; diskbuf needs to be defined ; User-accessible part of FCB (12 bytes) fcb_drv: equ 0 ; 1 byte, 1=A: 2=B: 3=C: fcb_fn: equ 1 ; 8 bytes fcb_ext: equ 9 ; 3 bytes ; Drive & FS data (6 bytes) fcb_spt: equ 12 ; byte sectors per track fcb_nos: equ 13 ; byte number of sides/heads fcb_ss: equ 14 ; byte sector size: 0=128, 1=256, 2=512, ... fcb_cs: equ 15 ; byte cluster size: 0=128, 1=256, 2=512, ... fcb_co: equ 16 ; word start sector for theoretical cluster 0 ; Read/Write pointer (6 bytes) fcb_left: equ 18 ; word number of bytes left to read in current sector fcb_off: equ 20 ; dword offset in disk (not in file) ; Link to directory item (4 bytes) fcb_ds: equ 24 ; dword offset of directory item fcb_end: equ 32 fcb_open_rootdir: mov dl, 0x01 or dl, 0x80 mov [bx], dl dec dl ; Setup default data ; Default 2 heads, 9 sectors mov word [bx+fcb_spt], 0x0209 xor ax, ax xor dx, dx lea di, [bx+fcb_ss] ; Sector & Cluster size 128 bytes mov cx, (fcb_end - fcb_ss) rep stosb ; load first sector call drive_read ; copy sector size mov ax, [diskbuf + fdc_ss] call log2 sub ax, 7 ; ... save as sector size mov byte [bx+fcb_ss], al ; copy cluster size xor ah, ah mov al, [diskbuf + 0x0D] call log2 add al, [bx+fcb_ss] mov byte [bx+fcb_cs], al ; copy sectors per track mov al, [diskbuf + fdc_spt] mov byte [bx+fcb_spt], al ; copy number of heads/sides mov al, [diskbuf + 0x1A] mov byte [bx+fcb_nos], al xor dx, dx mov ax, [diskbuf + fdc_sf] mul byte [diskbuf + fdc_fn] add ax, [diskbuf + fdc_rsc] int3 ret