/* * fractal * Written in 2020 by Lucas * CC0 1.0 Universal/Public domain - No rights reserved * * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all * copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the * public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any * warranty. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain * Dedication along with this software. If not, see * . */ /* gepopt visibility for GLIBC */ #if !defined(__OpenBSD__) #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX_DEGREE 1000 struct poly { unsigned int degree; double *coefs; const char *expr; }; static void poly_init(struct poly *p, unsigned int degree, const char *expr) { if ((p->coefs = malloc((degree + 1) * sizeof(double))) == NULL) errx(1, "out of memory"); p->degree = degree; p->expr = expr; } static void poly_derivate(struct poly p, struct poly *dp, const char *expr) { unsigned int i; poly_init(dp, p.degree == 0 ? 0 : p.degree - 1, expr); for (i = p.degree; i > 0; i--) dp->coefs[i - 1] = p.coefs[i] * i; } static int poly_cmp(const void *vp, const void *vq) { const struct poly *p = vp, *q = vq; return p->degree - q->degree; } static void poly_free(struct poly *p) { free(p->coefs); } static void print_fun_header(const char *fun_name) { printf("static long double complex\n"); printf("%s(long double complex z)\n", fun_name); printf("{\n"); } static void print_fun_body(size_t n, struct poly *polys) { size_t i, j; unsigned int d; printf("\tlong double complex a"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf(", %s = 0.0L", polys[i].expr); printf(";\n\n"); d = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (; d <= polys[i].degree; d++) { if (d == 0) printf("\ta = 1.0L;\n"); else printf("\ta *= z;\n"); for (j = n; j > i; j--) if (polys[j - 1].coefs[d] != 0.0L) printf("\t%s += %.20f * a;\n", polys[j - 1].expr, polys[j - 1].coefs[d]); printf("\n"); } } } static void print_fun_footer(void) { printf("}\n"); } static void print_funs(struct poly p, struct poly q) { struct poly polys[6]; struct poly dp, ddp, dq, ddq; polys[0] = p; polys[1] = q; qsort(polys, 2, sizeof(struct poly), &poly_cmp); print_fun_header("f"); print_fun_body(2, polys); printf("\treturn p / q;\n"); print_fun_footer(); poly_derivate(p, &dp, "dp"); poly_derivate(q, &dq, "dq"); polys[0] = p; polys[1] = q; polys[2] = dp; polys[3] = dq; qsort(polys, 4, sizeof(struct poly), &poly_cmp); printf("\n"); print_fun_header("df"); print_fun_body(4, polys); printf("\treturn (dp * q - p * dq) / (q * q);\n"); print_fun_footer(); poly_derivate(dp, &ddp, "ddp"); poly_derivate(dq, &ddq, "ddq"); polys[0] = p; polys[1] = q; polys[2] = dp; polys[3] = dq; polys[4] = ddp; polys[5] = ddq; qsort(polys, 6, sizeof(struct poly), &poly_cmp); printf("\n"); print_fun_header("ddf"); print_fun_body(6, polys); printf("\treturn (" "q * q * ddp " "- q * (2.0L * dp * dq + p * ddq) " "+ 2.0L * p * dq * dq" ") / (q * q * q);\n"); print_fun_footer(); poly_free(&dp); poly_free(&dq); poly_free(&ddp); poly_free(&ddq); } static void usage(void) { const char *p = xgetprogname(); fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n" "\t%s p-degree q-degree p-coefs q-coefs\n" "\t%s -n p-degree p-coefs\n", p, p); exit(1); } static void do_poly_div(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct poly p, q; unsigned int i, j, p_degree, q_degree; if (argc < 2) usage(); p_degree = parse_integer(argv[0], 0, MAX_DEGREE); q_degree = parse_integer(argv[1], 0, MAX_DEGREE); if (argc != p_degree + q_degree + 2 + 2) usage(); poly_init(&p, p_degree, "p"); poly_init(&q, q_degree, "q"); for (j = 0, i = 1 + 1 + p.degree + 1 + q.degree; i > 1 + 1 + p.degree; i--, j++) q.coefs[j] = parse_double(argv[i]); for (j = 0; i > 1; i--, j++) p.coefs[j] = parse_double(argv[i]); print_funs(p, q); poly_free(&p); poly_free(&q); } static void do_newton(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct poly f, df, p; unsigned int i, j, f_degree; if (argc < 1) usage(); f_degree = parse_integer(argv[0], 0, MAX_DEGREE); if (argc != f_degree + 1 + 1) usage(); poly_init(&f, f_degree, "f"); for (j = 0, i = 1 + f.degree; i > 0; i--, j++) f.coefs[j] = parse_double(argv[i]); poly_derivate(f, &df, "q"); poly_init(&p, f_degree, "p"); for (i = 0; i <= f.degree; i++) p.coefs[i] = (i == 0 ? 0.0 : df.coefs[i - 1]) - f.coefs[i]; print_funs(p, df); poly_free(&f); poly_free(&df); poly_free(&p); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch, nflag; nflag = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "n")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'n': nflag = 1; break; default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (nflag) do_newton(argc, argv); else do_poly_div(argc, argv); return 0; }