# Get ourselves a nice prompt ks() { s="$?" ; $* ; return "$s" ; } prompt_git() { if git status 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then local branch="$(git branch | sed -n 's/^\* (*\(.* \)*\([^ )]*\))*$/\2/p')" local behind="$(git status --branch --porcelain=2 | sed -n 's/^# branch\.ab.*-\([^0].*\)$/⇃\1/p')" local before="$(git status --branch --porcelain=2 | sed -n 's/^# branch\.ab +\([^0].*\) .*$/↿\1/p')" local status="$(git status --porcelain | sed 's/\(..\).*/\1/' | cat <(echo OK) - | tail -1)" echo " (${branch}${behind}${before}|${status})" fi } prompt_pwd() { pwd | sed -e "s_${HOME}_~_" -e 's_\(/*\.*.\)[^/]*/_\1/_g' } prompt_agent() { [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] || echo " (A)" } prompt_status() { if [ "$?" = "0" ] then echo "$" else echo "%" fi } BOLD="\001$(tput bold)\002" GREEN="\001$(tput setaf 2)\002" RESET="\001$(tput sgr0)\002" PS1="$BOLD[\t]$RESET $GREEN\$(ks prompt_pwd)$RESET\$(ks prompt_git)\$(ks prompt_agent) \$(prompt_status) " unset BOLD unset GREEN unset RESET # Completion _comp_git() { local IFS=$'\n' # $1 is the name of the command whose arguments are being completed # $2 is the word being completed # $3 is the word preceding the word being completed # branch names COMPREPLY=( $(git branch -a --format "%(refname:short)" | grep "^$2") ) # remotes COMPREPLY+=( $(git remote | grep "^$2") ) # files COMPREPLY+=( $(git ls-files -coz --exclude-standard "$2*" | tr '\0' '\n' | sed "s?\($2[^/]*\).*?\1?") ) # subcommands if [ "$3" = "git" ]; then COMPREPLY+=( $({ compgen -c "git-"; command ls /usr/libexec/git-core; } | sed -n 's/^git-//p' | grep "^$2") ) fi } complete -c man complete -cf sudo complete -cf exec complete -cf run complete -o filenames -F _comp_git git # history export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace:erasedups # Color ls alias ls="exa -aF" # No need for less history and more alias less="bat" alias more="bat" # There is only one vis alias vim="vis" alias vi="vis" alias nano="vis" # Ready for ssh'ing alias agent='eval "$(ssh-agent)" && ssh-add' alias unlock='gpg-connect-agent << /dev/null 2>&1 & } terminfo() { infocmp -x | ssh $@ 'cat > $TERM.info && tic -x $TERM.info && rm $TERM.info' }