-- WeeChat Matrix.org Client -- vim: expandtab:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4 --[[ Author: xt <xt@xt.gg> Thanks to Ryan Huber of wee_slack.py for some ideas and inspiration. This script is considered alpha quality as only the bare minimal of functionality is in place and it is not very well tested. It is known to be able to crash WeeChat in certain scenarioes so all usage of this script is at your own risk. If at any point there seems to be problem, make sure you update to the latest version of this script. You can also try reloading the script using /lua reload matrix to refresh all the state. Power Levels ------------ A default Matrix room has power level between 0 to 100. This script maps this as follows: ~ Room creator & Power level 100 @ Power level 50 + Power level > 0 TODO ---- /ban /upload Giving people arbitrary power levels Lazyload messages instead of HUGE initialSync Dynamically fetch more messages in backlog when user reaches the oldest message using pgup Need a way to change room join rule Fix broken state after failed initial connect Fix parsing of kick messages Fix parsing of multiple join messages Friendlier error message on bad user/password Parse some HTML and turn into color/bold/etc Handle m.room.canonical_alias Fix kick line generation, currently looks like the kicker left the room. Support weechat.look.prefix_same_nick ]] local json = require 'cjson' -- apt-get install lua-cjson local olmstatus, olm = pcall(require, 'olm') -- LuaJIT olm FFI binding ln -s ~/olm/olm.lua /usr/local/share/lua/5.1 local w = weechat local SCRIPT_NAME = "matrix" local SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "xt <xt@xt.gg>" local SCRIPT_VERSION = "2" local SCRIPT_LICENSE = "MIT" local SCRIPT_DESC = "Matrix.org chat plugin" local SCRIPT_COMMAND = SCRIPT_NAME local SERVER local STDOUT = {} local OUT = {} local BUFFER local Room local MatrixServer local DEBUG = false -- How many seconds to timeout if nothing happened on the server. If something -- happens before it will return sooner. -- default Nginx proxy timeout is 60s, so we go slightly lower local POLL_INTERVAL = 55 local default_color = w.color('default') -- Cache error variables so we don't have to look them up for every error -- message, a normal user will not change these ever anyway. local errprefix local errprefix_c local HOMEDIR local OLM_ALGORITHM = 'm.olm.v1.curve25519-aes-sha2' local OLM_KEY = 'secr3t' -- TODO configurable using weechat sec data local v2_api_ns = '_matrix/client/v2_alpha' local function tprint(tbl, indent, out) if not indent then indent = 0 end if not out then out = BUFFER end for k, v in pairs(tbl) do local formatting = string.rep(" ", indent) .. k .. ": " if type(v) == "table" then w.print(out, formatting) tprint(v, indent+1, out) elseif type(v) == 'boolean' then w.print(out, formatting .. tostring(v)) elseif type(v) == 'userdata' then w.print(out, formatting .. tostring(v)) else w.print(out, formatting .. v) end end end local function mprint(message) -- Print message to matrix buffer if type(message) == 'table' then tprint(message) else message = tostring(message) w.print(BUFFER, message) end end local function werr(message) --write error message to core buffer if message == nil then return end end local function perr(message) if message == nil then return end -- Print error message to the matrix "server" buffer using WeeChat styled -- error message mprint( errprefix_c .. errprefix .. '\t' .. default_color .. tostring(message) ) end local function dbg(message) perr('- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -') if type(message) == 'table' then tprint(message) else message = ("DEBUG\t%s"):format(tostring(message)) mprint(BUFFER, message) end end local dtraceback = debug.traceback debug.traceback = function (...) if select('#', ...) >= 1 then local err, lvl = ... local trace = dtraceback(err, (lvl or 2)+1) perr(trace) end -- direct call to debug.traceback: return the original. -- debug.traceback(nil, level) doesn't work in Lua 5.1 -- (http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-06/msg00574.html), so -- simply remove first frame from the stack trace return (dtraceback(...):gsub("(stack traceback:\n)[^\n]*\n", "%1")) end local function weechat_eval(text) local version = w.info_get('version_number', '') or 0 if tonumber(version) >= 0x00040200 then return w.string_eval_expression(text,{},{},{}) end return text end local urllib = {} urllib.quote = function(str) if not str then return '' end if type(str) == 'number' then return str end return str:gsub( '([^%w ])', function (c) return string.format ("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end ):gsub(' ', '+') end urllib.urlencode = function(tbl) local out = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(out, urllib.quote(k)..'='..urllib.quote(v)) end return table.concat(out, '&') end local transaction_id_counter = 0 local function get_next_transaction_id() transaction_id_counter = transaction_id_counter + 1 return transaction_id_counter end local function sign_json(json_object, signing_key, signing_name) -- See: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/blob/master/specification/31_event_signing.rst -- Maybe use:http://regex.info/code/JSON.lua which sorts keys local signatures = json_object.signatures or {} json_object.signatures = nil local unsigned = json_object.unsigned or nil json_object.unsigned = nil -- TODO ensure canonical json local signed = signing_key:sign(json.encode(json_object)) local signature_base64 = encode_base64(signed.signature) local key_id = ("%s:%s"):format(signing_key.agl, signing_key.version) signatures[signing_name] = {[key_id] = signature_base64} json_object.signatures = signatures if unsigned then json_object.unsigned = unsigned end return json_object end local function split_args(args) local function_name, arg = args:match('^(.-) (.*)$') return function_name, arg end local function byte_to_tag(s, byte, open_tag, close_tag) if s:match(byte) then local inside = false local open_tags = 0 local htmlbody = s:gsub(byte, function(c) if inside then inside = false return close_tag end inside = true open_tags = open_tags + 1 return open_tag end) local _, count = htmlbody:gsub(close_tag, '') -- Ensure we close tags if count < open_tags then htmlbody = htmlbody .. close_tag end return htmlbody end return s end local function irc_formatting_to_html(s) local ct = {'white','black','blue','green','red','markoon','purple', 'orange','yellow','lightgreen','teal','cyan', 'lightblue', 'fuchsia', 'gray', 'lightgray'} s = byte_to_tag(s, '\02', '<em>', '</em>') s = byte_to_tag(s, '\029', '<i>', '</i>') s = byte_to_tag(s, '\031', '<u>', '</u>') for i, c in pairs(ct) do s = byte_to_tag(s, '\003'..tostring(i-1), '<font color="'..c..'">', '</font>') end return s end local function strip_irc_formatting(s) if not s then return '' end return (s :gsub("\02", "") :gsub("\03%d%d?,%d%d?", "") :gsub("\03%d%d?", "") :gsub("\03", "") :gsub("\15", "") :gsub("\17", "") :gsub("\18", "") :gsub("\22", "") :gsub("\29", "") :gsub("\31", "")) end function matrix_unload() w.print('', 'matrix: Unloading') -- Clear/free olm memory if loaded if olmstatus then w.print('', 'matrix: Saving olm state') SERVER.olm:save() w.print('', 'matrix: Clearing olm state from memory') SERVER.olm.account:clear() --SERVER.olm = nil end w.print('', 'matrix: done cleaning up!') return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end local function wconf(optionname) return w.config_string(w.config_get(optionname)) end local function wcolor(optionname) return w.color(wconf(optionname)) end function command_help(current_buffer, args) if args then local help_cmds = {args= help_cmds[args]} if not help_cmds then w.print("", "Command not found: " .. args) return end end for cmd, helptext in pairs(help_cmds) do w.print('', w.color("bold") .. cmd) w.print('', (helptext or 'No help text').strip()) w.print('', '') end end function command_connect(current_buffer, args) if not SERVER.connected then SERVER:connect() end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function matrix_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) if args == 'connect' then return command_connect(current_buffer, arg) elseif args == 'debug' then if DEBUG then DEBUG = false w.print('', SCRIPT_NAME..': debugging messages disabled') else DEBUG = true w.print('', SCRIPT_NAME..': debugging messages enabled') end else perr("Command not found: " .. args) end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function configuration_changed_cb(data, option, value) if value == 'on' then DEBUG = true w.print('', SCRIPT_NAME..': debugging messages enabled') else DEBUG = false w.print('', SCRIPT_NAME..': debugging messages disabled') end end local function http(url, post, cb, timeout, extra, api_ns) if not post then post = {} end if not cb then cb = 'http_cb' end if not timeout then timeout = 60*1000 end if not extra then extra = nil end if not api_ns then api_ns = "_matrix/client/api/v1" end -- Add accept encoding by default if it's not already there if not post.accept_encoding then post.accept_encoding = 'application/json' end local homeserver_url = w.config_get_plugin('homeserver_url') homeserver_url = homeserver_url .. api_ns url = homeserver_url .. url if DEBUG then dbg{request={ url=(url:gsub('access.*token=[0-9a-zA-Z%%]*', 'access_token=[redacted]')), post=post,extra=extra} } end w.hook_process_hashtable('url:' .. url, post, timeout, cb, extra) end function real_http_cb(extra, command, rc, stdout, stderr) if DEBUG then dbg{reply={ command=(command:gsub('access.*token=[0-9a-zA-Z%%]*', 'access_token=[redacted]')), extra=extra,rc=rc,stdout=stdout,stderr=stderr} } end if stderr and stderr ~= '' then mprint(('error: %s'):format(stderr)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end -- Because of a bug in WeeChat sometimes the stdout gets prepended by -- any number of BEL chars (hex 07). Let's have a nasty workaround and -- just replace them away. stdout = (stdout:gsub('^\007*', '')) if stdout ~= '' then if not STDOUT[command] then STDOUT[command] = {} end table.insert(STDOUT[command], stdout) end if tonumber(rc) >= 0 then stdout = table.concat(STDOUT[command]) STDOUT[command] = nil -- Protected call in case of JSON errors local success, js = pcall(json.decode, stdout) if not success then mprint(('error\t%s during json load: %s'):format(js, stdout)) js = {} return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end if js['errcode'] or js['error'] then if command:find'login' then w.print('', ('matrix: Error code during login: %s, code: %s'):format( js['error'], js['errcode'])) w.print('', 'matrix: Please verify your username and password') else perr('API call returned error: '..js['error'] .. '('..tostring(js.errcode)..')') end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end -- Get correct handler if command:find('login') then for k, v in pairs(js) do SERVER[k] = v end SERVER.connected = true SERVER:initial_sync() elseif command:find'/rooms/.*/initialSync' then local myroom = SERVER:addRoom(js) for _, chunk in ipairs(js['presence']) do myroom:parseChunk(chunk, true, 'presence') end for _, chunk in ipairs(js['messages']['chunk']) do myroom:parseChunk(chunk, true, 'messages') end elseif command:find'v2_alpha/sync' then SERVER.end_token = js.next_batch -- We have a new end token, which means we safely can release the -- poll lock SERVER.poll_lock = false local backlog = false local initial = false if extra == 'initial' then initial = true backlog = true end -- Start with setting the global presence variable on the server -- so when the nicks get added to the room they can get added to -- the correct nicklist group according to if they have presence -- or not for _, e in ipairs(js.presence.events) do SERVER:UpdatePresence(e) end for membership, rooms in pairs(js['rooms']) do -- If we left the room, simply ignore it if membership ~= 'leave' then for identifier, room in pairs(rooms) do -- Monkey patch it to look like v1 object room.room_id = identifier local myroom if initial then myroom = SERVER:addRoom(room) else myroom = SERVER.rooms[identifier] -- Chunk for non-existing room if not myroom then myroom = SERVER:addRoom(room) if not membership == 'invite' then perr('Event for unknown room') dbg{chunk=chunk} end end end -- Parse states before messages so we can add nicks and stuff -- before messages start appearing local states = room.state if states then local chunks = room.state.events or {} for _, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do myroom:parseChunk(chunk, backlog, 'states') end end local timeline = room.timeline if timeline then -- Save the prev_batch on the initial message so we -- know for later when we picked up the sync if initial then myroom.prev_batch = timeline.prev_batch end local chunks = timeline.events or {} for _, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do myroom:parseChunk(chunk, backlog, 'messages') end end local ephemeral = room.ephemeral -- Ignore Ephemeral Events during initial sync if (extra and extra ~= 'initial') and ephemeral then local chunks = ephemeral.events or {} for _, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do myroom:parseChunk(chunk, backlog, 'states') end end end end end -- Now we have created rooms and can go over the rooms and update -- the presence for each nick for _, e in pairs(js.presence.events) do SERVER:UpdatePresence(e) end if initial then SERVER:post_initial_sync() end SERVER:poll() elseif command:find'messages' then local identifier = extra local myroom = SERVER.rooms[identifier] myroom.prev_batch = js['end'] -- Freeze buffer myroom:Freeze() -- Clear buffer myroom:Clear() -- We request backwards direction, so iterate backwards for i=#js.chunk,1,-1 do local chunk = js.chunk[i] myroom:parseChunk(chunk, true, 'messages') end -- Thaw! myroom:Thaw() elseif command:find'/join/' then -- We came from a join command, fecth some messages local found = false for id, _ in pairs(SERVER.rooms) do if id == js.room_id then found = true -- this is a false positive for example when getting -- invited. need to investigate more --mprint('error\tJoined room, but already in it.') break end end if not found then local data = urllib.urlencode({ access_token= SERVER.access_token, --limit= w.config_get_plugin('backlog_lines'), limit = 10, }) http(('/rooms/%s/initialSync?%s'):format( urllib.quote(js.room_id), data)) end elseif command:find'leave' then -- We store room_id in extra local room_id = extra SERVER:delRoom(room_id) elseif command:find'/keys/claim' then local count = 0 for user_id, v in pairs(js.one_time_keys or {}) do for device_id, keys in pairs(v or {}) do for key_id, key in pairs(keys or {}) do SERVER.olm.otks[user_id..':'..device_id] = {[device_id]=key} perr(('olm: Recieved OTK for user %s for device id %s'):format(user_id, device_id)) count = count + 1 SERVER.olm:create_session(user_id, device_id) end end end elseif command:find'/keys/query' then for k, v in pairs(js.device_keys or {}) do SERVER.olm.device_keys[k] = v -- Claim keys for all only if missing session for device_id, device_data in pairs(v) do -- First try to create session from saved data -- if that doesn't success we will download otk local device_key = device_data.keys['curve25519:'..device_id] local sessions = SERVER.olm:get_sessions(device_key) if #sessions == 0 then perr('olm: Downloading otk for user '..k..', and device_id: '..device_id) SERVER.olm:claim(k, device_id) else perr('olm: Reusing existing session for user '..k) end end end elseif command:find'/keys/upload' then local key_count = 0 ---local valid_response = false local sensible_number_of_keys = 20 for algo, count in pairs(js.one_time_key_counts) do valid_response = true key_count = count SERVER.olm.key_count = key_count end if DEBUG then perr('olm: Number of own OTKs uploaded to server: '..key_count) end -- TODO make endless loop prevention in case of server error if key_count < sensible_number_of_keys then SERVER.olm:upload_keys() end elseif command:find'upload' then -- We store room_id in extra local room_id = extra if js.content_uri then SERVER:Msg(room_id, js.content_uri) end elseif command:find'/typing/' then -- either it errs or it is empty elseif command:find'/state/' then -- TODO errorcode: M_FORBIDDEN -- either it errs or it is empty --dbg({state= js}) elseif command:find'/send/' then -- XXX Errorhandling -- TODO save event id to use for localecho elseif command:find'createRoom' then local room_id = js.room_id -- We get join events, so we don't have to do anything elseif command:find'/publicRooms' then mprint 'Public rooms:' mprint '\tName\tUsers\tTopic\tAliases' for _, r in ipairs(js.chunk) do local name = '' if r.name ~= json.null then name = r.name end local topic = '' if r.topic ~= json.null then topic = r.topic end mprint(('%s %s %s %s') :format( name, r.num_joined_members, topic, table.concat(r.aliases, ', '))) end elseif command:find'/invite' then local room_id = js.room_id elseif command:find'receipt' then -- we don't care about receipts for now elseif command:find'directory/room' then --- XXX: parse result mprint 'Created new alias for room' else dbg{['error'] = {msg='Unknown command in http cb', command=command, js=js}} end end if tonumber(rc) == -2 then -- -2 == WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR perr(('Call to API errored in command %s, maybe timeout?'):format( command)) -- Empty cache in case of errors if STDOUT[command] then STDOUT[command] = nil end -- Release poll lock in case of errors SERVER.poll_lock = false end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function http_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr) local status, result = pcall(real_http_cb, data, command, rc, stdout, stderr) if not status then perr('Error in http_cb: ' .. tostring(result)) perr(debug.traceback()) end return result end Olm = {} Olm.__index = Olm Olm.create = function() local olmdata = {} setmetatable(olmdata, Olm) if not olmstatus then w.print('', SCRIPT_NAME .. ': Unable to load olm encryption library. Not enabling encryption. Please see documentation (README.md) for information on how to enable.') return end local account = olm.Account.new() olmdata.account = account olmdata.sessions = {} olmdata.device_keys = {} olmdata.otks = {} -- Try to read account from filesystem, if not generate a new account local fd = io.open(HOMEDIR..'account.olm', 'rb') local pickled = '' if fd then pickled = fd:read'*all' fd:close() end if pickled == '' then account:create() local ret, err = account:generate_one_time_keys(5) perr(err) self:save() else local unpickle, err = account:unpickle(OLM_KEY, pickled) perr(err) end local identity = json.decode(account:identity_keys()) -- TODO figure out what device id is supposed to be olmdata.device_id = identity.ed25519:match'%w*' -- problems with nonalfanum olmdata.device_key = identity.curve25519 w.print('', 'matrix: Encryption loaded. To send encrypted messages in a room, use command /encrypt on with a room as active current buffer') if DEBUG then dbg{olm={ 'Loaded identity:', json.decode(account:identity_keys()) }} end return olmdata end function Olm:save() -- Save account and every pickled session local pickle, err = self.account:pickle(OLM_KEY) perr(err) local fd = io.open(HOMEDIR..'account.olm', 'wb') fd:write(pickle) fd:close() --for key, pickled in pairs(self.sessions) do -- local user_id, device_id = key:match('(.*):(.+)') -- self.write_session_to_file(pickled, user_id, device_id) --end end function Olm:query(user_ids) -- Query keys from other user_id if DEBUG then perr('olm: querying user_ids') tprint(user_ids) end local auth = urllib.urlencode{access_token=SERVER.access_token} local data = { device_keys = {} } for _, uid in pairs(user_ids) do data.device_keys[uid] = {false} end http('/keys/query/?'..auth, {postfields=json.encode(data)}, 'http_cb', 5*1000, nil, v2_api_ns ) end function Olm:check_server_keycount() local data = urllib.urlencode{access_token=SERVER.access_token} http('/keys/upload/'..self.device_id..'?'..data, {}, 'http_cb', 5*1000, nil, v2_api_ns ) end function Olm:upload_keys() if DEBUG then perr('olm: Uploading keys') end local id_keys = json.decode(self.account:identity_keys()) local user_id = SERVER.user_id local one_time_keys = {} local otks = json.decode(self.account:one_time_keys()) local keyCount = 0 for id, k in pairs(otks.curve25519) do keyCount = keyCount + 1 end perr('olm: keycount: '..tostring(keyCount)) if keyCount < 5 then -- try to always have 5 keys perr('olm: newly generated keys: '..tostring(tonumber( self.account:generate_one_time_keys(5 - keyCount)))) otks = json.decode(self.account:one_time_keys()) end for id, key in pairs(otks.curve25519) do one_time_keys['curve25519:'..id] = key keyCount = keyCount + 1 end -- Construct JSON manually so it's ready for signing local keys_json = '{"algorithms":["' .. OLM_ALGORITHM .. '"]' .. ',"device_id":"' .. self.device_id .. '"' .. ',"keys":' .. '{"ed25519:' .. self.device_id .. '":"' .. id_keys.ed25519 .. '","curve25519:' .. self.device_id .. '":"' .. id_keys.curve25519 .. '"}' .. ',"user_id":"' .. user_id .. '"}' local success, key_data = pcall(json.decode, keys_json) -- TODO save key data to device_keys so we don't have to download -- our own keys from the servers? if not success then perr(('olm: upload_keys: %s when converting to json: %s') :format(key_data, keys_json)) end local msg = { device_keys = key_data, one_time_keys = one_time_keys } msg.device_keys.signatures = { [user_id] = { ["ed25519:"..self.device_id] = self.account:sign(keys_json) } } local data = urllib.urlencode{ access_token = SERVER.access_token } http('/keys/upload/'..self.device_id..'?'..data, { postfields = json.encode(msg) }, 'http_cb', 5*1000, nil, v2_api_ns) self.account:mark_keys_as_published() end function Olm:claim(user_id, device_id) -- Fetch one time keys if DEBUG then perr(('olm: Claiming OTK for user: %s and device: %s'):format(user_id, device_id)) end -- TODO take a list of ids for batch downloading local auth = urllib.urlencode{ access_token = SERVER.access_token } local data = { one_time_keys = { [user_id] = { [device_id] = 'curve25519' } } } http('/keys/claim?'..auth, {postfields=json.encode(data)}, 'http_cb', 30*1000, nil, v2_api_ns ) end function Olm:create_session(user_id, device_id) perr(('olm: creating session for user: %s, and device: %s'):format(user_id, device_id)) local device_data = self.device_keys[user_id][device_id] if not device_data then perr(('olm: missing device data for user: %s, and device: %s'):format(user_id, device_id)) return end local device_key = device_data.keys['curve25519:'..device_id] if not device_key then perr("olm: Missing key for user: "..user_id.." and device: "..device_id.."") return end local sessions = self:get_sessions(device_key) if true then -- TODO perr(('olm: creating NEW session for: %s, and device: %s'):format(user_id, device_id)) local session = olm.Session.new() local otk = self.otks[user_id..':'..device_id] if not otk then perr("olm: Missing OTK for user: "..user_id.." and device: "..device_id.."") else otk = otk[device_id] end if otk then session:create_outbound(self.account, device_key, otk) local session_id = session:session_id() perr('Session ID:'..tostring(session_id)) self:store_session(device_key, session) end session:clear() end end function Olm:get_sessions(device_key) if DEBUG then perr("olm: get_sessions: device: "..device_key.."") end local sessions = self.sessions[device_key] if not sessions then sessions = self:read_session(device_key) end return sessions end function Olm:read_session(device_key) local session_filename = HOMEDIR..device_key..'.session.olm' local fd, err = io.open(session_filename, 'rb') if fd then perr(('olm: reading saved session device: %s'):format(device_key)) local sessions = fd:read'*all' local sessions = json.decode(sessions) self.sessions[device_key] = sessions fd:close() return sessions end return {} end function Olm:store_session(device_key, session) local session_id = session:session_id() if DEBUG then perr("olm: store_session: device: "..device_key..", Session ID: "..session_id) end local sessions = self.sessions[device_key] or {} local pickled = session:pickle(OLM_KEY) sessions[session_id] = pickled self.sessions[device_key] = sessions self:write_session_to_file(sessions, device_key) end function Olm:write_session_to_file(sessions, device_key) local session_filename = HOMEDIR..device_key..'.session.olm' local fd, err = io.open(session_filename, 'wb') if fd then fd:write(json.encode(sessions)) fd:close() else perr('olm: error saving session: '..tostring(err)) end end MatrixServer = {} MatrixServer.__index = MatrixServer MatrixServer.create = function() local server = {} setmetatable(server, MatrixServer) server.nick = nil server.connecting = false server.connected = false server.rooms = {} -- Store user presences here since they are not local to the rooms server.presence = {} server.end_token = 'END' server.typing_time = os.time() server.typingtimer = w.hook_timer(10*1000, 0, 0, "cleartyping", "") -- Use a lock to prevent multiple simul poll with same end token, which -- could lead to duplicate messages server.poll_lock = false server.olm = Olm.create() return server end function MatrixServer:UpdatePresence(c) self.presence[c.sender] = c.content.presence for id, room in pairs(self.rooms) do room:UpdatePresence(c.sender, c.content.presence) end end function MatrixServer:findRoom(buffer_ptr) for id, room in pairs(self.rooms) do if room.buffer == buffer_ptr then return room end end end function MatrixServer:connect() if not self.connecting then local user = weechat_eval(w.config_get_plugin('user')) local password = weechat_eval(w.config_get_plugin('password')) if user == '' or password == '' then w.print('', 'Please set your username and password using the settings system and then type /matrix connect') return end self.connecting = true w.print('', 'matrix: Connecting to homeserver URL: '.. w.config_get_plugin('homeserver_url')) local post = { ["type"]="m.login.password", ["user"]=user, ["password"]=password } http('/login', { postfields = json.encode(post) }, 'http_cb', 5*1000) -- Set a short timeout so user can get more immidiate feedback end end function MatrixServer:initial_sync() BUFFER = w.buffer_new("matrix", "", "", "closed_matrix_buffer_cb", "") w.buffer_set(BUFFER, "short_name", "matrix") w.buffer_set(BUFFER, "name", "matrix") w.buffer_set(BUFFER, "localvar_set_type", "server") w.buffer_set(BUFFER, "localvar_set_server", "matrix") w.buffer_set(BUFFER, "title", ("Matrix: %s"):format( w.config_get_plugin'homeserver_url')) w.buffer_set(BUFFER, "display", "auto") local data = urllib.urlencode({ access_token = self.access_token, limit = w.config_get_plugin('backlog_lines'), }) local data = urllib.urlencode({ access_token = self.access_token, timeout = 1000*POLL_INTERVAL, full_state = 'true' }) local extra = 'initial' -- New v2 sync API is slow. Until we can easily ignore archived rooms -- let's increase the timer for the initial login local login_timer = 60*5*1000 http('/sync?'..data, nil, 'http_cb', login_timer, extra, v2_api_ns) end function MatrixServer:post_initial_sync() -- Timer used in cased of errors to restart the polling cycle -- During normal operation the polling should re-invoke itself SERVER.polltimer = w.hook_timer(POLL_INTERVAL*1000, 0, 0, "polltimer_cb", "") if olmstatus then -- timer that checks number of otks available on the server SERVER.otktimer = w.hook_timer(5*60*1000, 0, 0, "otktimer_cb", "") SERVER.olm:query{SERVER.user_id} --SERVER.olm.upload_keys() SERVER.olm:check_server_keycount() end end function MatrixServer:getMessages(room_id, dir, from, limit) if not dir then dir = 'b' end if not from then from = 'END' end if not limit then limit = w.config_get_plugin('backlog_lines') end local data = urllib.urlencode({ access_token = self.access_token, dir = dir, from = from, limit = limit, }) http(('/rooms/%s/messages?%s') :format(urllib.quote(room_id), data), nil, nil, nil, room_id) end function MatrixServer:join(room) if not self.connected then --XXX''' return end mprint('\tJoining room '..room) room = urllib.quote(room) http('/join/' .. room, {postfields = "access_token="..self.access_token}) end function MatrixServer:part(room) if not self.connected then --XXX''' return end local id = urllib.quote(room.identifier) local data = urllib.urlencode({ access_token= self.access_token, }) http(('/rooms/%s/leave?%s'):format(id, data), {postfields = "{}"}, 'http_cb', 10000, room.identifier) end function MatrixServer:poll() if self.connected == false then return end if self.poll_lock then return end self.poll_lock = true self.polltime = os.time() local data = urllib.urlencode({ access_token = self.access_token, timeout = 1000*POLL_INTERVAL, full_state = 'false', since = self.end_token }) http('/sync?'..data, nil, 'http_cb', (POLL_INTERVAL+10)*1000, nil, v2_api_ns) end function MatrixServer:addRoom(room) -- Just in case, we check for duplicates here if self.rooms[room['room_id']] then return self.rooms[room['room_id']] end local myroom = Room.create(room) myroom:create_buffer() self.rooms[room['room_id']] = myroom return myroom end function MatrixServer:delRoom(room_id) for id, room in pairs(self.rooms) do if id == room_id then mprint('\tLeft room '..room.name) room:destroy() self.rooms[id] = nil break end end end function MatrixServer:SendReadReceipt(room_id, event_id) -- TODO: prevent sending multiple identical read receipts local r_type = 'm.read' local auth = urllib.urlencode{access_token=self.access_token} room_id = urllib.quote(room_id) event_id = urllib.quote(event_id) local url = '/rooms/'..room_id..'/receipt/'..r_type..'/'..event_id..'?'..auth http(url, {customrequest = 'POST'}, 'http_cb', 5*1000, nil, v2_api_ns ) end function MatrixServer:Msg(room_id, body, msgtype) -- check if there's an outgoing message timer already self:ClearSendTimer() if not msgtype then msgtype = 'm.text' end if not OUT[room_id] then OUT[room_id] = {} end -- Add message to outgoing queue of messages for this room table.insert(OUT[room_id], {msgtype, body}) self:StartSendTimer() end function MatrixServer:StartSendTimer() local send_delay = 50 -- Wait this long for paste detection self.sendtimer = w.hook_timer(send_delay, 0, 1, "send", "") end function MatrixServer:ClearSendTimer() -- Clear timer if it exists if self.sendtimer then w.unhook(self.sendtimer) end self.sendtimer = nil end function send(data, calls) SERVER:ClearSendTimer() -- Iterate rooms for id, msgs in pairs(OUT) do -- Clear message OUT[id] = nil local body = {} local htmlbody = {} local msgtype local ishtml = false for _, msg in pairs(msgs) do -- last msgtype will override any other for simplicity's sake msgtype = msg[1] local html = irc_formatting_to_html(msg[2]) if html ~= msg[2] then ishtml = true end table.insert(htmlbody, html ) table.insert(body, msg[2] ) end body = table.concat(body, '\n') -- Run IRC modifiers (XXX: maybe run out1 also? body = w.hook_modifier_exec('irc_out1_PRIVMSG', '', body) -- Find the room local room for _, r in pairs(SERVER.rooms) do if r.identifier == id then room = r break end end if w.config_get_plugin('local_echo') == 'on' or room.encrypted then -- Generate local echo local color = default_color if msgtype == 'm.text' then --- XXX: add no_log for encrypted? --- XXX: no localecho for encrypted messages? local tags = 'notify_none,localecho,no_highlight' if room.encrypted then tags = tags .. ',no_log' color = w.color(w.config_get_plugin( 'encrypted_message_color')) end w.print_date_tags(room.buffer, nil, tags, ("%s\t%s%s"):format( room:formatNick(SERVER.user_id), color, body ) ) elseif msgtype == 'm.emote' then local prefix_c = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_action' local prefix = wconf'weechat.look.prefix_action' local tags = 'notify_none,localecho,irc_action,no_highlight' if room.encrypted then tags = tags .. ',no_log' color = w.color(w.config_get_plugin( 'encrypted_message_color')) end w.print_date_tags(room.buffer, nil, tags, ("%s%s\t%s%s%s %s"):format( prefix_c, prefix, w.color('chat_nick_self'), room.users[SERVER.user_id], color, body ) ) end end local data = { postfields = { msgtype = msgtype, body = body, }} if ishtml then htmlbody = table.concat(htmlbody, '\n') data.postfields.body = strip_irc_formatting(body) data.postfields.format = 'org.matrix.custom.html' data.postfields.formatted_body = htmlbody end local api_event_function = 'm.room.message' if olmstatus and room.encrypted then api_event_function = 'm.room.encrypted' local olmd = SERVER.olm data.postfields.algorithm = OLM_ALGORITHM data.postfields.sender_key = olmd.device_key data.postfields.ciphertext = {} -- Count number of devices we are sending to local recipient_count = 0 local room = SERVER.rooms[id] for user_id, _ in pairs(room.users) do for device_id, device_data in pairs(olmd.device_keys[user_id] or {}) do -- FIXME check for missing keys? local device_key -- TODO save this better somehow? for key_id, key_data in pairs(device_data.keys) do if key_id:match('^curve25519') then device_key = key_data end end local sessions = olmd:get_sessions(device_key) -- Use the session with the lowest ID table.sort(sessions) local pickled for k, v in pairs(sessions) do pickled = v break end if pickled then local session = olm.Session.new() session:unpickle(OLM_KEY, pickled) local session_id = session:session_id() perr(('Session ID: %s, user_id: %s, device_id: %s'): format(session_id, user_id, device_id)) local payload = { room_id = room.identifier, ['type'] = "m.room.message", fingerprint = "", -- TODO: Olm:sha256 participants sender_device = olmd.device_id, content = { msgtype = msgtype, body = data.postfields.body or '' } } -- encrypt body local mtype, e_body = session:encrypt(json.encode(payload)) local ciphertext = { ["type"] = mtype, body = e_body } data.postfields.ciphertext[device_key] = ciphertext recipient_count = recipient_count + 1 -- Save session olmd:store_session(device_key, session) session:clear() end end end -- remove cleartext from original msg data.postfields.body = nil data.postfields.formatted_body = nil if recipient_count == 0 then perr('Aborted sending of encrypted message: could not find any valid recipients') return end end data.postfields = json.encode(data.postfields) data.customrequest = 'PUT' http(('/rooms/%s/send/%s/%s?access_token=%s') :format( urllib.quote(id), api_event_function, get_next_transaction_id(), urllib.quote(SERVER.access_token) ), data ) end end function MatrixServer:emote(room_id, body) self:Msg(room_id, body, 'm.emote') end function MatrixServer:notice(room_id, body) self:Msg(room_id, body, 'm.notice') end function MatrixServer:state(room_id, key, data) http(('/rooms/%s/state/%s?access_token=%s') :format(urllib.quote(room_id), urllib.quote(key), urllib.quote(self.access_token)), {customrequest = 'PUT', postfields = json.encode(data), }) end function MatrixServer:set_membership(room_id, userid, data) http(('/rooms/%s/state/m.room.member/%s?access_token=%s') :format(urllib.quote(room_id), urllib.quote(userid), urllib.quote(self.access_token)), {customrequest = 'PUT', postfields = json.encode(data), }) end function MatrixServer:SendTypingNotice(room_id) local data = { typing = true, timeout = 4*1000 } http(('/rooms/%s/typing/%s?access_token=%s') :format(urllib.quote(room_id), urllib.quote(self.user_id), urllib.quote(self.access_token)), {customrequest = 'PUT', postfields = json.encode(data), }) end function upload_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr) if stderr ~= '' then perr(('error: %s'):format(stderr)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end if stdout ~= '' then if not STDOUT[command] then STDOUT[command] = {} end table.insert(STDOUT[command], stdout) end if tonumber(rc) >= 0 then stdout = table.concat(STDOUT[command]) STDOUT[command] = nil --- TODO improve content type detection, maybe let curl do it? end end function MatrixServer:upload(room_id, filename) local content_type = 'image/jpeg' if command:find'png' then content_type = 'image/png' end -- TODO: --local url = w.config_get_plugin('homeserver_url') .. -- ('_matrix/media/v1/upload?access_token=%s') -- :format( urllib.quote(SERVER.access_token) ) --w.hook_process_hashtable('curl', -- {arg1 = '-F', -- arg2 = 'filedata=@'..filename -- }, 30*1000, 'upload_cb', room_id) end function MatrixServer:CreateRoom(public, alias, invites) local data = {} if alias then data.room_alias_name = alias end if public then data.visibility = 'public' else data.visibility = 'private' end if invites then data.invite = invites end http(('/createRoom?access_token=%s') :format(urllib.quote(self.access_token)), {customrequest = 'POST', postfields = json.encode(data), }) end function MatrixServer:CreateRoomAlias(room_id, alias) local data = {room_id = room_id} alias = urllib.quote(alias) http(('/directory/room/%s?access_token=%s') :format(alias, urllib.quote(self.access_token)), {customrequest = 'PUT', postfields = json.encode(data), }) end function MatrixServer:ListRooms() http(('/publicRooms?access_token=%s') :format(urllib.quote(self.access_token))) end function MatrixServer:Invite(room_id, user_id) local data = { user_id = user_id } http(('/rooms/%s/invite?access_token=%s') :format(urllib.quote(room_id), urllib.quote(self.access_token)), {customrequest = 'POST', postfields = json.encode(data), }) end function MatrixServer:Nick(displayname) local data = { displayname = displayname, } http(('/profile/%s/displayname?access_token=%s') :format( urllib.quote(self.user_id), urllib.quote(self.access_token)), {customrequest = 'PUT', postfields = json.encode(data), }) end function buffer_input_cb(b, buffer, data) for r_id, room in pairs(SERVER.rooms) do if buffer == room.buffer then SERVER:Msg(r_id, data) end end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end Room = {} Room.__index = Room Room.create = function(obj) local room = {} setmetatable(room, Room) room.buffer = nil room.identifier = obj['room_id'] room.server = 'matrix' room.member_count = 0 -- Cache lines for dedup? room.lines = {} -- Cache users for presence/nicklist room.users = {} -- Table of ids currently typing room.typing_ids = {} -- Cache the rooms power levels state room.power_levels = {users={}, users_default=0} -- Encryption status of room room.encrypted = false room.visibility = 'public' room.join_rule = nil room.roomname = nil -- m.room.name room.aliases = nil -- aliases room.canonical_alias = nil -- Might be invited to room, check invite state local invite_state = obj.invite_state or {} for _, event in ipairs(invite_state.events or {}) do if event['type'] == 'm.room.name' then room.name = event.content.name room.roomname = event.content.name elseif event['type'] == 'm.room.join_rule' then room.join_rule = event.content.join_rule elseif event['type'] == 'm.room.member' then room.membership = 'invite' room.inviter = event.sender if w.config_get_plugin('autojoin_on_invite') == 'on' then SERVER:join(room.identifier) else mprint(('You have been invited to join room %s by %s. Type /join %s to join.'):format(room.name or room.identifier, obj.inviter, room.identifier)) end else if DEBUG then dbg{err='Unhandled invite_state event',event=event} end end end -- We might not be a member yet local state_events = obj.state or {} for _, state in ipairs(state_events) do if state['type'] == 'm.room.aliases' then for _, name in ipairs(state.content.aliases or {}) do room.name, room.server = name:match('(.+):(.+)') break -- Use first end end end if not room.name then room.name = room.identifier end if not room.server then room.server = '' end room.visibility = obj.visibility if not obj['visibility'] then room.visibility = 'public' end return room end function Room:setName(name) if not name or name == '' or name == json.null then return end -- override hierarchy if self.canonical_alias then name = self.canonical_alias end if self.roomname then name = self.roomname end -- Check for dupe local buffer_name = w.buffer_get_string(self.buffer, 'name') if buffer_name == name then return end w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "short_name", name) w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "name", name) -- Doesn't work w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "plugin", "matrix") w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "full_name", self.server.."."..name) w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_channel", name) end function Room:topic(topic) SERVER:state(self.identifier, 'm.room.topic', {topic=topic}) end function Room:public() SERVER:state(self.identifier, 'm.room.join_rules', {join_rule='public'}) end function Room:upload(filename) SERVER:upload(self.identifier, filename) end function Room:Msg(msg) SERVER:Msg(self.identifier, msg) end function Room:emote(msg) SERVER:emote(self.identifier, msg) end function Room:Notice(msg) SERVER:notice(self.identifier, msg) end function Room:SendTypingNotice() SERVER:SendTypingNotice(self.identifier) end function Room:create_buffer() --local buffer = w.buffer_search("", ("%s.%s"):format(self.server, self.name)) self.buffer = w.buffer_new(("%s.%s") :format(self.server, self.name), "buffer_input_cb", self.name, "closed_matrix_room_cb", "") -- Needs to correspond with return values from Room:GetNickGroup() -- We will use 5 nick groups: -- 1: Ops -- 2: Half-ops -- 3: Voice -- 4: People with presence -- 5: People without presence self.nicklist_groups = { -- Emulate OPs w.nicklist_add_group(self.buffer, '', "000|o", "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1), w.nicklist_add_group(self.buffer, '', "001|h", "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1), -- Emulate half-op w.nicklist_add_group(self.buffer, '', "002|v", "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1), -- Defined in weechat's irc-nick.h w.nicklist_add_group(self.buffer, '', "998|...", "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1), w.nicklist_add_group(self.buffer, '', "999|...", "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1), } w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "nicklist", "1") -- Set to 1 for easier debugging of nick groups w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "nicklist_display_groups", "0") w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_server", self.server) w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_roomid", self.identifier) self:setName(self.name) if self.membership == 'invite' then self:addNick(self.inviter) if w.config_get_plugin('autojoin_on_invite') ~= 'on' then w.print_date_tags( self.buffer, nil, 'notify_message', ('You have been invited to join room %s by %s. Type /join in this buffer to join.') :format( self.name, self.inviter, self.identifier) ) end end end function Room:Freeze() -- Function that saves all the lines in a buffer in a cache to be thawed -- later. Used to redraw buffer when user requests more lines. Since -- WeeChat can only render lines in order this is the workaround local freezer = {} local lines = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('buffer'), self.buffer, 'own_lines') if lines == '' then return end -- Start at top local line = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('lines'), lines, 'first_line') if line == '' then return end local hdata_line = w.hdata_get('line') local hdata_line_data = w.hdata_get('line_data') while #line > 0 do local data = w.hdata_pointer(hdata_line, line, 'data') local tags = {} local tag_count = w.hdata_integer(hdata_line_data, data, "tags_count") if tag_count > 0 then for i = 0, tag_count-1 do local tag = w.hdata_string(hdata_line_data, data, i .. "|tags_array") -- Skip notify tags since this is backlog if not tag:match'^notify' then tags[#tags+1] = tag end end end tags[#tags+1] = 'no_log' freezer[#freezer+1] = { time = w.hdata_integer(hdata_line_data, data, 'time'), tags = tags, prefix = w.hdata_string(hdata_line_data, data, 'prefix'), message = w.hdata_string(hdata_line_data, data, 'message'), } -- Move forward since we start at top line = w.hdata_move(hdata_line, line, 1) end self.freezer = freezer end function Room:Thaw() for _,l in ipairs(self.freezer) do w.print_date_tags( self.buffer, l.time, table.concat(l.tags, ','), l.prefix .. '\t' .. l.message ) end -- Clear old data self.freezer = nil end function Room:Clear() w.buffer_clear(self.buffer) end function Room:destroy() w.buffer_close(self.buffer) end function Room:_nickListChanged() -- Check the user count, if it's 2 or less then we decide this buffer -- is a "private" one like IRC's query type if self.member_count == 3 then -- don't run code for every add > 2 w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_type", 'channel') self.buffer_type = 'channel' elseif self.member_count == 2 then -- At the point where we reach two nicks, set the buffer name to be -- the display name of the other guy that is not our self since it's -- in effect a query, but the matrix protocol doesn't have such -- a concept w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_type", 'private') w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_server", self.server) self.buffer_type = 'query' -- Check if the room name is identifier meaning we don't have a -- name set yet, and should try and set one local buffer_name = w.buffer_get_string(self.buffer, 'name') if not self.roomname and not self.aliases then for id, name in pairs(self.users) do -- Set the name to the other party if id ~= SERVER.user_id then self:setName(name) break end end end elseif self.member_count == 1 then if not self.roomname and not self.aliases then -- Set the name to ourselves self:setName(self.users[SERVER.user_id]) end end end function Room:addNick(user_id, displayname) local newnick = false if not displayname or displayname == json.null or displayname == '' then displayname = user_id:match('@(.*):.+') end if not self.users[user_id] then self.member_count = self.member_count + 1 newnick = true end if self.users[user_id] ~= displayname then self.users[user_id] = displayname end local nick_c = self:GetPresenceNickColor(user_id, SERVER.presence[user_id]) -- Check if this is ourselves if user_id == SERVER.user_id then w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "highlight_words", displayname) w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_nick", displayname) end local ngroup, nprefix, nprefix_color = self:GetNickGroup(user_id) -- Check if nick already exists --local nick_ptr = w.nicklist_search_nick(self.buffer, '', displayname) --if nick_ptr == '' then local nick_ptr = w.nicklist_add_nick(self.buffer, self.nicklist_groups[ngroup], displayname, nick_c, nprefix, nprefix_color, 1) --else -- -- TODO CHANGE nickname here --end if nick_ptr == '' then -- Duplicate nick names :( -- We just add the full id to the nicklist so atleast it will show -- but we should probably assign something new and track the state -- so we can print msgs with non-conflicting nicks too w.nicklist_add_nick(self.buffer, self.nicklist_groups[ngroup], user_id, nick_c, nprefix, nprefix_color, 1) -- Since we can't allow duplicate displaynames, we just use the -- user_id straight up. Maybe we could invent some clever -- scheme here, like user(homeserver), user (2) or something self.users[user_id] = user_id end if newnick then -- run this after nick been added so it can be used self:_nickListChanged() end return displayname end function Room:GetNickGroup(user_id) -- TODO, cache local ngroup = 5 local nprefix = ' ' local nprefix_color = '' if self:GetPowerLevel(user_id) >= 100 then ngroup = 1 nprefix = '&' nprefix_color = 'lightgreen' if user_id == self.creator then nprefix = '~' nprefix_color = 'lightred' end elseif self:GetPowerLevel(user_id) >= 50 then ngroup = 2 nprefix = '@' nprefix_color = 'lightgreen' elseif self:GetPowerLevel(user_id) > 0 then ngroup = 3 nprefix = '+' nprefix_color = 'yellow' elseif SERVER.presence[user_id] then -- User has a presence, put him in group3 ngroup = 4 end return ngroup, nprefix, nprefix_color end function Room:GetPowerLevel(user_id) return self.power_levels.users[user_id] or self.power_levels.users_default or 0 end function Room:ClearTyping() for user_id, nick in pairs(self.users) do local _, nprefix, nprefix_color = self:GetNickGroup(user_id) self:UpdateNick(user_id, 'prefix', nprefix) self:UpdateNick(user_id, 'prefix_color', nprefix_color) end end function Room:GetPresenceNickColor(user_id, presence) local nick = self.users[user_id] local nick_c if user_id == SERVER.user_id then -- Always use correct color for self nick_c = 'weechat.color.chat_nick_self' elseif presence == 'online' then nick_c = w.info_get('irc_nick_color_name', nick) elseif presence == 'unavailable' then nick_c = 'weechat.color.nicklist_away' elseif presence == 'offline' then nick_c = 'red' elseif presence == nil then nick_c = 'bar_fg' else dbg{err='unknown presence type',presence=presence} end return nick_c end function Room:UpdatePresence(user_id, presence) local nick_c = 'bar_fg' if presence == 'typing' then self:UpdateNick(user_id, 'prefix', '!') self:UpdateNick(user_id, 'prefix_color', 'magenta') return end nick_c = self:GetPresenceNickColor(user_id, presence) self:UpdateNick(user_id, 'color', nick_c) end function Room:UpdateNick(user_id, key, val) local nick = self.users[user_id] if not nick then return end local nick_ptr = w.nicklist_search_nick(self.buffer, '', nick) if nick_ptr ~= '' and key and val then -- Check if we need to move the nick into another group local group_ptr = w.nicklist_nick_get_pointer(self.buffer, nick_ptr, 'group') local ngroup, nprefix, nprefix_color = self:GetNickGroup(user_id) if group_ptr ~= self.nicklist_groups[ngroup] then local nick_c = w.nicklist_nick_get_string(self.buffer, nick_ptr, 'color') -- No WeeChat API for changing a nick's group so we will have to -- delete the nick from the old nicklist and add it to the correct -- nicklist group local d_nick_ptr = w.nicklist_remove_nick(self.buffer, nick_ptr) -- TODO please check if this call fails, if it does it means the -- WeeChat version is old and has a bug so it can't remove nicks -- and so it needs some workaround nick_ptr = w.nicklist_add_nick(self.buffer, self.nicklist_groups[ngroup], nick, nick_c, nprefix, nprefix_color, 1) end -- Check if we are clearing a typing notice, and don't issue updates -- if we are, because it spams the API so much, including potential -- relay clients if key == 'prefix' and val == ' ' then -- TODO check existing values like + and @ too local prefix = w.nicklist_nick_get_string(self.buffer, nick_ptr, key) if prefix == '!' then w.nicklist_nick_set(self.buffer, nick_ptr, key, val) end elseif key == 'prefix_color' then local prefix_color = w.nicklist_nick_get_string(self.buffer, nick_ptr, key) if prefix_color ~= val then w.nicklist_nick_set(self.buffer, nick_ptr, key, val) end else -- Check if we are actually updating something, so there's less -- updates issued (I think WeeChat sends all changes as nicklist -- diffs to both UI code and to relay clients local existing = w.nicklist_nick_get_string(self.buffer, nick_ptr, key) if val ~= existing then w.nicklist_nick_set(self.buffer, nick_ptr, key, val) end end end end function Room:delNick(id) if self.users[id] then local nick = self.users[id] local nick_ptr = w.nicklist_search_nick(self.buffer, '', nick) if nick_ptr ~= '' then w.nicklist_remove_nick(self.buffer, nick_ptr) end self.users[id] = nil self.member_count = self.member_count - 1 self:_nickListChanged() return true end end function Room:UpdateLine(id, message) local lines = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('buffer'), self.buffer, 'own_lines') if lines == '' then return end local line = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('lines'), lines, 'last_line') if line == '' then return end local hdata_line = w.hdata_get('line') local hdata_line_data = w.hdata_get('line_data') while #line > 0 do local needsupdate = false local data = w.hdata_pointer(hdata_line, line, 'data') local tags = {} local tag_count = w.hdata_integer(hdata_line_data, data, "tags_count") if tag_count > 0 then for i = 0, tag_count-1 do local tag = w.hdata_string(hdata_line_data, data, i .. "|tags_array") tags[#tags+1] = tag if tag:match(id) then needsupdate = true end end if needsupdate then w.hdata_update(hdata_line_data, data, { prefix = prefix, message = message, tags_array = table.concat(tags, ','), }) return true end end line = w.hdata_move(hdata_line, line, -1) end return false end function Room:formatNick(user_id) -- Turns a nick name into a weechat-styled nickname. This means giving -- it colors, and proper prefix and suffix local nick = self.users[user_id] if not nick then return user_id end local color if user_id == SERVER.user_id then color = w.color('chat_nick_self') else color = w.info_get('irc_nick_color', nick) end local _, nprefix, nprefix_c = self:GetNickGroup(user_id) local prefix = wconf('weechat.look.nick_prefix') local prefix_c = wcolor('weechat.color.chat_nick_prefix') local suffix = wconf('weechat.look.nick_suffix') local suffix_c = wcolor('weechat.color.chat_nick_suffix') local nick_f = prefix_c .. prefix .. wcolor(nprefix_c) .. nprefix .. color .. nick .. suffix_c .. suffix return nick_f end function Room:decryptChunk(chunk) -- vector client doesn't provide this chunk.content.msgtype = 'm.text' if not olmstatus then chunk.content.body = 'encrypted message, unable to decrypt' return chunk end chunk.content.body = 'encrypted message, unable to decrypt' local device_key = chunk.content.sender_key -- Find our id local ciphertexts = chunk.content.ciphertext local ciphertext if not ciphertexts then chunk.content.body = 'Recieved an encrypted message, but could not find ciphertext array' else ciphertext = ciphertexts[SERVER.olm.device_key] end if not ciphertext then chunk.content.body = 'Recieved an encrypted message, but could not find cipher for ourselves from the sender.' return chunk end local session local decrypted local err local found_session = false local sessions = SERVER.olm:get_sessions(device_key) for id, pickle in pairs(sessions) do -- Check if we already successfully decrypted with a sesssion, if that -- is the case we break the loop if decrypted then break end session = olm.Session.new() session:unpickle(OLM_KEY, pickle) local matches_inbound = session:matches_inbound(ciphertext.body) ---if ciphertext.type == 0 and matches_inbound then if matches_inbound then found_session = true end local cleartext, err = session:decrypt(ciphertext.type, ciphertext.body) if not err then if DEBUG then perr(('olm: Able to decrypt with an existing session %s'):format(session:session_id())) end decrypted = cleartext SERVER.olm:store_session(device_key, session) else chunk.content.body = "Decryption error: "..err if DEBUG then perr(('olm: Unable to decrypt with an existing session: %s. Session-ID: %s'):format(err, session:session_id())) end end session:clear() end if ciphertext.type == 0 and not found_session and not decrypted then session = olm.Session.new() local inbound, err = session:create_inbound_from( SERVER.olm.account, device_key, ciphertext.body) if err then session:clear() chunk.content.body = "Decryption error: create inbound "..err return chunk end decrypted, err = session:decrypt(ciphertext.type, ciphertext.body) if err then session:clear() chunk.content.body = "Decryption error: "..err return chunk end -- TODO SERVER.olm.account:remove_one_time_keys(session) local session_id = session:session_id() perr(('Session ID: %s, user_id: %s, device_id: %s'): format(session_id, SERVER.user_id, SERVER.olm.device_id)) SERVER.olm:store_session(device_key, session) session:clear() if err then chunk.content.body = "Decryption error: "..err return chunk end end if decrypted then local success, payload = pcall(json.decode, decrypted) if not success then chunk.content.body = "Payload error: "..payload return chunk end -- TODO use the room id from payload for security chunk.content.msgtype = payload.content.msgtype -- Style the message so user can tell if it's -- an encrypted message or not local color = w.color(w.config_get_plugin( 'encrypted_message_color')) chunk.content.body = color .. payload.content.body end return chunk end -- Parses a chunk of json meant for a room function Room:parseChunk(chunk, backlog, chunktype) local taglist = {} local tag = function(tag) -- Helper function to add tags if type(tag) == 'table' then for _, t in ipairs(tag) do taglist[t] = true end else taglist[tag] = true end end local tags = function() -- Helper for returning taglist for this message local out = {} for k, v in pairs(taglist) do table.insert(out, k) end return table.concat(out, ',') end if not backlog then backlog = false end if backlog then tag{'no_highlight','notify_none','no_log'} end local is_self = false local was_decrypted = false -- Sender of chunk, used to be chunk.user_id, v2 uses chunk.sender local sender = chunk.sender or chunk.user_id -- Check if own message if sender == SERVER.user_id then is_self = true tag{'no_highlight','notify_none'} end -- Add Event ID to each line so can use it later to match on for things -- like redactions and localecho, etc tag{chunk.event_id} -- Some messages are missing ts local origin_server_ts = chunk['origin_server_ts'] or 0 local time_int = origin_server_ts/1000 if chunk['type'] == 'm.room.message' or chunk['type'] == 'm.room.encrypted' then if chunk['type'] == 'm.room.encrypted' then tag{'no_log'} -- Don't log encrypted message chunk = self:decryptChunk(chunk) was_decrypted = true end if not backlog and not is_self then tag'notify_message' if self.buffer_type == 'query' then tag'notify_private' end end local color = default_color local body local content = chunk['content'] if not content['msgtype'] then -- We don't support redactions return end -- If it has transaction id, it is from this client. local is_from_this_client = false if chunk.unsigned and chunk.unsigned.transaction_id then is_from_this_client = true end if content['msgtype'] == 'm.text' then body = content['body'] -- TODO -- Parse HTML here: -- content.format = 'org.matrix.custom.html' -- fontent.formatted_body... elseif content['msgtype'] == 'm.image' then local url = content['url']:gsub('mxc://', w.config_get_plugin('homeserver_url') .. '_matrix/media/v1/download/') body = content['body'] .. ' ' .. url elseif content['msgtype'] == 'm.notice' then color = wcolor('irc.color.notice') body = content['body'] elseif content['msgtype'] == 'm.emote' then local nick_c local nick = self.users[sender] or sender if is_self then nick_c = w.color('chat_nick_self') else nick_c = w.info_get('irc_nick_color', nick) end tag"irc_action" local prefix_c = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_action' local prefix = wconf'weechat.look.prefix_action' body = ("%s%s %s%s"):format( nick_c, nick, color, content['body'] ) local prefix = prefix_c .. prefix local data = ("%s\t%s"):format(prefix, body) if not backlog and is_self and is_from_this_client and ( w.config_get_plugin('local_echo') == 'on' or was_decrypted -- local echo for encryption ) then -- We have already locally echoed this line return else return w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, time_int, tags(), data) end else -- Unknown content type, but if it contains an URL we will print -- URL and body local url = content['url'] if url ~= nil then url = url:gsub('mxc://', w.config_get_plugin('homeserver_url') .. '_matrix/media/v1/download/') body = content['body'] .. ' ' .. url end dbg { warning='Warning: unknown/unhandled content type', event=content } end if not backlog and is_self and is_from_this_client -- TODO better check, to work for multiple weechat clients and ( w.config_get_plugin('local_echo') == 'on' or was_decrypted -- local echo for encrypted messages ) then -- We have already locally echoed this line return end local data = ("%s\t%s%s"):format( self:formatNick(sender), color, body) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, time_int, tags(), data) elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.topic' then local title = chunk['content']['topic'] if not title then title = '' end w.buffer_set(self.buffer, "title", title) local color = wcolor("irc.color.topic_new") local nick = self.users[sender] or sender local data = ('--\t%s%s has changed the topic to "%s%s%s"'):format( nick, default_color, color, title, default_color ) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, chunk.origin_server_ts, tags(), data) elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.name' then local name = chunk['content']['name'] if name ~= '' or name ~= json.null then self.roomname = name self:setName(name) end elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.member' then if chunk['content']['membership'] == 'join' then tag"irc_join" --- FIXME shouldn't be neccessary adding all the time local nick = self.users[sender] or self:addNick(sender, chunk.content.displayname) local name = chunk.content.displayname if not name or name == json.null or name == '' then name = sender end -- Check if the chunk has prev_content or not -- if there is prev_content there wasn't a join but a nick change -- or duplicate join local prev_content = chunk.unsigned.prev_content if prev_content and prev_content.membership == 'join' and chunktype == 'messages' then local oldnick = prev_content.displayname if not oldnick or oldnick == json.null then oldnick = sender else if oldnick == name then -- Maybe they changed their avatar or something else -- that we don't care about (or multiple joins) return end self:delNick(sender) nick = self:addNick(sender, chunk.content.displayname) end local pcolor = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_network' tag'irc_nick' local data = ('%s--\t%s%s%s is now known as %s%s'):format( pcolor, w.info_get('irc_nick_color', oldnick), oldnick, default_color, w.info_get('irc_nick_color', name), name) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, time_int, tags(), data) elseif chunktype == 'messages' then tag"irc_smart_filter" local data = ('%s%s\t%s%s%s (%s%s%s) joined the room.'):format( wcolor('weechat.color.chat_prefix_join'), wconf('weechat.look.prefix_join'), w.info_get('irc_nick_color', name), name, wcolor('irc.color.message_join'), wcolor'weechat.color.chat_host', sender, wcolor('irc.color.message_join') ) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, time_int, tags(), data) -- if this is an encrypted room, also download key if olmstatus and self.encrypted then SERVER.olm:query{sender} end end elseif chunk['content']['membership'] == 'leave' then if chunktype == 'states' then self:delNick(chunk.state_key) end if chunktype == 'messages' then local nick = sender local prev = chunk.unsigned.prev_content if (prev and prev.displayname and prev.displayname ~= json.null) then nick = prev.displayname end tag{"irc_quit","irc_smart_filter"} local data = ('%s%s\t%s%s%s left the room.'):format( wcolor('weechat.color.chat_prefix_quit'), wconf('weechat.look.prefix_quit'), w.info_get('irc_nick_color', nick), nick, wcolor('irc.color.message_quit') ) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, time_int, tags(), data) end elseif chunk['content']['membership'] == 'invite' then -- Check if we were the one being invited if chunk.state_key == SERVER.user_id and (not backlog and chunktype=='messages') then self:addNick(sender) if w.config_get_plugin('autojoin_on_invite') == 'on' then SERVER:join(self.identifier) mprint(('%s invited you'):format( sender)) else mprint(('You have been invited to join room %s by %s. Type /join %s to join.') :format( self.name, sender, self.identifier)) end end if chunktype == 'messages' then tag"irc_invite" local prefix_c = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_action' local prefix = wconf'weechat.look.prefix_action' local data = ("%s%s\t%s invited %s to join"):format( prefix_c, prefix, self.users[sender] or sender, self.users[chunk.state_key] or chunk.state_key ) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, time_int, tags(), data) end elseif chunk['content']['membership'] == 'ban' then if chunktype == 'messages' then tag"irc_ban" local prefix_c = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_action' local prefix = wconf'weechat.look.prefix_action' local data = ("%s%s\t%s banned %s"):format( prefix_c, prefix, self.users[sender] or sender, self.users[chunk.state_key] or chunk.state_key ) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, time_int, tags(), data) end else dbg{err= 'unknown membership type in parseChunk', chunk= chunk} end elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.create' then self.creator = chunk.content.creator elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.power_levels' then for user_id, lvl in pairs(chunk.content.users) do -- TODO -- calculate changes here and generate message lines -- describing the change end self.power_levels = chunk.content for user_id, lvl in pairs(self.power_levels.users) do local _, nprefix, nprefix_color = self:GetNickGroup(user_id) self:UpdateNick(user_id, 'prefix', nprefix) self:UpdateNick(user_id, 'prefix_color', nprefix_color) end elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.join_rules' then -- TODO: parse join_rules events -- self.join_rules = chunk.content elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.typing' then -- Store the typing ids in a table that the bar item can use local typing_ids = {} for _, id in ipairs(chunk.content.user_ids) do self:UpdatePresence(id, 'typing') typing_ids[#typing_ids+1] = self.users[id] end self.typing_ids = typing_ids w.bar_item_update('matrix_typing_notice') elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.presence' then SERVER:UpdatePresence(chunk) elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.aliases' then -- Use first alias, weechat doesn't really support multiple aliases self.aliases = chunk.content.aliases self:setName(chunk.content.aliases[1]) elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.canonical_alias' then self.canonical_alias = chunk.content.alias self:setName(self.canonical_alias) elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.redaction' then local redact_id = chunk.redacts perr('Redacting message ' .. redact_id) local result = self:UpdateLine(redact_id, w.color'darkgray'..'(redacted)') if not result then perr 'Could not find message to redact :(' end elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.room.history_visibility' then self.history_visibility = chunk.content.history_visibility elseif chunk['type'] == 'm.receipt' then -- TODO: figure out if we can do something sensible with read receipts else if DEBUG then perr(('Unknown event type %s%s%s in room %s%s%s'):format( w.color'bold', chunk.type, default_color, w.color'bold', self.name, default_color)) dbg{chunk=chunk} end end end function Room:Op(nick) for id, name in pairs(self.users) do if name == nick then -- patch the locally cached power levels self.power_levels.users[id] = 99 SERVER:state(self.identifier, 'm.room.power_levels', self.power_levels) break end end end function Room:Voice(nick) for id, name in pairs(self.users) do if name == nick then -- patch the locally cached power levels self.power_levels.users[id] = 25 SERVER:state(self.identifier, 'm.room.power_levels', self.power_levels) break end end end function Room:Devoice(nick) for id, name in pairs(self.users) do if name == nick then -- patch the locally cached power levels self.power_levels.users[id] = 0 SERVER:state(self.identifier, 'm.room.power_levels', self.power_levels) break end end end function Room:Deop(nick) for id, name in pairs(self.users) do if name == nick then -- patch the locally cached power levels self.power_levels.users[id] = 0 SERVER:state(self.identifier, 'm.room.power_levels', self.power_levels) break end end end function Room:Kick(nick, reason) for id, name in pairs(self.users) do if name == nick then local data = { membership = 'leave', reason = 'Kicked by '..SERVER.user_id } SERVER:set_membership(self.identifier, id, data) break end end end function Room:Whois(nick) for id, name in pairs(self.users) do if name == nick then local pcolor = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_network' local data = ('%s--\t%s%s%s has user id %s%s'):format( pcolor, w.info_get('irc_nick_color', nick), nick, default_color, w.info_get('irc_nick_color', id), id) w.print_date_tags(self.buffer, nil, 'notify_message', data) break end end end function Room:Invite(id) SERVER:Invite(self.identifier, id) end function Room:Encrypt() self.encrypted = true -- Download keys for all members self:Download_keys() -- Create sessions -- Pickle. -- Save end function Room:Download_keys() for id, name in pairs(self.users) do -- TODO enable batch downloading of keys here when synapse can handle it SERVER.olm:query({id}) end end function Room:MarkAsRead() -- Get event id from tag of last line in buffer local lines = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('buffer'), self.buffer, 'own_lines') if lines == '' then return end local line = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('lines'), lines, 'last_line') if line == '' then return end local hdata_line = w.hdata_get('line') local hdata_line_data = w.hdata_get('line_data') local data = w.hdata_pointer(hdata_line, line, 'data') local tag_count = w.hdata_integer(hdata_line_data, data, "tags_count") if tag_count > 0 then for i = 0, tag_count-1 do local tag = w.hdata_string(hdata_line_data, data, i .. "|tags_array") -- Event ids are like $142533663810152bfUKc:matrix.org if tag:match'^%$.*:' then SERVER:SendReadReceipt(self.identifier, tag) break end end end end function poll(a, b) SERVER:poll() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function polltimer_cb(a, b) local now = os.time() if (now - SERVER.polltime) > POLL_INTERVAL+10 then -- Release the poll lock SERVER.poll_lock = false SERVER:poll() end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function otktimer_cb(a, b) SERVER.olm:check_server_keycount() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function cleartyping(a, b) for id, room in pairs(SERVER.rooms) do room:ClearTyping() end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function join_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if current_buffer == BUFFER or room then local _, args = split_args(args) if not args then -- To support running /join on a invited room without args SERVER:join(room.identifier) else SERVER:join(args) end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function part_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then SERVER:part(room) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function leave_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) return part_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) end function me_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:emote(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function topic_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:topic(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function upload_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:upload(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function query_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) for id, displayname in pairs(room.users) do if displayname == args then -- Create a new room and invite the guy SERVER:CreateRoom(false, nil, {id}) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT end end else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function create_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local command, args = split_args(args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if (room or current_buffer == BUFFER) and command == '/create' then if args then -- Room names are supposed to be without # and homeserver, so -- we try to help the user out here local alias = args:match'#?(.*):?' -- Create a non-public room with argument as alias SERVER:CreateRoom(false, alias, nil) else mprint 'Use /create room-name' end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function createalias_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, alias = split_args(args) SERVER:CreateRoomAlias(room.identifier, alias) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT elseif current_buffer == BUFFER then mprint 'Use /createalias #alias:homeserver.domain from a room' return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function invite_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:Invite(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function list_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room or current_buffer == BUFFER then SERVER:ListRooms() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function op_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:Op(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function voice_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:Voice(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function devoice_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:Devoice(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function deop_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:Deop(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function kick_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) room:Kick(args) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function nick_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room or current_buffer == BUFFER then local _, nick = split_args(args) SERVER:Nick(nick) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function whois_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, nick = split_args(args) room:Whois(nick) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function notice_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) -- TODO sending from matrix buffer given a room name local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, msg = split_args(args) room:Notice(msg) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function msg_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local _, args = split_args(args) local mask, msg = split_args(args) local room -- WeeChat uses * as a mask for current buffer if mask == '*' then room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) else for id, r in pairs(SERVER.rooms) do -- Send /msg to a ID if id == mask then room = r break elseif mask == r.name then room = r break end end end if room then room:Msg(msg) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function encrypt_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local _, args = split_args(args) if args == 'on' then mprint('Enabling encryption for outgoing messages in room ' .. tostring(room.name)) room:Encrypt() elseif args == 'off' then mprint('Disabling encryption for outgoing messages in room ' .. tostring(room.name)) room.encrypted = false else w.print(current_buffer, 'Use /encrypt on or /encrypt off to turn encryption on or off') end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function public_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then mprint('Marking room as public: ' .. tostring(room.name)) room:public() return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else mprint('Run command from a room') return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function names_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then local nrcolor = function(nr) return wcolor'weechat.color.chat_channel' .. tostring(nr) .. default_color end local buffer_name = nrcolor(w.buffer_get_string(room.buffer, 'name')) local delim_c = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_delimiters' local tags = 'no_highlight,no_log,irc_names' local pcolor = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_network' local ngroups = {} local nicks = {} for id, name in pairs(room.users) do local ncolor if user_id == SERVER.user_id then ncolor = w.color('chat_nick_self') else ncolor = w.info_get('irc_nick_color', name) end local ngroup, nprefix, nprefix_color = room:GetNickGroup(id) if nprefix == ' ' then nprefix = '' end nicks[#nicks+1] = ('%s%s%s%s'):format( w.color(nprefix_color), nprefix, ncolor, name ) if not ngroups[ngroup] then ngroups[ngroup] = 0 end ngroups[ngroup] = ngroups[ngroup] + 1 end local data = ('%s--\tNicks %s: %s[%s%s]'):format( pcolor, buffer_name, delim_c, table.concat(nicks, ' '), delim_c ) w.print_date_tags(room.buffer, 0, tags, data) local data = ( '%s--\tChannel %s: %s nicks %s(%s%s ops, %s voice, %s normals%s)' ):format( pcolor, buffer_name, nrcolor(room.member_count), delim_c, default_color, nrcolor((ngroups[1] or 0) + (ngroups[2] or 0)), nrcolor(ngroups[3] or 0), nrcolor((ngroups[4] or 0) + (ngroups[5] or 0)), delim_c ) w.print_date_tags(room.buffer, 0, tags, data) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else perr('Could not find room') return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end end function more_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args) local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then SERVER:getMessages(room.identifier, 'b', room.prev_batch, 120) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT else perr('/more Could not find room') end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function closed_matrix_buffer_cb(data, buffer) BUFFER = nil return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function closed_matrix_room_cb(data, buffer) -- WeeChat closed our room local room = SERVER:findRoom(buffer) if room then room.buffer = nil perr('Room got closed: '..room.name) SERVER.rooms[room.identifier] = nil return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERR end function typing_notification_cb(signal, sig_type, data) -- Ignore commands if data:match'^/' then return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end -- Is this signal coming from a matrix buffer? local room = SERVER:findRoom(data) if room then local input = w.buffer_get_string(data, "input") -- Start sending when it reaches > 4 and doesn't start with command if #input > 4 and not input:match'^/' then local now = os.time() -- Generate typing events every 4th second if SERVER.typing_time + 4 < now then SERVER.typing_time = now room:SendTypingNotice() end end end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function buffer_switch_cb(signal, sig_type, data) -- Update bar item w.bar_item_update('matrix_typing_notice') local current_buffer = w.current_buffer() local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if room then room:MarkAsRead() end return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK end function typing_bar_item_cb(data, buffer, args) local current_buffer = w.current_buffer() local room = SERVER:findRoom(current_buffer) if not room then return '' end local typing_ids = table.concat(room.typing_ids, ' ') if #typing_ids > 0 then return "Typing: ".. typing_ids end return '' end if w.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, "matrix_unload", "UTF-8") then local settings = { homeserver_url= {'https://matrix.org/', 'Full URL including port to your homeserver (including trailing slash) or use default matrix.org'}, user= {'', 'Your homeserver username'}, password= {'', 'Your homeserver password'}, backlog_lines= {'120', 'Number of lines to fetch from backlog upon connecting'}, autojoin_on_invite = {'on', 'Automatically join rooms you are invited to'}, typing_notices = {'on', 'Send typing notices when you type'}, local_echo = {'on', 'Print lines locally instead of waiting for return from server'}, debug = {'off', 'Print a lot of extra information to help with finding bugs and other problems.'}, encrypted_message_color = {'lightgreen', 'Print encrypted mesages with this color'}, --olm_secret = {'', 'Password used to secure olm stores'}, } -- set default settings local version = w.info_get('version_number', '') or 0 for option, value in pairs(settings) do if w.config_is_set_plugin(option) ~= 1 then w.config_set_plugin(option, value[1]) end if tonumber(version) >= 0x00030500 then w.config_set_desc_plugin(option, ('%s (default: "%s")'):format( value[2], value[1])) end end errprefix = wconf'weechat.look.prefix_error' errprefix_c = wcolor'weechat.color.chat_prefix_error' HOMEDIR = w.info_get('weechat_dir', '') .. '/' local commands = { 'join', 'part', 'leave', 'me', 'topic', 'upload', 'query', 'list', 'op', 'voice', 'deop', 'devoice', 'kick', 'create', 'createalias', 'invite', 'nick', 'whois', 'notice', 'msg', 'encrypt', 'public', 'names', 'more' } for _, c in pairs(commands) do w.hook_command_run('/'..c, c..'_command_cb', '') end if w.config_get_plugin('typing_notices') == 'on' then w.hook_signal('input_text_changed', "typing_notification_cb", '') end if w.config_get_plugin('debug') == 'on' then DEBUG = true end weechat.hook_config('plugins.var.lua.matrix.debug', 'configuration_changed_cb', '') local cmds = {'help', 'connect', 'debug'} w.hook_command(SCRIPT_COMMAND, 'Plugin for matrix.org chat protocol', '[command] [command options]', 'Commands:\n' ..table.concat(cmds, '\n') .. '\nUse /matrix help [command] to find out more\n', -- Completions table.concat(cmds, '|'), 'matrix_command_cb', '') SERVER = MatrixServer.create() SERVER:connect() w.hook_signal('buffer_switch', "buffer_switch_cb", "") w.bar_item_new('matrix_typing_notice', 'typing_bar_item_cb', '') end