# Copies a previous transaction to today.
# Select a previous transaction by fuzzy matching on the titles. This
# transaction is then copied to the end of the journal, uncleared and
# set to the current date. Finally, it opens the end of the file in
# Bonus over `hledger add`: interactive matching it easier, and
# transaction formatting is retained because it's just a copy.
# Depends on:
# - fzf (https://github.com/junegunn/fzf)
# - ed


# fuzzy select a transaction title
selection="$(sed -n 's/....-..-..\( [*!]\)\? //p' "$ledger" | sort | uniq | fzf)"
[ -z "$selection" ] && clear && exit 0 # quit if escaped

cat <<HERE | ed --silent "$ledger"
# append a newline for easier searching

# yank matching transaction (closed by empty line)
?^....-..-..\( [*!]\)\? ${selection}\$?;/^\$/y
# select line below last none-empty line
# put transaction
# replace date with today
+s/....-..-..\( [*!]\)\?/$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')/
# delete empty lines at end and quit

# review change: open end of the file (if I know how)
case "$EDITOR" in
vi*)   "$EDITOR" +\$ "$ledger" ;;
emacs) "$EDITOR" "$ledger" -f end-of-buffer ;;
*)     "$EDITOR" "$ledger" ;;
