DNSSEC ====== ZSK --- Assumes: - ZSK_p is the ZSK key in retirement (previous) - ZSK_c is the ZSK key that's going to be used for this period (current) - ZSK_n is the ZSK key that's going to be used for the period after ZSK_c is used (next) 1. On rotation day, generate ZSK_n and add its DNSKEY RR to the zone 2. Remove DNSKEY RR for ZSK_p from the zone 3. Sign DNSKEY RRs with KSK 4. Sign rest of the zone with ZSK_c 5. Publish signed zones, which includes: - DNSKEY RRs for ZSK_c and ZSK_n signed by KSK - Every other RR signed by ZSK_c - Does not include ZSK_p DNSKEY RR nor any RRSIG signed by ZSK_p NSEC3PARAM ---------- On ZSK rotation day, generate a new salt with openssl rand -hex 11 and replace the current salt in the zone. KSK --- TBD PGP === Main key -------- TBD Git signing key --------------- TBD SSH === 1. Move current key set to `old/` directory 2. Change `~/.ssh/config` to also try keys from `old/` directory 3. Generate new key set 4. SSH to target machine and add new key to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` 5. SSH again, with `-v` to confirm that the new key is being used 6. Change `~/.ssh/config` back to stop trying keys from `old/` directory Key set: - Own infra - 3rd party infra - Git-over-SSH