#!/bin/sh USAGE=" $(basename $0) [-a add_file] query_files... Copies a previous transaction to today. Select a previous transaction by fuzzy matching on the titles. This transaction is then copied to the end of the journal, uncleared and set to the current date. Finally, it opens the end of the file in $EDITOR. Bonus over 'hledger add': interactive matching it easier, and transaction formatting is retained because it's just a copy. add_file The transaction is appended to this file. Using - will output the transaction to stdout instead. Default (if set): \$LEDGER_ADD_FILE Default (otherwise): \$LEDGER_FILE query_files A list of files to query for previous transactions. Default: \$LEDGER_FILE Depends on: - skim (https://github.com/lotabout/skim) - sponge (https://joeyh.name/code/moreutils/) If you split files by year, it may be useful to alias (in 2020): alias ladd='ladd -a .../2020/main.journal .../*/main.journal' " add_file="${LEDGER_ADD_FILE:-$LEDGER_FILE}" while getopts a: f; do case "$f" in a) add_file="$OPTARG";; \?) echo "$USAGE"; exit 1;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # fuzzy select a transaction title selection="$(sed -n 's/....-..-..\( [*!]\)\? //p' "${@:-$LEDGER_FILE}" | sort | uniq | sk | sed 's_/_\\/_g')" [ -z "$selection" ] && exit 0 # quit if escaped sed -n "/....-..-..\( [*!]\)\? ${selection}\$/,/^\$/p" "${@:-$LEDGER_FILE}" | # print matching transactions sed '${/^$/d}' | # remove trailing empty line sed -n '/^$/{s/.*//;x;d};H;${x;p}' | # remove all before the last empty line sed "s/^....-..-..\( [*!]\)\?/$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')/" | # replace date with today, remove marker if [ "$add_file" = '-' ]; then cat else sponge -a "$add_file" # append to the file, use sponge in case it's also an input file fi # review change: open end of the file (if I know how) if [ "$add_file" != '-' ]; then case "$EDITOR" in vi*|nvi*) "$EDITOR" +\$ "$add_file" ;; emacs) "$EDITOR" "$add_file" -f end-of-buffer ;; *) "$EDITOR" "$add_file" ;; esac fi