#!/bin/bash # Thanks to noctua for the base script # Thanks to Iasoon for the advanced ssh config parsing set -e sshhost="Flesje" fles="http://r2t2.be" # Find ssh username user=$( # Join config entries sed -n '$!{/host /I!{H;d}};x;s/\n/ /g;p' $HOME/.ssh/config | # Extract user/host combinations grep -i 'user' | tr -s ' ' ' ' | sed 's/^.*host \([^ \t]\+\).*user \([^ \t]\+\).*$/\1 \2/I' | # Find user (grep "^$sshhost" || echo $USER) | cut -d ' ' -f 2 ) file="$(mktemp XXXXXX.png)" escrotum $* "$file" chmod 644 $file scp -p $file $sshhost:~/images/ rm "$file" url="$fles/~$user/$file" notify-send "Screenshot uploaded to $url" echo "$url" | xclip