-outline` style to `none` in
* the `` option.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-color/
* Red data labels
* @sample {highmaps} maps/demo/color-axis/
* White data labels
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.color
* Whether to hide data labels that are outside the plot area. By
* default, the data label is moved inside the plot area according to
* the [overflow](#plotOptions.series.dataLabels.overflow) option.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 2.3.3
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.crop
* Whether to defer displaying the data labels until the initial series
* animation has finished.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.defer
* Enable or disable the data labels.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-enabled/
* Data labels enabled
* @sample {highmaps} maps/demo/color-axis/ Data labels enabled
* @default false
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.enabled
* A [format string](
* for the data label. Available variables are the same as for
* `formatter`.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-format/
* Add a unit
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/plotoptions/series-datalabels-format/
* Formatted value in the data label
* @default {highcharts} {y}
* @default {highstock} {y}
* @default {highmaps} {point.value}
* @since 3.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format
* Callback JavaScript function to format the data label. Note that if a
* `format` is defined, the format takes precedence and the formatter is
* ignored. Available data are:
* <table>
* <tbody>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.percentage`</td>
* <td>Stacked series and pies only. The point's percentage of the
* total.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.point`</td>
* <td>The point object. The point name, if defined, is available
* through ``.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.series`:</td>
* <td>The series object. The series name is available through
* ``.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>``</td>
* <td>Stacked series only. The total value at this point's x value.
* </td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.x`:</td>
* <td>The x value.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.y`:</td>
* <td>The y value.</td>
* </tr>
* </tbody>
* </table>
* @type {Function}
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-datalabels-format/
* Formatted value
formatter: function () {
return this.y === null ? '' : H.numberFormat(this.y, -1);
* Styles for the label. The default `color` setting is `"contrast"`,
* which is a pseudo color that Highcharts picks up and applies the
* maximum contrast to the underlying point item, for example the
* bar in a bar chart.
* The `textOutline` is a pseudo property that
* applies an outline of the given width with the given color, which
* by default is the maximum contrast to the text. So a bright text
* color will result in a black text outline for maximum readability
* on a mixed background. In some cases, especially with grayscale
* text, the text outline doesn't work well, in which cases it can
* be disabled by setting it to `"none"`. When `useHTML` is true, the
* `textOutline` will not be picked up. In this, case, the same effect
* can be acheived through the `text-shadow` CSS property.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-style/
* Bold labels
* @sample {highmaps} maps/demo/color-axis/ Bold labels
* @default {"color": "contrast", "fontSize": "11px", "fontWeight": "bold", "textOutline": "1px contrast" }
* @since 4.1.0
style: {
fontSize: '11px',
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: 'contrast',
textOutline: '1px contrast'
* The name of a symbol to use for the border around the label. Symbols
* are predefined functions on the Renderer object.
* @type {String}
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-shape/
* A callout for annotations
* @default square
* @since 4.1.2
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.shape
* The Z index of the data labels. The default Z index puts it above
* the series. Use a Z index of 2 to display it behind the series.
* @type {Number}
* @default 6
* @since 2.3.5
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.zIndex
* A declarative filter for which data labels to display. The
* declarative filter is designed for use when callback functions are
* not available, like when the chart options require a pure JSON
* structure or for use with graphical editors. For programmatic
* control, use the `formatter` instead, and return `false` to disable
* a single data label.
* @example
* filter: {
* property: 'percentage',
* operator: '>',
* value: 4
* }
* @sample highcharts/demo/pie-monochrome
* Data labels filtered by percentage
* @type {Object}
* @since 6.0.3
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.filter
* The point property to filter by. Point options are passed directly to
* properties, additionally there are `y` value, `percentage` and others
* listed under [Point](
* members.
* @type {String}
* @apioption
* The operator to compare by. Can be one of `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `==`,
* and `===`.
* @type {String}
* @validvalue [">", "<", ">=", "<=", "==", "===""]
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.filter.operator
* The value to compare against.
* @type {Mixed}
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.filter.value
* The background color or gradient for the data label.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @since 2.2.1
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.backgroundColor
* The border color for the data label. Defaults to `undefined`.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @default undefined
* @since 2.2.1
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.borderColor
* The shadow of the box. Works best with `borderWidth` or
* `backgroundColor`. Since 2.3 the shadow can be an object
* configuration containing `color`, `offsetX`, `offsetY`, `opacity` and
* `width`.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @default false
* @since 2.2.1
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.shadow
* For points with an extent, like columns or map areas, whether to
* align the data label inside the box or to the actual value point.
* Defaults to `false` in most cases, `true` in stacked columns.
* @type {Boolean}
* @since 3.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.inside
* How to handle data labels that flow outside the plot area. The
* default is `justify`, which aligns them inside the plot area. For
* columns and bars, this means it will be moved inside the bar. To
* display data labels outside the plot area, set `crop` to `false` and
* `overflow` to `"none"`.
* @validvalue ["justify", "none"]
* @type {String}
* @default justify
* @since 3.0.6
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.overflow
* Text rotation in degrees. Note that due to a more complex structure,
* backgrounds, borders and padding will be lost on a rotated data
* label.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-rotation/
* Vertical labels
* @default 0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.rotation
* Whether to
* [use HTML](
* to render the labels.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataLabels.useHTML
* The vertical alignment of a data label. Can be one of `top`, `middle`
* or `bottom`. The default value depends on the data, for instance
* in a column chart, the label is above positive values and below
* negative values.
* @validvalue ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
* @type {String}
* @since 2.3.3
verticalAlign: 'bottom', // above singular point
* The x position offset of the label relative to the point.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-rotation/
* Vertical and positioned
* @default 0
x: 0,
* The y position offset of the label relative to the point.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-rotation/
* Vertical and positioned
* @default -6
y: 0,
* When either the `borderWidth` or the `backgroundColor` is set,
* this is the padding within the box.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @sample {highmaps}
* maps/plotoptions/series-datalabels-box/
* Data labels box options
* @default {highcharts} 5
* @default {highstock} 5
* @default {highmaps} 0
* @since 2.2.1
padding: 5
* When the series contains less points than the crop threshold, all
* points are drawn, even if the points fall outside the visible plot
* area at the current zoom. The advantage of drawing all points (including
* markers and columns), is that animation is performed on updates.
* On the other hand, when the series contains more points than the
* crop threshold, the series data is cropped to only contain points
* that fall within the plot area. The advantage of cropping away invisible
* points is to increase performance on large series.
* @type {Number}
* @default 300
* @since 2.2
* @product highcharts highstock
cropThreshold: 300,
* The width of each point on the x axis. For example in a column chart
* with one value each day, the pointRange would be 1 day (= 24 * 3600
* * 1000 milliseconds). This is normally computed automatically, but
* this option can be used to override the automatic value.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
* @product highstock
pointRange: 0,
* When this is true, the series will not cause the Y axis to cross
* the zero plane (or [threshold](#plotOptions.series.threshold) option)
* unless the data actually crosses the plane.
* For example, if `softThreshold` is `false`, a series of 0, 1, 2,
* 3 will make the Y axis show negative values according to the `minPadding`
* option. If `softThreshold` is `true`, the Y axis starts at 0.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @since 4.1.9
* @product highcharts highstock
softThreshold: true,
* A wrapper object for all the series options in specific states.
* @type {plotOptions.series.states}
states: {
* The normal state of a series, or for point items in column, pie and
* similar series. Currently only used for setting animation when
* returning to normal state from hover.
* @type {Object}
normal: {
* Animation when returning to normal state after hovering.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
animation: true
* Options for the hovered series. These settings override the normal
* state options when a series is moused over or touched.
hover: {
* Enable separate styles for the hovered series to visualize that
* the user hovers either the series itself or the legend. .
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-enabled/
* Line
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-enabled-column/
* Column
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-enabled-pie/
* Pie
* @default true
* @since 1.2
* @apioption plotOptions.series.states.hover.enabled
* Animation setting for hovering the graph in line-type series.
* @type {Boolean|Object}
* @default { "duration": 50 }
* @since 5.0.8
* @product highcharts
animation: {
* The duration of the hover animation in milliseconds. By
* default the hover state animates quickly in, and slowly back
* to normal.
duration: 50
* Pixel width of the graph line. By default this property is
* undefined, and the `lineWidthPlus` property dictates how much
* to increase the linewidth from normal state.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-linewidth/
* 5px line on hover
* @default undefined
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.states.hover.lineWidth
* The additional line width for the graph of a hovered series.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-linewidthplus/
* 5 pixels wider
* @sample {highstock}
* highcharts/plotoptions/series-states-hover-linewidthplus/
* 5 pixels wider
* @default 1
* @since 4.0.3
* @product highcharts highstock
lineWidthPlus: 1,
* In Highcharts 1.0, the appearance of all markers belonging to the
* hovered series. For settings on the hover state of the individual
* point, see
* [marker.states.hover](#plotOptions.series.marker.states.hover).
* @extends plotOptions.series.marker
* @deprecated
* @product highcharts highstock
marker: {
// lineWidth: base + 1,
// radius: base + 1
* Options for the halo appearing around the hovered point in line-
* type series as well as outside the hovered slice in pie charts.
* By default the halo is filled by the current point or series
* color with an opacity of 0.25\. The halo can be disabled by
* setting the `halo` option to `false`.
* In styled mode, the halo is styled with the `.highcharts-halo`
* class, with colors inherited from `.highcharts-color-{n}`.
* @type {Object}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/halo/ Halo options
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/plotoptions/halo/ Halo options
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
halo: {
* A collection of SVG attributes to override the appearance of
* the halo, for example `fill`, `stroke` and `stroke-width`.
* @type {Object}
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.states.hover.halo.attributes
* The pixel size of the halo. For point markers this is the
* radius of the halo. For pie slices it is the width of the
* halo outside the slice. For bubbles it defaults to 5 and is
* the width of the halo outside the bubble.
* @type {Number}
* @default 10
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
size: 10,
* Opacity for the halo unless a specific fill is overridden
* using the `attributes` setting. Note that Highcharts is only
* able to apply opacity to colors of hex or rgb(a) formats.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.25
* @since 4.0
* @product highcharts highstock
opacity: 0.25
* Specific options for point in selected states, after being selected
* by [allowPointSelect](#plotOptions.series.allowPointSelect) or
* programmatically.
* @type {Object}
* @extends plotOptions.series.states.hover
* @excluding brightness
* @sample {highmaps} maps/plotoptions/series-allowpointselect/
* Allow point select demo
* @product highmaps
select: {
marker: {}
* Sticky tracking of mouse events. When true, the `mouseOut` event
* on a series isn't triggered until the mouse moves over another series,
* or out of the plot area. When false, the `mouseOut` event on a
* series is triggered when the mouse leaves the area around the series'
* graph or markers. This also implies the tooltip when not shared. When
* `stickyTracking` is false and `tooltip.shared` is false, the tooltip will
* be hidden when moving the mouse between series. Defaults to true for line
* and area type series, but to false for columns, pies etc.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stickytracking-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-stickytracking-false/
* False
* @default {highcharts} true
* @default {highstock} true
* @default {highmaps} false
* @since 2.0
stickyTracking: true,
* A configuration object for the tooltip rendering of each single series.
* Properties are inherited from [tooltip](#tooltip), but only the
* following properties can be defined on a series level.
* @type {Object}
* @extends tooltip
* @excluding animation,backgroundColor,borderColor,borderRadius,
* borderWidth,crosshairs,enabled,formatter,positioner,shadow,
* shared,shape,snap,style,useHTML
* @since 2.3
* @apioption plotOptions.series.tooltip
* When a series contains a data array that is longer than this, only
* one dimensional arrays of numbers, or two dimensional arrays with
* x and y values are allowed. Also, only the first point is tested,
* and the rest are assumed to be the same format. This saves expensive
* data checking and indexing in long series. Set it to `0` disable.
* @type {Number}
* @default 1000
* @since 2.2
* @product highcharts highstock
turboThreshold: 1000,
* An array defining zones within a series. Zones can be applied to
* the X axis, Y axis or Z axis for bubbles, according to the `zoneAxis`
* option.
* In styled mode, the color zones are styled with the
* `.highcharts-zone-{n}` class, or custom classed from the `className`
* option
* ([view live demo](
* @type {Array}
* @see [zoneAxis](#plotOptions.series.zoneAxis)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/color-zones-simple/ Color zones
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/series/color-zones-simple/ Color zones
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.zones
* Styled mode only. A custom class name for the zone.
* @type {String}
* @sample highcharts/css/color-zones/ Zones styled by class name
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.zones.className
* Defines the color of the series.
* @type {Color}
* @see [series color](#plotOptions.series.color)
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.zones.color
* A name for the dash style to use for the graph.
* @type {String}
* @see [series.dashStyle](#plotOptions.series.dashStyle)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/series/color-zones-dashstyle-dot/
* Dashed line indicates prognosis
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.zones.dashStyle
* Defines the fill color for the series (in area type series)
* @type {Color}
* @see [fillColor](#plotOptions.area.fillColor)
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.zones.fillColor
* The value up to where the zone extends, if undefined the zones stretches
* to the last value in the series.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.zones.value
* Determines whether the series should look for the nearest point
* in both dimensions or just the x-dimension when hovering the series.
* Defaults to `'xy'` for scatter series and `'x'` for most other
* series. If the data has duplicate x-values, it is recommended to
* set this to `'xy'` to allow hovering over all points.
* Applies only to series types using nearest neighbor search (not
* direct hover) for tooltip.
* @validvalue ['x', 'xy']
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/findnearestpointby/
* Different hover behaviors
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/series/findnearestpointby/
* Different hover behaviors
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/series/findnearestpointby/
* Different hover behaviors
* @since 5.0.10
findNearestPointBy: 'x'
}, /** @lends Highcharts.Series.prototype */ {
isCartesian: true,
pointClass: Point,
sorted: true, // requires the data to be sorted
requireSorting: true,
directTouch: false,
axisTypes: ['xAxis', 'yAxis'],
colorCounter: 0,
// each point's x and y values are stored in this.xData and this.yData
parallelArrays: ['x', 'y'],
coll: 'series',
init: function (chart, options) {
var series = this,
chartSeries = chart.series,
* Read only. The chart that the series belongs to.
* @name chart
* @memberOf Series
* @type {Chart}
series.chart = chart;
* Read only. The series' type, like "line", "area", "column" etc. The
* type in the series options anc can be altered using {@link
* Series#update}.
* @name type
* @memberOf Series
* @type String
* Read only. The series' current options. To update, use {@link
* Series#update}.
* @name options
* @memberOf Series
* @type SeriesOptions
series.options = options = series.setOptions(options);
series.linkedSeries = [];
// bind the axes
// set some variables
extend(series, {
* The series name as given in the options. Defaults to
* "Series {n}".
* @name name
* @memberOf Series
* @type {String}
state: '',
* Read only. The series' visibility state as set by {@link
* Series#show}, {@link Series#hide}, or in the initial
* configuration.
* @name visible
* @memberOf Series
* @type {Boolean}
visible: options.visible !== false, // true by default
* Read only. The series' selected state as set by {@link
* Highcharts.Series#select}.
* @name selected
* @memberOf Series
* @type {Boolean}
selected: options.selected === true // false by default
// register event listeners
events =;
objectEach(events, function (event, eventType) {
addEvent(series, eventType, event);
if (
(events && ||
options.point && &&
) ||
) {
chart.runTrackerClick = true;
// Set the data
each(series.parallelArrays, function (key) {
series[key + 'Data'] = [];
series.setData(, false);
// Mark cartesian
if (series.isCartesian) {
chart.hasCartesianSeries = true;
// Get the index and register the series in the chart. The index is one
// more than the current latest series index (#5960).
if (chartSeries.length) {
lastSeries = chartSeries[chartSeries.length - 1];
series._i = pick(lastSeries && lastSeries._i, -1) + 1;
// Insert the series and re-order all series above the insertion point.
fireEvent(this, 'afterInit');
* Insert the series in a collection with other series, either the chart
* series or yAxis series, in the correct order according to the index
* option. Used internally when adding series.
* @private
* @param {Array.<Series>} collection
* A collection of series, like `chart.series` or `xAxis.series`.
* @returns {Number} The index of the series in the collection.
insert: function (collection) {
var indexOption = this.options.index,
// Insert by index option
if (isNumber(indexOption)) {
i = collection.length;
while (i--) {
// Loop down until the interted element has higher index
if (indexOption >=
pick(collection[i].options.index, collection[i]._i)) {
collection.splice(i + 1, 0, this);
if (i === -1) {
i = i + 1;
// Or just push it to the end
} else {
return pick(i, collection.length - 1);
* Set the xAxis and yAxis properties of cartesian series, and register the
* series in the `axis.series` array.
* @private
bindAxes: function () {
var series = this,
seriesOptions = series.options,
chart = series.chart,
// repeat for xAxis and yAxis
each(series.axisTypes || [], function (AXIS) {
// loop through the chart's axis objects
each(chart[AXIS], function (axis) {
axisOptions = axis.options;
// apply if the series xAxis or yAxis option mathches the number
// of the axis, or if undefined, use the first axis
if (
seriesOptions[AXIS] === axisOptions.index ||
seriesOptions[AXIS] !== undefined &&
seriesOptions[AXIS] ===
) ||
seriesOptions[AXIS] === undefined &&
axisOptions.index === 0
) {
// register this series in the axis.series lookup
// set this series.xAxis or series.yAxis reference
* Read only. The unique xAxis object associated with the
* series.
* @name xAxis
* @memberOf Series
* @type Axis
* Read only. The unique yAxis object associated with the
* series.
* @name yAxis
* @memberOf Series
* @type Axis
series[AXIS] = axis;
// mark dirty for redraw
axis.isDirty = true;
// The series needs an X and an Y axis
if (!series[AXIS] && series.optionalAxis !== AXIS) {
H.error(18, true);
* For simple series types like line and column, the data values are held in
* arrays like xData and yData for quick lookup to find extremes and more.
* For multidimensional series like bubble and map, this can be extended
* with arrays like zData and valueData by adding to the
* `series.parallelArrays` array.
* @private
updateParallelArrays: function (point, i) {
var series = point.series,
args = arguments,
fn = isNumber(i) ?
// Insert the value in the given position
function (key) {
var val = key === 'y' && series.toYData ?
series.toYData(point) :
series[key + 'Data'][i] = val;
} :
// Apply the method specified in i with the following arguments
// as arguments
function (key) {
series[key + 'Data'],, 2)
each(series.parallelArrays, fn);
* Return an auto incremented x value based on the pointStart and
* pointInterval options. This is only used if an x value is not given for
* the point that calls autoIncrement.
* @private
autoIncrement: function () {
var options = this.options,
xIncrement = this.xIncrement,
pointIntervalUnit = options.pointIntervalUnit,
time = this.chart.time;
xIncrement = pick(xIncrement, options.pointStart, 0);
this.pointInterval = pointInterval = pick(
// Added code for pointInterval strings
if (pointIntervalUnit) {
date = new time.Date(xIncrement);
if (pointIntervalUnit === 'day') {
time.get('Date', date) + pointInterval
} else if (pointIntervalUnit === 'month') {
time.get('Month', date) + pointInterval
} else if (pointIntervalUnit === 'year') {
time.get('FullYear', date) + pointInterval
pointInterval = date.getTime() - xIncrement;
this.xIncrement = xIncrement + pointInterval;
return xIncrement;
* Set the series options by merging from the options tree. Called
* internally on initiating and updating series. This function will not
* redraw the series. For API usage, use {@link Series#update}.
* @param {Options.plotOptions.series} itemOptions
* The series options.
setOptions: function (itemOptions) {
var chart = this.chart,
chartOptions = chart.options,
plotOptions = chartOptions.plotOptions,
userOptions = chart.userOptions || {},
userPlotOptions = userOptions.plotOptions || {},
typeOptions = plotOptions[this.type],
this.userOptions = itemOptions;
// General series options take precedence over type options because
// otherwise, default type options like column.animation would be
// overwritten by the general option. But issues have been raised here
// (#3881), and the solution may be to distinguish between default
// option and userOptions like in the tooltip below.
options = merge(
// The tooltip options are merged between global and series specific
// options. Importance order asscendingly:
// globals: (1)tooltip, (2)plotOptions.series, (3)plotOptions[this.type]
// init userOptions with possible later updates: 4-6 like 1-3 and
// (7)this series options
this.tooltipOptions = merge(
defaultOptions.tooltip, // 1
defaultOptions.plotOptions.series &&
defaultOptions.plotOptions.series.tooltip, // 2
defaultOptions.plotOptions[this.type].tooltip, // 3
chartOptions.tooltip.userOptions, // 4
plotOptions.series && plotOptions.series.tooltip, // 5
plotOptions[this.type].tooltip, // 6
itemOptions.tooltip // 7
// When shared tooltip, stickyTracking is true by default,
// unless user says otherwise.
this.stickyTracking = pick(
userPlotOptions[this.type] &&
userPlotOptions.series && userPlotOptions.series.stickyTracking,
this.tooltipOptions.shared && !this.noSharedTooltip ?
true :
// Delete marker object if not allowed (#1125)
if (typeOptions.marker === null) {
delete options.marker;
// Handle color zones
this.zoneAxis = options.zoneAxis;
zones = this.zones = (options.zones || []).slice();
if (
(options.negativeColor || options.negativeFillColor) &&
) {
options[this.zoneAxis + 'Threshold'] ||
options.threshold ||
className: 'highcharts-negative',
color: options.negativeColor,
fillColor: options.negativeFillColor
if (zones.length) { // Push one extra zone for the rest
if (defined(zones[zones.length - 1].value)) {
color: this.color,
fillColor: this.fillColor
fireEvent(this, 'afterSetOptions', { options: options });
return options;
* Return series name in "Series {Number}" format or the one defined by a
* user. This method can be simply overridden as series name format can
* vary (e.g. technical indicators).
* @return {String} The series name.
getName: function () {
return || 'Series ' + (this.index + 1);
getCyclic: function (prop, value, defaults) {
var i,
chart = this.chart,
userOptions = this.userOptions,
indexName = prop + 'Index',
counterName = prop + 'Counter',
len = defaults ? defaults.length : pick(
chart.options.chart[prop + 'Count'],
chart[prop + 'Count']
if (!value) {
// Pick up either the colorIndex option, or the _colorIndex after
// Series.update()
setting = pick(
userOptions['_' + indexName]
if (defined(setting)) { // after Series.update()
i = setting;
} else {
// #6138
if (!chart.series.length) {
chart[counterName] = 0;
userOptions['_' + indexName] = i = chart[counterName] % len;
chart[counterName] += 1;
if (defaults) {
value = defaults[i];
// Set the colorIndex
if (i !== undefined) {
this[indexName] = i;
this[prop] = value;
* Get the series' color based on either the options or pulled from global
* options.
* @return {Color} The series color.
getColor: function () {
if (this.options.colorByPoint) {
// #4359, selected slice got series.color even when colorByPoint was
// set.
this.options.color = null;
} else {
this.options.color || defaultPlotOptions[this.type].color,
* Get the series' symbol based on either the options or pulled from global
* options.
getSymbol: function () {
var seriesMarkerOption = this.options.marker;
drawLegendSymbol: LegendSymbolMixin.drawLineMarker,
* Internal function called from setData. If the point count is the same as
* is was, or if there are overlapping X values, just run Point.update which
* is cheaper, allows animation, and keeps references to points. This also
* allows adding or removing points if the X-es don't match.
* @private
updateData: function (data) {
var options = this.options,
oldData = this.points,
pointsToAdd = [],
requireSorting = this.requireSorting;
// Iterate the new data
each(data, function (pointOptions) {
var x,
// Get the x of the new data point
x = (
H.defined(pointOptions) &&
{ series: this },
if (isNumber(x)) {
// Search for the same X in the existing data set
pointIndex = H.inArray(x, this.xData, lastIndex);
// Matching X not found, add point (but later)
if (pointIndex === -1) {
// Matching X found, update
} else if (pointOptions !==[pointIndex]) {
// Mark it touched, below we will remove all points that
// are not touched.
oldData[pointIndex].touched = true;
// Speed optimize by only searching from last known index.
// Performs ~20% bettor on large data sets.
if (requireSorting) {
lastIndex = pointIndex;
// Point exists, no changes, don't remove it
} else if (oldData[pointIndex]) {
oldData[pointIndex].touched = true;
hasUpdatedByKey = true;
}, this);
// Remove points that don't exist in the updated data set
if (hasUpdatedByKey) {
i = oldData.length;
while (i--) {
point = oldData[i];
if (!point.touched) {
point.touched = false;
// If we did not find keys (x-values), and the length is the same,
// update one-to-one
} else if (data.length === oldData.length) {
each(data, function (point, i) {
// .update doesn't exist on a linked, hidden series (#3709)
if (oldData[i].update && point !==[i]) {
oldData[i].update(point, false, null, false);
// Did not succeed in updating data
} else {
return false;
// Add new points
each(pointsToAdd, function (point) {
this.addPoint(point, false);
}, this);
return true;
* Apply a new set of data to the series and optionally redraw it. The new
* data array is passed by reference (except in case of `updatePoints`), and
* may later be mutated when updating the chart data.
* Note the difference in behaviour when setting the same amount of points,
* or a different amount of points, as handled by the `updatePoints`
* parameter.
* @param {SeriesDataOptions} data
* Takes an array of data in the same format as described under
* `series.typedata` for the given series type.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after the series is altered. If doing
* more operations on the chart, it is a good idea to set redraw to
* false and call {@link Chart#redraw} after.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation]
* When the updated data is the same length as the existing data,
* points will be updated by default, and animation visualizes how
* the points are changed. Set false to disable animation, or a
* configuration object to set duration or easing.
* @param {Boolean} [updatePoints=true]
* When the updated data is the same length as the existing data, or
* points can be matched by X values, points will be updated instead
* of replaced. This allows updating with animation and performs
* better. In this case, the original array is not passed by
* reference. Set `false` to prevent.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-setdata/
* Set new data from a button
* @sample highcharts/members/series-setdata-pie/
* Set data in a pie
* @sample stock/members/series-setdata/
* Set new data in Highstock
* @sample maps/members/series-setdata/
* Set new data in Highmaps
setData: function (data, redraw, animation, updatePoints) {
var series = this,
oldData = series.points,
oldDataLength = (oldData && oldData.length) || 0,
options = series.options,
chart = series.chart,
firstPoint = null,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
turboThreshold = options.turboThreshold,
xData = this.xData,
yData = this.yData,
pointArrayMap = series.pointArrayMap,
valueCount = pointArrayMap && pointArrayMap.length,
data = data || [];
dataLength = data.length;
redraw = pick(redraw, true);
// If the point count is the same as is was, just run Point.update which
// is cheaper, allows animation, and keeps references to points.
if (
updatePoints !== false &&
dataLength &&
oldDataLength &&
!series.cropped &&
!series.hasGroupedData &&
) {
updatedData = this.updateData(data);
if (!updatedData) {
// Reset properties
series.xIncrement = null;
series.colorCounter = 0; // for series with colorByPoint (#1547)
// Update parallel arrays
each(this.parallelArrays, function (key) {
series[key + 'Data'].length = 0;
// In turbo mode, only one- or twodimensional arrays of numbers are
// allowed. The first value is tested, and we assume that all the
// rest are defined the same way. Although the 'for' loops are
// similar, they are repeated inside each if-else conditional for
// max performance.
if (turboThreshold && dataLength > turboThreshold) {
// find the first non-null point
i = 0;
while (firstPoint === null && i < dataLength) {
firstPoint = data[i];
if (isNumber(firstPoint)) { // assume all points are numbers
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
xData[i] = this.autoIncrement();
yData[i] = data[i];
// Assume all points are arrays when first point is
} else if (isArray(firstPoint)) {
if (valueCount) { // [x, low, high] or [x, o, h, l, c]
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
pt = data[i];
xData[i] = pt[0];
yData[i] = pt.slice(1, valueCount + 1);
} else { // [x, y]
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
pt = data[i];
xData[i] = pt[0];
yData[i] = pt[1];
} else {
// Highcharts expects configs to be numbers or arrays in
// turbo mode
} else {
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
if (data[i] !== undefined) { // stray commas in oldIE
pt = { series: series };
series.updateParallelArrays(pt, i);
// Forgetting to cast strings to numbers is a common caveat when
// handling CSV or JSON
if (yData && isString(yData[0])) {
H.error(14, true);
} = []; = = data;
// destroy old points
i = oldDataLength;
while (i--) {
if (oldData[i] && oldData[i].destroy) {
// reset minRange (#878)
if (xAxis) {
xAxis.minRange = xAxis.userMinRange;
// redraw
series.isDirty = chart.isDirtyBox = true;
series.isDirtyData = !!oldData;
animation = false;
// Typically for pie series, points need to be processed and generated
// prior to rendering the legend
if (options.legendType === 'point') {
if (redraw) {
* Internal function to process the data by cropping away unused data points
* if the series is longer than the crop threshold. This saves computing
* time for large series. In Highstock, this function is extended to
* provide data grouping.
* @private
* @param {Boolean} force
* Force data grouping.
processData: function (force) {
var series = this,
processedXData = series.xData, // copied during slice operation
processedYData = series.yData,
dataLength = processedXData.length,
cropStart = 0,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
i, // loop variable
options = series.options,
cropThreshold = options.cropThreshold,
getExtremesFromAll =
series.getExtremesFromAll ||
options.getExtremesFromAll, // #4599
isCartesian = series.isCartesian,
val2lin = xAxis && xAxis.val2lin,
isLog = xAxis && xAxis.isLog,
throwOnUnsorted = series.requireSorting,
// If the series data or axes haven't changed, don't go through this.
// Return false to pass the message on to override methods like in data
// grouping.
if (
isCartesian &&
!series.isDirty &&
!xAxis.isDirty &&
!series.yAxis.isDirty &&
) {
return false;
if (xAxis) {
xExtremes = xAxis.getExtremes(); // corrected for log axis (#3053)
min = xExtremes.min;
max = xExtremes.max;
// optionally filter out points outside the plot area
if (
isCartesian &&
series.sorted &&
!getExtremesFromAll &&
(!cropThreshold || dataLength > cropThreshold || series.forceCrop)
) {
// it's outside current extremes
if (
processedXData[dataLength - 1] < min ||
processedXData[0] > max
) {
processedXData = [];
processedYData = [];
// only crop if it's actually spilling out
} else if (
processedXData[0] < min ||
processedXData[dataLength - 1] > max
) {
croppedData = this.cropData(
processedXData = croppedData.xData;
processedYData = croppedData.yData;
cropStart = croppedData.start;
cropped = true;
// Find the closest distance between processed points
i = processedXData.length || 1;
while (--i) {
distance = isLog ?
val2lin(processedXData[i]) - val2lin(processedXData[i - 1]) :
processedXData[i] - processedXData[i - 1];
if (
distance > 0 &&
closestPointRange === undefined ||
distance < closestPointRange
) {
closestPointRange = distance;
// Unsorted data is not supported by the line tooltip, as well as
// data grouping and navigation in Stock charts (#725) and width
// calculation of columns (#1900)
} else if (distance < 0 && throwOnUnsorted) {
throwOnUnsorted = false; // Only once
// Record the properties
series.cropped = cropped; // undefined or true
series.cropStart = cropStart;
series.processedXData = processedXData;
series.processedYData = processedYData;
series.closestPointRange = closestPointRange;
* Iterate over xData and crop values between min and max. Returns object
* containing crop start/end cropped xData with corresponding part of yData,
* dataMin and dataMax within the cropped range.
* @private
cropData: function (xData, yData, min, max, cropShoulder) {
var dataLength = xData.length,
cropStart = 0,
cropEnd = dataLength,
// line-type series need one point outside
cropShoulder = pick(cropShoulder, this.cropShoulder, 1);
// iterate up to find slice start
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
if (xData[i] >= min) {
cropStart = Math.max(0, i - cropShoulder);
// proceed to find slice end
for (j = i; j < dataLength; j++) {
if (xData[j] > max) {
cropEnd = j + cropShoulder;
return {
xData: xData.slice(cropStart, cropEnd),
yData: yData.slice(cropStart, cropEnd),
start: cropStart,
end: cropEnd
* Generate the data point after the data has been processed by cropping
* away unused points and optionally grouped in Highcharts Stock.
* @private
generatePoints: function () {
var series = this,
options = series.options,
dataOptions =,
data =,
processedXData = series.processedXData,
processedYData = series.processedYData,
PointClass = series.pointClass,
processedDataLength = processedXData.length,
cropStart = series.cropStart || 0,
hasGroupedData = series.hasGroupedData,
keys = options.keys,
points = [],
if (!data && !hasGroupedData) {
var arr = [];
arr.length = dataOptions.length;
data = = arr;
if (keys && hasGroupedData) {
// grouped data has already applied keys (#6590)
series.options.keys = false;
for (i = 0; i < processedDataLength; i++) {
cursor = cropStart + i;
if (!hasGroupedData) {
point = data[cursor];
if (!point && dataOptions[cursor] !== undefined) { // #970
data[cursor] = point = (new PointClass()).init(
} else {
// splat the y data in case of ohlc data array
point = (new PointClass()).init(
* Highstock only. If a point object is created by data
* grouping, it doesn't reflect actual points in the raw data.
* In this case, the `dataGroup` property holds information
* that points back to the raw data.
* - `dataGroup.start` is the index of the first raw data point
* in the group.
* - `dataGroup.length` is the amount of points in the group.
* @name dataGroup
* @memberOf Point
* @type {Object}
point.dataGroup = series.groupMap[i];
if (point) { // #6279
point.index = cursor; // For faster access in Point.update
points[i] = point;
// restore keys options (#6590)
series.options.keys = keys;
// Hide cropped-away points - this only runs when the number of points
// is above cropThreshold, or when swithching view from non-grouped
// data to grouped data (#637)
if (
data &&
processedDataLength !== (dataLength = data.length) ||
) {
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
// when has grouped data, clear all points
if (i === cropStart && !hasGroupedData) {
i += processedDataLength;
if (data[i]) {
data[i].plotX = undefined; // #1003
* Read only. An array containing those values converted to points.
* In case the series data length exceeds the `cropThreshold`, or if the
* data is grouped, `` doesn't contain all the points. Also,
* in case a series is hidden, the `data` array may be empty. To access
* raw values, `` will always be up to date.
* `` only contains the points that have been created on
* demand. To modify the data, use {@link Highcharts.Series#setData} or
* {@link Highcharts.Point#update}.
* @name data
* @memberOf Highcharts.Series
* @see Series.points
* @type {Array.<Highcharts.Point>}
*/ = data;
* An array containing all currently visible point objects. In case of
* cropping, the cropped-away points are not part of this array. The
* `series.points` array starts at `series.cropStart` compared to
* `` and ``. If however the series data
* is grouped, these can't be correlated one to one. To
* modify the data, use {@link Highcharts.Series#setData} or {@link
* Highcharts.Point#update}.
* @name points
* @memberof Series
* @type {Array.<Point>}
series.points = points;
* Calculate Y extremes for the visible data. The result is set as
* `dataMin` and `dataMax` on the Series item.
* @param {Array.<Number>} [yData]
* The data to inspect. Defaults to the current data within the
* visible range.
getExtremes: function (yData) {
var xAxis = this.xAxis,
yAxis = this.yAxis,
xData = this.processedXData,
activeYData = [],
activeCounter = 0,
// #2117, need to compensate for log X axis
xExtremes = xAxis.getExtremes(),
xMin = xExtremes.min,
xMax = xExtremes.max,
// Handle X outside the viewed area. This does not work with non-
// sorted data like scatter (#7639).
shoulder = this.requireSorting ? 1 : 0,
yData = yData || this.stackedYData || this.processedYData || [];
yDataLength = yData.length;
for (i = 0; i < yDataLength; i++) {
x = xData[i];
y = yData[i];
// For points within the visible range, including the first point
// outside the visible range (#7061), consider y extremes.
validValue = (
(isNumber(y, true) || isArray(y)) &&
(!yAxis.positiveValuesOnly || (y.length || y > 0))
withinRange = (
this.getExtremesFromAll ||
this.options.getExtremesFromAll ||
this.cropped ||
(xData[i + shoulder] || x) >= xMin &&
(xData[i - shoulder] || x) <= xMax
if (validValue && withinRange) {
j = y.length;
if (j) { // array, like ohlc or range data
while (j--) {
if (typeof y[j] === 'number') { // #7380
activeYData[activeCounter++] = y[j];
} else {
activeYData[activeCounter++] = y;
this.dataMin = arrayMin(activeYData);
this.dataMax = arrayMax(activeYData);
* Translate data points from raw data values to chart specific positioning
* data needed later in the `drawPoints` and `drawGraph` functions. This
* function can be overridden in plugins and custom series type
* implementations.
translate: function () {
if (!this.processedXData) { // hidden series
var series = this,
options = series.options,
stacking = options.stacking,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
categories = xAxis.categories,
yAxis = series.yAxis,
points = series.points,
dataLength = points.length,
hasModifyValue = !!series.modifyValue,
pointPlacement = options.pointPlacement,
dynamicallyPlaced =
pointPlacement === 'between' ||
threshold = options.threshold,
stackThreshold = options.startFromThreshold ? threshold : 0,
closestPointRangePx = Number.MAX_VALUE;
* Plotted coordinates need to be within a limited range. Drawing too
* far outside the viewport causes various rendering issues (#3201,
* #3923, #7555).
function limitedRange(val) {
return Math.min(Math.max(-1e5, val), 1e5);
// Point placement is relative to each series pointRange (#5889)
if (pointPlacement === 'between') {
pointPlacement = 0.5;
if (isNumber(pointPlacement)) {
pointPlacement *= pick(options.pointRange || xAxis.pointRange);
// Translate each point
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
var point = points[i],
xValue = point.x,
yValue = point.y,
yBottom = point.low,
stack = stacking && yAxis.stacks[(
series.negStacks &&
yValue < (stackThreshold ? 0 : threshold) ? '-' : ''
) + series.stackKey],
// Discard disallowed y values for log axes (#3434)
if (yAxis.positiveValuesOnly && yValue !== null && yValue <= 0) {
point.isNull = true;
// Get the plotX translation
point.plotX = plotX = correctFloat( // #5236
limitedRange(xAxis.translate( // #3923
this.type === 'flags'
)) // #3923
// Calculate the bottom y value for stacked series
if (
stacking &&
series.visible &&
!point.isNull &&
stack &&
) {
stackIndicator = series.getStackIndicator(
pointStack = stack[xValue];
stackValues = pointStack.points[stackIndicator.key];
yBottom = stackValues[0];
yValue = stackValues[1];
if (
yBottom === stackThreshold &&
stackIndicator.key === stack[xValue].base
) {
yBottom = pick(isNumber(threshold) && threshold, yAxis.min);
if (yAxis.positiveValuesOnly && yBottom <= 0) { // #1200, #1232
yBottom = null;
} = point.stackTotal =;
point.percentage = &&
(point.y / * 100);
point.stackY = yValue;
// Place the stack label
series.pointXOffset || 0,
series.barW || 0
// Set translated yBottom or remove it
point.yBottom = defined(yBottom) ?
limitedRange(yAxis.translate(yBottom, 0, 1, 0, 1)) :
// general hook, used for Highstock compare mode
if (hasModifyValue) {
yValue = series.modifyValue(yValue, point);
// Set the the plotY value, reset it for redraws
point.plotY = plotY =
(typeof yValue === 'number' && yValue !== Infinity) ?
limitedRange(yAxis.translate(yValue, 0, 1, 0, 1)) : // #3201
point.isInside =
plotY !== undefined &&
plotY >= 0 &&
plotY <= yAxis.len && // #3519
plotX >= 0 &&
plotX <= xAxis.len;
// Set client related positions for mouse tracking
point.clientX = dynamicallyPlaced ?
xAxis.translate(xValue, 0, 0, 0, 1, pointPlacement)
) :
plotX; // #1514, #5383, #5518
point.negative = point.y < (threshold || 0);
// some API data
point.category = categories && categories[point.x] !== undefined ?
categories[point.x] : point.x;
// Determine auto enabling of markers (#3635, #5099)
if (!point.isNull) {
if (lastPlotX !== undefined) {
closestPointRangePx = Math.min(
Math.abs(plotX - lastPlotX)
lastPlotX = plotX;
// Find point zone = this.zones.length && point.getZone();
series.closestPointRangePx = closestPointRangePx;
fireEvent(this, 'afterTranslate');
* Return the series points with null points filtered out.
* @param {Array.<Point>} [points]
* The points to inspect, defaults to {@link Series.points}.
* @param {Boolean} [insideOnly=false]
* Whether to inspect only the points that are inside the visible
* view.
* @return {Array.<Point>}
* The valid points.
getValidPoints: function (points, insideOnly) {
var chart = this.chart;
// #3916, #5029, #5085
return grep(points || this.points || [], function isValidPoint(point) {
if (insideOnly && !chart.isInsidePlot(
)) {
return false;
return !point.isNull;
* Set the clipping for the series. For animated series it is called twice,
* first to initiate animating the clip then the second time without the
* animation to set the final clip.
* @private
setClip: function (animation) {
var chart = this.chart,
options = this.options,
renderer = chart.renderer,
inverted = chart.inverted,
seriesClipBox = this.clipBox,
clipBox = seriesClipBox || chart.clipBox,
sharedClipKey =
this.sharedClipKey ||
animation && animation.duration,
animation && animation.easing,
].join(','), // #4526
clipRect = chart[sharedClipKey],
markerClipRect = chart[sharedClipKey + 'm'];
// If a clipping rectangle with the same properties is currently present
// in the chart, use that.
if (!clipRect) {
// When animation is set, prepare the initial positions
if (animation) {
clipBox.width = 0;
if (inverted) {
clipBox.x = chart.plotSizeX;
chart[sharedClipKey + 'm'] = markerClipRect = renderer.clipRect(
// include the width of the first marker
inverted ? chart.plotSizeX + 99 : -99,
inverted ? -chart.plotLeft : -chart.plotTop,
inverted ? chart.chartWidth : chart.chartHeight
chart[sharedClipKey] = clipRect = renderer.clipRect(clipBox);
// Create hashmap for series indexes
clipRect.count = { length: 0 };
if (animation) {
if (!clipRect.count[this.index]) {
clipRect.count[this.index] = true;
clipRect.count.length += 1;
if (options.clip !== false) {
animation || seriesClipBox ? clipRect : chart.clipRect
this.sharedClipKey = sharedClipKey;
// Remove the shared clipping rectangle when all series are shown
if (!animation) {
if (clipRect.count[this.index]) {
delete clipRect.count[this.index];
clipRect.count.length -= 1;
if (
clipRect.count.length === 0 &&
sharedClipKey &&
) {
if (!seriesClipBox) {
chart[sharedClipKey] = chart[sharedClipKey].destroy();
if (chart[sharedClipKey + 'm']) {
chart[sharedClipKey + 'm'] =
chart[sharedClipKey + 'm'].destroy();
* Animate in the series. Called internally twice. First with the `init`
* parameter set to true, which sets up the initial state of the animation.
* Then when ready, it is called with the `init` parameter undefined, in
* order to perform the actual animation. After the second run, the function
* is removed.
* @param {Boolean} init
* Initialize the animation.
animate: function (init) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
animation = animObject(series.options.animation),
// Initialize the animation. Set up the clipping rectangle.
if (init) {
// Run the animation
} else {
sharedClipKey = this.sharedClipKey;
clipRect = chart[sharedClipKey];
if (clipRect) {
width: chart.plotSizeX,
x: 0
}, animation);
if (chart[sharedClipKey + 'm']) {
chart[sharedClipKey + 'm'].animate({
width: chart.plotSizeX + 99,
x: 0
}, animation);
// Delete this function to allow it only once
series.animate = null;
* This runs after animation to land on the final plot clipping.
* @private
afterAnimate: function () {
fireEvent(this, 'afterAnimate');
this.finishedAnimating = true;
* Draw the markers for line-like series types, and columns or other
* graphical representation for {@link Point} objects for other series
* types. The resulting element is typically stored as {@link
* Point.graphic}, and is created on the first call and updated and moved on
* subsequent calls.
drawPoints: function () {
var series = this,
points = series.points,
chart = series.chart,
options = series.options,
seriesMarkerOptions = options.marker,
markerGroup = series[series.specialGroup] || series.markerGroup,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
globallyEnabled = pick(
xAxis.isRadial ? true : null,
// Use larger or equal as radius is null in bubbles (#6321)
series.closestPointRangePx >= (
seriesMarkerOptions.enabledThreshold *
if (seriesMarkerOptions.enabled !== false || series._hasPointMarkers) {
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
point = points[i];
graphic = point.graphic;
pointMarkerOptions = point.marker || {};
hasPointMarker = !!point.marker;
enabled = (
globallyEnabled &&
pointMarkerOptions.enabled === undefined
) || pointMarkerOptions.enabled;
isInside = point.isInside;
// only draw the point if y is defined
if (enabled && !point.isNull) {
// Shortcuts
symbol = pick(pointMarkerOptions.symbol, series.symbol);
markerAttribs = series.markerAttribs(
point.selected && 'select'
if (graphic) { // update
// Since the marker group isn't clipped, each individual
// marker must be toggled
graphic[isInside ? 'show' : 'hide'](true)
} else if (
isInside &&
(markerAttribs.width > 0 || point.hasImage)
) {
* The graphic representation of the point. Typically
* this is a simple shape, like a `rect` for column
* charts or `path` for line markers, but for some
* complex series types like boxplot or 3D charts, the
* graphic may be a `g` element containing other shapes.
* The graphic is generated the first time {@link
* Series#drawPoints} runs, and updated and moved on
* subsequent runs.
* @memberof Point
* @name graphic
* @type {SVGElement}
point.graphic = graphic = chart.renderer.symbol(
hasPointMarker ?
pointMarkerOptions :
// Presentational attributes
if (graphic) {
point.selected && 'select'
if (graphic) {
graphic.addClass(point.getClassName(), true);
} else if (graphic) {
point.graphic = graphic.destroy(); // #1269
* Get non-presentational attributes for a point. Used internally for both
* styled mode and classic. Can be overridden for different series types.
* @see Series#pointAttribs
* @param {Point} point
* The Point to inspect.
* @param {String} [state]
* The state, can be either `hover`, `select` or undefined.
* @return {SVGAttributes}
* A hash containing those attributes that are not settable from
* CSS.
markerAttribs: function (point, state) {
var seriesMarkerOptions = this.options.marker,
pointMarkerOptions = point.marker || {},
symbol = pointMarkerOptions.symbol || seriesMarkerOptions.symbol,
radius = pick(
// Handle hover and select states
if (state) {
seriesStateOptions = seriesMarkerOptions.states[state];
pointStateOptions = pointMarkerOptions.states &&
radius = pick(
pointStateOptions && pointStateOptions.radius,
seriesStateOptions && seriesStateOptions.radius,
radius + (
seriesStateOptions && seriesStateOptions.radiusPlus ||
point.hasImage = symbol && symbol.indexOf('url') === 0;
if (point.hasImage) {
radius = 0; // and subsequently width and height is not set
attribs = {
x: Math.floor(point.plotX) - radius, // Math.floor for #1843
y: point.plotY - radius
if (radius) {
attribs.width = attribs.height = 2 * radius;
return attribs;
* Internal function to get presentational attributes for each point. Unlike
* {@link Series#markerAttribs}, this function should return those
* attributes that can also be set in CSS. In styled mode, `pointAttribs`
* won't be called.
* @param {Point} point
* The point instance to inspect.
* @param {String} [state]
* The point state, can be either `hover`, `select` or undefined for
* normal state.
* @return {SVGAttributes}
* The presentational attributes to be set on the point.
pointAttribs: function (point, state) {
var seriesMarkerOptions = this.options.marker,
pointOptions = point && point.options,
pointMarkerOptions = (pointOptions && pointOptions.marker) || {},
color = this.color,
pointColorOption = pointOptions && pointOptions.color,
pointColor = point && point.color,
strokeWidth = pick(
zoneColor = point && &&,
color = (
pointColorOption ||
zoneColor ||
pointColor ||
fill = (
pointMarkerOptions.fillColor ||
seriesMarkerOptions.fillColor ||
stroke = (
pointMarkerOptions.lineColor ||
seriesMarkerOptions.lineColor ||
// Handle hover and select states
if (state) {
seriesStateOptions = seriesMarkerOptions.states[state];
pointStateOptions = (
pointMarkerOptions.states && pointMarkerOptions.states[state]
) || {};
strokeWidth = pick(
strokeWidth + pick(
fill = (
pointStateOptions.fillColor ||
seriesStateOptions.fillColor ||
stroke = (
pointStateOptions.lineColor ||
seriesStateOptions.lineColor ||
return {
'stroke': stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
'fill': fill
* Clear DOM objects and free up memory.
* @private
destroy: function () {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
issue134 = /AppleWebKit\/533/.test(win.navigator.userAgent),
data = || [],
// add event hook
fireEvent(series, 'destroy');
// remove all events
// erase from axes
each(series.axisTypes || [], function (AXIS) {
axis = series[AXIS];
if (axis && axis.series) {
erase(axis.series, series);
axis.isDirty = axis.forceRedraw = true;
// remove legend items
if (series.legendItem) {
// destroy all points with their elements
i = data.length;
while (i--) {
point = data[i];
if (point && point.destroy) {
series.points = null;
// Clear the animation timeout if we are destroying the series during
// initial animation
// Destroy all SVGElements associated to the series
objectEach(series, function (val, prop) {
// Survive provides a hook for not destroying
if (val instanceof SVGElement && !val.survive) {
// issue 134 workaround
destroy = issue134 && prop === 'group' ?
'hide' :
// remove from hoverSeries
if (chart.hoverSeries === series) {
chart.hoverSeries = null;
erase(chart.series, series);
// clear all members
objectEach(series, function (val, prop) {
delete series[prop];
* Get the graph path.
* @private
getGraphPath: function (points, nullsAsZeroes, connectCliffs) {
var series = this,
options = series.options,
step = options.step,
graphPath = [],
xMap = [],
points = points || series.points;
// Bottom of a stack is reversed
reversed = points.reversed;
if (reversed) {
// Reverse the steps (#5004)
step = { right: 1, center: 2 }[step] || (step && 3);
if (step && reversed) {
step = 4 - step;
// Remove invalid points, especially in spline (#5015)
if (options.connectNulls && !nullsAsZeroes && !connectCliffs) {
points = this.getValidPoints(points);
// Build the line
each(points, function (point, i) {
var plotX = point.plotX,
plotY = point.plotY,
lastPoint = points[i - 1],
pathToPoint; // the path to this point from the previous
if (
(point.leftCliff || (lastPoint && lastPoint.rightCliff)) &&
) {
gap = true; // ... and continue
// Line series, nullsAsZeroes is not handled
if (point.isNull && !defined(nullsAsZeroes) && i > 0) {
gap = !options.connectNulls;
// Area series, nullsAsZeroes is set
} else if (point.isNull && !nullsAsZeroes) {
gap = true;
} else {
if (i === 0 || gap) {
pathToPoint = ['M', point.plotX, point.plotY];
// Generate the spline as defined in the SplineSeries object
} else if (series.getPointSpline) {
pathToPoint = series.getPointSpline(points, point, i);
} else if (step) {
if (step === 1) { // right
pathToPoint = [
} else if (step === 2) { // center
pathToPoint = [
(lastPoint.plotX + plotX) / 2,
(lastPoint.plotX + plotX) / 2,
} else {
pathToPoint = [
pathToPoint.push('L', plotX, plotY);
} else {
// normal line to next point
pathToPoint = [
// Prepare for animation. When step is enabled, there are two
// path nodes for each x value.
if (step) {
if (step === 2) { // step = center (#8073)
graphPath.push.apply(graphPath, pathToPoint);
gap = false;
graphPath.xMap = xMap;
series.graphPath = graphPath;
return graphPath;
* Draw the graph. Called internally when rendering line-like series types.
* The first time it generates the `series.graph` item and optionally other
* series-wide items like `series.area` for area charts. On subsequent calls
* these items are updated with new positions and attributes.
drawGraph: function () {
var series = this,
options = this.options,
graphPath = (this.gappedPath || this.getGraphPath).call(this),
props = [[
options.lineColor || this.color,
props = series.getZonesGraphs(props);
// Draw the graph
each(props, function (prop, i) {
var graphKey = prop[0],
graph = series[graphKey],
if (graph) {
graph.endX = series.preventGraphAnimation ?
null :
graph.animate({ d: graphPath });
} else if (graphPath.length) { // #1487
series[graphKey] = series.chart.renderer.path(graphPath)
.attr({ zIndex: 1 }) // #1069
attribs = {
'stroke': prop[2],
'stroke-width': options.lineWidth,
// Polygon series use filled graph
'fill': (series.fillGraph && series.color) || 'none'
if (prop[3]) {
attribs.dashstyle = prop[3];
} else if (options.linecap !== 'square') {
attribs['stroke-linecap'] = attribs['stroke-linejoin'] =
graph = series[graphKey]
// Add shadow to normal series (0) or to first zone (1)
// #3932
.shadow((i < 2) && options.shadow);
// Helpers for animation
if (graph) {
graph.startX = graphPath.xMap;
graph.isArea = graphPath.isArea; // For arearange animation
* Get zones properties for building graphs.
* Extendable by series with multiple lines within one series.
* @private
getZonesGraphs: function (props) {
// Add the zone properties if any
each(this.zones, function (zone, i) {
'zone-graph-' + i,
'highcharts-graph highcharts-zone-graph-' + i + ' ' +
(zone.className || ''),
zone.color || this.color,
zone.dashStyle || this.options.dashStyle
}, this);
return props;
* Clip the graphs into zones for colors and styling.
* @private
applyZones: function () {
var series = this,
chart = this.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
zones = this.zones,
clips = this.clips || [],
graph = this.graph,
area = this.area,
chartSizeMax = Math.max(chart.chartWidth, chart.chartHeight),
axis = this[(this.zoneAxis || 'y') + 'Axis'],
inverted = chart.inverted,
ignoreZones = false;
if (zones.length && (graph || area) && axis && axis.min !== undefined) {
reversed = axis.reversed;
horiz = axis.horiz;
// The use of the Color Threshold assumes there are no gaps
// so it is safe to hide the original graph and area
// unless it is not waterfall series, then use showLine property to
// set lines between columns to be visible (#7862)
if (graph && !this.showLine) {
if (area) {
// Create the clips
extremes = axis.getExtremes();
each(zones, function (threshold, i) {
translatedFrom = reversed ?
(horiz ? chart.plotWidth : 0) :
(horiz ? 0 : axis.toPixels(extremes.min));
translatedFrom = Math.min(
pick(translatedTo, translatedFrom), 0
translatedTo = Math.min(
pick(threshold.value, extremes.max),
if (ignoreZones) {
translatedFrom = translatedTo = axis.toPixels(extremes.max);
pxRange = Math.abs(translatedFrom - translatedTo);
pxPosMin = Math.min(translatedFrom, translatedTo);
pxPosMax = Math.max(translatedFrom, translatedTo);
if (axis.isXAxis) {
clipAttr = {
x: inverted ? pxPosMax : pxPosMin,
y: 0,
width: pxRange,
height: chartSizeMax
if (!horiz) {
clipAttr.x = chart.plotHeight - clipAttr.x;
} else {
clipAttr = {
x: 0,
y: inverted ? pxPosMax : pxPosMin,
width: chartSizeMax,
height: pxRange
if (horiz) {
clipAttr.y = chart.plotWidth - clipAttr.y;
if (inverted && renderer.isVML) {
if (axis.isXAxis) {
clipAttr = {
x: 0,
y: reversed ? pxPosMin : pxPosMax,
height: clipAttr.width,
width: chart.chartWidth
} else {
clipAttr = {
x: clipAttr.y - chart.plotLeft - chart.spacingBox.x,
y: 0,
width: clipAttr.height,
height: chart.chartHeight
if (clips[i]) {
} else {
clips[i] = renderer.clipRect(clipAttr);
if (graph) {
series['zone-graph-' + i].clip(clips[i]);
if (area) {
series['zone-area-' + i].clip(clips[i]);
// if this zone extends out of the axis, ignore the others
ignoreZones = threshold.value > extremes.max;
// Clear translatedTo for indicators
if (series.resetZones && translatedTo === 0) {
translatedTo = undefined;
this.clips = clips;
* Initialize and perform group inversion on and
* series.markerGroup.
* @private
invertGroups: function (inverted) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
function setInvert() {
each(['group', 'markerGroup'], function (groupName) {
if (series[groupName]) {
// VML/HTML needs explicit attributes for flipping
if (chart.renderer.isVML) {
width: series.yAxis.len,
height: series.xAxis.len
series[groupName].width = series.yAxis.len;
series[groupName].height = series.xAxis.len;
// Pie, go away (#1736)
if (!series.xAxis) {
// A fixed size is needed for inversion to work
remover = addEvent(chart, 'resize', setInvert);
addEvent(series, 'destroy', remover);
// Do it now
setInvert(inverted); // do it now
// On subsequent render and redraw, just do setInvert without setting up
// events again
series.invertGroups = setInvert;
* General abstraction for creating plot groups like,
* series.dataLabelsGroup and series.markerGroup. On subsequent calls, the
* group will only be adjusted to the updated plot size.
* @private
plotGroup: function (prop, name, visibility, zIndex, parent) {
var group = this[prop],
isNew = !group;
// Generate it on first call
if (isNew) {
this[prop] = group = this.chart.renderer.g()
zIndex: zIndex || 0.1 // IE8 and pointer logic use this
// Add the class names, and replace existing ones as response to
// Series.update (#6660)
'highcharts-' + name +
' highcharts-series-' + this.index +
' highcharts-' + this.type + '-series ' +
defined(this.colorIndex) ?
'highcharts-color-' + this.colorIndex + ' ' :
) +
(this.options.className || '') +
group.hasClass('highcharts-tracker') ?
' highcharts-tracker' :
// Place it on first and subsequent (redraw) calls
group.attr({ visibility: visibility })[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate'](
return group;
* Get the translation and scale for the plot area of this series.
getPlotBox: function () {
var chart = this.chart,
xAxis = this.xAxis,
yAxis = this.yAxis;
// Swap axes for inverted (#2339)
if (chart.inverted) {
xAxis = yAxis;
yAxis = this.xAxis;
return {
translateX: xAxis ? xAxis.left : chart.plotLeft,
translateY: yAxis ? : chart.plotTop,
scaleX: 1, // #1623
scaleY: 1
* Render the graph and markers. Called internally when first rendering and
* later when redrawing the chart. This function can be extended in plugins,
* but normally shouldn't be called directly.
render: function () {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
options = series.options,
// Animation doesn't work in IE8 quirks when the group div is
// hidden, and looks bad in other oldIE
animDuration = (
!!series.animate &&
chart.renderer.isSVG &&
visibility = series.visible ? 'inherit' : 'hidden', // #2597
zIndex = options.zIndex,
hasRendered = series.hasRendered,
chartSeriesGroup = chart.seriesGroup,
inverted = chart.inverted;
// the group
group = series.plotGroup(
series.markerGroup = series.plotGroup(
// initiate the animation
if (animDuration) {
// SVGRenderer needs to know this before drawing elements (#1089, #1795)
group.inverted = series.isCartesian ? inverted : false;
// draw the graph if any
if (series.drawGraph) {
/* each(series.points, function (point) {
if (point.redraw) {
// draw the data labels (inn pies they go before the points)
if (series.drawDataLabels) {
// draw the points
if (series.visible) {
// draw the mouse tracking area
if (
series.drawTracker &&
series.options.enableMouseTracking !== false
) {
// Handle inverted series and tracker groups
// Initial clipping, must be defined after inverting groups for VML.
// Applies to columns etc. (#3839).
if (options.clip !== false && !series.sharedClipKey && !hasRendered) {
// Run the animation
if (animDuration) {
// Call the afterAnimate function on animation complete (but don't
// overwrite the animation.complete option which should be available to
// the user).
if (!hasRendered) {
series.animationTimeout = syncTimeout(function () {
}, animDuration);
series.isDirty = false; // means data is in accordance with what you see
// (See #322) series.isDirty = series.isDirtyData = false; // means
// data is in accordance with what you see
series.hasRendered = true;
fireEvent(series, 'afterRender');
* Redraw the series. This function is called internally from `chart.redraw`
* and normally shouldn't be called directly.
* @private
redraw: function () {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
// cache it here as it is set to false in render, but used after
wasDirty = series.isDirty || series.isDirtyData,
group =,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
yAxis = series.yAxis;
// reposition on resize
if (group) {
if (chart.inverted) {
width: chart.plotWidth,
height: chart.plotHeight
translateX: pick(xAxis && xAxis.left, chart.plotLeft),
translateY: pick(yAxis &&, chart.plotTop)
if (wasDirty) { // #3868, #3945
delete this.kdTree;
kdAxisArray: ['clientX', 'plotY'],
searchPoint: function (e, compareX) {
var series = this,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
yAxis = series.yAxis,
inverted = series.chart.inverted;
return this.searchKDTree({
clientX: inverted ?
xAxis.len - e.chartY + xAxis.pos :
e.chartX - xAxis.pos,
plotY: inverted ?
yAxis.len - e.chartX + yAxis.pos :
e.chartY - yAxis.pos
}, compareX);
* Build the k-d-tree that is used by mouse and touch interaction to get the
* closest point. Line-like series typically have a one-dimensional tree
* where points are searched along the X axis, while scatter-like series
* typically search in two dimensions, X and Y.
* @private
buildKDTree: function () {
// Prevent multiple k-d-trees from being built simultaneously (#6235)
this.buildingKdTree = true;
var series = this,
dimensions = series.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf('y') > -1 ?
2 : 1;
// Internal function
function _kdtree(points, depth, dimensions) {
var axis,
length = points && points.length;
if (length) {
// alternate between the axis
axis = series.kdAxisArray[depth % dimensions];
// sort point array
points.sort(function (a, b) {
return a[axis] - b[axis];
median = Math.floor(length / 2);
// build and return nod
return {
point: points[median],
left: _kdtree(
points.slice(0, median), depth + 1, dimensions
right: _kdtree(
points.slice(median + 1), depth + 1, dimensions
// Start the recursive build process with a clone of the points array
// and null points filtered out (#3873)
function startRecursive() {
series.kdTree = _kdtree(
// For line-type series restrict to plot area, but
// column-type series not (#3916, #4511)
series.buildingKdTree = false;
delete series.kdTree;
// For testing tooltips, don't build async
syncTimeout(startRecursive, series.options.kdNow ? 0 : 1);
searchKDTree: function (point, compareX) {
var series = this,
kdX = this.kdAxisArray[0],
kdY = this.kdAxisArray[1],
kdComparer = compareX ? 'distX' : 'dist',
kdDimensions = series.options.findNearestPointBy.indexOf('y') > -1 ?
2 : 1;
// Set the one and two dimensional distance on the point object
function setDistance(p1, p2) {
var x = (defined(p1[kdX]) && defined(p2[kdX])) ?
Math.pow(p1[kdX] - p2[kdX], 2) :
y = (defined(p1[kdY]) && defined(p2[kdY])) ?
Math.pow(p1[kdY] - p2[kdY], 2) :
r = (x || 0) + (y || 0);
p2.dist = defined(r) ? Math.sqrt(r) : Number.MAX_VALUE;
p2.distX = defined(x) ? Math.sqrt(x) : Number.MAX_VALUE;
function _search(search, tree, depth, dimensions) {
var point = tree.point,
axis = series.kdAxisArray[depth % dimensions],
ret = point,
setDistance(search, point);
// Pick side based on distance to splitting point
tdist = search[axis] - point[axis];
sideA = tdist < 0 ? 'left' : 'right';
sideB = tdist < 0 ? 'right' : 'left';
// End of tree
if (tree[sideA]) {
nPoint1 = _search(search, tree[sideA], depth + 1, dimensions);
ret = (nPoint1[kdComparer] < ret[kdComparer] ? nPoint1 : point);
if (tree[sideB]) {
// compare distance to current best to splitting point to decide
// wether to check side B or not
if (Math.sqrt(tdist * tdist) < ret[kdComparer]) {
nPoint2 = _search(
depth + 1,
ret = nPoint2[kdComparer] < ret[kdComparer] ?
nPoint2 :
return ret;
if (!this.kdTree && !this.buildingKdTree) {
if (this.kdTree) {
return _search(point, this.kdTree, kdDimensions, kdDimensions);
}); // end Series prototype
* A line series displays information as a series of data points connected by
* straight line segments.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/line-basic/ Line chart
* @sample {highstock} stock/demo/basic-line/ Line chart
* @extends plotOptions.series
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.line
* A `line` series. If the [type](#series.line.type) option is not
* specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
* @type {Object}
* @extends series,plotOptions.line
* @excluding dataParser,dataURL
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption series.line
* An array of data points for the series. For the `line` series type,
* points can be given in the following ways:
* 1. An array of numerical values. In this case, the numerical values
* will be interpreted as `y` options. The `x` values will be automatically
* calculated, either starting at 0 and incremented by 1, or from `pointStart`
* and `pointInterval` given in the series options. If the axis has
* categories, these will be used. Example:
* ```js
* data: [0, 5, 3, 5]
* ```
* 2. An array of arrays with 2 values. In this case, the values correspond
* to `x,y`. If the first value is a string, it is applied as the name
* of the point, and the `x` value is inferred.
* ```js
* data: [
* [0, 1],
* [1, 2],
* [2, 8]
* ]
* ```
* 3. An array of objects with named values. The objects are point
* configuration objects as seen below. If the total number of data
* points exceeds the series' [turboThreshold](#series.line.turboThreshold),
* this option is not available.
* ```js
* data: [{
* x: 1,
* y: 9,
* name: "Point2",
* color: "#00FF00"
* }, {
* x: 1,
* y: 6,
* name: "Point1",
* color: "#FF00FF"
* }]
* ```
* @type {Array<Object|Array|Number>}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/reflow-true/
* Numerical values
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays/
* Arrays of numeric x and y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays-datetime/
* Arrays of datetime x and y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-name-value/
* Arrays of and y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-objects/
* Config objects
* @apioption
* An additional, individual class name for the data point's graphic
* representation.
* @type {String}
* @since 5.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption
* Individual color for the point. By default the color is pulled from
* the global `colors` array.
* In styled mode, the `color` option doesn't take effect. Instead, use
* `colorIndex`.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/point/color/ Mark the highest point
* @default undefined
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* A specific color index to use for the point, so its graphic representations
* are given the class name `highcharts-color-{n}`. In styled mode this will
* change the color of the graphic. In non-styled mode, the color by is set by
* the `fill` attribute, so the change in class name won't have a visual effect
* by default.
* @type {Number}
* @since 5.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption
* Individual data label for each point. The options are the same as
* the ones for [plotOptions.series.dataLabels](
* #plotOptions.series.dataLabels).
* @type {Object}
* @sample highcharts/point/datalabels/
* Show a label for the last value
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* A description of the point to add to the screen reader information
* about the point. Requires the Accessibility module.
* @type {String}
* @default undefined
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption
* An id for the point. This can be used after render time to get a
* pointer to the point object through `chart.get()`.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/point/id/ Remove an id'd point
* @default null
* @since 1.2.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* The rank for this point's data label in case of collision. If two
* data labels are about to overlap, only the one with the highest `labelrank`
* will be drawn.
* @type {Number}
* @apioption
* The name of the point as shown in the legend, tooltip, dataLabel
* etc.
* @type {String}
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-objects/ Point names
* @see [xAxis.uniqueNames](#xAxis.uniqueNames)
* @apioption
* Whether the data point is selected initially.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* The x value of the point. For datetime axes, the X value is the timestamp
* in milliseconds since 1970.
* @type {Number}
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* The y value of the point.
* @type {Number}
* @default null
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* Individual point events
* @extends
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
* @extends plotOptions.series.marker
* @product highcharts highstock
* @apioption
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
arrayMax = H.arrayMax,
arrayMin = H.arrayMin,
Axis = H.Axis,
defaultPlotOptions = H.defaultPlotOptions,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
format = H.format,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
Point = H.Point,
Series = H.Series,
Tooltip = H.Tooltip,
wrap = H.wrap;
/* ****************************************************************************
* Start data grouping module *
* Data grouping is the concept of sampling the data values into larger
* blocks in order to ease readability and increase performance of the
* JavaScript charts. Highstock by default applies data grouping when
* the points become closer than a certain pixel value, determined by
* the `groupPixelWidth` option.
* If data grouping is applied, the grouping information of grouped
* points can be read from the [Point.dataGroup](#Point.dataGroup).
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping
* The method of approximation inside a group. When for example 30 days
* are grouped into one month, this determines what value should represent
* the group. Possible values are "average", "averages", "open", "high",
* "low", "close" and "sum". For OHLC and candlestick series the approximation
* is "ohlc" by default, which finds the open, high, low and close values
* within all the grouped data. For ranges, the approximation is "range",
* which finds the low and high values. For multi-dimensional data,
* like ranges and OHLC, "averages" will compute the average for each
* dimension.
* Custom aggregate methods can be added by assigning a callback function
* as the approximation. This function takes a numeric array as the
* argument and should return a single numeric value or `null`. Note
* that the numeric array will never contain null values, only true
* numbers. Instead, if null values are present in the raw data, the
* numeric array will have an `.hasNulls` property set to `true`. For
* single-value data sets the data is available in the first argument
* of the callback function. For OHLC data sets, all the open values
* are in the first argument, all high values in the second etc.
* Since v4.2.7, grouping meta data is available in the approximation
* callback from `this.dataGroupInfo`. It can be used to extract information
* from the raw data.
* Defaults to `average` for line-type series, `sum` for columns, `range`
* for range series and `ohlc` for OHLC and candlestick.
* @validvalue ["average", "averages", "open", "high", "low", "close", "sum"]
* @type {String|Function}
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-datagrouping-approximation
* Approximation callback with custom data
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.approximation
* Datetime formats for the header of the tooltip in a stock chart.
* The format can vary within a chart depending on the currently selected
* time range and the current data grouping.
* The default formats are:
* <pre>{
* millisecond: [
* '%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L', '-%H:%M:%S.%L'
* ],
* second: ['%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S', '-%H:%M:%S'],
* minute: ['%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '-%H:%M'],
* hour: ['%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '%A, %b %e, %H:%M', '-%H:%M'],
* day: ['%A, %b %e, %Y', '%A, %b %e', '-%A, %b %e, %Y'],
* week: ['Week from %A, %b %e, %Y', '%A, %b %e', '-%A, %b %e, %Y'],
* month: ['%B %Y', '%B', '-%B %Y'],
* year: ['%Y', '%Y', '-%Y']
* }</pre>
* For each of these array definitions, the first item is the format
* used when the active time span is one unit. For instance, if the
* current data applies to one week, the first item of the week array
* is used. The second and third items are used when the active time
* span is more than two units. For instance, if the current data applies
* to two weeks, the second and third item of the week array are used,
* and applied to the start and end date of the time span.
* @type {Object}
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.dateTimeLabelFormats
* Enable or disable data grouping.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.enabled
* When data grouping is forced, it runs no matter how small the intervals
* are. This can be handy for example when the sum should be calculated
* for values appearing at random times within each hour.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.forced
* The approximate pixel width of each group. If for example a series
* with 30 points is displayed over a 600 pixel wide plot area, no grouping
* is performed. If however the series contains so many points that
* the spacing is less than the groupPixelWidth, Highcharts will try
* to group it into appropriate groups so that each is more or less
* two pixels wide. If multiple series with different group pixel widths
* are drawn on the same x axis, all series will take the greatest width.
* For example, line series have 2px default group width, while column
* series have 10px. If combined, both the line and the column will
* have 10px by default.
* @type {Number}
* @default 2
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.groupPixelWidth
* By default only points within the visible range are grouped. Enabling this
* option will force data grouping to calculate all grouped points for a given
* dataset. That option prevents for example a column series from calculating
* a grouped point partially. The effect is similar to
* [Series.getExtremesFromAll](#plotOptions.series.getExtremesFromAll) but does
* not affect yAxis extremes.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-datagrouping-groupall/
* Two series with the same data but different groupAll setting
* @default false
* @since 6.1.0
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.groupAll
* Normally, a group is indexed by the start of that group, so for example
* when 30 daily values are grouped into one month, that month's x value
* will be the 1st of the month. This apparently shifts the data to
* the left. When the smoothed option is true, this is compensated for.
* The data is shifted to the middle of the group, and min and max
* values are preserved. Internally, this is used in the Navigator series.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.smoothed
* An array determining what time intervals the data is allowed to be
* grouped to. Each array item is an array where the first value is
* the time unit and the second value another array of allowed multiples.
* Defaults to:
* <pre>units: [[
* 'millisecond', // unit name
* [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500] // allowed multiples
* ], [
* 'second',
* [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]
* ], [
* 'minute',
* [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]
* ], [
* 'hour',
* [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]
* ], [
* 'day',
* [1]
* ], [
* 'week',
* [1]
* ], [
* 'month',
* [1, 3, 6]
* ], [
* 'year',
* null
* ]]</pre>
* @type {Array}
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.dataGrouping.units
* The approximate pixel width of each group. If for example a series
* with 30 points is displayed over a 600 pixel wide plot area, no grouping
* is performed. If however the series contains so many points that
* the spacing is less than the groupPixelWidth, Highcharts will try
* to group it into appropriate groups so that each is more or less
* two pixels wide. Defaults to `10`.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-datagrouping-grouppixelwidth/
* Two series with the same data density but different groupPixelWidth
* @default 10
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.column.dataGrouping.groupPixelWidth
var seriesProto = Series.prototype,
baseProcessData = seriesProto.processData,
baseGeneratePoints = seriesProto.generatePoints,
commonOptions = {
approximation: 'average', // average, open, high, low, close, sum
// enabled: null, // (true for stock charts, false for basic),
// forced: undefined,
groupPixelWidth: 2,
// the first one is the point or start value, the second is the start
// value if we're dealing with range, the third one is the end value if
// dealing with a range
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
millisecond: [
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L',
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L',
second: [
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S',
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S',
minute: [
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M',
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M',
hour: [
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M',
'%A, %b %e, %H:%M',
day: [
'%A, %b %e, %Y',
'%A, %b %e',
'-%A, %b %e, %Y'
week: [
'Week from %A, %b %e, %Y',
'%A, %b %e',
'-%A, %b %e, %Y'
month: [
'%B %Y',
'-%B %Y'
year: [
// smoothed = false, // enable this for navigator series only
specificOptions = { // extends common options
line: {},
spline: {},
area: {},
areaspline: {},
column: {
approximation: 'sum',
groupPixelWidth: 10
arearange: {
approximation: 'range'
areasplinerange: {
approximation: 'range'
columnrange: {
approximation: 'range',
groupPixelWidth: 10
candlestick: {
approximation: 'ohlc',
groupPixelWidth: 10
ohlc: {
approximation: 'ohlc',
groupPixelWidth: 5
// units are defined in a separate array to allow complete overriding in
// case of a user option
defaultDataGroupingUnits = H.defaultDataGroupingUnits = [
'millisecond', // unit name
[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500] // allowed multiples
], [
[1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]
], [
[1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]
], [
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]
], [
], [
], [
[1, 3, 6]
], [
* Define the available approximation types. The data grouping
* approximations takes an array or numbers as the first parameter. In case
* of ohlc, four arrays are sent in as four parameters. Each array consists
* only of numbers. In case null values belong to the group, the property
* .hasNulls will be set to true on the array.
approximations = H.approximations = {
sum: function (arr) {
var len = arr.length,
// 1. it consists of nulls exclusively
if (!len && arr.hasNulls) {
ret = null;
// 2. it has a length and real values
} else if (len) {
ret = 0;
while (len--) {
ret += arr[len];
// 3. it has zero length, so just return undefined
// => doNothing()
return ret;
average: function (arr) {
var len = arr.length,
ret = approximations.sum(arr);
// If we have a number, return it divided by the length. If not,
// return null or undefined based on what the sum method finds.
if (isNumber(ret) && len) {
ret = ret / len;
return ret;
// The same as average, but for series with multiple values, like area
// ranges.
averages: function () { // #5479
var ret = [];
each(arguments, function (arr) {
// Return undefined when first elem. is undefined and let
// sum method handle null (#7377)
return ret[0] === undefined ? undefined : ret;
open: function (arr) {
return arr.length ? arr[0] : (arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined);
high: function (arr) {
return arr.length ?
arrayMax(arr) :
(arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined);
low: function (arr) {
return arr.length ?
arrayMin(arr) :
(arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined);
close: function (arr) {
return arr.length ?
arr[arr.length - 1] :
(arr.hasNulls ? null : undefined);
// ohlc and range are special cases where a multidimensional array is
// input and an array is output
ohlc: function (open, high, low, close) {
open =;
high = approximations.high(high);
low = approximations.low(low);
close = approximations.close(close);
if (
isNumber(open) ||
isNumber(high) ||
isNumber(low) ||
) {
return [open, high, low, close];
// else, return is undefined
range: function (low, high) {
low = approximations.low(low);
high = approximations.high(high);
if (isNumber(low) || isNumber(high)) {
return [low, high];
} else if (low === null && high === null) {
return null;
// else, return is undefined
* Takes parallel arrays of x and y data and groups the data into intervals
* defined by groupPositions, a collection of starting x values for each group.
seriesProto.groupData = function (xData, yData, groupPositions, approximation) {
var series = this,
data =,
dataOptions =,
groupedXData = [],
groupedYData = [],
groupMap = [],
dataLength = xData.length,
// when grouping the fake extended axis for panning,
// we don't need to consider y
handleYData = !!yData,
values = [],
approximationFn = typeof approximation === 'function' ?
approximation :
approximations[approximation] ||
// if the approximation is not found use default series type
// approximation (#2914)
specificOptions[series.type] &&
) || approximations[commonOptions.approximation],
pointArrayMap = series.pointArrayMap,
pointArrayMapLength = pointArrayMap && pointArrayMap.length,
pos = 0,
start = 0,
i, j;
// Calculate values array size from pointArrayMap length
if (pointArrayMapLength) {
each(pointArrayMap, function () {
} else {
valuesLen = pointArrayMapLength || 1;
// Start with the first point within the X axis range (#2696)
for (i = 0; i <= dataLength; i++) {
if (xData[i] >= groupPositions[0]) {
for (i; i <= dataLength; i++) {
// when a new group is entered, summarize and initiate
// the previous group
while ((
groupPositions[pos + 1] !== undefined &&
xData[i] >= groupPositions[pos + 1]
) || i === dataLength) { // get the last group
// get group x and y
pointX = groupPositions[pos];
series.dataGroupInfo = { start: start, length: values[0].length };
groupedY = approximationFn.apply(series, values);
// push the grouped data
if (groupedY !== undefined) {
// reset the aggregate arrays
start = i;
for (j = 0; j < valuesLen; j++) {
values[j].length = 0; // faster than values[j] = []
values[j].hasNulls = false;
// Advance on the group positions
pos += 1;
// don't loop beyond the last group
if (i === dataLength) {
// break out
if (i === dataLength) {
// for each raw data point, push it to an array that contains all values
// for this specific group
if (pointArrayMap) {
var index = series.cropStart + i,
point = (data && data[index]) ||
series: series
}, [dataOptions[index]]),
for (j = 0; j < pointArrayMapLength; j++) {
val = point[pointArrayMap[j]];
if (isNumber(val)) {
} else if (val === null) {
values[j].hasNulls = true;
} else {
pointY = handleYData ? yData[i] : null;
if (isNumber(pointY)) {
} else if (pointY === null) {
values[0].hasNulls = true;
return [groupedXData, groupedYData, groupMap];
* Extend the basic processData method, that crops the data to the current zoom
* range, with data grouping logic.
seriesProto.processData = function () {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
options = series.options,
dataGroupingOptions = options.dataGrouping,
groupingEnabled = series.allowDG !== false && dataGroupingOptions &&
pick(dataGroupingOptions.enabled, chart.options.isStock),
visible = series.visible || !chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries,
lastDataGrouping = this.currentDataGrouping,
// Run base method
series.forceCrop = groupingEnabled; // #334
series.groupPixelWidth = null; // #2110
series.hasProcessed = true; // #2692
// Skip if processData returns false or if grouping is disabled (in that
// order)
skip = (
baseProcessData.apply(series, arguments) === false ||
if (!skip) {
var i,
processedXData = dataGroupingOptions.groupAll ? series.xData :
processedYData = dataGroupingOptions.groupAll ? series.yData :
plotSizeX = chart.plotSizeX,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
ordinal = xAxis.options.ordinal,
groupPixelWidth = series.groupPixelWidth =
xAxis.getGroupPixelWidth && xAxis.getGroupPixelWidth();
// Execute grouping if the amount of points is greater than the limit
// defined in groupPixelWidth
if (groupPixelWidth) {
hasGroupedData = true;
// Force recreation of point instances in series.translate, #5699
series.isDirty = true;
series.points = null; // #6709
var extremes = xAxis.getExtremes(),
xMin = extremes.min,
xMax = extremes.max,
groupIntervalFactor = (
ordinal &&
xAxis.getGroupIntervalFactor(xMin, xMax, series)
) || 1,
interval =
(groupPixelWidth * (xMax - xMin) / plotSizeX) *
groupPositions = xAxis.getTimeTicks(
dataGroupingOptions.units || defaultDataGroupingUnits
// Processed data may extend beyond axis (#4907)
Math.min(xMin, processedXData[0]),
Math.max(xMax, processedXData[processedXData.length - 1]),
groupedData = seriesProto.groupData.apply(
groupedXData = groupedData[0],
groupedYData = groupedData[1];
// Prevent the smoothed data to spill out left and right, and make
// sure data is not shifted to the left
if (dataGroupingOptions.smoothed && groupedXData.length) {
i = groupedXData.length - 1;
groupedXData[i] = Math.min(groupedXData[i], xMax);
while (i-- && i > 0) {
groupedXData[i] += interval / 2;
groupedXData[0] = Math.max(groupedXData[0], xMin);
// Record what data grouping values were used
currentDataGrouping =;
series.closestPointRange =;
series.groupMap = groupedData[2];
// Make sure the X axis extends to show the first group (#2533)
// But only for visible series (#5493, #6393)
if (
defined(groupedXData[0]) &&
groupedXData[0] < xAxis.dataMin &&
) {
if (xAxis.min <= xAxis.dataMin) {
xAxis.min = groupedXData[0];
xAxis.dataMin = groupedXData[0];
// We calculated all group positions but we should render
// only the ones within the visible range
if (dataGroupingOptions.groupAll) {
croppedData = series.cropData(
1 // Ordinal xAxis will remove left-most points otherwise
groupedXData = croppedData.xData;
groupedYData = croppedData.yData;
// Set series props
series.processedXData = groupedXData;
series.processedYData = groupedYData;
} else {
series.groupMap = null;
series.hasGroupedData = hasGroupedData;
series.currentDataGrouping = currentDataGrouping;
series.preventGraphAnimation =
(lastDataGrouping && lastDataGrouping.totalRange) !==
(currentDataGrouping && currentDataGrouping.totalRange);
* Destroy the grouped data points. #622, #740
seriesProto.destroyGroupedData = function () {
var groupedData = this.groupedData;
// clear previous groups
each(groupedData || [], function (point, i) {
if (point) {
groupedData[i] = point.destroy ? point.destroy() : null;
this.groupedData = null;
* Override the generatePoints method by adding a reference to grouped data
seriesProto.generatePoints = function () {
// Record grouped data in order to let it be destroyed the next time
// processData runs
this.destroyGroupedData(); // #622
this.groupedData = this.hasGroupedData ? this.points : null;
* Override point prototype to throw a warning when trying to update grouped
* points
addEvent(Point, 'update', function () {
if (this.dataGroup) {
return false;
* Extend the original method, make the tooltip's header reflect the grouped
* range
wrap(Tooltip.prototype, 'tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter', function (
) {
var tooltip = this,
time = this.chart.time,
series = labelConfig.series,
options = series.options,
tooltipOptions = series.tooltipOptions,
dataGroupingOptions = options.dataGrouping,
xDateFormat = tooltipOptions.xDateFormat,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
// apply only to grouped series
if (
xAxis &&
xAxis.options.type === 'datetime' &&
dataGroupingOptions &&
) {
// set variables
currentDataGrouping = series.currentDataGrouping;
dateTimeLabelFormats = dataGroupingOptions.dateTimeLabelFormats;
// if we have grouped data, use the grouping information to get the
// right format
if (currentDataGrouping) {
labelFormats = dateTimeLabelFormats[currentDataGrouping.unitName];
if (currentDataGrouping.count === 1) {
xDateFormat = labelFormats[0];
} else {
xDateFormat = labelFormats[1];
xDateFormatEnd = labelFormats[2];
// if not grouped, and we don't have set the xDateFormat option, get the
// best fit, so if the least distance between points is one minute, show
// it, but if the least distance is one day, skip hours and minutes etc.
} else if (!xDateFormat && dateTimeLabelFormats) {
xDateFormat = tooltip.getXDateFormat(
// now format the key
formattedKey = time.dateFormat(xDateFormat, labelConfig.key);
if (xDateFormatEnd) {
formattedKey += time.dateFormat(
labelConfig.key + currentDataGrouping.totalRange - 1
// return the replaced format
return format(
tooltipOptions[(isFooter ? 'footer' : 'header') + 'Format'], {
point: extend(labelConfig.point, { key: formattedKey }),
series: series
// else, fall back to the regular formatter
return, labelConfig, isFooter);
* Destroy grouped data on series destroy
addEvent(Series, 'destroy', seriesProto.destroyGroupedData);
// Handle default options for data grouping. This must be set at runtime because
// some series types are defined after this.
addEvent(Series, 'afterSetOptions', function (e) {
var options = e.options,
type = this.type,
plotOptions = this.chart.options.plotOptions,
defaultOptions = defaultPlotOptions[type].dataGrouping,
// External series, for example technical indicators should also
// inherit commonOptions which are not available outside this module
baseOptions = this.useCommonDataGrouping && commonOptions;
if (specificOptions[type] || baseOptions) { // #1284
if (!defaultOptions) {
defaultOptions = merge(commonOptions, specificOptions[type]);
options.dataGrouping = merge(
plotOptions.series && plotOptions.series.dataGrouping, // #1228
plotOptions[type].dataGrouping, // Set by the StockChart constructor
if (this.chart.options.isStock) {
this.requireSorting = true;
* When resetting the scale reset the hasProccessed flag to avoid taking
* previous data grouping of neighbour series into accound when determining
* group pixel width (#2692).
addEvent(Axis, 'afterSetScale', function () {
each(this.series, function (series) {
series.hasProcessed = false;
* Get the data grouping pixel width based on the greatest defined individual
* width
* of the axis' series, and if whether one of the axes need grouping.
Axis.prototype.getGroupPixelWidth = function () {
var series = this.series,
len = series.length,
groupPixelWidth = 0,
doGrouping = false,
// If multiple series are compared on the same x axis, give them the same
// group pixel width (#334)
i = len;
while (i--) {
dgOptions = series[i].options.dataGrouping;
if (dgOptions) {
groupPixelWidth = Math.max(
// If one of the series needs grouping, apply it to all (#1634)
i = len;
while (i--) {
dgOptions = series[i].options.dataGrouping;
if (dgOptions && series[i].hasProcessed) { // #2692
dataLength = (series[i].processedXData || series[i].data).length;
// Execute grouping if the amount of points is greater than the
// limit defined in groupPixelWidth
if (
series[i].groupPixelWidth ||
dataLength > (this.chart.plotSizeX / groupPixelWidth) ||
(dataLength && dgOptions.forced)
) {
doGrouping = true;
return doGrouping ? groupPixelWidth : 0;
* Highstock only. Force data grouping on all the axis' series.
* @param {SeriesDatagroupingOptions} [dataGrouping]
* A `dataGrouping` configuration. Use `false` to disable data grouping
* dynamically.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart or wait for a later call to {@link
* Chart#redraw}.
* @function setDataGrouping
* @memberOf Axis.prototype
Axis.prototype.setDataGrouping = function (dataGrouping, redraw) {
var i;
redraw = pick(redraw, true);
if (!dataGrouping) {
dataGrouping = {
forced: false,
units: null
// Axis is instantiated, update all series
if (this instanceof Axis) {
i = this.series.length;
while (i--) {
dataGrouping: dataGrouping
}, false);
// Axis not yet instanciated, alter series options
} else {
each(this.chart.options.series, function (seriesOptions) {
seriesOptions.dataGrouping = dataGrouping;
}, false);
// Clear ordinal slope, so we won't accidentaly use the old one (#7827)
this.ordinalSlope = null;
if (redraw) {
/* ****************************************************************************
* End data grouping module *
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
arrayMax = H.arrayMax,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
format = H.format,
map =,
merge = H.merge,
noop = H.noop,
pick = H.pick,
relativeLength = H.relativeLength,
Series = H.Series,
seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
some = H.some,
stableSort = H.stableSort;
* General distribution algorithm for distributing labels of differing size
* along a confined length in two dimensions. The algorithm takes an array of
* objects containing a size, a target and a rank. It will place the labels as
* close as possible to their targets, skipping the lowest ranked labels if
* necessary.
H.distribute = function (boxes, len, maxDistance) {
var i,
overlapping = true,
origBoxes = boxes, // Original array will be altered with added .pos
restBoxes = [], // The outranked overshoot
total = 0,
reducedLen = origBoxes.reducedLen || len;
function sortByTarget(a, b) {
return -;
// If the total size exceeds the len, remove those boxes with the lowest
// rank
i = boxes.length;
while (i--) {
total += boxes[i].size;
// Sort by rank, then slice away overshoot
if (total > reducedLen) {
stableSort(boxes, function (a, b) {
return (b.rank || 0) - (a.rank || 0);
i = 0;
total = 0;
while (total <= reducedLen) {
total += boxes[i].size;
restBoxes = boxes.splice(i - 1, boxes.length);
// Order by target
stableSort(boxes, sortByTarget);
// So far we have been mutating the original array. Now
// create a copy with target arrays
boxes = map(boxes, function (box) {
return {
size: box.size,
targets: [],
align: pick(box.align, 0.5)
while (overlapping) {
// Initial positions: target centered in box
i = boxes.length;
while (i--) {
box = boxes[i];
// Composite box, average of targets
target = (
Math.min.apply(0, box.targets) +
Math.max.apply(0, box.targets)
) / 2;
box.pos = Math.min(
Math.max(0, target - box.size * box.align),
len - box.size
// Detect overlap and join boxes
i = boxes.length;
overlapping = false;
while (i--) {
// Overlap
if (i > 0 && boxes[i - 1].pos + boxes[i - 1].size > boxes[i].pos) {
// Add this size to the previous box
boxes[i - 1].size += boxes[i].size;
boxes[i - 1].targets = boxes[i - 1]
boxes[i - 1].align = 0.5;
// Overlapping right, push left
if (boxes[i - 1].pos + boxes[i - 1].size > len) {
boxes[i - 1].pos = len - boxes[i - 1].size;
boxes.splice(i, 1); // Remove this item
overlapping = true;
// Add the rest (hidden boxes)
origBoxes.push.apply(origBoxes, restBoxes);
// Now the composite boxes are placed, we need to put the original boxes
// within them
i = 0;
some(boxes, function (box) {
var posInCompositeBox = 0;
if (some(box.targets, function () {
origBoxes[i].pos = box.pos + posInCompositeBox;
// If the distance between the position and the target exceeds
// maxDistance, abort the loop and decrease the length in increments
// of 10% to recursively reduce the number of visible boxes by
// rank. Once all boxes are within the maxDistance, we're good.
if (
Math.abs(origBoxes[i].pos - origBoxes[i].target) >
) {
// Reset the positions that are already set
each(origBoxes.slice(0, i + 1), function (box) {
delete box.pos;
// Try with a smaller length
origBoxes.reducedLen =
(origBoxes.reducedLen || len) - (len * 0.1);
// Recurse
if (origBoxes.reducedLen > len * 0.1) {
H.distribute(origBoxes, len, maxDistance);
// Exceeded maxDistance => abort
return true;
posInCompositeBox += origBoxes[i].size;
})) {
// Exceeded maxDistance => abort
return true;
// Add the rest (hidden) boxes and sort by target
stableSort(origBoxes, sortByTarget);
* Draw the data labels
Series.prototype.drawDataLabels = function () {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
seriesOptions = series.options,
options = seriesOptions.dataLabels,
points = series.points,
hasRendered = series.hasRendered || 0,
defer = pick(options.defer, !!seriesOptions.animation),
renderer = chart.renderer;
* Handle the dataLabels.filter option.
function applyFilter(point, options) {
var filter = options.filter,
if (filter) {
op = filter.operator;
prop = point[];
val = filter.value;
if (
(op === '>' && prop > val) ||
(op === '<' && prop < val) ||
(op === '>=' && prop >= val) ||
(op === '<=' && prop <= val) ||
(op === '==' && prop == val) || // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
(op === '===' && prop === val)
) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
if (options.enabled || series._hasPointLabels) {
// Process default alignment of data labels for columns
if (series.dlProcessOptions) {
// Create a separate group for the data labels to avoid rotation
dataLabelsGroup = series.plotGroup(
defer && !hasRendered ? 'hidden' : 'visible', // #5133
options.zIndex || 6
if (defer) {
dataLabelsGroup.attr({ opacity: +hasRendered }); // #3300
if (!hasRendered) {
addEvent(series, 'afterAnimate', function () {
if (series.visible) { // #2597, #3023, #3024;
seriesOptions.animation ? 'animate' : 'attr'
]({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 200 });
// Make the labels for each point
generalOptions = options;
each(points, function (point) {
var enabled,
dataLabel = point.dataLabel,
connector = point.connector,
isNew = !dataLabel,
// Determine if each data label is enabled
// @note dataLabelAttribs (like pointAttribs) would eradicate
// the need for dlOptions, and simplify the section below.
pointOptions = point.dlOptions || // dlOptions is used in treemaps
(point.options && point.options.dataLabels);
enabled = pick(
pointOptions && pointOptions.enabled,
) && !point.isNull; // #2282, #4641, #7112
if (enabled) {
enabled = applyFilter(point, pointOptions || options) === true;
if (enabled) {
// Create individual options structure that can be extended
// without affecting others
options = merge(generalOptions, pointOptions);
labelConfig = point.getLabelConfig();
formatString = (
options[point.formatPrefix + 'Format'] ||
str = defined(formatString) ?
format(formatString, labelConfig, chart.time) :
options[point.formatPrefix + 'Formatter'] ||
).call(labelConfig, options);
style =;
rotation = options.rotation;
// Determine the color
style.color = pick(
// Get automated contrast color
if (style.color === 'contrast') {
point.contrastColor =
renderer.getContrast(point.color || series.color);
style.color = options.inside ||
pick(point.labelDistance, options.distance) < 0 ||
!!seriesOptions.stacking ?
point.contrastColor :
if (seriesOptions.cursor) {
style.cursor = seriesOptions.cursor;
attr = {
fill: options.backgroundColor,
stroke: options.borderColor,
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth,
r: options.borderRadius || 0,
rotation: rotation,
padding: options.padding,
zIndex: 1
// Remove unused attributes (#947)
H.objectEach(attr, function (val, name) {
if (val === undefined) {
delete attr[name];
// If the point is outside the plot area, destroy it. #678, #820
if (dataLabel && (!enabled || !defined(str))) {
point.dataLabel = dataLabel = dataLabel.destroy();
if (connector) {
point.connector = connector.destroy();
// Individual labels are disabled if the are explicitly disabled
// in the point options, or if they fall outside the plot area.
} else if (enabled && defined(str)) {
// create new label
if (!dataLabel) {
dataLabel = point.dataLabel = rotation ?
renderer.text(str, 0, -9999) // labels don't rotate
.addClass('highcharts-data-label') :
' highcharts-data-label-color-' + point.colorIndex +
' ' + (options.className || '') +
(options.useHTML ? 'highcharts-tracker' : '') // #3398
} else {
attr.text = str;
// Styles must be applied before add in order to read text
// bounding box
if (!dataLabel.added) {
// Now the data label is created and placed at 0,0, so we need
// to align it
series.alignDataLabel(point, dataLabel, options, null, isNew);
H.fireEvent(this, 'afterDrawDataLabels');
* Align each individual data label
Series.prototype.alignDataLabel = function (
) {
var chart = this.chart,
inverted = chart.inverted,
plotX = pick(point.dlBox && point.dlBox.centerX, point.plotX, -9999),
plotY = pick(point.plotY, -9999),
bBox = dataLabel.getBBox(),
rotation = options.rotation,
align = options.align,
rotCorr, // rotation correction
// Math.round for rounding errors (#2683), alignTo to allow column
// labels (#2700)
visible =
this.visible &&
point.series.forceDL ||
chart.isInsidePlot(plotX, Math.round(plotY), inverted) ||
alignTo && chart.isInsidePlot(
inverted ?
alignTo.x + 1 :
alignTo.y + alignTo.height - 1,
alignAttr, // the final position;
justify = pick(options.overflow, 'justify') === 'justify';
if (visible) {
fontSize =;
baseline = chart.renderer.fontMetrics(fontSize, dataLabel).b;
// The alignment box is a singular point
alignTo = extend({
x: inverted ? this.yAxis.len - plotY : plotX,
y: Math.round(inverted ? this.xAxis.len - plotX : plotY),
width: 0,
height: 0
}, alignTo);
// Add the text size for alignment calculation
extend(options, {
width: bBox.width,
height: bBox.height
// Allow a hook for changing alignment in the last moment, then do the
// alignment
if (rotation) {
justify = false; // Not supported for rotated text
rotCorr = chart.renderer.rotCorr(baseline, rotation); // #3723
alignAttr = {
x: alignTo.x + options.x + alignTo.width / 2 + rotCorr.x,
y: (
alignTo.y +
options.y +
{ top: 0, middle: 0.5, bottom: 1 }[options.verticalAlign] *
dataLabel[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate'](alignAttr)
.attr({ // #3003
align: align
// Compensate for the rotated label sticking out on the sides
normRotation = (rotation + 720) % 360;
negRotation = normRotation > 180 && normRotation < 360;
if (align === 'left') {
alignAttr.y -= negRotation ? bBox.height : 0;
} else if (align === 'center') {
alignAttr.x -= bBox.width / 2;
alignAttr.y -= bBox.height / 2;
} else if (align === 'right') {
alignAttr.x -= bBox.width;
alignAttr.y -= negRotation ? 0 : bBox.height;
dataLabel.placed = true;
dataLabel.alignAttr = alignAttr;
} else {
dataLabel.align(options, null, alignTo);
alignAttr = dataLabel.alignAttr;
// Handle justify or crop
if (justify) {
point.isLabelJustified = this.justifyDataLabel(
// Now check that the data label is within the plot area
} else if (pick(options.crop, true)) {
visible =
) &&
alignAttr.x + bBox.width,
alignAttr.y + bBox.height
// When we're using a shape, make it possible with a connector or an
// arrow pointing to thie point
if (options.shape && !rotation) {
dataLabel[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({
anchorX: inverted ? chart.plotWidth - point.plotY : point.plotX,
anchorY: inverted ? chart.plotHeight - point.plotX : point.plotY
// Show or hide based on the final aligned position
if (!visible) {
dataLabel.attr({ y: -9999 });
dataLabel.placed = false; // don't animate back in
* If data labels fall partly outside the plot area, align them back in, in a
* way that doesn't hide the point.
Series.prototype.justifyDataLabel = function (
) {
var chart = this.chart,
align = options.align,
verticalAlign = options.verticalAlign,
padding = ? 0 : (dataLabel.padding || 0);
// Off left
off = alignAttr.x + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (align === 'right') {
options.align = 'left';
} else {
options.x = -off;
justified = true;
// Off right
off = alignAttr.x + bBox.width - padding;
if (off > chart.plotWidth) {
if (align === 'left') {
options.align = 'right';
} else {
options.x = chart.plotWidth - off;
justified = true;
// Off top
off = alignAttr.y + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
options.verticalAlign = 'top';
} else {
options.y = -off;
justified = true;
// Off bottom
off = alignAttr.y + bBox.height - padding;
if (off > chart.plotHeight) {
if (verticalAlign === 'top') {
options.verticalAlign = 'bottom';
} else {
options.y = chart.plotHeight - off;
justified = true;
if (justified) {
dataLabel.placed = !isNew;
dataLabel.align(options, null, alignTo);
return justified;
* Override the base drawDataLabels method by pie specific functionality
if (seriesTypes.pie) {
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.drawDataLabels = function () {
var series = this,
data =,
chart = series.chart,
options = series.options.dataLabels,
connectorPadding = pick(options.connectorPadding, 10),
connectorWidth = pick(options.connectorWidth, 1),
plotWidth = chart.plotWidth,
plotHeight = chart.plotHeight,
maxWidth = Math.round(chart.chartWidth / 3),
seriesCenter =,
radius = seriesCenter[2] / 2,
centerY = seriesCenter[1],
// divide the points into right and left halves for anti collision
halves = [
[], // right
[] // left
overflow = [0, 0, 0, 0]; // top, right, bottom, left
// get out if not enabled
if (!series.visible || (!options.enabled && !series._hasPointLabels)) {
// Reset all labels that have been shortened
each(data, function (point) {
if (point.dataLabel && point.visible && point.dataLabel.shortened) {
width: 'auto'
width: 'auto',
textOverflow: 'clip'
point.dataLabel.shortened = false;
// run parent method
each(data, function (point) {
if (point.dataLabel && point.visible) { // #407, #2510
// Arrange points for detection collision
// Reset positions (#4905)
point.dataLabel._pos = null;
// Avoid long labels squeezing the pie size too far down
if (
!defined( &&
point.options.dataLabels && &&
) {
if (point.dataLabel.getBBox().width > maxWidth) {
// Use a fraction of the maxWidth to avoid wrapping
// close to the end of the string.
width: maxWidth * 0.7
point.dataLabel.shortened = true;
/* Loop over the points in each half, starting from the top and bottom
* of the pie to detect overlapping labels.
each(halves, function (points, i) {
var top,
length = points.length,
positions = [],
positionsIndex, // Point index in positions array.
if (!length) {
// Sort by angle
series.sortByAngle(points, i - 0.5);
// Only do anti-collision when we have dataLabels outside the pie
// and have connectors. (#856)
if (series.maxLabelDistance > 0) {
top = Math.max(
centerY - radius - series.maxLabelDistance
bottom = Math.min(
centerY + radius + series.maxLabelDistance,
each(points, function (point) {
// check if specific points' label is outside the pie
if (point.labelDistance > 0 && point.dataLabel) {
// depends on point.labelDistance value
// Used for calculation of y value in getX method = Math.max(
centerY - radius - point.labelDistance
point.bottom = Math.min(
centerY + radius + point.labelDistance,
size = point.dataLabel.getBBox().height || 21;
// point.positionsIndex is needed for getting index of
// parameter related to specific point inside positions
// array - not every point is in positions array.
point.positionsIndex = positions.push({
target: point.labelPos[1] - + size / 2,
size: size,
rank: point.y
}) - 1;
distributionLength = bottom + size - top;
distributionLength / 5
// Now the used slots are sorted, fill them up sequentially
for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
point = points[j];
positionsIndex = point.positionsIndex;
labelPos = point.labelPos;
dataLabel = point.dataLabel;
visibility = point.visible === false ? 'hidden' : 'inherit';
naturalY = labelPos[1];
y = naturalY;
if (positions && defined(positions[positionsIndex])) {
if (positions[positionsIndex].pos === undefined) {
visibility = 'hidden';
} else {
labelHeight = positions[positionsIndex].size;
y = + positions[positionsIndex].pos;
// It is needed to delete point.positionIndex for
// dynamically added points etc.
delete point.positionIndex;
// get the x - use the natural x position for labels near the
// top and bottom, to prevent the top and botton slice
// connectors from touching each other on either side
if (options.justify) {
x = seriesCenter[0] +
(i ? -1 : 1) * (radius + point.labelDistance);
} else {
x = series.getX(
y < + 2 || y > point.bottom - 2 ?
naturalY :
// Record the placement and visibility
dataLabel._attr = {
visibility: visibility,
align: labelPos[6]
dataLabel._pos = {
x: (
x +
options.x +
left: connectorPadding,
right: -connectorPadding
}[labelPos[6]] || 0)
// 10 is for the baseline (label vs text)
y: y + options.y - 10
labelPos.x = x;
labelPos.y = y;
// Detect overflowing data labels
if (pick(options.crop, true)) {
dataLabelWidth = dataLabel.getBBox().width;
sideOverflow = null;
// Overflow left
if (
x - dataLabelWidth < connectorPadding &&
i === 1 // left half
) {
sideOverflow = Math.round(
dataLabelWidth - x + connectorPadding
overflow[3] = Math.max(sideOverflow, overflow[3]);
// Overflow right
} else if (
x + dataLabelWidth > plotWidth - connectorPadding &&
i === 0 // right half
) {
sideOverflow = Math.round(
x + dataLabelWidth - plotWidth + connectorPadding
overflow[1] = Math.max(sideOverflow, overflow[1]);
// Overflow top
if (y - labelHeight / 2 < 0) {
overflow[0] = Math.max(
Math.round(-y + labelHeight / 2),
// Overflow left
} else if (y + labelHeight / 2 > plotHeight) {
overflow[2] = Math.max(
Math.round(y + labelHeight / 2 - plotHeight),
dataLabel.sideOverflow = sideOverflow;
} // for each point
}); // for each half
// Do not apply the final placement and draw the connectors until we
// have verified that labels are not spilling over.
if (
arrayMax(overflow) === 0 ||
) {
// Place the labels in the final position
// Draw the connectors
if (connectorWidth) {
each(this.points, function (point) {
var isNew;
connector = point.connector;
dataLabel = point.dataLabel;
if (
dataLabel &&
dataLabel._pos &&
point.visible &&
point.labelDistance > 0
) {
visibility = dataLabel._attr.visibility;
isNew = !connector;
if (isNew) {
point.connector = connector = chart.renderer.path()
.addClass('highcharts-data-label-connector ' +
' highcharts-color-' + point.colorIndex +
point.className ?
' ' + point.className :
'stroke-width': connectorWidth,
'stroke': (
options.connectorColor ||
point.color ||
connector[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({
d: series.connectorPath(point.labelPos)
connector.attr('visibility', visibility);
} else if (connector) {
point.connector = connector.destroy();
* Extendable method for getting the path of the connector between the data
* label and the pie slice.
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.connectorPath = function (labelPos) {
var x = labelPos.x,
y = labelPos.y;
return pick(this.options.dataLabels.softConnector, true) ? [
// end of the string at the label
x + (labelPos[6] === 'left' ? 5 : -5), y,
x, y, // first break, next to the label
2 * labelPos[2] - labelPos[4], 2 * labelPos[3] - labelPos[5],
labelPos[2], labelPos[3], // second break
labelPos[4], labelPos[5] // base
] : [
// end of the string at the label
x + (labelPos[6] === 'left' ? 5 : -5), y,
labelPos[2], labelPos[3], // second break
labelPos[4], labelPos[5] // base
* Perform the final placement of the data labels after we have verified
* that they fall within the plot area.
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.placeDataLabels = function () {
each(this.points, function (point) {
var dataLabel = point.dataLabel,
if (dataLabel && point.visible) {
_pos = dataLabel._pos;
if (_pos) {
// Shorten data labels with ellipsis if they still overflow
// after the pie has reached minSize (#223).
if (dataLabel.sideOverflow) {
dataLabel._attr.width =
dataLabel.getBBox().width - dataLabel.sideOverflow;
width: dataLabel._attr.width + 'px',
textOverflow: ( ||
dataLabel.shortened = true;
dataLabel[dataLabel.moved ? 'animate' : 'attr'](_pos);
dataLabel.moved = true;
} else if (dataLabel) {
dataLabel.attr({ y: -9999 });
}, this);
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.alignDataLabel = noop;
* Verify whether the data labels are allowed to draw, or we should run more
* translation and data label positioning to keep them inside the plot area.
* Returns true when data labels are ready to draw.
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.verifyDataLabelOverflow = function (overflow) {
var center =,
options = this.options,
centerOption =,
minSize = options.minSize || 80,
newSize = minSize,
// If a size is set, return true and don't try to shrink the pie
// to fit the labels.
ret = options.size !== null;
if (!ret) {
// Handle horizontal size and center
if (centerOption[0] !== null) { // Fixed center
newSize = Math.max(center[2] -
Math.max(overflow[1], overflow[3]), minSize);
} else { // Auto center
newSize = Math.max(
// horizontal overflow
center[2] - overflow[1] - overflow[3],
// horizontal center
center[0] += (overflow[3] - overflow[1]) / 2;
// Handle vertical size and center
if (centerOption[1] !== null) { // Fixed center
newSize = Math.max(Math.min(newSize, center[2] -
Math.max(overflow[0], overflow[2])), minSize);
} else { // Auto center
newSize = Math.max(
// vertical overflow
center[2] - overflow[0] - overflow[2]
// vertical center
center[1] += (overflow[0] - overflow[2]) / 2;
// If the size must be decreased, we need to run translate and
// drawDataLabels again
if (newSize < center[2]) {
center[2] = newSize;
center[3] = Math.min( // #3632
relativeLength(options.innerSize || 0, newSize),
if (this.drawDataLabels) {
// Else, return true to indicate that the pie and its labels is
// within the plot area
} else {
ret = true;
return ret;
if (seriesTypes.column) {
* Override the basic data label alignment by adjusting for the position of
* the column
seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel = function (
) {
var inverted = this.chart.inverted,
series = point.series,
// data label box for alignment
dlBox = point.dlBox || point.shapeArgs,
below = pick(
point.below, // range series
point.plotY > pick(this.translatedThreshold, series.yAxis.len)
// draw it inside the box?
inside = pick(options.inside, !!this.options.stacking),
// Align to the column itself, or the top of it
if (dlBox) { // Area range uses this method but not alignTo
alignTo = merge(dlBox);
if (alignTo.y < 0) {
alignTo.height += alignTo.y;
alignTo.y = 0;
overshoot = alignTo.y + alignTo.height - series.yAxis.len;
if (overshoot > 0) {
alignTo.height -= overshoot;
if (inverted) {
alignTo = {
x: series.yAxis.len - alignTo.y - alignTo.height,
y: series.xAxis.len - alignTo.x - alignTo.width,
width: alignTo.height,
height: alignTo.width
// Compute the alignment box
if (!inside) {
if (inverted) {
alignTo.x += below ? 0 : alignTo.width;
alignTo.width = 0;
} else {
alignTo.y += below ? alignTo.height : 0;
alignTo.height = 0;
// When alignment is undefined (typically columns and bars), display the
// individual point below or above the point depending on the threshold
options.align = pick(
!inverted || inside ? 'center' : below ? 'right' : 'left'
options.verticalAlign = pick(
inverted || inside ? 'middle' : below ? 'top' : 'bottom'
// Call the parent method
// If label was justified and we have contrast, set it:
if (point.isLabelJustified && point.contrastColor) {
color: point.contrastColor
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var Axis = H.Axis,
getMagnitude = H.getMagnitude,
normalizeTickInterval = H.normalizeTickInterval,
timeUnits = H.timeUnits;
* Set the tick positions to a time unit that makes sense, for example
* on the first of each month or on every Monday. Return an array
* with the time positions. Used in datetime axes as well as for grouping
* data on a datetime axis.
* @param {Object} normalizedInterval
* The interval in axis values (ms) and thecount
* @param {Number} min The minimum in axis values
* @param {Number} max The maximum in axis values
* @param {Number} startOfWeek
Axis.prototype.getTimeTicks = function () {
return this.chart.time.getTimeTicks.apply(this.chart.time, arguments);
* Get a normalized tick interval for dates. Returns a configuration object with
* unit range (interval), count and name. Used to prepare data for getTimeTicks.
* Previously this logic was part of getTimeTicks, but as getTimeTicks now runs
* of segments in stock charts, the normalizing logic was extracted in order to
* prevent it for running over again for each segment having the same interval.
* #662, #697.
Axis.prototype.normalizeTimeTickInterval = function (
) {
var units = unitsOption || [[
'millisecond', // unit name
[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500] // allowed multiples
], [
[1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]
], [
[1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]
], [
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]
], [
[1, 2]
], [
[1, 2]
], [
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
], [
unit = units[units.length - 1], // default unit is years
interval = timeUnits[unit[0]],
multiples = unit[1],
// loop through the units to find the one that best fits the tickInterval
for (i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
unit = units[i];
interval = timeUnits[unit[0]];
multiples = unit[1];
if (units[i + 1]) {
// lessThan is in the middle between the highest multiple and the
// next unit.
var lessThan = (interval * multiples[multiples.length - 1] +
timeUnits[units[i + 1][0]]) / 2;
// break and keep the current unit
if (tickInterval <= lessThan) {
// prevent 2.5 years intervals, though 25, 250 etc. are allowed
if (interval === timeUnits.year && tickInterval < 5 * interval) {
multiples = [1, 2, 5];
// get the count
count = normalizeTickInterval(
tickInterval / interval,
unit[0] === 'year' ?
Math.max(getMagnitude(tickInterval / interval), 1) : // #1913, #2360
return {
unitRange: interval,
count: count,
unitName: unit[0]
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
animate = H.animate,
Axis = H.Axis,
Chart = H.Chart,
createElement = H.createElement,
css = H.css,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
erase = H.erase,
extend = H.extend,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
inArray = H.inArray,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
isObject = H.isObject,
isArray = H.isArray,
merge = H.merge,
objectEach = H.objectEach,
pick = H.pick,
Point = H.Point,
Series = H.Series,
seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
setAnimation = H.setAnimation,
splat = H.splat;
// Extend the Chart prototype for dynamic methods
extend(Chart.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.Chart.prototype */ {
* Add a series to the chart after render time. Note that this method should
* never be used when adding data synchronously at chart render time, as it
* adds expense to the calculations and rendering. When adding data at the
* same time as the chart is initialized, add the series as a configuration
* option instead. With multiple axes, the `offset` is dynamically adjusted.
* @param {SeriesOptions} options
* The config options for the series.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after adding.
* @param {AnimationOptions} animation
* Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation
* configuration.
* @return {Highcharts.Series}
* The newly created series object.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-addseries/
* Add a series from a button
* @sample stock/members/chart-addseries/
* Add a series in Highstock
addSeries: function (options, redraw, animation) {
var series,
chart = this;
if (options) {
redraw = pick(redraw, true); // defaults to true
fireEvent(chart, 'addSeries', { options: options }, function () {
series = chart.initSeries(options);
chart.isDirtyLegend = true;
fireEvent(chart, 'afterAddSeries');
if (redraw) {
return series;
* Add an axis to the chart after render time. Note that this method should
* never be used when adding data synchronously at chart render time, as it
* adds expense to the calculations and rendering. When adding data at the
* same time as the chart is initialized, add the axis as a configuration
* option instead.
* @param {AxisOptions} options
* The axis options.
* @param {Boolean} [isX=false]
* Whether it is an X axis or a value axis.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after adding.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation=true]
* Whether and how to apply animation in the redraw.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-addaxis/ Add and remove axes
* @return {Axis}
* The newly generated Axis object.
addAxis: function (options, isX, redraw, animation) {
var key = isX ? 'xAxis' : 'yAxis',
chartOptions = this.options,
userOptions = merge(options, {
index: this[key].length,
isX: isX
axis = new Axis(this, userOptions);
// Push the new axis options to the chart options
chartOptions[key] = splat(chartOptions[key] || {});
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
return axis;
* Dim the chart and show a loading text or symbol. Options for the loading
* screen are defined in {@link
*|the loading options}.
* @param {String} str
* An optional text to show in the loading label instead of the
* default one. The default text is set in {@link
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-hideloading/
* Show and hide loading from a button
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-showloading/
* Apply different text labels
* @sample stock/members/chart-show-hide-loading/
* Toggle loading in Highstock
showLoading: function (str) {
var chart = this,
options = chart.options,
loadingDiv = chart.loadingDiv,
loadingOptions = options.loading,
setLoadingSize = function () {
if (loadingDiv) {
css(loadingDiv, {
left: chart.plotLeft + 'px',
top: chart.plotTop + 'px',
width: chart.plotWidth + 'px',
height: chart.plotHeight + 'px'
// create the layer at the first call
if (!loadingDiv) {
chart.loadingDiv = loadingDiv = createElement('div', {
className: 'highcharts-loading highcharts-loading-hidden'
}, null, chart.container);
chart.loadingSpan = createElement(
{ className: 'highcharts-loading-inner' },
addEvent(chart, 'redraw', setLoadingSize); // #1080
loadingDiv.className = 'highcharts-loading';
// Update text
chart.loadingSpan.innerHTML = str || options.lang.loading;
// Update visuals
css(loadingDiv, extend(, {
zIndex: 10
css(chart.loadingSpan, loadingOptions.labelStyle);
// Show it
if (!chart.loadingShown) {
css(loadingDiv, {
opacity: 0,
display: ''
animate(loadingDiv, {
opacity: || 0.5
}, {
duration: loadingOptions.showDuration || 0
chart.loadingShown = true;
* Hide the loading layer.
* @see Highcharts.Chart#showLoading
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-hideloading/
* Show and hide loading from a button
* @sample stock/members/chart-show-hide-loading/
* Toggle loading in Highstock
hideLoading: function () {
var options = this.options,
loadingDiv = this.loadingDiv;
if (loadingDiv) {
loadingDiv.className =
'highcharts-loading highcharts-loading-hidden';
animate(loadingDiv, {
opacity: 0
}, {
duration: options.loading.hideDuration || 100,
complete: function () {
css(loadingDiv, { display: 'none' });
this.loadingShown = false;
* These properties cause isDirtyBox to be set to true when updating. Can be
* extended from plugins.
propsRequireDirtyBox: [
* These properties cause all series to be updated when updating. Can be
* extended from plugins.
propsRequireUpdateSeries: [
* A generic function to update any element of the chart. Elements can be
* enabled and disabled, moved, re-styled, re-formatted etc.
* A special case is configuration objects that take arrays, for example
* {@link|xAxis},
* {@link|yAxis} or
* {@link|series}. For these
* collections, an `id` option is used to map the new option set to an
* existing object. If an existing object of the same id is not found, the
* corresponding item is updated. So for example, running `chart.update`
* with a series item without an id, will cause the existing chart's series
* with the same index in the series array to be updated. When the
* `oneToOne` parameter is true, `chart.update` will also take care of
* adding and removing items from the collection. Read more under the
* parameter description below.
* See also the {@link|
* responsive option set}. Switching between `responsive.rules` basically
* runs `chart.update` under the hood.
* @param {Options} options
* A configuration object for the new chart options.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart.
* @param {Boolean} [oneToOne=false]
* When `true`, the `series`, `xAxis` and `yAxis` collections will
* be updated one to one, and items will be either added or removed
* to match the new updated options. For example, if the chart has
* two series and we call `chart.update` with a configuration
* containing three series, one will be added. If we call
* `chart.update` with one series, one will be removed. Setting an
* empty `series` array will remove all series, but leaving out the
* `series` property will leave all series untouched. If the series
* have id's, the new series options will be matched by id, and the
* remaining ones removed.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation=true]
* Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation
* configuration.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-update/
* Update chart geometry
update: function (options, redraw, oneToOne, animation) {
var chart = this,
adders = {
credits: 'addCredits',
title: 'setTitle',
subtitle: 'setSubtitle'
optionsChart = options.chart,
itemsForRemoval = [];
fireEvent(chart, 'update', { options: options });
// If the top-level chart option is present, some special updates are
// required
if (optionsChart) {
merge(true, chart.options.chart, optionsChart);
// Setter function
if ('className' in optionsChart) {
if ('reflow' in optionsChart) {
if ('inverted' in optionsChart || 'polar' in optionsChart) {
// Parse options.chart.inverted and options.chart.polar together
// with the available series.
updateAllAxes = true;
if ('alignTicks' in optionsChart) { // #6452
updateAllAxes = true;
objectEach(optionsChart, function (val, key) {
if (
inArray('chart.' + key, chart.propsRequireUpdateSeries) !==
) {
updateAllSeries = true;
// Only dirty box
if (inArray(key, chart.propsRequireDirtyBox) !== -1) {
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if ('style' in optionsChart) {
// Moved up, because tooltip needs updated plotOptions (#6218)
if (options.colors) {
this.options.colors = options.colors;
if (options.plotOptions) {
merge(true, this.options.plotOptions, options.plotOptions);
// Some option stuctures correspond one-to-one to chart objects that
// have update methods, for example
// options.credits => chart.credits
// options.legend => chart.legend
// options.title => chart.title
// options.tooltip => chart.tooltip
// options.subtitle => chart.subtitle
// options.mapNavigation => chart.mapNavigation
// options.navigator => chart.navigator
// options.scrollbar => chart.scrollbar
objectEach(options, function (val, key) {
if (chart[key] && typeof chart[key].update === 'function') {
chart[key].update(val, false);
// If a one-to-one object does not exist, look for an adder function
} else if (typeof chart[adders[key]] === 'function') {
if (
key !== 'chart' &&
inArray(key, chart.propsRequireUpdateSeries) !== -1
) {
updateAllSeries = true;
// Setters for collections. For axes and series, each item is referred
// by an id. If the id is not found, it defaults to the corresponding
// item in the collection, so setting one series without an id, will
// update the first series in the chart. Setting two series without
// an id will update the first and the second respectively (#6019)
// chart.update and responsive.
], function (coll) {
if (options[coll]) {
each(splat(options[coll]), function (newOptions, i) {
var item = (
defined( &&
) || chart[coll][i];
if (item && item.coll === coll) {
item.update(newOptions, false);
if (oneToOne) {
item.touched = true;
// If oneToOne and no matching item is found, add one
if (!item && oneToOne) {
if (coll === 'series') {
chart.addSeries(newOptions, false)
.touched = true;
} else if (coll === 'xAxis' || coll === 'yAxis') {
chart.addAxis(newOptions, coll === 'xAxis', false)
.touched = true;
// Add items for removal
if (oneToOne) {
each(chart[coll], function (item) {
if (!item.touched) {
} else {
delete item.touched;
each(itemsForRemoval, function (item) {
if (updateAllAxes) {
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
axis.update({}, false);
// Certain options require the whole series structure to be thrown away
// and rebuilt
if (updateAllSeries) {
each(chart.series, function (series) {
series.update({}, false);
// For loading, just update the options, do not redraw
if (options.loading) {
merge(true, chart.options.loading, options.loading);
// Update size. Redraw is forced.
newWidth = optionsChart && optionsChart.width;
newHeight = optionsChart && optionsChart.height;
if ((isNumber(newWidth) && newWidth !== chart.chartWidth) ||
(isNumber(newHeight) && newHeight !== chart.chartHeight)) {
chart.setSize(newWidth, newHeight, animation);
} else if (pick(redraw, true)) {
* Shortcut to set the subtitle options. This can also be done from {@link
* Chart#update} or {@link Chart#setTitle}.
* @param {SubtitleOptions} options
* New subtitle options. The subtitle text itself is set by the
* `options.text` property.
setSubtitle: function (options) {
this.setTitle(undefined, options);
// extend the Point prototype for dynamic methods
extend(Point.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.Point.prototype */ {
* Update point with new options (typically x/y data) and optionally redraw
* the series.
* @param {Object} options
* The point options. Point options are handled as described under
* the `` item for each series type. For example
* for a line series, if options is a single number, the point will
* be given that number as the main y value. If it is an array, it
* will be interpreted as x and y values respectively. If it is an
* object, advanced options are applied.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after the point is updated. If doing
* more operations on the chart, it is best practice to set
* `redraw` to false and call `chart.redraw()` after.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation=true]
* Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation
* configuration.
* @sample highcharts/members/point-update-column/
* Update column value
* @sample highcharts/members/point-update-pie/
* Update pie slice
* @sample maps/members/point-update/
* Update map area value in Highmaps
update: function (options, redraw, animation, runEvent) {
var point = this,
series = point.series,
graphic = point.graphic,
chart = series.chart,
seriesOptions = series.options;
redraw = pick(redraw, true);
function update() {
// Update visuals
if (point.y === null && graphic) { // #4146
point.graphic = graphic.destroy();
if (isObject(options, true)) {
// Destroy so we can get new elements
if (graphic && graphic.element) {
// "null" is also a valid symbol
if (
options &&
options.marker &&
options.marker.symbol !== undefined
) {
point.graphic = graphic.destroy();
if (options && options.dataLabels && point.dataLabel) { // #2468
point.dataLabel = point.dataLabel.destroy();
if (point.connector) {
point.connector = point.connector.destroy(); // #7243
// record changes in the parallel arrays
i = point.index;
series.updateParallelArrays(point, i);
// Record the options to If the old or the new config
// is an object, use point options, otherwise use raw options
// (#4701, #4916).[i] = (
isObject([i], true) ||
isObject(options, true)
) ?
point.options :
// redraw
series.isDirty = series.isDirtyData = true;
if (!series.fixedBox && series.hasCartesianSeries) { // #1906, #2320
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if (seriesOptions.legendType === 'point') { // #1831, #1885
chart.isDirtyLegend = true;
if (redraw) {
// Fire the event with a default handler of doing the update
if (runEvent === false) { // When called from setData
} else {
point.firePointEvent('update', { options: options }, update);
* Remove a point and optionally redraw the series and if necessary the axes
* @param {Boolean} redraw
* Whether to redraw the chart or wait for an explicit call. When
* doing more operations on the chart, for example running
* `point.remove()` in a loop, it is best practice to set `redraw`
* to false and call `chart.redraw()` after.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation=false]
* Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation
* configuration.
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/series-point-events-remove/
* Remove point and confirm
* @sample highcharts/members/point-remove/
* Remove pie slice
* @sample maps/members/point-remove/
* Remove selected points in Highmaps
remove: function (redraw, animation) {
// Extend the series prototype for dynamic methods
extend(Series.prototype, /** @lends Series.prototype */ {
* Add a point to the series after render time. The point can be added at
* the end, or by giving it an X value, to the start or in the middle of the
* series.
* @param {Number|Array|Object} options
* The point options. If options is a single number, a point with
* that y value is appended to the series.If it is an array, it will
* be interpreted as x and y values respectively. If it is an
* object, advanced options as outlined under `` are
* applied.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after the point is added. When adding
* more than one point, it is highly recommended that the redraw
* option be set to false, and instead {@link Chart#redraw}
* is explicitly called after the adding of points is finished.
* Otherwise, the chart will redraw after adding each point.
* @param {Boolean} [shift=false]
* If true, a point is shifted off the start of the series as one is
* appended to the end.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation]
* Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation
* configuration.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-addpoint-append/
* Append point
* @sample highcharts/members/series-addpoint-append-and-shift/
* Append and shift
* @sample highcharts/members/series-addpoint-x-and-y/
* Both X and Y values given
* @sample highcharts/members/series-addpoint-pie/
* Append pie slice
* @sample stock/members/series-addpoint/
* Append 100 points in Highstock
* @sample stock/members/series-addpoint-shift/
* Append and shift in Highstock
* @sample maps/members/series-addpoint/
* Add a point in Highmaps
addPoint: function (options, redraw, shift, animation) {
var series = this,
seriesOptions = series.options,
data =,
chart = series.chart,
xAxis = series.xAxis,
names = xAxis && xAxis.hasNames && xAxis.names,
dataOptions =,
xData = series.xData,
// Optional redraw, defaults to true
redraw = pick(redraw, true);
// Get options and push the point to xData, yData and series.options. In
// series.generatePoints the Point instance will be created on demand
// and pushed to the array.
point = { series: series };
series.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply(point, [options]);
x = point.x;
// Get the insertion point
i = xData.length;
if (series.requireSorting && x < xData[i - 1]) {
isInTheMiddle = true;
while (i && xData[i - 1] > x) {
// Insert undefined item
series.updateParallelArrays(point, 'splice', i, 0, 0);
// Update it
series.updateParallelArrays(point, i);
if (names && {
names[x] =;
dataOptions.splice(i, 0, options);
if (isInTheMiddle) {, 0, null);
// Generate points to be added to the legend (#1329)
if (seriesOptions.legendType === 'point') {
// Shift the first point off the parallel arrays
if (shift) {
if (data[0] && data[0].remove) {
} else {
series.updateParallelArrays(point, 'shift');
// redraw
series.isDirty = true;
series.isDirtyData = true;
if (redraw) {
chart.redraw(animation); // Animation is set anyway on redraw, #5665
* Remove a point from the series. Unlike the
* {@link Highcharts.Point#remove} method, this can also be done on a point
* that is not instanciated because it is outside the view or subject to
* Highstock data grouping.
* @param {Number} i
* The index of the point in the {@link|data}
* array.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after the point is added. When
* removing more than one point, it is highly recommended that the
* `redraw` option be set to `false`, and instead {@link
* Highcharts.Chart#redraw} is explicitly called after the adding of
* points is finished.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation]
* Whether and optionally how the series should be animated.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-removepoint/
* Remove cropped point
removePoint: function (i, redraw, animation) {
var series = this,
data =,
point = data[i],
points = series.points,
chart = series.chart,
remove = function () {
if (points && points.length === data.length) { // #4935
points.splice(i, 1);
data.splice(i, 1);, 1);
point || { series: series },
if (point) {
// redraw
series.isDirty = true;
series.isDirtyData = true;
if (redraw) {
setAnimation(animation, chart);
redraw = pick(redraw, true);
// Fire the event with a default handler of removing the point
if (point) {
point.firePointEvent('remove', null, remove);
} else {
* Remove a series and optionally redraw the chart.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart or wait for an explicit call to
* {@link Highcharts.Chart#redraw}.
* @param {AnimationOptions} [animation]
* Whether to apply animation, and optionally animation
* configuration
* @param {Boolean} [withEvent=true]
* Used internally, whether to fire the series `remove` event.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-remove/
* Remove first series from a button
remove: function (redraw, animation, withEvent) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart;
function remove() {
// Destroy elements
// Redraw
chart.isDirtyLegend = chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
// Fire the event with a default handler of removing the point
if (withEvent !== false) {
fireEvent(series, 'remove', null, remove);
} else {
* Update the series with a new set of options. For a clean and precise
* handling of new options, all methods and elements from the series are
* removed, and it is initiated from scratch. Therefore, this method is more
* performance expensive than some other utility methods like {@link
* Series#setData} or {@link Series#setVisible}.
* @param {SeriesOptions} options
* New options that will be merged with the series' existing
* options.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after the series is altered. If doing
* more operations on the chart, it is a good idea to set redraw to
* false and call {@link Chart#redraw} after.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-update/
* Updating series options
* @sample maps/members/series-update/
* Update series options in Highmaps
update: function (newOptions, redraw) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
// must use user options when changing type because series.options
// is merged in with type specific plotOptions
oldOptions = series.userOptions,
oldType = series.oldType || series.type,
newType = (
newOptions.type ||
oldOptions.type ||
proto = seriesTypes[oldType].prototype,
groups = [
preserve = [
// Animation must be enabled when calling update before the initial
// animation has first run. This happens when calling update
// directly after chart initialization, or when applying responsive
// rules (#6912).
animation = series.finishedAnimating && { animation: false },
allowSoftUpdate = [
keys = H.keys(newOptions),
doSoftUpdate = keys.length > 0;
// Running Series.update to update the data only is an intuitive usage,
// so we want to make sure that when used like this, we run the
// cheaper setData function and allow animation instead of completely
// recreating the series instance. This includes sideways animation when
// adding points to the data set. The `name` should also support soft
// update because the data module sets name and data when setting new
// data by `chart.update`.
each(keys, function (key) {
if (inArray(key, allowSoftUpdate) === -1) {
doSoftUpdate = false;
if (doSoftUpdate) {
if ( {
this.setData(, false);
if ( {
this.setName(, false);
} else {
// Make sure preserved properties are not destroyed (#3094)
preserve = groups.concat(preserve);
each(preserve, function (prop) {
preserve[prop] = series[prop];
delete series[prop];
// Do the merge, with some forced options
newOptions = merge(oldOptions, animation, {
index: series.index,
pointStart: pick(
oldOptions.pointStart, // when updating from blank (#7933)
series.xData[0] // when updating after addPoint
}, { data: }, newOptions);
// Destroy the series and delete all properties. Reinsert all
// methods and properties from the new type prototype (#2270,
// #3719).
series.remove(false, null, false);
for (n in proto) {
series[n] = undefined;
if (seriesTypes[newType || oldType]) {
extend(series, seriesTypes[newType || oldType].prototype);
} else {
H.error(17, true);
// Re-register groups (#3094) and other preserved properties
each(preserve, function (prop) {
series[prop] = preserve[prop];
series.init(chart, newOptions);
// Update the Z index of groups (#3380, #7397)
if (newOptions.zIndex !== oldOptions.zIndex) {
each(groups, function (groupName) {
if (series[groupName]) {
zIndex: newOptions.zIndex
series.oldType = oldType;
chart.linkSeries(); // Links are lost in series.remove (#3028)
fireEvent(this, 'afterUpdate');
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
* Used from within series.update
* @private
setName: function (name) { = = = name;
this.chart.isDirtyLegend = true;
// Extend the Axis.prototype for dynamic methods
extend(Axis.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.Axis.prototype */ {
* Update an axis object with a new set of options. The options are merged
* with the existing options, so only new or altered options need to be
* specified.
* @param {Object} options
* The new options that will be merged in with existing options on
* the axis.
* @sample highcharts/members/axis-update/ Axis update demo
update: function (options, redraw) {
var chart = this.chart;
options = merge(this.userOptions, options);
// Color Axis is not an array,
// This change is applied in the ColorAxis wrapper
if (chart.options[this.coll].indexOf) {
// Don't use this.options.index,
// StockChart has Axes in navigator too
] = options;
this.init(chart, extend(options, { events: undefined }));
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
* Remove the axis from the chart.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true] Whether to redraw the chart following the
* remove.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-addaxis/ Add and remove axes
remove: function (redraw) {
var chart = this.chart,
key = this.coll, // xAxis or yAxis
axisSeries = this.series,
i = axisSeries.length;
// Remove associated series (#2687)
while (i--) {
if (axisSeries[i]) {
// Remove the axis
erase(chart.axes, this);
erase(chart[key], this);
if (isArray(chart.options[key])) {
chart.options[key].splice(this.options.index, 1);
} else { // color axis, #6488
delete chart.options[key];
each(chart[key], function (axis, i) { // Re-index, #1706, #8075
axis.options.index = axis.userOptions.index = i;
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
* Update the axis title by options after render time.
* @param {TitleOptions} titleOptions
* The additional title options.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after setting the title.
* @sample highcharts/members/axis-settitle/ Set a new Y axis title
setTitle: function (titleOptions, redraw) {
this.update({ title: titleOptions }, redraw);
* Set new axis categories and optionally redraw.
* @param {Array.<String>} categories - The new categories.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true] - Whether to redraw the chart.
* @sample highcharts/members/axis-setcategories/ Set categories by click on
* a button
setCategories: function (categories, redraw) {
this.update({ categories: categories }, redraw);
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var attr = H.attr,
createElement = H.createElement,
css = H.css,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
isFirefox = H.isFirefox,
isMS = H.isMS,
isWebKit = H.isWebKit,
pick = H.pick,
pInt = H.pInt,
SVGElement = H.SVGElement,
SVGRenderer = H.SVGRenderer,
win =,
wrap = H.wrap;
// Extend SvgElement for useHTML option
extend(SVGElement.prototype, /** @lends SVGElement.prototype */ {
* Apply CSS to HTML elements. This is used in text within SVG rendering and
* by the VML renderer
htmlCss: function (styles) {
var wrapper = this,
element = wrapper.element,
textWidth = styles && element.tagName === 'SPAN' && styles.width;
if (textWidth) {
delete styles.width;
wrapper.textWidth = textWidth;
if (styles && styles.textOverflow === 'ellipsis') {
styles.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
styles.overflow = 'hidden';
wrapper.styles = extend(wrapper.styles, styles);
css(wrapper.element, styles);
return wrapper;
* VML and useHTML method for calculating the bounding box based on offsets
* @param {Boolean} refresh Whether to force a fresh value from the DOM or
* to use the cached value.
* @return {Object} A hash containing values for x, y, width and height
htmlGetBBox: function () {
var wrapper = this,
element = wrapper.element;
return {
x: element.offsetLeft,
y: element.offsetTop,
width: element.offsetWidth,
height: element.offsetHeight
* VML override private method to update elements based on internal
* properties based on SVG transform
htmlUpdateTransform: function () {
// aligning non added elements is expensive
if (!this.added) {
this.alignOnAdd = true;
var wrapper = this,
renderer = wrapper.renderer,
elem = wrapper.element,
translateX = wrapper.translateX || 0,
translateY = wrapper.translateY || 0,
x = wrapper.x || 0,
y = wrapper.y || 0,
align = wrapper.textAlign || 'left',
alignCorrection = { left: 0, center: 0.5, right: 1 }[align],
styles = wrapper.styles,
whiteSpace = styles && styles.whiteSpace;
function getTextPxLength() {
// Reset multiline/ellipsis in order to read width (#4928,
// #5417)
css(elem, {
width: '',
whiteSpace: whiteSpace || 'nowrap'
return elem.offsetWidth;
// apply translate
css(elem, {
marginLeft: translateX,
marginTop: translateY
if (wrapper.shadows) { // used in labels/tooltip
each(wrapper.shadows, function (shadow) {
css(shadow, {
marginLeft: translateX + 1,
marginTop: translateY + 1
// apply inversion
if (wrapper.inverted) { // wrapper is a group
each(elem.childNodes, function (child) {
renderer.invertChild(child, elem);
if (elem.tagName === 'SPAN') {
var rotation = wrapper.rotation,
textWidth = wrapper.textWidth && pInt(wrapper.textWidth),
currentTextTransform = [
// Update textWidth. Use the memoized textPxLength if possible, to
// avoid the getTextPxLength function using elem.offsetWidth.
// Calling offsetWidth affects rendering time as it forces layout
// (#7656).
if (
textWidth !== wrapper.oldTextWidth &&
(textWidth > wrapper.oldTextWidth) ||
(wrapper.textPxLength || getTextPxLength()) > textWidth
) &&
/[ \-]/.test(elem.textContent || elem.innerText)
) { // #983, #1254
css(elem, {
width: textWidth + 'px',
display: 'block',
whiteSpace: whiteSpace || 'normal' // #3331
wrapper.oldTextWidth = textWidth;
// Do the calculations and DOM access only if properties changed
if (currentTextTransform !== wrapper.cTT) {
baseline = renderer.fontMetrics(;
// Renderer specific handling of span rotation, but only if we
// have something to update.
if (
defined(rotation) &&
rotation !== (wrapper.oldRotation || 0)
) {
// Avoid elem.offsetWidth if we can, it affects rendering
// time heavily (#7656)
(!defined(rotation) && wrapper.textPxLength) || // #7920
// apply position with correction
css(elem, {
left: (x + (wrapper.xCorr || 0)) + 'px',
top: (y + (wrapper.yCorr || 0)) + 'px'
// record current text transform
wrapper.cTT = currentTextTransform;
wrapper.oldRotation = rotation;
* Set the rotation of an individual HTML span
setSpanRotation: function (rotation, alignCorrection, baseline) {
var rotationStyle = {},
cssTransformKey = this.renderer.getTransformKey();
rotationStyle[cssTransformKey] = rotationStyle.transform =
'rotate(' + rotation + 'deg)';
rotationStyle[cssTransformKey + (isFirefox ? 'Origin' : '-origin')] =
rotationStyle.transformOrigin =
(alignCorrection * 100) + '% ' + baseline + 'px';
css(this.element, rotationStyle);
* Get the correction in X and Y positioning as the element is rotated.
getSpanCorrection: function (width, baseline, alignCorrection) {
this.xCorr = -width * alignCorrection;
this.yCorr = -baseline;
// Extend SvgRenderer for useHTML option.
extend(SVGRenderer.prototype, /** @lends SVGRenderer.prototype */ {
getTransformKey: function () {
return isMS && !/Edge/.test(win.navigator.userAgent) ?
'-ms-transform' :
isWebKit ?
'-webkit-transform' :
isFirefox ?
'MozTransform' :
win.opera ?
'-o-transform' :
* Create HTML text node. This is used by the VML renderer as well as the
* SVG renderer through the useHTML option.
* @param {String} str
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
html: function (str, x, y) {
var wrapper = this.createElement('span'),
element = wrapper.element,
renderer = wrapper.renderer,
isSVG = renderer.isSVG,
addSetters = function (element, style) {
// These properties are set as attributes on the SVG group, and
// as identical CSS properties on the div. (#3542)
each(['opacity', 'visibility'], function (prop) {
wrap(element, prop + 'Setter', function (
) {, value, key, elem);
style[key] = value;
element.addedSetters = true;
// Text setter
wrapper.textSetter = function (value) {
if (value !== element.innerHTML) {
delete this.bBox;
this.textStr = value;
element.innerHTML = pick(value, '');
wrapper.doTransform = true;
// Add setters for the element itself (#4938)
if (isSVG) { // #4938, only for HTML within SVG
// Various setters which rely on update transform
wrapper.xSetter =
wrapper.ySetter =
wrapper.alignSetter =
wrapper.rotationSetter =
function (value, key) {
if (key === 'align') {
// Do not overwrite the SVGElement.align method. Same as VML.
key = 'textAlign';
wrapper[key] = value;
wrapper.doTransform = true;
// Runs at the end of .attr()
wrapper.afterSetters = function () {
// Update transform. Do this outside the loop to prevent redundant
// updating for batch setting of attributes.
if (this.doTransform) {
this.doTransform = false;
// Set the default attributes
text: str,
x: Math.round(x),
y: Math.round(y)
position: 'absolute'
// Keep the whiteSpace style outside the wrapper.styles collection = 'nowrap';
// Use the HTML specific .css method
wrapper.css = wrapper.htmlCss;
// This is specific for HTML within SVG
if (isSVG) {
wrapper.add = function (svgGroupWrapper) {
var htmlGroup,
container =,
parents = [];
this.parentGroup = svgGroupWrapper;
// Create a mock group to hold the HTML elements
if (svgGroupWrapper) {
htmlGroup = svgGroupWrapper.div;
if (!htmlGroup) {
// Read the parent chain into an array and read from top
// down
parentGroup = svgGroupWrapper;
while (parentGroup) {
// Move up to the next parent group
parentGroup = parentGroup.parentGroup;
// Ensure dynamically updating position when any parent
// is translated
each(parents.reverse(), function (parentGroup) {
var htmlGroupStyle,
cls = attr(parentGroup.element, 'class');
// Common translate setter for X and Y on the HTML
// group. Reverted the fix for #6957 du to
// positioning problems and offline export (#7254,
// #7280, #7529)
function translateSetter(value, key) {
parentGroup[key] = value;
if (key === 'translateX') {
htmlGroupStyle.left = value + 'px';
} else { = value + 'px';
parentGroup.doTransform = true;
if (cls) {
cls = { className: cls };
} // else null
// Create a HTML div and append it to the parent div
// to emulate the SVG group structure
htmlGroup =
parentGroup.div =
parentGroup.div || createElement('div', cls, {
position: 'absolute',
left: (parentGroup.translateX || 0) + 'px',
top: (parentGroup.translateY || 0) + 'px',
display: parentGroup.display,
opacity: parentGroup.opacity, // #5075
pointerEvents: (
parentGroup.styles &&
) // #5595
// the top group is appended to container
}, htmlGroup || container);
// Shortcut
htmlGroupStyle =;
// Set listeners to update the HTML div's position
// whenever the SVG group position is changed.
extend(parentGroup, {
// (#7287) Pass htmlGroup to use
// the related group
classSetter: (function (htmlGroup) {
return function (value) {
htmlGroup.className = value;
on: function () {
if (parents[0].div) { // #6418
{ element: parents[0].div },
return parentGroup;
translateXSetter: translateSetter,
translateYSetter: translateSetter
if (!parentGroup.addedSetters) {
addSetters(parentGroup, htmlGroupStyle);
} else {
htmlGroup = container;
// Shared with VML:
wrapper.added = true;
if (wrapper.alignOnAdd) {
return wrapper;
return wrapper;
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
Chart = H.Chart,
createElement = H.createElement,
css = H.css,
defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions,
defaultPlotOptions = H.defaultPlotOptions,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
hasTouch = H.hasTouch,
inArray = H.inArray,
isObject = H.isObject,
Legend = H.Legend,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
Point = H.Point,
Series = H.Series,
seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
svg = H.svg,
* TrackerMixin for points and graphs.
TrackerMixin = H.TrackerMixin = {
* Draw the tracker for a point.
drawTrackerPoint: function () {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
pointer = chart.pointer,
onMouseOver = function (e) {
var point = pointer.getPointFromEvent(e);
// undefined on graph in scatterchart
if (point !== undefined) {
pointer.isDirectTouch = true;
// Add reference to the point
each(series.points, function (point) {
if (point.graphic) {
point.graphic.element.point = point;
if (point.dataLabel) {
if (point.dataLabel.div) {
point.dataLabel.div.point = point;
} else {
point.dataLabel.element.point = point;
// Add the event listeners, we need to do this only once
if (!series._hasTracking) {
each(series.trackerGroups, function (key) {
if (series[key]) { // we don't always have dataLabelsGroup
.on('mouseover', onMouseOver)
.on('mouseout', function (e) {
if (hasTouch) {
series[key].on('touchstart', onMouseOver);
if (series.options.cursor) {
.css({ cursor: series.options.cursor });
series._hasTracking = true;
fireEvent(this, 'afterDrawTracker');
* Draw the tracker object that sits above all data labels and markers to
* track mouse events on the graph or points. For the line type charts
* the tracker uses the same graphPath, but with a greater stroke width
* for better control.
drawTrackerGraph: function () {
var series = this,
options = series.options,
trackByArea = options.trackByArea,
trackerPath = [].concat(
trackByArea ? series.areaPath : series.graphPath
trackerPathLength = trackerPath.length,
chart = series.chart,
pointer = chart.pointer,
renderer = chart.renderer,
snap = chart.options.tooltip.snap,
tracker = series.tracker,
onMouseOver = function () {
if (chart.hoverSeries !== series) {
* Empirical lowest possible opacities for TRACKER_FILL for an
* element to stay invisible but clickable
* IE6: 0.002
* IE7: 0.002
* IE8: 0.002
* IE9: 0.00000000001 (unlimited)
* IE10: 0.0001 (exporting only)
* FF: 0.00000000001 (unlimited)
* Chrome: 0.000001
* Safari: 0.000001
* Opera: 0.00000000001 (unlimited)
TRACKER_FILL = 'rgba(192,192,192,' + (svg ? 0.0001 : 0.002) + ')';
// Extend end points. A better way would be to use round linecaps,
// but those are not clickable in VML.
if (trackerPathLength && !trackByArea) {
i = trackerPathLength + 1;
while (i--) {
if (trackerPath[i] === 'M') { // extend left side
i + 1, 0,
trackerPath[i + 1] - snap,
trackerPath[i + 2],
if (
(i && trackerPath[i] === 'M') ||
i === trackerPathLength
) { // extend right side
trackerPath[i - 2] + snap,
trackerPath[i - 1]
// draw the tracker
if (tracker) {
tracker.attr({ d: trackerPath });
} else if (series.graph) { // create
series.tracker = renderer.path(trackerPath)
'stroke-linejoin': 'round', // #1225
visibility: series.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden',
fill: trackByArea ? TRACKER_FILL : 'none',
'stroke-width': series.graph.strokeWidth() +
(trackByArea ? 0 : 2 * snap),
zIndex: 2
// The tracker is added to the series group, which is clipped, but
// is covered by the marker group. So the marker group also needs to
// capture events.
each([series.tracker, series.markerGroup], function (tracker) {
.on('mouseover', onMouseOver)
.on('mouseout', function (e) {
if (options.cursor) {
tracker.css({ cursor: options.cursor });
if (hasTouch) {
tracker.on('touchstart', onMouseOver);
fireEvent(this, 'afterDrawTracker');
/* End TrackerMixin */
* Add tracking event listener to the series group, so the point graphics
* themselves act as trackers
if (seriesTypes.column) {
seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawTracker = TrackerMixin.drawTrackerPoint;
if (seriesTypes.pie) {
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.drawTracker = TrackerMixin.drawTrackerPoint;
if (seriesTypes.scatter) {
seriesTypes.scatter.prototype.drawTracker = TrackerMixin.drawTrackerPoint;
* Extend Legend for item events
extend(Legend.prototype, {
setItemEvents: function (item, legendItem, useHTML) {
var legend = this,
boxWrapper = legend.chart.renderer.boxWrapper,
activeClass = 'highcharts-legend-' +
(item instanceof Point ? 'point' : 'series') + '-active';
// Set the events on the item group, or in case of useHTML, the item
// itself (#1249)
(useHTML ? legendItem : item.legendGroup).on('mouseover', function () {
// A CSS class to dim or hide other than the hovered series
.on('mouseout', function () {
merge(item.visible ? legend.itemStyle : legend.itemHiddenStyle)
// A CSS class to dim or hide other than the hovered series
.on('click', function (event) {
var strLegendItemClick = 'legendItemClick',
fnLegendItemClick = function () {
if (item.setVisible) {
// A CSS class to dim or hide other than the hovered series. Event
// handling in iOS causes the activeClass to be added prior to click
// in some cases (#7418).
// Pass over the click/touch event. #4.
event = {
browserEvent: event
// click the name or symbol
if (item.firePointEvent) { // point
} else {
fireEvent(item, strLegendItemClick, event, fnLegendItemClick);
createCheckboxForItem: function (item) {
var legend = this;
item.checkbox = createElement('input', {
type: 'checkbox',
checked: item.selected,
defaultChecked: item.selected // required by IE7
}, legend.options.itemCheckboxStyle, legend.chart.container);
addEvent(item.checkbox, 'click', function (event) {
var target =;
item.series || item,
{ // #3712
checked: target.checked,
item: item
function () {;
// Add pointer cursor to legend itemstyle in defaultOptions
defaultOptions.legend.itemStyle.cursor = 'pointer';
* Extend the Chart object with interaction
extend(Chart.prototype, /** @lends Chart.prototype */ {
* Display the zoom button.
* @private
showResetZoom: function () {
var chart = this,
lang = defaultOptions.lang,
btnOptions = chart.options.chart.resetZoomButton,
theme = btnOptions.theme,
states = theme.states,
alignTo = btnOptions.relativeTo === 'chart' ? null : 'plotBox';
function zoomOut() {
fireEvent(this, 'beforeShowResetZoom', null, function () {
chart.resetZoomButton = chart.renderer.button(
states && states.hover
align: btnOptions.position.align,
title: lang.resetZoomTitle
.align(btnOptions.position, false, alignTo);
* Zoom out to 1:1.
* @private
zoomOut: function () {
fireEvent(this, 'selection', { resetSelection: true }, this.zoom);
* Zoom into a given portion of the chart given by axis coordinates.
* @param {Object} event
* @private
zoom: function (event) {
var chart = this,
pointer = chart.pointer,
displayButton = false,
// If zoom is called with no arguments, reset the axes
if (!event || event.resetSelection) {
each(chart.axes, function (axis) {
hasZoomed = axis.zoom();
pointer.initiated = false; // #6804
} else { // else, zoom in on all axes
each(event.xAxis.concat(event.yAxis), function (axisData) {
var axis = axisData.axis,
isXAxis = axis.isXAxis;
// don't zoom more than minRange
if (pointer[isXAxis ? 'zoomX' : 'zoomY']) {
hasZoomed = axis.zoom(axisData.min, axisData.max);
if (axis.displayBtn) {
displayButton = true;
// Show or hide the Reset zoom button
resetZoomButton = chart.resetZoomButton;
if (displayButton && !resetZoomButton) {
} else if (!displayButton && isObject(resetZoomButton)) {
chart.resetZoomButton = resetZoomButton.destroy();
// Redraw
if (hasZoomed) {
event && event.animation,
chart.pointCount < 100
* Pan the chart by dragging the mouse across the pane. This function is
* called on mouse move, and the distance to pan is computed from chartX
* compared to the first chartX position in the dragging operation.
* @private
pan: function (e, panning) {
var chart = this,
hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoints,
// remove active points for shared tooltip
if (hoverPoints) {
each(hoverPoints, function (point) {
// xy is used in maps
each(panning === 'xy' ? [1, 0] : [1], function (isX) {
var axis = chart[isX ? 'xAxis' : 'yAxis'][0],
horiz = axis.horiz,
mousePos = e[horiz ? 'chartX' : 'chartY'],
mouseDown = horiz ? 'mouseDownX' : 'mouseDownY',
startPos = chart[mouseDown],
halfPointRange = (axis.pointRange || 0) / 2,
pointRangeDirection =
(axis.reversed && !chart.inverted) ||
(!axis.reversed && chart.inverted) ?
-1 :
extremes = axis.getExtremes(),
panMin = axis.toValue(startPos - mousePos, true) +
halfPointRange * pointRangeDirection,
panMax = axis.toValue(startPos + axis.len - mousePos, true) -
halfPointRange * pointRangeDirection,
flipped = panMax < panMin,
newMin = flipped ? panMax : panMin,
newMax = flipped ? panMin : panMax,
paddedMin = Math.min(
halfPointRange ?
extremes.min :
axis.toPixels(extremes.min) - axis.minPixelPadding
paddedMax = Math.max(
halfPointRange ?
extremes.max :
axis.toPixels(extremes.max) + axis.minPixelPadding
// If the new range spills over, either to the min or max, adjust
// the new range.
spill = paddedMin - newMin;
if (spill > 0) {
newMax += spill;
newMin = paddedMin;
spill = newMax - paddedMax;
if (spill > 0) {
newMax = paddedMax;
newMin -= spill;
// Set new extremes if they are actually new
if (
axis.series.length &&
newMin !== extremes.min &&
newMax !== extremes.max
) {
{ trigger: 'pan' }
doRedraw = true;
chart[mouseDown] = mousePos; // set new reference for next run
if (doRedraw) {
css(chart.container, { cursor: 'move' });
* Extend the Point object with interaction
extend(Point.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.Point.prototype */ {
* Toggle the selection status of a point.
* @param {Boolean} [selected]
* When `true`, the point is selected. When `false`, the point is
* unselected. When `null` or `undefined`, the selection state is
* toggled.
* @param {Boolean} [accumulate=false]
* When `true`, the selection is added to other selected points.
* When `false`, other selected points are deselected. Internally in
* Highcharts, when {@link|allowPointSelect}
* is `true`, selected points are accumulated on Control, Shift or
* Cmd clicking the point.
* @see Highcharts.Chart#getSelectedPoints
* @sample highcharts/members/point-select/
* Select a point from a button
* @sample highcharts/chart/events-selection-points/
* Select a range of points through a drag selection
* @sample maps/series/data-id/
* Select a point in Highmaps
select: function (selected, accumulate) {
var point = this,
series = point.series,
chart = series.chart;
selected = pick(selected, !point.selected);
// fire the event with the default handler
selected ? 'select' : 'unselect',
{ accumulate: accumulate },
function () {
* Whether the point is selected or not.
* @see Point#select
* @see Chart#getSelectedPoints
* @memberof Point
* @name selected
* @type {Boolean}
point.selected = point.options.selected = selected;[inArray(point,] =
point.setState(selected && 'select');
// unselect all other points unless Ctrl or Cmd + click
if (!accumulate) {
each(chart.getSelectedPoints(), function (loopPoint) {
if (loopPoint.selected && loopPoint !== point) {
loopPoint.selected = loopPoint.options.selected =
] = loopPoint.options;
* Runs on mouse over the point. Called internally from mouse and touch
* events.
* @param {Object} e The event arguments
onMouseOver: function (e) {
var point = this,
series = point.series,
chart = series.chart,
pointer = chart.pointer;
e = e ?
pointer.normalize(e) :
// In cases where onMouseOver is called directly without an event
pointer.getChartCoordinatesFromPoint(point, chart.inverted);
pointer.runPointActions(e, point);
* Runs on mouse out from the point. Called internally from mouse and touch
* events.
onMouseOut: function () {
var point = this,
chart = point.series.chart;
each(chart.hoverPoints || [], function (p) {
chart.hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoint = null;
* Import events from the series' and point's options. Only do it on
* demand, to save processing time on hovering.
* @private
importEvents: function () {
if (!this.hasImportedEvents) {
var point = this,
options = merge(point.series.options.point, point.options),
events =; = events;
H.objectEach(events, function (event, eventType) {
addEvent(point, eventType, event);
this.hasImportedEvents = true;
* Set the point's state.
* @param {String} [state]
* The new state, can be one of `''` (an empty string), `hover` or
* `select`.
setState: function (state, move) {
var point = this,
plotX = Math.floor(point.plotX), // #4586
plotY = point.plotY,
series = point.series,
stateOptions = series.options.states[state || 'normal'] || {},
markerOptions = defaultPlotOptions[series.type].marker &&
normalDisabled = markerOptions && markerOptions.enabled === false,
markerStateOptions = (
markerOptions &&
markerOptions.states &&
markerOptions.states[state || 'normal']
) || {},
stateDisabled = markerStateOptions.enabled === false,
stateMarkerGraphic = series.stateMarkerGraphic,
pointMarker = point.marker || {},
chart = series.chart,
halo = series.halo,
hasMarkers = markerOptions && series.markerAttribs,
state = state || ''; // empty string
if (
// already has this state
(state === point.state && !move) ||
// selected points don't respond to hover
(point.selected && state !== 'select') ||
// series' state options is disabled
(stateOptions.enabled === false) ||
// general point marker's state options is disabled
(state && (
stateDisabled ||
(normalDisabled && markerStateOptions.enabled === false)
)) ||
// individual point marker's state options is disabled
state &&
pointMarker.states &&
pointMarker.states[state] &&
pointMarker.states[state].enabled === false
) // #1610
) {
if (hasMarkers) {
markerAttribs = series.markerAttribs(point, state);
// Apply hover styles to the existing point
if (point.graphic) {
if (point.state) {
point.graphic.removeClass('highcharts-point-' + point.state);
if (state) {
point.graphic.addClass('highcharts-point-' + state);
series.pointAttribs(point, state),
if (markerAttribs) {
chart.options.chart.animation, // Turn off globally
// Zooming in from a range with no markers to a range with markers
if (stateMarkerGraphic) {
} else {
// if a graphic is not applied to each point in the normal state,
// create a shared graphic for the hover state
if (state && markerStateOptions) {
newSymbol = pointMarker.symbol || series.symbol;
// If the point has another symbol than the previous one, throw
// away the state marker graphic and force a new one (#1459)
if (
stateMarkerGraphic &&
stateMarkerGraphic.currentSymbol !== newSymbol
) {
stateMarkerGraphic = stateMarkerGraphic.destroy();
// Add a new state marker graphic
if (!stateMarkerGraphic) {
if (newSymbol) {
series.stateMarkerGraphic = stateMarkerGraphic =
stateMarkerGraphic.currentSymbol = newSymbol;
// Move the existing graphic
} else {
stateMarkerGraphic[move ? 'animate' : 'attr']({ // #1054
x: markerAttribs.x,
y: markerAttribs.y
if (stateMarkerGraphic) {
stateMarkerGraphic.attr(series.pointAttribs(point, state));
if (stateMarkerGraphic) {
state && chart.isInsidePlot(plotX, plotY, chart.inverted) ?
'show' :
](); // #2450
stateMarkerGraphic.element.point = point; // #4310
// Show me your halo
haloOptions = stateOptions.halo;
if (haloOptions && haloOptions.size) {
if (!halo) {
series.halo = halo = chart.renderer.path()
// #5818, #5903, #6705
.add((point.graphic || stateMarkerGraphic).parentGroup);
}[move ? 'animate' : 'attr']({
d: point.haloPath(haloOptions.size)
'class': 'highcharts-halo highcharts-color-' +
pick(point.colorIndex, series.colorIndex) +
(point.className ? ' ' + point.className : '')
halo.point = point; // #6055
'fill': point.color || series.color,
'fill-opacity': haloOptions.opacity,
'zIndex': -1 // #4929, IE8 added halo above everything
}, haloOptions.attributes));
} else if (halo && halo.point && halo.point.haloPath) {
// Animate back to 0 on the current halo point (#6055)
{ d: halo.point.haloPath(0) },
// Hide after unhovering. The `complete` callback runs in the
// halo's context (#7681).
point.state = state;
fireEvent(point, 'afterSetState');
* Get the path definition for the halo, which is usually a shadow-like
* circle around the currently hovered point.
* @param {Number} size
* The radius of the circular halo.
* @return {Array} The path definition
haloPath: function (size) {
var series = this.series,
chart = series.chart;
Math.floor(this.plotX) - size,
this.plotY - size,
size * 2,
size * 2
* Extend the Series object with interaction
extend(Series.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.Series.prototype */ {
* Runs on mouse over the series graphical items.
onMouseOver: function () {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
hoverSeries = chart.hoverSeries;
// set normal state to previous series
if (hoverSeries && hoverSeries !== series) {
// trigger the event, but to save processing time,
// only if defined
if ( {
fireEvent(series, 'mouseOver');
// hover this
chart.hoverSeries = series;
* Runs on mouse out of the series graphical items.
onMouseOut: function () {
// trigger the event only if listeners exist
var series = this,
options = series.options,
chart = series.chart,
tooltip = chart.tooltip,
hoverPoint = chart.hoverPoint;
// #182, set to null before the mouseOut event fires
chart.hoverSeries = null;
// trigger mouse out on the point, which must be in this series
if (hoverPoint) {
// fire the mouse out event
if (series && {
fireEvent(series, 'mouseOut');
// hide the tooltip
if (
tooltip &&
!series.stickyTracking &&
(!tooltip.shared || series.noSharedTooltip)
) {
// set normal state
* Set the state of the series. Called internally on mouse interaction
* operations, but it can also be called directly to visually
* highlight a series.
* @param {String} [state]
* Can be either `hover` or undefined to set to normal
* state.
setState: function (state) {
var series = this,
options = series.options,
graph = series.graph,
stateOptions = options.states,
lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
i = 0;
state = state || '';
if (series.state !== state) {
// Toggle class names
], function (group) {
if (group) {
// Old state
if (series.state) {
group.removeClass('highcharts-series-' + series.state);
// New state
if (state) {
group.addClass('highcharts-series-' + state);
series.state = state;
if (stateOptions[state] && stateOptions[state].enabled === false) {
if (state) {
lineWidth = (
stateOptions[state].lineWidth ||
lineWidth + (stateOptions[state].lineWidthPlus || 0)
); // #4035
if (graph && !graph.dashstyle) {
attribs = {
'stroke-width': lineWidth
// Animate the graph stroke-width. By default a quick animation
// to hover, slower to un-hover.
stateOptions[state || 'normal'] &&
stateOptions[state || 'normal'].animation
while (series['zone-graph-' + i]) {
series['zone-graph-' + i].attr(attribs);
i = i + 1;
* Show or hide the series.
* @param {Boolean} [visible]
* True to show the series, false to hide. If undefined, the
* visibility is toggled.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart after the series is altered. If doing
* more operations on the chart, it is a good idea to set redraw to
* false and call {@link Chart#redraw|chart.redraw()} after.
setVisible: function (vis, redraw) {
var series = this,
chart = series.chart,
legendItem = series.legendItem,
ignoreHiddenSeries = chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries,
oldVisibility = series.visible;
// if called without an argument, toggle visibility
series.visible =
vis =
series.options.visible =
series.userOptions.visible =
vis === undefined ? !oldVisibility : vis; // #5618
showOrHide = vis ? 'show' : 'hide';
// show or hide elements
], function (key) {
if (series[key]) {
// hide tooltip (#1361)
if (
chart.hoverSeries === series ||
(chart.hoverPoint && chart.hoverPoint.series) === series
) {
if (legendItem) {
chart.legend.colorizeItem(series, vis);
// rescale or adapt to resized chart
series.isDirty = true;
// in a stack, all other series are affected
if (series.options.stacking) {
each(chart.series, function (otherSeries) {
if (otherSeries.options.stacking && otherSeries.visible) {
otherSeries.isDirty = true;
// show or hide linked series
each(series.linkedSeries, function (otherSeries) {
otherSeries.setVisible(vis, false);
if (ignoreHiddenSeries) {
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if (redraw !== false) {
fireEvent(series, showOrHide);
* Show the series if hidden.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-hide/
* Toggle visibility from a button
show: function () {
* Hide the series if visible. If the {@link
* chart.ignoreHiddenSeries} option is true, the chart is redrawn without
* this series.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-hide/
* Toggle visibility from a button
hide: function () {
* Select or unselect the series. This means its {@link
* Highcharts.Series.selected|selected} property is set, the checkbox in the
* legend is toggled and when selected, the series is returned by the
* {@link Highcharts.Chart#getSelectedSeries} function.
* @param {Boolean} [selected]
* True to select the series, false to unselect. If undefined, the
* selection state is toggled.
* @sample highcharts/members/series-select/
* Select a series from a button
select: function (selected) {
var series = this;
series.selected = selected = (selected === undefined) ?
!series.selected :
if (series.checkbox) {
series.checkbox.checked = selected;
fireEvent(series, selected ? 'select' : 'unselect');
drawTracker: TrackerMixin.drawTrackerGraph
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
/* eslint max-len: 0 */
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
Axis = H.Axis,
correctFloat = H.correctFloat,
defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions,
defined = H.defined,
destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties,
each = H.each,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
hasTouch = H.hasTouch,
isTouchDevice = H.isTouchDevice,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
removeEvent = H.removeEvent,
svg = H.svg,
wrap = H.wrap,
* The scrollbar is a means of panning over the X axis of a stock chart.
* In styled mode, all the presentational options for the
* scrollbar are replaced by the classes `.highcharts-scrollbar-thumb`,
* `.highcharts-scrollbar-arrow`, `.highcharts-scrollbar-button`,
* `.highcharts-scrollbar-rifles` and `.highcharts-scrollbar-track`.
* @product highstock
* @optionparent scrollbar
var defaultScrollbarOptions = {
* The height of the scrollbar. The height also applies to the width
* of the scroll arrows so that they are always squares. Defaults to
* 20 for touch devices and 14 for mouse devices.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/height/ A 30px scrollbar
* @product highstock
height: isTouchDevice ? 20 : 14,
* The border rounding radius of the bar.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default 0
* @product highstock
barBorderRadius: 0,
* The corner radius of the scrollbar buttons.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default 0
* @product highstock
buttonBorderRadius: 0,
* Whether to redraw the main chart as the scrollbar or the navigator
* zoomed window is moved. Defaults to `true` for modern browsers and
* `false` for legacy IE browsers as well as mobile devices.
* @type {Boolean}
* @since 1.3
* @product highstock
liveRedraw: svg && !isTouchDevice,
* The margin between the scrollbar and its axis when the scrollbar is
* applied directly to an axis.
margin: 10,
* The minimum width of the scrollbar.
* @type {Number}
* @default 6
* @since 1.2.5
* @product highstock
minWidth: 6,
step: 0.2,
* The z index of the scrollbar group.
zIndex: 3,
* The background color of the scrollbar itself.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default #cccccc
* @product highstock
barBackgroundColor: '#cccccc',
* The width of the bar's border.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default 1
* @product highstock
barBorderWidth: 1,
* The color of the scrollbar's border.
* @type {Color}
* @default #cccccc
* @product highstock
barBorderColor: '#cccccc',
* The color of the small arrow inside the scrollbar buttons.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default #333333
* @product highstock
buttonArrowColor: '#333333',
* The color of scrollbar buttons.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default #e6e6e6
* @product highstock
buttonBackgroundColor: '#e6e6e6',
* The color of the border of the scrollbar buttons.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default #cccccc
* @product highstock
buttonBorderColor: '#cccccc',
* The border width of the scrollbar buttons.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default 1
* @product highstock
buttonBorderWidth: 1,
* The color of the small rifles in the middle of the scrollbar.
* @type {Color}
* @default #333333
* @product highstock
rifleColor: '#333333',
* The color of the track background.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default #f2f2f2
* @product highstock
trackBackgroundColor: '#f2f2f2',
* The color of the border of the scrollbar track.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default #f2f2f2
* @product highstock
trackBorderColor: '#f2f2f2',
* The width of the border of the scrollbar track.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/scrollbar/style/ Scrollbar styling
* @default 1
* @product highstock
trackBorderWidth: 1
defaultOptions.scrollbar = merge(true, defaultScrollbarOptions, defaultOptions.scrollbar);
* When we have vertical scrollbar, rifles and arrow in buttons should be rotated.
* The same method is used in Navigator's handles, to rotate them.
* @param {Array} path - path to be rotated
* @param {Boolean} vertical - if vertical scrollbar, swap x-y values
H.swapXY = swapXY = function (path, vertical) {
var i,
len = path.length,
if (vertical) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 3) {
temp = path[i + 1];
path[i + 1] = path[i + 2];
path[i + 2] = temp;
return path;
* A reusable scrollbar, internally used in Highstock's navigator and optionally
* on individual axes.
* @class
* @param {Object} renderer
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} chart
function Scrollbar(renderer, options, chart) { // docs
this.init(renderer, options, chart);
Scrollbar.prototype = {
init: function (renderer, options, chart) {
this.scrollbarButtons = [];
this.renderer = renderer;
this.userOptions = options;
this.options = merge(defaultScrollbarOptions, options);
this.chart = chart;
this.size = pick(this.options.size, this.options.height); // backward compatibility
// Init
if (options.enabled) {
* Render scrollbar with all required items.
render: function () {
var scroller = this,
renderer = scroller.renderer,
options = scroller.options,
size = scroller.size,
// Draw the scrollbar group = group = renderer.g('scrollbar').attr({
zIndex: options.zIndex,
translateY: -99999
// Draw the scrollbar track:
scroller.track = renderer.rect()
x: 0,
r: options.trackBorderRadius || 0,
height: size,
width: size
fill: options.trackBackgroundColor,
stroke: options.trackBorderColor,
'stroke-width': options.trackBorderWidth
this.trackBorderWidth = scroller.track.strokeWidth();
y: -this.trackBorderWidth % 2 / 2
// Draw the scrollbar itself
scroller.scrollbarGroup = renderer.g().add(group);
scroller.scrollbar = renderer.rect()
height: size,
width: size,
r: options.barBorderRadius || 0
scroller.scrollbarRifles = renderer.path(
-3, size / 4,
-3, 2 * size / 3,
0, size / 4,
0, 2 * size / 3,
3, size / 4,
3, 2 * size / 3
], options.vertical))
fill: options.barBackgroundColor,
stroke: options.barBorderColor,
'stroke-width': options.barBorderWidth
stroke: options.rifleColor,
'stroke-width': 1
scroller.scrollbarStrokeWidth = scroller.scrollbar.strokeWidth();
-scroller.scrollbarStrokeWidth % 2 / 2,
-scroller.scrollbarStrokeWidth % 2 / 2
// Draw the buttons:
* Position the scrollbar, method called from a parent with defined dimensions
* @param {Number} x - x-position on the chart
* @param {Number} y - y-position on the chart
* @param {Number} width - width of the scrollbar
* @param {Number} height - height of the scorllbar
position: function (x, y, width, height) {
var scroller = this,
options = scroller.options,
vertical = options.vertical,
xOffset = height,
yOffset = 0,
method = scroller.rendered ? 'animate' : 'attr';
scroller.x = x;
scroller.y = y + this.trackBorderWidth;
scroller.width = width; // width with buttons
scroller.height = height;
scroller.xOffset = xOffset;
scroller.yOffset = yOffset;
// If Scrollbar is a vertical type, swap options:
if (vertical) {
scroller.width = scroller.yOffset = width = yOffset = scroller.size;
scroller.xOffset = xOffset = 0;
scroller.barWidth = height - width * 2; // width without buttons
scroller.x = x = x + scroller.options.margin;
} else {
scroller.height = scroller.xOffset = height = xOffset = scroller.size;
scroller.barWidth = width - height * 2; // width without buttons
scroller.y = scroller.y + scroller.options.margin;
// Set general position for a group:[method]({
translateX: x,
translateY: scroller.y
// Resize background/track:
width: width,
height: height
// Move right/bottom button ot it's place:
translateX: vertical ? 0 : width - xOffset,
translateY: vertical ? height - yOffset : 0
* Draw the scrollbar buttons with arrows
* @param {Number} index 0 is left, 1 is right
drawScrollbarButton: function (index) {
var scroller = this,
renderer = scroller.renderer,
scrollbarButtons = scroller.scrollbarButtons,
options = scroller.options,
size = scroller.size,
group = renderer.g().add(;
// Create a rectangle for the scrollbar button
tempElem = renderer.rect()
// Presentational attributes
stroke: options.buttonBorderColor,
'stroke-width': options.buttonBorderWidth,
fill: options.buttonBackgroundColor
// Place the rectangle based on the rendered stroke width
x: -0.5,
y: -0.5,
width: size + 1, // +1 to compensate for crispifying in rect method
height: size + 1,
r: options.buttonBorderRadius
}, tempElem.strokeWidth()));
// Button arrow
tempElem = renderer
size / 2 + (index ? -1 : 1),
size / 2 - 3,
size / 2 + (index ? -1 : 1),
size / 2 + 3,
size / 2 + (index ? 2 : -2),
size / 2
], options.vertical))
fill: options.buttonArrowColor
* Set scrollbar size, with a given scale.
* @param {Number} from - scale (0-1) where bar should start
* @param {Number} to - scale (0-1) where bar should end
setRange: function (from, to) {
var scroller = this,
options = scroller.options,
vertical = options.vertical,
minWidth = options.minWidth,
fullWidth = scroller.barWidth,
method = this.rendered && !this.hasDragged ? 'animate' : 'attr';
if (!defined(fullWidth)) {
from = Math.max(from, 0);
fromPX = Math.ceil(fullWidth * from);
toPX = fullWidth * Math.min(to, 1);
scroller.calculatedWidth = newSize = correctFloat(toPX - fromPX);
// We need to recalculate position, if minWidth is used
if (newSize < minWidth) {
fromPX = (fullWidth - minWidth + newSize) * from;
newSize = minWidth;
newPos = Math.floor(fromPX + scroller.xOffset + scroller.yOffset);
newRiflesPos = newSize / 2 - 0.5; // -0.5 -> rifle line width / 2
// Store current position:
scroller.from = from; = to;
if (!vertical) {
translateX: newPos
width: newSize
translateX: newRiflesPos
scroller.scrollbarLeft = newPos;
scroller.scrollbarTop = 0;
} else {
translateY: newPos
height: newSize
translateY: newRiflesPos
scroller.scrollbarTop = newPos;
scroller.scrollbarLeft = 0;
if (newSize <= 12) {
} else {;
// Show or hide the scrollbar based on the showFull setting
if (options.showFull === false) {
if (from <= 0 && to >= 1) {;
} else {;
scroller.rendered = true;
* Init events methods, so we have an access to the Scrollbar itself
initEvents: function () {
var scroller = this;
* Event handler for the mouse move event.
scroller.mouseMoveHandler = function (e) {
var normalizedEvent = scroller.chart.pointer.normalize(e),
options = scroller.options,
direction = options.vertical ? 'chartY' : 'chartX',
initPositions = scroller.initPositions,
// In iOS, a mousemove event with e.pageX === 0 is fired when holding the finger
// down in the center of the scrollbar. This should be ignored.
if (scroller.grabbedCenter && (!e.touches || e.touches[0][direction] !== 0)) { // #4696, scrollbar failed on Android
chartPosition = scroller.cursorToScrollbarPosition(normalizedEvent)[direction];
scrollPosition = scroller[direction];
change = chartPosition - scrollPosition;
scroller.hasDragged = true;
scroller.updatePosition(initPositions[0] + change, initPositions[1] + change);
if (scroller.hasDragged) {
fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', {
from: scroller.from,
trigger: 'scrollbar',
DOMType: e.type,
DOMEvent: e
* Event handler for the mouse up event.
scroller.mouseUpHandler = function (e) {
if (scroller.hasDragged) {
fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', {
from: scroller.from,
trigger: 'scrollbar',
DOMType: e.type,
DOMEvent: e
scroller.grabbedCenter = scroller.hasDragged = scroller.chartX = scroller.chartY = null;
scroller.mouseDownHandler = function (e) {
var normalizedEvent = scroller.chart.pointer.normalize(e),
mousePosition = scroller.cursorToScrollbarPosition(normalizedEvent);
scroller.chartX = mousePosition.chartX;
scroller.chartY = mousePosition.chartY;
scroller.initPositions = [scroller.from,];
scroller.grabbedCenter = true;
scroller.buttonToMinClick = function (e) {
var range = correctFloat( - scroller.from) * scroller.options.step;
scroller.updatePosition(correctFloat(scroller.from - range), correctFloat( - range));
fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', {
from: scroller.from,
trigger: 'scrollbar',
DOMEvent: e
scroller.buttonToMaxClick = function (e) {
var range = ( - scroller.from) * scroller.options.step;
scroller.updatePosition(scroller.from + range, + range);
fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', {
from: scroller.from,
trigger: 'scrollbar',
DOMEvent: e
scroller.trackClick = function (e) {
var normalizedEvent = scroller.chart.pointer.normalize(e),
range = - scroller.from,
top = scroller.y + scroller.scrollbarTop,
left = scroller.x + scroller.scrollbarLeft;
if ((scroller.options.vertical && normalizedEvent.chartY > top) ||
(!scroller.options.vertical && normalizedEvent.chartX > left)) {
// On the top or on the left side of the track:
scroller.updatePosition(scroller.from + range, + range);
} else {
// On the bottom or the right side of the track:
scroller.updatePosition(scroller.from - range, - range);
fireEvent(scroller, 'changed', {
from: scroller.from,
trigger: 'scrollbar',
DOMEvent: e
* Get normalized (0-1) cursor position over the scrollbar
* @param {Event} normalizedEvent - normalized event, with chartX and chartY values
* @return {Object} Local position {chartX, chartY}
cursorToScrollbarPosition: function (normalizedEvent) {
var scroller = this,
options = scroller.options,
minWidthDifference = options.minWidth > scroller.calculatedWidth ? options.minWidth : 0; // minWidth distorts translation
return {
chartX: (normalizedEvent.chartX - scroller.x - scroller.xOffset) / (scroller.barWidth - minWidthDifference),
chartY: (normalizedEvent.chartY - scroller.y - scroller.yOffset) / (scroller.barWidth - minWidthDifference)
* Update position option in the Scrollbar, with normalized 0-1 scale
updatePosition: function (from, to) {
if (to > 1) {
from = correctFloat(1 - correctFloat(to - from));
to = 1;
if (from < 0) {
to = correctFloat(to - from);
from = 0;
this.from = from; = to;
* Update the scrollbar with new options
update: function (options) {
this.init(this.chart.renderer, merge(true, this.options, options), this.chart);
* Set up the mouse and touch events for the Scrollbar
addEvents: function () {
var buttonsOrder = this.options.inverted ? [1, 0] : [0, 1],
buttons = this.scrollbarButtons,
bar = this.scrollbarGroup.element,
track = this.track.element,
mouseDownHandler = this.mouseDownHandler,
mouseMoveHandler = this.mouseMoveHandler,
mouseUpHandler = this.mouseUpHandler,
// Mouse events
_events = [
[buttons[buttonsOrder[0]].element, 'click', this.buttonToMinClick],
[buttons[buttonsOrder[1]].element, 'click', this.buttonToMaxClick],
[track, 'click', this.trackClick],
[bar, 'mousedown', mouseDownHandler],
[bar.ownerDocument, 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler],
[bar.ownerDocument, 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler]
// Touch events
if (hasTouch) {
[bar, 'touchstart', mouseDownHandler],
[bar.ownerDocument, 'touchmove', mouseMoveHandler],
[bar.ownerDocument, 'touchend', mouseUpHandler]
// Add them all
each(_events, function (args) {
addEvent.apply(null, args);
this._events = _events;
* Removes the event handlers attached previously with addEvents.
removeEvents: function () {
each(this._events, function (args) {
removeEvent.apply(null, args);
this._events.length = 0;
* Destroys allocated elements.
destroy: function () {
var scroller = this.chart.scroller;
// Disconnect events added in addEvents
// Destroy properties
each(['track', 'scrollbarRifles', 'scrollbar', 'scrollbarGroup', 'group'], function (prop) {
if (this[prop] && this[prop].destroy) {
this[prop] = this[prop].destroy();
}, this);
if (scroller && this === scroller.scrollbar) { // #6421, chart may have more scrollbars
scroller.scrollbar = null;
// Destroy elements in collection
* Wrap axis initialization and create scrollbar if enabled:
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'init', function (proceed) {
var axis = this;
proceed.apply(axis,, 1));
if (axis.options.scrollbar && axis.options.scrollbar.enabled) {
// Predefined options:
axis.options.scrollbar.vertical = !axis.horiz;
axis.options.startOnTick = axis.options.endOnTick = false;
axis.scrollbar = new Scrollbar(axis.chart.renderer, axis.options.scrollbar, axis.chart);
addEvent(axis.scrollbar, 'changed', function (e) {
var unitedMin = Math.min(pick(axis.options.min, axis.min), axis.min, axis.dataMin),
unitedMax = Math.max(pick(axis.options.max, axis.max), axis.max, axis.dataMax),
range = unitedMax - unitedMin,
if ((axis.horiz && !axis.reversed) || (!axis.horiz && axis.reversed)) {
to = unitedMin + range *;
from = unitedMin + range * this.from;
} else {
// y-values in browser are reversed, but this also applies for reversed horizontal axis:
to = unitedMin + range * (1 - this.from);
from = unitedMin + range * (1 -;
axis.setExtremes(from, to, true, false, e);
* Wrap rendering axis, and update scrollbar if one is created:
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'render', function (proceed) {
var axis = this,
scrollMin = Math.min(
pick(axis.options.min, axis.min),
pick(axis.dataMin, axis.min) // #6930
scrollMax = Math.max(
pick(axis.options.max, axis.max),
pick(axis.dataMax, axis.max) // #6930
scrollbar = axis.scrollbar,
titleOffset = axis.titleOffset || 0,
proceed.apply(axis,, 1));
if (scrollbar) {
if (axis.horiz) {
axis.left, + axis.height + 2 + axis.chart.scrollbarsOffsets[1] +
(axis.opposite ?
0 :
titleOffset + axis.axisTitleMargin + axis.offset
offsetsIndex = 1;
} else {
axis.left + axis.width + 2 + axis.chart.scrollbarsOffsets[0] +
(axis.opposite ?
titleOffset + axis.axisTitleMargin + axis.offset :
offsetsIndex = 0;
if ((!axis.opposite && !axis.horiz) || (axis.opposite && axis.horiz)) {
axis.chart.scrollbarsOffsets[offsetsIndex] +=
axis.scrollbar.size + axis.scrollbar.options.margin;
if (isNaN(scrollMin) || isNaN(scrollMax) || !defined(axis.min) || !defined(axis.max)) {
scrollbar.setRange(0, 0); // default action: when there is not extremes on the axis, but scrollbar exists, make it full size
} else {
from = (axis.min - scrollMin) / (scrollMax - scrollMin);
to = (axis.max - scrollMin) / (scrollMax - scrollMin);
if ((axis.horiz && !axis.reversed) || (!axis.horiz && axis.reversed)) {
scrollbar.setRange(from, to);
} else {
scrollbar.setRange(1 - to, 1 - from); // inverse vertical axis
* Make space for a scrollbar
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'getOffset', function (proceed) {
var axis = this,
index = axis.horiz ? 2 : 1,
scrollbar = axis.scrollbar;
proceed.apply(axis,, 1));
if (scrollbar) {
axis.chart.scrollbarsOffsets = [0, 0]; // reset scrollbars offsets
axis.chart.axisOffset[index] += scrollbar.size + scrollbar.options.margin;
* Destroy scrollbar when connected to the specific axis
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'destroy', function (proceed) {
if (this.scrollbar) {
this.scrollbar = this.scrollbar.destroy();
proceed.apply(this,, 1));
H.Scrollbar = Scrollbar;
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
* Options for the corresponding navigator series if `showInNavigator`
* is `true` for this series. Available options are the same as any
* series, documented at [plotOptions](#plotOptions.series) and
* [series](#series).
* These options are merged with options in [navigator.series](
* #navigator.series), and will take precedence if the same option is defined
* both places.
* @type {Object}
* @see [navigator.series](#navigator.series)
* @default undefined
* @since 5.0.0
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.navigatorOptions
* Whether or not to show the series in the navigator. Takes precedence
* over [navigator.baseSeries](#navigator.baseSeries) if defined.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default undefined
* @since 5.0.0
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.showInNavigator
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
Axis = H.Axis,
Chart = H.Chart,
color = H.color,
defaultDataGroupingUnits = H.defaultDataGroupingUnits,
defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions,
defined = H.defined,
destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties,
each = H.each,
erase = H.erase,
error = H.error,
extend = H.extend,
grep = H.grep,
hasTouch = H.hasTouch,
isArray = H.isArray,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
isObject = H.isObject,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
removeEvent = H.removeEvent,
Scrollbar = H.Scrollbar,
Series = H.Series,
seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
wrap = H.wrap,
units = [].concat(defaultDataGroupingUnits), // copy
// Finding the min or max of a set of variables where we don't know if they
// are defined, is a pattern that is repeated several places in Highcharts.
// Consider making this a global utility method.
numExt = function (extreme) {
var numbers = grep(arguments, isNumber);
if (numbers.length) {
return Math[extreme].apply(0, numbers);
// add more resolution to units
units[4] = ['day', [1, 2, 3, 4]]; // allow more days
units[5] = ['week', [1, 2, 3]]; // allow more weeks
defaultSeriesType = seriesTypes.areaspline === undefined ?
'line' :
extend(defaultOptions, {
* The navigator is a small series below the main series, displaying
* a view of the entire data set. It provides tools to zoom in and
* out on parts of the data as well as panning across the dataset.
* @product highstock
* @optionparent navigator
navigator: {
* The height of the navigator.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/height/ A higher navigator
* @default 40
* @product highstock
height: 40,
* The distance from the nearest element, the X axis or X axis labels.
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/margin/
* A margin of 2 draws the navigator closer to the X axis labels
* @default 25
* @product highstock
margin: 25,
* Whether the mask should be inside the range marking the zoomed
* range, or outside. In Highstock 1.x it was always `false`.
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/maskinside-false/
* False, mask outside
* @default true
* @since 2.0
* @product highstock
maskInside: true,
* Options for the handles for dragging the zoomed area.
* @type {Object}
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/handles/ Colored handles
* @product highstock
handles: {
* Width for handles.
* @type {Number}
* @default 7
* @product highstock
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/styled-handles/
* Styled handles
* @since 6.0.0
width: 7,
* Height for handles.
* @type {Number}
* @default 15
* @product highstock
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/styled-handles/
* Styled handles
* @since 6.0.0
height: 15,
* Array to define shapes of handles. 0-index for left, 1-index for
* right.
* Additionally, the URL to a graphic can be given on this form:
* `url(graphic.png)`. Note that for the image to be applied to
* exported charts, its URL needs to be accessible by the export
* server.
* Custom callbacks for symbol path generation can also be added to
* `Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols`. The callback is then
* used by its method name, as shown in the demo.
* @type {Array}
* @default ['navigator-handle', 'navigator-handle']
* @product highstock
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/styled-handles/
* Styled handles
* @since 6.0.0
symbols: ['navigator-handle', 'navigator-handle'],
* Allows to enable/disable handles.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
* @product highstock
* @since 6.0.0
enabled: true,
* The width for the handle border and the stripes inside.
* @type {Number}
* @default 7
* @product highstock
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/styled-handles/
* Styled handles
* @since 6.0.0
lineWidth: 1,
* The fill for the handle.
* @type {Color}
* @product highstock
backgroundColor: '#f2f2f2',
* The stroke for the handle border and the stripes inside.
* @type {Color}
* @product highstock
borderColor: '#999999'
* The color of the mask covering the areas of the navigator series
* that are currently not visible in the main series. The default
* color is bluish with an opacity of 0.3 to see the series below.
* @type {Color}
* @see In styled mode, the mask is styled with the
* `.highcharts-navigator-mask` and
* `.highcharts-navigator-mask-inside` classes.
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/maskfill/
* Blue, semi transparent mask
* @default rgba(102,133,194,0.3)
* @product highstock
maskFill: color('#6685c2').setOpacity(0.3).get(),
* The color of the line marking the currently zoomed area in the
* navigator.
* @type {Color}
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/outline/ 2px blue outline
* @default #cccccc
* @product highstock
outlineColor: '#cccccc',
* The width of the line marking the currently zoomed area in the
* navigator.
* @type {Number}
* @see In styled mode, the outline stroke width is set with the
* `.highcharts-navigator-outline` class.
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/outline/ 2px blue outline
* @default 2
* @product highstock
outlineWidth: 1,
* Options for the navigator series. Available options are the same
* as any series, documented at [plotOptions](#plotOptions.series)
* and [series](#series).
* Unless data is explicitly defined on navigator.series, the data
* is borrowed from the first series in the chart.
* Default series options for the navigator series are:
* <pre>series: {
* type: 'areaspline',
* fillOpacity: 0.05,
* dataGrouping: {
* smoothed: true
* },
* lineWidth: 1,
* marker: {
* enabled: false
* }
* }</pre>
* @type {Object}
* @see In styled mode, the navigator series is styled with the
* `.highcharts-navigator-series` class.
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/series-data/
* Using a separate data set for the navigator
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/series/
* A green navigator series
* @product highstock
series: {
* The type of the navigator series. Defaults to `areaspline` if
* defined, otherwise `line`.
* @type {String}
type: defaultSeriesType,
* The fill opacity of the navigator series.
fillOpacity: 0.05,
* The pixel line width of the navigator series.
lineWidth: 1,
* @ignore-option
compare: null,
* Data grouping options for the navigator series.
* @extends {plotOptions.series.dataGrouping}
dataGrouping: {
approximation: 'average',
enabled: true,
groupPixelWidth: 2,
smoothed: true,
units: units
* Data label options for the navigator series. Data labels are
* disabled by default on the navigator series.
* @extends {plotOptions.series.dataLabels}
dataLabels: {
enabled: false,
zIndex: 2 // #1839
id: 'highcharts-navigator-series',
className: 'highcharts-navigator-series',
* Line color for the navigator series. Allows setting the color
* while disallowing the default candlestick setting.
* @type {Color}
lineColor: null, // #4602
marker: {
enabled: false
pointRange: 0,
* The threshold option. Setting it to 0 will make the default
* navigator area series draw its area from the 0 value and up.
* @type {Number}
threshold: null
* Options for the navigator X axis. Default series options
* for the navigator xAxis are:
* <pre>xAxis: {
* tickWidth: 0,
* lineWidth: 0,
* gridLineWidth: 1,
* tickPixelInterval: 200,
* labels: {
* align: 'left',
* style: {
* color: '#888'
* },
* x: 3,
* y: -4
* }
* }</pre>
* @type {Object}
* @extends {xAxis}
* @excluding linkedTo,maxZoom,minRange,opposite,range,scrollbar,
* showEmpty,maxRange
* @product highstock
xAxis: {
* Additional range on the right side of the xAxis. Works similar to
* xAxis.maxPadding, but value is set in milliseconds.
* Can be set for both, main xAxis and navigator's xAxis.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
* @since 6.0.0
* @product highstock
* @apioption xAxis.overscroll
overscroll: 0,
className: 'highcharts-navigator-xaxis',
tickLength: 0,
lineWidth: 0,
gridLineColor: '#e6e6e6',
gridLineWidth: 1,
tickPixelInterval: 200,
labels: {
align: 'left',
style: {
color: '#999999'
x: 3,
y: -4
crosshair: false
* Options for the navigator Y axis. Default series options
* for the navigator yAxis are:
* <pre>yAxis: {
* gridLineWidth: 0,
* startOnTick: false,
* endOnTick: false,
* minPadding: 0.1,
* maxPadding: 0.1,
* labels: {
* enabled: false
* },
* title: {
* text: null
* },
* tickWidth: 0
* }</pre>
* @type {Object}
* @extends {yAxis}
* @excluding height,linkedTo,maxZoom,minRange,ordinal,range,showEmpty,
* scrollbar,top,units,maxRange,minLength,maxLength,resize
* @product highstock
yAxis: {
className: 'highcharts-navigator-yaxis',
gridLineWidth: 0,
startOnTick: false,
endOnTick: false,
minPadding: 0.1,
maxPadding: 0.1,
labels: {
enabled: false
crosshair: false,
title: {
text: null
tickLength: 0,
tickWidth: 0
* Draw one of the handles on the side of the zoomed range in the navigator
* @param {Boolean} inverted flag for chart.inverted
* @returns {Array} Path to be used in a handle
H.Renderer.prototype.symbols['navigator-handle'] = function (
) {
var halfWidth = options.width / 2,
markerPosition = Math.round(halfWidth / 3) + 0.5,
height = options.height;
return [
-halfWidth - 1, 0.5,
halfWidth, 0.5,
halfWidth, height + 0.5,
-halfWidth - 1, height + 0.5,
-halfWidth - 1, 0.5,
-markerPosition, 4,
-markerPosition, height - 3,
markerPosition - 1, 4,
markerPosition - 1, height - 3
* The Navigator class
* @param {Object} chart - Chart object
* @class
function Navigator(chart) {
Navigator.prototype = {
* Draw one of the handles on the side of the zoomed range in the navigator
* @param {Number} x The x center for the handle
* @param {Number} index 0 for left and 1 for right
* @param {Boolean} inverted flag for chart.inverted
* @param {String} verb use 'animate' or 'attr'
drawHandle: function (x, index, inverted, verb) {
var navigator = this,
height = navigator.navigatorOptions.handles.height;
// Place it
navigator.handles[index][verb](inverted ? {
translateX: Math.round(navigator.left + navigator.height / 2),
translateY: Math.round( + parseInt(x, 10) + 0.5 - height
} : {
translateX: Math.round(navigator.left + parseInt(x, 10)),
translateY: Math.round( + navigator.height / 2 - height / 2 - 1
* Render outline around the zoomed range
* @param {Number} zoomedMin in pixels position where zoomed range starts
* @param {Number} zoomedMax in pixels position where zoomed range ends
* @param {Boolean} inverted flag if chart is inverted
* @param {String} verb use 'animate' or 'attr'
drawOutline: function (zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb) {
var navigator = this,
maskInside = navigator.navigatorOptions.maskInside,
outlineWidth = navigator.outline.strokeWidth(),
halfOutline = outlineWidth / 2,
outlineCorrection = (outlineWidth % 2) / 2, // #5800
outlineHeight = navigator.outlineHeight,
scrollbarHeight = navigator.scrollbarHeight,
navigatorSize = navigator.size,
left = navigator.left - scrollbarHeight,
navigatorTop =,
if (inverted) {
left -= halfOutline;
verticalMin = navigatorTop + zoomedMax + outlineCorrection;
zoomedMax = navigatorTop + zoomedMin + outlineCorrection;
path = [
left + outlineHeight,
navigatorTop - scrollbarHeight - outlineCorrection, // top edge
left + outlineHeight,
verticalMin, // top right of zoomed range
verticalMin, // top left of z.r.
zoomedMax, // bottom left of z.r.
left + outlineHeight,
zoomedMax, // bottom right of z.r.
left + outlineHeight,
navigatorTop + navigatorSize + scrollbarHeight // bottom edge
].concat(maskInside ? [
left + outlineHeight,
verticalMin - halfOutline, // upper left of zoomed range
left + outlineHeight,
zoomedMax + halfOutline // upper right of z.r.
] : []);
} else {
zoomedMin += left + scrollbarHeight - outlineCorrection;
zoomedMax += left + scrollbarHeight - outlineCorrection;
navigatorTop += halfOutline;
path = [
navigatorTop, // left
navigatorTop, // upper left of zoomed range
navigatorTop + outlineHeight, // lower left of z.r.
navigatorTop + outlineHeight, // lower right of z.r.
navigatorTop, // upper right of z.r.
left + navigatorSize + scrollbarHeight * 2,
navigatorTop // right
].concat(maskInside ? [
zoomedMin - halfOutline,
navigatorTop, // upper left of zoomed range
zoomedMax + halfOutline,
navigatorTop // upper right of z.r.
] : []);
d: path
* Render outline around the zoomed range
* @param {Number} zoomedMin in pixels position where zoomed range starts
* @param {Number} zoomedMax in pixels position where zoomed range ends
* @param {Boolean} inverted flag if chart is inverted
* @param {String} verb use 'animate' or 'attr'
drawMasks: function (zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb) {
var navigator = this,
left = navigator.left,
top =,
navigatorHeight = navigator.height,
// Determine rectangle position & size
// According to (non)inverted position:
if (inverted) {
x = [left, left, left];
y = [top, top + zoomedMin, top + zoomedMax];
width = [navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight];
height = [
zoomedMax - zoomedMin,
navigator.size - zoomedMax
} else {
x = [left, left + zoomedMin, left + zoomedMax];
y = [top, top, top];
width = [
zoomedMax - zoomedMin,
navigator.size - zoomedMax
height = [navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight, navigatorHeight];
each(navigator.shades, function (shade, i) {
x: x[i],
y: y[i],
width: width[i],
height: height[i]
* Generate DOM elements for a navigator:
* - main navigator group
* - all shades
* - outline
* - handles
renderElements: function () {
var navigator = this,
navigatorOptions = navigator.navigatorOptions,
maskInside = navigatorOptions.maskInside,
chart = navigator.chart,
inverted = chart.inverted,
renderer = chart.renderer,
// Create the main navigator group
navigator.navigatorGroup = navigatorGroup = renderer.g('navigator')
zIndex: 8,
visibility: 'hidden'
var mouseCursor = {
cursor: inverted ? 'ns-resize' : 'ew-resize'
// Create masks, each mask will get events and fill:
each([!maskInside, maskInside, !maskInside], function (hasMask, index) {
navigator.shades[index] = renderer.rect()
.addClass('highcharts-navigator-mask' +
(index === 1 ? '-inside' : '-outside'))
fill: hasMask ? navigatorOptions.maskFill : 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
.css(index === 1 && mouseCursor)
// Create the outline:
navigator.outline = renderer.path()
'stroke-width': navigatorOptions.outlineWidth,
stroke: navigatorOptions.outlineColor
// Create the handlers:
if (navigatorOptions.handles.enabled) {
each([0, 1], function (index) {
navigatorOptions.handles.inverted = chart.inverted;
navigator.handles[index] = renderer.symbol(
-navigatorOptions.handles.width / 2 - 1,
// zIndex = 6 for right handle, 7 for left.
// Can't be 10, because of the tooltip in inverted chart #2908
navigator.handles[index].attr({ zIndex: 7 - index })
'highcharts-navigator-handle ' +
'highcharts-navigator-handle-' +
['left', 'right'][index]
var handlesOptions = navigatorOptions.handles;
fill: handlesOptions.backgroundColor,
stroke: handlesOptions.borderColor,
'stroke-width': handlesOptions.lineWidth
* Update navigator
* @param {Object} options Options to merge in when updating navigator
update: function (options) {
// Remove references to old navigator series in base series
each(this.series || [], function (series) {
if (series.baseSeries) {
delete series.baseSeries.navigatorSeries;
// Destroy and rebuild navigator
var chartOptions = this.chart.options;
merge(true, chartOptions.navigator, this.options, options);
* Render the navigator
* @param {Number} min X axis value minimum
* @param {Number} max X axis value maximum
* @param {Number} pxMin Pixel value minimum
* @param {Number} pxMax Pixel value maximum
render: function (min, max, pxMin, pxMax) {
var navigator = this,
chart = navigator.chart,
scrollbarHeight = navigator.scrollbarHeight,
xAxis = navigator.xAxis,
scrollbarXAxis = xAxis.fake ? chart.xAxis[0] : xAxis,
navigatorEnabled = navigator.navigatorEnabled,
rendered = navigator.rendered,
inverted = chart.inverted,
minRange = chart.xAxis[0].minRange,
maxRange = chart.xAxis[0].options.maxRange;
// Don't redraw while moving the handles (#4703).
if (this.hasDragged && !defined(pxMin)) {
// Don't render the navigator until we have data (#486, #4202, #5172).
if (!isNumber(min) || !isNumber(max)) {
// However, if navigator was already rendered, we may need to resize
// it. For example hidden series, but visible navigator (#6022).
if (rendered) {
pxMin = 0;
pxMax = pick(xAxis.width, scrollbarXAxis.width);
} else {
navigator.left = pick(
// in case of scrollbar only, without navigator
chart.plotLeft + scrollbarHeight + (inverted ? chart.plotWidth : 0)
navigator.size = zoomedMax = navigatorSize = pick(
(inverted ? chart.plotHeight : chart.plotWidth) -
2 * scrollbarHeight
if (inverted) {
navigatorWidth = scrollbarHeight;
} else {
navigatorWidth = navigatorSize + 2 * scrollbarHeight;
// Get the pixel position of the handles
pxMin = pick(pxMin, xAxis.toPixels(min, true));
pxMax = pick(pxMax, xAxis.toPixels(max, true));
// Verify (#1851, #2238)
if (!isNumber(pxMin) || Math.abs(pxMin) === Infinity) {
pxMin = 0;
pxMax = navigatorWidth;
// Are we below the minRange? (#2618, #6191)
newMin = xAxis.toValue(pxMin, true);
newMax = xAxis.toValue(pxMax, true);
currentRange = Math.abs(H.correctFloat(newMax - newMin));
if (currentRange < minRange) {
if (this.grabbedLeft) {
pxMin = xAxis.toPixels(newMax - minRange, true);
} else if (this.grabbedRight) {
pxMax = xAxis.toPixels(newMin + minRange, true);
} else if (defined(maxRange) && currentRange > maxRange) {
* Maximum range which can be set using the navigator's handles.
* Opposite of [xAxis.minRange](#xAxis.minRange).
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
* @product highstock
* @sample {highstock} stock/navigator/maxrange/
* Defined max and min range
* @since 6.0.0
* @apioption xAxis.maxRange
if (this.grabbedLeft) {
pxMin = xAxis.toPixels(newMax - maxRange, true);
} else if (this.grabbedRight) {
pxMax = xAxis.toPixels(newMin + maxRange, true);
// Handles are allowed to cross, but never exceed the plot area
navigator.zoomedMax = Math.min(Math.max(pxMin, pxMax, 0), zoomedMax);
navigator.zoomedMin = Math.min(
navigator.fixedWidth ?
navigator.zoomedMax - navigator.fixedWidth :
Math.min(pxMin, pxMax),
navigator.range = navigator.zoomedMax - navigator.zoomedMin;
zoomedMax = Math.round(navigator.zoomedMax);
zoomedMin = Math.round(navigator.zoomedMin);
if (navigatorEnabled) {
visibility: 'visible'
// Place elements
verb = rendered && !navigator.hasDragged ? 'animate' : 'attr';
navigator.drawMasks(zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb);
navigator.drawOutline(zoomedMin, zoomedMax, inverted, verb);
if (navigator.navigatorOptions.handles.enabled) {
navigator.drawHandle(zoomedMin, 0, inverted, verb);
navigator.drawHandle(zoomedMax, 1, inverted, verb);
if (navigator.scrollbar) {
if (inverted) {
scrollbarTop = - scrollbarHeight;
scrollbarLeft = navigator.left - scrollbarHeight +
(navigatorEnabled || !scrollbarXAxis.opposite ? 0 :
// Multiple axes has offsets:
(scrollbarXAxis.titleOffset || 0) +
// Self margin from the axis.title
scrollbarHeight = navigatorSize + 2 * scrollbarHeight;
} else {
scrollbarTop = +
(navigatorEnabled ? navigator.height : -scrollbarHeight);
scrollbarLeft = navigator.left - scrollbarHeight;
// Reposition scrollbar
// Keep scale 0-1
// Use real value, not rounded because range can be very small
// (#1716)
navigator.zoomedMin / navigatorSize,
navigator.zoomedMax / navigatorSize
navigator.rendered = true;
* Set up the mouse and touch events for the navigator
addMouseEvents: function () {
var navigator = this,
chart = navigator.chart,
container = chart.container,
eventsToUnbind = [],
* Create mouse events' handlers.
* Make them as separate functions to enable wrapping them:
navigator.mouseMoveHandler = mouseMoveHandler = function (e) {
navigator.mouseUpHandler = mouseUpHandler = function (e) {
// Add shades and handles mousedown events
eventsToUnbind = navigator.getPartsEvents('mousedown');
// Add mouse move and mouseup events. These are bind to doc/container,
// because Navigator.grabbedSomething flags are stored in mousedown
// events
addEvent(container, 'mousemove', mouseMoveHandler),
addEvent(container.ownerDocument, 'mouseup', mouseUpHandler)
// Touch events
if (hasTouch) {
addEvent(container, 'touchmove', mouseMoveHandler),
addEvent(container.ownerDocument, 'touchend', mouseUpHandler)
navigator.eventsToUnbind = eventsToUnbind;
// Data events
if (navigator.series && navigator.series[0]) {
function () {
* Generate events for handles and masks
* @param {String} eventName Event name handler, 'mousedown' or 'touchstart'
* @returns {Array} An array of arrays: [DOMElement, eventName, callback].
getPartsEvents: function (eventName) {
var navigator = this,
events = [];
each(['shades', 'handles'], function (name) {
each(navigator[name], function (navigatorItem, index) {
function (e) {
navigator[name + 'Mousedown'](e, index);
return events;
* Mousedown on a shaded mask, either:
* - will be stored for future drag&drop
* - will directly shift to a new range
* @param {Object} e Mouse event
* @param {Number} index Index of a mask in Navigator.shades array
shadesMousedown: function (e, index) {
e = this.chart.pointer.normalize(e);
var navigator = this,
chart = navigator.chart,
xAxis = navigator.xAxis,
zoomedMin = navigator.zoomedMin,
navigatorPosition = navigator.left,
navigatorSize = navigator.size,
range = navigator.range,
chartX = e.chartX,
// For inverted chart, swap some options:
if (chart.inverted) {
chartX = e.chartY;
navigatorPosition =;
if (index === 1) {
// Store information for drag&drop
navigator.grabbedCenter = chartX;
navigator.fixedWidth = range;
navigator.dragOffset = chartX - zoomedMin;
} else {
// Shift the range by clicking on shaded areas
left = chartX - navigatorPosition - range / 2;
if (index === 0) {
left = Math.max(0, left);
} else if (index === 2 && left + range >= navigatorSize) {
left = navigatorSize - range;
if (xAxis.reversed) {
// #7713
left -= range;
fixedMin = navigator.getUnionExtremes().dataMin;
} else {
// #2293, #3543
fixedMax = navigator.getUnionExtremes().dataMax;
if (left !== zoomedMin) { // it has actually moved
navigator.fixedWidth = range; // #1370
ext = xAxis.toFixedRange(
left + range,
if (defined(ext.min)) { // #7411
Math.min(ext.min, ext.max),
Math.max(ext.min, ext.max),
null, // auto animation
{ trigger: 'navigator' }
* Mousedown on a handle mask.
* Will store necessary information for drag&drop.
* @param {Object} e Mouse event
* @param {Number} index Index of a handle in Navigator.handles array
handlesMousedown: function (e, index) {
e = this.chart.pointer.normalize(e);
var navigator = this,
chart = navigator.chart,
baseXAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
// For reversed axes, min and max are chagned,
// so the other extreme should be stored
reverse = (chart.inverted && !baseXAxis.reversed) ||
(!chart.inverted && baseXAxis.reversed);
if (index === 0) {
// Grab the left handle
navigator.grabbedLeft = true;
navigator.otherHandlePos = navigator.zoomedMax;
navigator.fixedExtreme = reverse ? baseXAxis.min : baseXAxis.max;
} else {
// Grab the right handle
navigator.grabbedRight = true;
navigator.otherHandlePos = navigator.zoomedMin;
navigator.fixedExtreme = reverse ? baseXAxis.max : baseXAxis.min;
chart.fixedRange = null;
* Mouse move event based on x/y mouse position.
* @param {Object} e Mouse event
onMouseMove: function (e) {
var navigator = this,
chart = navigator.chart,
left = navigator.left,
navigatorSize = navigator.navigatorSize,
range = navigator.range,
dragOffset = navigator.dragOffset,
inverted = chart.inverted,
// In iOS, a mousemove event with e.pageX === 0 is fired when holding
// the finger down in the center of the scrollbar. This should be
// ignored.
if (!e.touches || e.touches[0].pageX !== 0) { // #4696
e = chart.pointer.normalize(e);
chartX = e.chartX;
// Swap some options for inverted chart
if (inverted) {
left =;
chartX = e.chartY;
// Drag left handle or top handle
if (navigator.grabbedLeft) {
navigator.hasDragged = true;
chartX - left,
// Drag right handle or bottom handle
} else if (navigator.grabbedRight) {
navigator.hasDragged = true;
chartX - left
// Drag scrollbar or open area in navigator
} else if (navigator.grabbedCenter) {
navigator.hasDragged = true;
if (chartX < dragOffset) { // outside left
chartX = dragOffset;
// outside right
} else if (chartX > navigatorSize + dragOffset - range) {
chartX = navigatorSize + dragOffset - range;
chartX - dragOffset,
chartX - dragOffset + range
if (
navigator.hasDragged &&
navigator.scrollbar &&
) {
e.DOMType = e.type; // DOMType is for IE8
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
* Mouse up event based on x/y mouse position.
* @param {Object} e Mouse event
onMouseUp: function (e) {
var navigator = this,
chart = navigator.chart,
xAxis = navigator.xAxis,
reversed = xAxis && xAxis.reversed,
scrollbar = navigator.scrollbar,
DOMEvent = e.DOMEvent || e;
if (
// MouseUp is called for both, navigator and scrollbar (that order),
// which causes calling afterSetExtremes twice. Prevent first call
// by checking if scrollbar is going to set new extremes (#6334)
(navigator.hasDragged && (!scrollbar || !scrollbar.hasDragged)) ||
e.trigger === 'scrollbar'
) {
unionExtremes = navigator.getUnionExtremes();
// When dragging one handle, make sure the other one doesn't change
if (navigator.zoomedMin === navigator.otherHandlePos) {
fixedMin = navigator.fixedExtreme;
} else if (navigator.zoomedMax === navigator.otherHandlePos) {
fixedMax = navigator.fixedExtreme;
// Snap to right edge (#4076)
if (navigator.zoomedMax === navigator.size) {
fixedMax = reversed ?
unionExtremes.dataMin : unionExtremes.dataMax;
// Snap to left edge (#7576)
if (navigator.zoomedMin === 0) {
fixedMin = reversed ?
unionExtremes.dataMax : unionExtremes.dataMin;
ext = xAxis.toFixedRange(
if (defined(ext.min)) {
Math.min(ext.min, ext.max),
Math.max(ext.min, ext.max),
// Run animation when clicking buttons, scrollbar track etc,
// but not when dragging handles or scrollbar
navigator.hasDragged ? false : null,
trigger: 'navigator',
triggerOp: 'navigator-drag',
DOMEvent: DOMEvent // #1838
if (e.DOMType !== 'mousemove') {
navigator.grabbedLeft = navigator.grabbedRight =
navigator.grabbedCenter = navigator.fixedWidth =
navigator.fixedExtreme = navigator.otherHandlePos =
navigator.hasDragged = navigator.dragOffset = null;
* Removes the event handlers attached previously with addEvents.
removeEvents: function () {
if (this.eventsToUnbind) {
each(this.eventsToUnbind, function (unbind) {
this.eventsToUnbind = undefined;
* Remove data events.
removeBaseSeriesEvents: function () {
var baseSeries = this.baseSeries || [];
if (this.navigatorEnabled && baseSeries[0]) {
if (this.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData !== false) {
each(baseSeries, function (series) {
removeEvent(series, 'updatedData', this.updatedDataHandler);
}, this);
// We only listen for extremes-events on the first baseSeries
if (baseSeries[0].xAxis) {
* Initiate the Navigator object
init: function (chart) {
var chartOptions = chart.options,
navigatorOptions = chartOptions.navigator,
navigatorEnabled = navigatorOptions.enabled,
scrollbarOptions = chartOptions.scrollbar,
scrollbarEnabled = scrollbarOptions.enabled,
height = navigatorEnabled ? navigatorOptions.height : 0,
scrollbarHeight = scrollbarEnabled ? scrollbarOptions.height : 0;
this.handles = [];
this.shades = [];
this.chart = chart;
this.height = height;
this.scrollbarHeight = scrollbarHeight;
this.scrollbarEnabled = scrollbarEnabled;
this.navigatorEnabled = navigatorEnabled;
this.navigatorOptions = navigatorOptions;
this.scrollbarOptions = scrollbarOptions;
this.outlineHeight = height + scrollbarHeight;
this.opposite = pick(
!navigatorEnabled && chart.inverted
); // #6262
var navigator = this,
baseSeries = navigator.baseSeries,
xAxisIndex = chart.xAxis.length,
yAxisIndex = chart.yAxis.length,
baseXaxis = baseSeries && baseSeries[0] && baseSeries[0].xAxis ||
chart.xAxis[0] || { options: {} };
// Make room for the navigator, can be placed around the chart:
chart.extraMargin = {
type: navigator.opposite ? 'plotTop' : 'marginBottom',
value: (
navigatorEnabled || !chart.inverted ?
navigator.outlineHeight :
) + navigatorOptions.margin
if (chart.inverted) {
chart.extraMargin.type = navigator.opposite ?
'marginRight' :
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
if (navigator.navigatorEnabled) {
// an x axis is required for scrollbar also
navigator.xAxis = new Axis(chart, merge({
// inherit base xAxis' break and ordinal options
breaks: baseXaxis.options.breaks,
ordinal: baseXaxis.options.ordinal
}, navigatorOptions.xAxis, {
id: 'navigator-x-axis',
yAxis: 'navigator-y-axis',
isX: true,
type: 'datetime',
index: xAxisIndex,
offset: 0,
keepOrdinalPadding: true, // #2436
startOnTick: false,
endOnTick: false,
minPadding: 0,
maxPadding: 0,
zoomEnabled: false
}, chart.inverted ? {
offsets: [scrollbarHeight, 0, -scrollbarHeight, 0],
width: height
} : {
offsets: [0, -scrollbarHeight, 0, scrollbarHeight],
height: height
navigator.yAxis = new Axis(chart, merge(navigatorOptions.yAxis, {
id: 'navigator-y-axis',
alignTicks: false,
offset: 0,
index: yAxisIndex,
zoomEnabled: false
}, chart.inverted ? {
width: height
} : {
height: height
// If we have a base series, initialize the navigator series
if (baseSeries || {
// If not, set up an event to listen for added series
} else if (chart.series.length === 0) {
navigator.unbindRedraw = addEvent(
function () {
// We've got one, now add it as base
if (chart.series.length > 0 && !navigator.series) {
navigator.unbindRedraw(); // reset
// Render items, so we can bind events to them:
// Add mouse events
// in case of scrollbar only, fake an x axis to get translation
} else {
navigator.xAxis = {
translate: function (value, reverse) {
var axis = chart.xAxis[0],
ext = axis.getExtremes(),
scrollTrackWidth = axis.len - 2 * scrollbarHeight,
min = numExt('min', axis.options.min, ext.dataMin),
valueRange = numExt(
) - min;
return reverse ?
// from pixel to value
(value * valueRange / scrollTrackWidth) + min :
// from value to pixel
scrollTrackWidth * (value - min) / valueRange;
toPixels: function (value) {
return this.translate(value);
toValue: function (value) {
return this.translate(value, true);
toFixedRange: Axis.prototype.toFixedRange,
fake: true
// Initialize the scrollbar
if (chart.options.scrollbar.enabled) {
chart.scrollbar = navigator.scrollbar = new Scrollbar(
merge(chart.options.scrollbar, {
margin: navigator.navigatorEnabled ? 0 : 10,
vertical: chart.inverted
addEvent(navigator.scrollbar, 'changed', function (e) {
var range = navigator.size,
to = range *,
from = range * this.from;
navigator.hasDragged = navigator.scrollbar.hasDragged;
navigator.render(0, 0, from, to);
if (
chart.options.scrollbar.liveRedraw ||
e.DOMType !== 'mousemove' &&
e.DOMType !== 'touchmove'
) {
setTimeout(function () {
// Add data events
// Add redraw events
* Get the union data extremes of the chart - the outer data extremes of the
* base X axis and the navigator axis.
* @param {boolean} returnFalseOnNoBaseSeries - as the param says.
getUnionExtremes: function (returnFalseOnNoBaseSeries) {
var baseAxis = this.chart.xAxis[0],
navAxis = this.xAxis,
navAxisOptions = navAxis.options,
baseAxisOptions = baseAxis.options,
if (!returnFalseOnNoBaseSeries || baseAxis.dataMin !== null) {
ret = {
dataMin: pick( // #4053
navAxisOptions && navAxisOptions.min,
dataMax: pick(
navAxisOptions && navAxisOptions.max,
return ret;
* Set the base series and update the navigator series from this. With a bit
* of modification we should be able to make this an API method to be called
* from the outside
* @param {Object} baseSeriesOptions
* Additional series options for a navigator
* @param {Boolean} [redraw]
* Whether to redraw after update.
setBaseSeries: function (baseSeriesOptions, redraw) {
var chart = this.chart,
baseSeries = this.baseSeries = [];
baseSeriesOptions = (
baseSeriesOptions ||
chart.options && chart.options.navigator.baseSeries ||
// Iterate through series and add the ones that should be shown in
// navigator.
each(chart.series || [], function (series, i) {
if (
// Don't include existing nav series
!series.options.isInternal &&
series.options.showInNavigator ||
i === baseSeriesOptions || === baseSeriesOptions
) &&
series.options.showInNavigator !== false
) {
// When run after render, this.xAxis already exists
if (this.xAxis && !this.xAxis.fake) {
this.updateNavigatorSeries(true, redraw);
* Update series in the navigator from baseSeries, adding new if does not
* exist.
updateNavigatorSeries: function (addEvents, redraw) {
var navigator = this,
chart = navigator.chart,
baseSeries = navigator.baseSeries,
chartNavigatorSeriesOptions = navigator.navigatorOptions.series,
navSeriesMixin = {
enableMouseTracking: false,
index: null, // #6162
linkedTo: null, // #6734
group: 'nav', // for columns
padXAxis: false,
xAxis: 'navigator-x-axis',
yAxis: 'navigator-y-axis',
showInLegend: false,
stacking: false, // #4823
isInternal: true,
visible: true
// Remove navigator series that are no longer in the baseSeries
navigatorSeries = navigator.series = H.grep(
navigator.series || [], function (navSeries) {
var base = navSeries.baseSeries;
if (H.inArray(base, baseSeries) < 0) { // Not in array
// If there is still a base series connected to this
// series, remove event handler and reference.
if (base) {
delete base.navigatorSeries;
// Kill the nav series
return false;
return true;
// Go through each base series and merge the options to create new
// series
if (baseSeries && baseSeries.length) {
each(baseSeries, function eachBaseSeries(base) {
var linkedNavSeries = base.navigatorSeries,
userNavOptions = extend(
// Grab color from base as default
color: base.color
!isArray(chartNavigatorSeriesOptions) ?
chartNavigatorSeriesOptions :
// Don't update if the series exists in nav and we have disabled
// adaptToUpdatedData.
if (
linkedNavSeries &&
navigator.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData === false
) {
} = 'Navigator ' + baseSeries.length;
baseOptions = base.options || {};
baseNavigatorOptions = baseOptions.navigatorOptions || {};
mergedNavSeriesOptions = merge(
// Merge data separately. Do a slice to avoid mutating the
// navigator options from base series (#4923).
var navigatorSeriesData = ||;
navigator.hasNavigatorData =
navigator.hasNavigatorData || !!navigatorSeriesData; =
navigatorSeriesData || &&;
// Update or add the series
if (linkedNavSeries && linkedNavSeries.options) {
linkedNavSeries.update(mergedNavSeriesOptions, redraw);
} else {
base.navigatorSeries = chart.initSeries(
base.navigatorSeries.baseSeries = base; // Store ref
// If user has defined data (and no base series) or explicitly defined
// navigator.series as an array, we create these series on top of any
// base series.
if ( &&
!(baseSeries && baseSeries.length) ||
) {
navigator.hasNavigatorData = false;
// Allow navigator.series to be an array
chartNavigatorSeriesOptions = H.splat(chartNavigatorSeriesOptions);
each(chartNavigatorSeriesOptions, function (userSeriesOptions, i) { =
'Navigator ' + (navigatorSeries.length + 1);
mergedNavSeriesOptions = merge(
// Since we don't have a base series to pull color from,
// try to fake it by using color from series with same
// index. Otherwise pull from the colors array. We need
// an explicit color as otherwise updates will increment
// color counter and we'll get a new color for each
// update of the nav series.
color: chart.series[i] &&
!chart.series[i].options.isInternal &&
chart.series[i].color ||
chart.options.colors[i] ||
); =;
if ( {
navigator.hasNavigatorData = true;
if (addEvents) {
* Add data events.
* For example when main series is updated we need to recalculate extremes
addBaseSeriesEvents: function () {
var navigator = this,
baseSeries = navigator.baseSeries || [];
// Bind modified extremes event to first base's xAxis only.
// In event of > 1 base-xAxes, the navigator will ignore those.
// Adding this multiple times to the same axis is no problem, as
// duplicates should be discarded by the browser.
if (baseSeries[0] && baseSeries[0].xAxis) {
each(baseSeries, function (base) {
// Link base series show/hide to navigator series visibility
addEvent(base, 'show', function () {
if (this.navigatorSeries) {
this.navigatorSeries.setVisible(true, false);
addEvent(base, 'hide', function () {
if (this.navigatorSeries) {
this.navigatorSeries.setVisible(false, false);
// Respond to updated data in the base series, unless explicitily
// not adapting to data changes.
if (this.navigatorOptions.adaptToUpdatedData !== false) {
if (base.xAxis) {
addEvent(base, 'updatedData', this.updatedDataHandler);
// Handle series removal
addEvent(base, 'remove', function () {
if (this.navigatorSeries) {
erase(navigator.series, this.navigatorSeries);
if (defined(this.navigatorSeries.options)) {
delete this.navigatorSeries;
}, this);
* Set the navigator x axis extremes to reflect the total. The navigator
* extremes should always be the extremes of the union of all series in the
* chart as well as the navigator series.
modifyNavigatorAxisExtremes: function () {
var xAxis = this.xAxis,
if (xAxis.getExtremes) {
unionExtremes = this.getUnionExtremes(true);
if (
unionExtremes &&
unionExtremes.dataMin !== xAxis.min ||
unionExtremes.dataMax !== xAxis.max
) {
xAxis.min = unionExtremes.dataMin;
xAxis.max = unionExtremes.dataMax;
* Hook to modify the base axis extremes with information from the Navigator
modifyBaseAxisExtremes: function () {
var baseXAxis = this,
navigator = baseXAxis.chart.navigator,
baseExtremes = baseXAxis.getExtremes(),
baseMin = baseExtremes.min,
baseMax = baseExtremes.max,
baseDataMin = baseExtremes.dataMin,
baseDataMax = baseExtremes.dataMax,
range = baseMax - baseMin,
stickToMin = navigator.stickToMin,
stickToMax = navigator.stickToMax,
overscroll = pick(baseXAxis.options.overscroll, 0),
navigatorSeries = navigator.series && navigator.series[0],
hasSetExtremes = !!baseXAxis.setExtremes,
// When the extremes have been set by range selector button, don't
// stick to min or max. The range selector buttons will handle the
// extremes. (#5489)
unmutable = baseXAxis.eventArgs &&
baseXAxis.eventArgs.trigger === 'rangeSelectorButton';
if (!unmutable) {
// If the zoomed range is already at the min, move it to the right
// as new data comes in
if (stickToMin) {
newMin = baseDataMin;
newMax = newMin + range;
// If the zoomed range is already at the max, move it to the right
// as new data comes in
if (stickToMax) {
newMax = baseDataMax + overscroll;
// if stickToMin is true, the new min value is set above
if (!stickToMin) {
newMin = Math.max(
newMax - range,
navigatorSeries && navigatorSeries.xData ?
navigatorSeries.xData[0] : -Number.MAX_VALUE
// Update the extremes
if (hasSetExtremes && (stickToMin || stickToMax)) {
if (isNumber(newMin)) {
baseXAxis.min = baseXAxis.userMin = newMin;
baseXAxis.max = baseXAxis.userMax = newMax;
// Reset
navigator.stickToMin = navigator.stickToMax = null;
* Handler for updated data on the base series. When data is modified, the
* navigator series must reflect it. This is called from the Chart.redraw
* function before axis and series extremes are computed.
updatedDataHandler: function () {
var navigator = this.chart.navigator,
baseSeries = this,
navigatorSeries = this.navigatorSeries;
// If the scrollbar is scrolled all the way to the right, keep right as
// new data comes in.
navigator.stickToMax = navigator.xAxis.reversed ?
Math.round(navigator.zoomedMin) === 0 :
Math.round(navigator.zoomedMax) >= Math.round(navigator.size);
// Detect whether the zoomed area should stick to the minimum or
// maximum. If the current axis minimum falls outside the new updated
// dataset, we must adjust.
navigator.stickToMin = isNumber(baseSeries.xAxis.min) &&
(baseSeries.xAxis.min <= baseSeries.xData[0]) &&
(!this.chart.fixedRange || !navigator.stickToMax);
// Set the navigator series data to the new data of the base series
if (navigatorSeries && !navigator.hasNavigatorData) {
navigatorSeries.options.pointStart = baseSeries.xData[0];
); // #5414
* Add chart events, like redrawing navigator, when chart requires that.
addChartEvents: function () {
addEvent(this.chart, 'redraw', function () {
// Move the scrollbar after redraw, like after data updata even if
// axes don't redraw
var navigator = this.navigator,
xAxis = navigator && (
navigator.baseSeries &&
navigator.baseSeries[0] &&
navigator.baseSeries[0].xAxis ||
navigator.scrollbar && this.xAxis[0]
); // #5709
if (xAxis) {
navigator.render(xAxis.min, xAxis.max);
* Destroys allocated elements.
destroy: function () {
// Disconnect events added in addEvents
if (this.xAxis) {
erase(this.chart.xAxis, this.xAxis);
erase(this.chart.axes, this.xAxis);
if (this.yAxis) {
erase(this.chart.yAxis, this.yAxis);
erase(this.chart.axes, this.yAxis);
// Destroy series
each(this.series || [], function (s) {
if (s.destroy) {
// Destroy properties
'series', 'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'shades', 'outline', 'scrollbarTrack',
'scrollbarRifles', 'scrollbarGroup', 'scrollbar', 'navigatorGroup',
], function (prop) {
if (this[prop] && this[prop].destroy) {
this[prop] = null;
}, this);
// Destroy elements in collection
each([this.handles], function (coll) {
}, this);
H.Navigator = Navigator;
* For Stock charts, override selection zooming with some special features
* because X axis zooming is already allowed by the Navigator and Range
* selector.
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'zoom', function (proceed, newMin, newMax) {
var chart = this.chart,
chartOptions = chart.options,
zoomType = chartOptions.chart.zoomType,
pinchType = chartOptions.chart.pinchType,
navigator = chartOptions.navigator,
rangeSelector = chartOptions.rangeSelector,
if (this.isXAxis && ((navigator && navigator.enabled) ||
(rangeSelector && rangeSelector.enabled))) {
// For x only zooming, fool the chart.zoom method not to create the zoom
// button because the property already exists
if (zoomType === 'x' || pinchType === 'x') {
chart.resetZoomButton = 'blocked';
// For y only zooming, ignore the X axis completely
} else if (zoomType === 'y') {
ret = false;
// For xy zooming, record the state of the zoom before zoom selection,
// then when the reset button is pressed, revert to this state. This
// should apply only if the chart is initialized with a range (#6612),
// otherwise zoom all the way out.
} else if (
(zoomType === 'xy' || pinchType === 'xy') &&
) {
previousZoom = this.previousZoom;
if (defined(newMin)) {
this.previousZoom = [this.min, this.max];
} else if (previousZoom) {
newMin = previousZoom[0];
newMax = previousZoom[1];
delete this.previousZoom;
return ret !== undefined ? ret :, newMin, newMax);
// Initialize navigator for stock charts
addEvent(Chart, 'beforeRender', function () {
var options = this.options;
if (options.navigator.enabled || options.scrollbar.enabled) {
this.scroller = this.navigator = new Navigator(this);
* For stock charts, extend the Chart.setChartSize method so that we can set the
* final top position of the navigator once the height of the chart, including
* the legend, is determined. #367. We can't use Chart.getMargins, because
* labels offsets are not calculated yet.
addEvent(Chart, 'afterSetChartSize', function () {
var legend = this.legend,
navigator = this.navigator,
if (navigator) {
legendOptions = legend && legend.options;
xAxis = navigator.xAxis;
yAxis = navigator.yAxis;
scrollbarHeight = navigator.scrollbarHeight;
// Compute the top position
if (this.inverted) {
navigator.left = navigator.opposite ?
this.chartWidth - scrollbarHeight - navigator.height :
this.spacing[3] + scrollbarHeight; = this.plotTop + scrollbarHeight;
} else {
navigator.left = this.plotLeft + scrollbarHeight; = ||
this.chartHeight -
navigator.height -
scrollbarHeight -
this.spacing[2] -
this.rangeSelector && this.extraBottomMargin ?
this.rangeSelector.getHeight() :
) -
legendOptions &&
legendOptions.verticalAlign === 'bottom' &&
legendOptions.enabled &&
) ?
legend.legendHeight + pick(legendOptions.margin, 10) :
if (xAxis && yAxis) { // false if navigator is disabled (#904)
if (this.inverted) {
xAxis.options.left = yAxis.options.left = navigator.left;
} else { = =;
// Pick up badly formatted point options to addPoint
wrap(Series.prototype, 'addPoint', function (
) {
var turboThreshold = this.options.turboThreshold;
if (
turboThreshold &&
this.xData.length > turboThreshold &&
isObject(options, true) &&
) {
error(20, true);
}, options, redraw, shift, animation);
// Handle adding new series
addEvent(Chart, 'afterAddSeries', function () {
if (this.navigator) {
// Recompute which series should be shown in navigator, and add them
this.navigator.setBaseSeries(null, false);
// Handle updating series
addEvent(Series, 'afterUpdate', function () {
if (this.chart.navigator && !this.options.isInternal) {
this.chart.navigator.setBaseSeries(null, false);
Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function (chart) {
var extremes,
navigator = chart.navigator;
// Initiate the navigator
if (navigator && chart.xAxis[0]) {
extremes = chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes();
navigator.render(extremes.min, extremes.max);
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
/* eslint max-len: 0 */
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
Axis = H.Axis,
Chart = H.Chart,
css = H.css,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
noop = H.noop,
pick = H.pick,
Series = H.Series,
timeUnits = H.timeUnits,
wrap = H.wrap;
/* ****************************************************************************
* Start ordinal axis logic *
wrap(Series.prototype, 'init', function (proceed) {
var series = this,
// call the original function
proceed.apply(this,, 1));
xAxis = series.xAxis;
// Destroy the extended ordinal index on updated data
if (xAxis && xAxis.options.ordinal) {
addEvent(series, 'updatedData', function () {
delete xAxis.ordinalIndex;
* In an ordinal axis, there might be areas with dense consentrations of points, then large
* gaps between some. Creating equally distributed ticks over this entire range
* may lead to a huge number of ticks that will later be removed. So instead, break the
* positions up in segments, find the tick positions for each segment then concatenize them.
* This method is used from both data grouping logic and X axis tick position logic.
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'getTimeTicks', function (proceed, normalizedInterval, min, max, startOfWeek, positions, closestDistance, findHigherRanks) {
var start = 0,
higherRanks = {},
groupPositions = [],
lastGroupPosition = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
tickPixelIntervalOption = this.options.tickPixelInterval,
time = this.chart.time;
// The positions are not always defined, for example for ordinal positions when data
// has regular interval (#1557, #2090)
if ((!this.options.ordinal && !this.options.breaks) || !positions || positions.length < 3 || min === undefined) {
return, normalizedInterval, min, max, startOfWeek);
// Analyze the positions array to split it into segments on gaps larger than 5 times
// the closest distance. The closest distance is already found at this point, so
// we reuse that instead of computing it again.
posLength = positions.length;
for (end = 0; end < posLength; end++) {
outsideMax = end && positions[end - 1] > max;
if (positions[end] < min) { // Set the last position before min
start = end;
if (end === posLength - 1 || positions[end + 1] - positions[end] > closestDistance * 5 || outsideMax) {
// For each segment, calculate the tick positions from the getTimeTicks utility
// function. The interval will be the same regardless of how long the segment is.
if (positions[end] > lastGroupPosition) { // #1475
segmentPositions =, normalizedInterval, positions[start], positions[end], startOfWeek);
// Prevent duplicate groups, for example for multiple segments within one larger time frame (#1475)
while (segmentPositions.length && segmentPositions[0] <= lastGroupPosition) {
if (segmentPositions.length) {
lastGroupPosition = segmentPositions[segmentPositions.length - 1];
groupPositions = groupPositions.concat(segmentPositions);
// Set start of next segment
start = end + 1;
if (outsideMax) {
// Get the grouping info from the last of the segments. The info is the same for
// all segments.
info =;
// Optionally identify ticks with higher rank, for example when the ticks
// have crossed midnight.
if (findHigherRanks && info.unitRange <= timeUnits.hour) {
end = groupPositions.length - 1;
// Compare points two by two
for (start = 1; start < end; start++) {
if (
time.dateFormat('%d', groupPositions[start]) !==
time.dateFormat('%d', groupPositions[start - 1])
) {
higherRanks[groupPositions[start]] = 'day';
hasCrossedHigherRank = true;
// If the complete array has crossed midnight, we want to mark the first
// positions also as higher rank
if (hasCrossedHigherRank) {
higherRanks[groupPositions[0]] = 'day';
info.higherRanks = higherRanks;
// Save the info = info;
// Don't show ticks within a gap in the ordinal axis, where the space between
// two points is greater than a portion of the tick pixel interval
if (findHigherRanks && defined(tickPixelIntervalOption)) { // check for squashed ticks
var length = groupPositions.length,
i = length,
translatedArr = [],
distances = [];
// Find median pixel distance in order to keep a reasonably even distance between
// ticks (#748)
while (i--) {
translated = this.translate(groupPositions[i]);
if (lastTranslated) {
distances[i] = lastTranslated - translated;
translatedArr[i] = lastTranslated = translated;
medianDistance = distances[Math.floor(distances.length / 2)];
if (medianDistance < tickPixelIntervalOption * 0.6) {
medianDistance = null;
// Now loop over again and remove ticks where needed
i = groupPositions[length - 1] > max ? length - 1 : length; // #817
lastTranslated = undefined;
while (i--) {
translated = translatedArr[i];
distance = Math.abs(lastTranslated - translated);
// #4175 - when axis is reversed, the distance, is negative but
// tickPixelIntervalOption positive, so we need to compare the same values
// Remove ticks that are closer than 0.6 times the pixel interval from the one to the right,
// but not if it is close to the median distance (#748).
if (lastTranslated && distance < tickPixelIntervalOption * 0.8 &&
(medianDistance === null || distance < medianDistance * 0.8)) {
// Is this a higher ranked position with a normal position to the right?
if (higherRanks[groupPositions[i]] && !higherRanks[groupPositions[i + 1]]) {
// Yes: remove the lower ranked neighbour to the right
itemToRemove = i + 1;
lastTranslated = translated; // #709
} else {
// No: remove this one
itemToRemove = i;
groupPositions.splice(itemToRemove, 1);
} else {
lastTranslated = translated;
return groupPositions;
// Extend the Axis prototype
extend(Axis.prototype, /** @lends Axis.prototype */ {
* Calculate the ordinal positions before tick positions are calculated.
beforeSetTickPositions: function () {
var axis = this,
ordinalPositions = [],
useOrdinal = false,
extremes = axis.getExtremes(),
min = extremes.min,
max = extremes.max,
hasBreaks = axis.isXAxis && !!axis.options.breaks,
isOrdinal = axis.options.ordinal,
overscrollPointsRange = Number.MAX_VALUE,
ignoreHiddenSeries = axis.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries,
isNavigatorAxis = axis.options.className === 'highcharts-navigator-xaxis',
if (
axis.options.overscroll &&
axis.max === axis.dataMax &&
// Panning is an execption,
// We don't want to apply overscroll when panning over the dataMax
!axis.chart.mouseIsDown ||
) && (
// Scrollbar buttons are the other execption:
!axis.eventArgs ||
axis.eventArgs && axis.eventArgs.trigger !== 'navigator'
) {
axis.max += axis.options.overscroll;
// Live data and buttons require translation for the min:
if (!isNavigatorAxis && defined(axis.userMin)) {
axis.min += axis.options.overscroll;
// Apply the ordinal logic
if (isOrdinal || hasBreaks) { // #4167 YAxis is never ordinal ?
each(axis.series, function (series, i) {
if (
(!ignoreHiddenSeries || series.visible !== false) &&
(series.takeOrdinalPosition !== false || hasBreaks)
) {
// concatenate the processed X data into the existing positions, or the empty array
ordinalPositions = ordinalPositions.concat(series.processedXData);
len = ordinalPositions.length;
// remove duplicates (#1588)
ordinalPositions.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b; // without a custom function it is sorted as strings
overscrollPointsRange = Math.min(
// Check for a single-point series:
if (len) {
i = len - 1;
while (i--) {
if (ordinalPositions[i] === ordinalPositions[i + 1]) {
ordinalPositions.splice(i, 1);
// cache the length
len = ordinalPositions.length;
// Check if we really need the overhead of mapping axis data against the ordinal positions.
// If the series consist of evenly spaced data any way, we don't need any ordinal logic.
if (len > 2) { // two points have equal distance by default
dist = ordinalPositions[1] - ordinalPositions[0];
i = len - 1;
while (i-- && !useOrdinal) {
if (ordinalPositions[i + 1] - ordinalPositions[i] !== dist) {
useOrdinal = true;
// When zooming in on a week, prevent axis padding for weekends even though the data within
// the week is evenly spaced.
if (
!axis.options.keepOrdinalPadding &&
ordinalPositions[0] - min > dist ||
max - ordinalPositions[ordinalPositions.length - 1] > dist
) {
useOrdinal = true;
} else if (axis.options.overscroll) {
if (len === 2) {
// Exactly two points, distance for overscroll is fixed:
overscrollPointsRange = ordinalPositions[1] - ordinalPositions[0];
} else if (len === 1) {
// We have just one point, closest distance is unknown.
// Assume then it is last point and overscrolled range:
overscrollPointsRange = axis.options.overscroll;
ordinalPositions = [ordinalPositions[0], ordinalPositions[0] + overscrollPointsRange];
} else {
// In case of zooming in on overscrolled range, stick to the old range:
overscrollPointsRange = axis.overscrollPointsRange;
// Record the slope and offset to compute the linear values from the array index.
// Since the ordinal positions may exceed the current range, get the start and
// end positions within it (#719, #665b)
if (useOrdinal) {
if (axis.options.overscroll) {
axis.overscrollPointsRange = overscrollPointsRange;
ordinalPositions = ordinalPositions.concat(axis.getOverscrollPositions());
// Register
axis.ordinalPositions = ordinalPositions;
// This relies on the ordinalPositions being set. Use Math.max
// and Math.min to prevent padding on either sides of the data.
minIndex = axis.ordinal2lin( // #5979
maxIndex = Math.max(axis.ordinal2lin(
ordinalPositions[ordinalPositions.length - 1]
), 1); // #3339
// Set the slope and offset of the values compared to the indices in the ordinal positions
axis.ordinalSlope = slope = (max - min) / (maxIndex - minIndex);
axis.ordinalOffset = min - (minIndex * slope);
} else {
axis.overscrollPointsRange = pick(axis.closestPointRange, axis.overscrollPointsRange);
axis.ordinalPositions = axis.ordinalSlope = axis.ordinalOffset = undefined;
axis.isOrdinal = isOrdinal && useOrdinal; // #3818, #4196, #4926
axis.groupIntervalFactor = null; // reset for next run
* Translate from a linear axis value to the corresponding ordinal axis position. If there
* are no gaps in the ordinal axis this will be the same. The translated value is the value
* that the point would have if the axis were linear, using the same min and max.
* @param Number val The axis value
* @param Boolean toIndex Whether to return the index in the ordinalPositions or the new value
val2lin: function (val, toIndex) {
var axis = this,
ordinalPositions = axis.ordinalPositions,
if (!ordinalPositions) {
ret = val;
} else {
var ordinalLength = ordinalPositions.length,
// first look for an exact match in the ordinalpositions array
i = ordinalLength;
while (i--) {
if (ordinalPositions[i] === val) {
ordinalIndex = i;
// if that failed, find the intermediate position between the two nearest values
i = ordinalLength - 1;
while (i--) {
if (val > ordinalPositions[i] || i === 0) { // interpolate
distance = (val - ordinalPositions[i]) / (ordinalPositions[i + 1] - ordinalPositions[i]); // something between 0 and 1
ordinalIndex = i + distance;
ret = toIndex ?
ordinalIndex :
axis.ordinalSlope * (ordinalIndex || 0) + axis.ordinalOffset;
return ret;
* Translate from linear (internal) to axis value
* @param Number val The linear abstracted value
* @param Boolean fromIndex Translate from an index in the ordinal positions rather than a value
lin2val: function (val, fromIndex) {
var axis = this,
ordinalPositions = axis.ordinalPositions,
if (!ordinalPositions) { // the visible range contains only equally spaced values
ret = val;
} else {
var ordinalSlope = axis.ordinalSlope,
ordinalOffset = axis.ordinalOffset,
i = ordinalPositions.length - 1,
// Handle the case where we translate from the index directly, used only
// when panning an ordinal axis
if (fromIndex) {
if (val < 0) { // out of range, in effect panning to the left
val = ordinalPositions[0];
} else if (val > i) { // out of range, panning to the right
val = ordinalPositions[i];
} else { // split it up
i = Math.floor(val);
distance = val - i; // the decimal
// Loop down along the ordinal positions. When the linear equivalent of i matches
// an ordinal position, interpolate between the left and right values.
} else {
while (i--) {
linearEquivalentLeft = (ordinalSlope * i) + ordinalOffset;
if (val >= linearEquivalentLeft) {
linearEquivalentRight = (ordinalSlope * (i + 1)) + ordinalOffset;
distance = (val - linearEquivalentLeft) / (linearEquivalentRight - linearEquivalentLeft); // something between 0 and 1
// If the index is within the range of the ordinal positions, return the associated
// or interpolated value. If not, just return the value
return distance !== undefined && ordinalPositions[i] !== undefined ?
ordinalPositions[i] + (distance ? distance * (ordinalPositions[i + 1] - ordinalPositions[i]) : 0) :
return ret;
* Get the ordinal positions for the entire data set. This is necessary in chart panning
* because we need to find out what points or data groups are available outside the
* visible range. When a panning operation starts, if an index for the given grouping
* does not exists, it is created and cached. This index is deleted on updated data, so
* it will be regenerated the next time a panning operation starts.
getExtendedPositions: function () {
var axis = this,
chart = axis.chart,
grouping = axis.series[0].currentDataGrouping,
ordinalIndex = axis.ordinalIndex,
key = grouping ? grouping.count + grouping.unitName : 'raw',
overscroll = axis.options.overscroll,
extremes = axis.getExtremes(),
// If this is the first time, or the ordinal index is deleted by updatedData,
// create it.
if (!ordinalIndex) {
ordinalIndex = axis.ordinalIndex = {};
if (!ordinalIndex[key]) {
// Create a fake axis object where the extended ordinal positions are emulated
fakeAxis = {
series: [],
chart: chart,
getExtremes: function () {
return {
min: extremes.dataMin,
max: extremes.dataMax + overscroll
options: {
ordinal: true
val2lin: Axis.prototype.val2lin, // #2590
ordinal2lin: Axis.prototype.ordinal2lin // #6276
// Add the fake series to hold the full data, then apply processData to it
each(axis.series, function (series) {
fakeSeries = {
xAxis: fakeAxis,
xData: series.xData.slice(),
chart: chart,
destroyGroupedData: noop
fakeSeries.xData = fakeSeries.xData.concat(axis.getOverscrollPositions());
fakeSeries.options = {
dataGrouping: grouping ? {
enabled: true,
forced: true,
approximation: 'open', // doesn't matter which, use the fastest
units: [[grouping.unitName, [grouping.count]]]
} : {
enabled: false
// Run beforeSetTickPositions to compute the ordinalPositions
// Cache it
ordinalIndex[key] = fakeAxis.ordinalPositions;
return ordinalIndex[key];
* Get ticks for an ordinal axis within a range where points don't exist.
* It is required when overscroll is enabled. We can't base on points,
* because we may not have any, so we use approximated pointRange and
* generate these ticks between <Axis.dataMax, Axis.dataMax + Axis.overscroll>
* evenly spaced. Used in panning and navigator scrolling.
* @returns positions {Array} Generated ticks
* @private
getOverscrollPositions: function () {
var axis = this,
extraRange = axis.options.overscroll,
distance = axis.overscrollPointsRange,
positions = [],
max = axis.dataMax;
if (H.defined(distance)) {
// Max + pointRange because we need to scroll to the last
while (max <= axis.dataMax + extraRange) {
max += distance;
return positions;
* Find the factor to estimate how wide the plot area would have been if ordinal
* gaps were included. This value is used to compute an imagined plot width in order
* to establish the data grouping interval.
* A real world case is the intraday-candlestick
* example. Without this logic, it would show the correct data grouping when viewing
* a range within each day, but once moving the range to include the gap between two
* days, the interval would include the cut-away night hours and the data grouping
* would be wrong. So the below method tries to compensate by identifying the most
* common point interval, in this case days.
* An opposite case is presented in issue #718. We have a long array of daily data,
* then one point is appended one hour after the last point. We expect the data grouping
* not to change.
* In the future, if we find cases where this estimation doesn't work optimally, we
* might need to add a second pass to the data grouping logic, where we do another run
* with a greater interval if the number of data groups is more than a certain fraction
* of the desired group count.
getGroupIntervalFactor: function (xMin, xMax, series) {
var i,
processedXData = series.processedXData,
len = processedXData.length,
distances = [],
groupIntervalFactor = this.groupIntervalFactor;
// Only do this computation for the first series, let the other inherit it (#2416)
if (!groupIntervalFactor) {
// Register all the distances in an array
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
distances[i] = processedXData[i + 1] - processedXData[i];
// Sort them and find the median
distances.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
median = distances[Math.floor(len / 2)];
// Compensate for series that don't extend through the entire axis extent. #1675.
xMin = Math.max(xMin, processedXData[0]);
xMax = Math.min(xMax, processedXData[len - 1]);
this.groupIntervalFactor = groupIntervalFactor = (len * median) / (xMax - xMin);
// Return the factor needed for data grouping
return groupIntervalFactor;
* Make the tick intervals closer because the ordinal gaps make the ticks spread out or cluster
postProcessTickInterval: function (tickInterval) {
// Problem:
// This is a case where this algorithm doesn't work optimally. In this case, the
// tick labels are spread out per week, but all the gaps reside within weeks. So
// we have a situation where the labels are courser than the ordinal gaps, and
// thus the tick interval should not be altered
var ordinalSlope = this.ordinalSlope,
if (ordinalSlope) {
if (!this.options.breaks) {
ret = tickInterval / (ordinalSlope / this.closestPointRange);
} else {
ret = this.closestPointRange || tickInterval; // #7275
} else {
ret = tickInterval;
return ret;
// Record this to prevent overwriting by broken-axis module (#5979)
Axis.prototype.ordinal2lin = Axis.prototype.val2lin;
// Extending the Chart.pan method for ordinal axes
wrap(Chart.prototype, 'pan', function (proceed, e) {
var chart = this,
xAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
overscroll = xAxis.options.overscroll,
chartX = e.chartX,
runBase = false;
if (xAxis.options.ordinal && xAxis.series.length) {
var mouseDownX = chart.mouseDownX,
extremes = xAxis.getExtremes(),
dataMax = extremes.dataMax,
min = extremes.min,
max = extremes.max,
hoverPoints = chart.hoverPoints,
closestPointRange = xAxis.closestPointRange || xAxis.overscrollPointsRange,
pointPixelWidth = xAxis.translationSlope * (xAxis.ordinalSlope || closestPointRange),
movedUnits = (mouseDownX - chartX) / pointPixelWidth, // how many ordinal units did we move?
extendedAxis = { ordinalPositions: xAxis.getExtendedPositions() }, // get index of all the chart's points
lin2val = xAxis.lin2val,
val2lin = xAxis.val2lin,
if (!extendedAxis.ordinalPositions) { // we have an ordinal axis, but the data is equally spaced
runBase = true;
} else if (Math.abs(movedUnits) > 1) {
// Remove active points for shared tooltip
if (hoverPoints) {
each(hoverPoints, function (point) {
if (movedUnits < 0) {
searchAxisLeft = extendedAxis;
searchAxisRight = xAxis.ordinalPositions ? xAxis : extendedAxis;
} else {
searchAxisLeft = xAxis.ordinalPositions ? xAxis : extendedAxis;
searchAxisRight = extendedAxis;
// In grouped data series, the last ordinal position represents the grouped data, which is
// to the left of the real data max. If we don't compensate for this, we will be allowed
// to pan grouped data series passed the right of the plot area.
ordinalPositions = searchAxisRight.ordinalPositions;
if (dataMax > ordinalPositions[ordinalPositions.length - 1]) {
// Get the new min and max values by getting the ordinal index for the current extreme,
// then add the moved units and translate back to values. This happens on the
// extended ordinal positions if the new position is out of range, else it happens
// on the current x axis which is smaller and faster.
chart.fixedRange = max - min;
trimmedRange = xAxis.toFixedRange(null, null,
lin2val.apply(searchAxisLeft, [
val2lin.apply(searchAxisLeft, [min, true]) + movedUnits, // the new index
true // translate from index
lin2val.apply(searchAxisRight, [
val2lin.apply(searchAxisRight, [max, true]) + movedUnits, // the new index
true // translate from index
// Apply it if it is within the available data range
if (
trimmedRange.min >= Math.min(extremes.dataMin, min) &&
trimmedRange.max <= Math.max(dataMax, max) + overscroll
) {
xAxis.setExtremes(trimmedRange.min, trimmedRange.max, true, false, { trigger: 'pan' });
chart.mouseDownX = chartX; // set new reference for next run
css(chart.container, { cursor: 'move' });
} else {
runBase = true;
// revert to the linear chart.pan version
if (runBase) {
if (overscroll) {
xAxis.max = xAxis.dataMax + overscroll;
// call the original function
proceed.apply(this,, 1));
/* ****************************************************************************
* End ordinal axis logic *
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
/* eslint max-len: 0 */
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
Axis = H.Axis,
Chart = H.Chart,
css = H.css,
createElement = H.createElement,
defaultOptions = H.defaultOptions,
defined = H.defined,
destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties,
discardElement = H.discardElement,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
fireEvent = H.fireEvent,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
pInt = H.pInt,
splat = H.splat,
wrap = H.wrap;
/* ****************************************************************************
* Start Range Selector code *
extend(defaultOptions, {
* The range selector is a tool for selecting ranges to display within
* the chart. It provides buttons to select preconfigured ranges in
* the chart, like 1 day, 1 week, 1 month etc. It also provides input
* boxes where min and max dates can be manually input.
* @product highstock
* @optionparent rangeSelector
rangeSelector: {
// allButtonsEnabled: false,
// enabled: true,
// buttons: {Object}
// buttonSpacing: 0,
* The vertical alignment of the rangeselector box. Allowed properties are `top`,
* `middle`, `bottom`.
* @since 6.0.0
* @sample {highstock} stock/rangeselector/vertical-align-middle/ Middle
* @sample {highstock} stock/rangeselector/vertical-align-bottom/ Bottom
verticalAlign: 'top',
* A collection of attributes for the buttons. The object takes SVG
* attributes like `fill`, `stroke`, `stroke-width`, as well as `style`,
* a collection of CSS properties for the text.
* The object can also be extended with states, so you can set presentational
* options for `hover`, `select` or `disabled` button states.
* CSS styles for the text label.
* In styled mode, the buttons are styled by the
* `.highcharts-range-selector-buttons .highcharts-button` rule with its
* different states.
* @type {Object}
* @sample {highstock} stock/rangeselector/styling/ Styling the buttons and inputs
* @product highstock
buttonTheme: {
'stroke-width': 0,
width: 28,
height: 18,
padding: 2,
zIndex: 7 // #484, #852
* When the rangeselector is floating, the plot area does not reserve
* space for it. This opens for positioning anywhere on the chart.
* @sample {highstock} stock/rangeselector/floating/
* Placing the range selector between the plot area and the
* navigator
* @since 6.0.0
* @product highstock
floating: false,
* The x offset of the range selector relative to its horizontal
* alignment within `chart.spacingLeft` and `chart.spacingRight`.
* @since 6.0.0
* @product highstock
x: 0,
* The y offset of the range selector relative to its horizontal
* alignment within `chart.spacingLeft` and `chart.spacingRight`.
* @since 6.0.0
* @product highstock
y: 0,
* Deprecated. The height of the range selector. Currently it is
* calculated dynamically.
* @type {Number}
* @default undefined
* @since 2.1.9
* @product highstock
* @deprecated true
height: undefined, // reserved space for buttons and input
* Positioning for the input boxes. Allowed properties are `align`,
* `x` and `y`.
* @type {Object}
* @default { align: "right" }
* @since 1.2.4
* @product highstock
inputPosition: {
* The alignment of the input box. Allowed properties are `left`,
* `center`, `right`.
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @sample {highstock} stock/rangeselector/input-button-position/
* Alignment
* @since 6.0.0
align: 'right',
x: 0,
y: 0
* Positioning for the button row.
* @since 1.2.4
* @product highstock
buttonPosition: {
* The alignment of the input box. Allowed properties are `left`,
* `center`, `right`.
* @validvalue ["left", "center", "right"]
* @sample {highstock} stock/rangeselector/input-button-position/
* Alignment
* @since 6.0.0
align: 'left',
* X offset of the button row.
x: 0,
* Y offset of the button row.
y: 0
// inputDateFormat: '%b %e, %Y',
// inputEditDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
// inputEnabled: true,
// selected: undefined,
// inputStyle: {},
* CSS styles for the labels - the Zoom, From and To texts.
* In styled mode, the labels are styled by the `.highcharts-range-label` class.
* @type {CSSObject}
* @sample {highstock} stock/rangeselector/styling/ Styling the buttons and inputs
* @product highstock
labelStyle: {
color: '#666666'
defaultOptions.lang = merge(
* Language object. The language object is global and it can't be set
* on each chart initiation. Instead, use `Highcharts.setOptions` to
* set it before any chart is initialized.
* <pre>Highcharts.setOptions({
* lang: {
* months: [
* 'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril',
* 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août',
* 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'
* ],
* weekdays: [
* 'Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi',
* 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi'
* ]
* }
* });</pre>
* @optionparent lang
* @product highstock
* The text for the label for the range selector buttons.
* @type {String}
* @default Zoom
* @product highstock
rangeSelectorZoom: 'Zoom',
* The text for the label for the "from" input box in the range
* selector.
* @type {String}
* @default From
* @product highstock
rangeSelectorFrom: 'From',
* The text for the label for the "to" input box in the range selector.
* @type {String}
* @default To
* @product highstock
rangeSelectorTo: 'To'
* The range selector.
* @class
* @param {Object} chart
function RangeSelector(chart) {
// Run RangeSelector
RangeSelector.prototype = {
* The method to run when one of the buttons in the range selectors is clicked
* @param {Number} i The index of the button
* @param {Object} rangeOptions
* @param {Boolean} redraw
clickButton: function (i, redraw) {
var rangeSelector = this,
chart = rangeSelector.chart,
rangeOptions = rangeSelector.buttonOptions[i],
baseAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
unionExtremes = (chart.scroller && chart.scroller.getUnionExtremes()) || baseAxis || {},
dataMin = unionExtremes.dataMin,
dataMax = unionExtremes.dataMax,
newMax = baseAxis && Math.round(Math.min(baseAxis.max, pick(dataMax, baseAxis.max))), // #1568
type = rangeOptions.type,
range = rangeOptions._range,
dataGrouping = rangeOptions.dataGrouping;
if (dataMin === null || dataMax === null) { // chart has no data, base series is removed
// Set the fixed range before range is altered
chart.fixedRange = range;
// Apply dataGrouping associated to button
if (dataGrouping) {
this.forcedDataGrouping = true; || { chart: this.chart }, dataGrouping, false);
// Apply range
if (type === 'month' || type === 'year') {
if (!baseAxis) {
// This is set to the user options and picked up later when the axis is instantiated
// so that we know the min and max.
range = rangeOptions;
} else {
ctx = {
range: rangeOptions,
max: newMax,
chart: chart,
dataMin: dataMin,
dataMax: dataMax
newMin =;
if (isNumber(ctx.newMax)) {
newMax = ctx.newMax;
// Fixed times like minutes, hours, days
} else if (range) {
newMin = Math.max(newMax - range, dataMin);
newMax = Math.min(newMin + range, dataMax);
} else if (type === 'ytd') {
// On user clicks on the buttons, or a delayed action running from the beforeRender
// event (below), the baseAxis is defined.
if (baseAxis) {
// When "ytd" is the pre-selected button for the initial view, its calculation
// is delayed and rerun in the beforeRender event (below). When the series
// are initialized, but before the chart is rendered, we have access to the xData
// array (#942).
if (dataMax === undefined) {
dataMin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
dataMax = Number.MIN_VALUE;
each(chart.series, function (series) {
var xData = series.xData; // reassign it to the last item
dataMin = Math.min(xData[0], dataMin);
dataMax = Math.max(xData[xData.length - 1], dataMax);
redraw = false;
ytdExtremes = rangeSelector.getYTDExtremes(
newMin = rangeMin = ytdExtremes.min;
newMax = ytdExtremes.max;
// "ytd" is pre-selected. We don't yet have access to processed point and extremes data
// (things like pointStart and pointInterval are missing), so we delay the process (#942)
} else {
addEvent(chart, 'beforeRender', function () {
} else if (type === 'all' && baseAxis) {
newMin = dataMin;
newMax = dataMax;
newMin += rangeOptions._offsetMin;
newMax += rangeOptions._offsetMax;
// Update the chart
if (!baseAxis) {
// Axis not yet instanciated. Temporarily set min and range
// options and remove them on chart load (#4317).
baseXAxisOptions = splat(chart.options.xAxis)[0];
rangeSetting = baseXAxisOptions.range;
baseXAxisOptions.range = range;
minSetting = baseXAxisOptions.min;
baseXAxisOptions.min = rangeMin;
addEvent(chart, 'load', function resetMinAndRange() {
baseXAxisOptions.range = rangeSetting;
baseXAxisOptions.min = minSetting;
} else {
// Existing axis object. Set extremes after render time.
pick(redraw, 1),
null, // auto animation
trigger: 'rangeSelectorButton',
rangeSelectorButton: rangeOptions
* Set the selected option. This method only sets the internal flag, it
* doesn't update the buttons or the actual zoomed range.
setSelected: function (selected) {
this.selected = this.options.selected = selected;
* The default buttons for pre-selecting time frames
defaultButtons: [{
type: 'month',
count: 1,
text: '1m'
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 3,
text: '3m'
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 6,
text: '6m'
}, {
type: 'ytd',
text: 'YTD'
}, {
type: 'year',
count: 1,
text: '1y'
}, {
type: 'all',
text: 'All'
* Initialize the range selector
init: function (chart) {
var rangeSelector = this,
options = chart.options.rangeSelector,
buttonOptions = options.buttons ||
selectedOption = options.selected,
blurInputs = function () {
var minInput = rangeSelector.minInput,
maxInput = rangeSelector.maxInput;
// #3274 in some case blur is not defined
if (minInput && minInput.blur) {
fireEvent(minInput, 'blur');
if (maxInput && maxInput.blur) {
fireEvent(maxInput, 'blur');
rangeSelector.chart = chart;
rangeSelector.options = options;
rangeSelector.buttons = [];
chart.extraTopMargin = options.height;
rangeSelector.buttonOptions = buttonOptions;
this.unMouseDown = addEvent(chart.container, 'mousedown', blurInputs);
this.unResize = addEvent(chart, 'resize', blurInputs);
// Extend the buttonOptions with actual range
each(buttonOptions, rangeSelector.computeButtonRange);
// zoomed range based on a pre-selected button index
if (selectedOption !== undefined && buttonOptions[selectedOption]) {
this.clickButton(selectedOption, false);
addEvent(chart, 'load', function () {
// If a data grouping is applied to the current button, release it
// when extremes change
if (chart.xAxis && chart.xAxis[0]) {
addEvent(chart.xAxis[0], 'setExtremes', function (e) {
if (
this.max - this.min !== chart.fixedRange &&
e.trigger !== 'rangeSelectorButton' &&
e.trigger !== 'updatedData' &&
) {
this.setDataGrouping(false, false);
* Dynamically update the range selector buttons after a new range has been
* set
updateButtonStates: function () {
var rangeSelector = this,
chart = this.chart,
baseAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
actualRange = Math.round(baseAxis.max - baseAxis.min),
hasNoData = !baseAxis.hasVisibleSeries,
day = 24 * 36e5, // A single day in milliseconds
unionExtremes = (
chart.scroller &&
) || baseAxis,
dataMin = unionExtremes.dataMin,
dataMax = unionExtremes.dataMax,
ytdExtremes = rangeSelector.getYTDExtremes(
ytdMin = ytdExtremes.min,
ytdMax = ytdExtremes.max,
selected = rangeSelector.selected,
selectedExists = isNumber(selected),
allButtonsEnabled = rangeSelector.options.allButtonsEnabled,
buttons = rangeSelector.buttons;
each(rangeSelector.buttonOptions, function (rangeOptions, i) {
var range = rangeOptions._range,
type = rangeOptions.type,
count = rangeOptions.count || 1,
button = buttons[i],
state = 0,
offsetRange = rangeOptions._offsetMax - rangeOptions._offsetMin,
isSelected = i === selected,
// Disable buttons where the range exceeds what is allowed in
// the current view
isTooGreatRange = range > dataMax - dataMin,
// Disable buttons where the range is smaller than the minimum
// range
isTooSmallRange = range < baseAxis.minRange,
// Do not select the YTD button if not explicitly told so
isYTDButNotSelected = false,
// Disable the All button if we're already showing all
isAllButAlreadyShowingAll = false,
isSameRange = range === actualRange;
// Months and years have a variable range so we check the extremes
if (
(type === 'month' || type === 'year') &&
actualRange + 36e5 >=
{ month: 28, year: 365 }[type] * day * count - offsetRange
) &&
actualRange - 36e5 <=
{ month: 31, year: 366 }[type] * day * count + offsetRange
) {
isSameRange = true;
} else if (type === 'ytd') {
isSameRange = (ytdMax - ytdMin + offsetRange) === actualRange;
isYTDButNotSelected = !isSelected;
} else if (type === 'all') {
isSameRange = baseAxis.max - baseAxis.min >= dataMax - dataMin;
isAllButAlreadyShowingAll = (
!isSelected &&
selectedExists &&
// The new zoom area happens to match the range for a button - mark
// it selected. This happens when scrolling across an ordinal gap.
// It can be seen in the intraday demos when selecting 1h and scroll
// across the night gap.
disable = (
!allButtonsEnabled &&
isTooGreatRange ||
isTooSmallRange ||
isAllButAlreadyShowingAll ||
select = (
(isSelected && isSameRange) ||
(isSameRange && !selectedExists && !isYTDButNotSelected)
if (disable) {
state = 3;
} else if (select) {
selectedExists = true; // Only one button can be selected
state = 2;
// If state has changed, update the button
if (button.state !== state) {
* Compute and cache the range for an individual button
computeButtonRange: function (rangeOptions) {
var type = rangeOptions.type,
count = rangeOptions.count || 1,
// these time intervals have a fixed number of milliseconds, as
// opposed to month, ytd and year
fixedTimes = {
millisecond: 1,
second: 1000,
minute: 60 * 1000,
hour: 3600 * 1000,
day: 24 * 3600 * 1000,
week: 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000
// Store the range on the button object
if (fixedTimes[type]) {
rangeOptions._range = fixedTimes[type] * count;
} else if (type === 'month' || type === 'year') {
rangeOptions._range =
{ month: 30, year: 365 }[type] * 24 * 36e5 * count;
rangeOptions._offsetMin = pick(rangeOptions.offsetMin, 0);
rangeOptions._offsetMax = pick(rangeOptions.offsetMax, 0);
rangeOptions._range +=
rangeOptions._offsetMax - rangeOptions._offsetMin;
* Set the internal and displayed value of a HTML input for the dates
* @param {String} name
* @param {Number} inputTime
setInputValue: function (name, inputTime) {
var options = this.chart.options.rangeSelector,
time = this.chart.time,
input = this[name + 'Input'];
if (defined(inputTime)) {
input.previousValue = input.HCTime;
input.HCTime = inputTime;
input.value = time.dateFormat(
options.inputEditDateFormat || '%Y-%m-%d',
this[name + 'DateBox'].attr({
text: time.dateFormat(
options.inputDateFormat || '%b %e, %Y',
showInput: function (name) {
var inputGroup = this.inputGroup,
dateBox = this[name + 'DateBox'];
css(this[name + 'Input'], {
left: (inputGroup.translateX + dateBox.x) + 'px',
top: inputGroup.translateY + 'px',
width: (dateBox.width - 2) + 'px',
height: (dateBox.height - 2) + 'px',
border: '2px solid silver'
hideInput: function (name) {
css(this[name + 'Input'], {
border: 0,
width: '1px',
height: '1px'
* Draw either the 'from' or the 'to' HTML input box of the range selector
* @param {Object} name
drawInput: function (name) {
var rangeSelector = this,
chart = rangeSelector.chart,
chartStyle = || {},
renderer = chart.renderer,
options = chart.options.rangeSelector,
lang = defaultOptions.lang,
div = rangeSelector.div,
isMin = name === 'min',
inputGroup = this.inputGroup;
function updateExtremes() {
var inputValue = input.value,
value = (options.inputDateParser || Date.parse)(inputValue),
chartAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
dataAxis = chart.scroller && chart.scroller.xAxis ? chart.scroller.xAxis : chartAxis,
dataMin = dataAxis.dataMin,
dataMax = dataAxis.dataMax;
if (value !== input.previousValue) {
input.previousValue = value;
// If the value isn't parsed directly to a value by the browser's Date.parse method,
// like YYYY-MM-DD in IE, try parsing it a different way
if (!isNumber(value)) {
value = inputValue.split('-');
value = Date.UTC(pInt(value[0]), pInt(value[1]) - 1, pInt(value[2]));
if (isNumber(value)) {
// Correct for timezone offset (#433)
if (!chart.time.useUTC) {
value = value + new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
// Validate the extremes. If it goes beyound the data min or max, use the
// actual data extreme (#2438).
if (isMin) {
if (value > rangeSelector.maxInput.HCTime) {
value = undefined;
} else if (value < dataMin) {
value = dataMin;
} else {
if (value < rangeSelector.minInput.HCTime) {
value = undefined;
} else if (value > dataMax) {
value = dataMax;
// Set the extremes
if (value !== undefined) {
isMin ? value : chartAxis.min,
isMin ? chartAxis.max : value,
{ trigger: 'rangeSelectorInput' }
// Create the text label
this[name + 'Label'] = label = renderer.label(lang[isMin ? 'rangeSelectorFrom' : 'rangeSelectorTo'], this.inputGroup.offset)
padding: 2
inputGroup.offset += label.width + 5;
// Create an SVG label that shows updated date ranges and and records click events that
// bring in the HTML input.
this[name + 'DateBox'] = dateBox = renderer.label('', inputGroup.offset)
padding: 2,
width: options.inputBoxWidth || 90,
height: options.inputBoxHeight || 17,
stroke: options.inputBoxBorderColor || '#cccccc',
'stroke-width': 1,
'text-align': 'center'
.on('click', function () {
rangeSelector.showInput(name); // If it is already focused, the onfocus event doesn't fire (#3713)
rangeSelector[name + 'Input'].focus();
inputGroup.offset += dateBox.width + (isMin ? 10 : 0);
// Create the HTML input element. This is rendered as 1x1 pixel then set to the right size
// when focused.
this[name + 'Input'] = input = createElement('input', {
name: name,
className: 'highcharts-range-selector',
type: 'text'
}, {
top: chart.plotTop + 'px' // prevent jump on focus in Firefox
}, div);
// Styles
label.css(merge(chartStyle, options.labelStyle));
color: '#333333'
}, chartStyle, options.inputStyle));
css(input, extend({
position: 'absolute',
border: 0,
width: '1px', // Chrome needs a pixel to see it
height: '1px',
padding: 0,
textAlign: 'center',
fontSize: chartStyle.fontSize,
fontFamily: chartStyle.fontFamily,
top: '-9999em' // #4798
}, options.inputStyle));
// Blow up the input box
input.onfocus = function () {
// Hide away the input box
input.onblur = function () {
// handle changes in the input boxes
input.onchange = updateExtremes;
input.onkeypress = function (event) {
// IE does not fire onchange on enter
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
* Get the position of the range selector buttons and inputs. This can be overridden from outside for custom positioning.
getPosition: function () {
var chart = this.chart,
options = chart.options.rangeSelector,
top = (options.verticalAlign) === 'top' ? chart.plotTop - chart.axisOffset[0] : 0; // set offset only for varticalAlign top
return {
buttonTop: top + options.buttonPosition.y,
inputTop: top + options.inputPosition.y - 10
* Get the extremes of YTD.
* Will choose dataMax if its value is lower than the current timestamp.
* Will choose dataMin if its value is higher than the timestamp for
* the start of current year.
* @param {number} dataMax
* @param {number} dataMin
* @return {object} Returns min and max for the YTD
getYTDExtremes: function (dataMax, dataMin, useUTC) {
var time = this.chart.time,
now = new time.Date(dataMax),
year = time.get('FullYear', now),
startOfYear = useUTC ? time.Date.UTC(year, 0, 1) : +new time.Date(year, 0, 1); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
min = Math.max(dataMin || 0, startOfYear);
now = now.getTime();
return {
max: Math.min(dataMax || now, now),
min: min
* Render the range selector including the buttons and the inputs. The first time render
* is called, the elements are created and positioned. On subsequent calls, they are
* moved and updated.
* @param {Number} min X axis minimum
* @param {Number} max X axis maximum
render: function (min, max) {
var rangeSelector = this,
chart = rangeSelector.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
container = chart.container,
chartOptions = chart.options,
navButtonOptions = chartOptions.exporting && chartOptions.exporting.enabled !== false &&
chartOptions.navigation && chartOptions.navigation.buttonOptions,
lang = defaultOptions.lang,
div = rangeSelector.div,
options = chartOptions.rangeSelector,
floating = options.floating,
buttons = rangeSelector.buttons,
inputGroup = rangeSelector.inputGroup,
buttonTheme = options.buttonTheme,
buttonPosition = options.buttonPosition,
inputPosition = options.inputPosition,
inputEnabled = options.inputEnabled,
states = buttonTheme && buttonTheme.states,
plotLeft = chart.plotLeft,
buttonGroup = rangeSelector.buttonGroup,
rendered = rangeSelector.rendered,
verticalAlign = rangeSelector.options.verticalAlign,
legend = chart.legend,
legendOptions = legend && legend.options,
buttonPositionY = buttonPosition.y,
inputPositionY = inputPosition.y,
animate = rendered || false,
exportingX = 0,
translateY = 0,
if (options.enabled === false) {
// create the elements
if (!rendered) { = group = renderer.g('range-selector-group')
zIndex: 7
rangeSelector.buttonGroup = buttonGroup = renderer.g('range-selector-buttons').add(group);
rangeSelector.zoomText = renderer.text(lang.rangeSelectorZoom, pick(plotLeft + buttonPosition.x, plotLeft), 15)
// button start position
buttonLeft = pick(plotLeft + buttonPosition.x, plotLeft) + rangeSelector.zoomText.getBBox().width + 5;
each(rangeSelector.buttonOptions, function (rangeOptions, i) {
buttons[i] = renderer.button(
function () {
// extract events from button object and call
var buttonEvents = &&,
if (buttonEvents) {
callDefaultEvent =;
if (callDefaultEvent !== false) {
rangeSelector.isActive = true;
states && states.hover,
states &&,
states && states.disabled
'text-align': 'center'
// increase button position for the next button
buttonLeft += buttons[i].width + pick(options.buttonSpacing, 5);
// first create a wrapper outside the container in order to make
// the inputs work and make export correct
if (inputEnabled !== false) {
rangeSelector.div = div = createElement('div', null, {
position: 'relative',
height: 0,
zIndex: 1 // above container
container.parentNode.insertBefore(div, container);
// Create the group to keep the inputs
rangeSelector.inputGroup = inputGroup = renderer.g('input-group')
inputGroup.offset = 0;
plotLeft = chart.plotLeft - chart.spacing[3];
// detect collisiton with exporting
navButtonOptions &&
this.titleCollision(chart) &&
verticalAlign === 'top' &&
buttonPosition.align === 'right' &&
(buttonPosition.y + buttonGroup.getBBox().height - 12) <
((navButtonOptions.y || 0) + navButtonOptions.height)
) {
exportingX = -40;
if (buttonPosition.align === 'left') {
translateX = buttonPosition.x - chart.spacing[3];
} else if (buttonPosition.align === 'right') {
translateX = buttonPosition.x + exportingX - chart.spacing[1];
// align button group
y: buttonPosition.y,
width: buttonGroup.getBBox().width,
align: buttonPosition.align,
x: translateX
}, true, chart.spacingBox);
// skip animation = animate;
rangeSelector.buttonGroup.placed = animate;
if (inputEnabled !== false) {
var inputGroupX,
// detect collision with exporting
navButtonOptions &&
this.titleCollision(chart) &&
verticalAlign === 'top' &&
inputPosition.align === 'right' &&
(inputPosition.y - inputGroup.getBBox().height - 12) <
((navButtonOptions.y || 0) + navButtonOptions.height + chart.spacing[0])
) {
exportingX = -40;
} else {
exportingX = 0;
if (inputPosition.align === 'left') {
translateX = plotLeft;
} else if (inputPosition.align === 'right') {
translateX = -Math.max(chart.axisOffset[1], -exportingX); // yAxis offset
// Update the alignment to the updated spacing box
y: inputPosition.y,
width: inputGroup.getBBox().width,
align: inputPosition.align,
x: inputPosition.x + translateX - 2 // fix wrong getBBox() value on right align
}, true, chart.spacingBox);
// detect collision
inputGroupX = inputGroup.alignAttr.translateX + inputGroup.alignOptions.x -
exportingX + inputGroup.getBBox().x + 2; // getBBox for detecing left margin, 2px padding to not overlap input and label
inputGroupWidth = inputGroup.alignOptions.width;
buttonGroupX = buttonGroup.alignAttr.translateX + buttonGroup.getBBox().x;
buttonGroupWidth = buttonGroup.getBBox().width + 20; // 20 is minimal spacing between elements
if (
(inputPosition.align === buttonPosition.align) ||
(buttonGroupX + buttonGroupWidth > inputGroupX) &&
(inputGroupX + inputGroupWidth > buttonGroupX) &&
(buttonPositionY < (inputPositionY + inputGroup.getBBox().height))
) {
translateX: inputGroup.alignAttr.translateX + (chart.axisOffset[1] >= -exportingX ? 0 : -exportingX),
translateY: inputGroup.alignAttr.translateY + buttonGroup.getBBox().height + 10
// Set or reset the input values
rangeSelector.setInputValue('min', min);
rangeSelector.setInputValue('max', max);
// skip animation
rangeSelector.inputGroup.placed = animate;
// vertical align{
verticalAlign: verticalAlign
}, true, chart.spacingBox);
// set position
groupHeight = + 20; // # 20 padding
alignTranslateY =;
// calculate bottom position
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
legendHeight = legendOptions && legendOptions.verticalAlign === 'bottom' && legendOptions.enabled &&
!legendOptions.floating ? legend.legendHeight + pick(legendOptions.margin, 10) : 0;
groupHeight = groupHeight + legendHeight - 20;
translateY = alignTranslateY - groupHeight - (floating ? 0 : options.y) - 10; // 10 spacing
if (verticalAlign === 'top') {
if (floating) {
translateY = 0;
if (chart.titleOffset) {
translateY = chart.titleOffset + chart.options.title.margin;
translateY += ((chart.margin[0] - chart.spacing[0]) || 0);
} else if (verticalAlign === 'middle') {
if (inputPositionY === buttonPositionY) {
if (inputPositionY < 0) {
translateY = alignTranslateY + minPosition;
} else {
translateY = alignTranslateY;
} else if (inputPositionY || buttonPositionY) {
if (inputPositionY < 0 || buttonPositionY < 0) {
translateY -= Math.min(inputPositionY, buttonPositionY);
} else {
translateY = alignTranslateY - groupHeight + minPosition;
options.y + Math.floor(translateY)
// translate HTML inputs
if (inputEnabled !== false) { = + 'px'; = + 'px';
rangeSelector.rendered = true;
* Extracts height of range selector
* @return {Number} Returns rangeSelector height
getHeight: function () {
var rangeSelector = this,
options = rangeSelector.options,
rangeSelectorGroup =,
inputPosition = options.inputPosition,
buttonPosition = options.buttonPosition,
yPosition = options.y,
buttonPositionY = buttonPosition.y,
inputPositionY = inputPosition.y,
rangeSelectorHeight = 0,
rangeSelectorHeight = rangeSelectorGroup ? (rangeSelectorGroup.getBBox(true).height) + 13 + yPosition : 0; // 13px to keep back compatibility
minPosition = Math.min(inputPositionY, buttonPositionY);
if (
(inputPositionY < 0 && buttonPositionY < 0) ||
(inputPositionY > 0 && buttonPositionY > 0)
) {
rangeSelectorHeight += Math.abs(minPosition);
return rangeSelectorHeight;
* Detect collision with title or subtitle
* @param {object} chart
* @return {Boolean} Returns collision status
titleCollision: function (chart) {
return !(chart.options.title.text || chart.options.subtitle.text);
* Update the range selector with new options
* @param {object} options
update: function (options) {
var chart = this.chart;
merge(true, chart.options.rangeSelector, options);
* Destroys allocated elements.
destroy: function () {
var rSelector = this,
minInput = rSelector.minInput,
maxInput = rSelector.maxInput;
// Destroy elements in collections
// Clear input element events
if (minInput) {
minInput.onfocus = minInput.onblur = minInput.onchange = null;
if (maxInput) {
maxInput.onfocus = maxInput.onblur = maxInput.onchange = null;
// Destroy HTML and SVG elements
H.objectEach(rSelector, function (val, key) {
if (val && key !== 'chart') {
if (val.destroy) { // SVGElement
} else if (val.nodeType) { // HTML element
if (val !== RangeSelector.prototype[key]) {
rSelector[key] = null;
}, this);
* Add logic to normalize the zoomed range in order to preserve the pressed state of range selector buttons
Axis.prototype.toFixedRange = function (pxMin, pxMax, fixedMin, fixedMax) {
var fixedRange = this.chart && this.chart.fixedRange,
newMin = pick(fixedMin, this.translate(pxMin, true, !this.horiz)),
newMax = pick(fixedMax, this.translate(pxMax, true, !this.horiz)),
changeRatio = fixedRange && (newMax - newMin) / fixedRange;
// If the difference between the fixed range and the actual requested range is
// too great, the user is dragging across an ordinal gap, and we need to release
// the range selector button.
if (changeRatio > 0.7 && changeRatio < 1.3) {
if (fixedMax) {
newMin = newMax - fixedRange;
} else {
newMax = newMin + fixedRange;
if (!isNumber(newMin) || !isNumber(newMax)) { // #1195, #7411
newMin = newMax = undefined;
return {
min: newMin,
max: newMax
* Get the axis min value based on the range option and the current max. For
* stock charts this is extended via the {@link RangeSelector} so that if the
* selected range is a multiple of months or years, it is compensated for
* various month lengths.
* @return {number} The new minimum value.
Axis.prototype.minFromRange = function () {
var rangeOptions = this.range,
type = rangeOptions.type,
timeName = { month: 'Month', year: 'FullYear' }[type],
max = this.max,
// Get the true range from a start date
getTrueRange = function (base, count) {
var date = new Date(base),
basePeriod = date['get' + timeName]();
date['set' + timeName](basePeriod + count);
if (basePeriod === date['get' + timeName]()) {
date.setDate(0); // #6537
return date.getTime() - base;
if (isNumber(rangeOptions)) {
min = max - rangeOptions;
range = rangeOptions;
} else {
min = max + getTrueRange(max, -rangeOptions.count);
// Let the fixedRange reflect initial settings (#5930)
if (this.chart) {
this.chart.fixedRange = max - min;
dataMin = pick(this.dataMin, Number.MIN_VALUE);
if (!isNumber(min)) {
min = dataMin;
if (min <= dataMin) {
min = dataMin;
if (range === undefined) { // #4501
range = getTrueRange(min, rangeOptions.count);
this.newMax = Math.min(min + range, this.dataMax);
if (!isNumber(max)) {
min = undefined;
return min;
// Initialize rangeselector for stock charts
addEvent(Chart, 'afterGetContainer', function () {
if (this.options.rangeSelector.enabled) {
this.rangeSelector = new RangeSelector(this);
wrap(Chart.prototype, 'render', function (proceed, options, callback) {
var chart = this,
axes = chart.axes,
rangeSelector = chart.rangeSelector,
if (rangeSelector) {
each(axes, function (axis) {
verticalAlign = rangeSelector.options.verticalAlign;
if (!rangeSelector.options.floating) {
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
this.extraBottomMargin = true;
} else if (verticalAlign !== 'middle') {
this.extraTopMargin = true;
}, options, callback);
addEvent(Chart, 'update', function (e) {
var chart = this,
options = e.options,
rangeSelector = chart.rangeSelector,
this.extraBottomMargin = false;
this.extraTopMargin = false;
this.isDirtyBox = true; // #7684 - ignored spacingBottom after update
if (rangeSelector) {
verticalAlign = (options.rangeSelector && options.rangeSelector.verticalAlign) ||
(rangeSelector.options && rangeSelector.options.verticalAlign);
if (!rangeSelector.options.floating) {
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
this.extraBottomMargin = true;
} else if (verticalAlign !== 'middle') {
this.extraTopMargin = true;
wrap(Chart.prototype, 'redraw', function (proceed, options, callback) {
var chart = this,
rangeSelector = chart.rangeSelector,
if (rangeSelector && !rangeSelector.options.floating) {
verticalAlign = rangeSelector.options.verticalAlign;
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
this.extraBottomMargin = true;
} else if (verticalAlign !== 'middle') {
this.extraTopMargin = true;
}, options, callback);
Chart.prototype.adjustPlotArea = function () {
var chart = this,
rangeSelector = chart.rangeSelector,
if (this.rangeSelector) {
rangeSelectorHeight = rangeSelector.getHeight();
if (this.extraTopMargin) {
this.plotTop += rangeSelectorHeight;
if (this.extraBottomMargin) {
this.marginBottom += rangeSelectorHeight;
Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function (chart) {
var extremes,
rangeSelector = chart.rangeSelector,
function renderRangeSelector() {
extremes = chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes();
if (isNumber(extremes.min)) {
rangeSelector.render(extremes.min, extremes.max);
if (rangeSelector) {
// redraw the scroller on setExtremes
unbindSetExtremes = addEvent(
function (e) {
rangeSelector.render(e.min, e.max);
// redraw the scroller chart resize
unbindRender = addEvent(chart, 'redraw', renderRangeSelector);
// do it now
// Remove resize/afterSetExtremes at chart destroy
addEvent(chart, 'destroy', function destroyEvents() {
if (rangeSelector) {
H.RangeSelector = RangeSelector;
/* ****************************************************************************
* End Range Selector code *
(function (H) {
* (c) 2010-2017 Torstein Honsi
* License:
var addEvent = H.addEvent,
arrayMax = H.arrayMax,
arrayMin = H.arrayMin,
Axis = H.Axis,
Chart = H.Chart,
defined = H.defined,
each = H.each,
extend = H.extend,
format = H.format,
grep = H.grep,
inArray = H.inArray,
isNumber = H.isNumber,
isString = H.isString,
map =,
merge = H.merge,
pick = H.pick,
Point = H.Point,
Renderer = H.Renderer,
Series = H.Series,
splat = H.splat,
SVGRenderer = H.SVGRenderer,
VMLRenderer = H.VMLRenderer,
wrap = H.wrap,
seriesProto = Series.prototype,
seriesInit = seriesProto.init,
seriesProcessData = seriesProto.processData,
pointTooltipFormatter = Point.prototype.tooltipFormatter;
* Compare the values of the series against the first non-null, non-
* zero value in the visible range. The y axis will show percentage
* or absolute change depending on whether `compare` is set to `"percent"`
* or `"value"`. When this is applied to multiple series, it allows
* comparing the development of the series against each other.
* @type {String}
* @see [compareBase](#plotOptions.series.compareBase),
* [Axis.setCompare()](#Axis.setCompare())
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-compare-percent/ Percent
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-compare-value/ Value
* @default undefined
* @since 1.0.1
* @product highstock
* @apioption
* Defines if comparisson should start from the first point within the visible
* range or should start from the first point <b>before</b> the range.
* In other words, this flag determines if first point within the visible range
* will have 0% (`compareStart=true`) or should have been already calculated
* according to the previous point (`compareStart=false`).
* @type {Boolean}
* @sample {highstock} stock/plotoptions/series-comparestart/
* Calculate compare within visible range
* @default false
* @since 6.0.0
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.compareStart
* When [compare]( is `percent`, this option
* dictates whether to use 0 or 100 as the base of comparison.
* @validvalue [0, 100]
* @type {Number}
* @sample {highstock} / Compare base is 100
* @default 0
* @since 5.0.6
* @product highstock
* @apioption plotOptions.series.compareBase
* Factory function for creating new stock charts. Creates a new {@link Chart|
* Chart} object with different default options than the basic Chart.
* @function #stockChart
* @memberOf Highcharts
* @param {String|HTMLDOMElement} renderTo
* The DOM element to render to, or its id.
* @param {Options} options
* The chart options structure as described in the {@link
*|options reference}.
* @param {Function} callback
* A function to execute when the chart object is finished loading and
* rendering. In most cases the chart is built in one thread, but in
* Internet Explorer version 8 or less the chart is sometimes
* initialized before the document is ready, and in these cases the
* chart object will not be finished synchronously. As a consequence,
* code that relies on the newly built Chart object should always run in
* the callback. Defining a {@link|
* chart.event.load} handler is equivalent.
* @return {Chart}
* The chart object.
* @example
* var chart = Highcharts.stockChart('container', {
* series: [{
* data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
* pointInterval: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
* }]
* });
H.StockChart = H.stockChart = function (a, b, c) {
var hasRenderToArg = isString(a) || a.nodeName,
options = arguments[hasRenderToArg ? 1 : 0],
// to increase performance, don't merge the data
seriesOptions = options.series,
defaultOptions = H.getOptions(),
// Always disable startOnTick:true on the main axis when the navigator
// is enabled (#1090)
navigatorEnabled = pick(
options.navigator && options.navigator.enabled,
disableStartOnTick = navigatorEnabled ? {
startOnTick: false,
endOnTick: false
} : null,
lineOptions = {
marker: {
enabled: false,
radius: 2
// gapSize: 0
columnOptions = {
shadow: false,
borderWidth: 0
// apply X axis options to both single and multi y axes
options.xAxis = map(splat(options.xAxis || {}), function (xAxisOptions, i) {
return merge(
{ // defaults
minPadding: 0,
maxPadding: 0,
overscroll: 0,
ordinal: true,
title: {
text: null
labels: {
overflow: 'justify'
showLastLabel: true
defaultOptions.xAxis, // #3802
defaultOptions.xAxis && defaultOptions.xAxis[i], // #7690
xAxisOptions, // user options
{ // forced options
type: 'datetime',
categories: null
// apply Y axis options to both single and multi y axes
options.yAxis = map(splat(options.yAxis || {}), function (yAxisOptions, i) {
opposite = pick(yAxisOptions.opposite, true);
return merge({ // defaults
labels: {
y: -2
opposite: opposite,
* @default {highcharts} true
* @default {highstock} false
* @apioption yAxis.showLastLabel
showLastLabel: !!(
// #6104, show last label by default for category axes
yAxisOptions.categories ||
yAxisOptions.type === 'category'
title: {
text: null
defaultOptions.yAxis, // #3802
defaultOptions.yAxis && defaultOptions.yAxis[i], // #7690
yAxisOptions // user options
options.series = null;
options = merge(
chart: {
panning: true,
pinchType: 'x'
navigator: {
enabled: navigatorEnabled
scrollbar: {
// #4988 - check if setOptions was called
enabled: pick(defaultOptions.scrollbar.enabled, true)
rangeSelector: {
// #4988 - check if setOptions was called
enabled: pick(defaultOptions.rangeSelector.enabled, true)
title: {
text: null
tooltip: {
split: pick(defaultOptions.tooltip.split, true),
crosshairs: true
legend: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
line: lineOptions,
spline: lineOptions,
area: lineOptions,
areaspline: lineOptions,
arearange: lineOptions,
areasplinerange: lineOptions,
column: columnOptions,
columnrange: columnOptions,
candlestick: columnOptions,
ohlc: columnOptions
options, // user's options
{ // forced options
isStock: true // internal flag
options.series = seriesOptions;
return hasRenderToArg ?
new Chart(a, options, c) :
new Chart(options, b);
// Override the automatic label alignment so that the first Y axis' labels
// are drawn on top of the grid line, and subsequent axes are drawn outside
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'autoLabelAlign', function (proceed) {
var chart = this.chart,
options = this.options,
panes = chart._labelPanes = chart._labelPanes || {},
labelOptions = this.options.labels;
if (this.chart.options.isStock && this.coll === 'yAxis') {
key = + ',' + options.height;
// do it only for the first Y axis of each pane
if (!panes[key] && labelOptions.enabled) {
if (labelOptions.x === 15) { // default
labelOptions.x = 0;
if (labelOptions.align === undefined) {
labelOptions.align = 'right';
panes[key] = this;
return 'right';
return proceed.apply(this, [], 1));
// Clear axis from label panes (#6071)
addEvent(Axis, 'destroy', function () {
var chart = this.chart,
key = this.options && ( + ',' + this.options.height);
if (key && chart._labelPanes && chart._labelPanes[key] === this) {
delete chart._labelPanes[key];
// Override getPlotLinePath to allow for multipane charts
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'getPlotLinePath', function (
) {
var axis = this,
series = (
this.isLinked && !this.series ?
this.linkedParent.series :
chart = axis.chart,
renderer = chart.renderer,
axisLeft = axis.left,
axisTop =,
result = [],
axes = [], // #3416 need a default array
* Return the other axis based on either the axis option or on related
* series.
function getAxis(coll) {
var otherColl = coll === 'xAxis' ? 'yAxis' : 'xAxis',
opt = axis.options[otherColl];
// Other axis indexed by number
if (isNumber(opt)) {
return [chart[otherColl][opt]];
// Other axis indexed by id (like navigator)
if (isString(opt)) {
return [chart.get(opt)];
// Auto detect based on existing series
return map(series, function (s) {
return s[otherColl];
// Ignore in case of colorAxis or zAxis. #3360, #3524, #6720
if (axis.coll !== 'xAxis' && axis.coll !== 'yAxis') {
return proceed.apply(this, [], 1));
// Get the related axes based on series
axes = getAxis(axis.coll);
// Get the related axes based options.*Axis setting #2810
axes2 = (axis.isXAxis ? chart.yAxis : chart.xAxis);
each(axes2, function (A) {
if (
defined( ?'navigator') === -1 :
) {
var a = (A.isXAxis ? 'yAxis' : 'xAxis'),
rax = (
defined(A.options[a]) ?
chart[a][A.options[a]] :
if (axis === rax) {
// Remove duplicates in the axes array. If there are no axes in the axes
// array, we are adding an axis without data, so we need to populate this
// with grid lines (#2796).
uniqueAxes = axes.length ?
[] :
[axis.isXAxis ? chart.yAxis[0] : chart.xAxis[0]]; // #3742
each(axes, function (axis2) {
if (
inArray(axis2, uniqueAxes) === -1 &&
// Do not draw on axis which overlap completely. #5424
!H.find(uniqueAxes, function (unique) {
return unique.pos === axis2.pos && unique.len && axis2.len;
) {
transVal = pick(translatedValue, axis.translate(value, null, null, old));
if (isNumber(transVal)) {
if (axis.horiz) {
each(uniqueAxes, function (axis2) {
var skip;
y1 = axis2.pos;
y2 = y1 + axis2.len;
x1 = x2 = Math.round(transVal + axis.transB);
// outside plot area
if (x1 < axisLeft || x1 > axisLeft + axis.width) {
if (force) {
x1 = x2 = Math.min(
Math.max(axisLeft, x1),
axisLeft + axis.width
} else {
skip = true;
if (!skip) {
result.push('M', x1, y1, 'L', x2, y2);
} else {
each(uniqueAxes, function (axis2) {
var skip;
x1 = axis2.pos;
x2 = x1 + axis2.len;
y1 = y2 = Math.round(axisTop + axis.height - transVal);
// outside plot area
if (y1 < axisTop || y1 > axisTop + axis.height) {
if (force) {
y1 = y2 = Math.min(
Math.max(axisTop, y1), + axis.height
} else {
skip = true;
if (!skip) {
result.push('M', x1, y1, 'L', x2, y2);
return result.length > 0 ?
renderer.crispPolyLine(result, lineWidth || 1) :
null; // #3557 getPlotLinePath in regular Highcharts also returns null
// Function to crisp a line with multiple segments
SVGRenderer.prototype.crispPolyLine = function (points, width) {
// points format: ['M', 0, 0, 'L', 100, 0]
// normalize to a crisp line
var i;
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i = i + 6) {
if (points[i + 1] === points[i + 4]) {
// Substract due to #1129. Now bottom and left axis gridlines behave
// the same.
points[i + 1] = points[i + 4] =
Math.round(points[i + 1]) - (width % 2 / 2);
if (points[i + 2] === points[i + 5]) {
points[i + 2] = points[i + 5] =
Math.round(points[i + 2]) + (width % 2 / 2);
return points;
if (Renderer === VMLRenderer) {
VMLRenderer.prototype.crispPolyLine = SVGRenderer.prototype.crispPolyLine;
// Wrapper to hide the label
wrap(Axis.prototype, 'hideCrosshair', function (proceed, i) {, i);
if (this.crossLabel) {
this.crossLabel = this.crossLabel.hide();
// Extend crosshairs to also draw the label
addEvent(Axis, 'afterDrawCrosshair', function (event) {
// Check if the label has to be drawn
if (
!defined(this.crosshair.label) ||
!this.crosshair.label.enabled ||
) {
var chart = this.chart,
options = this.options.crosshair.label, // the label's options
horiz = this.horiz, // axis orientation
opposite = this.opposite, // axis position
left = this.left, // left position
top =, // top position
crossLabel = this.crossLabel, // the svgElement
formatOption = options.format,
formatFormat = '',
tickInside = this.options.tickPosition === 'inside',
snap = this.crosshair.snap !== false,
offset = 0,
// Use last available event (#5287)
e = event.e || (this.cross && this.cross.e),
point = event.point;
align = (horiz ? 'center' : opposite ?
(this.labelAlign === 'right' ? 'right' : 'left') :
(this.labelAlign === 'left' ? 'left' : 'center'));
// If the label does not exist yet, create it.
if (!crossLabel) {
crossLabel = this.crossLabel = chart.renderer.label(
options.shape || 'callout'
.addClass('highcharts-crosshair-label' + (
this.series[0] &&
' highcharts-color-' + this.series[0].colorIndex)
align: options.align || align,
padding: pick(options.padding, 8),
r: pick(options.borderRadius, 3),
zIndex: 2
// Presentational
fill: options.backgroundColor ||
(this.series[0] && this.series[0].color) ||
stroke: options.borderColor || '',
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth || 0
color: '#ffffff',
fontWeight: 'normal',
fontSize: '11px',
textAlign: 'center'
if (horiz) {
posx = snap ? point.plotX + left : e.chartX;
posy = top + (opposite ? 0 : this.height);
} else {
posx = opposite ? this.width + left : 0;
posy = snap ? point.plotY + top : e.chartY;
if (!formatOption && !options.formatter) {
if (this.isDatetimeAxis) {
formatFormat = '%b %d, %Y';
formatOption =
'{value' + (formatFormat ? ':' + formatFormat : '') + '}';
// Show the label
value = snap ?
point[this.isXAxis ? 'x' : 'y'] :
this.toValue(horiz ? e.chartX : e.chartY);
text: formatOption ?
format(formatOption, { value: value }, chart.time) :, value),
x: posx,
y: posy,
// Crosshair should be rendered within Axis range (#7219)
visibility: value < this.min || value > this.max ? 'hidden' : 'visible'
crossBox = crossLabel.getBBox();
// now it is placed we can correct its position
if (horiz) {
if ((tickInside && !opposite) || (!tickInside && opposite)) {
posy = crossLabel.y - crossBox.height;
} else {
posy = crossLabel.y - (crossBox.height / 2);
// check the edges
if (horiz) {
limit = {
left: left - crossBox.x,
right: left + this.width - crossBox.x
} else {
limit = {
left: this.labelAlign === 'left' ? left : 0,
right: this.labelAlign === 'right' ?
left + this.width :
// left edge
if (crossLabel.translateX < limit.left) {
offset = limit.left - crossLabel.translateX;
// right edge
if (crossLabel.translateX + crossBox.width >= limit.right) {
offset = -(crossLabel.translateX + crossBox.width - limit.right);
// show the crosslabel
x: posx + offset,
y: posy,
// First set x and y, then anchorX and anchorY, when box is actually
// calculated, #5702
anchorX: horiz ?
posx :
(this.opposite ? 0 : chart.chartWidth),
anchorY: horiz ?
(this.opposite ? chart.chartHeight : 0) :
posy + crossBox.height / 2
/* ****************************************************************************
* Start value compare logic *
* Extend series.init by adding a method to modify the y value used for plotting
* on the y axis. This method is called both from the axis when finding dataMin
* and dataMax, and from the series.translate method.
seriesProto.init = function () {
// Call base method
seriesInit.apply(this, arguments);
// Set comparison mode
* Highstock only. Set the {@link
* compare} mode of the series after render time. In most cases it is more
* useful running {@link Axis#setCompare} on the X axis to update all its
* series.
* @function setCompare
* @memberOf Series.prototype
* @param {String} compare
* Can be one of `null`, `"percent"` or `"value"`.
seriesProto.setCompare = function (compare) {
// Set or unset the modifyValue method
this.modifyValue = (compare === 'value' || compare === 'percent') ?
function (value, point) {
var compareValue = this.compareValue;
if (
value !== undefined &&
compareValue !== undefined
) { // #2601, #5814
// Get the modified value
if (compare === 'value') {
value -= compareValue;
// Compare percent
} else {
value = 100 * (value / compareValue) -
(this.options.compareBase === 100 ? 0 : 100);
// record for tooltip etc.
if (point) {
point.change = value;
return value;
} :
// Survive to export, #5485 = compare;
// Mark dirty
if (this.chart.hasRendered) {
this.isDirty = true;
* Extend series.processData by finding the first y value in the plot area,
* used for comparing the following values
seriesProto.processData = function () {
var series = this,
keyIndex = -1,
compareStart = series.options.compareStart === true ? 0 : 1,
// call base method
seriesProcessData.apply(this, arguments);
if (series.xAxis && series.processedYData) { // not pies
// local variables
processedXData = series.processedXData;
processedYData = series.processedYData;
length = processedYData.length;
// For series with more than one value (range, OHLC etc), compare
// against close or the pointValKey (#4922, #3112)
if (series.pointArrayMap) {
// Use close if present (#3112)
keyIndex = inArray('close', series.pointArrayMap);
if (keyIndex === -1) {
keyIndex = inArray(
series.pointValKey || 'y',
// find the first value for comparison
for (i = 0; i < length - compareStart; i++) {
compareValue = processedYData[i] && keyIndex > -1 ?
processedYData[i][keyIndex] :
if (
isNumber(compareValue) &&
processedXData[i + compareStart] >= series.xAxis.min &&
compareValue !== 0
) {
series.compareValue = compareValue;
* Modify series extremes
wrap(seriesProto, 'getExtremes', function (proceed) {
var extremes;
proceed.apply(this, [], 1));
if (this.modifyValue) {
extremes = [
this.dataMin = arrayMin(extremes);
this.dataMax = arrayMax(extremes);
* Highstock only. Set the compare mode on all series belonging to an Y axis
* after render time.
* @param {String} compare
* The compare mode. Can be one of `null`, `"value"` or `"percent"`.
* @param {Boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw the chart or to wait for a later call to {@link
* Chart#redraw},
* @function setCompare
* @memberOf Axis.prototype
* @see {@link|
* @sample stock/members/axis-setcompare/
* Set compoare
Axis.prototype.setCompare = function (compare, redraw) {
if (!this.isXAxis) {
each(this.series, function (series) {
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
* Extend the tooltip formatter by adding support for the point.change variable
* as well as the changeDecimals option
Point.prototype.tooltipFormatter = function (pointFormat) {
var point = this;
pointFormat = pointFormat.replace(
(point.change > 0 ? '+' : '') + H.numberFormat(
pick(point.series.tooltipOptions.changeDecimals, 2)
return pointTooltipFormatter.apply(this, [pointFormat]);
/* ****************************************************************************
* End value compare logic *
* Extend the Series prototype to create a separate series clip box. This is
* related to using multiple panes, and a future pane logic should incorporate
* this feature (#2754).
wrap(Series.prototype, 'render', function (proceed) {
// Only do this on not 3d (#2939, #5904) nor polar (#6057) charts, and only
// if the series type handles clipping in the animate method (#2975).
if (
!(this.chart.is3d && this.chart.is3d()) &&
!this.chart.polar &&
this.xAxis &&
!this.xAxis.isRadial // Gauge, #6192
) {
// First render, initial clip box
if (!this.clipBox && this.animate) {
this.clipBox = merge(this.chart.clipBox);
this.clipBox.width = this.xAxis.len;
this.clipBox.height = this.yAxis.len;
// On redrawing, resizing etc, update the clip rectangle
} else if (this.chart[this.sharedClipKey]) {
width: this.xAxis.len,
height: this.yAxis.len
// #3111
} else if (this.clipBox) {
this.clipBox.width = this.xAxis.len;
this.clipBox.height = this.yAxis.len;
wrap(Chart.prototype, 'getSelectedPoints', function (proceed) {
var points =;
each(this.series, function (serie) {
// series.points - for grouped points (#6445)
if (serie.hasGroupedData) {
points = points.concat(grep(serie.points || [], function (point) {
return point.selected;
return points;
addEvent(Chart, 'update', function (e) {
var options = e.options;
// Use case: enabling scrollbar from a disabled state.
// Scrollbar needs to be initialized from a controller, Navigator in this
// case (#6615)
if ('scrollbar' in options && this.navigator) {
merge(true, this.options.scrollbar, options.scrollbar);
this.navigator.update({}, false);
delete options.scrollbar;
return Highcharts