local ZERO = string.byte("0", 1) local ONE = string.byte("1", 1) local lines = {} for line in io.lines(arg[3]) do local ones = {} for char = 1, #line do table.insert(ones, line:byte(char) == ONE) end table.insert(lines, ones) end function reduce(left, keep) local char = 1 while #left > 1 and char <= #lines[1] do local ones = 0 for k, line in pairs(left) do if lines[line][char] then ones = ones + 1 end end local nleft = {} for k, line in pairs(left) do if keep(lines[line][char], ones, #left) then table.insert(nleft, line) end end left = nleft char = char + 1 end return left[1] end function bin2dec(t) local v = 0 for i = 1, #t do v = v * 2 if t[i] then v = v + 1 end end return v end local indices = {} for line = 1, #lines do table.insert(indices, line) end local oxygen = reduce(indices, function (bit, ones, total) return (not bit or ones >= total/2) and (bit or ones < total/2) end) local co2 = reduce(indices, function (bit, ones, total) return (not bit or ones < total/2) and (bit or ones >= total/2) end) print(bin2dec(lines[oxygen]) * bin2dec(lines[co2]))