# Split outbox emails
mlist /data/mail/outbox | mpick -t 'from =~ "posteo"' | mflag -F | mrefile /data/mail/posteo/Sent
mlist /data/mail/outbox | mpick -t 'from =~ "ugent"' | mflag -F | mrefile /data/mail/ugent/Sent
mlist /data/mail/outbox | mpick -t 'from =~ "gmail"' | mflag -F | mrefile /data/mail/gmail/Sent

# Find new messages in feeds
d="$(mktemp -d)"
mmkdir "$d"
sfeed_mbox ~/.sfeed/feeds/* | mdeliver -M -v "$d" | while read mail; do
	if ! mlist /data/mail/feeds | magrep -q message-id:"$(mshow -qh message-id "$mail" | cut -d' ' -f2)"; then
		mdeliver /data/mail/feeds < "$mail"
rm -rf "$d"

# Sync email
mbsync -a

# No further processing if there are no new mails
if ! mdirs /data/mail | mlist -N | grep -q .; then

# Incorporate new mails and store them in the temp sequence
minc $(mdirs /data/mail) | mflag -F | mseq -S

	# Ignores
	mpick -t 'to =~ "unipept@ugent.be" && subject ~~ "*Mysql2::Error::ConnectionError*"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && from =~ "KlasCement"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && from =~ "logcheck system account"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && subject =~ "A request took"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && subject =~ "Onderwijsinstelling aangemaakt voor"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && subject =~ "Een gebruiker kon niet inloggen"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && subject =~ "Invalid or unknown LTI provider"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && subject =~ "Faraday::ConnectionFailed"'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && subject =~ "internal error"' \
	    | xargs grep -E -l 'course_id: (284|317|335|339|346|349|355|359|374|375|376|380|384|414)'
	mpick -t 'to =~ "dodona@ugent.be" && subject =~ "internal error"' \
	    | xargs grep -E -l 'user_id: 3'
	mpick -t 'subject =~ "\[hackers\] \[slstatus\]"'
	mpick -t 'from =~ "dependabot-preview"'

	# Muted mails
	for muted in $(cat ~/.mblaze/muted); do
		mpick -t '"references" =~~ "'"$muted"'"'
} | sort | uniq | mflag -Sf

# Clear muted sequence
#mseq -f < ~/.mblaze/muted | mpick -t 'date < "'"$(date -I -d '1 month ago')"'"' | sponge ~/.mblaze/muted

# Show the remaining new mails
mseq -f | mlist -F | mseq -S