# if yash is built with line-editing enabled...
if command --identify --builtin-command bindkey >/dev/null; then
	# print job status update ASAP, but only while line-editing
	set --notify-le

	# some terminfo data are broken; meta flags have to be ignored for UTF-8
	set --le-no-conv-meta

	# I'll try emacs mode
	set --emacs

# set history

# Get ourselves a nice prompt
ks() { s="$?" ; $* ; return "$s" ; }
prompt_git() {
    if git status 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
        local branch="$(git branch | sed -n 's/^\* (*\(.* \)*\([^ )]*\))*$/\2/p')"
        local behind="$(git status --branch --porcelain=2 | sed -n 's/^# branch\.ab.*-\([^0].*\)$/⇃\1/p')"
        local before="$(git status --branch --porcelain=2 | sed -n 's/^# branch\.ab +\([^0].*\) .*$/↿\1/p')"
        local status="$({ echo OK; git status --porcelain | sed 's/\(..\).*/\1/'; } | tail -1)"
        echo " (${branch}${behind}${before}|${status})"
prompt_pwd() {
    pwd | sed -e "s_${HOME}_~_" -e 's_\(/*\.*.\)[^/]*/_\1/_g'
prompt_agent() {
    [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] || echo " (A)"
prompt_status() {
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]
    then echo "$"
    else echo "%"
prompt_date() {
	date +%H:%M:%S
PS1="$BOLD[\$(ks prompt_date)]$RESET $GREEN\$(ks prompt_pwd)$RESET\$(ks prompt_git)\$(ks prompt_agent) \$(prompt_status) "
unset BOLD
unset GREEN
unset RESET

# Color ls
ls_() {
    lr -1FGG "$@" | git column --mode=dense --padding=3
alias ls="ls_"
alias ll="lr -Fl1Ghov"

# There is only one vis
alias vim="vis"
alias vi="vis"
alias nano="vis"

# Ready for ssh'ing
alias agent='eval "$(ssh-agent)" && ssh-add'
alias unlock='gpg-connect-agent <<<bye'

alias weechat="ssh -t weechat@Chatmachine abduco -A weechat"

go() {
    dir="$(lr /home /data /etc -t '(name ~~ ".*" && prune || print) && type = d && !(name = ".git")' \
          | fzf --height 10 \
    [ -n "$dir" ] && cd "$dir" || false

terminfo() {
    infocmp -x | ssh $@ 'cat > $TERM.info && tic -x $TERM.info && rm $TERM.info'