; IN DS:SI remaining unparsed string ; CS:DI error message parse_error: push si mov si, .str1 call putcs mov si, di call putcs mov si, .str2 call putcs pop si call putds jmp crlf .str1: db "Not a ", 0 .str2: db ": ", 0 ; Advance over whitespace ; IN DS:SI eat_whitespace: ; peek on next char mov al, [si] ; ES := CS push es push cs pop es ; string search mov di, .chars mov cx, 4 scasb ; restore bss segment pop es jne .ret inc si jmp eat_whitespace .chars: db 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x20 .ret: ret ; Parse a register name ; IN DS:SI string to read ; OUT CF set if no match ; BX register number * 2 if CF clear eat_register: push si push es lodsw and ax, 0xDFDF ; ES := CS push cs pop es mov di, rnames mov cx, 14 repne scasw pop es jne .fail pop bx mov bx, di sub bx, (rnames+2) clc ret .fail: pop si stc ret .emsg: db "register name", 0 ; Parse hex digit ; IN DS:SI ; OUT AL eat_hex_digit: push si lodsb sub al, '0' jc .err cmp al, 9 jna .ret sub al, 7 cmp al, 0xF ja .err .ret: add sp, 2 ret .err: pop si stc ret .emsg: db "hex digit", 0 ; Parse hexadecimal byte ; IN DS:SI ; OUT DL or carry set eat_hex_byte: push si mov cl, 4 xor dl, dl call eat_hex_digit jc .err or dl, al shl dl, cl call eat_hex_digit jc .err or dl, al add sp, 2 ret .err: pop si stc ret .emsg: db "hex byte", 0 ; Parse hexadecimal word ; OUT DX or carry set eat_hex_word: push si xor dx, dx call eat_hex_byte jc .err mov dh, dl call eat_hex_byte jc .err add sp, 2 ret .err: pop si stc ret .emsg: db "hex word", 0