# grapho - documentation compiler I write documentation in markdown. Many people don't like to read markdown. `md2html` converts markdown into an HTML page which i can publish directly. `md2tex` converts marktown into a TEX document, which i compile into a professional-academia-looking PDF using `pdflatex`. ## Usage These are AWK scripts. The input markdown goes into stdin. The output document comes out of stdout. Examples: ``` md2html < README.md > README.html firefox README.html md2tex < README.md > README.tex pdflatex README.tex ``` If the awk option `stylesheet` is given, the HTML document can made prettier with external CSS. ``` awk -v stylesheet='/style.css' -f md2html < README.md ``` ## Supported constructs - Headlines up to level 3 - Paragraphs - Bold, italic and inline monospace - Image figures if they are in the same folder - Code listings - Lists ## Not supported - Tables - More than 3 levels of nested headlines - Images from an url - Inline images - Unicode characters (im german, maybe i will add it for umlauts)